RF Exposure Info._20170814_v1 - 3_11899001 3422914_SAR_Exclusion

FCC ID: A94422914

RF Exposure Info

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                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                             SAR Exclusion Calculation
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94422914 IC: 3232A-422914

                              Test Type: SAR Test Exclusion

                        Product Type: Wireless Speaker

      Product Name/Number: Model Number: 422914
                           FCC ID: A94422914
                           IC: 3232A-422914

                        Prepared For: Design Assurance Engineering Department,
                                      Bose Corporation

                                  Results: SAR test exempt

         Applicable Standards: FCC CFR 2.1093 SAR Exclusion Calculation
                               Industry Canada RSS-102

                    Report Number: EMC.422914.17.219.1

                                          Print Name                               Signature    Date

                     Prepared By:         Bryan Cerqua                                          August 7, 2017

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                             Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                   BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.422914.17.219.1                                                                                 Page 1 of 8

                                                            DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                                        SAR Exclusion Calculation
     Certificate # 1514.1                                  FCC ID: A94422914 IC: 3232A-422914

                                                                              Table of Contents

1.   Minimum distance declaration ................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.   Maximum EIRP.......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.   Duty cycle .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.   FCC ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.   Industry Canada ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8

 Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                                                                        Form FL300959 Rev 04
 Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                                                              BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
 Without written permission of laboratory, this report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 Report Number: EMC.422914.17.219.1                                                                                                                                                  Page 2 of 8

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                             SAR Exclusion Calculation
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94422914 IC: 3232A-422914

   1. Minimum distance declaration

     Separation distance between EUT and closest part of the body is =< 5mm

                                        Minimum declared separation distance ~ 5 mm, d = 5 mm

                      PCB etch antenna

            5 mm

                                                Inside view showing PCB etch antenna (Antenna gain is 1.84 dBi)

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                       Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                             BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.422914.17.219.1                                                                                           Page 3 of 8

                                                     DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                              SAR Exclusion Calculation
    Certificate # 1514.1                             FCC ID: A94422914 IC: 3232A-422914

   2. Maximum EIRP

         The maximum conducted output power is shown below for Bluetooth (BT) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

         Data taken for FCC & IC reports: Bose_Model_422914_BT_Report_Rev1.pdf

         It is not possible to have BT and BLE transmit at the same time.

                                                          Bluetooth conducted output power
                                                              Output Power Summary Table (Basic Rate: 1 Mbps)
                                                                             Output    Directional
                                                      Frequency                                         Limit    Margin
                                           Channel                  Mode     Power        Gain                            Result
                                                        (MHz)                                            (dB)     (dB)
                                                                              (dBm)       (dBi)
                                            Low          2402        DH5       5.81        1.84           30      24.19    Pass
                                           Middle        2441        DH5       6.96        1.84           30      23.04    Pass
                                            High         2480        DH5       7.79        1.84           30      22.21    Pass

                                                           Output Power Summary Table (Enhanced Rate: 2 Mbps)
                                                                           Output     Directional
                                                      Frequency                                       Limit      Margin
                                           Channel                 Mode     Power        Gain                             Result
                                                        (MHz)                                          (dB)       (dB)
                                                                            (dBm)        (dBi)
                                            Low         2402       2-DH5     4.59         1.84          30        25.41    Pass
                                           Middle       2441       2-DH5     6.29         1.84          30        23.71    Pass
                                            High        2480       2-DH5     7.25         1.84          30        22.75    Pass

                                                           Output Power Summary Table (Enhanced Rate: 3 Mbps)
                                                                           Output     Directional
                                                      Frequency                                       Limit      Margin
                                           Channel                 Mode     Power        Gain                             Result
                                                        (MHz)                                          (dB)       (dB)
                                                                            (dBm)        (dBi)
                                            Low         2402       3-DH5     4.92         1.84          30        25.08    Pass
                                           Middle       2441       3-DH5     6.46         1.84          30        23.54    Pass
                                            High        2480       3-DH5     7.40         1.84          30        22.60    Pass

                                                 Bluetooth Low Energy conducted output power
                                                                 Output Power Summary Table (BLE)
                                                                    Output     Directional
                                                       Frequency                             Limit              Margin
                                           Channel                   Power        Gain                                    Result
                                                         (MHz)                                (dB)               (dB)
                                                                     (dBm)        (dBi)
                                            Low           2402        5.82          0          30               24.18     Pass
                                           Middle         2440        6.92          0          30               23.08     Pass
                                            High          2480        7.80          0          30               22.20     Pass

         Maximum power for Bluetooth is 7.79 dBm (Basic rate: 1 Mbps); rounding up to 7.8 dBm
         Maximum power for Bluetooth low energy is 7.8 dBm.

         17 units were screen for power variation, worst case spread including tune up tolerance was 1.17 dB

         Antenna gain: 1.84 dBi

         Maximum EIRP = 7.8 + 1.17 + 1.84 = 10.8 dBm (12 mW)

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                                                        Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                                              BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.422914.17.219.1                                                                                                            Page 4 of 8

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                             SAR Exclusion Calculation
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94422914 IC: 3232A-422914

   3. Duty cycle

        Duty cycle measurements were made while operating in normal Bluetooth mode as well as operating in Bluetooth Low
        Energy mode.

        EUT paired with iPod playing music. (Bluetooth mode)

                                               Measured duty cycle 2.9 % (100mS capture window)

     Duty cycle while operating in Bluetooth Low energy mode.
                                               Measured duty cycle 0.44% (500mS capture window)

     Worst case duty cycle is when operating in normal Bluetooth mode; 2.9 % rounding up to 3%

     Note: Duty cycles obtained when using BlueTest3 don’t represent normal operating type duty cycle.

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                              Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                                    BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.422914.17.219.1                                                                                  Page 5 of 8

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                             SAR Exclusion Calculation
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94422914 IC: 3232A-422914

   4. FCC

    Reference KDB 447498: D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06, October 23, 2015

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                     Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                           BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.422914.17.219.1                                                                         Page 6 of 8

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                             SAR Exclusion Calculation
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94422914 IC: 3232A-422914

    SAR test exclusion calculation:

    Bluetooth normal operation: (A2DP mode):

    Separation distance between EUT antenna and human body = 5mm

    Maximum EIRP = 10.8 dBm (12 mW)

    Duty Cycle = 3 %

    EIRP (dBm) duty cycle corrected = 10.8 – 10*Log(1/0.03) = 10.8 – 15.2 = -4.4 dBm (0.36 mW)

    (Max ERIP (mW)) / (Separation distance (mm)) * √f(GHz) < = 3.0

    (0.36 / 5 ) * √f(2.48) = 0.11 < 3.0 SAR test exempt.

    If BlueTest3 where used to transmit DH5 packet with maximum payload:

    (FYI, test mode only, not typical of normal operation)

    Duty cycle = 78 %

    EIRP (dBm) duty cycle corrected = 10.8 – 10*Log(1/0.78) = 10.8 – 1.08 = 9.72 dBm (9.37 mW)

    (Max ERIP (mW)) / (Separation distance (mm)) * √f(GHz) < = 3.0

    (9.37 / 5 ) * √f(2.48) = 2.95 < 3.0 SAR test exempt.

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                      Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                            BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.422914.17.219.1                                                                          Page 7 of 8

                                                   DESIGN ASSURANCE ENGINEERING
                                                             SAR Exclusion Calculation
    Certificate # 1514.1                          FCC ID: A94422914 IC: 3232A-422914

   5. Industry Canada

    Reference: RSS-102 Issue 5

    Factoring in real use duty cycle (3%), the maximum EIRP = -4.4 dB (0.36mW) see page 7.

    0.36 mW is less than the 4 mW limit, therefore the EUT qualifies for SAR test exclusion.

Bose Corporation, 1 New York Ave, Framingham, MA 01701, USA                                     Form FL300959 Rev 04
Tel: (508) 766-6000 Fax: (508) 766-1145                                                           BOSE CONFIDENTIAL
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Report Number: EMC.422914.17.219.1                                                                         Page 8 of 8

Document Created: 2017-08-07 14:44:11
Document Modified: 2017-08-07 14:44:11

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