User Manual

FCC ID: 2AKP8-ETX-7500

Users Manual

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                                           Interactive Touch Screen
                                                     INSTRUCTION MANUAL

Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read the manual completely.
Please keep this manual for future reference.


Important Information                      1

Important Safety Precautions               2

Important Notice                           4

Identification of Controls                 5

Remote Control                             6

Setting Up                                 7

Connections                                8

Basic Operations                          10

Device Settings                           12

Network Settings                          13

Menu List                                 19

Using USB Multi Media Player              21

Troubleshooting                           24

Specifications                            25

If the screen is not positioned in a stable location, it can be potentially
hazardous due to falling. Many injuries, particularly to children, can be
avoided by taking simple precautions such as:
! Use cabinets or stands recommended by the manufacturer of the
! Only use furniture that can safely support the screen .
! Ensure the screen is not hanging over the edge of the supporting
! Do not place the screen on tall furniture (for example, cupboards or
   bookcases) without anchoring both the furniture and the screen to a
   suitable support.
! Do not position the screen on cloth or place any material between the
   screen and supporting furniture.
! Increase children’s awareness of danger caused by falling down of the
   screen, or being hurt by bumping into the screen.
! Do not use immediately after moving from a low temperature to high
   temperature environment, as this causes condensation, which may
   result in fire, electric shock, or other hazards.
! To avoid possible condensation it is recommended to not use the
   device within 24 hours after its arrival, to avoid possible condensation.

To prevent the spread of fire, keep candles or other
open flames away from the screen all the times.


                                Important Safety Precautions
Electricity may cause personal injuries and property              10. Servicing---Refer all servicing to qualified service
damage if improperly handled. The screen has been                     personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus
engineered and manufactured with the highest priority                 has been damaged in any way, such as the power-
on safety. But IMPROPER USE CAN RESULT IN                             supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been
POTENTIAL ELECTRIC SHOCK OR FIRE HAZARD. In                           spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the
                                                                      apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture,
order to prevent potential danger, please observe the
                                                                      does not operate normally or has been dropped.
following instructions when installing, operating and
                                                                  11.Damage requiring service---If any of the following
cleaning the product. To ensure your safety and prolong
                                                                      conditions occurs, unplug the power cord from the AC
the service life of your screen, please read the following
                                                                      outlet and request a qualified service technician to
precautions carefully before using the product.                       perform repairs.
1. Read these instructions---All operating instructions           a. When the power cord or plug is damaged.
    must be read and understood before the product is
                                                                  b. When liquid is spilled on the product or when objects
                                                                      have fallen into the product.
2. Keep these instructions---These safety and
                                                                  c. When the product has been exposed to rain or water.
    operating instructions must be kept in a safe place for
                                                                  d. When the product does not operate properly as
    future reference.
                                                                      described in the operating instructions.
3. Note all warnings---All warnings on the product and
                                                                  e. If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has
    in the instruction manual must be observed closely.           been damaged in any way.
4. Follow all instructions---All operating instructions           f. When the product displays an abnormal condition or
    must be followed.                                                exhibits a distinct change in performance. Any
5.Attachments---Only use attachments/accessories                     noticeable abnormality in the product indicates that
    specified by the manufacturer. Do not use                        the product needs servicing.
    attachments which are not recommended by the                  12. Replacement parts---In case the product needs
    manufacturer. Use of improper attachments can                     replacement parts, make sure that the service person
    result in accidents.                                              uses replacement parts specified by the
6. Power source---This product is intended to be                      manufacturer, or those with the same characteristics
                                                                      and performance as the original parts. Use of
    supplied with a listed power supply indicated on the
                                                                      unauthorized parts can result in fire, electric shock
    marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power
                                                                      and/or other danger.
    supply to your home, consult your product dealer or
                                                                  13. Safety checks---Upon completion of service or
    local power company. For added protection for this
                                                                      repair work, request the service technician to perform
    product during a lightning storm, or when it is left
                                                                      safety checks to ensure that the product is in proper
    unattended and unused for a long period of time,                  operating condition.
    unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the cable
                                                                  14. Wall or ceiling mounting---When mounting the
    system.                                                           product on a wall or ceiling, be sure to install the
7.Power cord protection---Protect the power cord from                 product according to the method recommended by
    being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs,                 the manufacturer. This is a safety issue.
    convenience receptacles, and the point where they             15. Stand---Use only with the trolley stand or wall mount
    exit from the apparatus.                                          specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the
NOTE: Where the mains plug or an appliance coupler is                 apparatus. Do not place the product on an unstable
    used as the disconnected device, the disconnected                 trolley stand or wall mount. Placing the product on an
    device shall remain readily operable.                             unstable base can cause the product to fall, resulting
                                                                      in possible serious injuries as well as damage to the
8.Overloading---Do not overload wall outlets,
                                                                      product. When mounting the product on a wall, be
    extension cords, or convenience receptacles on                    sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Use
    other equipment as this can result in a risk of fire or           only the mounting hardware recommended by the
    electric shock.                                                   manufacturer.
9.Entering of objects and liquids---Never insert an               16.Careful move---When a trolley is used, be cautious
    object into the product through vents or openings.                when moving the trolley/apparatus combination to
    High voltages are present in the product and inserting            avoid injury from the product tipping over. Sudden
    an object can cause electric shock and/or short                   stops, excessive force and uneven floor surfaces can
    internal parts. For the same reason, do not spill water           cause the product to fall from the trolley.
    or liquid on the product.                                          Never attempt to move the screen unless the AC
                                                                       Power cord has been disconnected.


                        Important Safety Precautions (Continued)

17. Lightning---Unplug this apparatus during a thunder             Legal notices
    storm or when unused for long periods of time.
                                                                   FCC Statement
    For added protection during a thunder storm, or                1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
    when the screen is left unattended and unused for                Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
    long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and       (1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
    disconnect the antenna. This will prevent damage to            (2)This device must accept any interference received, including
    the equipment due to lightning and power-line                    interference that may cause undesired operation.
    surges.                                                        2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
18. Do not use this apparatus near water---for                       party responsible for compliance could void the user’s
                                                                     authority to operate the equipment.
    example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink,
    laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming
                                                                   NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply
    pool, and the like. The apparatus should not be                         with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
    exposed to dripping or splashing liquids and that no                    Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
    objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be                    provide reasonable protection against harmful
    placed on the apparatus.                                                interference in a residential installation.
    Do not use immediately after moving from a low                 This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio
                                                                   frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
    temperature to high temperature environment, as                with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
    this causes condensation, which may result in fire,            communications. However, there is no guarantee that
    electric shock, or other hazards.                              interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
19. Clean only with dry cloth---Unplug this product                equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
                                                                   television reception, which can be determined by turning the
    from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid
                                                                   equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
    cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a soft cloth for             the interference by one or more of the following measures:
    cleaning.                                                      Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
20. Ventilation---Do not block any ventilation openings.           Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
    Install the screen in accordance with the                      Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
    manufacturer instructions. The vents and other                 that to which the receiver is connected.
    openings in the cabinet are designed for ventilation.          Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for
    Do not cover or block these vents and openings                 help.
    since insufficient ventilation can cause overheating           FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
    and/or shorten the life of the product. Do not place           This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits
    the product on a bed, sofa, rug or other similar                set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In order to avoid
    surface, since they can block ventilation openings.            the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure
    This product is not designed for built-in installation;        limits, Human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than
    therefore do not place the product in an enclosed              20cm (8 inches) during normal operation.
    space such as a bookcase or rack, unless proper
    ventilation is provided or the manufacturer’s
    instructions are followed.
21.Heat sources---Do not install near any heat sources
    such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other
    apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
22.Panel protection---The display panel used in this
    product is made of glass. Therefore, it can break
    when the product is dropped or impacted upon by
    other objects. Be careful not to be injured by broken
    glass pieces in case the display panel breaks.
23.Pixel defect---The display panel is a very high
    technology product, giving you finely detailed
    pictures. Occasionally, a few non-active pixels may
    appear on the screen as a fixed point of blue, green
    or red. Please note that this does not affect the
    performance of your product.

WARNING: For continued safety, apparatus with class I
construction shall be connected to a mains socket outlet
with a protective earthing connection.


                                  Important Notice

About Location/             Do not use in hot and cold rooms (locations)
Environment                 ! When the unit is used in rooms (locations) with low temperature, the
                              picture may leave trails or appear slightly delayed. This is not a
                              malfunction, and the unit will recover when the temperature returns to
                            ! Do not leave the unit in a hot or cold location. Also, do not leave the unit in a
                              location exposed to direct sunlight or near a heater, or in high humidity, as
                              this may cause the cabinet to deform and the screen to malfunction, and
                              affect the screen’s performance .
                            ! Environment condition:
                               Operating temperature: 5°C – 35°C
                               Operating humidity: 20 – 80 % ( no moisture condensation )
                               Storage temperature: -15°C – 45°C
                               Storage humidity: 10 – 80 %
                               Atmospheric pressure: 86 kPa ~106 kPa

About After-Image            The extended use of fixed image program material can cause a permanent
                             after-image on the screen.
                             This background image is viewable on normal programs in the form of a
                             stationary fixed image. This type of irreversible screen deterioration can be
                             limited by observing the following steps:
                             A. Reduce the brightness/contrast setting to a minimum viewing level.
                             B. Do not display the fixed image for extended periods of time.
                             C. Turn the power off when not in actual use.
                             Important Information Regarding Use of Video Games,
                             Computers, Captions or Other Fixed Image Displays.
                             ! Do not allow a still picture to be displayed for an extended period, as this
                               can cause a permanent after-image to remain on the screen.
                               Examples of still pictures include logos, video games, computer images,
                               teletext and images displayed in 4:3 mode.
                             ! The permanent after-image on the screen resulting from fixed image use is
                               not an operating defect and as such is not covered by the warranty.
                             ! This product is not designed to display fixed images for extended periods
                               of time.

Cleaning and                 To clean this unit, wipe with a soft, dry cloth.
Maintenance                  Clean the cabinet with a soft, lint-free cloth, If the cabinet is especially dirty,
                             moisten a soft, lint-free cloth in a weak detergent solution, squeeze the
                             excess moisture from the cloth, then wipe the cabinet with the cloth. Use a
                             clean cloth to dry the cabinet.
                             ! Clean the screen with a soft, lint-free cloth.
                             ! Use eyeglass cleaner to remove stubborn dirt from the screen.
                             ! Never use alcohol, paint thinner or benzine to clean this unit.

Carrying or Moving           ! When you move the screen , hold the frame of the screen .
the screen                   ! Be aware of the danger or harm which may caused by carrying or moving
                               the screen , as the bezel is very thin.
                             ! When transporting, do not subject the unit to shocks or vibration, or
                               excessive force.

Environmental Protection Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with
                             household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check
                             with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.


                                         Identification of Controls
             8                                                         1.   :Switch the screen power on or standby.
                                                                       2.   : Press the button to display input source menu or exit
                                                             1                the menu screen.
                                                                       3.   : Press the button to return to previous menu.
                                                             2         4.   : Press the button to display desktop (Home page) on
                                                                              the screen.
                                                                       5.   : Press the button to open the setting menu.
                                                              4        6.   : Press the button to turn down the volume.
                                                              5        7.   : Press the button to turn up the volume.
                                                                       8.USB(2.0)(for camera): This port is connected to PC (internal
                                                              6                OPS) , but is changed to Android if current source is
    Remote Sensor                                                              AV, USB or in Home page.
    Power Indicator
                                                                       Notes: 1. Please open the dust cover before being used.
                                                                              2. It can perfectly support up to the 720p of camera.

                                                                                WIFI antenna for transmitting or receiving
                                                                       1        network signal.
                                                                              7.TOUCH1/2 OUT
                                                           VGA 1
                                                                                Output the touch for external devices connected
                                                                                to PCx or HDMIx port which support touch
                                                 PC IN 1

                                                                       2        Note: TOUCH OUT 2 takes precedence over
                                                           VGA 2
                                                                                TOUCH OUT 1 in default. You can define it to in
                                                 PC IN 2

                                                                                Lock menu.
                                                                       3        For service, software upgrades and the other
                                                    HDMI 1
     14 15 16                                                          4      9.WAN IN
                                                    HDMI 2
                                                                                The built-in router input port. Connect to the
                       OUT 2 AUDIO
                                                                                external network.
                                                       DP IN           5
                                                                              10.LAN OUT
                                                  USB 2.0
                                                                       3        The built-in router output port. Connection to
    8   9 10 12 7                    2             TOUCH
                                                    OUT 1
                                                                       7        another computer or other Internet enabled
            11 13                                                               devices.
                                                                              11.AV IN
1.VGA OUT                                                                       Connect an AV device to this jack.
  The currently selected PC IN 1/2/3 signal output.                           12.S/PDIF digital audio output
2.PC IN1/2/3                                                                    Connect a digital sound system to this jack.
  Enable connection to PC or other external devices                           13.
  with VGA/AUDIO ports.                                                         Connect headphones to this jack. The screen is
3.USB2.0/3.0                                                                    the current audio output.
  Connect USB devices to these ports.                                         14. Power Switch
4.HDMI1/2 Input                                                                 Push to (1) to connect the power, push to (O ) to
  To connect with those equipments with HDMI or DVI                             cut off.
  interface.                                                                  Note: Do not cover the Power switch, it should be
  HDMI1(MHL): Connect an MHL - enabled device such                              kept free from coverings so that it can be easily
  as a cell phone to this jack to view the external                             and conveniently operated.
  device’s screen on your screen.                                             15. Fuse (12A 250V)
  HDMI2(ARC): Connect an ARC-enabled home theater                             16. AC IN
  receiver to this jack.                                                        Plug the AC cord into this jack and into a power
5. DP(DisplayPort) Input                                                        outlet.(~100-240V 50Hz/60Hz)
  Connect an external device to DP out jack.


                                                   Remote Control

   Switch the screen power on or Standby

                    Switch to AV mode                                                Switch to VGA mode
                   Switch to TV mode                                                 Switch to HDMI mode
    Note: If no RF, this button has no function.
                                                                                     Display or exit the current
                    Select picture mode                                                   program information
                     Select aspect ratio                                             Select sound mode

                    0-9 number buttons

    Display or exit input source menu                                                Return to the previous channel
                                                                                     Note: If no RF, this button has no function.

 Display or exit the setting menu screen                                             Return to previous menu
                                                                                     or exit the on-screen menu
                                                                                     To confirm or enter a sub-menu or toggle
                                                                                     between options during MENU operation.
                                                                                     Use Arrow buttons to navigate in on-
                                                                                     screen menu.
                                                                                     Display OPS on the scr een
Display desktop (Home page)on the screen                                             Note: If no OPS, this button has no
                 Set up the sleep timer                                              Mute the sound

                 CHANNEL UP/DOWN                                                     VOLUME UP/DOWN

   Takes a screenshot and stores the                                                 Freeze the content displayed on the screen
   data onto your connected USB                                                      Coloured buttons(RED/GREEN/YELLOW/BLUE)
   storage device.                                                                   Red: Screen off /on.
   If there is no USB storage, the                                                   Blue: Call or exit recent application list.
   screenshot will be stored on the
   built-in storage.                                                                 Control buttons for USB/DVD Multi Media Player
       Go to USB multi media player                                                     : Play/Pause button
                                                                                       : STOP button
       Go to DVD multi media player
                                                                                         /   : Fast forward/fast reverse
   Press to enter or exit the disc tray                                                  /     : Previous/next
  Note: If no DVD, this button has no function.

     ● This operation manual provides a description based on operating functions with the remote control.
     ● In different mode, some buttons may have different function.


                                               Setting Up

Installing remote control Batteries
                                      To install remote control batteries:
                                      1 Open the battery cover.
                                      2   Insert two AAA batteries into the battery compartment. Make sure that the
                                          + and – symbols on the batteries match the + and – symbols in the battery
                                      3 Replace the cover.
                                      Battery precautions:
                                      Improper use of batteries can result in a leakage of chemicals and/or
                                      explosion. Be sure to follow the instructions below.
                                      ·Place batteries with their terminals corresponding to the (+) and (–)
                                      ·Different types of batteries have different characteristics. Do not mix
                                        batteries of different types.
                                      ·Do not mix old and new batteries. Mixing old and new batteries can shorten
                                        the life of new batteries and/or cause old batteries to leak chemicals.
                                      ·Remove batteries as soon as they are non-operable. Chemicals that leak
                                        from batteries can cause a rash. If chemical leakage is found, wipe with a
                                      ·Dispose of batteries in a proper manner.
                                      ·If the remote control is not used for an extended period of time, remove the
                                      ·The batteries shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire
                                        or the like.

Aiming the remote control
                                      Use the remote control by pointing it towards the remote sensor on the front
                                      of your screen. Objects between the remote control and the remote sensor
                                      may prevent proper operation.

                                      Cautions regarding use of remote control
                                      Do not expose the remote control to shock. In addition, do not expose the
       30   30
                                       remote control to liquids, and do not place in an area with high humidity.
                                      Do not install or place the remote control under direct sunlight. The heat may
                                       cause deformation of the unit.
                                      The remote control may not work properly if the remote sensor window of
                                       the main unit is under direct sunlight or strong lighting. In such a case,
                                       change the angle of the lighting or the screen set, or operate the remote
                                       control closer to the remote sensor window.


Cautions Before Connecting
When connecting an external device to the screen, make sure that the screen and the device are turned off.
Check the plugs at the ends of cables to make sure that they are the correct type before you try plugging them into jacks
 on the screen.
Make sure that all plugs are securely inserted into the jacks. Loose connections can result in image or color problems.
The illustration of the external device may be different depending on your model.
Refer to the operating manual of the external device as well.

 1. Connect the female plug to the AC socket
    on the unit.
 2. Connect the male plug to the wall outlet as                                 AC IN

 This product should be operated only from the
 =                                                                                                                   TOUCH

 type of power source indicated on the marking                                                                        OUT 2 AUDIO

 Always unplug the AC cord from power outlet
 when not using for a long period of time.

                                                                                                                                    VGA cable

                                                                       Serial port cable

                                                                                                                                                PC OUT
                                                                                                                                Audio cable
  Computer, etc.                                                                                                                                                    PC, etc.
                                                                                Network cable                                                                       VGA devices
  Network connection
                                                                                                                         USB cable

                                                                                                                                                          VGA OUT
                                                                                        Network cable

                                                                                                        AV adapter


              Computer, etc.
              Internet devices

                              DVD/VCD                                                                                                                               Computer


                                                                   R                    R          R
                                                                       AV cable
                                                  AV OUT

                                                                   W                    W          W

  Set top box Game console
                      Satellite signal receiver
                                                                   Y                    Y          Y
                                                                                                                      Connect TOUCH OUT with USB cable
   AV devices                                                                                                         to PC USB port.
                                                                                                                      Connect PC with VGA cable or HDMI
                                                                                                S/PDIF cable
  Digital sound system                                                                                                cable. Please choose the proper
                                                                                                                      method of connection based on your
                                                                                                Headphone cable
                            Audio input devices                                                                       Note: After installation of the driver, it
                                                                                                                        can control the external computer by
                                                                                                                        native touch control. (Only for PC、
 Note: Before using headphones, adjust the device volume so as                                                          HDMI signal)
       to avoid excessive levels, as hearing damage may result.                                                         TOUCH OUT 2 takes precedence
                                                                                                                        over TOUCH OUT 1 in default. You
                                                                                                                        can define it to in Lock menu.



                                     VGA cable

                                     VGA cable
                                                                                                             VGA 1

                                     Audio cable

                                                                                                   PC IN 1
                            PC OUT

                                     VGA cable
PC, etc.                             Audio cable
VGA devices                                                                                                  VGA 2

                                                                                                   PC IN 2
                                     USB cable                                               3.0
      USB devices
                                                                                                      HDMI 1
                                     HDMI cable                                                       (MHL)

HDMI devices
                                     HDMI cable                                                       HDMI 2

DP devices                           DP cable
                                                                                                         DP IN

                                                                                                    USB 2.0

Tighten the WiFi antenna in clockwise direction. The WiFi                                    2.0
antenna is able to access WiFi network.                                                              TOUCH
                                                                                                      OUT 1

Inside AP. When network cable is plugged in WAN port, the
antenna will generate WiFi network.
                                     USB cable

      USB devices

                                     USB cable

                                     USB cable

               VGA OUT

                                     Connect TOUCH OUT with USB cable to PC USB port.
                                     Connect PC with VGA cable or HDMI cable. Please choose the proper method
                                     of connection based on your device.
                                     Note: After installation of the driver, it can control the external computer by
                                           native touch control. (Only for PC、HDMI signal)
                                           TOUCH OUT 2 takes precedence over TOUCH OUT 1 in default. You
                                           can define it to in Lock menu

 Notes: 1.The screen is multiple USB port designed(3.0, 2.0), when connect with USB device, please select the
          appropriate port.
       2.The VGA output is signal of what has been currently selected from PC1/2/3.


                                          Basic Operations
Turning the screen on or off
1 Plug the power cord into an AC Power outlet. Press Power Switch on the screen.
2 Now the screen is in standby mode. Wait a moment until the power indicator lights up, then press POWER    to
    turn on the screen. (Be sure to wait for a few seconds before pressing POWER button. If you promptly press
    POWER button then the screen may not respond or act wrongly.)
3 Press button again to turn off the screen and put the screen in standby mode.
    To cut off the power completely, press Power Switch on the screen.
Note: If the screen does not receive a displaying signal for a certain time, the screen goes into standby mode.

The first time installation
 Connect to power source and turn on the screen, the below installation menu page will display on the screen.

                               Select desired menu                                        Select location and go to
                               language, then press START                                 next page.
                               and go to next page.

Operating the Float menu
                               1.Slide up from bottom of the screen center by two or more fingers to call .
                                  Press and drag      to any place of the screen.
                               2. Press     to take 2 seconds to be activated in VGA/HDMI/DP/PC mode.
                               3.When displaying at USB interface, touch once at the lower part of the screen, the display
                                  control menu will appear.

                                  Call the annotation                      Call the Home page (Android Interface)

               Turn off the screen

        Call the application history

        Call the input source menu

                                                                  Back to previous
                                                              Call the Volume bar


                                 Basic Operations(Continued)

Home Menu Overview                                            In all applications, press and drag the icon to on
                                                              Home page for shortcut created, press and drag the
                   Shortcuts you created on Home page         shortcut to X for shortcut deleted.

                                                                      Show all applications

                                                                       Note: When using the app Camera, store
                                                                       the data onto your connected USB device. If
                                                                       USB device is not connected , store the
                                                                       data onto the built-in storage.

ES File Explorer             Go to your web Browser
                                                              Long press on the screen will call the wallpapers
                                                              and widgets menu.
 Call the divice Settings menu

  Go to your USB Drive.                                 Switch to the display menu screen

  Switch to different input source, i.e. HDMI,
  VGA, etc.

  Note: The layout of menu may vary upon different models you purchased.


                                        Device Settings

                        Show all apps

                               Daydream setting
Network Setting
                                     Display system Storage

                                                           Display information of the unit

                               To set default input method
                               To set Android keyboard(AOSP)
                         To set on-screen language
                         To set Date and time
                         Note: To manually set date and time, you should toggle
                               “Automatic Date & time” to OFF.
                  Automatic search for Bluetooth devices

                  To set Security and Restrictions
                  Allow installation of apps from sources other than the Play Store.


                                    Network Settings

                                                       Set the Built-in WiFi

                                            Ethernet setting

Internal routing setting

                                                                               IP settings
                                   Reset Internal Router by
                                   hardware. Password is required
                                   for this operation and is the
                                   same password to access Lock
Input the default UserName:
admin, skip the default password   menu. (The default password is
setting as there is no default     0000)
password, then press Login

                                                                                 Proxy settings

Change the UserName and
Password: Select Management,
then Password.


                         Network Settings(Continued)

Wired Network Setting         (Internal router)
Method 1: Easy Setup Wizard

                                                                       Input the default UserName: admin,
                                                                       skip the default password setting as
                                                                       there is no default password, then
                                                                       press Login button.

 Select Gateway                                    Easy Setup Wizard

                                                                 There are five methods to connect with
                                                                 network, choose your preferred one.
                                                                 Recommended to select the DHCP
                                                                 Client connection. Automatically obtain
                                                                 IP information from your ISP.
                                                                 DHCP Client:Automatically obtain IP
                                                                 information from your ISP. If your ISP
                                    Password Setting Format      doesn’t provide a designated IP for you,
                                                                 then choose DHCP Client.
                                                                 Static IP: If all Internet IP information is
              Finished                                           provided by your ISP, then choose Static
                                                                 PPPOE: Ethernet Point to Protocol. Your
                                    WiFi Password of Internal    ISP will provide you with Login ID and
                                    Router in the screen.        password. Usually this option is
                                    (Password should be set at   applicable to DSL service.
                                    least 8 characters. )
                                                                 PPTP: Point to Point Tunneling Protocol.
                                                                 Your ISP will provide you with Login ID
                                                                 and password.
                                                                 L2TP: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol. Your
                                                                 ISP will provide you with Login ID and
                                                                 password. Usually this option is
                                                                 applicable to DSL service.

                                   Get IP address
                                   Setting successfully


                            Network Settings(Continued)

Wired Network Setting          (Internal router)
Method 2: Advanced Mode

                                                                          Input the default UserName: admin, skip
                                                                          the default password setting as there is
                                                                          no default password, then press Login

    Select Setup Wizard                                      Advanced Mode

                              Next                                       Next

 Recommended to select AP                                                                          Next

                               Next                                        Next

              Next                                                                   There are five methods to
                                                                                     connect with network,
                                                                                     choose your preferred one.
                                                                                     Recommended to select
                                                                                     the DHCP Client
                                Password Setting Format                              connection. Automatically
                                                        WiFi Password of             obtain IP information from
                                                        Internal Router in the       your ISP.
                                                        screen. (Password
                                                        should be set at least 8
                                                        characters. )

                                                                            Get IP address
                                                                            Setting successfully


                        Network Settings(Continued)
Wireless Network Setting (Internal router)
Method 1: Easy Setup Wizard

                                                                         Input the default UserName:
                                                                         admin, skip the default password
                                                                         setting as there is no default
                                                                         password, then press Login

    Select                                         Select
    Wireless ISP                                   Easy Setup Wizard

                                                       There are five methods to connect with network,
                                                       choose your preferred one.
                                                       Recommended to select the DHCP Client
                                                       connection. Automatically obtain IP information from
                                                       your ISP.

                                Password Setting Format                         WiFi Password of Internal
                                                                                Router in the screen.
                                                                                (Password should be set at
                                                                                least 8 characters. )

                              Successfully                                                 Confirm
                              connected to return .                                        Site Survey

                              Select Site Survey

                                               Select your desired
Input Password                                 WiFi signal.

                                                    Get IP address
                                               Setting successfully


                                Network Settings(Continued)
Wireless Network Setting (Internal router)
Method 2: Advanced mode
                                                                     Input the default UserName:
                                                                     admin, skip the default
                                                                     password setting as there is
                                                                     no default password, then
                                                                     press Login button.

                                                                                            Select Advanced Mode

 Select                                                                                Select
 Wireless                                                                              Setup
 ISP                                         Next                                      Wizard

                                  Next                                              Next

Password Setting Format.                         There are five methods to connect with
Wi-Fi Password of Internal                       network, choose your preferred one.
Router in the screen.                            Recommended to select the DHCP                                      Next
(Password should be set                          Client connection. Automatically obtain
at least 8 characters. )                         IP information from your ISP.

                                            Finished                                       Next

     Successfully connected,
     return to Site contents.                                                                     Recommended to select AP
                                Wireless,                                         Confirm
                                then Site                                         Site Survey

                                                                                  Select your desired WiFi signal.

                                                                              Input Password

                                         Get IP address
                                         Setting successfully


                      Network Settings(Continued)

Wireless Network Setting (Built-in   WiFi card)

                                       Turn on or off the built-in WiFi

                                       Display all of the WiFi sites avaible

                                       Connect to WPS (WiFi Protected Setup) router
                                       Add a new network manually
                                       Scanning WiFi direct device
                                       Setting Portable WiFi hotspot
                                       Setting Mcast


                                                           Menu List
Adjusting Picture mode

                                   Picture Mode                    Select your favourite picture mode for each input [Standard] /

                                                                   [Soft] / [User] / [Game] / [Writing] / [Dynamic].
                                   Contrast                        Adjust the contrast.
                                   Brightness                      Adjust the brightness.
                                   Hue                             Adjust the image hue. (Only for NTSC system)
                                   Sharpness                       Adjust the sharpness.
                                   Saturation                      Adjust the color saturation.
                                   Backlight                       Set up the overall brilliance of the screen.
                                   Energy Save                     The backlight brightness is decreased.
                                            Clock                  Adjust the screen size.

                                            Phase                  Adjust the focus of stable images.
                                            H-Position             Move the image right or left.
                                            V-Position             Move the image up or down.
                                            Auto Adjust            Automatically adjust the image settings such as position and phase.
                                   Color Temperature               Select the color temperature.
                                                                   If you select User, you can set the level of the Red/Green/Blue as
                                                                   your desired.
                                   Zoom Mode                       Select the aspect ratio (display proportions) according to your
                                                                   video signal type or personal preference.
                                   OverScan                        Adjust the reproduction ratio, you may activate this function to
                                                                   obtain a cleaner picture.
                                   MFC                             Frame rate up conversion. (Only for 4K model.)

                                   Image NR                        Turn on/off the noise reduction mode to reduce picture noise.

Adjusting Sound mode
                                   Sound Mode              Select your favourite sound mode for each input [Standard] / [Music] /
                                                           [Movie] / [Sports] / [User].

                                   Bass                    Adjust Bass (low sounds) .
                                   Treble                  Adjust Treble (high sounds).

                                   Balance                 Adjust volume level of right and left speakers.
                                   AVC                     Select [On] to equalize overall volume levels across all channels.
                                                           Select [Off] to turn off the auto volume control.
                                   Surround                Turn the Surround sound effect on or off.
                                   SPDIF Output            Select the digital audio output mode for S/PDIF.
                                   (digital signal only)   Select [RAW] to output audio signal as its original format.
                                                           Select [PCM] to output audio signal by PCM format.

                                   SPDIF Volume Adjust SPDIF volume.

                                    Alone                  Turn off the picture on your monitor and listen to the program audio only.
                                                           Wake up by any key or touch with two or more fingers.


                                                           Menu List
Adjusting Setting menu

                                          Source Auto Switch       Select On to automatically recognition source.
                                          Color Range              Select color range. (Only for HDMI mode)
                                          MHL Auto Switch          Select On to automatically switch to the MHL input when it
                                          HDMI_ARC                 Select On to turn on enable HDMI_ARC.
                                          Movie Mode               Turn on/off the movie mode.
                                          Menu Timeout             Select OSD menu display time.
                                          Date / Time              Display Date and Time.
                                          Off Timer                Set Off timer to switch the screen to standby at a specified time.
                                          On Timer                 Set On timer to turn on the screen automatically to source at a
                                                                   certain time.
                                          Sleep Time               Set the duration of time until the screen automatically goes into
                                                                   Standby mode.
                                                                   [Off] / [10 Minutes] / [20 Minutes] / [30 Minutes] / [60
                                                                   Minutes] / [90 Minutes] / [120 Minutes] / [180 Minutes] / [240

Adjusting Lock menu
                                          Lock System            Select Off to in the Lock System menu to unlock it.
                                                                 Select Lock Touch to disable the function of the touch panel.

                                          Float Menu             Turn on/off the float menu display.
                                          F.M Auto Off           Enable the float menu auto off if there is no activity for 15 secs or

                                          Set Password           Password settings.
The default password is 0000.             Change Logo            Set logo
                                                                 Note: Before setting the logo, save the logo picture (should be
                                                                       “JPEG” format and size <512KByte) you want to use on root
                                                                       of USB disk and named “boot0.jpg”. Insert the USB disk into
                                                                       the USB port on the Android board.
                                          Power on Source        Power on Source Setting, in MEMORY mode, when the totem
                                                                 powered on, it will automatically switch to the source when it
                                                                 powered off last time. otherwise, it is in setting mode.
                                                                 Power on Volume Setting.
                                          Power on Volume        In Menory mode, when the totem powered on, volume will same
                                                                 as the power off.
                                          Volume Settings        In Settings mode, every time the totem turns on, volume is the
                                                                 value of this setting.

                                          InputLabel Source      Select the input source you want to label.
                                                     Label       Edit the label of the selected input source.
                                                         Reset   Reset labels to defaults.
                                          TouchOut1 To           TouchOut is there to define which touch signal output belong to
                                                                 which input. E.g. If TouchOut1 is set to VGA1 it means the touch
                                                                 signal output from TouchOut1 belongs to the input from VGA1.
                                          TouchOut2 To           When both ports are connected TouchOut2 has priority by default.
                                          Wake up by gesture     Select On to enable two or more fingers touch the bottom of
                                                                 the screen and drag upward to turn on the totem when the
                                                                 totem is in standby mode.

                                          Restore To Default     Reset all settings to factory defaults.


                          Using USB Multi Media Player
Using USB multi media player
You can connect a USB storage device to your screen to view compatible photo, movie or play compatible music so
that the sound can be output from the screen’s speaker.
To use USB multi media player, please go to USB source by pressing USB button. Or you can press Home button
to display Home Page and then select USBDrive icon to access.

·Never remove the USB storage device or turn off the screen while using the USB storage device.
·It is recommended that you back up your USB device data.
·Your screens USB menu may look different to the interface shown in this manual.
·If you want to pull out the USB device, please exit USB mode first. For instructions on using your USB
 device, refer to the user’s manual of your USB device.
·Please name your files in English. Otherwise the file names can not be shown correctly.
· Certain types of USB device may not be compatible with this screen.

 USB multi media interface introduction

          Exit USB multi media                                   To select and play files from different sources.
                                                                 (you can select from local disk device (USB device),
            Select view type                                      network SAMBA device)

                       Video: Select to play compatible movie.
                       Song: Select to play compatible music.
                       Picture: Select to view compatible photos.
                       All: Select to show all files so that you can easily select any file to play.


                            Using USB Multi Media Player

Playing Photo
With the photo viewer, you can view compatible photos (in JPG, BMP or PNG format). Also you can zoom, rotate photo,

                                Previous photo
                                   Play/pause                             Show information
                                   Next photo                             Rotate clockwise
                                      Zoom in
                                                                          Rotate anti-clockwise
                                    Zoom out

Note: You can also use     (Play/Pause),       (STOP),         (Previous),       (Next) on the remote control to operate.

Playing Music
With the USB music player, you can play compatible music (in MP3 or AAC format).

                      Previous song
                        Pause/Play                              Show information
                         Next song                              Show playlist
                Repeat mode select
                     repeat to play single music,      repeat to play all music files in current folder when it plays to the end,
                     no repeat when it plays to the end.

Note: You can also use     (Play/Pause),       (STOP),         (Previous),       (Next) on the remote control to operate.


                           Using USB Multi Media Player

Playing Movie
With the USB movie player, you can play compatible movie (in AVI, MPG, MPEG, DAT, MP4, TS, RM/RMVB, or
MKV/MOV format).

  Previous movie
   Fast reverse                             Select sound mode
     Play/pause                           Select aspect ratio
   Fast forward                         Select picture mode
     Next movie                       Adjust the volume
  Skip to specific point              AB Section repeat                            Now AB repeat
  by input time                                                                    starts. To cancel,
                                      Playing settings                             highlight Section
                                                                                   replay and toggle it
                                                                                   to OFF.

          Show playlist
         Show information


If, after reading these operating instructions, you have additional questions related to the use of your screen, please call
the services center in your local area.
Before calling service, please check the symptoms and follow suggested solutions.

Remote Control
 Problem                               Possible Solutions

Remote control does not operate        ! The batteries could be weak. Replace the batteries.
                                       ! Check the orientation of the batteries.
                                       ! Make sure the power cord is plugged in.

Video and Audio
 Problem                               Possible Solutions
No picture (screen not lit),           ! Make sure the power cord is plugged in.
No sound                               ! Press POWER on the screen or on the remote control.

Dark, poor or no picture               ! Select a proper picture mode.
(screen lit), good sound               ! Adjust the brightness in the video setting.

No color/dark picture/abnormal color   ! Adjust the color saturation in the video setting.

Good picture, no sound                 ! The sound may be muted. Press MUTE again to cancel.

Audio noise                            ! Communication problems may occur if infrared communication equipment
                                          (e.g., infrared cordless headphones) is used near the screen. Move the infrared
                                          communication equipment away from the screen until the noise is eliminated.

 Problem                               Possible Solutions
Some items can’t be accessed           ! If a setting option appears in gray, this indicates that the settings option is
                                         unavailable in current input mode.

Effect pressed on the remote           ! When the screen is detecting attached USB devices or when you initially plug in a
control is not applied.                  USB device the screen may not respond to the remote control, please wait for a
                                         few moments then try again.

POWER button responds slowly           ! When you push POWER SWITCH to power on the screen, in about 3 seconds
after power is connected.                the POWER button starts to respond after pressed.

Note: If your problem is not solved, turn your unit off and then on again.
Cautions: Never attempt to repair a defective screen yourself.



Power Source                                                                                            AC 100—240 V, 50 / 60 Hz

 §§‘                                 Current Max.                      28 A                                     5.2A                          6.5A

fig                                   Standby condition*               <0.5 W                                  <0.5 W                        <0.5 W

;:E                                  Number of pixels          1,920 (W) x 1,080 (H)                    3,840 (W) x 2,160 (H)         3,840 (W) x 2,160 (H)
&4 Visible screen size                                          65 inches(diagonal)                      75 inches(diagonal)           86 inches(diagonal)
Dimensions (W x D x H)
Unit mm                                                          1527 X 113.7 X 903                      1749 X 105.3 X 1029           2007 X 125 X 1179

Mass                                                                 54 kg Net                               86 kg Net                     115 kg Net

Operating conditions                                        Operating temperature: 5°C — 35°C ,      Storage temperature: —15°C — 45°C,
                                                            Operating hu     ty: 20 % — 80 % (no moisture condensation),
                                                            Storage humidity: 10% — 80%,             Atmospheric pressure: 86kPa ~ 106kPa
                                     AV N                                                                                   1
                                                                       ol wl a

                                                                                                                                              o) l a
                                     PC IN
Connection terminals of the screen

                                                                                                                ol c
                                     VGA ouT
                                     HDMI Input


                                     DP Input
                                     WAN IN
                                     LAN OUT
                                     SIPDIF OUT

                                     TOUCH OUT

1. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
2. Weight and dimensions shown are approximate.
3. Specifications and external appearance may be changed for the sake of improvement.
* Due to different standby conditions, the standby power consumption of some models could be
   higher than 0.SW.

                                 mas—perintion mutrieoia interrace
                                                                              The terms HDMI and HDMI High—Definition Multimedia Interface, and the
                                                                               HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing
                                                                               LLC in the United States and other countries.


Document Created: 2019-10-24 04:21:42
Document Modified: 2019-10-24 04:21:42

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC