User Manual 3


Users Manual

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                                                                               1. OPERATION

1.17   FTC (Fast Time Constant)
       If you can not effectively suppress rain
       clutter with the rain clutter control, use the              CAUTION
       FTC function. In adverse weather, clouds,
                                                      Switch off FTC if your objective is to
       rain or snow produce spray-like spurious       receive a radar beacon signal.
       echoes which impair target detection over
       a long distance. These echoes can be
       suppressed by turning on the FTC circuit. There are two FTC settings, [FTC1] and
       [FTC2]. [FTC2] provides increased rain clutter suppression.

       Click the [FTC] icon at the bottom right corner on the screen to select an appropriate
       FTC setting.

       The [FTC PRESET] function, when active, applies the FTC a little stronger than nor-
       mal. The combination effect of the [FTC PRESET] and [FTC] functions is shown as

                                                [FTC PRESET]
                                             [OFF]        [ON]
                                 [OFF]         –           low
                   [FTC]        [FTC1]      mid-low      mid-high
                                [FTC2]      mid-high       high
       Set the [FTC PRESET] function as follows.

       1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [ECHO].
       2. Click [FTC PRESET].
       3. Click [ON] to activate the [FTC PRESET] function.

1.18   How to Measure the Range to a Target (VRM)
       You can measure the range to a target by two methods: fixed range rings and the VRM
       (Variable Range Marker).

       How to measure the range with the fixed range rings
       Use the fixed range rings to get a rough estimate of the range to a target. The fixed
       range rings are the concentric solid circles about your ship. The number of rings
       changes with the selected range scale. The interval of the range ring is displayed at
       the upper-left corner of the screen. Count the number of rings between the center of
       the display and the target. Check the range ring interval and measure the distance of
       the echo from the nearest ring.

       How to measure the range with a VRM
       There are two VRMs, VRM1 and VRM2. The VRMs are dashed so that you can iden-
       tify them from the fixed range rings. You can identify VRM1 from VRM2 by the lengths
       of their dashes. The dashes of the VRM1 are shorter than those of the VRM2.



         1. Click the [VRM] icon to display the VRM. If the VRM is already shown, go to
            step 2.
         2. Click the [VRM] icon. The icon turns yellow.

                                   AIS                                        AIS
                            LIST► FLT► AUTO T Click                   LIST► FLT► AUTO   T
                          VRM1    0.000 NM M                      > VRM1   1.567 NM     M
                        > VRM2    0.160 NM M                        VRM2   0.160 NM     M
                          NAV     0 160 NM M                        NAV    0 160 NM     M
                           [VRM] icon
               (at the bottom right of the screen)                      Highlighted yellow
                                                                    “>” means active.
         3. Move the cursor to align the VRM with the inner edge of the target then click to
            anchor the VRM.
         4. Read the distance at the bottom of the screen. Each VRM ring (VRM1 or VRM2)
            remains at the same geographical distance when you change the display range.
            The size of the VRM ring changes in proportion to the selected range scale.
         5. To delete a VRM, put the cursor on the appropriate VRM indication then long
            press the left button (or long press the VRM key).
            Note: If the corresponding EBL is displayed, the VRM is deleted and the value of
            VRM remains.

1.19     How to Measure the Bearing to a Target (EBL)
         Use the Electronic Bearing Line (EBL) to take a bearing of a target. There are two
         EBLs, EBL1 and EBL2. Each EBL is a straight dashed line from the center of the
         screen to the edge. The dashes of the EBL1 are shorter than those of the EBL2.

         How to measure the bearing with an EBL
         1. Click the [EBL] icon to display the EBL. If the EBL already appears, go to step 2.
         2. Click the [EBL] icon ([EBL1] or [EBL2]). The icon turns yellow.

                     EBL1    123.4° T           Click      > EBL1        123.4° T
                     EBL2     82.9° T                         EBL2        82.9° T
                     NAV     0.160 km                         NAV        0.160 km
                            [EBL] icon
                                                                Highlighted yellow
                (at the bottom left of the screen)
                                                        “>” means active.
         3. Put the cursor on the center of the target then click there to anchor the EBL. Read
            the bearing at the bottom of the screen.
         4. To delete an EBL, put the cursor on the appropriate EBL indication then long press
            the left button (or long press the EBL key).

         How to select bearing reference
         The bearing reference can be selected to True or Relative. Click the bearing reference
         icon to the right of the bearing indication.
                      EBL1    123.4° T                     EBL1      123.4° R
                             [T]: True                            [R]: Relative


                                                                                        1. OPERATION

1.20     Offset EBL
         How to offset an EBL
         You can move the EBL origin to a desired location as follows:

         1. Put the cursor on the appropriate [EBL] icon to activate the EBL. The mark (>),
            which denotes active EBL, moves to the [EBL] icon selected. The example below
            shows how to activate the EBL1.
                “>” means active.

                    EBL1   123.4° T                              > EBL1       123.4° T
                 > EBL2     82.9° T    Put the cursor on            EBL2       82.9° T
                                       the [EBL1] icon.           “>” move to the
                 EBL2 is active.
                                                                  [EBL1] icon
         2. Right-click anywhere in the radar display to open [CURSOR MENU].
         3. Click [EBL OFFSET].
         4. Click anywhere in the radar display to move the EBL origin with cursor.
         5. Click the point where to fix the EBL origin there.
         6. To return the EBL origin to own ship position, click anywhere in the radar display
         7. Right-click to quit the offset EBL.

1.20.1   How to measure the range and bearing between two targets
         You can move the origin of the EBL to measure the range and bearing between two

         1. Click the [EBL1] icon to activate EBL1. If the EBL already appears, go to step 2.
         2. Right-click anywhere in the radar display to open [CURSOR MENU].
         3. Click [EBL OFFSET].
         4. Click anywhere in the radar display to move
            the EBL origin.
            Note: If EBL1 is already off-centered, the ori-
            gin of the EBL moves to own ship's position                           Target B
            once. In this case, click anywhere in the radar
                                                                           Target A
            display again.

                                                                     EBL origin

         5. Click the center of the target A to fix the EBL.
         6. Right-click to quit the offset EBL.
         7. Click the [EBL1] icon to change the                           Click
            bearing. The [EBL1] icon turns            EBL1     123.4° T               EBL1   123.4° T
            yellow.                                             82 9°               Highlighted82 9°



         8. Click the center of the target B. The EBL bi-
            sects target B.

                                                                                                Target B
                                                                                           Target A

                                                                                     EBL origin

         9. Click the [VRM1] icon to change the                                              Click
            range. The [VRM1] icon turns yellow.                          VRM1   0.550NM T               VRM1   0.550NM T
            [VRM1] is linked to [EBL1]; [VRM2] is                                  82 9°                           82 9°
            linked to [EBL2].

                                                                                                  Target B
                                                                                           Target A

                                                                                      EBL origin

         10. Click the inner edge of the target B.
             The VRM adjusts to put the VRM ring
             on the target B. The point selected at                           VRM1
             step 4 is the center of VRM.
                                                                                                   Target B
                                                                                           Target A

                                                                                      EBL origin

         11. Read the bearing at the [EBL] icon and the range at the [VRM] icon.
         12. Do the same procedure for [EBL2] and [VRM2] to measure the range and bearing
             between two other targets (target C and D), use EBL2 and VRM2 similarly.

                                  EBL 1
                                                              EBL 2
                            VRM 1

                                               Target B                       VRM 2
                                                                  Target D
                                        Target A
                                                          Target C
                                EBL origin

                                                               EBL origin

                                                                                 Range/bearing between
                                                                                 targets A and B
                                    EBL1    45.0° R       VRM1 0 . 5 5 0 NM
                                    EBL2 3 2 7 . 0 ° R    VRM2 0 . 8 5 0 NM
                                                                                 Range/bearing between
                                                                                 targets C and D


                                                                                                                 1. OPERATION

1.20.2   Collision assessment by offset EBL
         The origin of the EBL can be moved to enable measurement of range and bearing be-
         tween any targets. This function is also useful for assessment of the potential risk of

         1. Move the EBL origin on the target A,                                                 350 000   010
                                                                                           340                   020
            following "How to offset an                                        320
                                                                                     330                               030
            EBL" on page 1-23.                                       310                                                           050

                                                                  300                  EBL origin                                        060

                                                             290                                                                           070
                                                            280                                                                                080

                                                            270                                                                                090

                                                            260                                                                                100

                                                             250                                                                          110

                                                                  240                                                                120
                                                                        230                                                        130
                                                           EBL1               220                                            140
                                                                                     210                               150

         2. Right-click to quit the offset EBL.
                                                                                                 190   180 170
                                                                                                                 160                     (a)

         3. After waiting for a few minutes, click
            the appropriate EBL icon to operate the EBL. The icon turns yellow.
         4. Click the new target position (A’). The
            EBL is considered as the course of the                                   330
                                                                                                 350 000   010
            target.                                                            320                                           040

            Note: If the EBL passes through the
                                                                        310                                                         050

                                                                   300                 EBL origin                                        060
            own ship’s position, the target ship is           290                                                                          070

            on a collision course.                           280                                                                               080
                                                            270                                                                                 090

                                                             260                                                                               100

                                                              250                          Target’s course                                 110

                                                                   240                                                                   120
                                                                         230                                                       130
                                                                               220                                           140
                                                                                     210                               150
                                                                                           200                   160
                                                                                                 190   180 170
         5. To return the EBL origin to the own
            ship’s position, do the following procedure.
             1) Right-click inside the display area to open [CURSOR MENU].
             2) Click [EBL OFFSET].
             3) Click the anywhere in the radar display area. The EBL origin moves to the own
                ship’s position.
         6. Right-click to quit the offset EBL.



1.20.3   Point of reference for origin point of offset EBL
         The origin point of the offset EBL can be ground stabilized (geographically fixed), north
         stabilized (true) or referenced to own ship’s heading (relative). This menu is available
         in [SEA] mode only. However, the setting is applied in [RIVER] mode also.

         1. In the [SEA] mode, open [MAIN MENU], click
            [MARK] to show the [MARK] menu.
                                                                    1   BACK
                                                                    2   OWN SHIP MARK
                                                                    3   STERN MARK
         2. Click [EBL OFFSET BASE].                                4   EBL OFFSET BASE
                                                                        STAB GND/STAB HDG/
         3. Click the origin point of the offset EBL.                   STAB NORTH
            [STAB GND]: Reference to latitude and longitude   5         VRM SYNC OFFSET EBL
            of the origin position. Origin position is always
                                                              [MARK] menu ([SEA] mode)
            fixed regardless of your ship's movement.
            [STAB HDG]: Reference to heading. The relationship between origin position and
            own position is always kept.
            [STAB NORTH]: Reference to North. The origin position changes with North po-
         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.


                                                                                      1. OPERATION

1.21   How to Off-center the Display
       Own ship position, or sweep origin, can be moved to expand your field of view without
       switching to a larger range scale. The sweep origin can be off-centered to the cursor
       position, but not more than 60% of the range in use; if the cursor is set beyond 60%
       of the range scale, the sweep origin will be off-centered to the point of 60% of the limit.
       You can select the off-centering rate among, 20%, 40% or 60%.

                                           Head up


                             Stern                      Off-center ON
                        Off-center OFF
                                           North up
                            North                              North
                Stern                           Stern


                                      Heading                          Heading

                        Off-center OFF                   Off-center ON

       How to select the off-centering rate
       1. Click the [OFFCENT] (Off-center) icon at the top left corner of the screen.
       2. Click to switch the off-centering rate, [-20%], [-40%], [-60%] or [OFF].

                   HEAD-UP                HDG      Click         OFF CENT OFF

                                                                 OFFCENT -20%
                   OFFCENT          OFF
                   STBY              L                           OFFCENT -40%
                  “OFFCENT” (Off-center) icon
                                                                 OFFCENT -60%

                                                               Switches the off-centering

       How to off-center the display
       1. Click inside the effective display area to open [CURSOR MENU].
       2. Click [OFF CENTER].
       3. Click the off-center point to be the center of the radar display.
       4. Right-click to complete the off-center the display.



1.22     Interference Rejecter
         The radar interference can occur when your ship is
         near the radar of another ship that operates on the
         same frequency band with your radar.
         The interference appears on the screen as many
         bright dots. The dots can be random or in the shape
         of dotted lines that run from the center to the edge of
         the display. Interference is easily identifiable be-
         cause it does not appear in the same location on the
         next sweep. When this feature is turned on, "IR 1",
         "IR 2" or "IR 3" appears at the bottom right corner on
         the screen.

         Click the IR (Interference Rejection) icon to switch the setting among [IR OFF], [IR 1],
         [IR 2], [IR 3]. [IR 3] provides the highest degree of interference rejection.

                                                       FTC      1
                                               TRAIL   IR       1
                                           REL 2.50sec ES       2
                                           ON 00m03s EAV        3
                                       “IR” (Interference rejection) icon
                                 (at the bottom right corner on the screen)
         Note: When there is no interference, turn off the interference rejecter so that you do
         not miss small targets.

1.23     Echo Stretch
         The echo stretch feature enlarges the targets in the range and bearing directions to
         make the targets easier to see. This feature is available on any range. There are three
         levels of echo stretch, [1], [2] and [3]. [3] enlarges the targets the most.

         Note: The echo stretch magnifies the targets, sea and rain clutters, and radar interfer-
         ence. Correctly adjust the sea clutter, rain clutter and radar interference before you ac-
         tivate the echo stretch.
         Click the [ES] (echo stretch) icon to switch the setting among [ES OFF], [ES 1], [ES 2]
         and [ES 3].

                                                    FTC    1
                                            TRAIL   IR     1
                                        REL 2.50sec ES     2
                                        ON 00m03s EAV      3
                                      “ES” (Echo stretch) icon
                             (at the bottom right corner on the screen)


                                                                                          1. OPERATION

1.24      Echo Averaging
          To identify true target echoes from sea clutter, echoes are averaged over successive
          picture frames. If an echo is solid and stable, the echo is shown in its normal intensity.
          The brilliance of sea clutter is reduced to easily identify true targets from the sea clut-

          Note 1: Do not use the echo average function under heavy pitching and rolling to pre-
          vent loss of targets.
          Note 2: This feature requires a heading signal and position data. When either signal
          becomes lost, echo average is deactivated.
          To correctly use the echo average function, first reduce the sea clutter properly. Leave
          a little sea clutter on the screen so as not to erase weak targets. Then, do as follows:
          Click the [EAV] (echo average) icon to switch the setting among [EAV OFF], [EAV 1],
          [EAV 2], [EAV 3].

                                                    FTC     1
                                             TRAIL  IR      1
                                        REL 2.50sec ES      2
                                        ON 00m03s EAV       3
                                       “EAV” (Echo average) icon
                               (at the bottom right corner on the screen)

1.25      Target Trails
          The trails of the radar targets can be shown simulated in afterglow to check target
          movement. The target trails are referenced as either relative or true. True trails require
          a heading signal and position data.

1.25.1    How to start, stop the trails
          Click the trail display icon to switch between [ON] and [OFF].

                                        FTC          1                                  FTC         1
                                TRAIL   IR           1                           TRAIL  IR          1
                            REL 2.50sec ES           2                      REL 2.50sec ES          2
    Trail display           ON  00m03s  EAV          3                      OFF 00m03s EAV          3
                           MAN TUNE                                         MAN TUNE
                               [ON]: Show trails                               [OFF]: Hide trails
                                       (at the bottom right corner on the screen)



1.25.2   [TRAIL] menu
         You can adjust the detail setting for trails on the [TRAIL] menu.

         1.    Right—click the [TRAIL] icon to show the [TRAIL] menu.

                                                                          TRaL Co.or ortion

         2.    Click the required menu item.
         3.    Click an option for each menu.
         4.    Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

1.25.3   Trail mode
         You can display the echo trails in true or relative motion.

                               Trus trails
                                                            Relative trails

         True mode
         The true trails show true target movements according to their over—the—ground speeds
         and courses. The stationary targets do not show the trails. The true trails require a
         heading signal and position data.

         Relative mode

         The relative trails show other ships‘ movements relative to your ship. The stationary
         targets also show the trails.
                {at the bottom right comer on the screen)

                                        leVogieSA                                              CUSTOM3—4
                                      C  M                                                           d
                            .cz [RAL >R PMEA                                      zc]RAL®            R
                        l           ds                                        {            Z30sec   ES
                            foreitos                                                ie ceE
                            Trail mode icon                                       Trail mode icon
                  [T—G}: Tiue trail based on ground                                  [RELJ: Relative mode
                  [T—8J: True trail based on water

         To select the trail mode, select the trail mode icon to switch the mode, [T—GJ, [T—S]
         (True mode) or [REL] (Relative mode). For the ship speed mode ([T—GJ, [T—SJ), see
         "Speed menu® on page 1—52.
         Note: [T—S] is available only when [SHIP SPEED] is set to [STW].


                                                                                         1. OPERATION

1.25.4   Trail level
         The level (intensity) of the afterglow that extends from radar targets may be selected
         as below.

         1. Right-click the trail icon to show the [TRAIL] menu.
         2. Click [TRAIL LEVEL].
         3. Select the trail level among 1 to 4.
            The higher the number the greater the intensity of the afterglow.
         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

1.25.5   Trail time
         Trail time, the trail plotting interval, is selected as follows. The elapsed time since the
         start of the trail appears below the trail time.
                                            FTC               Trail time icon
                                    TRAIL   IR
                                T-G 2.50sec ES
                                ON 00m03s EAV
                               AIS                            Elapsed time since start of trail
                 (at the bottom right corner on the screen)

         To change the trail time, select the trail time icon. The options for trail time are different
         according to the operation mode.

         • [RIVER] mode: 1.25 sec*, 2.5 sec, 5 sec
           *: When the antenna rotation speed is 26 rpm, the [1.25 sec] is the same picture as
           the [2.5 sec].
         • [SEA] mode: 5 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 3 min, 6 min

1.25.6   Own ship trail
         You can show the trail of own ship as follows:
         1. Right-click the [TRAIL] icon to show the [TRAIL] menu.
         2. Click [OS TRAIL].
         3. Click the option among [OFF], [1] or [2].
            [OFF]: Hide the trail of own ship.
            [1]: Show the trail of own ship.
            [2]: Show the trail of own ship, but hide the trail of sea clutter near own ship.
         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.



1.25.7   Trail color modes
         There are two color modes for the trail color, [DEFAULT] and [USER].

         • [DEFAULT]: The trail color becomes the same color as the echo color.
         • [USER]: The trail color is set on [TRAIL COLOR] in [BRILL MENU]. See "How to edit
           [BRILL MENU]" on page 1-8
         The trails always begin with the [DEFAULT] color mode. The [USER] color mode is
         not saved after the power turns off.
         1. Right-click the [TRAIL] icon to show the [TRAIL] menu.
         2. Click [TRAIL COLOR OPTION].
         3. Click the desired color mode, [DEFAULT] or [USER].
         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

1.26     Target Alarm
         The target alarm, available in the [SEA] mode, serves to alert the navigator to targets
         (ships, landmasses, etc.) entering or leaving the specified area, with audio-visual

                           · The alarm should not be relied upon
                             as the sole means for detecting
                             possible collision situations.
                           · [STC], [RAIN] and [GAIN] controls
                             should be properly adjusted to be sure
                             the alarm system does not overlook
                             target echoes.

1.26.1   How to set a target alarm
         The procedure below shows how to set a target alarm using the figure below as an
         1. Click the [ALR1] or [ALR2] icon. [SET] appears in the [ALR] icon.

                     AZ1                               Click       AZ1
                 RN AZ2               TT                       RN  AZ2     TT
                  K ALR1              ON     LIST               K ALR1 SET ON LIST
                 GRN ALR2             >    EBL1 12             GRN ALR2    > EBL1 12
                                           EBL2 8                                 EBL2 8
                                                                    ALR1: [SET]
                (at the bottom left corner on the screen)
         2. Use the touch pad to select the point "A" on the radar screen then push the left


                                                                                                                                                   1. OPERATION

          3. Use the touch pad to select the point "B" then push the left button. [IN] (or [OUT])
             replaces [SET] in the [ALR] icon. The target alarm zone’s lines are shown in
             dashed lines.

                                      AZ1                                                                               AZ1
                                  RN AZ2     TT                                                                     RN AZ2      TT
                                   K ALR1 IN ON LIST                                                                 K ALR1 OUT ON LIST
                                  GRN ALR2   > EBL1 12                                                              GRN ALR2    > EBL1 12
                                                   Alarm type: [IN]
                                                                                                 EBL2     8                  Alarm type: [OUT]
                                                                                                                                               EBL2   8

                                             350 000   010
                                                                                      Target alarm zone
                                 330                               030
                           320                                           040
                 310                                                           050
                                                                                                          Alarm zone examples
               300                                                                   060

          290                           A                B
                                                                                                                                                          Point A
         280                                                                               080
         270                                                                               090          Point A                Point B
         260                                                                               100                X                  X
          250                                                                         110
                                                                                                                    X                      X
               240                                                               120
                                                                                                                   Point B               Point A          X
                     230                                                       130
                           220                                           140
                                                                                                                                                   Point B
                                 210                               150
                                       200                   160
                                             190   180 170

          Note 1: If you wish to create a target alarm zone having a 360-degree coverage
          around own ship, set point "B" in almost the same direction as point "A".
          Note 2: Two target alarm zones may be set. Note however that the 2nd target alarm
          zone is available only when the 1st target alarm zone is active.

1.26.2    How to select the alarm type
          You can set the target alarm to activate
          against targets entering or exiting the alarm

                                                                                                                     Target “IN” alarm      Target “OUT”alarm
          1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [ALARM] to
             show the [ALARM] window.                                                                                     [ALARM]
                                                                                                                        1 BACK
                                                                                                                        2 [TT•AIS]
                                                                                                                        3 [TARGET ALARM]

          2. Click [TARGET ALARM].
                                                                                                                             [TARGET ALARM]
                                                                                                                        1     BACK
                                                                                                                        2     ALR1 MODE
                                                                                                                              IN /OUT
                                                                                                                        3     ALR2 MODE
          3. Click [ALR1 MODE] or [ALR2 MODE].                                                                                IN /OUT
                                                                                                                        4     LEVEL
          4. Click the alarm type, [IN] or [OUT].
                                                                                                                              1 /2/3/4
          5. Click outside the menu window to close
             the menu.



1.26.3   How to select the target strength which triggers a target alarm
         You can select the target strength which triggers the target alarm as follows.

         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [ALARM].
         2. Click [TARGET ALARM].
         3. Click [LEVEL].
         4. Click the alarm echo strength level, [1] to [4]. [4] is the strongest.
         5. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

1.26.4   How to acknowledge the target alarm
         A target in the target alarm zone produces both visual (flashing) and audible (beep)
         alarms. To silence the audio alarm, press the left button or click the appropriate
         [ALARM ACK] icon. This deactivates the audio alarm but does not stop flashing of the
         offending target.

1.26.5   How to sleep a target alarm temporarily
         You can sleep a target alarm zone when its use is not immediately needed. The alarm
         zone remains on the screen, but any targets that enter (or exit) the alarm zone do not
         trigger the audio and visual alarms.

         1. Click the [ALR1] or [ALR2] icon until the icon reads "ALR1 ACK" or "ALR2 ACK".
         2. To activate a sleeping target alarm zone, press the [ALR1] or [ALR2] icon until the
            alarm indication changes to "ALM1 (or 2)_IN(or OUT)".

1.26.6   How to delete a target alarm
         1. Click the appropriate [ALR] icon.
         2. Press and hold down the left button until the [ALR] icon goes blank. The target
            alarm is deleted from the screen.
         Note: If both acquisition zones are active [ALR1] can not be deleted unless [ALR2] is


                                                                                                 1. OPERATION

1.27   NAV Lines
       There are two NAV lines for port and starboard.

                      NAV LINE
                        for port

                                                                                     NAV LINE
                                                                                     for starboard

       How to display the NAV lines
       Click the appropriate [NAV] icon at the bottom of the screen.

         MENU                                                                               CUSTOM3-4
                                                                                                 FTC    1
                                                                                         TRAIL   IR     1
                                                                                     REL 2.50sec ES     2
          BRL2-3       AZ1                                                           ON 00m03s EAV      3
          ECHO GRN     AZ2      TT                                           AIS
          B-IN BLK     ALR1     ON    LIST                             LIST FLT     AUTO TUNE
          OUT D-GRN    ALR2     >    EBL1    123.4° T                VRM1   1.567   NM   MAN GAIN       75
          MONI 50                    EBL2     82.9° T                VRM2   0.160   NM   MAN STC        0
          PANL 15      HL OFF
                                     NAV     0.160 NM                NAV    0.160   NM   MAN RAIN       0

                              [NAV] icon for port                  [NAV] icon for starboard

       How to set the NAV lines
       NAV lines are set on both sides of own ship. The distance to port or starboard is indi-
       vidually determined.

       1. Click the appropriate [NAV] icon to display a NAV line. If the NAV line is already
          displayed, go to step 2.
       2. Click the [NAV] icon to activate the NAV line. The icon turns yellow.

                         NAV         0.150NM T               NAV    0.150NM T
                                       82 9°                Highlighted82 9°
       3. Click the position where you want to put the NAV line in the radar display area.

       How to turn off the NAV lines
       Long press the appropriate [NAV] icon with the left button. The location of the line is
       retained in the memory when the power is turned off.



1.28     Alarms, Error Messages

1.28.1   Alarm indication
         When the alarm is generated, the [ALARM] icon flashes (in red) and the audio alarm

                                                                  [ALARM] icon
                                 RIVER     RUDDER
                                   1.2/ 0.5SM        ALARM     ACK
                                 HEAD-UP         HDG 123.4°               [ALARM ACK] icon

                                 OFFCENT   OFF                        (at the top left corner
                                 STBY       L                             on the screen)

               Icon indication        Status                                Meaning
                                                        No alarm.

                                 Red character and      An alarm is active.

                                 Red character and      All active alarms are acknowledged. Or all
                   ALARM         not flashing.          alarms are not in alarm status but not
         How to acknowledge the alarm
         Click the [ALARM ACK] icon to acknowledge the alarm and silence the audio alarm.
         The [ALARM] icon continues flash until the cause of the alarm is cleared.


                                                                            1. OPERATION

1.28.2    Alarm description
                                    Alarm description
 Alarm type         Alarm message                           Meaning
COLLISION     TT DANGEROUS           CPA and TCPA of a TT is within a preset limit.
ALARM         AIS DANGEROUS          CPA and TCPA of an AIS target is within a preset
              DEPTH LIMIT            The depth measured by the depth sensor(s) is
                                     within a preset limit.
              TARGET ALARM           A target has entered (or exited) a target alarm zone.
SYSTEM        NO VIDEO               Loss of video signal.
ERROR         NO AZIMUTH             Loss of azimuth signal.
              NO HEADLINE            Loss of heading signal.
              CONTROL HEAD COMMUNI- No communication between control unit and UIP
              CATION ERROR           (Control unit may not be connected.)
              CPU TEMPERATURE        CPU has overheated.
              TUNE CONTROL           Radar tuning problem.
              FAN MOTOR              Fan motor has stopped.
SENSOR        NO GYRO                Loss of gyrocompass (heading) signal.
ERROR         NO LOG                 Loss of log (speed) signal.
              NO EPFS                No position data.
              NO ECHO SOUNDER        No depth data from echo sounder.
              NO WIND SENSOR         No wind data.
              SPEED                  No VTG signal.
              ROT                    Abnormal ROT signal.
              EPFS FRONT (AFT) ERROR GPS sensor is not received.
              ECHO SOUNDER FRONT     Depth data at front or aft sensor is not received.
              (AFT) ERROR
              AIS RECEIVE ERROR      No VRM or VDO sentences for 30 seconds (or the
                                     AIS function).
              AIS ACTIVATE 100%      The maximum number of AIS targets has been
OTHER         TUNE INITIALIZE        Tuning is being initialized.
WARNING       RD DATA ERROR          Data of SD card is corrupted.
              WR DATA ERROR          Data of SD card was not written correctly.
              SERVICE ENTRY          Service menu enabled (by serviceman).



1.28.3     Alarm summary
           When an alarm is generated the color of the [ALARM] icon (top of display) turns red.
           You can see what alarms have been generated in the [ALARM SUMMARY] menu.

           1. Right-click the [ALARM] icon to show the [ALARM] menu.

                 RIVER       RUDDER                         Right-             [ALARM]
                                                ALARM        click
                     1.2/ 0.2SM        ALARM     ACK                      1    BACK
                  HEAD-UP          HDG 123.4°                             2    ALARM SUMMARY
                                                                          3    ALARM LIST/HISTORY
                  OFFCENT    OFF
                  STBY        S

           2. Click the [ALARM SUMMARY]. Active alarms are shown in red.
              Red, flashing: Active and not acknowledged.
              Red, not flashing: Active and acknowledged.

                                         TRIG VIDEO AZ HL
                                         GYRO LOG EPFS ROT
                                    (at the bottom left corner on the screen)

              Alarm indication              Meaning                     Alarm indication         Meaning
             [TRIG]                    No trigger                      [GYRO]              No gyro
             [VIDEO]                   No video                        [LOG]               No log
             [AZ]                      No azimuth                      [EPFS]              No EPFS
             [HL]                      No heading                      [ROT]               No ROT (Rate of turn)

1.28.4     Alarm list/history
           The alarm list displays the names of violated alarms, including the time and date vio-
           lated. Unacknowledged alarms are displayed first in the list (in red text), in order from
           latest to earliest. When the cause of an alarm is removed, the alarm buzzer stops and
           the indication stops flashing. However, the alarm remains in the list until it is acknowl-
           edged. Acknowledged alarms which are rectified are moved to [Alarm History].

         [ALARM LIST]                                                   1/1

         ITEM                  TYPE              DATE/TIME

         ROT                   SENSOR ERROR      00:00:00 0000/00/00
         AIS RECEIVE ERROR     AIS WARNING       00:00:00 0000/00/00
                                                                                 Alarm list:
                                                                                 Shows active alarms and
                                                                                 unacknowledged alarms.

         [SW] icon                      Click [SW] icon to switch between
                                        alarm list and history.

         [ALARM HISTORY]                                                 1/1

         ITEM                  TYPE              DATE/TIME

         ROT                   SENSOR ERROR      00:00:00 0000/00/00             Alarm history:
         AIS RECEIVE ERROR     AIS WARNING       00:00:00 0000/00/00             Shows alarms that have been
                                                                                 rectified and acknowledged.


                                                                                 1. OPERATION

1.28.5   Depth alarm
         The depth alarm warns you when the depth is shallower than the preset depth value.
         To change the depth, follow the steps below.

         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [NAV DATA].
         2. Click [DEPTH].
         3. Click [DEPTH ALARM VALUE] then set the value by rotating the setting knob. The
            setting range is 0.00 to 9.99 m.
            Note: When the setting is 0.00, the alarm is not generated.
         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

1.28.6   ROT alarm
         The ROT graph displays ship's rate of turn (degrees/min) using the ROT signal fed
         from an ROT sensor. If the ROT data is lost, the indication "ROT ALARM" appears in
         [ALARM LIST] and the audio alarm sounds. To acknowledge loss of the ROT signal,
         click the [ALARM ACK] icon.

1.29     Docking Mode
         The docking mode provides;
         • Depth at the fore and aft
         • Speed and movement at the fore, midpoint and aft
         • Wind speed and direction

                                   Dual depth icon           Speed icon
                                   (Depth at fore and aft)   (Speed and
                                                             movement at fore,
                                                             midpoint and aft)
                 Wind icon
                 (Wind speed and          Front 10.4m
                 direction)                Aft 13.7m               3.5

                             10.4m/s                               km/h




1.29.1   How to activate the docking mode
         The docking mode can be shown in TX mode.

         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [DISPLAY].
         2. Click [DOCKING MODE].
         3. Click [ON] to display the docking icon at the minimum range among the available
            ranges. The docking icon [DOCK] is shown at the bottom left corner on the screen.

                 DOCKING MODE: [OFF]

                     MENU                              Docking icon is hidden.
                     BRL2-3       AZ1
                     ECHO GRN     AZ2      TT
                     B IN BLK     ALR1     ON      L

                 DOCKING MODE: [ON]

                     MENU         DOCK ON                MENU         DOCK OFF
                     BRL2-3       AZ1                    BRL2-3       AZ1
                     ECHO GRN     AZ2    TT              ECHO GRN     AZ2     TT
                     B IN BLK     ALR1   ON     L        B IN BLK     ALR1    ON    L
                   [DOCK ON]                           [DOCK OFF]
                   Docking information is shown.       Docking information is hidden.

         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

1.29.2   How to show or hide the docking information display
         You can show the docking information automatically at the following ranges. When
         you show the docking information, the radar display is shown at the minimum range.

         • [RIVER] mode: 0.125 SM to 0.25 SM
         • [SEA] mode: 0.125 NM to 0.25 NM, 0.125 SM to 0.25 SM, 0.125 km to 0.5 km,
           0.125 kyd to 0.5 kyd
         The docking information appears at the top of the radar screen. You can show or hide
         the information with the [DOCK] icon as shown below.

                 MENU         DOCK ON                         MENU          DOCK OFF
                 BRL2-3       AZ1               Click         BRL2-3        AZ1
                 ECHO GRN     AZ2    TT                       ECHO GRN      AZ2     TT
                 B IN BLK     ALR1   ON     L                 B IN BLK      ALR1    ON   L
                    Docking icon: [ON]                          Docking icon: [OFF]
                              (at the bottom right corner on the screen)

1.29.3   Wind speed and direction
         Wind speed and direction are provided with the dock-
         ing information display. Relative speed is indicated dig-
         itally and direction is shown with an arrow.
                                                                                     10.4 m/s
                                                                                 The wind of 10.4 m/s
                                                                                 coming from 45° (relative)


                                                                                   1. OPERATION

1.29.4    Depth data
          Depth at the fore and aft are shown with the docking information display. This feature
          requires fore and aft depth data.

          Note: Dual depth requires two transducers.
   Depth at fore         Front      10.4 m                                   4
    Depth at aft         Aft        13.7 m            3      2       1 min

                         [NUMERICAL] data display    [GRAPHICAL] data display
                                       Depth data example

          How to select the depth sensor
          1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [NAV DATA].
          2. Click [DEPTH].
          3. Click [DUAL SENSOR].
          4. Click the required sensor.
             [BOTH]: Both fore and aft depths.
             [FRONT]: Fore depth only.
             [AFT]: Aft depth only.

          Depth indications and orientation mode
          The stern mode shows aft depth on top.
               Head up mode                         Stern up mode

                   Front       123.5 ft              Aft         109.8 ft
                   Aft         109.8 ft              Front       123.5 ft
          Depth display format
          Depth can be shown digitally or in graph form.

          1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [NAV DATA].
          2. Click [DEPTH].
          3. Click [GRAPH TYPE].
                                                     1     BACK
          4. Click a required option.                2     GRAPH TYPE
             [NUMERICAL]: Displays the                     NUMERICAL /GRAPHICAL
             depth data digitally.                   3     DUAL SENSOR
                                                           BOTH /FRONT/AFT
             [GRAPHICAL]: Displays the               4     [DEPTH SCALE]
             depth data graphically.                 5     TIME SCALE
                                                           15sec/30sec /1min/3min
                                                     6     DEPTH ALARM VALUE
                                                           5. 00m



1.29.5   Depth graph
         You can see the depth data in graph format by setting [GRAPH TYPE] to [GRAPHI-
         CAL] (see step 3 in "Depth display format" on page 1-41). The depth graph shows the
         depth history with dots, not a line.

                 Depth at front                          0
                 sensor (white)                          4
                                                         12     Depth
                 Depth at aft
                 sensor (yellow)    3     2      1 min

                                          Past time
                                   Depth graph example

         How to set depth graph
         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [NAV DATA].
         2. Click [DEPTH].
         3. Click [DEPTH SCALE].                                     [DEPTH SCALE]
         4. Click [SCALE TYPE].                                  1   BACK
                                                                 2   SCALE TYPE
         5. Click the scale to use, [RIVER] or [SEA].                RIVER/SEA
                                                                 3   RIVER
         6. Click an appropriate option for the scale select-        4/10/40
            ed at step 5.                                        4   SEA
            [RIVER]: 4, 10, 40                                       10/20/50/100/200/500
            [SEA]: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500
         7. Click [BACK] to go back the [DEPTH] window.
         8. Click [TIME SCALE].
         9. Click the time scale (horizontal axis) for the depth graph, among 15 sec, 30 sec,
            1 min and 3 min.
         10. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

         How to select the depth sensor(s)
         The depth graph can show depth data from the front and/or aft. The front data is shown
         in white; aft data is yellow. See "Depth menu" on page 1-52 to select the depth sensor.

1.29.6   Speed and movement indications
         The docking mode provides speed and movement indications at the fore, midpoint and
         aft. This feature requires data from a GPS sensor or satellite compass.

         How to select the speed sensor
         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [NAV DATA].
         2. Click [PREDICTION].
         3. Click [OWN SHIP POSITION].
         4. Click a sensor.
            [DUAL-GPS]: Display fore-aft and port-starboard speeds, fed from GPS naviga-
            [SC]: The speed data from satellite compass.


                                                                                         1. OPERATION

       5. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

       Speed and movement indications and orientation mode
       The stern mode shows aft speed on top.

                           Head up mode                   Stern up mode
                              FRONT                            AFT
                                 7.4                            3.5
                                      kn                            kn

                                 5.7                            5.7
                                      kn                            kn

                                 3.5                            7.4
                                      kn                            kn
                                  AFT                        FRONT

1.30   How to Predict Own Ship’s Position
       You can predict ship’s position in the vector time selected. This function requires two
       GPS sensors and heading data. Some settings for own ship vector are required as

            Menu items                                   Settings                      Reference
        [OWN SHIP VECTOR]                  [COURSE]                                paragraph 1.37.4
        [VECTOR TIME]                      Set a time between 30 seconds to 6      paragraph 2.10.2
                                           Note: The shorter the time the more
                                           accurate the prediction. [30sec] or
                                           [1min] is recommended.

                       Prediction line
                       from GPS-1

                 GPS-1                          GPS-1                    GPS-1                  GPS-1

                    Prediction line
                    from GPS-2

                 GPS-2                          GPS-2                    GPS-2                  GPS-2

        Ship is running               Ship’s course is
                                                                Ship’s predicted position in a turn
        straight ahead                approx. 45°.



1.31     How to Program Function Keys (F1 and F2)
         You can program function keys (F1 and F2) to provide one-touch access to a required
         function. To activate a function, press the applicable function key, F1 or F2.
         The default settings for the F1 and F2 keys are [ORIENTATION MODE] and [DOCK-
         ING] respectively.

         How to program a function key
         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [CONFIGURATION].
         2. Click [FUNCTION KEY].
         3. Click the function key ([F1] or [F2]) to program.

                                     1   BACK
                                     2   [ECHO]
                                     3   [STD KEY]
                                     4   [TT•AIS]
                                     5   [OPERATION]
                                     6   [BRILL]
                                     7   [CUSTOM]

         4. Click the appropriate category. The options for each category are shown on the
            below and on the next page. Some items have multilevel options.
               • Options available in the [ECHO] menu

                    1    BACK
                    2    CUSTOM-MENU/              AUTO-STC/
                         FTC/                      AUTO-RAIN/
                         IR/                       TUNE SELECT/
                         ES/                       TRAIL DISPLAY/
                         EAV/                      TRAIL TIME/
                                                   TRAIL T/R/
                        AUTO-GAIN/                 WIPER

               • Options available in the [STD KEY] menu
                        [F1-STD KEY]
                    1    BACK
                    2    ALARM ACK/                VECTOR MODE/
                         EBL OFFSET/               TT-LIST/**
                         OPERATION MODE/           AIS-LIST/                  *: [RIVER] mode only
                         ORIENTATION-MODE/         BRILL-MENU/
                         CU-TM RESET/**            MARK/*                    **: [SEA] mode only
                         VECTOR TIME/              CAPTURE

               • Options available in the [TT.AIS] menu
                    1    BACK
                    2    TT-DISP/**
                         PAST POSN INTERVAL/
                         REF MARK/**
                         CPA LIMIT/
                         CPA/                          **: [SEA] mode only
                         AIS SCALED SYMBOL


                                                                    1. OPERATION

   • Options available in the [OPERATION] menu
         1   BACK
         2   ECHO COLOR/            MARK/LINE-ON/*
             MONITOR BRILL/         BARGE-ON/*
             PANEL DIMMER/          MAP ALIGN/*               *: [RIVER] mode only
             TRANSPARENCY/          MARK/LINE ALL DELETE/*   **: [SEA] mode only
             ALARM1/**              BARGE ALL DELETE*
             ECHO AREA/**

   • Options available in the [BRILL] menu
         1  BACK
         2  USER NAME 1         4   USER NAME 3
            BRL1-1/                 BRL3-1/
            BRL1-2/                 BRL3-2/
            BRL1-3/                 BRL3-3/
            BRL1-4                  BRL3-4
         3 USER NAME 2          5   USER NAME 4
            BRL2-1/                 BRL4-1/
            BRL2-2/                 BRL4-2/
            BRL2-3/                 BRL4-3/
            BRL2-4                  BRL4-4

   • The available function to program in the [CUSTOM] menu
         1   BACK
         2   USER NAME 1        4   USER NAME 3
             CUSTOM1-1/             CUSTOM3-1/
             CUSTOM1-2/             CUSTOM3-2/
             CUSTOM1-3/             CUSTOM3-3/
             CUSTOM1-4              CUSTOM3-4
         3   USER NAME 2        5   USER NAME 4
             CUSTOM2-1/             CUSTOM4-1/
             CUSTOM2-2/             CUSTOM4-2/
             CUSTOM2-3/             CUSTOM4-3/
             CUSTOM2-4              CUSTOM4-4

5. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.



1.32     Markers

1.32.1   [MARK] menu
         The [MARK] menu lets you:

         • Change the configuration of the own ship mark
         • Show or hide the stern mark
         • Set the reference point for the offset EBL
         • Activate VRM with the offset EBL
         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [MARK].

                        [MARK]                            [MARK]

                    1   BACK                          1   BACK
                    2   OWN SHIP MARK                 2   OWN SHIP MARK
                        MIN/RECTANGLE/                    MIN/RECTANGLE/
                        PENTAGON                          PENTAGON
                    3   STERN MARK                    3   STERN MARK
                        OFF/ON                            OFF/ON
                                                      4   EBL OFFSET BASE
                                                          STAB GND/STAB HDG/
                                                          STAB NORTH
                                                      5   VRM SYNC OFFSET EBL

                   [MARK] menu ([RIVER] mode)         [MARK] menu ([SEA] mode)
         2. Click the item.
          [OWN SHIP MARK]                Select the shape of own ship mark.
          [STERN MARK]                   Select on/off the stern mark display.
          [EBL OFFSET BASE]              See paragraph 1.20.3.
          ([SEA] mode only)
          [VRM SYNC OFFSET EBL]          Turn this feature on to automatically activate applicable
          ([SEA] mode only)              VRM when using an offset EBL.
         3. Click the required option.
         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

1.32.2   Heading line
         The heading line indicates the ship's heading in all orientation modes. The heading
         line is a line from the own ship position to the outer edge of the radar display area and
         appears at zero degrees on the bearing scale in head-up mode. It changes its orien-
         tation depending on the ship orientation in north-up and true motion modes.

         How to hide the heading line temporarily
         To temporarily hide the heading line to look at targets existing dead ahead of own ship,
         press the HL OFF key on the control unit. Release the key to redisplay the heading
         line, etc.


                                                                                1. OPERATION

1.32.3   Stern mark
         The stern marker, which is a dot-and-dash line, appears opposite to the heading line.
         To display or erase this marker do the following:

         1. Open the [MARK] menu, click [STERN MARK].
         2. Click [OFF] or [ON] as appropriate.
         3. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

1.32.4   North mark
         The north mark appears as a short dashed line. The north mark moves around the
         bearing scale in accordance with the compass signal in the head-up, head-up (TB) or
         stern-up mode.

                                        North mark

                     Head-up mode,                       North-up mode
                    Head-up (TB) mode

         Note: It is not possible to delete the north mark. The north mark is always indicated
         while heading data is input.

1.32.5   Own ship mark
         The own ship symbol marks own position on the display. The symbol is selected from
         the [MARK] menu.

         1. Open the [MARK] menu, click [OWN SHIP MARK].
         2. Click the own ship mark shape to use.
                                                     Own ship              Own ship
                            Own ship

                   [MIN]               [RECTANGLE]              [PENTAGON]
         3. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.



1.32.6   Barge mark
         You may mark the locations of barges on the display with barge mark. This function is
         available for [RIVER] mode only.

                                                      Barge mark

                                                                  Own ship

         The barge mark is a set of rectangles drawn to indicate the outline of barges. You can
         create a max. total of 10 barge marks. There are four icons for the barge mark as fol-
                                                                Barge display icon
                                                                 [ON]: Shows the barge mark(s)
                 [BARGE] icon                                           on the [BARGE] icon.
                                        BARG ON                 [OFF]: Hides the barge mark(s)
                                          2 WH                         shown on the [BARGE]
                                        MAR ON                         icon.
                                             CY        DOCK
                 Barge number icon
                                        ECH GRN                  Barge color icon
                          (1 to 10)     B IN BLK                 (GRN, BLU, YEL, CYA, MAG, WHT)
                             (at the bottom left corner on the screen)

         How to show a barge mark on the screen
         1. Click the barge number icon then rotate the setting knob to select the barge num-
            ber (1 to 10).

                                          BARGE ON
                                              2 WHT
                                          MARK ON
                                                  CYA        DOCK OFF
                                           ECHO GRN
                                           B IN BLK
         2. Click the barge display icon to show or hide.
                         MENU                                            MENU
                    BARGE ON                                     BARGE OFF
                        2 WHT                                        2 WHT
                     MARK ON                         Click        MARK ON
                            CYA DOCK OFF                                 CYA DOCK OFF
                     BRL2-3                                       BRL2-3
                     ECHO GRN                                     ECHO GRN
                     B IN BLK                                     B IN BLK
                   Barge display icon: [ON]                    Barge display icon: [OFF]


                                                                                             1. OPERATION

How to create a barge mark on the screen
1. Click the barge number icon then rotate the setting knob to select the barge num-
   ber (1 to 10).

                                     BARGE ON
                                         2 WHT
                                     MARK ON
                                             CYA     DOCK OFF
                                      ECHO GRN
                                      B IN BLK
2. Click the [BARGE] icon to enable creation of the barge mark. The cursor shape
   changes from an arrow to a cross mark.

           BARGE ON
              2 WHT                         Click
           MARK ON
                  CYA       DOCK OFF                                         The arrow changes
           BRL2-3                                                            to the cross mark.
           ECHO GRN
           B IN BLK

3. Click the start point (X-axis and Y-axis) of the barge mark.

                                                    X= 0ft
                                                    Y= 0ft

4. Select the 2nd point of the barge mark. As you drag the cursor, the width of the X-
   axis and Y-axis are displayed and the barge mark is drawn with a dashed line.
                         1st point                                            1st point

                X= 0ft
                Y= 0ft
                                      Click the 2nd point.
                                                                                             2nd point

                                                                                 X= 5ft
                                                                                 Y= 20ft

       1st point of the barge mark                           The barge mark is completed.
        (Barge mark size:                                     (Barge mark size:
         wide(X)= 0 ft, length (Y)= 0 ft)                      wide(X)= 5 ft, length (Y)= 20 ft)

5. Click the 2nd point to complete the barge mark. The mark changes to a rectangle
   with the solid line.



         How to create a barge mark from the [BARGE ICON] menu
         1. Right-click the any icon of barge mark to show the [BARGE NUMBER] menu.

                                                             [BARGE NUMBER 2]
                                                           1  BACK
                    BARGE ON          Click any icon       2  POSITION BY X
                       2 WHT                                  X = +0000ft
                                                           3 POSITION BY Y
                    MARK ON         - BARGE icon              Y = +0000ft
                           CYA   DO - Barge number icon    4 SIZE BY X
                    BRL2-3          - Barge display icon      X = 0010ft
                                                           5 SIZE BY Y
                    ECHO GRN        - Barge color icon        Y = 0020ft
                    B IN BLK

         2. Click [POSITION BY X].
         3. Set start point in X-axis for drawing the barge mark with the left and right buttons.
         4. Click [POSITION BY Y].
         5. Set start point in Y-axis for drawing the barge mark with the left and right buttons.
         6. Click [SIZE BY X].
         7. Set the width of the barge mark with the left and right buttons.
         8. Click [SIZE BY Y].
         9. Set the length of the barge mark with the left and right buttons.

         How to edit a barge mark on the screen
         If the barge mark is currently displayed, go to step 3.

         1. Select the barge number icon to show the barge number to edit. Also, you can se-
            lect the barge mark directly by putting the cursor on the line of the barge mark (In
            this case, go to step 3).
         2. Set [ON] at the display icon to display the barge mark to edit. The selected barge
            mark turns red.
         3. Right-click the barge mark.
         4. Click the required action and its option.              1  BACK
            [COLOR]: Change the color of the barge mark.           2  COLOR
            [MOVE]: Drag and drop the barge mark by the               MAG/WHT
            touch pad.                                             3 MOVE
                                                                   4 DELETE
            [DELETE]: Delete the barge mark.                          NO/YES


                                                                                       1. OPERATION

         How to delete barge marks by color
         1. Open [MAIN MENU], click [RADAR MAP].
                                                                         [RADAR MAP]
                                                                       1  BACK
                                                                       2  MAP ALIGN
                                                                       3 [MARK/LINE INFO]
                                                                       4 [DATA DELETE]

         2. Click [DATA DELETE].
                                                                            [DATA DELETE]
                                                                       1     BACK
                                                                       2     [MARK/LINE DELETE]
                                                                       3     [BARGE DELETE]

         3. Click [BARGE DELETE].
                                                                          [BARGE DELETE]
                                                                        1  BACK
                                                                        2  COLOR
                                                                        3 BARGE ALL DELETE
         4. Click [COLOR].
         5. Click the barge color to delete.
         6. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

         How to delete all barge marks
         1. Do the procedure from step 1 to step 3 in "How to delete barge marks by color" on
            page 1-51.
         2. Click [BARGE ALL DELETE].
         3. Click [YES].
         4. Click outside the menu window to close the menu.

1.33     NAV Data
         The following navigation data may be set up on the menu.

          - Speed                       - Depth                         - Own ship position
          - Time to the cursor position - Wind                          - Date
          - ROT graph                   - Rudder graph                  - AUTOPILOT graph

1.33.1   How to show ship’s position or speed and depth alternately
         At the top right corner on the screen, click the icon below to switch between “Speed
         and Depth” and “Own ship position”.

                           ±300 °/min                                   ±300 °/min
                           ±180 °                                       ±180 °
           CAPT SPD BT GPS-F►     44. 6km/h     Click    CAPT OS POSN N      0° 00. 219°
                DPT AFT     ►      3. 2m                              E      0° 00. 397°     ►
                 CURSOR TTG       18m20s                       CURSOR TTG      18m20s
                             6.34NM / 300.3°R                           6.34NM / 300.3°R
                                01-sep-2012 ►                                   WIND
                                    UTC 12:34                                      2. 4m/s

                “speed” and “depth”                         “latitude and longitude”
                                                               (own ship position)



               Speed menu
               Right-click the speed icon ([SPD]) to show [SPEED MENU].
                                                                       [SPEED MENU]
                                 ±300 °/min               Right-   1   BACK
                                 ±180 °                            2   SELECT DUAL SENSOR          6   MANUAL SPEED
                 CAPT SPD BT GPS-F►     44. 6km/h          click       FRONT/AFT                         0. 0kn
                      DPT AFT     ►      3. 2m                     3   SHIP SPEED                  7   SET DRIFT
                                                                       SOG/STW                         OFF/ON
                       CURSOR TTG       18m20s                     4   GROUND SPEED SOURCE         8   SET CURRENT CRS
                                  6.34NM / 300.3°R                     GPS/REF/LOG(BT)                   0. 0deg
                                                                   5   WATER SPEED SOURCE          9   SET CURRENT SPD
                                     01-sep-2012 ►                     LOG(WT)/MANUAL                  0. 0kn
                                        UTC 12:34

                 Speed icon

               • [SELECT DUAL SENSOR]: Select the sensor data, [FRONT] or [AFT].
               • [SHIP SPEED]: Select the speed indication format, [SOG] (speed over ground) or
                 [STW] (speed towards water).
               • [GROUND SPEED SOURCE]: Select the input source for SOG.
               • [WATER SPEED SOURCE]: Select the input source for STW.
               • [MANUAL SPEED]: Input the speed manually.
               • [SET DRIFT]: Turn on or off drift.
               • [SET CURRENT CRS]: Set the direction of the tide.
               • [SET CURRENT SPD]: Set the speed of the tide.

               Depth menu
               Right-click the depth icon ([DPT]) to show [DEPTH MENU].
                                     ±300 °/min              Right-
       Depth                         ±180 °
       icon          CAPT SPD BT GPS-F►     44. 6km/h         click          [DEPTH MENU]
                          DPT AFT     ►      3. 2m                       1    BACK
                                                                         2    SELECT DUAL SENSOR
                           CURSOR TTG       18m20s                            FRONT/AFT
                                       6.34NM / 300.3°R
                                          01-sep-2012 ►
                                             UTC 12:34

               Click [SELECT DUAL SENSOR]. Then, click the depth sensor to use to show depth
               data, [FRONT] or [AFT].

               Own ship position menu
                                     ±180º                                   [OWN SHIP POSITION MENU]
                      CAPT OS POSN N        0° 00. 219°   Right-        1    BACK
                                   E        0° 00. 397° ►               2    NAV AID
                            CURSOR TTG      18m20s                           GPS /DEAD RECKON
                                                                        3    MANUAL L/L
                                     6.34NM / 300.3°R                         00˚00.000 N
                                            WIND                             000˚00.000 E
                                                2. 4m/s

                   Own ship position icon

               Right-click the own ship position icon to show [OWN SHIP POSITION MENU].

               • [NAV AID]: Click the source of ship position data, [GPS] or [DEAD RECKON] (dead
               • [MANUAL L/L]: For [DEAD RECKON], enter the latitude and longitude, using the
                 software keyboard.


Document Created: 2019-03-28 03:36:34
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 03:36:34

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