Operators Manual Cooking Hints and Precautions


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                                        Exhibit 7 & 8                                                ACLAP4XO1

       Follow These Safety Precautions When Cooking in Your Oven

 =«    1) HOME CANNING / DRYING FOODS / SMALL                    3) DEEP FAT FRYING
          QUaANTITIES OF FOODS                                    * Do not attempt to deep fat fry in your microwave
 w      * Do not use your                                           oven. Oil can be heated beyond ideal
 L        combination oven for                                      temperatures very quickly in a microwave oven.
  =       home canning or the                                       Temperatures can climb high enough for the
O         heating of any closed                                     cooking oils to reach their respective flash points
 d        jar. Pressure will build                                  and burst into flames.
          up and the jar may                                        The heated oil may
 y        explode. In addition, the                                 bubble and spatter
t         combination oven                                          causing possible
          cannot maintain the                                       damage to the oven
          food at the proper                                        and perhaps resulting
          canning temperature. Improperly canned food               in burns. Additionally,
          may spoil and be dangerous to consume.                    microwave—safe utensils
                                                                    may not be able to
        * Small quantities of food or foods with low                withstand the temperature of the hot oil, and
          moisture content can dry out, burn on catch on            could result in the utensil shattering if it contains
          fire. If a fire occurs, turn oven off and leave oven      even a slight imperfection, scratch or chip.
          door closed. Disconnect the power cord or shut
          off power at the fuse or circuit breaker panel.
                                                                 4) Eaas
        * Do not dry meats, herbs, fruits or vegetables in
          your oven.                                              * Do not heat eggs in
                                                                    their shell in a
        IMPORTANT                                                   microwave oven.
        Proper cooking depends on time set and                      Pressure will build
        weight of food. If you use a smaller portion                up and the eggs will
        than recommended and cook at the time for                   explode.
        the recommended portion, fire can result.
        If a fire occurs, turn oven off and leave oven
        door closed. Disconnect the power cord or                5) FOODS WITH NONPOROUS SKINS
        shut off power at the fuse or circuit breaker             * Potatoes, apples,
        panel.                                                      egg yolks, whole
                                                                    squash and
       2) POPCORN                                                   sausages are
                                                                    examples of foods
        Popcorn must be popped in a microwave oven                  with nonporous
        corn popper. Microwave popcorn which pops in its            skins. This type of
        own package is also available. Follow popcorn               food must be
        manufacturers‘ directions and use a brand                   pierced before
        suitable for the wattage of your combination oven.          cooking, to prevent their bursting.
        Never leave oven unattended when popping
                                                                 6) LIQUuIDS
        CAUTION:                                                  * Heated liquids can erupt if not mixed with air. Do
        When using pre—packaged microwave                           not heat liquids in your microwave oven without
        popcorn, follow recommended package                         first stirring.
        Check package weight before using the
        popcorn pad. Set the oven for the weight of
        the popcorn package. (see page 22)
        If these instructions are not followed, the
        popcorn may not pop adequately or may
        ignite and cause a fire.

Document Created: 2019-10-10 05:59:57
Document Modified: 2019-10-10 05:59:57

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