Test report part 27 part 7


Test Report

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                    FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                        Report No:RXA1710-0339RF08R1
    LTE Band 7 16QAM 5MHz CH-Low, 1 RB                                                                         LTE Band 7 16QAM 5MHz CH-High, 1 RB

                    30                                                                                                        30

                                                                             2.500323750 GHz
                                                                                                                                                        2.569671300 GHz
                    20                                                          19.242 dBm                                    20
                                                                                                                                                           15.351 dBm

                    10                                                                                                        10

                     0                                                                                                         0

                    -10                                                                                                       -10

                                                          2.499988400 GHz                                                                                                   2.570005100 GHz
     Level in dBm

                                                                                                               Level in dBm
                    -20                                                                                                       -20
                                                             -26.246 dBm                                                                                                       -27.822 dBm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LTE Band7 5M bandedge

                    -30                           2.495988000 GHz                                                             -30                                                   2.575234400 GHz              2.587870000 GHz
                             2.481236250 GHz         -38.885 dBm                                                                                                                       -39.519 dBm                  -39.289 dBm
                                -40.213 dBm
                    -40                                                                                                       -40

                    -50                                                                                                       -50

                    -60                                                                                                       -60

                    -70                                                                                                       -70

                    -80                                                                                                       -80
                      2475      2480              2490               2500                2510   2520   2530                     2550   2555      2560        2565         2570         2575        2580          2585       2590      2595
                                                                    Frequency in MHz                                                                                      Frequency in MHz

  LTE Band 7 16QAM 5MHz CH-Low, 100%RB                                                                        LTE Band 7 16QAM 5MHz CH-High, 100%RB

                    30                                                                                                        30

                    20                                                                                                        20
                                                                            2.502551250 GHz
                                                                               11.911 dBm                                                                 2.567196300 GHz
                                                                                                                                                             2.677 dBm
                    10                                                                                                        10

                     0                                                                                                         0

                    -10                                                                                                       -10
     Level in dBm

                                                                                                               Level in dBm

                    -20                                                                                                       -20                                   2.570541000 GHz
                                                             2.499729700 GHz
                                                                                                                                                                       -32.224 dBm                                LTE Band7 5M bandedge
                                                                -28.745 dBm

                    -30                                                                                                       -30
                          2.479920000 GHz       2.492190000 GHz                                                                                                                                    2.577720600 GHz
                             -40.109 dBm           -39.892 dBm                                                                                                                                        -37.377 dBm
                    -40                                                                                                       -40
                                                                                                                                                                                 2.575401800 GHz
                                                                                                                                                                                    -38.897 dBm
                    -50                                                                                                       -50

                    -60                                                                                                       -60

                    -70                                                                                                       -70

                    -80                                                                                                       -80
                      2475      2480              2490               2500                2510   2520   2530                     2550   2555      2560        2565         2570         2575        2580          2585       2590      2595
                                                                    Frequency in MHz                                                                                      Frequency in MHz

   LTE Band 7 16QAM 10MHz CH-Low, 1 RB                                                                         LTE Band 7 16QAM 10MHz CH-High, 1 RB

                    30                                                                                                        30
                                                                       2.500511850 GHz
                                                                          18.804 dBm
                    20                                                                                                        20                                 2.569375350 GHz
                                                                                                                                                                    15.504 dBm

                    10                                                                                                        10

                     0                                                                                                         0

                    -10                                                                                                       -10
     Level in dBm

                                                                                                               Level in dBm

                    -20                                                                                                       -20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LTE Band7 10M bandedge

                    -30                        2.491687500 GHz 2.499799050 GHz                                                -30                                                              2.578309600 GHz
                             2.481435000 GHz      -37.537 dBm     -38.822 dBm                                                                                                                                           2.589376600 GHz
                                                                                                                                                                                                  -39.619 dBm
                                -39.974 dBm                                                                                                                                                                                -41.076 dBm
                    -40                                                                                                       -40

                    -50                                                                                                       -50                                                       2.572494000 GHz
                                                                                                                                                                                           -40.894 dBm

                    -60                                                                                                       -60

                    -70                                                                                                       -70

                    -80                                                                                                       -80
                      2475      2480              2490               2500                2510   2520   2530                     2540          2550              2560                  2570                2580                2590    2595
                                                                    Frequency in MHz                                                                                      Frequency in MHz

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                    FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                                  Report No:RXA1710-0339RF08R1
 LTE Band 7 16QAM 10MHz CH-Low, 100%RB                                                                             LTE Band 7 16QAM 10MHz CH-High, 100%RB

                    30                                                                                                              30

                    20                                                         2.504862900 GHz                                      20
                                                                                  9.207 dBm
                                                                                                                                                        2.563817650 GHz
                    10                                                                                                              10                     -0.136 dBm

                     0                                                                                                               0

                    -10                                                                                                             -10
     Level in dBm

                                                                                                                     Level in dBm
                    -20                                                                                                             -20
                                                                                                                                                                                                       LTE Band7 10M bandedge
                                                                                                                                                                2.570299200 GHz
                                                                                                                                                                   -33.193 dBm      2.575042200 GHz
                    -30                              2.493966250 GHz     2.499705950 GHz                                            -30
                             2.481277500 GHz                                                                                                                                           -38.773 dBm        2.587814200 GHz
                                                        -37.860 dBm         -35.430 dBm
                                -39.775 dBm                                                                                                                                                                  -41.006 dBm
                    -40                                                                                                             -40

                    -50                                                                                                             -50

                    -60                                                                                                             -60

                    -70                                                                                                             -70

                    -80                                                                                                             -80
                      2475      2480                2490               2500               2510       2520   2530                      2540   2550        2560                2570               2580               2590     2595
                                                                   Frequency in MHz                                                                               Frequency in MHz

   LTE Band 7 16QAM 15MHz CH-Low, 1 RB                                                                              LTE Band 7 16QAM 15MHz CH-High, 1 RB

                    30                                                                                                              30
                                                                              2.500784100 GHz
                                                                                 19.252 dBm                                                                2.569144400 GHz
                    20                                                                                                              20                        16.126 dBm

                    10                                                                                                              10

                     0                                                                                                               0

                    -10                                                                                                             -10
     Level in dBm

                                                                                                                     Level in dBm

                    -20                                                                                                             -20
                                                                                                                                                                                                       LTE Band7 15M bandedge

                                                             2.499793350 GHz
                    -30                                                                                                             -30                                                        2.582445000 GHz
                                               2.493732500 GHz -39.653 dBm                                                                                                   2.573064400 GHz      -39.140 dBm
                                                                                                                                                                                                               2.592129400 GHz
                          2.479976250 GHz                                                                                                                                                                         -40.708 dBm
                                                 -39.067 dBm                                                                                                                    -40.986 dBm
                             -39.887 dBm
                    -40                                                                                                             -40

                    -50                                                                                                             -50

                    -60                                                                                                             -60

                    -70                                                                                                             -70

                    -80                                                                                                             -80
                      2475      2480                2490               2500               2510       2520   2530                      2540   2550        2560                2570               2580               2590     2595
                                                                   Frequency in MHz                                                                               Frequency in MHz

 LTE Band 7 16QAM 15MHz CH-Low, 100%RB                                                                             LTE Band 7 16QAM 15MHz CH-High, 100%RB

                    30                                                                                                              30

                    20                                                                                                              20

                    10                                                                                                              10              2.562193550 GHz
                                                                                                                                                       -1.762 dBm
                                                                                   2.508808050 GHz
                     0                                                                7.451 dBm                                      0

                    -10                                                                                                             -10
     Level in dBm

                                                                                                                     Level in dBm

                    -20                                                                                                             -20
                                                                                                                                                                                                       LTE Band7 15M bandedge

                                                                                                                                                                       2.570336400 GHz
                    -30                      2.493725000 GHz 2.499751550 GHz                                                        -30
                              2.482361250 GHz                                                                                                                             -35.627 dBm                  2.585948000 GHz
                                                -38.660 dBm     -38.725 dBm
                                 -39.796 dBm                                                                                                                                                              -40.916 dBm

                    -40                                                                                                             -40

                                                                                                                                                                                        2.575265400 GHz
                    -50                                                                                                             -50
                                                                                                                                                                                           -38.083 dBm

                    -60                                                                                                             -60

                    -70                                                                                                             -70

                    -80                                                                                                             -80
                      2475      2480                2490               2500               2510       2520   2530                      2540   2550        2560                2570               2580               2590     2595
                                                                   Frequency in MHz                                                                               Frequency in MHz

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                    FCC RF Test Report                                                                                                          Report No:RXA1710-0339RF08R1
   LTE Band 7 16QAM 20MHz CH-Low, 1 RB                                                                      LTE Band 7 16QAM 20MHz CH-High, 1 RB

                    30                                                                                                      30

                                                                          2.501145450 GHz                                                            2.568906000 GHz
                    20                                                       19.220 dBm                                     20                          15.655 dBm

                    10                                                                                                      10

                     0                                                                                                       0

                    -10                                                                                                     -10
     Level in dBm

                                                                                                             Level in dBm
                    -20                                                                                                     -20
                                                                                                                                                                                             LTE Band7 20M bandedge

                    -30                                                                                                     -30                                           2.573039600 GHz
                              2.483250000 GHz                                                                                                                                -41.185 dBm                  2.593257800 GHz
                                                2.493266250 GHz
                                 -39.139 dBm                                                                                                                                                                 -40.824 dBm
                                                   -40.113 dBm
                    -40                                                                                                     -40

                                                                      2.499793350 GHz
                    -50                                                  -44.636 dBm                                        -50                                                         2.586623800 GHz
                                                                                                                                                                                           -38.968 dBm

                    -60                                                                                                     -60

                    -70                                                                                                     -70

                    -80                                                                                                     -80
                      2475    2480              2490               2500              2510    2520   2530                      2540   2550         2560             2570               2580                2590    2595
                                                                  Frequency in MHz                                                                       Frequency in MHz

 LTE Band 7 16QAM 20MHz CH-Low, 100%RB                                                                     LTE Band 7 16QAM 20MHz CH-High, 100%RB

                    30                                                                                                      30

                    20                                                                                                      20

                                                                           2.507823000 GHz
                                                                              6.213 dBm
                    10                                                                                                      10
                                                                                                                                            2.559615850 GHz
                                                                                                                                               -3.285 dBm

                     0                                                                                                       0

                    -10                                                                                                     -10
     Level in dBm

                                                                                                             Level in dBm

                    -20                                                                                                     -20
                                                                                                                                                                                             LTE Band7 20M bandedge

                    -30                         2.493192500 GHz                                                             -30                                           2.575600200 GHz
                             2.486145000 GHz                                                                                                                                                           2.591751200 GHz
                                                   -38.696 dBm                                                                                       2.570361200 GHz         -38.883 dBm
                                -39.743 dBm                           2.499716400 GHz                                                                                                                     -41.044 dBm
                                                                                                                                                        -37.554 dBm
                                                                         -39.661 dBm
                    -40                                                                                                     -40

                    -50                                                                                                     -50

                    -60                                                                                                     -60

                    -70                                                                                                     -70

                    -80                                                                                                     -80
                      2475    2480              2490               2500              2510    2520   2530                      2540   2550         2560             2570               2580                2590    2595
                                                                  Frequency in MHz                                                                       Frequency in MHz

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       / FGC RF Test Report                                                                                                                   Report No:RXA1710—0339RFO8R1

       LTE Band 38 QPSK S5MHz CH—Low, 1 RB                                                                   LTE Band 38 QPSK SMHz CH—High, 1 RB

                                               Arg Typacms                                              Genter Freq   2.620000000 Gitz
                                   mamena                                                                                         Fro m S togFrvefun
                                   dw es                                                                                          Feamier tiraa i5
                                                                                                                 Ref 23.00 dBm

                                                                                     GenterFreq                                                                                               CenterFreq
                                                                                   asteoome oi                                                                                              2smooeo ore

                                                                                        StartFreq]                                                                                                StartFreq]
                                                                                   asessoncos oi                                                                                            2615000000 oi

                                                                                         StopFreal                                                                                                StopFreof
                                                                                   as7somenn S                                                                                              asas000000 Gita

                                                                                           CFStep                                                                                                   oFstep
                                                                                        rommonee                                                                                                 1oreou uts
                                                                                 ue           man                                                                                          ht          w

                                                                                        FreqOftset                                                                                               Freq Offset
                                                                                               uks                                                                                                      Oe

 Canter2.sr0000 oi                                                                                      Center 2520000 GHz                                              Eooo
 #fes BW 51 kiz              Lcabl                                                                      Lc edsd                          LEALIA                 Sweep 4.73 ms (1001 pis)

                                                                                                         LTE Band 38 QPSK 5MHz CH—High, 100%RB

                                                                                                        Genter Freq 2620000000 Gz
                          MemanQ2 Inptrostun                                                                                      s Rmer ce Tog Fresfun
                          Euit me tw # 40                                                                                         Feanter Hruca
                                                                                                                 Ref 23.00 dBm

                                                                                        CenterFreq                                                                                             CenterFreq
                                                                                   astsontos o                                                                                              2 emeoseoe ov

                                                                                         StartFreal                                                                                               StartFreal
                                                                                   asustonene oi                                                                                            2st5000000 oi

                                                                                         StopFreal                                                                                              StopFreo
                                                                                   asnssonte o                                                                                              asssooc0 ove

                                                                                           GFStep                                                                                                   CFStep
                                                                                        1ommonea                                                                                                 1orcou is
                                                                                 Aute         on                                                                                           Aie          Wl

                                                                                        Freqoitset                                                                                               Freq Oftset
                                                                                               ol                                                                                                       oke

 Center 2570000 GHz                                            Eooo                                     Center 2520000 GHz                                       Eoo
 Lools                       Leabd s                  Bweep 4.73 ms (1001 pts)                          ces                              LEA                    Eds

     LTE Band 38 QPSK 10MHz CH—Low, 1 RB                                                                    LTE Band 38 QPSK 10MHz CH—High, 1 RB

                                               Jou Temue                                                beitiererenl Cns                                  Je Tpe sus
                                   togatun     Aeessiescorce                                                                      M man c TrigTree fun    Angbiats ons
                                   Bowm c«                                                                                        Feamiew unc i5
                                                                                         Auto Tune
          Emar o                                                                                                 Esn
          Ref 23.00 dBm                                                                                          Ref 23.00 dBm

                                                                                      CenterFreq                                                                                                 CenterFreq
                                                                                   a steenees ce                                                                                            aemmoene ce

                                                                                       StartFreo]                                                                                                 StartFreaj
                                                                                   asssomon o                                                                                               215000000 ort

                                                                                         StopPrea]                                                                                              StopFrea]
                                                                                   2575000000 CHia                                                                                          assso0mm oi

                                                                                           ET Siep                                                                                                  CFStep
                                                                                        1dotano NK c                                                                                             1ore0u kz
                                                                                 Pute          Nan                                                                                         ie           Mn

                                                                                        FreqOffeet                                                                                               Freq Offset
                                                                                               oks                                                                                                      oke

 cente TSd                                                                                                                                                               E2 Ssd
 Cdcco                       Ees                                                                                                         LE                     Ee rtne

TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                                                                     TA—MB—04—003R                                                 Page 58 of 118
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

       / FGC RF Test Report                                                                                                                           Report No:RXA1710—0339RFO8R1
  LTE Band 38 QPSK 10MHz CH—Low, 100%RB                                                                        LTE Band 38 QPSK 10MHz CH—High, 100%RB

                                                  Je Te aus                                                    Genter Freq 2.620000000 Gitz
                          C mas ce Tig Precfien   Anpuiezisorce                                                                         Fro mher ce Tog Free Aan
                          Fourioe  ts men                                                                                               Feanier frema i
                                                                                                 Auto Tune                                                                                                     Auto Tune
                                                                                                                        Ref 23.00 dBm

                                                                                                GenterFreq                                                                                                 CenterFreq
                                                                                           2 steoueoo ce                                                                                                 2smooeo ore

                                                                                                 StartFreq]                                                                                                    StartFreq]
                                                                                           assstomenoi                                                                                                   2615000000 oi

                                                                                                 StopFrea]                                                                                                     StopFreof
                                                                                           asrowne0n Srta                                                                                                asas000000 Gita

                                                                                     i                                                                                                              I
                                                                                              crstep                                                                                                             oFstep
                                                                                           rommonse                                                                                                           1oreou uts
                                                                                         m       man                                                                                                    ht          w

                                                                                                Freqifset                                                                                                     Freq Offset
                                                                                                      ore                                                                                                            Oe

 Center 2670000 GHz                                                Span 10.00 MH                               Center 2620000 GHz                                                Eooo
 Li labdsy                    Lsnls                       Sweep 1.27 ms 1001 pts)                              L aLdsy                        uEds                       Sweep 1.27 ms (1001 pis)

     LTE Band 38 QPSK 15MHz CH—Low, 1 RB                                                                                LTE Band 38 QPSK 15MHz CH—High, 1 RB

 ermrmecreree®l naw
                ... ce
                                                  Ars Te mus
                                                                          as"_                   Auto Tune
                                                                                                               Genter Freq 2620000000 Gz

                                                                                                                                        s Romaret
                                                                                                                                                    Tog Free n
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Auto Tune
          Ref 23.00 dam                                                                                                 Ref 23.00 dBm

                                                                                              CenterFreq                                                                                                    CenterFreq
                                                                                           s sressseos cve                                                                                               2 emeoseoe ov

                                                                                                 StartFrea|                                                                                                    StartFreal
                                                                                           a sesconcon Giea                                                                                              2st5000000 oi

                                                                                                 StopFrea                                                                                                    StopFreo
                                                                                           as7ezon000 oi‘                                                                                                asssooc0 ove

                                                                                                   orstep                                                                                                        CFStep
                                                                                                rommonse                                                                                                      1orcou is
                                                                                         Bute         oo                                                                                                Aie          Wl

                                                                                                Freqortse                                                                                                     Freq Oftset
                                                                                                      ake                                                                                                            oke

                                                            Een                                                Center 2520000 GHz                                                 Eooo
                              Lc das m                    Euons                                                cecds                          LLBds                      Eauand

  LTE Band 38 QPSK 15MHz CH—Low, 100%RB                                                                        LTE Band 38 QPSK 15MHz CH—High, 100%RB
                                                                                     pr===                                                                         Je Tpe sus
                                                                                                               beitiererenl Cns
                                                                                                                                        Th veee ty Tég Fres n      Angbiats ons
                               ve    dine ie                                                                                            Feamiew Hirurca is
                                                                                                 Auto Tune                                                                                                     Auto Tune
                                                                                                                        Ref 23.00 dBm

                                                                                             CenterFreq                                                                                                       CenterFreq
                                                                                           astommcon oi                                                                                                  aemmoene ce

                                                                                               StartFreal                                                                                                      StartFreaj
                                                                                           2sisomem ce                                                                                                   215000000 ort

                                                                                                 StopFreq|                                                                                                   StopFrea]
                                                                                           2576000000 oi                                                                                                 assso0mm oi
                                                                                                   CFstep                                                                                                        CFStep
                                                                                              "a0mont Nes                                                                                                     1ore0u kz
                                                                                         Aute         Man                                                                                               ie           Mn

                                                                                                FreqGifset                                                                                                    Freq Offset
                                                                                                       ake                                                                                                           oke

 Eeeneen                                                           Eoo                                         Genter 2.620000 GHz                                               Etd
 CaAdEd                       Ldads s                     Emeep 1.00 ms (1901 pls)                             LocLo                          LLBU s                     Sweep 1.00 ms (1001 pis)

TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                                                                            TA—MB—04—003R                                                   Page 59 of 118
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

        / FGC RF Test Report                                                                                                                        Report No:RXA1710—0339RFO8R1
      LTE Band 38 QPSK 20MHz CH—Low, 1 RB                                                                        LTE Band 38 QPSK 20MHz CH—High, 1 RB

                                                  Je Te aus                                                  Genter Freq 2.620000000 Gitz
                          C mas ce Tig Precfien   Anpuiezisorce                                                                       Fro mher ce Tog Free Aan
                          Fourioe  ts men                                                                                             Feanier frema i
                                                                                               Auto Tune
                                                                                                                      Ref 23.00 dBm

                                                                                              GenterFreq                                                                                                 CenterFreq
                                                                                         2 steoueoo ce                                                                                                 2smooeo ore

                                                                                               StartFreq]                                                                                                    StartFreq]
                                                                                         assstomenoi                                                                                                   2615000000 oi

                                                                                               StopFrea]                                                                                                     StopFreof
                                                                                         asrowne0n Srta                                                                                                asas000000 Gita

                                                                                   i                                                                                                              I
                                                                                            crstep                                                                                                             oFstep
                                                                                         rommonse                                                                                                           1oreou uts
                                                                                       m       man                                                                                                    ht          w

                                                                                              Freqifset                                                                                                     Freq Offset
                                                                                                    ore                                                                                                            Oe

 Center 2670000 GHz                                               Span 10.00 MH                              Center 2620000 GHz                                                Eoo
 Lcubidld                     Lucucl s                   Sweep 100 ms (1001 pts)                             Lc sy                          uedcdl                     Sweep 1.00 ms (1001 pis)

  LTE Band 38 QPSK 20MHz CH—Low, 100%RB                                                                      LTE Band 38 QPSK 20MHz CH—High, 100%RB

 ermrmecreree®l naw
                ...                               Ars Te mus                                                 Genter Freq 2620000000 Gz
                                                                                                                                      s Romaret   Tog Free n
                    ce                                                                                                                Feanter     Hruca
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Auto Tune
          L         o                                                                                                 Eocant
          Ref 23.00 dam                                                                                               Ref 23.00 dBm

                                                                                            CenterFreq                                                                                                    CenterFreq
                                                                                         s sressseos cve                                                                                               2 emeoseoe ov

                                                                                               StartFrea|                                                                                                    StartFreal
                                                                                         a sesconcon Giea                                                                                              2st5000000 oi

                                                                                               StopFrea                                                                                                    StopFreo
                                                                                         as7ezon000 oi‘                                                                                                asssooc0 ove

                                                                                                 orstep                                                                                                        CFStep
                                                                                              rommonse                                                                                                      1orcou is
                                                                                       Bute         oo                                                                                                Aie          Wl

                                                                                              Freqortse                                                                                                     Freq Oftset
                                                                                                    ake                                                                                                            oke

 Center 2570000 Gitz                                       Een                                               Center 2520000 GHz                                                 Eooo
 Ce                           LcA o m                    Euons                                               enedts                         LE s                       Eauand

     LTE Band 38 16QAM 5MHz CH—Low, 1 RB                                                                         LTE Band 38 16QAM 5MHz CH—High, 1 RB

                                                                                                             beitiererenl Cns                                    Je Tpe sus
                                                                                                                                      Th veee ty Tég Fres n      Angbiats ons
                                     dirw m an                                                                                        Feamiew Hirurca is
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Auto Tune
                                                                                                                      Ref 23.00 dBm

                                                                                           CenterFreq                                                                                                       CenterFreq
                                                                                         astommcon oi                                                                                                  aemmoene ce

                                                                                             StartFreal                                                                                                      StartFreaj
                                                                                         2sisomem ce                                                                                                   215000000 ort

                                                                                               StopFreq|                                                                                                   StopFrea]
                                                                                         2576000000 oi                                                                                                 assso0mm oi
                                                                                                 CFstep                                                                                                        CFStep
                                                                                            "a0mont Nes                                                                                                     1ore0u kz
                                                                                       Aute         Man                                                                                               ie           Mn

                                                                                              FreqGifset                                                                                                    Freq Offset
                                                                                                     ake                                                                                                           oke

 Eenen                                                            Eo                                         Genter 2.620000 GHz                                          Cmmc
 C Bs                         PVBW 160 kz                Emep 4.73 ms (1901 pts)                             Loo                            LLACES                     Coertne

TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                                                                          TA—MB—04—003R                                                   Page 60 of 118
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

       / FGC RF Test Report                                                                                                    Report No:RXA1710—0339RFO8R1

 LTE Band 38 16QAM 5MHz CH—Low, 100%RB                                                  LTE Band 38 16QAM SMHz CH—High, 100%RB

                                               Arg Typacms                              Genter Freq 2.620000000 Gitz
                                   mamena                                                                        Tao m        Tog Free Aan
                                   dw es                                                                         Feanier      frema i
                                                                                                 Ref 23.00 dBm

                                                                     GenterFreq                                                                                                      CenterFreq
                                                                   asteoome oi                                                                                                     2smooeo ore

                                                                        StartFreq]                                                                                                       StartFreq]
                                                                   asessoncos oi                                                                                                   2615000000 oi

                                                                         StopFreal                                                                                                       StopFreof
                                                                   as7somenn S                                                                                                     asas000000 Gita

                                                                           CFStep                                                                                                          oFstep
                                                                        rommonee                                                                                                        1oreou uts
                                                                 ue           man                                                                                                 ht          w

                                                                        FreqOftset                                                                                                      Freq Offset
                                                                               uks                                                                                                             Oe

 Canter2.sr0000 oi                                                                      Center 2520000 GHz                                                 Eooo
 #fes BW 51 kiz              Lcabl                                                      Lc edsd                        LEALIA                      Sweep 4.73 ms (1001 pis)

                                                                                           LTE Band 38 16QAM 10MHz CH—High, 1 RB

                                                                                        Genter Freq 2620000000 Gz
                          MemanQ2 Inptrostun                                                                     Tao mee ca Tog Free An
                          ¥taime  tm 400                                                                         Feanter Hruca
                                                                                                                                                                                         Auto Tune
                                                                                                 Ref 23.00 dBm

                                                                        CenterFreq                                                                                                    CenterFreq
                                                                   astsontos o                                                                                                     2 emeoseoe ov

                                                                         StartFreal                                                                                                      StartFreal
                                                                   asustonene oi                                                                                                   2st5000000 oi

                                                                         StopFreal                                                                                                     StopFreo
                                                                   asnssonte o                                                                                                     asssooc0 ove

                                                                           GFStep                                                                                                          CFStep
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TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                                                     TA—MB—04—003R                                                    Page 61 of 118
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of TA Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Document Created: 2019-10-07 05:40:34
Document Modified: 2019-10-07 05:40:34

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