Test report


Test Report

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                                                 TEST REPORT
Report No. ....................................... :     CHTEW19070106                 Report verification :

Project No. ……………………..……. :                              SHT1906058201EW
FCC ID ............................................. :   2AOSL-M236

Applicant’s name ........................... :           Bonso Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

                                                         10/F,FuYong Property Comprehensive Building,Baoan District
Address ............................................ :
                                                         ShenZhen City,Guangdong,China

Manufacturer.....................................:       Bonso Advanced Technology (XinXing) Co., Ltd

                                                         Xincheng High-Tech Industrial Estate,Xinxing,Yunfu

Test item description ..................... :            Remote-control Barking Arrester For Dog Training

Trade Mark ....................................... :     MODUS

Model/Type reference ...................... :            M-236T

Listed Model(s) ................................. :      -
                                                         FCC CFR Title 47 Part 2
Standard .......................................... :
                                                         FCC CFR Title 47 Part 95C

Date of receipt of test sample……...:                     Jun.28, 2019

Date of testing……………..…………:                              Jun.28, 2019- Jul.19, 2019

Date of issue…………….…………...:                              Jul.22, 2019

Result ................. …………………...:                     PASS

Compiled by
( position+printed name+signature) . :                   File administrators Fanghui Zhu

Supervised by
( position+printed name+signature) . :                   Project Engineer Tom Ouyang

Approved by
( position+printed name+signature) . :                   RF Manager Hans Hu

Testing Laboratory Name .............. :                 Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.

Address ............................................ :   1/F, Bldg 3, Hongfa Hi-tech Industrial Park, Genyu Road,
                                                         Tianliao, Gongming, Shenzhen, China

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as the
Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. is acknowledged as copyright owner and source
of the material. Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. takes no responsibility for and will
not assume liability for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced material due
to its placement and context.
The test report merely correspond to the test sample.

                                                                Page: 1 of 29

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1        TEST ST AND ARDS AND R EPORT VERSION                                                         3

1.1.    Test Standards                                                                            3
1.2.    Report revised information                                                                3

2        TEST DESCRIPTION                                                                             4

3        SUMM ARY                                                                                     5

3.1     Client Information                                                                        5
3.2     Product Description                                                                       5
3.3     Test frequency list                                                                       6
3.4     Operation mode                                                                            6
3.5     EUT configuration                                                                         7

4        TEST ENVIRONMENT                                                                             8

4.1     Address of the test laboratory                                                            8
4.2     Test Facility                                                                             8
4.3     Environmental conditions                                                                  9
4.4     Statement of the measurement uncertainty                                                  9
4.5     Equipments Used during the Test                                                           10

5        TEST CONDITIONS AND RESULTS                                                                12

5.1     Effective Radiated Power(ERP)                                                             12
5.2     99% Occupied Bandwidth                                                                    14
5.3     Emission Mask                                                                             16
5.4     Frequency stability VS Temperature                                                        18
5.5     Frequency stability VS Voltage                                                            20
5.6     Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emission                                                    22

6        TEST SETUP PHOTOS OF THE EUT                                                               25

7        EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL PHOTOS OF THE EUT                                                    26

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1.1. Test Standards
The tests were performed according to following standards:
FCC Rules Part 2: Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters; General rules and regulations
FCC Rules Part 95C: Radio Control Radio Service
ANSI C63.4-2014: American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from
Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz

1.2. Report revised information
      Revised No.                Date of issued                         Description
          N/A                     2019-07-22                             Original

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              Test Item                  Section in CFR 47              Result             Test Engineer

                                            Part 95.767
Carrier Output Power(ERP)                                               Pass                  Pan Xie
                                           Part 2.1046(a)
                                             Part 95.773
99% Occupied Bandwidth                                                  Pass                  Pan Xie
                                             Part 2.1049
                                       Part 95.779(a)(1)(2)(3)
Emission Mask                                                           Pass                  Pan Xie
                                             Part 2.1049
Frequency Stability V.S.                     Part 95.765
                                                                        Pass                  Pan Xie
Temperature                                  Part 2.1055
                                             Part 95.765
Frequency Stability V.S. Voltage                                        Pass                  Pan Xie
                                             Part 2.1055
Transmit Radiated Spurious                Part 95.779(a)(3)
                                                                        Pass                  Pan Xie
Emission                                    Part 2.1053

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3.1 Client Information
Applicant:                      Bonso Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

                                10/F,FuYong Property Comprehensive Building,Baoan District ShenZhen

Manufacturer:                   Bonso Advanced Technology (XinXing) Co., Ltd
Address:                        Xincheng High-Tech Industrial Estate,Xinxing,Yunfu City,Guangdong,China

3.2 Product Description
Name of EUT:                    Remote-control Barking Arrester For Dog Training

Trade mark:                     MODUS

Model/Type reference:           M-236T

Listed model(s):                -

Power supply:                   DC3.70V

Hardware version:               R0D1

Software version:               D1

RF Specification

Support Frequency Range:        27.145MHz

Rated Output Power:             0.13W(21dBm)

Modulation Type:                FM

Antenna Type:                   Integral

Antenna Gain:                   1.0dBi

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3.3 Test frequency list
According to ANSI C63.26 section
Measurements of transmitters shall be performed and, if required, reported for each frequency band in
which the EUT can be operated with the device transmitting at the number of frequencies in each band
specified in Table 2.

                      Frequency Bands                                Test                Test Frequency
                           (MHz)                                    Channel                   (MHz)
                           26-28                                       CHM                     27.145

3.4 Operation mode
       Test mode                   Transmitting                 Receiving                      FRS

              TX                        
           RX                                                      
Note:  is operation mode.

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3.5 EUT configuration
The following peripheral devices and interface cables were connected during the measurement:
● - supplied by the manufacturer
○ - supplied by the lab
●                                              Length (m) :       /
                                               Shield :           /
                                               Detachable :       /
○                                              Manufacturer :     /
                                               Model No. :        /

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4.1 Address of the test laboratory
Laboratory: Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.
Address: 1/F, Bldg 3, Hongfa Hi-tech Industrial Park, Genyu Road, Tianliao, Gongming, Shenzhen, China
4.2 Test Facility
The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

CNAS-Lab Code: L1225

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been assessed and proved to be in compliance
with CNAS-CL01 Accreditation Criteria for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (identical to ISO/IEC17025:
2005 General Requirements) for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

A2LA-Lab Cert. No. 3902.01

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been accredited by A2LA for
technical competence in the field of electrical testing, and proved to be in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:
2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories and any additional
program requirements in the identified field of testing.

FCC-Registration No.: 762235

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully
described in a report filed with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). The acceptance letter from
the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration 762235.

IC-Registration No.: 5377A

Two 3m Alternate Test Site of Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been registered by
Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for the performance of radiated measurements with
Registration No. 5377A.


Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory can also perform testing for the
Australian C-Tick mark as a result of our A2LA accreditation.

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4.3 Environmental conditions
                                         Atmospheric Contions

                   Temperature:                                           21℃ to 25℃
                 Relative Humidity:                                      20 % to 75 %.
              Atmospheric Pressure:                                 860 mbar to 1060 mbar
              Norminal Test Voltage:                                     VN = DC 3.70V
          Extrem Test Voltage @115%VN:                                   VH = DC 4.26V
          Extrem Test Voltage @85%VN:                                    VL = DC 3.15V

4.4 Statement of the measurement uncertainty
The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. The reader is cautioned that there
may be errors within the calibration limits of the equipment and facilities. The measurement uncertainty was
calculated for all measurements listed in this test report acc. to CISPR 16 - 4 „Specification for radio
disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 4: Uncertainty in EMC
Measurements“ and is documented in the Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd quality
system acc. to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Furthermore, component and process variability of devices similar to
that tested may result in additional deviation. The manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued
compliance of the device.

Hereafter the best measurement capability for Shenzhen Huatongwei laboratory is reported:

Test Items                                                 Measurement Uncertainty             Notes
                                                           15Hz for <1GHz
Frequency stability & Occupied Bandwidth                                                       (1)
                                                           70Hz for >1GHz
Conducted Output Power                                     0.51dB                              (1)
                                                           2.66dB for <1GHz
ERP / EIRP / RSE                                                                               (1)
                                                           3.44dB for >1GHz
Conducted Emission 9KHz-30MHz                              3.02dB                              (1)
Radiated Emission 30~1000MHz                               4.90dB                              (1)
Radiated Emission 1~18GHz                                  4.96dB                              (1)
(1)   This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence
      level using a coverage factor of k=1.96.

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4.5 Equipments Used during the Test
●      Conducted Emission
                                                                                     Last Cal. Date   Next Cal. Date
Used      Test Equipment       Manufacturer           Model No.         Serial No.
                                                                                     (YY-MM-DD)        (YY-MM-DD)

 ●     Shielded Room         Albatross projects             N/A            N/A        2018/09/28       2023/09/27

 ●     EMI Test Receiver           R&S                     ESCI          101247       2018/10/27       2019/10/26

 ●     Artificial Mains      SCHWARZBECK              NNLK 8121            573        2018/10/27       2019/10/26

 ●     Pulse Limiter               R&S                 ESH3-Z2           100499       2018/10/27       2019/10/26

 ●     RF Connection Cable   HUBER+SUHNER                 EF400            N/A        2018/11/15       2019/11/14

 ●     Test Software               R&S                    ES-K1            N/A            N/A              N/A
       Single Balanced
 ○                                 FCC             FCC-TLISN-T2-02       20371        2018/10/28       2019/10/27
       Telecom Pair ISN
       Two Balanced
 ○                                 FCC             FCC-TLISN-T4-02       20373        2018/10/28       2019/10/27
       Telecom Pairs ISN
       Four Balanced
 ○                                 FCC             FCC-TLISN-T8-02       20375        2018/10/28       2019/10/27
       Telecom Pairs ISN
 ○     V-Network                   R&S                 ESH3-Z6           100211       2018/10/27       2019/10/26

 ○     V-Network                   R&S                 ESH3-Z6           100210       2018/10/27       2019/10/26

 ○     2-Line V-Network            R&S                 ESH3-Z5           100049       2018/10/27       2019/10/26

 ●     Radiated Emission-6th test site
                                                                                     Last Cal. Date   Next Cal. Date
Used      Test Equipment       Manufacturer           Model No.         Serial No.
                                                                                     (YY-MM-DD)        (YY-MM-DD)
 ●                           Albatross projects       SAC-3m-02            N/A        2018/09/30       2021/09/29
 ●     EMI Test Receiver           R&S                     ESCI          100900       2018/10/28       2019/10/27

 ●     Loop Antenna                R&S                 HFH2-Z2           100020       2017/11/20       2020/11/19
 ●                           SCHWARZBECK              VULB9163             546        2017/04/05       2020/04/04
 ●     Pre-Amplifer          SCHWARZBECK              BBV 9742             N/A        2018/11/15       2019/11/14

 ●     RF Connection Cable   HUBER+SUHNER                   N/A            N/A        2018/09/28       2019/09/27
 ●     RF Connection Cable   HUBER+SUHNER           SUCOFLEX104         501184/4      2018/09/28       2019/09/27
 ●     Test Software               R&S                    ES-K1            N/A            N/A              N/A

 ●     Turntable             Maturo Germany            TT2.0-1T            N/A            N/A              N/A

 ●     Antenna Mast          Maturo Germany          CAM-4.0-P-12          N/A            N/A              N/A

 ●     Radiated emission-7th test site
                                                                                     Last Cal. Date   Next Cal. Date
Used      Test Equipment       Manufacturer           Model No.         Serial No.
                                                                                     (YY-MM-DD)        (YY-MM-DD)
 ●                           Albatross projects       SAC-3m-01            N/A        2018/09/30       2021/09/29
 ●     Spectrum Analyzer           R&S                    FSP40          100597       2018/10/27       2019/10/26

 ●     Horn Antenna          SCHWARZBECK                  9120D           1011        2017/03/27       2020/03/26

 ●     Pre-amplifier              BONN              BLWA0160-2M         1811887       2018/11/14       2019/11/13

 ●     Pre-amplifier                CD                PAP-0102           12004        2018/11/14       2019/11/13
       Broadband Pre-
 ●                           SCHWARZBECK              BBV 9718          9718-248      2019/04/26       2020/04/25
 ●     RF Connection Cable   HUBER+SUHNER                 RE-7-FH          N/A        2018/11/15       2019/11/14

 ●     RF Connection Cable   HUBER+SUHNER                 RE-7-FL          N/A        2018/11/15       2019/11/14

 ●     Test Software               Audix                    E3             N/A            N/A              N/A

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 ●     Turntable             Maturo Germany        TT2.0-1T            N/A            N/A              N/A

 ●     Antenna Mast          Maturo Germany      CAM-4.0-P-12          N/A            N/A              N/A

 ●     RF Conducted Method
                                                                                 Last Cal. Date   Next Cal. Date
Used      Test Equipment      Manufacturer         Model No.        Serial No.
                                                                                 (YY-MM-DD)        (YY-MM-DD)
       Signal and spectrum
 ●                                 R&S                FSV40          100048       2018/10/28       2019/10/27
 ●     Spectrum Analyzer         Agilent              N9020A       MY50510187     2018/09/29       2019/09/28
       Radio communication
 ○                                 R&S                CMW500        137688-Lv     2018/09/29       2019/09/28
 ○     Test software            Tonscend         JS1120-1(LTE)         N/A            N/A              N/A

 ○     Test software            Tonscend         JS1120-2(WIFI)        N/A            N/A              N/A

 ○     Test software            Tonscend       JS1120-3(WCDMA)         N/A            N/A              N/A

 ○     Test software            Tonscend        JS1120-4(GSM)          N/A            N/A              N/A

 ●     Auxiliary Equipment
                                                                                 Last Cal. Date   Next Cal. Date
Used      Test Equipment      Manufacturer        Model No.         Serial No.
                                                                                 (YY-MM-DD)        (YY-MM-DD)

 ●     Climate chamber          ESPEC                 GPL-2            N/A        2018/11/08       2019/11/07

 ●     DC Power Supply          Gwinstek          SPS-2415         GER835793      2018/10/28       2019/10/27

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.             Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Report No.:    CHTEW19070106                  Page:    12 of 29                     Issued:   2019-07-22

5.1 Effective Radiated Power(ERP)

FCC Part FCC Part 95.767, FCC Part 2.1046
26-28 MHz frequency band. For an RCRS transmitter operating on 27.255 MHz, the mean transmitter output
power must not exceed 25 Watts. For an RCRS transmitter operating on 26.995, 27.045, 27.095, 27.145, or
27.195 MHz, the mean transmitter output power must not exceed 4 Watts.


1. EUT was placed on a 0.8 meter high non-conductive stand at a 3 meter test distance from the receive
   antenna. A receiving antenna was placed on the antenna mast 3 meters from the EUT for emission
   measurements. The height of receiving antenna is 1. 0 m. Detected emissions were maximized at each
   frequency by rotating the EUT through 360°and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization. The radiated
   emission measurements of all transmit frequencies in six channels were measured with peak detector.
2. A log-periodic antenna or double-ridged waveguide horn antenna shall be substituted in place of the EUT.
   The log-periodic antenna will be driven by a signal generator and the level will be adjusted till the same
   power value on the spectrum analyzer or receiver. The level of the spurious emissions can be calculated
   through the level of the signal generator, cable loss, the gain of the substitution antenna and the reading
   of the spectrum analyzer or receiver.
3. The EUT is then put into continuously transmitting mode at its maximum power level during the test.Set
   Test Receiver or Spectrum RBW=100kHz,VBW=300kHz for 30MHz to 1GHz, And the maximum value of
   the receiver should be recorded as (Pr).
4. The EUT shall be replaced by a substitution antenna. In the chamber, an substitution antenna for the
   frequency band of interest is placed at the reference point of the chamber. An RF Signal source for the
   frequency band of interest is connected to the substitution antenna with a cable that has been constructed
   to not interfere with the radiation pattern of the antenna. A power (PMea) is applied to the input of the
   substitution antenna, and adjust the level of the signal generator output until the value of the receiver
   reach the previously recorded (Pr). The power of signal source (PMea) is recorded. The test should be
   performed by rotating the test item and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization.

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5. A amplifier should be connected to the Signal Source output port. And the cable should be connect
   between the Amplifier and the Substitution Antenna. The cable loss (Pcl) ,the Substitution Antenna Gain
   (Ga) and the Amplifier Gain (PAg) should be recorded after test.
   The measurement results are obtained as described below:
   Power(EIRP)=PMea- PAg - Pcl - Ga
   We used SMF100A micowave signal generator which signal level can up to 33dBm,so we not used power
    Amplifier for substituation test; The measurement results are amend as described below:
   Power(EIRP)=PMea- Pcl - Ga
6. This value is EIRP since the measurement is calibrated using an antenna of known gain (2.15 dBi) and
   known input power.
7. ERP can be calculated from EIRP by subtracting the gain of the dipole, ERP = EIRP-2.15dBi.

Please reference to the section 3.4


   Passed              Not Applicable


       Mode         Frequency(MHz)      Antenna Pol.          ERP             Limit (dBm)           Result
                                             V                20.55
   TX-RCRS              27.145                                                   <36.00              Pass
                                             H                19.58

Conducted output power:
    Mode             Frequency(MHz)              Power outpower(dBm)               Limit (dBm)         Result

  TX-RCRS                 27.145                          20.74                      <36.00            Pass

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5.2 99% Occupied Bandwidth

FCC Part 95.773, FCC Part 2.1049
Each RCRS transmitter type must be designed such that the occupied bandwidth does not exceed 8 kHz
for any emission type.

Test setup for Analog:


(1) Connect the equipment as illustrated
(2) Spectrum set as follow:
    Centre frequency = the nominal EUT channel center frequency,
    The frequency span for the spectrum analyzer shall be set wide enough to capture all modulation
    products including the emission skirts (typically a span of 1.5 × OBW is sufficient)
    RBW = 1% to 5% of the anticipated OBW, VBW ≥ 3 × RBW, Sweep = auto,
    Detector function = peak, Trace = max hold
(3) Set 99% Occupied Bandwidth
(4) Measure and record the results in the test report.

Please reference to the section 3.4


   Passed                Not Applicable

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Mode    Frequen                               99% Bandwidth(MHz)                              Limit   Result
        cy(MHz)                                                                               (kHz)

         27.145                                                                               <8.00      Pass

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5.3 Emission Mask

FCC Part 95.779(a)(1)(2)(3),FCC Part 2.1049
(a) 26-28 MHz frequency band. For an RCRS transmitter operating in the 26-28 MHz frequency band, the
power of unwanted emissions must be attenuated below the transmitter output power in Watts (P) by at least:
(1) 25 dB (decibels) in the frequency band 4 kHz to 8 kHz removed from the channel center frequency;
(2) 35 dB in the frequency band 8 kHz to 20 kHz removed from the channel center frequency;
(3) 43 + 10 log (P) dB in any frequency band removed from the channel center frequency by more than 20

Test setup for Analog:


1) Connect the equipment as illustrated.
2) Spectrum set as follow:
   Centre frequency = fundamental frequency, span=120kHz for 12.5kHz channel spacing,
   RBW=100Hz, VBW=1000Hz, Sweep = auto,
   Detector function = peak, Trace = max hold
3) Key the transmitter, and set the level of the unmodulated carrier to a full scale reference line. This is the
   0dB reference for the measurement.
4) Apply Input Modulation Signal to EUT according to Section 3.4
5) Measure and record the results in the test report.

Please reference to the section 3.4

   Passed                Not Applicable

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.                 Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Multiview         ©] Spectrum
    Ref Level 51.00 dam   Offset 21.00 d     Mode Autorrt
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27115 vidz                                        7007 pis                    6.0 kiz                                27.175 vinz
2 Result Summary
      Range Low           1      Range Up              rew              Frequency          Rower Abs         1     Alimit
        27115 Mz                27125 Mnz            3,000 knz        27.12500 MHz      —27.35 dbm               —14.35 dB
        27125 Miz               27137 Mnz          20.000 Hz          27.13699 MHz      —26.15 dBm               —27.15 dB
        27137 Mz                27141 Mz           203.000 Hz         27.14098 MHz      —16.79 dBm               —27.79 dB
        27 i4 Miz               27149 Mnz          203.000 hz         2714677 MHz        17.86 dBm               —18.14 dB
        27.149 Mz               27153 Mide          200,000 Hz        27.14900 MHz      —13.81 dbm               ~24.81 dB
        27153 Miz               27165 Mz           200.000 Hiz        27.15310 MHz      —25.10 dBm               —26.10 dB
        27165 Miz               27175 Miie           3000 khz         27.16500 MHz      —26.19 dBm               —13.19 dB
                 J                                                                      J stoosuring.... O       enmmn

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5.4 Frequency stability VS Temperature

FCC Part 95.765, Part 2.1055:
(b) Except as allowed under paragraph (c) of this section, each RCRS transmitter type capable of transmitting
in the 26-28 MHz frequency band must be designed such that the carrier frequencies remain within ±50 ppm
of the channel center frequencies listed in §95.763(a) during normal operating conditions.
(c) Each RCRS transmitter type that transmits in the 26-28 MHz frequency band with a mean transmitter
power of 2.5 W or less and is used solely by the operator to turn on and/or off a device at a remote location,
other than a device used solely to attract attention, must be designed such that the carrier frequencies remain
within ±100 ppm of the channel center frequencies listed in §95.763(a) during normal operating conditions.



1)    The EUT output port was connected to communication tester.
2)    The EUT was placed inside the temperature chamber.
3)    Turn EUT off and set the chamber temperature to –30°C. After the temperature stabilized for
      approximately 30 minutes recorded the frequency as MCFMHz.
4)    Calculate the ppm frequency error by the following:
      ppm error=(MCFMHZ/ACFMHZ-1)*10
      MCFMHz is the Measured Carrier Frequency in MHz
      ACFMHz is the Assigned Carrier Frequency in MHz
5)    Repeat step 3 measure with 10°C increased per stage until the highest temperature of +50°C reached.


Please reference to the section 3.4


     Passed              Not Applicable

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Frequency       Voltage   Temperature       Deviation              Deviation       Limit
  (MHz)          (Vdc)       (℃)              (Hz)                  (ppm)         (ppm)
                 3.70         25              1000                    36            50          PASS
 27.145          3.15         -30             1100                    40            50          PASS
                 4.26         50              1200                    44            50          PASS

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5.5 Frequency stability VS Voltage

FCC Part 95.765, Part 2.1055:
(b) Except as allowed under paragraph (c) of this section, each RCRS transmitter type capable of transmitting
in the 26-28 MHz frequency band must be designed such that the carrier frequencies remain within ±50 ppm
of the channel center frequencies listed in §95.763(a) during normal operating conditions.
(c) Each RCRS transmitter type that transmits in the 26-28 MHz frequency band with a mean transmitter
power of 2.5 W or less and is used solely by the operator to turn on and/or off a device at a remote location,
other than a device used solely to attract attention, must be designed such that the carrier frequencies remain
within ±100 ppm of the channel center frequencies listed in §95.763(a) during normal operating conditions.



1)    The EUT output port was connected to communication tester.
2)    The EUT was placed inside the temperature chamber at 25°C
3)    Record the carrier frequency of the transmitter as MCFMHZ
4)    Calculate the ppm frequency error by the following:
      ppm error=(MCFMHZ/ACFMHZ-1)*10
      MCFMHz is the Measured Carrier Frequency in MHz
      ACFMHz is the Assigned Carrier Frequency in MHz
5)    Repeat step 3 measure with varied ±15% of the nominal value measured at the input to the EUT


Please reference to the section 3.4


     Passed              Not Applicable

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Frequency       Voltage   Temperature       Deviation              Deviation       Limit
  (MHz)          (Vdc)       (℃)              (Hz)                  (ppm)         (ppm)
                 3.70         -30             1000                    36            50          PASS
                 3.70         -20             1000                    36            50          PASS
                 3.70         -10             1000                    36            50          PASS
                 3.70          0              1000                    36            50          PASS
 27.145          3.70         10              1000                    36            50          PASS
                 3.70         20              1000                    36            50          PASS
                 3.70         30              1000                    36            50          PASS
                 3.70         40              1000                    36            50          PASS
                 3.70         50              1000                    36            50          PASS

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5.6 Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emission

FCC Part 95.779(a)(3):
43 + 10 log (P) dB in any frequency band removed from the channel center frequency by more than 20 kHz.

43 + 10 log (Pwatts)
Calculation: Limit (dBm) =EL-43-10log10 (TP)
             Notes: EL is the emission level of the Output Power expressed in dBm,
                      In this application, the EL is P( dBm).
             Limit (dBm) = P( dBm)-43-10 log (Pwatts) = -13 dBm


Below 1GHz:

Above 1GHz:

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1. Place the EUT in the center of the turntable.
    a) For radiated emissions measurements performed at frequencies less than or equal to 1 GHz, the EUT
         shall be placed on a RF-transparent table at a nominal height of 80 cm above the reference ground
    b) For radiated measurements performed at frequencies above 1 GHz, the EUT shall be placed on an
         RF transparent table at a nominal height of 1.5 m above the ground plane.
2. Unless the EUT uses an integral antenna, the EUT shall be terminated with a non-radiating transmitter
    load. In cases where the EUT uses an adjustable antenna, the antenna shall be adjusted through typical
    positions and lengths to maximize emissions levels.
3. The EUT shall be tested while operating on the frequency per manufacturer specification. Set the
    transmitter to operate in continuous transmit mode.
4. Receiver or Spectrum set as follow:
    Below 1GHz, RBW=100kHz, VBW=300kHz, Detector=Peak, Sweep time=Auto
    Above 1GHz, RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz, Detector=Peck, Sweep time=Auto
5. Each emission under consideration shall be evaluated:
    a) Raise and lower the measurement antenna from 1 m to 4 m, as necessary to enable detection of the
         maximum emission amplitude relative to measurement antenna height.
    b) Rotate the EUT through 360°to determine the maximum emission level relative to the axial position.
    c) Return the turntable to the azimuth where the highest emission amplitude level was observed.
    d) Vary the measurement antenna height again through 1 m to 4 m again to find the height associated
         with the maximum emission amplitude.
    e) Record the measured emission amplitude level and frequency
6. Repeat step 5 for each emission frequency with the measurement antenna oriented in both the horizontal
    and vertical polarizations to determine the orientation that gives the maximum emissions amplitude.
7. Set-up the substitution measurement with the reference point of the substitution antenna located as near
    as possible to where the center of the EUT radiating element was located during the initial EUT
8. Maintain the previous measurement instrument settings and test set-up, with the exception that the EUT
    is removed and replaced by the substitution antenna.
9. Connect a signal generator to the substitution antenna; locate the signal generator so as to minimize any
    potential influences on the measurement results. Set the signal generator to the frequency where
    emissions are detected, and set an output power level such that the radiated signal can be detected by
    the measurement instrument, with sufficient dynamic range relative to the noise floor.
10. For each emission that was detected and measured in the initial test
    a) Vary the measurement antenna height between 1 m to 4 m to maximize the received (measured)
         signal amplitude.
    b) Adjust the signal generator output power level until the amplitude detected by the measurement
         instrument equals the amplitude level of the emission previously measured directly in step 5 and
         step 6.
    c) Record the output power level of the signal generator when equivalence is achieved in step b).
11. Repeat step 8 through step 10 with the measurement antenna oriented in the opposite polarization.
12. Calculate the emission power in dBm referenced to a half-wave dipole using the following equation:
    Pe = Ps(dBm) − cable loss (dB) + antenna gain (dBd)
    Pe = equivalent emission power in dBm
    Ps = source (signal generator) power in dBm
    NOTE—dBd refers to the measured antenna gain in decibels relative to a half-wave dipole.
13. Correct the antenna gain of the substitution antenna if necessary to reference the emission power to a
    half-wave dipole. When using measurement antennas with the gain specified in dBi, the equivalent
    dipole-referenced gain can be determined from:
    gain (dBd) = gain (dBi) − 2.15 dB.
    If necessary, the antenna gain can be calculated from calibrated antenna factor information
14. Provide the complete measurement results as a part of the test report.


Please reference to the section 3.4


   Passed              Not Applicable

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TEST MODE         TX-RCRS           Test Channel:        CHM          Polarity:             Horizontal

TEST MODE         TX-RCRS           Test Channel:        CHM          Polarity:             Vertical

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Radiated Emission:

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                                    External Photos of the EUT

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                                   Internal Photos of the EUT

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Report No.:    CHTEW19070106                   Page:     29 of 29                          Issued:   2019-07-22

                                  27.145MHz Antenna

                           .......................End of Report.........................

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.                  Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Document Created: 2019-08-01 15:34:32
Document Modified: 2019-08-01 15:34:32

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