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 FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

    Bluetooth low energy 4.2 and 5 Specifications Module Datasheet
                                                       Version 1.0

Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co.,Ltd   ‐1‐ 

  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

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Version          Data        Notes
   1.0        2017/10/14     Initial Version                                                 Devin Wan

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  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet


Overview                                                         Type 2 near field communication (NFC‐A) tag with
                                                                 wakeup‐on‐field and touch‐to‐pair capabilities
FSC‐BT630 is a wireless microcontroller (MCU) targeting
                                                                 Postage stamp sized form factor
Bluetooth 4.2 and Bluetooth 5 low energy applications.
                                                                 Temperature sensor
                                                                 Digital microphone interface (PDM)
Very low active RF and MCU current and low‐power
                                                                 Up to 3x SPI master/slave(Max)
mode current consumption provide excellent battery
                                                                 Quadrature decoder (QDEC)
lifetime and allow for operation on small coin cell
                                                                 Embedded Bluetooth stack profiles support: SPP/iAP,
batteries and in energy‐harvesting applications.
                                                                 HID, GATT, ANCS etc
                                                                 3x real‐time counter (RTC)
FSC‐BT630 contains a 32‐bit ARM® Cortex®‐M4 core that
                                                                 OTA upgrade support
runs at 64 MHz as the main processor and a rich
                                                                 MFI Support
peripheral feature set that includes a unique ultra‐low
                                                                 Support External Antenna
power sensor controller. This sensor controller is ideal for
                                                                 RoHS compliant
interfacing external sensors and for collecting analog and
digital data autonomously while the rest of the system is
in sleep mode. Thus, FSC‐BT630 is great for a wide range       Application
of applications where long battery lifetime, small form
                                                                 Internet of Things (IoT)
factor, and ease of use is important.
                                                                 • Home automation
                                                                 • Sensor networks
It supports GAP, ATT/GATT, SMP, L2CAP profiles. It               • Building automation
integrates Baseband controller in a small package                • Industrial
(Integrated Ceramic antenna), so the designers can have          • Retail
better flexibilities for the product shapes.
                                                                 Personal area networks
                                                                 • Health/fitness sensor and monitor devices
Features                                                         • Medical devices
                                                                 • Key fobs and wrist watches
     Support the Bluetooth 4.2 core specification and 5
                                                                 Interactive entertainment devices
     Specifications                                              • Remote controls
     Low power                                                   • Gaming controllers

     RSSI (1 dB resolution)                                      Beacons
                                                                 •A4WP wireless chargers and devices
     UART programming and data interface (baudrate can
                                                                 •Remote control toys
     up to 921600bps)                                            •Computer peripherals and I/O devices:
     I2S audio interface                                            Mouse/Keyboard/Multi‐touch track pad/Gaming
     I2C/AIO/PIO/PWM control interfaces

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 FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

Module picture as below showing

            Figure 1: FSC‐BT630 Picture

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  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

2.    General Specification
Table 1: General Specifications
Categories             Features               Implementation
                       Bluetooth Version      Bluetooth low energy (BLE) 4.2 and 5 Specifications
                       Frequency              2.402 ‐ 2.480 GHz
                       Transmit Power         +4 dBm (Maximum)
                       Receive Sensitivity    ‐96 dBm sensitivity in Bluetooth low energy mode (Typical)
                       Antenna                2dBi Ceramic antenna
                       Raw Data Rates (Air)   2 Mbps Bluetooth low energy mode
                                              1 Mbps, 2 Mbps supported data rates
                                              TX,RX,CTS/RTS(with EasyDMA)
                                              General Purpose I/O
                       UART Interface         Default 115200,N,8,1
                                              Baudrate support from 1200 to 921600
                                              5, 6, 7, 8 data bit character(TBD)
                                              13 (maximum – configurable) lines
                                              O/P drive strength (2~10 mA)
                                              Pull‐up resistor (13 KΩ) control
                                              Read pin‐level
                                              Up to 2x I2C compatible 2‐Wire master/slave
                       I2C Interface          (configurable from GPIO total)
                                              Up to 400 kbps(master)
                                              Supports Master or Slave mode operation
                                              Simultaneous bi‐directional (TX and RX) audio streaming
                                              Original I2S and left‐ or right‐aligned format
                       I2S Interface
Host Interface and                            8, 16 and 24‐bit sample width
Peripherals                                   Low‐jitter Master Clock generator
                                              Various sample rates
                                              Analog input voltage range: 0~ VDD (VDD=3.6V)
                                              8/10/12‐bit resolution, 14‐bit resolution with oversampling
                       ADC Interface
                                              6 channels (configured from GPIO total)
                                              Up to 200 ksps conversion
                                              16‐bit resolution
                                              8‐bit prescaler and clock divider
                                              Supports PWM interrupts
                                              supports input capture function
                                              Up to two PDM microphones configured as a Left/Right pair using
                                              the same data input
                       PDM                    16 kHz output sample rate, 16‐bit samples
                                              EasyDMA support for sample buffering
                                              HW decimation filters
                       NFC‐A                  13.56 MHz input frequency

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  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

                    listen mode operation   Bit rate 106 kbps
                                            3 SPI instances(configurable from GPIO total)
                    SPI                     SPI Slave and SPI Master
                                            Bit rates for SPI Slave and Master ‐ 8 Mbps
                                            Temperature range is greater than or equal to operating temperature
                    Temperature sensor      of the device
                                            Resolution is 0.25 degrees
                    Classic Bluetooth       No Support
                    Bluetooth Low Energy    GATT Client & Peripheral ‐ Any Custom Services
                                            BT5 Specifications
                                            MFI Support
Maximum             Classic Bluetooth       No Support
Connections         Bluetooth Low Energy    1Clients(TBD)
                                            Over the Air
FW upgrade                                  Via UART
Supply Voltage      Supply                  1.7 ~ 3.6V
                                            5.3 mA peak current in TX (0 dBm)
                                            6.6 mA peak current in TX (4 dBm)(TBD)
                                            5.4 mA peak current in RX
Power Consumption                           ~0.3uA ‐       System OFF current, no RAM retention
                                            ~1.2uA ‐       System ON base current, no RAM retention
                                            ~20nA ‐        Additional RAM retention current per 4 KB RAM section
                    Power fail comparator   <4uA     ‐   Current consumption when enabled
Physical            Dimensions              10mm X 11.9mm X 1.7mm; Pad Pitch 1.1mm
                    Operating               ‐40°C to +85°C
                    Storage                 ‐40°C to +125°C
                    Lead Free               Lead‐free and RoHS compliant
                    Warranty                One Year
                    Flash memory            Endurance: 10000(Write/erase cycles)
                                            Retention: 10 years at 40°C
Humidity                                    10% ~ 90% non‐condensing
MSL grade:                                  MSL 1
                                            ESD HBM: 2KV
ESD grade:
                                            ESD CDM: 500V

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3.1     PIN Definition Descriptions
Table 2: Pin definition
Pin Pin Name                   Type      Pin Descriptions                                                       Notes
 1    UART_TX                    O       UART Data output                                                       Note 1
 2    UART_RX                    I       UART Data input                                                        Note 1
 3    PIO0/I2C_SDA              I/O      Programmable input/output line                                         Note
 4    PIO1/I2C_SCL              I/O      Programmable input/output line                                         Note
 5    PIO2/AIO0/TRAN            I/O      Programmable input/output line                                         Note
                                         Alternative Function 1: Analogue programmable I/O line.                2,4
                                         Alternative Function 2: Host MCU change UART transmission
 6    RESET                      I       External reset input: Active LOW, with an inter an internal pull‐up.   Note 3
                                         Set this pin low reset to initial state.
 7    VDD_3V3                   Vdd      Power supply voltage 1.7 ~ 3.6V(default 3.3V)
 8    GND                       Vss      Power Ground
 9    SWCLK                      I       Serial wire debug clock input for debugand programming
10    SWDIO                     I/O      Serial wire debug I/O for debug and programming
11    PIO3/I2S_LRCK             I/O      Programmable input/output line                                         Note 2
                                         Alternative Function 1: I2S left right channel clock
                                         Alternative Function 2: Analogue programmable I/O line.
12    PIO4/I2S_SD_IN             I       Programmable input/output line                                         Note 2
                                         Alternative Function 1: I2S data input
                                         Alternative Function 2: Analogue programmable I/O line.
13    PIO5/I2S_SD_OUT            O       Programmable input/output line                                         Note 2
                                         Alternative Function 1: I2S data out
                                         Alternative Function 2: Analogue programmable I/O line.
14    PIO6/I2S_BCLK             I/O      Programmable input/output line                                         Note 2
                                         Alternative Function 1: I2S bit clock pin
                                         Alternative Function 2: Analogue programmable I/O line.
15    PIO7/AIO1/DISC/I2S_MC     I/O      Programmable input/output line                                         Note
      LK                                 Alternative Function 1: Analogue programmable I/O line.                2,5
                                         Alternative Function 2: I2S Master clock pin.
                                         Alternative Function 3: Host MCU disconnect bluetooth.
                                         Alternative Function 4: Analogue programmable I/O line.
16    PIO8/MUTE                 I/O      Programmable input/output line                                         Note 6
                                         Alternative Function: Mute Pin
17    PIO9/LED/NFC2             I/O      Programmable input/output line                                         Note 7
                                         Alternative Function 1: LED

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                                          Alternative Function 2: NFC2
18    PIO10/STATUS/NFC1            I/O    Programmable input/output line                                       Note 8
                                          Alternative Function 1: BT Status
                                          Alternative Function 2: NFC1
19    GND                          Vss    Power Ground
20    EXT_ANT                       O     RF signal output .                                                   Note 9

Module Pin Notes:
Note 1     For customized module, this pin can be work as I/O Interface.
Note 2       I2C/PWM/SPI/PDM/UART(CTS/RTS) with EasyDMA
             (Support accomplishing the port mapping to other spare I/O Interface via modifying the firmware.)
Note 3       I2C Serial Clock and Data.
             It is essential to remember that pull‐up resistors on both SCL and SDA lines are not provided in the module
             and MUST be provided external to the module.
Note 4       When bluetooth connection established, UART transmission mode will be determined by PIO2's level :
                 High: Command Mode
                 Low: Throughput Mode
Note 5       When bluetooth connection established,a riging edge of PIO7 will cause disconnection with remote device.
Note 6       Audio Mute Pin‐‐ Mute ON: High Level; Mute OFF: Low Level.
Note 7       LED(Default)‐‐ Power On: Light Slow Shinning ; Connected: Steady Lighting.
Note 8       BT Status(Default)‐‐ Disconnected: Low Level; Connected: High Level.
Note 9       By default, this PIN is an empty feet. This PIN can connect to an external antenna to improve the Bluetooth
             signal coverage.
             If you need to use an external antenna, by modifying the module on the 0R resistance to block out the
             on‐board antenna; Or contact Feasycom for modification.

 4.1      Power Supply
The transient response of the regulator is important. If the power rails of the module are supplied from an external
voltage source, the transient response of any regulator used should be 20μs or less. It is essential that the power rail
recovers quickly.

This module has the following power supply features:

     On‐chip LDO and DC/DC regulators
     Global System ON/OFF modes
     Individual RAM section power control for all system modes
     Analog or digital pin wakeup from System OFF
     Supervisor HW to manage power on reset, brownout, and power fail
     Auto‐controlled refresh modes for LDO and DC/DC regulators to maximize efficiency
     Automatic switching between LDO and DC/DC regulator based on load to maximize efficiency

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  4.2           Reset
The module may be reset from several sources: Power‐on Reset (POR), Low level on the nRESET Pin (nRST), Watchdog
time‐out reset (WDT), Wakeup from System OFF mode reset , Brown‐out reset or Software Reset(SYSRESETREQ, CPU
Reset, CHIPRST).

The RESET pin is an active low reset and is internally filtered using the internal low frequency clock oscillator. A reset
will be performed between 1.5 and 4.0ms following RESET being active. It is recommended that RESET be applied for a
period greater than 5ms.

At reset the digital I/O pins are set to inputs for bi‐directional pins and outputs are tri‐state. The PIOs have weak

Table 3: NRST pin characteristics
Parameter                                                  Conditions               Min          Typ       Max      Unit
RPU ‐     Weak pull‐up equivalent resistor(1)       VIN = VSS                        30          40         50       KΩ
VF(NRST)(2) ‐    NRST Input filtered pulse                                            ‐          ‐         100       ns
VNF(NRST)(2) ‐    NRST Input not filtered pulse     VDD>1.2V                        300          ‐          ‐        ns
TNRST_OUT ‐      Generated reset pulse duration     Internal Reset source            20          ‐          ‐        μs
VPOF ‐ Nominal power level warning                                                   1.7                   2.8        V
thresholds (falling supply voltage).
Levels are configurable between Min. and
Max. in 100mV increments.
VBOR,OFF ‐ Brown out reset voltage range                                             1.2                   1.7        V
VBOR,ON ‐ Brown out reset voltage range                                              1.5                   1.7        V

1. The pull‐up is designed with a true resistance in series with a switchable PMOS. This PMOS contribution to the series
resistance must be minimum (~10% order).
2. Guaranteed by design.

        1. The reset network protects the device against parasitic resets.
        2. The user must ensure that the level on the NRST pin can go below the VIL(NRST) max level specified in
            NRST pin characteristics. Otherwise the reset is not taken into account by the device.

  4.3           General Purpose Analog IO
The ADC is a differential successive approximation register (SAR) analog‐to‐digital converter.

Listed here are the main features of SAADC:

     8/10/12‐bit resolution, 14‐bit resolution with oversampling
     Up to eight input channels

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       • One channel per single‐ended input and two channels per differential input

       • Scan mode can be configured with both single‐ended channels and differential channels.

    Full scale input range (0 to VDD)
    Sampling triggered via a task from software or a PPI channel for full flexibility on sample frequency source from low
     power 32.768kHz RTC or more accurate 1/16MHz Timers
    One‐shot conversion mode to sample a single channel
    Scan mode to sample a series of channels in sequence. Sample delay between channels is tack + tconv which may
     vary between channels according to user configuration of tack.
    Support for direct sample transfer to RAM using EasyDMA
    Interrupts on single sample and full buffer events
    Samples stored as 16‐bit 2’s complement values for differential and single‐ended sampling
    Continuous sampling without the need of an external timer
    Internal resistor string
    Limit checking on the fly

 4.4      General Purpose Digital IO
There are 13 general purpose digital IOs defined in the module. All these GPIOs can be configured by software to
realize various functions, such as button controls, LED drives or interrupt signals to host controller, etc. Do not connect
them if not use.

The I/O type of each I/O pins can be configured by software individually as Input or Push‐pull output mode. After the
chip is reset, the I/O mode of all pins is input mode with no pull‐up and pull‐down enable. Each I/O pin has an
individual pull‐up and pull‐down resistor which is about 40 kΩ for VDD and Vss.

    Configurable output drive strength
    Internal pull‐up and pull‐down resistors
    Wake‐up from high or low level triggers on all pins
    Trigger interrupt on state changes on any pin
    All pins can be used by the PPI task/event system
    One or more GPIO outputs can be controlled through PPI and GPIOTE channels
    All pins can be individually mapped to interface blocks for layout flexibility
    GPIO state changes captured on SENSE signal can be stored by LATCH register

4.5     I2S Interfaces
The I2S (Inter‐IC Sound) module, supports the original two‐channel I2S format, and left or right‐aligned formats. It
implements EasyDMA for sample transfer directly to and from RAM without CPU intervention.

The I2S peripheral has the following main features:

    Master and Slave mode
    Simultaneous bi‐directional (TX and RX) audio streaming
    Original I2S and left‐ or right‐aligned format

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    8, 16 and 24‐bit sample width
    Low‐jitter Master Clock generator
    Various sample rates

4.6     SPI Interfaces
The SPI master provides a simple CPU interface which includes a TXD register for sending data and an RXD
register for receiving data. This section is added for legacy support for now.

The TXD and RXD registers are double-buffered to enable some degree of uninterrupted data flow in and out of the
SPI master.
The SPI master does not implement support for chip select directly. Therefore, the CPU must use available GPIOs
to select the correct slave and control this independently of the SPI master. The SPI master supports SPI modes 0
through 3.

 4.7     RF Interface
For this Module, the default mode for antenna is internal ,it also has the interface for external antenna. If you need to
use an external antenna, by modifying the module on the 0R resistance to block out the on‐board antenna; Or contact
Feasycom for modification.The user can connect a 50 ohm antenna directly to the RF port.

    2402–2480 MHz Bluetooth 4.2 and Bluetooth 5
    2 Mbps Bluetooth low energy mode
    1 Mbps, 2 Mbps supported data rates
    TX power ‐20 to +4 dBm in 4 dB steps
    ‐96 dBm sensitivity in Bluetooth® low energy mode
    Single‐pin antenna interface
    RSSI (1 dB resolution)

The RADIO includes a Device Address Match unit and an interframe spacing control unit that can be utilized to simplify
address white listing and interframe spacing respectively, in Bluetooth Smart and similar applications.

The RADIO also includes a Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and a bit counter. The bit counter generates events
when a preconfigured number of bits have been sent or received by the RADIO.

 4.8     Serial Interfaces

   4.8.1      UART
FSC‐BT630 provides one channels of Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitters(UART)(Full‐duplex asynchronous
communications). The UART Controller performs a serial‐to‐parallel conversion on data received from the peripheral
and a parallel‐to‐serial conversion on data transmitted from the CPU. Each UART Controller channel supports ten types
of interrupts.

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  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

This is a standard UART interface for communicating with other serial devices. The UART interface provides a simple
mechanism for communicating with other serial devices using the RS232 protocol.

When the module is connected to another digital device, UART_RX and UART_TX transfer data between the two
devices. The remaining two signals, UART_CTS and UART_RTS, can be used to implement RS232 hardware flow control
where both are active low indicators.

This module output is at 3.3V CMOS logic levels (tracks VCC). Level conversion must be added to interface with an
RS‐232 level compliant interface.

Some serial implementations link CTS and RTS to remove the need for handshaking. We do not recommend linking CTS
and RTS except for testing and prototyping. If these pins are linked and the host sends data when the FSC‐BT630
deasserts its RTS signal, there is significant risk that internal receive buffers will overflow, which could lead to an
internal processor crash. This drops the connection and may require a power cycle to reset the module. We
recommend that you adhere to the correct CTS/RTS handshaking protocol for proper operation.

    Full‐duplex operation
    Automatic hardware flow control
    Parity checking and generation for the 9th data bit
    Up to 1 Mbps baudrate
    Return to IDLE between transactions supported (when using HW flow control)
    One stop bit
    Least significant bit (LSB) first

The GPIOs used for each UART interface can be chosen from any GPIO on the device and are independently
configurable. This enables great flexibility in device pinout and efficient use of board space and signal routing.

Table 4: Possible UART Settings
                   Parameter                                                 Possible Values
                                                      Minimum                       1200 baud (≤2%Error)
Baudrate                                              Standard                       115200bps(≤1%Error)
                                                      Maximum                        921600bps(≤1%Error)
Flow control                                                                           RTS/CTS, or None
Parity                                                                                None, Odd or Even
Number of stop bits                                                                            1
Bits per channel                                                                               8

When connecting the module to a host, please make sure to follow .

   4.8.2       I2C Interface
I2C is a two‐wire, bi‐directional serial bus that provides a simple and efficient method of data exchange between
devices. The I2C standard is a true multi‐master bus including collision detection and arbitration that prevents data

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  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

corruption if two or more masters attempt to control the bus simultaneously.

Data is transferred between a Master and a Slave synchronously to SCL on the SDA line on a byte‐by‐byte basis. Each
data byte is 8‐bit long. There is one SCL clock pulse for each data bit with the MSB being transmitted first. An
acknowledge bit follows each transferred byte. Each bit is sampled during the high period of SCL; therefore, the SDA
line may be changed only during the low period of SCL and must be held stable during the high period of SCL. A
transition on the SDA line while SCL is high is interpreted as a command (START or STOP). Please refer to the following
figure for more details about I2C Bus Timing.

The device on‐chip I2C logic provides the serial interface that meets the I2C bus standard mode specification. The I2C
port handles byte transfers autonomously. The I2C H/W interfaces to the I2C bus via two pins: SDA and SCL. Pull up
resistor is needed for I2C operation as these are open drain pins. When the I/O pins are used as I2C port, user must set
the pins function to I2C in advance.

The I2C master is compatible with I2C operating at 100 kHz and 400 kHz.

 4.9     Pulse width modulation (PWM)
The PWM module enables the generation of pulse width modulated signals on GPIO. The module implements an up or
up‐and‐down counter with four PWM channels that drive assigned GPIOs.

Three PWM modules can provide up to 12 PWM channels with individual frequency control in groups of up to four
channels. Furthermore, a built‐in decoder and EasyDMA capabilities make it possible to manipulate the PWM duty
cycles without CPU intervention. Arbitrary duty‐cycle sequences are read from Data RAM and can be chained to
implement ping‐pong buffering or repeated into complex loops.

Listed here are the main features of one PWM module:

    Fixed PWM base frequency with programmable clock divider
    Up to four PWM channels with individual polarity and duty‐cycle values
    Edge or center‐aligned pulses across PWM channels
    Multiple duty‐cycle arrays (sequences) defined in Data RAM
    Autonomous and glitch‐free update of duty cycle values directly from memory through EasyDMA
    Change of polarity, duty‐cycle, and base frequency possibly on every PWM period
    Data RAM sequences can be repeated or connected into loops

4.10     Pulse density modulation interface (PDM)
The pulse density modulation (PDM) module enables input of pulse density modulated signals from external audio
frontends, for example, digital microphones. The PDM module generates the PDM clock and supports single‐channel or
dual‐channel (Left and Right) data input. Data is transferred directly to RAM buffers using EasyDMA.

Listed here are the main features for PDM:

    Up to two PDM microphones configured as a Left/Right pair using the same data input
    16 kHz output sample rate, 16‐bit samples
    EasyDMA support for sample buffering

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    HW decimation filters
    The PDM module illustrated
The PDM module illustrated is interfacing up to two digital microphones with the PDM interface. It implements
EasyDMA, which relieves real‐time requirements associated with controlling the PDM slave from a low priority CPU
execution context. It also includes all the necessary digital filter elements to produce PCM samples. The PDM module
allows continuous audio streaming.

   4.10.1      Hardware example
Connect the microphone clock to CLK, and data to DIN.

Note that in a single-microphone (mono) configuration, depending on the microphone’s implementation, either the
left or the right channel (sampled at falling or rising CLK edge respectively) will contain reliable data. If two
microphones are used, one of them has to be set as left, the other as right (L/R pin tied high or to GND on the
respective microphone). It is strongly recommended to use two microphones of exactly the same brand and type so
that their timings in left and right operation match.

4.11      Near field communication tag (NFC)
The NFC peripheral (referred to as the 'NFC peripheral' from now on) supports communication signal interface type A
and 106 kbps bit rate from the NFC Forum.

With appropriate software, the NFC peripheral can be used to emulate the listening device NFC‐A as specified by the
NFC Forum.

Listed here are the main features for the NFC peripheral:

    NFC‐A listen mode operation
     • 13.56 MHz input frequency
     • Bit rate 106 kbps
    Wake‐on‐field low power field detection (SENSE) mode
    Frame assemble and disassemble for the NFC‐A frames specified by the NFC Forum
    Programmable frame timing controller
    Integrated automatic collision resolution, CRC and parity functions

   4.11.1      Antenna interface
In ACTIVATED state, an amplitude regulator will adjust the voltage swing on the antenna pins to a value that is within
the Vswing limit.

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     4.11.2   NFCT antenna recommendations
The NFCT antenna coil must be connected differential between NFC1 and NFC2 pins of the device.

Two external capacitors should be used to tune the resonance of the antenna circuit to 13.56MHz.

The required tuning capacitor value is given by the below equations:

An antenna inductance of Lant = 2 μH will give tuning capacitors in the range of 130pF on each pin. For good
performance, match the total capacitance on NFC1 and NFC2.

     4.11.3   Battery protection
If the antenna is exposed to a strong NFC field, current may flow in the opposite direction on the supply due to
parasitic diodes and ESD structures.

If the battery used does not tolerate return current, a series diode must be placed between the battery and the device
in order to protect the battery.

     4.11.4   References
NFC Forum, NFC Analog Specification version 1.0, www.nfc‐

NFC Forum, NFC Digital Protocol Technical Specification version 1.1, www.nfc‐

NFC Forum, NFC Activity Technical Specification version 1.1, www.nfc‐

 5.1     Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings for supply voltage and voltages on digital and analogue pins of the module are listed below.
Exceeding these values causes permanent damage.

The average PIO pin output current is defined as the average current value flowing through any one of the
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   FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

corresponding pins for a 100mS period. The total average PIO pin output current is defined as the average current
value flowing through all of the corresponding pins for a 100mS period. The maximum output current is defined as the
value of the peak current flowing through any one of the corresponding pins.

Table 5: Absolute Maximum Rating
Parameter                                                                        Min            Max              Unit
Supply voltages
VDD                                                                              ‐0.3           +3.9V              V
VSS                                                                                              0V                V
I/O pin voltage
VI/O, VDD ≤3.6 V                                                                 ‐0.3          VDD+0.3             V
VI/O, VDD >3.6 V                                                                 ‐0.3           3.9V               V
NFC antenna pin current
INFC1/2                                                                                          80              mA
RF input level                                                                                   10              dBm
Storage temperature                                                              ‐40            +125              °C

  5.2        Recommended Operating Conditions
Table 6: Recommended Operating Conditions
                       Parameter                             Min             Type               Max              Unit
VDD ‐ Supply voltage, independent of DCDC enable              1.7                3.0             3.6               V
tR_VDD ‐    Supply rise time (0 V to 1.7 V)                                                      60              mS
TA ‐      Operating Temperature                               ‐40                25              +85              °C

The on‐chip power‐on reset circuitry may not function properly for rise times longer than the specified maximum.

  5.3        Input/output Terminal Characteristics
Table 7: GPIO Electrical Specification
                               Parameter                                   Min          Type            Max       Unit
VIH ‐     Input High Voltage                                           0.7xVDD           ‐              VDD            V
VIL ‐     Input Low Voltage                                                VSS           ‐            0.3xVDD          V
VOH,HDH ‐ Output high voltage, standard drive, 0.5 mA, VDD ≥1.7        VDD‐0.4           ‐              VDD            V
VOH,HDH ‐ Output high voltage, high drive, 5 mA, VDD >= 2.7 V          VDD‐0.4           ‐              VDD            V
VOH,HDL ‐    Output high voltage, high drive, 3 mA, VDD >= 1.7 V       VDD‐0.4           ‐              VDD            V
VOL,SD ‐    Output low voltage, standard drive, 0.5 mA, VDD ≥1.7           VSS           ‐             VSS+0.4         V
VOL,HDH ‐    Output low voltage, high drive, 5 mA, VDD >= 2.7 V            VSS           ‐             VSS+0.4         V

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   FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

VOL,HDL ‐      Output low voltage, high drive, 3 mA, VDD >= 1.7 V                VSS      ‐      VSS+0.4     V
IOL,SD ‐     Current at VSS+0.4 V, output set low, standard drive, VDD           1        2         4       mA
IOL,HDH ‐     Current at VSS+0.4 V, output set low, high drive, VDD >=           6       10         15      mA
2.7 V
IOL,HDL ‐     Current at VSS+0.4 V, output set low, high drive, VDD >=           3        ‐         ‐       mA
1.7 V
IOH,SD ‐ Current at VDD‐0.4 V, output set high, standard drive,                  1        2         4       mA
VDD ≥1.7
IOH,HDH ‐ Current at VDD‐0.4 V, output set high, high drive,                     6        9         14      mA
VDD >= 2.7 V
IOH,HDL ‐     Current at VDD‐0.4 V, output set high, high drive, VDD >=          3        ‐         ‐       mA
1.7 V
tRF,15pF ‐     Rise/fall time, low drive mode, 10‐90%, 15 pF load1                ‐       9         ‐        nS
tRF,25pF ‐     Rise/fall time, low drive mode, 10‐90%, 25 pF load1                ‐      13         ‐        nS
tRF,50pF ‐     Rise/fall time, low drive mode, 10‐90%, 50 pF load1                ‐      25         ‐        nS
tHRF,15pF ‐     Rise/Fall time, high drive mode, 10‐90%, 15 pF load1              ‐       4         ‐        nS
tHRF,25pF ‐     Rise/Fall time, high drive mode, 10‐90%, 25 pF load1              ‐       5         ‐        nS
tHRF,50pF ‐     Rise/Fall time, high drive mode, 10‐90%, 50 pF load1              ‐       8         ‐        nS
RPU ‐       Pull‐up resistance                                                   11      13         16      KΩ
RPD     ‐     Pull‐down resistance                                               11      13         16      KΩ
CPAD ‐          Pad capacitance                                                   ‐       3         ‐        pF
CPAD_NFC ‐       Pad capacitance on NFC pads                                      ‐       4         ‐        pF
INFC_LEAK ‐ Leakage current between NFC pads when driven to                       ‐       2         10       uA
different states

The current drawn from the battery when GPIO is active as an output is calculated as follows:

      IGPIO=VDD Cload f

      Cload being the load capacitance and “f” is the switching frequency.

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 FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

                          GPIO drive strength vs Voltage, standard drive, VDD = 3.0 V

                            GPIO drive strength vs Voltage, high drive, VDD = 3.0 V

                                 Max sink current vs Voltage, standard drive

                                    Max sink current vs Voltage, high drive

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   FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

                         Rise and fall time vs Temperature, 10%‐90%, 25pF load capacitance, VDD = 3.0 V

  5.4          Analog Characteristics

    5.4.1         ADC Electrical Specification
Table 8: ADC characteristics
Parameter                                                                            Min        Typ       Max     Unit
DNL ‐        Differential non‐linearity, 10‐bit resolution                          ‐0.95       <1         ‐      LSB
INL ‐        Integral non‐linearity, 10‐bit resolution                                 ‐         1         ‐      LSB
VOS ‐      Differential offset error (calibrated), 10‐bit resolution a                 ‐        +‐2        ‐      LSB
CEG ‐        Gain error temperature coefficient                                        ‐       0.02        ‐      %/°C
fSAMPLE ‐ Maximum sampling rate                                                        ‐         ‐        200     kHz
tACQ,10k ‐     Acquisition time (configurable), source Resistance <= 10kOhm            ‐         3         ‐       μs
tACQ,40k ‐     Acquisition time (configurable), source Resistance <= 40kOhm            ‐         5         ‐       μs
tACQ,100k ‐     Acquisition time (configurable), source Resistance <= 100kOhm          ‐        10         ‐       μs
tACQ,200k ‐        Acquisition time (configurable), source Resistance<=200kOhm         ‐        15         ‐       μs
tACQ,400k ‐ Acquisition time (configurable), source Resistance <= 400kOhm              ‐        20         ‐       μs
tACQ,800k ‐     Acquisition time (configurable), source Resistance <= 800kOhm          ‐        40         ‐       μs
tCONV ‐      Conversion time                                                           ‐        <2         ‐       μs
IADC,CONV ‐     ADC current during ACQuisition and CONVersion                          ‐        700        ‐       μA
IADC,IDLE ‐ Idle current, when not sampling, excluding clock sources and
                                                                                       ‐        <5         ‐       μA
regulator base currents33
EG1/6 ‐      Errorb for Gain = 1/6                                                    ‐3         ‐         3       %
EG1/4 ‐      Errorb for Gain = 1/4                                                    ‐3         ‐         3       %
EG1/2 ‐      Errorb for Gain = 1/2                                                    ‐3         ‐         4       %
EG1 ‐      Errorb for Gain = 1                                                        ‐3         ‐         4       %
CSAMPLE ‐      Sample and hold capacitance at maximum gain                             ‐        2.5        ‐       pF
RINPUT ‐      Input resistance                                                         ‐        >1         ‐      MΩ

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   FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

ENOB ‐ Effective number of bits, differential mode, 12‐bit resolution,
                                                                                          ‐         9          ‐        Bit
1/1 gain, 3 μs acquisition time, crystal HFCLK, 200 ksps
SNDR ‐ Peak signal to noise and distortion ratio, differential mode, 12‐
                                                                                          ‐        56          ‐        dB
bit resolution, 1/1 gain, 3 μs acquisition time, crystal HFCLK, 200ksps
SFDR ‐ Spurious free dynamic range, differential mode, 12‐bit
                                                                                          ‐        70          ‐       dBc
resolution, 1/1 gain, 3 μs acquisition time, crystal HFCLK, 200ksps
RLADDER ‐ Ladder resistance                                                               ‐       160          ‐        kΩ

a :Digital output code at zero volt differential input.
33 :When tACQ is 10us or longer, and if DC/DC is active, it will be allowed to work in refresh mode if no other resource is
requiring a high quality power supply from 1V3. If tACQ is smaller than 10us and DC/DC is active,

Note: SAADC average current calculation for a given application is based on the sample period, conversion and
acquisition time ( tconv and tACQ) and conversion and idle current (IADC,CONV and IADC,IDLE). For example,sampling
at 4kHz gives a sample period of 250μs. The average current consumption would then be:

                                              Typical connection diagram using the ADC

  5.5          SPI Electrical specification

     5.5.1          SPI master interface
Table 9: SPI master interface electrical specifications
Parameter                                                                                Min      Typ          Max     Unit
fSPI ‐    Bit rates for   SPIa                                                            ‐         ‐          8b      Mbps
ISPI,2Mbps ‐       Run current for SPI, 2 Mbps                                            ‐         ‐          50       μA
ISPI,8Mbps ‐       Run current for SPI, 8 Mbps                                            ‐         ‐          50       μA
ISPI,IDLE Idle ‐    current for SPI (STARTed, no CSN activity)                            ‐        <1              ‐    μA
tSPI,START,LP ‐ Time from writing TXD register to transmission started, low                    tSPI,START,CL
power mode                                                                                ‐    +                   ‐    μS

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   FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

tSPI,START,CL ‐ Time from writing TXD register to transmission started,                                                      uS
                                                                                          ‐          1             ‐
constant latency mode

a:Higher bit rates may require GPIOs to be set as High Drive, see GPIO chapter for more details.
b:The actual maximum data rate depends on the slave's CLK to MISO and MOSI setup and hold timings.

Table 10: Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Master timing specifications
Parameter                                                                           Min            Typ           Max        Unit
tSPI,CSCK,8Mbps ‐ SCK period at 8Mbps                                                 ‐            125              ‐        nS
tSPI,CSCK,4Mbps ‐ SCK period at 4Mbps                                                 ‐            250              ‐        nS
tSPI,CSCK,2Mbps ‐ SCK period at 2Mbps                                                 ‐            500              ‐        nS
tSPI,RSCK,LD ‐      SCK rise time, low drivea                                         ‐              ‐          tRF,25pF
tSPI,RSCK,HD ‐       SCK rise time, high drivea                                       ‐              ‐          tHRF,25pF
tSPI,FSCK,LD ‐      SCK fall time, low drivea                                         ‐              ‐          tRF,25pF
tSPI,FSCK,HD ‐       SCK fall time, high   drivea                                     ‐              ‐          tHRF,25pF
tSPI,WHSCK ‐            SCK high   timea                                         (0.5*tCSCK)
                                                                                   – tRSCK
tSPI,WLSCK ‐        SCK low timea                                                (0.5*tCSCK)
                                                                                   – tFSCK
tSPI,SUMI ‐ MISO to CLK edge setup time                                              19                                      ns
tSPI,HMI ‐     CLK edge to MISO hold time                                            18                                      ns
tSPI,VMO ‐         CLK edge to MOSI valid                                                                         59         ns
tSPI,HMO ‐ MOSI hold time after CLK edge                                             20                                      ns

a: At 25pF load, including GPIO capacitance, see GPIO spec.

     5.5.2           SPI slave interface electrical specifications
Table 11: SPI slave interface electrical specifications
Parameter                                                                            Min           Typ           Max        Unit
fSPI ‐    Bit rates for    SPIa                                                           ‐          ‐             8b       Mbps
ISPI,2Mbps ‐       Run current for SPI, 2 Mbps                                            ‐         45             ‐         μA
ISPI,8Mbps ‐       Run current for SPI, 8 Mbps                                            ‐         45             ‐         μA
ISPI,IDLE Idle ‐     current for SPI (STARTed, no CSN activity)                           ‐          1             ‐         μA
tSPIS,LP,START ‐ Time from RELEASE task to ready to receive/transmit (CSN                      tSPIS,CL,START
active), Low power mode                                                                   ‐    +                   ‐         μS
tSPIS,CL,START ‐ Time from RELEASE task to receive/transmit (CSN active),                 ‐       0.125            ‐         uS

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   FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

Constant latency mode

a:Higher bit rates may require GPIOs to be set as High Drive, see GPIO chapter for more details.
b:The actual maximum data rate depends on the slave's CLK to MISO and MOSI setup and hold timings.

Table 12: Serial Peripheral Interface Slave (SPIS) timing specifications
Parameter                                                                     Min              Typ            Max    Unit
tSPI,CSCK,8Mbps ‐ SCK period at 8Mbps                                           ‐              125             ‐      nS
tSPI,CSCK,4Mbps ‐ SCK period at 4Mbps                                           ‐              250             ‐      nS
tSPI,CSCK,2Mbps ‐ SCK period at 2Mbps                                           ‐              500             ‐      nS
tSPIS,RFSCKIN ‐ SCK input rise/fall time                                                                       30     nS
tSPIS,WHSCKIN ‐ SCK input high time                                                            30                     nS
tSPIS,WLSCKIN ‐ SCK input low time                                                             30                     nS
tSPIS,SUCSN,LP ‐ CSN to CLK setup time, Low power mode                                    tSPIS,SUCSN,CL
                                                                                                 +                    nS
tSPIS,SUCSN,CL‐      CSN to CLK setup time, Constant latency mode                             1000                    nS
tSPIS,HCSN ‐      CLK to CSN hold time                                                        2000                    nS
tSPIS,ASO ‐      CSN to MISO drivena                                                                          1000    nS
tSPIS,DISSO ‐     CSN to MISO   disableda                                                                      68     nS
tSPIS,CWH ‐      CSN inactive time                                                             300                    nS
tSPIS,VSO ‐      CLK edge to MISO valid                                                                        19     nS
tSPIS,HSO ‐      MISO hold time after CLK edge                                                 18b                    nS
tSPIS,SUSI‐       MOSI to CLK edge setup time                                                  59                     nS
tSPIS,HSI ‐     CLK edge to MOSI hold time                                                     20                     nS

a: At 25pF load, including GPIO capacitance, see GPIO spec.
b: This is to ensure compatibility to SPI masters sampling MISO on the same edge as MOSI is output

  5.6           I2C Dynamic Characteristics

    5.6.1          I2C Master interface electrical specifications
Table 13: I2C interface electrical specifications(Master)
Parameter                                                                           Min          Typ          Max    Unit
fI2C ‐   Bit rates for   I2Ca                                                       100              ‐        400    Kbps
II2C,100kbps ‐     Run current for I2C, 100 kbps                                     ‐            50           ‐      μA
II2C,400kbps ‐     Run current for I2C, 400 kbps                                     ‐            50           ‐      μA
tI2C,START,LP ‐ Time from STARTRX/STARTTX task to transmission started,                       TI2C,START,CL
Low power mode                                                                       ‐              +          ‐      μS

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   FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

tI2C,START,CL ‐ Time from STARTRX/STARTTX task to transmission started,
                                                                                        ‐          1.5           ‐       μS
Constant latency mode

a: Higher bit rates or stronger pull‐ups may require GPIOs to be set as High Drive, see GPIO chapter for more details.

Table 14: Two Wire Interface (I2C) timing specifications(Master)
Parameter                                                                             Min          Typ         Max       Unit
fI2C,SCL,100kbps ‐     SCL clock frequency, 100 kbps                                    ‐          100                   KHz
fI2C,SCL,250kbps ‐     SCL clock frequency, 250 kbps                                    ‐          250           ‐       KHz
fI2C,SCL,400kbps ‐     SCL clock frequency, 400 kbps                                    ‐          400           ‐       KHz
tI2C,SU_DAT ‐    Data setup time before positive edge on SCL – all modes              300            ‐           ‐        nS
tI2C,HD_DAT ‐        Data hold time after negative edge on SCL – all modes            500            ‐           ‐        nS
tI2C,HD_STA,100kbps ‐ I2C master hold time for START and repeated START                              ‐           ‐        nS
condition, 100 kbps
tI2C,HD_STA,250kbps ‐ I2C master hold time for START and repeated START                              ‐           ‐        nS
condition, 250kbps
tI2C,HD_STA,400kbps‐ I2C master hold time for START and repeated START                               ‐           ‐        nS
condition,400 kbps
tI2C,SU_STO,100kbps ‐     I2C master setup time from SCL high to STOP condition,                     ‐           ‐        nS
tI2C,SU_STO,250kbps ‐     I2C master setup time from SCL high to STOP condition,                     ‐           ‐        nS
tI2C,SU_STO,400kbps ‐     I2C master setup time from SCL high to STOP condition,                     ‐           ‐        nS
tI2C,BUF,100kbps ‐ I2C master bus free time between STOP and START                                   ‐           ‐        nS
conditions,100 kbps
tI2C,BUF,250kbps ‐ I2C master bus free time between STOP and START                                   ‐           ‐        nS
conditions,250 kbps
tI2C,BUF,400kbps ‐ I2C master bus free time between STOP and START                                   ‐           ‐        nS
conditions,400 kbps

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   FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

                                        Recommended TWIM pullup value vs. line capacitance

     • The I2C specification allows a line capacitance of 400 pF at most.
     • FSC‐BT630 internal pullup has a fixed value of typ. 13 kOhm, see RPU in the GPIO chapter.

    5.6.2            I2C slave interface electrical specifications
Table 15: I2C interface electrical specifications(Slave)
Parameter                                                                             Min          Typ          Max      Unit
fI2C ‐   Bit rates for I2Ca                                                           100             ‐         400      Kbps
II2C,100kbps ‐     Run current for I2C, 100 kbps                                        ‐           45           ‐       μA
II2C,400kbps ‐     Run current for I2C, 400 kbps                                        ‐           45           ‐       μA
II2C,IDLE‐       Idle current for I2C                                                   ‐            1           ‐       uA
tI2C,START,LP ‐ Time from PREPARERX/PREPARETX task to transmission                              TI2C,START,CL
started, Low power mode                                                                 ‐             +          ‐       μS
tI2C,START,CL ‐ Time from PREPARERX/PREPARETX task to transmission
                                                                                        ‐           1.5          ‐       μS
started, Constant latency mode

a: Higher bit rates or stronger pull‐ups may require GPIOs to be set as High Drive, see GPIO chapter for more details.

Table 16: Two Wire Interface (I2C) timing specifications(Master)
Parameter                                                                             Min          Typ          Max      Unit
fI2C,SCL,400kbps ‐    SCL clock frequency, 400 kbps                                     ‐           400          ‐       KHz
tI2C,SU_DAT ‐      Data setup time before positive edge on SCL – all modes            300             ‐          ‐        nS
tI2C,HD_DAT ‐      Data hold time after negative edge on SCL – all modes              500             ‐          ‐        nS
tI2C,HD_STA,100kbps ‐    I2C slave hold time from for START condition (SDA low to                     ‐          ‐        nS

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low), 100 kbps
tI2C,HD_STA,400kbps‐ I2C slave hold time from for START condition (SDA low to           ‐           ‐      nS
SCL low), 400 kbps
tI2C,SU_STO,100kbps ‐   I2C slave setup time from SCL high to STOP condition,           ‐           ‐      nS
100 kbps
tI2C,SU_STO,400kbps ‐   I2C slave setup time from SCL high to STOP condition,           ‐           ‐      nS
400 kbps
tI2C,BUF,100kbps ‐ I2C slave bus free time between STOP and START                      4700         ‐      nS
conditions, 100 kbps
tI2C,BUF,400kbps ‐ I2C slave bus free time between STOP and START                      1300         ‐      nS
conditions, 400 kbps

  5.7         I2S Electrical specification
Table 17: I2S Dynamic Characteristics
Parameter                                                                       Min    Typ        Max     Unit
tS_SDIN ‐     SDIN setup time before SCK rising                                 20      ‐          400     nS
tH_SDIN ‐     SDIN hold time after SCK rising                                   15     50           ‐      nS
tS_SDOUT ‐     SDOUT setup time after SCK falling                               40     50           ‐      nS
tH_SDOUT ‐     SDOUT hold time before SCK falling                                6      ‐           ‐      nS
tSCK_LRCK ‐    SCLK falling to LRCK edge                                         ‐5     0           5      nS
fMCK ‐      MCK frequency                                                        ‐      ‐         4000    KHz
fLRCK ‐ LRCK frequency                                                           ‐      ‐          48     KHz
fSCK ‐      SCK frequency                                                        ‐      ‐         2000    KHz
DCCK ‐       Clock duty cycle (MCK, LRCK, SCK)                                  45      ‐          55      %

  5.8         PWM Characteristics
Table 18: PWM Electrical Specification
Parameter                                                                       Min    Typ        Max     Unit
IPWM,16MHz ‐ PWM run current, Prescaler set to DIV_1 (16 MHz), excluding
                                                                                 ‐     200          ‐      uA
IPWM,8MHz‐ PWM run current, Prescaler set to DIV_2 (8 MHz), excluding                               ‐      uA
                                                                                 ‐     150
IPWM,125kHz ‐ PWM run current, Prescaler set to DIV_128 (125 kHz),                                  ‐      uA
                                                                                 ‐     150
excluding DMA and GPIO

  5.9         PDM Characteristics
Table 19: PDM Electrical Specification
Parameter                                                                       Min    Typ        Max     Unit
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       FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

IPDM,stereo ‐     PDM module active current, stereo operationa                         ‐             1.4         ‐      mA
fPDM,CLK ‐      PDM clock speed                                                        ‐        1.032            ‐     MHz
tPDM,JITTER ‐     Jitter in PDM clock output                                           ‐              ‐         20      nS
TdPDM,CLK ‐      PDM clock duty cycle                                                 40             50         60      %
tPDM,DATA ‐      Decimation filter delay                                               ‐              ‐          5      ms
tPDM,cv ‐      Allowed clock edge to data valid                                        ‐              ‐         125     nS
tPDM,ci ‐      Allowed (other) clock edge to data invalid                              0              ‐          ‐      nS
tPDM,s ‐      Data setup time at fPDM,CLK=1.024 MHz                                   65              ‐          ‐      nS
tPDM,h ‐       Data hold time at fPDM,CLK=1.024 MHz                                    0              ‐          ‐      nS
GPDM,default ‐ Default (reset) absolute gain of the PDM module                         ‐             3.2         ‐      dB

a: Average current including PDM and DMA transfers, excluding clock and power supply base currents

5.10           UART Electrical Specification
Table 20: UART Electrical Specification
Parameter                                                                             Min        Typ           Max     Unit
fUART ‐      Baud rate for   UARTa                                                     ‐              ‐        1000    Kbps
IUART1M ‐       Run current at max baud rate.                                          ‐             55          ‐      uA
IUART115k ‐      Run current at 115200 bps.                                            ‐             55          ‐      uA
IUART1k2‐       Run current at 1200 bps.                                               ‐             55          ‐      uA
IUART,IDLE ‐     Idle current for UART                                                 ‐             1           ‐      uA
tUART,CTSH ‐     CTS high time                                                         1              ‐          ‐      uS
tUART,START,LP ‐ Time from STARTRX/STARTTX task to transmission started,                      tUART,START        ‐      uS
low power mode                                                                         ‐           +
tUART,START,CL ‐ Time from STARTRX/STARTTX task to transmission started,                                         ‐      uS
                                                                                       ‐             1
constant latency mode

a: Higher baud rates may require GPIOs to be set as High Drive, see GPIO chapter for more details.

5.11           NFC Electrical Specification
Table 21: NFC Electrical Specification
Parameter                                                                             Min        Typ           Max     Unit
fc ‐     Frequency of operation                                                        ‐        13.56            ‐     MHz
CMI ‐      Carrier modulation index                                                   95              ‐          ‐      %
DR ‐ Data Rate                                                                         ‐         106             ‐     kbps
fs ‐    Modulation sub‐carrier frequency                                               ‐        fc/16            ‐     MHz
Vswing Peak differential Input voltage swing on NFC1 and NFC2                          ‐              ‐        VDD      Vp
Vsense ‐     Peak differential Field detect threshold level on NFC1‐NFC2               ‐             1.0         ‐      Vp

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      FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

Isense ‐       Current in SENSE STATE                                                   ‐           100              ‐      nA
Iactivated ‐     Current in ACTIVATED STATE                                             ‐           480              ‐      uA
Rin_min ‐ Minimum input resistance when regulating voltage swing                        ‐            ‐               40     Ω
Rin_max ‐ Maximum input resistance when regulating voltage swing                       1.0           ‐               ‐      kΩ
Rin_loadmod ‐      Input resistance when load modulating                                8            ‐               22     Ω
Imax ‐     Maximum input current on NFC pins                                            ‐            ‐               80     mA

a:   Input is high impedance in sense mode

Table 22: NFCT Timing Parameters
Parameter                                                                              Min          Typ          Max       Unit
tactivate ‐     Time from task_ACTIVATE in SENSE or DISABLE state to ACTIVATE_A
                                                                                   ‐            ‐               500       uS
or IDLE stateb
tsense ‐       Time from remote field is present in SENSE mode to FIELDDETECTED
                                                                                   ‐            ‐               20        uS
event is asserted

b: Does not account for voltage supply and oscillator startup times

5.12             Power consumptions
Table 23: Power consumptions (TBD)
                            Parameter                                   Test Conditions                   Type            Unit
TX & RX                                                            peak current in TX (0 dBm)             ~5.3            mA
                                                                   peak current in TX (4 dBm)             ~6.6
                                                                      paeak current in RX                 ~5.4
NFC antenna pin current                                                     INFC1/2                        80             mA

Current consumption, sleep
IOFF ‐        System OFF current, no RAM retention                                                        0.3             uA
ION ‐      System ON base current, no RAM retention                                                       1.2             uA
IRAM ‐ Additional RAM retention current per 4 KB                                                           20             nA
RAM section

Power fail comparator
IPOF ‐        Current consumption when enabled                                                             <4             uA

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  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

6.    MSL & ESD
Table 24: MSL and ESD
                Parameter                       Value
MSL (moisture sensitivity level)                MSL 1
                                                ESD HBM (human body model): 2KV
ESD grade:
                                                ESD HBM (human body model): 500V

Prior to any reflow, it is important to ensure the modules were packaged to prevent moisture absorption. New packages
contain desiccate (to absorb moisture) and a humidity indicator card to display the level maintained during storage and
shipment. If directed to bake units on the card, please check the below Table 25 and follow instructions specified by
Note: The shipping tray cannot be heated above 65°C. If baking is required at the higher temperatures displayed in the
below Table 25, the modules must be removed from the shipping tray.
Any modules not manufactured before exceeding their floor life should be re‐packaged with fresh desiccate and a new
humidity indicator card. Floor life for MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level) 3 devices is 168 hours in ambient environment

Table 25: Recommended baking times and temperatures
                 125°C Baking Temp.                 90°C/≤ 5%RH Baking Temp.           40°C/ ≤ 5%RH Baking Temp.
          Saturated @        Floor Life Limit      Saturated @    Floor Life Limit    Saturated @      Floor Life Limit
           30°C/85%           + 72 hours @          30°C/85%       + 72 hours @        30°C/85%        + 72 hours @
                                30°C/60%                             30°C/60%                          30°C/60%
  3          9 hours           7 hours             33 hours         23 hours            13 days            9 days

Feasycom surface mount modules are designed to be easily manufactured, including reflow soldering to a PCB.
Ultimately it is the responsibility of the customer to choose the appropriate solder paste and to ensure oven
temperatures during reflow meet the requirements of the solder paste. Feasycom surface mount modules conform to
J‐STD‐020D1 standards for reflow temperatures.
The soldering profile depends on various parameters necessitating a set up for each application.      The data here is
given only for guidance on solder reflow.

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  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

                                                Typical Lead‐free Re‐flow

Pre‐heat zone (A) — This zone raises the temperature at a controlled rate, typically 0.5 – 2 C/s. The purpose of this
zone is to preheat the PCB board and components to 120 ~ 150 C. This stage is required to distribute the heat
uniformly to the PCB board and completely remove solvent to reduce the heat shock to components.
Equilibrium Zone 1 (B) — In this stage the flux becomes soft and uniformly encapsulates solder particles and spread
over PCB board, preventing them from being re‐oxidized. Also with elevation of temperature and liquefaction of flux,
each activator and rosin get activated and start eliminating oxide film formed on the surface of each solder particle and
PCB board. The temperature is recommended to be 150 to 210 for 60 to 120 second for this zone.
Equilibrium Zone 2 (C) (optional) — In order to resolve the upright component issue, it is recommended to keep the
temperature in 210 – 217  for about 20 to 30 second.
Reflow Zone (D) — The profile in the figure is designed for Sn/Ag3.0/Cu0.5. It can be a reference for other lead‐free
solder. The peak temperature should be high enough to achieve good wetting but not so high as to cause component
discoloration or damage. Excessive soldering time can lead to intermetallic growth which can result in a brittle joint. The
recommended peak temperature (Tp) is 230 ~ 250 C. The soldering time should be 30 to 90 second when the
temperature is above 217 C.
Cooling Zone (E) — The cooling ate should be fast, to keep the solder grains small which will give a longer‐lasting joint.
Typical cooling rate should be 4 C.

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  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

 8.1      Mechanical Details
         Dimension: 10mm(W) x 11.9mm(L) x 1.7mm(H) Tolerance: ±0.1mm
         Module size: 10mm X 11.9mm Tolerance: ±0.1mm
         Pad size:    0.9mmX0.6mm    Tolerance: ±0.1mm
         Pad pitch:   1.1mm Tolerance: ±0.1mm

 9.1      Soldering Recommendations
FSC‐BT630 is compatible with industrial standard reflow profile for Pb‐free solders. The reflow profile used is dependent
on the thermal mass of the entire populated PCB, heat transfer efficiency of the oven and particular type of solder
paste used. Consult the datasheet of particular solder paste for profile configurations.
Feasycom will give following recommendations for soldering the module to ensure reliable solder joint and operation of
the module after soldering. Since the profile used is process and layout dependent, the optimum profile should be
studied case by case. Thus following recommendation should be taken as a starting point guide.

 9.2      Layout Guidelines(Internal Antenna)
It is strongly recommended to use good layout practices to ensure proper operation of the module. Placing copper or
any metal near antenna deteriorates its operation by having effect on the matching properties. Metal shield around the
antenna will prevent the radiation and thus metal case should not be used with the module. Use grounding vias
separated max 3 mm apart at the edge of grounding areas to prevent RF penetrating inside the PCB and causing an
unintentional resonator. Use GND vias all around the PCB edges.
The mother board should have no bare conductors or vias in this restricted area, because it is not covered by stop mask
print. Also no copper (planes, traces or vias) are allowed in this area, because of mismatching the on‐board antenna.
Following recommendations helps to avoid EMC problems arising in the design. Note that each design is unique and the
following list do not consider all basic design rules such as avoiding capacitive coupling between signal lines. Following
list is aimed to avoid EMC problems caused by RF part of the module. Use good consideration to avoid problems arising
from digital signals in the design.
Ensure that signal lines have return paths as short as possible. For example if a signal goes to an inner layer through a
via, always use ground vias around it. Locate them tightly and symmetrically around the signal vias. Routing of any
sensitive signals should be done in the inner layers of the PCB. Sensitive traces should have a ground area above and
under the line. If this is not possible, make sure that the return path is short by other means (for example using a
ground line next to the signal line).

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  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

 9.3      Layout Guidelines(External Antenna)
Placement and PCB layout are critical to optimize the performances of a module without on‐board antenna designs.
The trace from the antenna port of the module to an external antenna should be 50 and must be as short as possible
to avoid any interference into the transceiver of the module. The location of the external antenna and RF‐IN port of
the module should be kept away from any noise sources and digital traces. A matching network might be needed in
between the external antenna and RF‐IN port to better match the impedance to minimize the return loss.
As indicated in Figure 46 below, RF critical circuits of the module should be clearly separated from any digital circuits on
the system board. All RF circuits in the module are close to the antenna port. The module, then, should be placed in
this way that module digital part towards your digital section of the system PCB.

   9.3.1      Antenna Connection and Grounding Plane Design

General design recommendations are:
      The length of the trace or connection line should be kept as short as possible.
      Distance between connection and ground area on the top layer should at least be as large as the dielectric
      Routing the RF close to digital sections of the system board should be avoided.
      To reduce signal reflections, sharp angles in the routing of the micro strip line should be avoided. Chamfers or
      fillets are preferred for rectangular routing; 45‐degree routing is preferred over Manhattan style 90‐degree

      Routing of the RF‐connection underneath the module should be avoided. The distance of the micro strip line to the
      ground plane on the bottom side of the receiver is very small and has huge tolerances. Therefore, the impedance
      of this part of the trace cannot be controlled.
      Use as many vias as possible to connect the ground planes.

 10.1       Default Packing
   a, Tray vacuum
   b, Tray Dimension: 180mm * 195mm

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                   Figure 49: Tray vacuum (Image for reference only, subject to actual product)

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  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

FCC Statement
1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Note: The grantee is not responsible for any changes or modifications not expressly approved by
the party responsible for compliance. Such modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part
15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation.
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
‐ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
‐ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
‐Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
‐Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help

RF Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment
should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body.

Instructions to the OEM/Integrator:
This module has been granted modular approval for mobile applications. OEM integrators for host products may use
the module in their final products without additional FCC/ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada)
certification if they meet the following conditions. Otherwise, Additional FCC/IC approvals must be obtained.
⚫ The OEM must comply with the FCC labeling requirements. If the module’s label is not visible when installed, then an
additional permanent label must be applied on the outside of the finished product which states: ”Contains transmitter
module FCC ID: 2AMWOFSC‐BT630”.
Additionally, the following statement should be included on the label and in the final product’s user manual:
“This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device
may not cause harmful interferences, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.”
⚫ The user’s manual for the host product must clearly indicate the operating requirements and conditions that must be

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  FSC‐BT630 Datasheet

observed to ensure compliance with current FCC / IC RF exposure guidelines.
⚫ The final host / module combination may also need to be evaluated against the FCC Part 15B criteria for
unintentional radiators in order to be properly authorized for operation as a Part 15 digital device.
⚫ This Module is full modular approval, it is limited to OEM installation ONLY.
⚫ The module is limited to installation in mobile application.
⚫ A separate approval is required for all other operating configurations, including portable configurations with respect
to Part 2.1093 and difference antenna configurations.
⚫ The OEM integrator is responsible for ensuring that the end‐user has no manual instruction to remove or install
⚫ The Grantee will provide guidance to the Host Manufacturer for compliance with the Part 15B requirements if

 Shenzhen Feasycom Technology Co., Ltd                               ‐34‐                

Document Created: 2019-04-16 16:38:39
Document Modified: 2019-04-16 16:38:39

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