SAR Report


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                                SAR Test Report


                                       Manufacturer: FIO Corporation

                                                 Model Number: V200

                                          FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
                                 IC Certification Number: 22342-V200

                                  Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001
                                                  Date of Report: 2018-2-12

                                                          CETECOM Inc.
                                     411 Dix on Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.
                  Phone: + 1 (408) 586 6200  Fax : + 1 (408) 586 6299  E-mail: 
                            CETECOM Inc. is a Delaware Corporation with Corporation number: 2905571

V5.2 2013-02-15                                                                                                              © Copy right by CETECOM

     Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                            FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
    Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                                 IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200


1. Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Administrative Data ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

       2.1.       Identification of the Testing Laboratory Issuing the SAR Test Report ................................................................................. 5
       2.2.       Identification of the Client and Manufacturer............................................................................................................................... 5

3. Equipment under Test (EUT)......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
       3.1.       General Specification of the Equipment under Test.................................................................................................................. 6
       3.2.       Antenna Information ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
       3.3.       Identification of the Equipment Under Test (EUT) ...................................................................................................................... 7
       3.4.       Identification of Accessory equipment.......................................................................................................................................... 7
       3.5.       Maximum SAR Values......................................................................................................................................................................... 7

4. Test Result Summary...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
       4.1.       Test Positions and Configurations ................................................................................................................................................. 8
       4.2.       Conducted Measurements................................................................................................................................................................. 9
       4.3.       SAR Results for Extremity............................................................................................................................................................... 10
       4.4.       SAR Measurement Variability ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
       4.5.       Simultaneous SAR Evaluation ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
       4.6.       Dipole verification .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12

5. Subject of Investigation................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
       5.1.       The IEEE Standard C95.1 , FCC Exposure Criteria, and IC Exposure Criteria.................................................................. 13
       5.2.       SAR Limit.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

6. Measurement Procedure .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
       6.1.       General Requirements ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
       6.2.       Body-worn and Other Configurations .......................................................................................................................................... 15
       6.3.       System Check ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
       6.4.       Procedure for assessing the peak spatial-average SAR......................................................................................................... 17
       6.5.       Determination of the largest peak spatial-average SAR ......................................................................................................... 18
       6.6.       SAR Scaling Using the Tune-Up Scaling Factor ....................................................................................................................... 19

7. The Measurement System............................................................................................................................................................................ 20
       7.1.       Robot system specification............................................................................................................................................................. 20
       7.2.       Isotropic E-Field Probe for Dosimetry Measurements ............................................................................................................ 21
       7.3.       Data Acquisition Electronics .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
       7.4.       Phantoms ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 21

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V5.1 2013-01-09         This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                              CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

     Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                            FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
    Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                                 IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

       7.5.       Interpolation and Extrapolation schemes................................................................................................................................... 21

8. Uncertainty Assessment .............................................................................................................................................................................. 22
       8.1.       Measurement Uncertainty Budget According to IEEE 1528:2013 ........................................................................................ 22
       8.2.       Measurement Uncertainty Budget According to EN 62209-2 ................................................................................................ 23
       8.3.       Measurement Uncertainty Budget According to IEC/EN 62209-1 and IEC/EN 62209-2.................................................. 24

9. References ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

10. Report History................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 3 of 26
V5.1 2013-01-09         This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                              CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

      Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                        FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
     Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                             IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

1.        Assessment

The following device was evaluated against the limits for general population uncontrolled exposure specified in FCC 2.1093 and RSS
102, Issue 5 according to measurement procedures specified in FCC regulation as listed in chapter 5, IEEE 1528:2013 and IEC 62209-
2:2010 and no deviations were ascertained during the course of the tests performed.

                                   Manufacturer                                              Description                               Model #
                                                                                        Portable camera-based
                                 FIO Corporation                                                                                        V200
                                                                                           diagnostic device

Responsible for Testing Laboratory:

                                                                                      James Donnellan
         2018-02-12                                                                (EMC Lab Manager)

                  Date                       Section                                            Name                                      Signature

Responsible for the Report:

                                                                                       Joseph Pacheco                                            Digitally signed by Joseph Pacheco

                                               RC&E                                                                        Joseph Pacheco        DN: cn=Joseph Pacheco, o=CETECOM,
                                                                                                                                       , c=US
         2018-02-12                                                                   (SAR Technician)                                           Date: 2018.02.12 16:19:33 -08'00'

                  Date                       Section                                            Name                                      Signature

The test results of this test report relate exclusively to the test item specified in Section 3.
CETECOM Inc. USA does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations drawn from the test results with regard to other specimens or samples
of the type of the equipment represented by the test item. The test report may only be reproduced or published in full. Reproduction or publication of extracts from the
report requires the prior written approval of CETECOM Inc. USA.

                                                                                                                                                                      Page 4 of 26
V5.1 2013-01-09      This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                           CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

      Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                     FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
     Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                          IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

2.        Administrative Data

  2.1.       Identification of the Testing Laboratory Issuing the SAR Test Report

Company Name                                                                          CETECOM Inc.
Department                                                                            Compliance
Address                                                                               411 Dixon Landing Road
                                                                                      Milpitas, CA 95035
Telephone                                                                             +1 (408) 586 6200
Fax                                                                                   +1 (408) 586 6299
Industry Canada Company Number                                                        3462B
Test Lab Manager                                                                      James Donnellan
Responsible Project Manager                                                           Ruther Navarro

  2.2.       Identification of the Client and Manufacturer

                                                    Client                                                                  Manufacturer (if different)

Company                                             FIO Corporation                                                         Same as Client

Street Address                                      111 Queen St. East, Suite 500                                           -------

City/Zip Code                                       Toronto, ON M5C 1S2                                                     -------

Country                                             Canada                                                                  -------

                                                                                                                                                          Page 5 of 26
V5.1 2013-01-09   This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                        CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

      Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                     FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
     Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                          IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

3.        Equipment under Test (EUT)

3.1.      General Specification of the Equipment under Test

 Model No                                            V200
 FCC ID                                              2ANVA-V200
 IC Certification Number                             22342-V200
 Product Marketing Name
                                                     Deki Reader
 Hardware Version
 Identification Number (HVIN)
 Firmware Version
 Identification Number (FVIN)
 Host Marketing Name (HMN)                           N/A
 Product Type                                        Portable camera-based diagnostic device (closer than 20 cm to persons)
 Prototype/Production                                Prototype
 RF Exposure Environment                             General / Uncontrolled
 Dimensions                                          250 x 110 x 120 (mm)
 Exposure Conditions                                 Personal Wireless Router. Only display side will be touched during use.
                                                     Telit HE910: GSM: 850 900 1800 1900;
                                                                  UMTS FDD: Band I Band II Band IV Band V Band VIII
 Supported Radios
                                                     Telit JF2: GPS L1
                                                     TiWi-BLE: WLAN 802.11b/g/n: Bluetooth 2.1+EDR; BLE 4.0

 Additional Radios1                                  N/A

 Power Back-Off Modes                                N/A

 Simultaneous Transmission                                 Cellular + WLAN
 Configurations                                            Cellular + Bluetooth

 Date of Testing                                     10/26/2017 – 1/31/2018

                                                                                                                                                    Page 6 of 26
V5.1 2013-01-09   This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                        CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                         FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                              IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

      3.2.        Antenna Information

                                                                                                                                    Manufacturer Stated Max
                                                                                                                                          Peak Gain
             Antenna                             Type                            Internal / External                Frequency (MHz)         (dBi)
             FXUB63                          Flex Antenna                              Internal                        698-3000               5
             FXP.831                         Flex Antenna                              Internal                        2400-5000             2.5

  3.3.       Identification of the Equipment Under Test (EUT)

     EUT #                                         Serial Number                                                        HW Version                      SW Version

         1                                               FH21102                                                                          1.89

         2                                               FH21104                                                                          1.89

  3.4.       Identification of Accessory equipment

    AE #                             Type                              Manufacturer                            Model                  Serial Number           Comments
                                                                         Energy Very                                                                       Li-Ion 3.6 [V] 38.2
       1                           Battery                                                                 Intertek 5000767            17-02-0374
                                                                         Endure EVE                                                                               [Wh]
       2                        AC Adapter                             Glob Tek, Inc.                                WR9QA2000USBNMEDR6B                   Output: 5 [V] DC

      3.5. Maximum SAR Values

                                                                                                                                Measured              Maximum Scaled 10g
                                                                                                                                10g SAR                      SAR
         Signal Type                                   Band                            Exposure Condition                        (W/kg)                     (W/kg)
            GPRS                                       1900                               Touch Screen                            0.083                      0.107
            GPRS                                        850                               Touch Screen                            0.080                      0.086
           WCDMA                                      Band 2                              Touch Screen                            0.132                      0.214
           WCDMA                                      Band 4                              Touch Screen                            0.107                      0.166
           WCDMA                                      Band 5                              Touch Screen                            0.044                      0.073
          802.11b/g/n                                 2.4 GHz                             Touch Screen                            0.024                      0.046

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V5.1 2013-01-09     This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                          CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

      Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                       FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
     Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                            IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

4.        Test Result Summary

      4.1.        Test Positions and Configurations

Exposure                                                                                                                         Positioning Photo
                    Distance                                Position
Condition                                                                                                                           Appendix B

                                          DUT with frame detached in
                      0 mm              order for adjoining touch screen                                                              Photo 3
                                                   to phantom

-WLAN is tested on the channel with the highest measured conducted average power.
-For GSM bands, the uplink timeslot configuration with the highest source-based time-averaged output power is used for full SAR
evaluation for exposure positions.
- SAR evaluation for LTE is performed with the bandwidth and RB configuration with the highest output power.
-Measured SAR values are scaled up to the manufacturer’s stated output power. These SAR values are the reported SAR values as
described in FCC KDB 447498.
- Configurations with multiple SAR values have at least one peak SAR within 2 dB of the primary peak. 5mm.

For test position, the practical use was taken into consideration, and therefore the DUT is only subjected to measurements at touch
screen. Accordingly, in the test setup, the DUT outer frame is detached for adjoining touch screen with phantom. Given the dimensions
and weight of the DUT, the intended use is for touch screen with the DUT placed on a flat stable surface as documented in the user’s
guid .

                                                                                                                                                      Page 8 of 26
V5.1 2013-01-09     This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                          CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

      Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                           FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
     Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                                IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

        4.2. Conducted Measurements

                                                                                                                                       Measured       Declared
          Worst Case For      Type(s) of                                                                        Uplink Transmit         Maximum       Maximum Scaling factor
       Time Averaged Power      Uplink                                                 Band                    Frequency Range         Conducted     Output Power for reported
       Timeslots / Duty Cycle Modulation                                                                             (MHz)            Output Power       from          SAR
                                                                                                                                         (dBm)          (dBm)
                    2                25%                                            GSM 850                      824.2 – 848.8            32.7             33          1.07
(E)GPRS                                                     GMSK
                    2                25%                                            PCS 1900                    1850.2 – 1909.8           28.9             30          1.29
                                                                                     FDD II                       1850 - 1910             21.9             24          1.62
WCDMA                      100%                              QPSK                    FDD IV                       1710 - 1755             22.1             24          1.55
                                                                                     FDD V                         824 – 849              21.8             24          1.66

                           100%                                  -                          -                    2400 – 2483.5            17.29           20.1         1.9


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  V5.1 2013-01-09       This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                              CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                          FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                               IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

      4.3. SAR Results for Extremity

                                                                                                                       Tune Up
                                                                                                     Measured Measured                        Power Reported      Results
                  Operation         Frequency                                                                           Power
Band                        Channel                                            Position              SAR 10g   SAR 1g                          Drift SAR 10g     Appendix
                   Mode               (MHz)                                                                            Scaling
                                                                                                      (W/kg)    (W/kg)                         (dB)   (W/kg)        A
GPRS                                Uplink
                   GMSK                                     1880               phantom.                     0.083       0.131          1.29   0.63     0.107       Plot 1
1900                                Middle
GPRS                                Uplink
                   GMSK                                     836.6              phantom.                     0.080       0.120          1.07   0.48     0.086       Plot 2
 850                                Middle
UMTS                                Uplink
                   QPSK                                     1880               phantom.                     0.132       0.220          1.62   0.16     0.214       Plot 3
 II                                 Middle
UMTS                                Uplink
                   QPSK                                   1732.6               phantom.                     0.107       0.182          1.55   0.78     0.166       Plot 4
 IV                                 Middle
UMTS                                Uplink
                   QPSK                                     836.6              phantom.                     0.044       0.066          1.66   0.76     0.073       Plot 5
 V                                  Middle
                   100%                                                        touching
802.11                              Uplink
                   Duty                                     2437               phantom.                     0.024       0.042          1.9    - 0.35   0.046       Plot 6
 b/g/n                              Middle
                   Cycle                                                        Frame
    1.       Results for Pow er Drift are ex cessive due to the low measured SAR results at close to noise floor levels.

                                                                                                                                                               Page 10 of 26
V5.1 2013-01-09      This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                           CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                       FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                            IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

      4.4. SAR Measurement Variability

SAR measurement variability is assessed when the initial measured 1g SAR is ≥ 0.80 W/kg. If the measured SAR value of the ini tial
repeated measurement is < 1.45 W/kg with ≤ 20% variation, only one repeated measurement is required to affirm that the results are
not expected to have substation variations. A second repeated measurement is required only if the measured results for the in itial
repeated measurement is within 10% of the SAR limit and vary by more than 20%.

Note: Measurement variability was not needed for this project.

      4.5. Simultaneous SAR Evaluation

            Antenna                                 Operation Mode                                               Reported SAR10g (W/kg)
            Cellular                                 UMTS FDD II                                                          0.214
              WifI                                     80211 b                                                            0.046

    Simultaneous SAR                                Co Transmission                                                         0.260

             Simultaneous SAR is the worst reported SAR of both Cellular and Bluetooth..

                                                                                                                                                    Page 11 of 26
V5.1 2013-01-09   This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                        CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                       FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                            IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

      4.6. Dipole verification

Prior to formal testing at each frequency band, system verification was performed in accordance with IEEE 1528. The 1 Watt reference
SAR value is taken from the SPEAG dipole calibration report. All of the testing described in this report was performed within 24 hours of
the system verification. The following results were obtained:

                                                                                                                    10g SAR            Difference
                                                                   CW input at                 10g SAR
                   Liquid               Frequency                                                                  (W/kg) from       reference SAR     Results
     Date                                                          dipole feed                  (W/kg)
                    Type                  (MHz)                                                                      dipole             value to     (Appendix A)
                                                                     (Watts)                   measured
                                                                                                                   calibration      normalized SAR
 1-8-2018             MSL                     900                         0.25                       1.55              1.78              0.23           Plot 7
10-30-2017            MSL                     1750                        0.25                       4.52              4.9               0.38           Plot 8
12-19-2017            MSL                     1900                        0.25                       4.84              5.09              0.25           Plot 9
 1-30-2018            MSL                     2450                        0.25                       5.58              5.73              0.15           Plot 10

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V5.1 2013-01-09   This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                        CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

      Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                        FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
     Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                             IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

5.        Subject of Investigation

The objective of the measurements done by CETECOM Inc. was the dosimetry assessment of the EUT described in section 3. The
tests were performed in configurations for devices operated by using ones hand on the touch screen (Localized Limbs assessment).
The examinations were carried out with the dosimetry assessment system DASY52 described in Section 6.

      5.1.        The IEEE Standard C95.1 , FCC Exposure Criteria, and IC Exposure Criteria

The FCC limits are set by CFR 47 FCC rule parts 1.1307 and 2.1093. The IC limits are set by RSS 102, Issue 5 and Safety Code 6
(2015). The limits are derived from the recommendations in IEEE C95.1-1999 (ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1999), “IEEE Standard for Safety
Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.”

      5.2.        SAR Limit

In this report the comparison between the exposure limits and the SAR data is made using the spatial peak SAR.

Having in mind a worst case consideration, the SAR limit is valid for uncontrolled environment and portable transmitters. The SAR
values have to be averaged over a mass of 1g (SAR1g) and/or 10g (SAR10g) with the shape of a cube.

                                                                                                                                        Average          Mass
                                 Standard                                                               Exposure Condition
                                                                                                                                       SAR (W/kg)      Average (g)
 FCC CFR 47 Part 2.1093 (d)(2)                                                                                 Partial-Body               1.6              1
 FCC CFR 47 Part 2.1093 (d)(2)                                                                  Hands, Wrists, Feet and Ankles            4.0              10
 RSS 102, Issue 5
                                                                                                    Localized Head and Trunk              1.6              1
 Safety Code 6 (2015)
 RSS 102, Issue 5
                                                                                                             Localized Limbs              4.0              10
 Safety Code 6 (2015)

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V5.1 2013-01-09      This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                           CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

      Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                       FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
     Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                            IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

6.        Measurement Procedure

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires routine dosimetry assessment of mobile telecom-communications devices,
either by laboratory measurement techniques or by computational modeling, prior to equipment authorization or use. The measurement
procedure shall be performed according to IEEE 1528:2013. The following KDB publications have additionally been applied:

             447498 D01 V06 – General RF Exposure Guidance
             648474 D04 V01R03 – SAR Evaluation Considerations for Wireless Handsets
             616217 D04 V01R02– SAR for Laptop and Tablets
             865664 D01 V01R04 – SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz
             248227 D01 V02R02 – SAR Measurement Procedures for 802.11 a/b/g Transmitters
             941225 D01 V03R01 – SAR Measurement Procedures for 3G Devices
             941225 D06 V02R01 – SAR Evaluation Procedures for Portable Devices with Wireless Router Capabilities
             941225 D07 V01R02 – SAR Evaluation Procedures for UMPC Mini-Tablet Devices

Industry Canada (IC) requirements and measurement techniques regarding RF exposure are described in RSS-102, Issue 5, which
refers to the latest version of IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209. IC follows many of the same procedures as applied for compliance with FCC
requirements regarding EUT specific technologies and form factors. IC allows the use of the above listed KDBs in most aspects as
described in IC Notice 2012-DRS1203 regarding Applicability of Latest FCC RF Exposure KDB Procedures (Publication Date: October
24, 2012) and Other Procedures. Additionally the following guideline is used:

             RSS-102 Supplementary Procedures (SPR)-001, January 2011 – SAR Testing Requirements with Regard to Bystanders for
             Laptop Type Computers with Antennas Built-in on display Screen (Laptop Mode/Tablet Mode)

      6.1.        General Requirements

SAR evaluation was performed in a laboratory with an environment which avoids influence on SAR measurements by ambient EM
sources and any reflection from the environment itself. The ambient temperature was in the range of 18°C to 25°C and 30-70%
humidity. Simulating liquid temperature did not deviate more than 2°C throughout SAR evaluation.

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V5.1 2013-01-09     This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                          CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                         FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                              IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

      6.2.        Body-worn and Other Configurations

Test Position
The body-worn configurations shall be tested with the supplied accessories (belt-clips, holsters, etc.) attached to the device in normal
use configuration. Devices with a headset output shall be tested with a connected headset.

Test to be Performed
For purpose of determining test requirements, accessories may be divided into two categories: those that do not contain metal lic
components and those that do. For multiple accessories that do not contain metallic components, the devi ce may be tested only with
that accessory which provides the closest spacing to the body. For multiple accessories that contain metallic components, the device
must be tested with each accessory that contains a unique metallic component. If multiple accessories share an identical metallic
component, only the accessory that provides the closest spacing to the body must be tested. If the manufacturer provides non e body-
worn accessories a separation distance of 1.5 cm between the back of the device and the flat phantom is recommended. Other
separation distances may be used, but they shall not exceed 2.5 cm. In these cases, the device may use body-worn accessories that
provide a separation distance greater than that tested for the device provided however that the accessory contains no metallic

For devices with retractable antenna the SAR test shall be performed with the antenna fully extended and fully retracted. Oth er factors
that may affect the exposure shall also be tested. For example, optional antennas or optional battery packs which may significantly
change the volume, lengths, flip open/closed, etc. of the device, or any other accessories which might have the potential to
considerably increase the peak spatial-average SAR value.

      6.3. System Check

The purpose of the system check is to verify that the system operates within its specifications. System check is performed wi thin 24
hours prior to compliance testing for each liquid type and frequency band. The system check result is verified to be withi n ±10% of the
reference dipole source as measured during calibration of the dipole.

Phantom Set-Up
A flat phantom is used with the same tissue-equivalent liquid that will be used during compliance testing. The dipole feed point is
placed at the centre of the flat phantom and the dipole arms are aligned with the major axis.

Standard Source
A reference dipole source is used to irradiate the phantom. The dipole is placed under the bottom of the phantom and centred with its
axis parallel to the longest dimension of the phantom. A low loss spacer is used to establish the correct distance between the top
surface of the dipole and the bottom surface of the phantom. For frequencies below 1 GHz, a spacing of 15 mm is used. For
frequencies above 1 GHz, a spacing of 10 mm is used. The dipole has a return loss of less than -20 dB at the resonant frequency.

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V5.1 2013-01-09     This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                          CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                        FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                             IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

System Check Procedure
The test set-up is as follows:


              Signal                                           3 dB                         Directional                                20 dB
                                                            Attenuator                       Coupler
                                                                                                                          X          Attenuator

                                                                                                    3 dB                              Power
                                                                                                 Attenuator                          Sensor 2

                                                                                                  Sensor 1

      1. The cable at the output of the directional coupler is connected to the 20 dB attenuator.
      2. The signal generator is adjusted until the desired input power to the dipole is measured at power sensor 2. The forward power
         of the directional coupler is measured with power sensor 1 and noted for step 4.
      3. The cable at the output of the directional coupler is connected to the dipole source.
      4. The signal generator is adjusted until power sensor 1 measures the same power as in step 2.
      5. A SAR measurement is performed with the dipole source radiating.
      6. During the system check test, the power measured by power sensor 1 is monitored to ensure the power does not drift.
      7. At the conclusion of the SAR measurement, the SAR result is normalized to a dipole input power of 1 [W] and compared to the
         1 [W] reference SAR value in the dipole calibration report. The difference between the measured SAR and the reference SAR
         is verified to be within ±10%.

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                                                                         CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                         FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                              IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

      6.4.        Procedure for assessing the peak spatial-average SAR

Step 1: Power reference measurement:
Prior to the SAR test, a local SAR measurement should be taken at a user-selected spatial reference point to monitor power variations
during testing.
Step 2: Area scan
The measurement procedures for evaluating SAR associated with wireless handsets typically start with a coarse measurement grid in
order to determine the approximate location of the local peak SAR values. This is referred to as the "area scan" procedure. The SAR
distribution is scanned along the inside surface of typically half of the head of the phantom but at least larger than the areas projected
(normal to the phantom’s surface) by the handset and antenna. An example grid is given in Figure 4. The distance between th e
measured points and phantom surface should be less than 8 mm, and should remain constant (variation less than  1 mm) during the
entire scan in order to determine the locations of the local peak SAR with sufficient precision. The distance between the me asurement
points should enable the detection of the location of local maximum with an accuracy of better than half the linear dimension of the
tissue cube after interpolation. The approximate locations of the peak SARs should be determined from area scan. Since a gi ven
amplitude local peak with steep gradients may produce lower spatial-average SAR than slightly lower amplitude peaks with less steep
gradients, it is necessary to evaluate the other peaks as well. However, since the spatial gradients of local SAR peaks are a function of
wavelength inside the tissue simulating liquid and incident magnetic field strength, it is not necessary to evaluate peaks that are less
than –2dB of the local maximum. Two-dimensional spline algorithms [Press, et al, 1996], [Brishoual, 2001] are typically used to
determine the peaks and gradients within the scanned area. If the peak is closer than one-half of the linear dimension of the 1 g or 10
g tissue cube to the scan border, the measurement area should be enlarged if possible, e.g., by tilting the probe or the phan tom (see
Figure 5).

Figure 4 – Example of an area scan including the position of the handset. The scanned area (white dots) should be larger than the
area projected by the handset and antenna.
The SPEAG DASY SAR system uses a mechanical sensor detection to find the phantom surface. To decrease test time, the DASY
software allows the operator to choose an option where the SAR probe will reuse measurement locations from a previous identic al area
scan. With this option enabled, the DASY system will not use mechanical sensor detection to find the phantom surface. Locations of
each measurement point of the area scan are taken at the same locations as an identical area scan if one is available. Area scans that
reused location of measurement points is noted in the result plots under DASY Configuration > Sensor-Surface.

Step 3: Zoom scan
In order to assess the peak spatial SAR values averaged over a 1 g and 10 g cube, fine resolution volume scans, called "zoom scans",
are performed at the peak SAR locations determined during the “area scan.” The zoom scan volume should have at least 1.5 times the
linear dimension of either a 1 g or a 10 g tissue cube for whichever peak spatial-average SAR is being evaluated. The peak local SAR
locations that were determined in the area scan (interpolated value) should be on the centerline of the zoom scans. The centerline is

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    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                          FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                               IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

the line that is normal to the surface and in the center of the volume scan. If this is not possible, the zoom scan can be shifted but not
by more than half the dimension of the 1 g or a 10 g tissue cube.
The maximum spatial-average SAR is determined by a numerical analysis of the SAR values obtained in the volume of the zoom scan,
whereby interpolation (between measured points) and extrapolation (between surface and closest measured points) routines should be
applied. A 3-D-spline algorithm [Press, et al, 1996], [Kreyszig, 1983], [Brishoual, 2001] can be used for interpolation and a trapezoidal
algorithm for the integration (averaging). Scan resolutions of larger than 2 mm can be used provided the uncertainty is evaluated
according to E (see E.5).
In some areas of the phantom, such as the jaw and upper head region, the angle of the probe with respect to the line normal to the
surface might become large, e.g., at angles larger than  30º (see Figure 5), which may increase the boundary effect to an
unacceptable level. In these cases, a change in the orientation of the probe and/or the phantom is recommended during the zo om
scan so that the angle between the probe housing tube and the line normal to the surface is significantly reduced (<30º).

Step 4: Power reference measurement
The local SAR should be measured at exactly the same location as in Step 1. The absolute value of the measurement drift (the
difference between the SAR measured in Step 4 and Step 1) should be recorded in the uncertainty budget. It is recommended that the
drift be kept within  5%. If this is not possible, even with repeat testing, additional information may be used to demonstrate the power
stability during the test. Power reference measurements can be taken after each zoom scan, if more than one zoom scan is needed .
However, the drift should always be referred to the initial state with fully charged battery.

      6.5.        Determination of the largest peak spatial-average SAR

In order to determine the largest value of the peak spatial-average SAR of a handset, all device positions, configurations and
operational modes should be tested for each frequency band according to steps 1 to 3 below.
Step 1: The tests of 6.4 should be conducted at the channel that is closest to the center of the transmit frequency band (fc) for:
a) All device positions (cheek and tilt, for both left and right sides of the SAM phantom,
b) All configurations for each device position in (a), e.g. antenna extended and retracted, and
c) All operational modes for each device position in (a) and configuration in (b) in each frequency band, e.g. analog and digital .
If more than three frequencies need to be tested, (i.e., Nc > 3), then all frequencies, configurations and modes must be tested for all of
the above positions.
Step 2: For the condition providing highest spatial peak SAR determined in Step 1 conduct all tests of 6.4 at all other test frequenc ies,
e.g. lowest and highest frequencies. In addition, for all other conditions (device position, configuration and operational mode) where
the spatial peak SAR value determined in Step 1 is within 3dB of the applicable SAR limit, it is recommended that all other test
frequencies should be tested as well.
Step 3: Examine all data to determine the largest value of the peak spatial-average SAR found in Steps 1 to 2.

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    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                       FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                            IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

      6.6. SAR Scaling Using the Tune-Up Scaling Factor

Conducted output power is tested to check if the EUT is transmitting at the maximum power allowed according to the declared
maximum power including tune-up power tolerances. When the conducted output power is less than the maximum output power
including tolerance, the measured SAR values are scaled up to the maximum output power including tolerance to ensure all production
units are within SAR limits.

The tune-up power scaling factor is a multiplicative factor. The tune-up power scaling factor is calculated as:
        10 ^ [(Maximum Output Power Including Tolerance – Measured Conducted Output Power) / 10]
        Maximum Output Power Including Tolerance: dBm
        Measured Conducted Output Power: dBm

Example SAR scaling calculation:

 Measured Conducted                          Maximum Output Power                                                                              Scaled/Reported
    Output Power                              Including Tolerance                                   Tune-Up Power            Measured 1g SAR      SAR value
       (dBm)                                         (dBm)                                          Scaling Factor               (W/kg)             (W/kg)
        32.0                                          32.5                                               1.12                      1.0               1.12

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      Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                       FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
     Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                            IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

7.        The Measurement System

      7.1.        Robot system specification

The SAR measurement system being used is the SPEAG DASY52 system, which consists of a Stäubli TX90XL 6-axis robot arm and
CS8c controller, SPEAG SAR Probe, Data Acquisition Electronics, and SAM Twin Phantom . The robot is used to articulate the probe to
programmed positions inside the phantom to obtain the SAR readings from the EUT.

The system is controlled remotely from a PC, which contains the software to control the robot and data acquisition equipment. The
software also displays the data obtained from test scans.


                                                                 Measurement Server
                                                                 Robot Controller


                                                                                                           Schematic                                   diagram of the
                                     SAR                                                                                                               measurement

In operation, the system first does an area (2D) scan at a fixed depth within the liquid from the inside wall of the phantom. When the
maximum SAR point has been found, the system will then carry out a 3D scan centered at that point to determine volume averaged
SAR level.

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    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                          FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                               IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

    7.2.          Isotropic E-Field Probe for Dosimetry Measurements

The probes are constructed using three orthogonal dipole sensors arranged on an interlocking, triangular prism core. The pro bes have
built-in shielding against static charges and are contained within a PEEK cylindrical enclosure material at the tip. Probe calibration is
described in the probe’s calibration certificate.

    7.3.          Data Acquisition Electronics

The DAE contains a signal amplifier, multiplexer, 16bit A/D converter and control logic. It uses an optical link for communication with
the DASY5 system. The DAE has a dynamic range of -100 to 300 mV. It also contains a two-step probe touch detector for mechanical
surface detection and emergency robot stop.

      7.4.        Phantoms

The Twin SAM V4.0 Phantom is designed to specifications defined in IEEE 1528 and IEC/EN 62209-1. It enables the dosimetry
evaluation of left and right hand phone usage as well as body mounted usage at the flat phantom region. The material shell thickness is
2mm +/- 0.2 mm at the flat section and 6mm +/- 0.2 mm at the ear reference point. The relative permittivity is 3.5 +/- 0.5 and the loss
tangent is ≤ 0.05 for frequencies ≤ 6 GHz.

Additionally, the Oval Flat ELI V4.0 Phantom is designed to specification defined in IEEE 1528 and IEC/EN 62209-2. It enables the
dosimetry evaluation of body mounted usage. The material thickness is 2mm +/- 0.2 mm. For frequencies ≤ 6 GHz, the relative
permittivity is 4 +/- 1 and the loss tangent is ≤ 0.05. The bottom plate is 600 x 400 mm elliptical shape with a depth of 190 mm.

      7.5.        Interpolation and Extrapolation schemes

The interpolation, extrapolation and maximum search routines are all based on the modified Quadratic Shepard's method. The
interpolation scheme combines a least-square fitted function method and a weighted average method which are the two basic types of
computational interpolation and approximation. The routines construct a once-continuously differentiable function that interpolates the
measurement values.

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      Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                        FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
     Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                             IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

8.        Uncertainty Assessment

The uncertainty budget is included as required by Industry Canada RSS-102. and as applicable for the FCC when
The highest measured SAR in a band is ≥ 1.5W/kg per KDB 865664 section 2.8.2.

      8.1.         Measurement Uncertainty Budget According to IEEE 1528:2013
The uncertainty values for components specified were evaluated according to the procedures of IEEE 1528-2013, NIST 1297 1994 edition and ISO Guide to the
Expression of Uncertainty in Measurements (GUM).

                                                                                                                e=                        h=         i=
                            a                                       b             c               d                      f       g                            k
                                                                                                              f(d,k)                    cxf/e      cxf/e
                     Uncertainty                                                Tol.           Prob.                    ci       ci       1-g       10-g
                                                                   Sec.                                        Div.                                           vi
                     Component                                                 ( %)            Dist.                  (1-g)   (10-g)   u i (%)   u i (%)
 Measurement System
 Probe Calibration                                                E2.1          6.55              N             1       1        1       6.55       6.55      
 Ax ial Isotropy                                                  E2.2           4.7              R                  0.7     0.7       1.9        1.9      
 Hemispherical Isotropy                                           E2.2           9.6              R                  0.7     0.7       3.9        3.9      
 Boundary Effect                                                  E2.3            2               R                  1        1        1.2        1.2      
 Linearity                                                        E2.4           4.7              R                  1        1        2.7        2.7      
 Sy stem Detection Limits                                         E2.4            1               R                  1        1        0.6        0.6      
 Probe Modulation Response                                        E2.5           2.4              R                  1        1        1.4        1.4      
 Readout Electronics                                              E2.6           0.3              N             1       1        1        0.3        0.3      
 Response Time                                                    E2.7           0.8              R                  1        1        0.5        0.5      
 Integration Time                                                 E2.8           2.6              R                  1        1        1.5        1.5      
 RF Ambient Noise                                                 E6.1            3               R                  1        1        1.7        1.7      
 RF Ambient Reflections                                           E6.1            3               R                  1        1        1.7        1.7      
 Probe Positioner Mechanical Tolerance                            E6.2           0.8              R                  1        1        0.5        0.5      
 Probe Positioning w ith respect to Phantom Shell                 E6.3           6.7              R                  1        1        3.9        3.9      
 Ex trapolation, interpolation and Integration
                                                                  E5.2            4               R                  1        1        2.3        2.3      
 Algorithms for Max . SAR Evaluation
 Test sample Related
 Test Sample Positioning                                          E4.2           2.9              N             1       1        1        2.9        2.9      145
 Dev ice Holder Uncertainty                                       E4.1           3.6              N             1       1        1        3.6        3.6      5
 Output Pow er Variation - SAR drift measurement                  E2.9            5               R                  1        1        2.9        2.9      
 SAR Pow er Scaling                                              E.6.5            0               R                  1        1        0.0        0.0      
 Phantom and Tissue Parameters
 Phantom Uncertainty (shape and thickness
                                                                  E3.1           6.6              R                  1        1        3.8        3.8      
 Uncertanity in SAR Correction                                   E.3.2           1.9              R                  1       0.84      1.9        1.6      
 Liquid Conductiv ity Target - tolerance                          E3.3           2.5              R             3    0.78     0.71      2.0        1.8      
 Liquid Permittiv ity Target tolerance                            E3.3           2.5              R             3    0.26     0.26      0.7        0.7      
 Liquid Conductiv ity - Temp uncertainty                          E3.4           3.4              N             3    0.78     0.71      2.7        2.4      
 Liquid Permittiv ity - Temp uncertainty                          E3.4           0.4              N             3    0.23     0.26      0.1        0.1      

 Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                                  RSS                                       .            748

 Expanded Uncertainty
                                                                                             k= 2.00705                                         

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    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                          FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                               IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

8.2.        Measurement Uncertainty Budget According to EN 62209-2

A measurement uncertainty assessment has been undertaken following guidance given in IEC/EN-622090-2. Some of the uncertainty contributions
are site-specific and, for these, CETECOM, Inc. has assessed the uncertainty contributions arising from local environmental and proced ural factors.
The resultant uncertainty budget, following the assessment template given IEC/EN-62209-2 is shown below:

                   Uncertainty                                                  TOL.             Prob.                       ci          ci        1-g      10-g       vi
                                                               Sec.                                              Div.
                   Component                                                    ( %)            Dist.                     (1-g)       (10-g)   u i (%)   u i (%)
Measurement System
Probe Calibration                                               6.55               N             1         1            1       6.55       6.55        
Ax ial Isotropy                                                  4.7               R            3        0.7          0.7       1.9        1.9        
Hemispherical Isotropy                                           9.6               R            3        0.7          0.7       3.9        3.9        
Boundary Effect                                                  2.0               R            3         1            1        1.2        1.2        
Linearity                                                        4.7               R            3         1            1        2.7        2.7        
Probe Modulation Response                                        2.4               R            3         1            1        1.4        1.4        
Sy stem Detection Limits                                         1.0               R            3         1            1        0.6        0.6        
Readout Electronics                                              0.3               N             1         1            1        0.3        0.3        
Response Time                                                    0.8               R            3         1            1        0.5        0.5        
Integration Time                                                 2.6               R            3         1            1        1.5        1.5        
RF Ambient Noise                                                 3.0               R            3         1            1        1.7        1.7        
RF Ambient Reflections                                           3.0               R            3         1            1        1.7        1.7        
Probe Positioner Mechanical Tolerance                            0.8               R            3         1            1        0.5        0.5        
Probe Positioning w ith respect to Phantom Shell                 6.7               R            3         1            1        3.9        3.9        
Post Processing                                                7.2.5              4.0               R            3         1            1        2.3        2.3        
Test sample Related
Test Sample Positioning                                        2.9               N             1         1            1        2.9        2.9       145

Dev ice Holder Uncertainty                                     3.6               N             1         1            1        3.6        3.6        5
Pow er Scaling                                                  L.3                0                R            3         1            1        0.0       0..0        

Output Pow er Variation - SAR drift measurement                 5.0               R            3         1            1        2.9        2.9        

Phantom and Tissue Parameters
Phantom Uncertainty (shape and thickness
                                                                 7.9               R            3         1            1        4.6        4.6        
Algorithm for correcting SAR for dev iations in
                                                                 1.9               R            3         1          0.84       1.1        0.9        
permittiv ity and conductiv ity
Liquid Conductiv ity - measurement uncertainty                   2.5               R            3        0.78        0.71       1.1        1.0        
Liquid Permittiv ity - measurement uncertainty                   2.5               R            3        0.26        0.26       0.3        0.4        
Temperature Uncertainty – Conductiv ity                          3.4               R            3        0.78        0.71       1.5        1.4        
Temperature Uncertainty – Permittiv ity                          0.4               R            3        0.23        0.26       0.1        0.1        
Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                                     RSS                                            12.5       12.5       748
Expanded Uncertainty                                                                               k=
                                                                                                                                                 25.1       25.0
(95% CONFIDENCE INTERVAL)                                                                       2.00705

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    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                          FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                               IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

      8.3. Measurement Uncertainty Budget According to IEC/EN 62209-1 and IEC/EN 62209-2

A measurement uncertainty assessment has been undertaken following guidance given in IEC/EN-62209-1 and IEC/EN-62209-2. Some of the
uncertainty contributions are site-specific and, for these, CETECOM, Inc. has assessed the uncertainty contributions arising from local environmental
and procedural factors. The resultant uncertainty budget, following the assessment template given IEC/EN-62209-1 and IEC/EN-62209-2 is shown
                   Uncertainty                                                  TOL.             Prob.                       ci          ci        1-g      10-g       vi
                                                               Sec.                                              Div.
                   Component                                                    ( %)            Dist.                     (1-g)       (10-g)   u i (%)   u i (%)
Measurement System
Probe Calibration                                               6.55               N             1         1            1       6.55       6.55        
Ax ial Isotropy                                                  4.7               R            3        0.7          0.7       1.9        1.9        
Hemispherical Isotropy                                           9.6               R            3        0.7          0.7       3.9        3.9        
Boundary Effect                                                  2.0               R            3         1            1        1.2        1.2        
Linearity                                                        4.7               R            3         1            1        2.7        2.7        
Modulation Response                                              2.4               R            3         1            1        1.4        1.4        
Sy stem Detection Limits                                         1.0               R            3         1            1        0.6        0.6        
Readout Electronics                                              0.3               N             1         1            1        0.3        0.3        
Response Time                                                    0.8               R            3         1            1        0.5        0.5        
Integration Time                                                 2.6               R            3         1            1        1.5        1.5        
RF Ambient Noise                                                 3.0               R            3         1            1        1.7        1.7        
RF Ambient Reflections                                           3.0               R            3         1            1        1.7        1.7        
Probe Positioner Mechanical Tolerance                            0.8               R            3         1            1        0.5        0.5        
Probe Positioning w ith respect to Phantom Shell                 6.7               R            3         1            1        3.9        3.9        
Post Processing                                                7.2.5              4.0               R            3         1            1        2.3        2.3        
Test sample Related

Test Sample Positioning                                        2.9               N             1         1            1        2.9        2.9       145
Dev ice Holder Uncertainty                                     3.6               N             1         1            1        3.6        3.6        5
Pow er Scaling                                                  L.3                0                R            3         1            1        0.0       0..0        

Output Pow er Variation - SAR drift measurement                 5.0               R            3         1            1        2.9        2.9        

Phantom and Tissue Parameters
Phantom Uncertainty (shape and thickness
                                                                 7.9               R            3         1            1        4.6        4.6        
SAR Correction                                                   1.9               R            3         1          0.84       1.1        0.9        
Liquid Conductiv ity - measurement uncertainty                   2.5               R            3        0.78        0.71       1.1        1.0        
Liquid Permittiv ity - measurement uncertainty                   2.5               R            3        0.26        0.26       0.3        0.4        
Temperature Uncertainty – Conductiv ity                          3.4               R            3        0.78        0.71       1.5        1.4        
Temperature Uncertainty – Permittiv ity                          0.4               R            3        0.23        0.26       0.1        0.1        
Combined Standard Uncertainty                                                                     RSS                                            12.5       12.5       748
Expanded Uncertainty                                                                               k=
                                                                                                                                                 25.1       25.0
(95% CONFIDENCE INTERVAL)                                                                       2.00705

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      Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                     FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
     Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                          IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

9.        References

1. [IEEE 1999] IEEE Std C95.1-1999: IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency
   Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz, Inst. of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., December 1998.

2. [IEEE 2013] IEEE Std 1528-2013: IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption
   Rate (SAR) in the Human Head From Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques. Inst. of Electrical and
   Electronics Engineers, Inc., June 2013.

3. [NIST 1994] NIST: Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results, Technical Note 1297
   (TN1297), United States Department of Commerce Technology Administration, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
   September 1994.

4. [FCC 20XX] Various FCC KDB Publications,

5. [IC 2015] Safety Code 6: Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy in the Frequency Range from
   3 kHz to 300 GHz

6. [IC 2010] RSS-102: Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Compliance of Radiocommunication Apparatus (All Frequency Bands),
   Industry Canada, Issue 5, March 2015.

   DATE: OCTOBER 24, 2012) AND OTHER PROCEDURES, Industry Canada, December 2012

8. EN 62209-2:2010, Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication devices
   - Human models, instrumentation, and procedures - Part 2: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for wireless
   communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)

                                                                                                                                                    Page 25 of 26
V5.1 2013-01-09   This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                        CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

    Test Report #: SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                                       FCC ID: 2ANVA-V200
   Date of Report: 2018-12-08                                                                            IC Cert. No.: 22342-V200

10.       Report History

Date                        Report Name                                                         Changes to Report                             Report prepared by
2/12/2018                   SAR-FIOIN-002-17001                                                Initial Report                                 Joseph Pacheco

                                                                                                                                                       Page 26 of 26
V5.1 2013-01-09   This report shall not be reproduced ex cept in full without the written approval of:
                                                                        CETECOM Inc.  SAR  411 Dixon Landing Road  Milpitas, CA 95035  U.S.A.

Document Created: 2018-02-12 16:21:51
Document Modified: 2018-02-12 16:21:51

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