user manual


Users Manual

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     Instruction Manual

           Poneer UFO

Important note:
in order to you more      easity,   it            l cson:
please keep th     truction manual for the day.
After reference.


                             onyore                              2.4G antenna head
             switch key                                          Power indicator
                                                                 Tumbling key
 Throttle Trimmer                                                Front/Rear trimmer
                                                                 Directional over

Direction trimmer                                                     —flying trimmer
  One—key return                                                 Non—head mode
      Light switch                                               Camera
       Start/Stop                                                N8
                                     LCD interface

                          reraftx1, remotecontrol x 1,3.7Vlthium—ion battery
              1 Screwdriver x,USB x 1nstruction manual x 1.Attached to
     thebiadesx 1 Setot
   Avoratbatter:3.¥600mA Ithiom battoriestmilt—in | nemotecontrtradinctmeters

   /A Warning:
           fotlow tnstretionurnaching          *Donotmicoldand newbattriener
           tlonsfo properinstalationand
                           mbtedby the
                                     ting      *Donotahortcoieuitthntbattony,
                                                Sreakdown,ofalinto thtre.
                                               *Long time daes notcontrl the
                                                producpleasetakeoutthe battery
                 wtarly check the cha          *bo not touch therotating nartsto
     plug. shelland other components found         i eausing harm tothebody
     that damage, shouldstop using. unthe
    "Thechargerthe battey ack,and the
     chargingdeviee must b insertedin the
       ame power the product abeling.
    *Can only use the orginal coniquration                 ponsibte for ensuring that
     ofthecharger,thechargeris nota toy
                                                          nvonaiblity forthe on
                                                            w enused byimprope
            harging therechargeable battery.
     the needfor adult guardianship

 1As the picture shown,nemne onl
coveo tiammittond 2909 "M" batl
                       vedt polarty stown in the

       light nup at this time
    2, Anthenthe USBcharging conneetion wire and the other and ofthe battery lug
       conneetion,at thistime the USB indieatoright goes out, said i harging
     3 Charging1.2 hours orso, USB lights up,indlcatingthat thechargeis completed

 Astarging, t staif do                                                       ing process
     found the battery,please   stop charging, avoid battery damage orre,at..
 8. do not putthe battery     the inflammable and oxplosive goods next to charge
     when the b                                        oneethe amell or battery
      suddenty become hot,deformation,divcoloration and other abnormal
      phonomenon, leasestop using the battery
 C the battory leaks, avoid contact with akin and oyes If ontact with
     vinseimmadiataly with plenty ofcold waterand immadiataly seek medic
 0. can only use the original chargerto sharge the product to the product, and
     determine the charger voltage to meet your local standards.
 E, donotputthe batteryinto the ire,
 F.pleasedo not use solvents, inustria alcohal or othe mmable sotvents to
    elean the product and the charge
 . produetsinclude plastic lectronic components and battery components,
            ddo not use such items asdaily garbage cisposal,please   accorcing to
                 rage cllection reauirements,

Mhenwallconneet witothe

                                               9   FigureA

                               honatean pointhe ol naro h aheato yoursalt
                                         rrmellb Nanhing avtcly and i

                                     ontytoS00 e

         =, emenoency

s on Height Sett

                                                    When pushingthe throttle
                                                    tover upward, th
                                                    pushed down,theaircrat
                                                   When pushing the throtle
                                                   tover to theottthe airerat
                                                   willbeturning fet.
                                                   When the throtie tever is
                                                   pushed to theright,the
                                                   aizerattturn right.

                                                    ‘Whan pushinn the t
                   Forward                          lover       kh atrr
                                                    Sfi enenm ioune.
                                                    Whan the disction othe
                   Itackward                        loverbacktoputldown the

                                                   When pushieg the alection
                                                   hever o th t the airerat
                                                   wilbe ting t thelat sic
                                                   When the       diretionotthe
                                                   Joretckto theight arent
                                        Right—sice thy on therignt

                                Tumbling forward
   the TumblingKey2                                                 When pushing the di
                                       4            b               Hover upward. the ireratt
    hy O |
                                                                    willbetumbting forward.
                                           10                       When the direction of the
                                                                         is putled down, th
                               Tomibting backward
  es benftenes
   the TmeIind KY         foo theeft                                 When the drection ofthe
                                       f                             Joystic tothe eft,the
             &                                                       aizeraftief turn
    ®           s                          10                        When the direction of the
         ty                            &        j                    jovstitothe right,
                                                                     airerateright turn:

            fiy th    e it tothe height of 1.Smeters or above and then
            craft tumbling

Push stowlythe thro                                                 t 1.5 maters,
itthe aircrat make spinning in the or tilingtoward different direction, you can
use Trimmerto correetthe action.
Caution: When the aircraft flles 30em above the ground, theaircraft may become
unstable dua to the turbulence produced by its own blade. This is called "Gravity
Reaction" . The lighter ofi        uht of the ireraft,the biggerafection of the
  Gravity Reaction" it may be
                                                                 When spinning to the tet,
  tm > Right

      s1                                                        forward. pl
                                                                back untilitiswellrepaired.
                                                                when trimming to before
                                                                adjustment, untl repaired

                                                                  please trim it to theright
                                                            wp| uintlitis welrepaired
                                                                The bias to the right,tine
                                                                tuning adjust
                                                                teft, untiltherep
                          i the aireraftcan not make vertcal asconding when takng of,
                     ~.   you can maike
                          shown in the

                                                             hoinown mainatbight nd
                          theealbration is nuccesstuly finished.

                                              o the Non—head Mode,pteace wallcontirsthe
                            Formart drocionafthe docoding Pevsthe o o ien—hand Modo
                                                                    Shiten soundot o
                                                                   Mode Ne mette whieh

                            on on One—key Return of the aircraft:
                          1. Press the *Oneckay Return", ke the transmitter wit
        ENWO z) i send out inter=mitten sound "0% 6
        @)§EB(®))         infered into the one—tey heturn o
                       ;) decodingis ma
                     |    2When the airerattithving too losed to you. piease 00
         s        1|      NoT press: "One—key Return" key so as to avoi
                 ~.       wouned by scident due o corelessnoss.

                            When entering "One—key ReturnMode" simply pushing
                            the    Direction Leve       eithr directionformard or
                       1|   Rackward or to the lftor totheright) can oxit trom the
    .                  {|    "one—kayReturm Mode® .

1, ccording tothe picture on thari
camers components show             ima
the up Guaetfxed hooks, and then
wecording to the picture on the ight
to Betore advancing fied hooks.
2 according to the picture on the
vight posttion as shownin the
Eomneetor lug corrmetly inserted
into thealrcraltatthe bottom of the
3 as shown in theright airection insort
Sb cardrght camera component SD card
slot, gontl press,Scard inserted. and then
gently press, D card automatically pop up
2. Taking picture:
Pross the Camera Key on thetransmitter, the blueindieatoratthe bottom ofthe aireraft
wl show aternal rlght and thered ndicator willba taahing for 2 timeswhich means
thattheatreraft hastaken one pictureand has automaticallypreserved the pictureinto
the Sb card.
3.Video shooting:
Press the Video key on the transmittor, the blue indicatorathe bottom of the areraft
wnd the reindleator wil both show aternalbright, it means that the aircrat i taking
picture; then prese the Vidao Key on the transmitterthe blue incleator and the red

power, however. no SD card is found or the SD is not wellloadec.)

4. Read the content in the SD card:
                                   eraf and then remove the SD card. The content
                                     direader or the SD card can e divecty loaded
1, when the remote control or the
distance atfected.
2, if theaircraft power is low, there will be flying high enough or take
in injury.
4, the long—term is not used when the remote controll
prevent damage to the productfrom battery l
5, cut can not th
this will damage th
6,in order to onsure th
to stay for 2—3 seconds, until th
then manipulat
Question            ho
          1, Remote control and airerat
Powered). power supply
                   m bad                  charged battoy.andthecode.
contl                                                         termecode
   ock. 2,hollowshaft bending                       ement of the new hatlow shatt
 Aberat 1, therotor
               ® deformation              1,thevepiseementofthe
                                                 1              nowrotor
      tota 2.there is a motor damage       Zherepiacementat he neweoresponding
 onenite 3. thecode,the arerattis notat           rerafion e orrontarpia
           Tbevandatlectverenote                    msure that the radiusof 100
           controlaistance                 mtterscontol
 outot                                              rcode mult sircattothecode,
 contro 2;the     code.there      nom
           wireatatthe same timeOpen the           to code one by voidthe
           powersinoly                      ahtor wrong ornot
           T ihereterrotating spa     199| 1,witthrotlecontolteversiowiypashup
 Alrcrat viow
   Tise 2 aiventtvateryshortage
landing Guickybacktothethrortlelever

Irted Bst00 cagna]                              4
  o1          2                                 it
  o2          2                                 18 umumbamey 1
  is          1                                 18 meerm 2
 0      ons          1    12   netsna       1   2      beaing   s
05    neanesuan|     2.   13    Cvanen      i    u              1
 06   nerememoter|   2.   14. |memmiostrt   1    22|   netam    2
 or                  1    15   cagtie       1   2 |poifion| 2
 08                  1    16   mmeveeee     1   21              2

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.

-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance

could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part

15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and

(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may

cause undesired operation.

Document Created: 2016-09-30 09:09:42
Document Modified: 2016-09-30 09:09:42

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