User Manual 3


Users Manual

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13. Create map file for RainMap
13.1. Required software
             Image software: Paint.NET, Photoshop, SAl, etc. (Require to use a layer)
             This manual is explained by using Paint.NET.
             Software to confirm map: RainMap.exe

13.2. Web Browser
             Main map: OpenStreetMap
             Confirm a map: Use website to confirm distance from the center position by such as "Draw
             circles on the Google Map".

13.3. Display
     High resolution monitor recommended (2560x1440)

13.4. Overview
         )    Capture the map screen from homepage.
     2)       Paste it to the image software.
     3)       Slide a map of homepage to capture the best part.
     4)       Paste it and to combine a map.
     5)       Repeat this procedure "1" to "4" to create a size for RainMap. (Maximum radius range of
              view for RainMap is 50km, therefore it might need about 100km)
     6)       Adjust color of combined images.
     7)       Create bmp file.
     8)       Create txt file of map copyright.
                                                      7 )a               ~V

                                                                     :        n   Map size for

                                             t                                \   Paste several
                                                      p/                          screen together



13.5. Create a map
     [Map setting]
     Center position : Radar position
     Map              :11
     Type of map                 : Transit map

     13.5.1. Cut maps
     1. <«OpenStreetMap>
        Open website of OpenStreetMap from browser.
         1) Click [Go] after entered Lon/Lat of radar position.

                   . OpenStreetMap | Way: Lyn...                               ®    \ +

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        2)   Click the target of Lon/Lat to move a map and display.
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             /. OpenStreetMap

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              Results fom Interal                     show a point
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                                                                                                             Mark will be
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              Resuts fom OpenStrectHMap Nominatim                                                        point a mouse to
                                                                                                         a search results.
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2. <OpenStreetMap>
   Click [+] or [-] button or change scale number of URL directly to11. )

3. <OpenStreetMap>
   Change layer to transport map.
   Click [Layer] Select [Transport Map] from windows of [Map Layers].



4. <OpenStreetMap>
   Close [Search result] and [Map layer] windows to enlarge capture screen.
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5. <Paint.NET>
    Setup canvas size on Paint.NET.
       [Canvas Size]
         Width              _: 3500 pixel
       Height : 3000 pixel
   Cut a map about 100km from the center position.
    + Select [Canvas Size] —> [Image] from menu bar.

       File          Edit     View         Image           Layers       Adjustments    Effects
     [* B k | & |                            i.       Crop to Selection               Ctrl+Shift+xX
     Tool: y ~ | gdrusy S Resize...                                                         Ctrl+R    is
                             o             )          Canvas Size...                  Ctrl+Shift+R
   Px| 1 _ u5 _
   5                                       Jk         Flip Horizontal
    —                                      <          Flip Vertical

    ~                                      y           Rotate 90° Clockwise                 Ctrl+H
    —                                      \J          Rotate 90° Counter—Clockwise         Ctrl+G
                                           Ej          Rotate 180°                          Ctrl+]

   E:                                      @,|        Flatten                         Ctrl+Shift+F



   * Set a pixel size of canvas size
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6. «Paint.NET>
   To indicate [Windows] —> [Layer] if windows of layer is not shown on the screen

                                               Activate Layer is highlighting

               Beckground                          Chackbox

1) Activate layer is highlighting. Confirm to use active layer before copy, paste, and others
   (Display screen is not always activating)
2) Before activate other layer with a range selected, it must deselect range in case of other layer
   is effective to a select range of previous layer!
   "It could release a select range from [Edi—> [Deselect]



7. <OpenStreetMap>
   Press [Alt] + [PrtSc] to copy a map screen of OpenStreetMap.

8. <Paint.NET>
   Click [Add New Layer] at a windows of Layers (New layer would be highlighted), then click
   [Paste] to paste a screen of Open StreetMap into a new layer.



 9. <Paint.NET>
    Copy only a part of map from procedure “8” and Select [Tools] -> [Rectangle Select].         It
    could make a fine adjust by using [Move Selection].

                     Rectangle Select
                                              Move Selection

           Select only a part of map and click [Copy].

10. <Paint.NET>
     Click [Add New Layer], it would be highlighted on new layer, then click [Paste] to paste a map
     into a new layer. (A part of map that copy at procedure “9” would be pasted)



11. <Paint.NET>
     Move the pasted screen to the center of canvas and bring radar position to the center.

12. <Paint.NET>
     Delete unnecessary layer of without having map (procedure “8”). Confirm the highlight before
     click [Delete] button.



13. <OpenStreetMap>
     Slide a map display position of OpenStreetMap. (Pile up a little with the previous copy range.)

      Previous copy range                     Pile up a little with the previous copy range

14. <Paint.NET>
     Copy a map screen -> Add new layer by Paint.NET -> Confirm that added layer is selected ->
     Paste a copy screen.
     Copy new layer after selected a part of map only. (Refer the procedure “7” to “10”)

15. <Paint.NET>
     Delete unnecessary layer. (Refer the procedure “12”)



16. <Paint.NET>
     Adjust two layers to pile up the same part of map by indicating layer of procedure “11” and
     (To correct the position deviation by clicking check box of layer to turn ON/OFF and move one
     of a map a little when both map screens are nearly piled up.)

              Tilt to adjust the layer

                                                                        Turn ON/OFF the
                                                                      indication of layer to
                                                                   confirm and adjust it when
                                                                       maps are piled up.

    Pile up 2 sheets of layers:



17. <Paint.NET>
     Click [Merge layer down] button to merge the bottom layer and selected layer to joint it.

                                      Example to merge selected Layer 3 and Layer 5.

18. <Paint.NET>
     Repeat procedure “13” to “17” until it becomes canvas size.

19. <Paint.NET>
     Search Lon/Lat of Top-Left and Bottom-Right for cutting a whole map.
     Move a cutting position of OpenStreetMap web browser to the center.
     Click [Where am I?] and put a mouse on Lon/Lat under search results. Mark would indicate in
     the center of map.
     Click [Alt] + [PrtSc] to copy screen while mark is indicating in the map.
     Notice: Take a note of Lon/Lat Top-Left and Bottom-Right for using as a file name.

                            Put a mouse on the
                            Lon/Lat under search
                            *Take a note of Lon/Lat.

                                             Click Lon/Lat under search
                                              results to indicate mark.



20. <Paint.NET>
     1) Add layer and click [Paste] to paste a screen of OpenStreetMap including a mark.
     2) Use [Rectangle Select] to cut a part of mark. (Cut a part of map that easy to confirm a


                                                  Choose a map with easy
                                                  to confirm a position to
                                                  pile up. (Terrain features)

21. <Paint.NET>
     Indicate layer of position information and map. Selected two layers with position information
     adjust to be piled up.

22. <Paint.NET>
     Do the same way even to the mark of Bottom-Right to cut a part of map.
     (Refer the procedure 20 to 22)


file fdt View   Image   Layers   Adjistments   Effects
(1 B ll | i | & D IB t s 1 < ~ |l@iie]


 24. <«Paint.NET>
    1) Click [File] menu Select [New] for making a new image.
    2) Canvas size: Width 800 x Length 600 pixel (It should be smaller than image to paste)
       3) Paste a data that copied at procedure "23".
       4) Select [Expand canvas]

Em                             The image being pasted is larger than the canvas size. What
                               do you want to do?

      [e] Expand canvas
         Automatically expands the canvas to fit the image being pasted.
      . Keep canvas size
        Dees not expand the canvas. You will have to move the pasted imaze around
         to make sure that the part you want is within the canvas boundaries.

      # Cancel
         Cancels the paste action

Complete color map:
 File 2dt View Image Layers Aduistments Effects



13.5.2. Change color of map
        Change the color of map to gray for RainMap because OpenStreetMap is having lots of
        colors. (The reason of changing a color to gray is because of the view range on
        RainMap is using white)
        [Map color]
        Land: RGB255
        Sea : RGB232

1) Click [More] button to open RGB input screen from [Windows] -> [Colors] if color windows is
   not indicated.

                                              Click [More]

                                                                           This part will be



2) Delete all unnecessary color on land and sea. (e.g. Sea line/dotted line, green mountain)

                                                                  Sea line

                                                                                     dotted line


2-1) Erase indication of sea line/dotted line:
     1) Click [Tool] -> [Color Picker] to get a value of sea color (except line/dotted line).
        [Colors] R:173 G:222 B:255
     2) Use the same sea color value to fill line/dotted line.
        Tool: Paint Bucket
        Flood Mode: Global
        Tolerance: 30% (A low setting dictates that pixels must be a close match to the click point
                    pixel in order to be filled. A high setting allows a wider variance of pixels to be
                    included in the fill operation)
        [Tool] -> [Paint Bucket], click line/dotted line to fill color.

                                                   Left: 0% / Right: 100%
                                                   Use scroll bar to set a value.



Sea line and Sea dotted line are erased:

                                                      Sea line

                                                                       dotted line

2-2) Erase indication of green mountain:
     1) Click [Tool] -> [Color Picker] to get a value of land color.
        [Colors] R:247 G:247 B:247
     2) Use the same land color value to fill green mountains.
        Tool: Paint Bucket
        Flood Mode: Global
        Tolerance: 20%
        [Tool] -> [Paint Bucket], click green parts to fill color.
        Green mountains are erased.




3) Change colors to Black and White. [Adjustments] -> [Black and White]

   After changed colors to Black and White:

4) Adjust levels. [Adjustments] -> [Levels]
   Input Histogram (Black): 150
   Output Histogram (White): 225



  After adjusted levels:

5) Change colors of sea and land. [Too!] > [Paint Bucket]
   Sea    : R:232 G:232 B:232 (Gray)
   Land _: R:255 G:255 B:255 (White)
   Flood Mode: Global
   Tolerance : 0%
   Complete a map

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6) Save image after deleted all unnecessary layers and to remain a layer of map image.
   6-1) [File] -> [Save as]
   6-2) Select “Save as type” to “BMP (*bmp)”.
   6-3) Save “File name” as “Top-Left Lon/Lat Bottom-Right Lon/Lat (decimal number)”
        e.g. [Degrees Minutes Seconds] -> [Decimal Number]
             36deg 17 min 12.26sec -> 36.286738
             3 digit Integral, 5 digit fraction of Lon/Lat.
        e.g. N04004440W07734380N03771860W07435550.bmp
   6-4) Click [Save]

    6-5) [Save Configuration] windows would indicate after clicked [Save] at [Save as]
         Put a check on [8-bit] or [24-bit] instead of [Auto-detect] if file size is big.
    6-6) Click [OK] to save image file.

                                                     File size



13.5.3. Contirm a created map
         Confirm positions and distance of created map by RainMap view.

1) Confirm distance.
   Compare a map by RainMap view and website map to confirm distance.
   1—1) Starlup RainMap.exe.
   1—2) Click [Menu] —> [Setting] —> [Display]
   1—3) Click [Apply] after entered a range to 50km. (Range: 10 to 50km)

      a Seting                                   key                        Value
            {Display]                            Display range (km]
             Data Acquisition                    Display data type          R[mm/n]
             Redar Site Location                 Echo transparency [%]      so
                                                 Anterna sweep line         on
             Unts                                Radiowave shielding area

    1—4) Click [Radar Site Location]
    1—5) Click [Apply] after setup "Latitude [deg]", "Longitude [deg]®, and "Map data path".
          Enter radar position on "Latitude [deg]" and "Longitude [deg] with decimal number.
         Open a folder to set a map image file on "Map data path".

      a Seting                     Key
           olplny                  courude (ey)
           bate Acqustion          Longtude Ideg]
           Racar Ste Locaton       Alitude {m]                 aco                        |
           Sen                     Map data path              Cuenrrempeusmss
           Unis                    Mapleftoplat.[deg)          Bo
                                   Mapleftop lon. [deg)       im
                                   Mapright bottom lot.[deg) 350
                                   Mapright bottom lon. [deg) 136.0



1-6) Indicate radar view range (white) and map.
     Confirm with website map that RainMap indicates the correct position.

                               RainMap screen

    From [Draw circles on the Google Map]

                          Website map



2) Confirm by RainMap screen.
   2-1) Confirm map by changing windows size of RainMap. Map must be fit into a screen.

                                   Change windows size

       Bad example) Bottom part of map is missing.

                                This map is fail because of bottom
                                part of map is missing.



   2-2) Confirm by RainPlay screen.
        Choose a map file at [Disp] -> [Map] to confirm a map.

13.5.4. Create a map license.
       Copyright of OpenStreetMap URL:
       Create a text file with the same name of map file.
       File name: “Top-left Lon/Lat, Bottom-Right Lon/Lat.txt”
       It would readout text file by RainMap.exe / RainPlay.exe and prints on the Bottom-Right
       File detail: “OpenStreetMap Contributors”



1. Outline drawing
  1) Antenna Unit


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2. System diagram

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                                                FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer

 9-52 Ashihara-cho,
 Nishinomiya, 662-8580, Japan

       All rights reserved   Printed in Japan                             Issued: January 2018
                                                                   Latest issued: February 2018

Document Created: 2019-05-01 19:21:19
Document Modified: 2019-05-01 19:21:19

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC