Exhibit D Product Description and Block Diagram

FCC ID: AJK8221785

Block Diagram

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                                     Exhibit D
                         Product Description

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                        SRT-2100B FCC Type Certification Report – Exhibit – D

                                    SRT-2100B Product Description

Exhibit D - Product Description

1. SRT-2100B
The SAT-2100B Satellite Communications System, an all solid-state aircraft earth station (AES) that
operates as part of the SATCOM system, is designed to be compatible with the INMARSAT AERO-H/H+
and I services. The SAT-2100B system consists of the SRT-2100B Satellite Data Unit and a High Gain
Antenna Sub-System. The SRT-2100B is a multi-channel receiver-transmitter that provides both voice
and data channel to its users. The High Gain Antenna Sub-System allows the SAT-2100B to transmit
and receive data and voice traffic efficiently.
Aero-H/H+ and I are intended for medium and long-haul airliners.
The use of a smaller system allows the SAT-2100B to provide Aero-H/H+ and I services to aircraft in the
short-haul market enabling business and regional aircraft to receive the benefits of telephony, fax, and
real-time data communications. The SATCOM system has a 45 Watt High Power Amplifier (HPA) that
supports up to three channels (1 data - 2 voice).

1.1 SRT-2100B Satellite Receiver-Transmitter
The SRT-2100B transmits and receives packet mode data to/from the data link system (ACARS or CMU),
and receives and transmits circuit mode services (voice) in analog form to/from the flight crew
headphones and microphones via the audio management unit (AMU). Additionally, the SRT-2100B
receives and transmits circuit mode data (voice, FAX, or PC MODEM) from passengers via an ARINC
746 compatible cabin telephone unit (CTU). Support of secure voice using STU-III compatible telephones
is also available with the installation of an optional Cabin Interface Unit (CIU-906). The system also
includes interfaces to optional on-board maintenance systems (CMC, CFDS, etc.) for system fault
The SRT-2100B incorporates the ARINC 741 defined functions of the high power amplifier, RF unit
(RFU), beam steering unit (BSU), and satellite data unit (SDU) into a single 8 MCU unit that weighs less
than 30 lbs (typical 28.9 lbs).

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                         SRT-2100B FCC Type Certification Report – Exhibit – D

                                     SRT-2100B Product Description

                          Figure 1 SRT-2100B Satellite Receiver/Transmitter

The SDU function of the SRT-2100B is the interface to all other aircraft systems. It contains all data
processing functions, modems and channel tuning synthesizers including a voice CODEC (coder-
decoder) and synthesizer pair for each voice channel.
The RFU function converts the broadband intermediate frequency (IF) from the SDU portion to L-band
frequency before the signal is applied to the HPA function of the SRT-2100B. The RFU function also
accepts an amplified L-band signal from the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)/Diplexer and down converts it to
the IF used by the SDU function.
The HPA function amplifies the signal for transmission. The HPA function feeds a measurement of the
actual power transmitted back to the SDU function. The SDU function uses this measurement for power
The SRT-2100B also contains a 10.24-MHz High Stability Reference (HSR). The HSR generates high
precision injection frequencies and digital clocks from this reference.

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                    SRT-2100B FCC Type Certification Report – Exhibit – D

                                 SRT-2100B Product Description

1.2 Equipment Specifications

         CHARACTERISTIC                                 SPECIFICATION


     Size                          8 MCU

     Weight                        Less than 30 lbs (3-channels)


     Input Power                   97 to 134 VAC, 324 to 800 Hz, single phase or + 28 VDC

     Receiver input

     Frequency range               1530 - 1559 MHz

     VSWR                          2:1 max over input frequency range, 50 Ohms nominal

     Transmitter output

     Frequency range               1626.5 to 1660.5 MHz

     Output level                  45 watts (maximum)

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                       SRT-2100B FCC Type Certification Report – Exhibit – D

                                   SRT-2100B Product Description

1.3 Hardware Overview
The block diagram below shows the function partitioning of the SRT-2100B.

                           Figure 2 SRT-2100B Functional Block Diagram

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                         SRT-2100B FCC Type Certification Report – Exhibit – D

                                      SRT-2100B Product Description

1.4 Mechanical
The SRT-2100B is housed in an 8-MCU-size unit with mounting requirements according to the ARINC
600 specification. The front panel contains a standard ARINC 615 dataloader connector and a set of
LEDs to indicate unit and system status. It also contains a “self-test” button and corresponding LED
indicators for active operator maintenance. Electrical connections are made through an ARINC 761
compliant, ARINC 600 rear connector.
The unit consists of a power supply module, RFU module, HPA module, HSR, system processor, ARINC
429/Discrete input/output module, and channel modules. The functions are partitioned into logical
functions on circuit cards. The removable, plug-in circuit cards mate with a sideboard interconnect card.
The circuit cards are all connected together via a system address bus and system data bus. The design
of the unit architecture specifically allows many of the processing functions to be accomplished digitally
by the microprocessors and associated memory circuits.

1.5 System Processor Module
The system processor maintains the same architectural design as the SDU-906 Satellite Data Unit. It
provides high-level system processing and controls communications with all slave processors; it can reset
or reprogram any of the slave processors. In addition to processing the signal strength and amplitude
information to support the RFU module, the system processor performs the following functions: (1) power
control and attenuator control functions; (2) data control and routing; (3) user interfacing for selection of
system parameters; and, (4) antenna steering and pointing computations. The system processor
accesses all memory-mapped devices in the other modules as if those devices were located in the
system processor module. It interfaces to the other modules in the unit through a 24-MHz multiplexed
address/data bus. Through this bus, the system processor communicates with the CEPT function, the
ARINC 429 function, and the DSPs of each channel module.
One interface is common to all the modules. The system processor does not allow the other processors
to run until after the SRT-2100B is reset and releases the other processors from reset after it has been
determined that the other processors have valid software loaded.

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                          SRT-2100B FCC Type Certification Report – Exhibit – D

                                      SRT-2100B Product Description

1.6 ARINC 429 Module
The ARINC 429 module provides the communication data-handling interface between the SRT-2100B
and the aircraft system units. The transmitters and receivers handled by the ARINC 429 module are
listed in the table below.

Rear Connector ARINC 429 Inputs/Outputs

    SIGNAL       TYPE           PIN       SPEED          SIGNAL        TYPE         PIN      SPEED
     CMU 1       429 IN       MP1G/1H       HIGH         CR TALK       429 IN    MP12A/12B    HIGH

     A-C ID      429 IN       MP4A/4B       HIGH           IRS 2       429 IN     MP6C/6D     HIGH

    SCDU 1       429 IN       MP3C/3D       LOW         DATA LDR       429 IN     MP7A/7B     HIGH

     CPDF        429 IN       MP1E/1F       LOW          CMU 1/2      429 OUT     MP1J/1K     HIGH

    SCDU 2       429 IN       MP3E/3F       LOW         SCDU 1/2/3 429 OUT        MP3J/3K     HIGH

    SCDU 3       429 IN       MP8J/8K       LOW            CPDF       429 OUT     MP9A/9B     LOW

     CMU 2       429 IN       MP3G/3H       HIGH        DATA LDR 429 OUT          MP7C/7D     HIGH

    BTP BSU      429 IN       MP7G/7H       LOW            CFDS       429 OUT     MP4E/4F     LOW

    BSB BSU      429 IN       MP7J/7K       LOW          CR TALK      429 OUT MP12C/12D       HIGH

     FMC 1       429 IN     MP12G/12H       LOW            MCTL       429 OUT     MP4G/4H     HIGH

     FMC 2       429 IN      MP12J/12K      LOW          SPARE 1       429 IN     MP8C/8D     LOW

     CFDS        429 IN       MP4C/4D       LOW          SPARE 2       429 IN     MP6G/6H     LOW

      IRS 1      429 IN       MP6A/6B       HIGH         SPARE 1      429 OUT     MP9C/9D     LOW

1.7 CEPT-E1 Module
The CEPT-E1 module controls the interface to the Cabin Telecommunications Unit (CTU), accepts analog
voice from the cockpit and encodes or decodes the signal and routes it to a channel module.

1.8 Channel Module

The channel modules are each capable of managing a single channel of communications with the GES.
Each channel module is capable of handling P-, R-, T-, and C-channels. All channel modules can be
operational at the same time, providing up to three simultaneous channels. The channel modules consist
of an intermediate frequency (IF) section and a digital signal processing (DSP) section. The IF section
converts the IF to baseband, and the baseband to IF, as well as provide gain controls. The DSP section
of each channel module contains 3 Digital Signal Processors. The Modulator DSP performs the
scrambling, forward error correction (FEC), interleaving and RF modulation functions for the transmitted
data. The Demodulator DSP performs the RF demodulation, descrambling, and de-interleaving functions

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                         SRT-2100B FCC Type Certification Report – Exhibit – D

                                      SRT-2100B Product Description
for the received data. The DSP section also contains a DSP that performs the voice coder/decoder
function and supports INMARSAT TIF functions in support of FAX and PC data transmission.

1.9 RFU Module

The RFU module consists of a downconverter and an upconverter. The downconverter converts the
receive signal from L-band frequency (1530 - 1559 MHz) to an intermediate frequency (234.24 - 277.24
MHz). The upconverter converts the transmit signal from the intermediate frequency (141.74 - 175.74
MHz) to an L-band frequency (1626.5 - 1660.5 MHz).

1.10 HPA Module
The HPA module amplifies the modulated L-band carrier from the RFU module for transmission to the

1.11 HSR Module
The high stability reference (HSR) module provides the frequency source for all synthesizers and local
oscillators. The high stability reference (HSR) section provides the very accurate 10.24-MHz clock to the
channel modules through the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) block.

1.12 VCO Module
The VCO receives the 10.24-MHz signal and generates phase locked 10.24-MHz, 1.68-MHz, 160-kHz,
and 66.56-MHz outputs used as references by other modules.

1.13 Discrete Module
The discrete function block processes all the discrete inputs and outputs (external and internal). The
system processor directly controls the discrete function block. Additionally, the discrete function block
includes analog-to-digital converters (A/Ds) used for temperature and power monitoring.

1.14 Power Supply
The power supply provides the power to all of the internal cards and modules. The power supply may
also supplies power to the external antenna and LNA/Diplexer. All of the power lines that come into or
leave the SRT-2100B have the appropriate filtering and isolation to meet EMI requirements.

1.15 Rear Auxiliary Board
The rear auxiliary board converts the strap inputs at the rear connector into a serial data stream that is
input to the system processor. The system processor drives the signals controlling this operation.

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                        SRT-2100B FCC Type Certification Report – Exhibit – D

                                    SRT-2100B Product Description

1.16 Sideboard
The sideboard interconnect board provides the interconnect wiring between the circuit cards and modules
contained within the SRT-2100B.

1.17 Rear Interconnect Module
The rear interconnect module provides the interconnect wiring between the SRT-2100B rear connector
and the circuit cards and modules contained within the SRT-2100B.

1.18 Front Panel
The front panel contains labeled LEDs that indicate the detected faults within the SAT-2100B system.

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Document Created: 2008-05-02 14:54:22
Document Modified: 2008-05-02 14:54:22

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