Test Report


Test Report

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FCC and ISED Canada Testing of the

Unikey Technologies, Inc.

In accordance with FCC 47 CFR part 15.209 and
ISED Canada’s Radio Standards Specifications
Prepared for:                     Unikey Technologies, Inc.
                                  111 W Jefferson St. STE 100
                                  Orlando, FL 32801

IC: 10727A-SR3

Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

RESPONSIBLE FOR                  NAME                                             DATE                                     SIGNATURE

Authorized Signatory             Peter Walsh                                      2019 -September-18

Testing                          Thierry Jean-Charles                             2019-September-18
Signatures in this approval box have checked this document in line with the requirements of TÜV SÜD Product Service document control rules.

FCC Accreditation                                                               Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada
Designation Number US1063 Tampa, FL Test Laboratory                             Accreditation
                                                                                Site Number 2087A-2 Tampa, FL Test Laboratory
 Samples of this product were tested and found to be in compliance with 15.209. and ISED Canada’s RSS-210.

                                    DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT
                                    This non-binding report has been prepared by TÜV SÜD America with all reasonable skill and care. The document is confidential to the
                                    potential Client and TÜV SÜD America. No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written approval of TÜV SÜD America.
                                    © TÜV SÜD.
                                    DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT
    A2LA Cert. No. 2955.15          Our A2LA Accreditation does not cover opinions and interpretations and any expressed are outside the scope of our A2LA Accreditation.
                                    Results of test not covered by our A2LA Accreditation Schedule are marked NUA (Not A2LA Accredited).

                                            TÜV SÜD America                           Phone: 813-284-2715
                                            5610 West Sligh Ave., Suite 100           www.tuv-sud-america.com
                                            Tampa, FL 33634


Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

1           Report Summary .........................................................................................................................2
1.1         Report Modification Record ...........................................................................................................2
1.2         Introduction ....................................................................................................................................3
1.3         Brief Summary of Results .............................................................................................................4
1.4         Product Information .......................................................................................................................5
1.5         Deviations from the Standard ........................................................................................................7
1.6         EUT Modification Record ..............................................................................................................8
1.7         Test Location .................................................................................................................................8
2           Test Details ..................................................................................................................................9
2.1         Antenna Requirements..................................................................................................................9
2.2         20 dB Bandwidth ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.3         99% Bandwidth .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.4         Radiated Field Strength and Spurious Emissions ...................................................................... 14
2.5         Power Line Conducted Emissions ............................................................................................. 20
3           Test Equipment Information ................................................................................................... 24
3.1         General Test Equipment Used ................................................................................................... 24
4           Diagram of Test Set-ups .......................................................................................................... 25
5           Measurement Uncertainty ....................................................................................................... 29
6           Accreditation, Disclaimers and Copyright............................................................................. 30

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

1          Report Summary

1.1        Report Modification Record

           Alterations and additions to this report will be issued to the holders of each copy in the form of a
           complete document.

             Issue          Description of Change                                             Date of Issue

             1              First Issue                                                       2019-September-18

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

1.2        Introduction

           The purpose of this report is to demonstrate compliance with Part 15 Subpart C of the FCC’s Code
           of Federal Regulations Section 15.209 and Innovation Science and Economic Development
           Canada’s Radio Standards Specification RSS-210 for the tests documented herein.

            Applicant                            Unikey Technologies, Inc.
            Manufacturer                         Unikey Technologies, Inc.
            Applicant’s Email Address            allen@unikey.com
            Model Number(s)                      SR3-UK
            Serial Number(s)                     4
            FCC ID                               2ANJI-SR3
            ISED Certification Number            10727A-SR3
            Hardware Version(s)                  SR3-UK-BOM-0001r4
            Software Version(s)                  1.8.31
            Number of Samples Tested             1
            Test Specification/Issue/Date        US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Title 47, Part 15,
                                                 Subpart C: Radio Frequency Devices, Intentional Radiators,
                                                 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
                                                 Radio Standards Specification: RSS-210 — Licence-Exempt
                                                 Radio Apparatus: Category I Equipment, Issue 9, August
            Test Plan/Issue/Date                 2019-April-23
            Order Number                         72151666
            Date                                 2019-July-23
            Date of Receipt of EUT               2019-July-29
            Start of Test                        2019-July-29
            Finish of Test                       2019-August-24
            Name of Engineer(s)                  Thierry Jean-Charles
            Related Document(s)                  ANSI C63.10-2013: American National Standard of
                                                 Procedures for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed Wireless
                                                 US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): Title 47, Part 2,
                                                 Subpart J: Equipment Authorization Procedures, 2018.
                                                 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
                                                 Radio Standards Specification: RSS-GEN - General
                                                 Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus, Issue 5,
                                                 Amendment 1, March 2019.

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

1.3         Brief Summary of Results

           A brief summary of the tests carried out in accordance with FCC Part 15.209 and ISED Canada’s
           RSS-210 is shown below.

                                                Table 1.3-1: Test Result Summary

                                                     Test Plan    Test    FCC 47 CFR       ISED Canada’s
                        Test Parameter                                                                         Report
                                                     (Yes/No)    Result    Rule Part            RSS
                                                                                                              Page No

            Antenna Requirement                        Yes       Pass     15.203, 15.204       -------           9

            20 dB Bandwidth                            Yes       Pass       15.215(c)          -------           10

            99% Bandwidth                              Yes       Pass         -------      RSS-GEN 6.6           12

            Radiated Field Strength of Fundamental
                                                       Yes       Pass        15.209         RSS-210 2.5          14
            and Spurious Emissions

            Power Line Conducted Emissions             Yes       Pass        15.207        RSS-GEN 8.8           20

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

1.4        Product Information

1.4.1      Technical Description

           The EUT is a Mobile enabled PACS Access control reader. The device includes a 2.4 GHz Bluetooth
           Low Energy (BLE) transceiver as well as 125 kHz RFID. The test report covers the compliance of
           the 125 kHz RFID radio.

           Technical Details
           Mode of Operation:          125 kHz RFID
           Frequency Range:            125 kHz
           Number of Channels:         1
           Channel Separation:         N/A
           Data Rate:                  N/A
           Modulations:                Not Modulated
           Antenna Type/Gain:          Coil Antenna
           Input Power:                12 VDC

           A full description and detailed product specification details are available from the manufacturer.

                                              Table 1.4.1-1 – Cable Descriptions

                           Cable/Port                                                Description
             Data Cable                                6 leads, 10 m, Not Shielded, EUT to Access Controller
             Power Leads                               0.7 m, Not Shielded, Power Supply to Access Controller

                                        Table 1.4.1-2 – Support Equipment Descriptions

                           Make/Model                                                Description
             Linear/Emerge e3 Series                   Remote Access Controller, SN: 620-100954B2184900031
             Linear/PIP12VDC60W                        12 VDC Power Supply

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

                                                     Declaration of Build Status

                                                       EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION
  Model Name/Number                           SR3-UK
  Part Number                                 SR3-UK-0001-R1
  Hardware Version                            SR3-UK-BOM-0001r4
  Software Version                            1.8.31
  FCC ID (if applicable)                                   2ANJI-SR3

  ISED ID (if applicable)                                  10727A- SR3
  Technical Description (Please provide a brief            Mobile enabled PACS Access control reader.
  description of the intended use of the equipment)

                                                       UN-INTENTIONAL RADIATOR

  Highest frequency generated or used in the device or on which
                                                                           2.480 GHz
  the device operates or tunes

  Lowest frequency generated or used in the device or on which
                                                                           2.402GHz (low ch BLE). 125kHz prox card
  the device operates or tunes

  Class A Digital Device (Use in commercial, industrial or business environment)
  Class B Digital Device (Use in residential environment only)

                                                               Power Source
                                Single Phase                            Three Phase                       Nominal Voltage
                                        Nominal Voltage                                           Maximum Current
  External DC
                                               12v                                                     300mA
                                        Nominal Voltage                                  Battery Operating End Point Voltage
                                               N/A                                                       N/A

                                                        EXTREME CONDITIONS

  Maximum temperature                 +50       °C                        Minimum temperature                  -40      °C

  Please list all ancillaries which will be used with the device.
  PACS access controller

I hereby declare that the information supplied is correct and complete.
Name: Anders Johansson
Position held:       Hardware Lead                       Date: Aug 19, 2019

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

1.4.2      Modes of Operation

           Both the BLE and 125 kHz transmitters were active during the evaluation.

1.4.3      Monitoring of Performance

           The radiated emissions evaluation was performed on the EUT connected to an access controller
           which was set outside of the testing environment. The EUT was tested in the orientation of typical

           The power line conducted emissions measurements were performed on the power supply of the
           remote access controller through which the EUT was powered.

1.4.4      Performance Criteria

           The report documents the compliance of the 125 kHz RFID radio to the FCC Section 15.207 and
           15.209 as well as ISED Canada's RSS-210. The BLE transmitter was active during the evaluation.
           No intermodulation product from the co-located radios transmitting at the same time could be
           observed during the evaluation. A summary of the parameters that were evaluated is provided below.

                                               Table 1.4.4 -1: Performance Criteria

                                 Parameter                                             Requirement
              Antenna Requirement                             FCC: Section 15.203. 15.204
              20 dB Bandwidth                                 FCC: Section 15.215(c)
              99% Bandwidth                                   ISED Canada: RSS-GEN 6.7
              Radiated Field Strength of Fundamental and
                                                              FCC: Section 15.209; ISED Canada: RSS-210 2.5
              Spurious Emissions
              Power Line Conducted Emissions                  FCC: Section 15.207; ISED Canada: RSS-GEN 8.8

1.5        Deviations from the Standard

           The EUT was evaluated without any deviation from the test standard.

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

1.6        EUT Modification Record

           The table below details modifications made to the EUT during the test programme. The modifications
           incorporated during each test are recorded on the appropriate test pages.

                                                                                                                Date Modification
             Modification State   Description of Modification still fitted to EUT    Modification Fitted By
                                  C19, C21 = 3.9 nH
             LC filter values                                                        Unikey                     8/8/2019
                                  C46, C97 = 1.5 PF
             DC Blocking          C19 = 47 pF                                        Unikey                     8/8/2019

           The equipment was tested with the modifications listed above to meet the test requirements.

           The DC blocking was implemented to resolve an anomaly at the RF switch when the EUT RF port
           was connected to a spectrum analyzer for the RF conducted measurements on the BLE radio.

1.7        Test Location

           TÜV SÜD Product Service conducted the following tests at our Tampa FL Test Laboratory.

             Test Name                                               Name of Engineer(s)                 Accreditation

             AC Powered Operating

             Antenna Requirement                                                                         A2LA

             20 dB Bandwidth                                         Thierry Jean-Charles                A2LA

             99% Bandwidth                                           Thierry Jean-Charles                A2LA

             Radiated Field Strength of Fundamental and              Thierry Jean-Charles                A2LA
             Spurious Emissions

             Power Line Conducted Emissions                          Thierry Jean-Charles                A2LA

           Office Address:

           TÜV SÜD America, Inc.
           5610 W. Sligh Ave, Suite 100
           Tampa, FL 33634

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

2          Test Details

2.1        Antenna Requirements

2.1.1      Specification Reference

           FCC: Section 15.203, 15.204

2.1.2      Equipment Under Test and Modification State

           SN: 4

2.1.3      Date of Test


2.1.4      Test Method


2.1.5      Environmental Conditions

            Ambient Temperature        N/A
            Relative Humidity          N/A
            Atmospheric Pressure       N/A

2.1.6      Test Results

           Limit Clause FCC Sections: 15.203, 15,204

           An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
           responsible party shall be used with the device.

           The EUT uses a coil antenna that is directly soldered to the PCB. The antenna is not removeable
           and therefore meets the requirements of FCC Section 15.203.

2.1.7      Test Location and Test Equipment Used

           This test was carried out in TÜV SÜD America, Inc., 5610 W. Sligh Ave, Suite 100, Tampa, FL 33634,

           As this is a visual inspection, no test equipment was used.

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

2.2        20 dB Bandwidth

2.2.1      Specification Reference

           FCC: Section 15.215

2.2.2      Equipment Under Test and Modification State

           SN: 4

2.2.3      Date of Test


2.2.4      Test Method

           The 20 dB bandwidth was measured in accordance with ANSI C63.10 Subclause 6.9.2. The RBW
           of the spectrum analyzer was set to 1% to 5% of the occupied bandwidth. Span was set large enough
           to capture the emissions and >> RBW. A peak detector was used for the measurements.

2.2.5      Environmental Conditions

            Ambient Temperature       23.8°C
            Relative Humidity         46.4 %
            Atmospheric Pressure      1017 mbar

2.2.6      Test Results

           AC Powered Operating

           Limit Clause FCC Part 15.215

           The intentional radiator must be designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission is
           contained within the frequency band designated in the rule section under which the equipment is

                                     Table 2.2.6-1: 20 dB Bandwidth Test Results

                                            Frequency   20 dB Bandwidth
                                              (kHz)          (Hz)

                                              125.0           2.0

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

                                          Figure 2.2.6-1: 20 dB Bandwidth Test Results

2.2.7     Test Location and Test Equipment Used

          This test was carried out in TÜV SÜD America, Inc., 5610 W. Sligh Ave, Suite 100, Tampa, FL 33634,

                                                                                        Software / Calibration
                    Instrument               Manufacturer     Type No         TE No     Firmware     Period
                                                                                         Revision   (months)
                9kHz-26.5GHz EMC
                                                Agilent       E7405A        BEMC00523    A.14.06       24        27-Nov-20
                                                              TILE4! -
              Tile Automation Software       ETS Lindgren                   BEMC02095     4.2A        N/A           NCR
                                                            Version 4.2.A
                   Loop Antenna               Com Power        AL-130       TEMC00025      N/A         24        07-Nov-19

                  EMC Chamber                 Panashield        N/A         TEMC00031      N/A         24        28-Jan-20
             Radiated Cable Set 9 kHz -       TUV SUD
                                                              Cable 2       TEMC00186      N/A         12        08-May-20
                      30 MHz                   Tampa

          TU - Traceability Unscheduled
          O/P MON - Traceability Unscheduled
          N/A - Not Applicable

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

2.3        99% Bandwidth

2.3.1      Specification Reference

           ISED Canada: RSS-GEN 6.7

2.3.2      Equipment Under Test and Modification State

           SN: 4

2.3.3      Date of Test


2.3.4      Test Method

           The 99% occupied bandwidth was measured with the spectrum analyzer span set to fully display the
           emission. The RBW was set to 1% to 5% of the approximated bandwidth. The occupied 99%
           bandwidth was measured by using the delta marker function of the spectrum analyzer across the
           99% of the total transmitted power of the fundamental transmitted emission.

2.3.5      Environmental Conditions

            Ambient Temperature       24°C
            Relative Humidity         45.8 %
            Atmospheric Pressure      1017.1 mbar

2.3.6      Test Results

           AC Powered Operating

           Limit Clause ISED RSS-GEN 6.7

           The occupied bandwidth shall be reported for all equipment in addition to the specified bandwidth
           required in the applicable RSSs

                                   Table 2.3.6-1: Occupied Bandwidth Test Results

                                            Frequency   99% Bandwidth
                                              (kHz)          (Hz)

                                              125.0          2.0

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

                                    Figure 2.3.6-1: Occupied Bandwidth Test Results

          Note: The transmitted signal is not modulated. The minimum spectrum analyzer RBW was used for
          the measurements.

2.3.7     Test Location and Test Equipment Used

          This test was carried out in TÜV SÜD America, Inc., 5610 W. Sligh Ave, Suite 100, Tampa, FL 33634,

                                                                                     Software / Calibration
                    Instrument            Manufacturer     Type No         TE No     Firmware     Period
                                                                                      Revision   (months)
                9kHz-26.5GHz EMC
                                             Agilent       E7405A        BEMC00523    A.14.06       24        27-Nov-20
                                                           TILE4! -
              Tile Automation Software    ETS Lindgren                   BEMC02095     4.2A        N/A           NCR
                                                         Version 4.2.A
                   Loop Antenna           Com Power         AL-130       TEMC00025      N/A         24        07-Nov-19

                  EMC Chamber              Panashield        N/A         TEMC00031      N/A         24        28-Jan-20
             Radiated Cable Set 9 kHz -    TUV SUD
                                                           Cable 2       TEMC00186      N/A         12        08-May-20
                      30 MHz                Tampa

          TU - Traceability Unscheduled
          O/P MON - Traceability Unscheduled
          N/A - Not Applicable

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

2.4        Radiated Field Strength and Spurious Emissions

2.4.1      Specification Reference

           FCC Sections: 15.209;
           ISED Canada: RSS-210 2.5

2.4.2      Equipment Under Test and Modification State

           SN: 4

2.4.3      Date of Test


2.4.4      Test Method

           Radiated emissions tests were made over the frequency range of 9 kHz to 1 GHz, 10 times the
           highest fundamental frequency. Each emission found to be in a restricted band as defined by section
           15.205, including any emission at the operational band-edge, was compared to the radiated emission
           limits as defined in Section 15.209.

           For measurements below 30 MHz, the receive antenna height was set to 1 m and the EUT was
           rotated through 360 degrees. The resolution bandwidth was set to 200 Hz below 150 kHz and to 9
           kHz above 150 kHz.

           The EUT was rotated through 360° and the receive antenna height was varied from 1m to 4m so that
           the maximum radiated emissions level would be detected. For frequencies below 1000 MHz, quasi-
           peak measurements were made using a resolution bandwidth RBW of 120 kHz and a video
           bandwidth VBW of 300 kHz. For frequencies above 1000 MHz, peak measurements are made with
           RBW of 1 MHz and VBW of 3 MHz. Average measurements are performed in the linear scale using
           VBW of 30 Hz.

2.4.5      Distance Correction for Measurements below 30 MHz – FCC: Section 15.31

           Radiated measurements were performed at a distance closer than 300 meters and 30m as required,
           according to Part 15.209. Therefore, a correction factor was applied to account for propagation loss
           at the specified distance. The propagation loss was determined by using the square of an inverse
           linear distance extrapolation factor (40dB/decade) according to 15.31. A sample calculation of the
           distance correction factor is shown below for limits expressed at a 300m measurement distance and
           a 30m measurement distance.

           Distance correction factor (300m Specified Test Distance) = 40*Log (Test Distance/300)
                                  = 40*Log (3/300)
                                  = - 80 dB

           Distance correction factor (30m Specified Test Distance) = 40*Log (Test Distance/30)
                                  = 40*Log (3/30)
                                  = - 40 dB

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

2.4.6     Duty Cycle Correction

          The EUT was configured to transmit at 100% duty cycle during the evaluation. No duty cycle
          correction factor was used for the average measurements.

2.4.7     Environmental Conditions

           Ambient Temperature         24.6 °C
           Relative Humidity           41.9 %
           Atmospheric Pressure        1014.6 mbar

2.4.8     Test Results

          AC Powered Operating

          Limit Clause FCC Sections 15.209, ISED Canada: RSS-210 2.5

                    Frequency (MHz)   Field Strength (microvolts/meter)   Measurement Distance (meters)

                      0.009-0.490               2400/F(kHz)                           300

                     0.4090-1.705              24000/F(kHz)                            30

                      1.705-30.0                     30                                30

                         30-88                     100**                               3

                         88-216                    150**                               3

                       216-960                     200**                               3

                      Above 960                     500                                3

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

                                        Table 2.4.8-1: TX Radiated Spurious Emissions

                        Level         (dBuV) Antenna   Correction    Corrected Level          Limit              Margin
                                             Polarity    Factors          (dBuV/m)          (dBuV/m)              (dB)
                           Pk        Qpk/Avg (H/V)        (dB)          Pk     Qpk/Avg     Pk Qpk/Avg          Pk Qpk/Avg
                                                     Fundamental Frequency
              0.125      76.63        76.42     V         14.64       91.27     91.06    125.7       105.7    34.4       14.6
                                                       Spurious Emissions
              0.375       43.71       39.19     V         14.62       58.33     53.81    116.1       96.1      57.8      42.3
              0.625      ---------    33.22     V         14.84      ---------  48.06    --------    71.7    ---------   23.6
              0.875      ---------    28.52     V         14.95      ---------  43.47    --------    68.8    ---------   25.3
              1.125      ---------    24.95     V         15.24      ---------  40.19    --------    66.6    ---------   26.4
              1.375      ---------    22.37     V         15.27      ---------  37.64    --------    64.8    ---------   27.2
             15.4555     ---------    15.67     V         14.82      ---------  30.49    --------    69.5    ---------   39.0
                                                  Emissions from 30 MHz - 1 GHz
              39.12      ---------    11.96     V         20.20      ---------  32.16    ---------    40     ---------   7.8
               43.4      ---------     6.29     V         17.80      ---------  24.09    ---------    40     ---------   15.9
               44.6      ---------     4.49     V         17.20      ---------  21.69    ---------    40     ---------   18.3
               69.6      ---------    12.86     V         13.40      ---------  26.26    ---------    40     ---------   13.7
              70.84      ---------     9.38     V         13.40      ---------  22.78    ---------    40     ---------   17.2
              107.28     ---------     1.41     V         19.10      ---------  20.51    ---------   43.5    ---------   23.0
              121.72     ---------     3.00     H         19.80      ---------  22.80    ---------   43.5    ---------   20.7
               494       ---------    -1.28     V         26.50      ---------  25.22    ---------    46     ---------   20.8
              612.08     ---------    -0.53     H         28.30      ---------  27.77    ---------    46     ---------   18.2
               686       ---------    -0.68     H         28.80      ---------  28.12    ---------    46     ---------   17.9
              941.92     ---------     0.17     H         31.50      ---------  31.67    ---------    46     ---------   14.3

             • The emissions at 125 kHz and 375 kHz were measured with a peak and average detector.
                 All the remaining measurements were performed using a quasi-peak detector.
             • The emissions were performed at a test distance of 3 m.

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

                              Figure 2.4.8-1 – Radiated Emissions Plot 9 kHz – 30 MHz

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                            Figure 2.4.8-2 – Radiated Emissions Plot 30 MHz - 1000 MHz

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

2.4.9     Sample Calculations

          RC = RU + CFT

          CFT =           Total Correction Factor (AF+CA+AG)-DC (Average Measurements Only)
          RU   =          Uncorrected Reading
          RC   =          Corrected Level
          AF   =          Antenna Factor
          CA   =          Cable Attenuation
          AG   =          Amplifier Gain
          DC   =          Duty Cycle Correction Factor

          Example Calculation: Peak
          Corrected Level: 43.71 + 14.62 = 58.33 dBµV/m
          Margin: 116.1 dBµV/m – 58.33 dBµV/m = 57.77 dB

          Example Calculation: Average
          Corrected Level: 39.19 + 14.62 - 0 = 53.81 dBµV/m
          Margin: 96.1 dBµV/m – 53.81 dBµV/m = 42.29 dB

2.4.10    Test Location and Test Equipment Used

          This test was carried out in TÜV SÜD America, Inc., 5610 W. Sligh Ave, Suite 100, Tampa, FL 33634,

                                                                                     Software / Calibration
                    Instrument            Manufacturer     Type No         TE No     Firmware     Period
                                                                                      Revision   (months)
                9kHz-26.5GHz EMC
                                             Agilent       E7405A        BEMC00523    A.14.06       24        27-Nov-20
                                                           TILE4! -
              Tile Automation Software    ETS Lindgren                   BEMC02095     4.2A        N/A           NCR
                                                         Version 4.2.A
                BI LOG PERIODIC,
                                           Schaffner      CBL6112B       TEMC00005      N/A         24        19-Dec-19
                   Loop Antenna           Com Power         AL-130       TEMC00025      N/A         24        07-Nov-19

                   EMC Chamber             Panashield        N/A         TEMC00031      N/A         24        28-Jan-20
                                           Rohde &
                 EMI Test Receiver                         ESIB 40       TEMC00128      N/A         24        16-Nov-19
            Radiated Cable Set 30 MHz -    TUV SUD
                                                           Cable 2       TEMC00179      N/A         12        07-May-20
                      1 GHz                 Tampa
                                           Rohde &
                   Test Software                           EMC32         TEMC00184      N/A        N/A           NCR
             Radiated Cable Set 9 kHz -    TUV SUD
                                                           Cable 2       TEMC00186      N/A         12        08-May-20
                      30 MHz                Tampa

          TU - Traceability Unscheduled
          O/P MON - Traceability Unscheduled
          N/A - Not Applicable

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Document Number: TP72151666.200 | Version Number: 01

2.5        Power Line Conducted Emissions

2.5.1      Specification Reference

           FCC: Section 15.207
           ISED Canada; RSS-GEN 8.8

2.5.2      Equipment Under Test and Modification State

           SN: 4

2.5.3      Date of Test


2.5.4      Test Method

           ANSI C63.10 section 6.2 was the guiding document for this evaluation. Conducted emissions were
           performed from 150 kHz to 30 MHz with the spectrum analyzer’s resolution bandwidth set to 9 kHz
           and the video bandwidth set to 30 kHz. The calculation for the conducted emissions is as follows:

           Corrected Reading = Analyzer Reading + LISN Loss + Cable Loss
           Margin = Applicable Limit - Corrected Reading

2.5.5      Environmental Conditions

            Ambient Temperature       24.3 °C
            Relative Humidity         44.3 %
            Atmospheric Pressure      1013.3 mbar

2.5.6      Test Results

                                 Frequency of Emission (MHz)   Conducted Limit (dBµV)

                                                               Quasi-Peak   Average

                                          0.15-0.5              66 to 56*   56 to 46*

                                            0.5-5                  56          46

                                            5-30                   60          50

                          *Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

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            Table 2.5.6-1: Power Line Conducted Emissions – Quasi-Peak Detector Results

                     Frequency         Quasi-peak             Corr.   Margin    Limit
                       (MHz)            (dBµV)                (dB)     (dB)    (dBµV)

                      0.159000           51.61          L1    10.0     13.91    65.52
                      0.213000           43.22          L1    10.0     19.87    63.09
                      0.528000           42.32          L1    10.0     13.68    56.00
                      0.892500           32.78          N     10.1     23.22    56.00
                      1.279500           31.66          N     10.2     24.34    56.00
                      4.893000           29.10          N     10.5     26.90    56.00
                     10.374000           37.65          L1    11.0     22.35    60.00
                     10.626000           46.85          L1    11.0     13.15    60.00
                     10.873500           38.14          L1    11.0     21.86    60.00
                     29.373000           38.36          L1    12.3     21.64    60.00

              Table 2.5.6-2: Power Line Conducted Emissions – Average Detector Results

                     Frequency          Average               Corr.   Margin    Limit
                       (MHz)            (dBµV)                (dB)     (dB)    (dBµV)

                      0.159000           46.04         L1     10.0     9.48    55.52
                      0.249000           32.88         L1     10.0    18.91    51.79
                      0.541500           38.14         L1     10.0     7.86    46.00
                      0.609000           34.31         L1     10.0    11.69    46.00
                      0.892500           29.47          N     10.1    16.53    46.00
                      1.279500           28.15          N     10.2    17.85    46.00
                      5.577000           24.75          N     10.6    25.25    50.00
                     10.374000           33.91         L1     11.0    16.09    50.00
                     10.626000           46.69          N     11.0     3.31    50.00
                     29.625000           37.93         L1     12.3    12.07    50.00

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                  Figure 2.5.6-1: Graphical Results – AC Mains Composite Line and Neutral Plot

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2.5.7     Test Location and Test Equipment Used

          This test was carried out in TÜV SÜD America, Inc., 5610 W. Sligh Ave, Suite 100, Tampa, FL 33634,

                                                                               Software / Calibration
                   Instrument          Manufacturer    Type No       TE No     Firmware     Period
                                                                                Revision   (months)

                     LISN            Rohde & Schwarz   ESH3-Z5     TEMC00002      N/A         12        27-Sep-19

               EMI Test Receiver     Rohde & Schwarz   ESCS30      TEMC00011      N/A         24        17-Nov-19
                RFI/EMI Shielded       UNIVERSAL
                                                         N/A       TEMC00100      N/A        N/A           NCR
                   Enclosure        SHIELDING CORP.
                 Test Software       Rohde & Schwarz   EMC32       TEMC00184      N/A        N/A           NCR

          TU - Traceability Unscheduled
          O/P MON - Traceability Unscheduled
          N/A - Not Applicable

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3          Test Equipment Information

3.1        General Test Equipment Used

                                                                                      Software / Calibration
                    Instrument            Manufacturer      Type No         TE No     Firmware     Period
                                                                                       Revision   (months)
               9kHz-26.5GHz EMC
                                            Agilent         E7405A        BEMC00523    A.14.06       24        27-Nov-20
                                                            TILE4! -
             Tile Automation Software     ETS Lindgren                    BEMC02095     4.2A        N/A           NCR
                                                          Version 4.2.A
                      LISN              Rohde & Schwarz     ESH3-Z5       TEMC00002      N/A         12        27-Sep-19
               BI LOG PERIODIC,
                                           Schaffner       CBL6112B       TEMC00005      N/A         24        19-Dec-19
                EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz     ESCS30        TEMC00011      N/A         24        17-Nov-19

                  Loop Antenna             Com Power         AL-130       TEMC00025      N/A         24         7-Nov-19

                  EMC Chamber              Panasheild         N/A         TEMC00031      N/A         24        28-Jan-20
                RFI/EMI Shielded           UNIVERSAL
                                                              N/A         TEMC00100      N/A        N/A           NCR
                   Enclosure            SHIELDING CORP.
                EMI Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz     ESIB 40       TEMC00128      N/A         24        16-Nov-19
              Radiated Cable Set 30
                                        TUV SUD Tampa       Cable 2       TEMC00179      N/A         12         7-May-20
                  MHz - 1 GHz
                  Test Software         Rohde & Schwarz     EMC32         TEMC00184      N/A        N/A           NCR
               Radiated Cable Set 9
                                        TUV SUD Tampa       Cable 2       TEMC00186      N/A         12         8-May-20
                  kHz - 30 MHz

           TU - Traceability Unscheduled
           O/P MON - Traceability Unscheduled
           N/A - Not Applicable

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4         Diagram of Test Set-ups

                         Figure 4-1 - Radiated Emission Test Setup Below 30 MHz

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                          Figure 4-2 - Radiated Emissions Test Setup up to 1 GHz

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                         Figure 4-3 - Radiated Emissions Test Setup above 1 GHz

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                               Figure 4-4 – Conducted Emissions Test Setup

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5         Measurement Uncertainty

          For a 95% confidence level, the measurement uncertainties for defined systems are:

                                         Table 5-1 - Values of Ucispr and ULab

                                     Measurement                                Ucispr   ULab

           Conducted disturbance (mains port)
           (9 kHz – 150 kHz)                                                    3.8 dB   3.71 dB
           (150 kHz – 30 MHz)                                                   3.4 dB   3.31 dB
           Conducted disturbance (telecom port)
                                                                                5.0 dB   4.11 dB
           (150 kHz – 30 MHz 55 dB LCL)
                                                                                5.0 dB   4.50 dB
           (150 kHz – 30 MHz 65 dB LCL)
                                                                                5.0 dB   4.94 dB
           (150 kHz – 30 MHz 75 dB LCL)
           Radiated disturbance (electric field strength on an open area test
           site or alternative test site)
           (30 MHz – 1 000 MHz)                                                 6.3 dB   5.85 dB
           (1 – 6 GHz)                                                          5.2 dB   4.48 dB
           (6-18 GHz)                                                           5.5 dB   4.48 dB


          Ucispr resembles a value of measurement uncertainty for a specific test, which was determined by
          considering uncertainties associated with the quantities listed in CISPR 16-4-2:2011.

          Compliance or non-compliance with a disturbance limit shall be determined in the following

          If ULab is less than or equal to Ucispr in Table 5.0-1, then:
          o      compliance is deemed to occur if no measured disturbance exceeds the disturbance limit;
          o      non-compliance is deemed to occur if any measured disturbance exceeds the disturbance

          If ULab is greater than Ucispr, then:
          o        compliance is deemed to occur if no measured disturbance, increased by (ULab – Ucispr),
                   exceeds the disturbance limit;
          o        non-compliance is deemed to occur if any measured disturbance, increased by (ULab –
                   Ucispr), exceeds the disturbance limit.

          The TÜV SÜD AMERICA, Inc. calculated MU is less than the internationally accepted MU,
          therefore an adjustment to the measured result as mentioned above is not necessary.

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6         Accreditation, Disclaimers and Copyright

        TÜV SÜD America Inc.’s reports apply only to the specific sample tested under stated test conditions.
        It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to assure the continued compliance of production units of this
        model. TÜV SÜD America, Inc. shall have no liability for any deductions, inferences or generalizations
        drawn by the client or others from TÜV SÜD America, Inc.’s issued reports.

        This report is the confidential property of the client. As a mutual protection to our clients, the public
        and TÜV SÜD America, Inc., extracts from the test report shall not be reproduced, except in full without
        TÜV SÜD America, Inc.’s written approval.

        This report must not be used to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA, NIST,
        or any agency of the federal government.

        TÜV SÜD America, Inc. and or its professional staff hold government and professional organization
        certifications for A2LA, ANSI, IEEE, NIST, iNARTE and VCCI.

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Document Created: 2019-09-18 14:20:35
Document Modified: 2019-09-18 14:20:35

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