Test Report Part 90Z-V1-2

FCC ID: 2AG32MBS2130

Test Report

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            20MHz - Low CH QPSK                       20MHz - Low CH 64QAM

           20MHz - Middle CH QPSK                     20MHz - Middle CH 64QAM

            20MHz - High CH QPSK                      20MHz - High CH 64QAM

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Master-Chain 3

            10MHz - Low CH QPSK                       10MHz - Low CH 64QAM

           10MHz - Middle CH QPSK                     10MHz - Middle CH 64QAM

            10MHz - High CH QPSK                      10MHz - High CH 64QAM

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            20MHz - Low CH QPSK                       20MHz - Low CH 64QAM

           20MHz - Middle CH QPSK                     20MHz - Middle CH 64QAM

            20MHz - High CH QPSK                      20MHz - High CH 64QAM

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Slave-Chain 0

            10MHz - Low CH QPSK                       10MHz - Low CH 64QAM

           10MHz - Middle CH QPSK                     10MHz - Middle CH 64QAM

            10MHz - High CH QPSK                      10MHz - High CH 64QAM

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            20MHz - Low CH QPSK                       20MHz - Low CH 64QAM

           20MHz - Middle CH QPSK                     20MHz - Middle CH 64QAM

            20MHz - High CH QPSK                      20MHz - High CH 64QAM

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Slave-Chain 1

            10MHz - Low CH QPSK                       10MHz - Low CH 64QAM

           10MHz - Middle CH QPSK                     10MHz - Middle CH 64QAM

            10MHz - High CH QPSK                      10MHz - High CH 64QAM

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            20MHz - Low CH QPSK                       20MHz - Low CH 64QAM

           20MHz - Middle CH QPSK                     20MHz - Middle CH 64QAM

            20MHz - High CH QPSK                      20MHz - High CH 64QAM

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11      Out of band emission at antenna terminals
        Test Requirement:                      FCC part90.1323
        Test Method:                           FCC part2.1051
                                               ANSI C63.26-2015
        Test Mode:                             Data communicating mode
        Limit:                                 -13dBm

11.1 EUT Operation

       Operating Environment :
       Temperature:                       23.5 C
       Humidity:                          52.1 % RH
       Atmospheric Pressure:              101.3kPa

11.2 Test Procedure

        1. The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a spectrum analyzer through appropriate
        2. The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 100 kHz when below 1GHz, 1MHz
        when above 1 GHz; sufficient scans were taken to show the out of band Emissions if any up to 10th
        3. For the out of band: Set the RBW=100 kHz, VBW=300 kHz when below 1 GHz, RBW =1 MHz,
        VBW=3 MHz when above 1 GHz, Start=30MHz, Stop= 10th harmonic.
        4. Band Edge Requirements: In the 1 MHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the frequency
        block, a resolution bandwidth of at least 1 percent of the emission bandwidth of the fundamental
        emission of the transmitter may be employed to measure the out of band Emissions.

11.3 Test Result
        Remark: During the test, pre-scan the QPSK, 64QAM modulation, and found the QPSK
        modulation(10MHz/20MHz middle channel) is the worst case.
        The permit frequency range of Part 90Z is from 3650-3700MHz. according the frequency table of the
        device on page 7. Notes as below:

        1. The frequency star and stop for band edge test instruction as below:
                       Left        Left 1MHz                                                       Right 1MHz      Right
     bandwidth                                       Low channel   Middle Channel   High channel
                      >1MHz      immediately                                                       immediately    >1MHz

      10MHz          3644-3649     3649-3650              3655           3675            3695        3700-3701   3701-3706

      20MHz          3639-3649     3649-3650              3660           3675            3690        3700-3701   3701-3711

        Note 1:
        For low channel, we test left 1 MHz immediately and more than 1MHz away (5 MHz for 10 MHz
        bandwidth & 10MHz for 20MHz bandwidth) from the permit left band 3650 MHz; the emission above
        right of 3700MHz has no intentional.

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      For high channel, we test right 1 MHz immediately and more than 1MHz away (5 MHz for 10 MHz
      bandwidth & 10MHz for 20MHz bandwidth) from the permit right band 3700 MHz; the emission below
      left of 3650MHz has no intentional.
      For middle channel, we both test left and right 1 MHz immediately and more than 1MHz away (5 MHz
      for 10 MHz bandwidth & 10MHz for 20MHz bandwidth) from the permit band 3650 MHz to 3700 MHz;
      see above table.

      2. The RBW and the limit instruction as below: (The general limit = -13dBm)
                  1. For 2x2 MIMO, the limit=-13dBm -10 log 2=-16dBm.
                  2. For RBW=100kHz, the limit = -16dBm – 10log(1MHz/100kHz)= -26dBm
                  3. For RBW=50kHz, the limit= -16dBm – 10log(1MHz/50kHz)= -29dBm
                       (The spectrum of N9020A only display the RBW=51kHz, and RBW=50kHz limit is
                       lower than RBW=51kHz.)
                  4. For RBW=200kHz, the limit= -16dBm - 10log(1MHz/200kHz)= -23dBm

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Test Plots Spurious emission

       10MHz - Low CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                      10MHz - Low CH 26.5GHz~40GHz

      10MHz - Middle CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                   10MHz - Middle CH 26.5GHz~40GHz

       10MHz - High CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                    10MHz - High CH 26.5GHz~40GHz
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       20MHz - Low CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                      20MHz - Low CH 26.5GHz~40GHz

      20MHz - Middle CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                   20MHz - Middle CH 26.5GHz~40GHz

       20MHz - High CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                    20MHz - High CH 26.5GHz~40GHz
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         10MHz - Low CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                      10MHz - Low CH 26.5GHz~40GHz

        10MHz - Middle CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                   10MHz - Middle CH 26.5GHz~40GHz

        10MHz - High CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                     10MHz - High CH 26.5GHz~40GHz

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       20MHz - Low CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                      20MHz - Low CH 26.5GHz~40GHz

      20MHz - Middle CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                   20MHz - Middle CH 26.5GHz~40GHz

       20MHz - High CH 30MHz~26.5GHz                    20MHz - High CH 26.5GHz~40GHz
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Band edge emission
(1MHz immediately)

   10MHz – 3649MHz-3650MHz Low CH QPSK           10MHz –3649MHz-3650MHz Low CH 64QAM

  10MHz - 3700MHz -3701MHz High CH QPSK         10MHz - 3700MHz -3701MHz High CH 64QAM

   20MHz – 3649MHz-3650MHz Low CH QPSK           20MHz – 3649MHz-3650MHz Low CH 64QAM

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  20MHz - 3700MHz -3701MHz High CH QPSK           20MHz - 3700MHz -3701MHz High CH 64QAM

(more than 1MHz away)

     10MHz – 3644M-3649M Low CH QPSK                    10MHz – 3644M-3649M Low CH 64QAM

     10MHz - 3701M-3706M High CH QPSK                   10MHz - 3701M-3706M High CH 64QAM

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      20MHz –3639M-3649M Low CH QPSK                    20MHz –3639M-3649M Low CH 64QAM

     20MHz - 3701M-3711M High CH QPSK                   20MHz - 3701M-3711M High CH 64QAM

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(1MHz immediately)

   10MHz – 3649MHz-3650MHz Low CH QPSK           10MHz –3649MHz-3650MHz Low CH 64QAM

  10MHz - 3700MHz -3701MHz High CH QPSK         10MHz - 3700MHz -3701MHz High CH 64QAM

   20MHz – 3649MHz-3650MHz Low CH QPSK           20MHz – 3649MHz-3650MHz Low CH 64QAM

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  20MHz - 3700MHz -3701MHz High CH QPSK           20MHz - 3700MHz -3701MHz High CH 64QAM

(more than 1MHz away)

     10MHz – 3644M-3649M Low CH QPSK                    10MHz – 3644M-3649M Low CH 64QAM

     10MHz - 3701M-3706M High CH QPSK                   10MHz - 3701M-3706M High CH 64QAM

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      20MHz –3639M-3649M Low CH QPSK                    20MHz –3639M-3649M Low CH 64QAM

     20MHz - 3701M-3711M High CH QPSK                   20MHz - 3701M-3711M High CH 64QAM

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12    Field strength of spurious radiation measurement
      Test Requirement:               FCC part90.1323
      Test Method:                    FCC part2.1051
                                      ANSI C63.26-2015
      Test Mode:                      Data communicating mode
      Limit:                          -13dBm

12.1 EUT Operation

     Operating Environment :
     Temperature:                     23.5 C
     Humidity:                        52.1 % RH
     Atmospheric Pressure:            101.2kPa

12.2 Test Setup
      The radiated emission tests were performed in the 3m Semi- Anechoic Chamber test site.
      The test setup for emission measurement from 30 MHz to 1 GHz.

                 Semi-anechoic 3m Chamber
                 Antenna Elevation Varies From 1 to 4 m
                 Turn Table From 0°to 360°



               0.8m           Turn Table

                 CMU200/           PC               Spectrum          AMP         Combining
                 CMW500          System             Analyzer                       Network

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      The test setup for emission measurement above 1 GHz.

              Semi-anechoic 3m Chamber
              Antenna Elevation Varies From 1 to 4 m
              Turn Table From 0°to 360°


           0.8m              Turn Table

              CMU200/              PC                      Spectrum                     AMP      Combining
              CMW500             System                    Analyzer                               Network

12.3 Spectrum Analyzer Setup

          30MHz ~ 1GHz
                         Sweep Speed .............................................. Auto
                         Detector ....................................................... PK
                         Resolution Bandwidth .................................. 100kHz
                         Video Bandwidth.......................................... 300kHz
          Above 1GHz
                         Sweep Speed .............................................. Auto
                         Detector ....................................................... PK
                         Resolution Bandwidth .................................. 1MHz
                         Video Bandwidth.......................................... 3MHz
                         Detector ....................................................... Ave.
                         Resolution Bandwidth .................................. 1MHz
                         Video Bandwidth.......................................... 10Hz

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12.4 Test Procedure

      1. The EUT was placed on an non-conductive turntable using a non-conductive support. The radiated
        emission at the fundamental frequency was measured at 3 m with a test antenna and EMI spectrum
      2. During the tests, the antenna height and the EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the
        maximum level of emissions from the EUT. This maximization process was repeated with the EUT
        positioned in each of its three orthogonal orientations.
      3. The frequency range up to tenth harmonic was investigated for each of three fundamental
        frequency (low, middle and high channels). Once spurious emission was identified, the power of the
        emission was determined using the substitution method.
      4. The spurious emissions attenuation was calculated as the difference between radiated power at the
        fundamental frequency and the spurious emissions frequency.
        ERP / EIRP = S.G. output (dBm) + Antenna Gain(dB/dBi) – Cable Loss (dB)

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  12.5 Test Result
           Remark: During the test, pre-scan the QPSK, 64QAM modulation, and found the QPSK modulation
           and 10MHz bandwitch is the worst case.

                        Turn      RX Antenna                   Substituted                            Result
            Receiver                                                                   Absolute
Frequency               table                                                Antenna
            Reading             Height   Polar      SG Level        Cable               Level     Limit    Margin
                       Angle                                                  Gain
 (MHz)       (dBμV)    Degree (m)        (H/V)        (dBm)         (dB)      (dB)      (dBm)     (dBm)     (dB)
                                                    Low channel
 198.63       41.48     316       1.3     H           -69.03        0.15      0.00      -69.18    -13.00   -56.18
 198.63       28.69     314       1.1     V           -78.90        0.15      0.00      -79.05    -13.00   -66.05
 1649.40      65.95      89       1.1     H           -47.10        2.34      12.40     -37.04    -13.00   -24.04
 1649.40      59.98     274       2.1     V           -51.17        2.34      12.40     -41.11    -13.00   -28.11
 2474.10      53.58     207       1.5     H           -55.83        2.79      12.70     -45.92    -13.00   -32.92
 2474.10      44.73      71       1.3     V           -64.04        2.79      12.70     -54.13    -13.00   -41.13
                                                 Middle channel
 198.63       41.23     177       2.2     H           -69.28        0.15      0.00      -69.43    -13.00   -56.43
 198.63       27.77      5        1.0     V           -79.82        0.15      0.00      -79.97    -13.00   -66.97
 1673.00      59.00     356       1.4     H           -54.05        2.37      12.50     -43.92    -13.00   -30.92
 1673.00      53.62      1        2.0     V           -57.53        2.37      12.50     -47.40    -13.00   -34.40
 2509.50      46.54     130       1.0     H           -62.87        2.79      12.70     -52.96    -13.00   -39.96
 2509.50      36.91     320       2.2     V           -71.86        2.79      12.70     -61.95    -13.00   -48.95
                                                    High channel
 198.63       41.21     353       1.0     H           -69.30        0.15      0.00      -69.45    -13.00   -56.45
 198.63       28.26      50       1.5     V           -79.33        0.15      0.00      -79.48    -13.00   -66.48
 1696.60      51.19      6        1.9     H           -61.45        2.37      12.50     -51.32    -13.00   -38.32
 1696.60      47.46     252       2.2     V           -63.27        2.37      12.50     -53.14    -13.00   -40.14
 2544.90      39.83     182       1.1     H           -69.75        2.81      12.80     -59.76    -13.00   -46.76
 2544.90     29.08       16       1.6     V           -79.72        2.81      12.80     -69.73    -13.00   -56.73
           Test Frequency: 18GHz~40GHz
           The measurements were more than 20 dB below the limit and not recorded.

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13    Frequency stability V.S. Temperature measurement
      Test Requirement:            FCC Part90.213(a)
      Test Method:                 FCC Part2.1055(a)(1)(b)
                                   ANSI C63.26-2015
      Test Mode:                   Data communicating mode

13.1 EUT Operation

     Operating Environment :
     Temperature:                     23.5 C
     Humidity:                        52.3 % RH
     Atmospheric Pressure:            101.3kPa

13.2 Test Procedure
      1. The equipment under test was connected to an external DC power supply and input rated voltage.
      2. RF output was connected to a frequency counter or spectrum analyzer via feed through attenuators.
      3. The EUT was placed inside the temperature chamber.
      4. Set the spectrum analyzer RBW low enough to obtain the desired frequency resolution and
         measure EUT 25℃ operating frequency as reference frequency.
      5. Turn EUT off and set the chamber temperature to –30℃. After the temperature stabilized for
         approximately 30 minutes recorded the frequency.
      6. Repeat step measure with 10℃ increased per stage until the highest temperature of +50℃ reached.

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13.3 Test Result

   Remark: All three channels of all modulations have been tested, but only the worst channel and the
    worst modulation show in this test item.

Master-Chain 2
                                 Test Frequency: 3655MHz QPSK 10MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply         Frequency Error      Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)                  (Hz)                (ppm)
            -40                                     107                 0.0293
              -25                                   113                  0.0309
              -10                                   103                  0.0282
                 0                                  108                  0.0295
              10                48                  107                  0.0293
              20                                    109                  0.0298
              30                                    109                  0.0298
              40                                    115                  0.0315
              55                                    113                  0.0309

                                 Test Frequency: 3660MHz QPSK 20MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply         Frequency Error      Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)                  (Hz)                (ppm)
            -40                                     113                 0.0309
              -25                                   112                  0.0306
              -10                                   121                  0.0331
                 0                                  114                  0.0311
              10                48                  120                  0.0328
              20                                    121                  0.0331
              30                                    115                  0.0314
              40                                    109                  0.0298
              55                                    118                  0.0322

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Master-Chain 3
                               Test Frequency: 3655MHz QPSK 10MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply   Frequency Error        Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)            (Hz)                  (ppm)
            -40                               106                   0.0290
              -25                             107                   0.0293
              -10                             112                   0.0306
                 0                            110                   0.0301
              10               48             116                   0.0317
              20                              103                   0.0282
              30                              117                   0.0320
              40                              118                   0.0323
              55                              116                   0.0317

                               Test Frequency: 3660MHz QPSK 20MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply   Frequency Error        Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)            (Hz)                  (ppm)
            -40                               118                   0.0322
              -25                             108                   0.0295
              -10                             123                   0.0336
                 0                            116                   0.0317
              10               48             110                   0.0301
              20                              124                   0.0339
              30                              115                   0.0314
              40                              115                   0.0314
              55                              116                   0.0317

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Slave-Chain 0
                               Test Frequency: 3655MHz QPSK 10MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply   Frequency Error        Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)            (Hz)                  (ppm)
            -40                               104                   0.0285
                -25                           110                   0.0301
                -10                           100                   0.0274
                0                             103                   0.0282
                10             48             103                   0.0282
                20                            107                   0.0293
                30                             95                   0.0260
                40                             97                   0.0265
                55                             95                   0.0260

                               Test Frequency: 3660MHz QPSK 20MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply   Frequency Error        Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)            (Hz)                  (ppm)
            -40                               114                   0.0311
                -25                           109                   0.0298
                -10                           106                   0.0290
                0                             112                   0.0306
                10             48             109                   0.0298
                20                            111                   0.0303
                30                            121                   0.0331
                40                            109                   0.0298
                55                            119                   0.0325

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Slave-Chain 1
                               Test Frequency: 3655MHz QPSK 10MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply   Frequency Error        Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)            (Hz)                  (ppm)
            -40                               104                   0.0285
                -25                           108                   0.0295
                -10                            93                   0.0254
                0                             101                   0.0276
                10             48             100                   0.0274
                20                            105                   0.0287
                30                            100                   0.0274
                40                            102                   0.0279
                55                            103                   0.0282

                               Test Frequency: 3660MHz QPSK 20MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply   Frequency Error        Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)            (Hz)                  (ppm)
            -40                               110                   0.0301
                -25                           106                   0.0290
                -10                           112                   0.0306
                0                             109                   0.0298
                10             48             106                   0.0290
                20                            115                   0.0314
                30                            105                   0.0287
                40                            115                   0.0314
                55                            116                   0.0317

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14    Frequency stability V.S. Voltage measurement
      Test Requirement:             FCC Part90.213(a)
      Test Method:                  FCC Part2.1055(a)(1)(b)
                                    ANSI C63.26-2015
      Test Mode:                    Data communicating mode

14.1 EUT Operation

     Operating Environment :
     Temperature:                     22.9 C
     Humidity:                        52.0 % RH
     Atmospheric Pressure:            101.3kPa

14.2 Test Procedure
      1. Set chamber temperature to 25℃. Use a variable DC power source to power the EUT and set the
        voltage to rated voltage.
      2. Set the spectrum analyzer RBW low enough to obtain the desired frequency resolution and
        recorded the frequency.
      3. Reduce the input voltage to specify extreme voltage variation (+/- 15%) and endpoint, record the
        maximum frequency change.

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14.3 Test Result

   Remark: All three channels of all modulations have been tested, but only the worst channel and the
    worst modulation show in this test item.

Master-Chain 2
                                 Test Frequency: 3655MHz QPSK 10MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply         Frequency Error      Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)                  (Hz)                (ppm)
                                42                  105                  0.0287
              25                48                   90                  0.0246
                                55                  106                  0.0290

                                 Test Frequency: 3660MHz QPSK 20MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply         Frequency Error      Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)                  (Hz)                (ppm)
                                42                  103                  0.0281
              25                48                  100                  0.0273
                                55                  109                  0.0298

Master-Chain 3
                                 Test Frequency: 3655MHz QPSK 10MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply         Frequency Error      Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)                  (Hz)                (ppm)
                                42                   94                  0.0257
              25                48                  107                  0.0293
                                55                   99                  0.0271

                                 Test Frequency: 3660MHz QPSK 20MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply         Frequency Error      Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)                  (Hz)                (ppm)
                                42                   98                  0.0268
              25                48                  106                  0.0290
                                55                   99                  0.0270

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Slave-Chain 0
                               Test Frequency: 3655MHz QPSK 10MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply   Frequency Error        Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)            (Hz)                  (ppm)
                               42              92                   0.0252
                25             48             105                   0.0287
                               55             102                   0.0279

                               Test Frequency: 3660MHz QPSK 20MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply   Frequency Error        Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)            (Hz)                  (ppm)
                               42             105                   0.0287
                25             48              98                   0.0268
                               55             109                   0.0298

Slave-Chain 1
                               Test Frequency: 3655MHz QPSK 10MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply   Frequency Error        Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)            (Hz)                  (ppm)
                               42              94                   0.0257
                25             48              98                   0.0268
                               55             103                   0.0282

                               Test Frequency: 3660MHz QPSK 20MHz
         Temperature      Power Supply   Frequency Error        Frequency Error
            (℃)              (VDC)            (Hz)                  (ppm)
                               42             105                   0.1255
                25             48             102                   0.1219
                               55             110                   0.1315

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15    Photographs of test setup and EUT.
Note: Please refer to appendix: WTS18S0199015W_Photo.

                                      ====== End of Report ======

Waltek Services (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.

Document Created: 2018-03-13 20:18:08
Document Modified: 2018-03-13 20:18:08

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