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       mobet: viAsoos(ec)

Music Center with Bluetooth

                                            CAUTION                              fl

       T t t emarmanes uie .            CAUTION:TO PREVENT Pemctrmtmimrtsmin in ntuentviege
       Iminesonor Poeaane
                  eetanesnetizes "oommgarmenngs
       Ainmbeevnemetns|               wapen  *
               verirent                      inceresuen
CAUTION: T reduce the is of e o elcticshock,do not espose ths applance to rain o moiture
WARNING: To provent eletrc shock,donot use ths (polarzed) pug wih an extension cort, receptacle
or ther utet unlest blades can be fly inseted to provent blade expostre.
              WARNING: Ivisbl aserradiaionwhen open and nterock faled o defeated. Avad drect
       é E    exposureto lser beam

                                Important Safety Instructions
1.      Read ese instructons —Al hesalaty and operatng insbwctons should e read before ts product
        is oporaed
2.      Keep hese instuctons—The safetyand operating insrucions should be retaied foftur reference
3.      Heed llwarnings—Allwarnings on theapplance and in the aperating insricions shouldbe
        achered to
4.   Folowallinstuctions —Alloperating and use instructons shout befalowed
5... Do not use this apparatus near water——The appliance should not be used near water ormoisture —
     forexampl, in a wetbasemant onear a swimmingpool, and the ko
..   Clean onl with diy cotn
7.   Do not block any ventlaton openings. Intalli accortance with the manfacurer‘s instrictons
8.   Do notinstal near any heat sources such as radations. heat egisters,stoves, or other apparatus
     (including amplfers that produce Neat
5.   Do not defeatthsafey prpose ofthe polatzed or groundingpug.A polarzed pughas wo blades
     with onewider than the oher A grounding plu has broblades and a thid grouncing prong. The wide
     blade orthe hiprong is providedfor yousat If the provided plagdoes not tnto your outet;
     consul an electician or replacementofthe obsolete outet
10._ Protect the pover cord rom being walked on or pinched partculary atthe pags,comvenience
     teceptaces, andatthe pin where tey ext hm thapparatus
11.. Only use atlachmentslaccessonesspocifed by he manufactire
12.. Use onl with hecart, stand tipod, bracket ortablespecifed by the
     manfactrer or sld with theapparatus. When a caorrack is used.
     use cauton when movig the carvapparatus combinaton to avid
        inkuy rom tp.over
13.. Unplag the apparalus duringlghing storms orwhen unused for
        long peris of time
14..    Refor l servcint qualfed personnel. Servicing is requitd when the apparatus has been
        damaged in any way, uch as power supply cordor pugi damaged,Hquid has beonspiled
        or objets havfaleninto the apparalus has been exposed tran ormoitire, does not
        operate nomaly, o has been dropped



    nisoue e chioc Evectnlous—ve ras ouvnin,
<Thislghtring fash wih aroshead symbot wihin an equlateraltanglei inended o aler he user t he
presence of nn—insulated ‘dangerous volage"wthithe products enclosure thamay be of sufint
magnitade to consttute a s of electicshock
«Waring: To reduce the isk ofleciicshock, do nat remove caver(oback as there are no
userseniceable partsnsid. Refo serviing to qualfed personnel
«The exclamation poit wthin and equlatera thanglei itendedto aletheuseo the presence
of mporiant aperaing and maitenance instucions in the Meratre accompanyingthe applance
16.. The mains plug i used as isconnect device,the disconnect deviceshal remain eadly operable:
i7. warnne
      To reduce the isk ofreorelectic shock,do not expose ts apparatus torain or moisture The
      epparatus shall not be exposed to ipping osplashing and that no objects iled h Iquils, such as
      vases,shallnotbe placed on apparatus
18. The use ofthe equipmentin moderte cimate
18. The ventlaton should not bimpeded by coveingthe ventlaton openings wih tems such as
      newspapers, labledoths, carains,etc
20.. No naked fame sources, such as Ighted candes,shouldbe placed on the apparatus
21.. The symbolwih ~ Indeaton C votage
22.. CAUTION: These sevicing instrucions arefor use by qualfed service prsonnel onl To reduce the
      fisl f elecirc shock,donot perfarm any servcingotherthan that contined in the operatng
      instucions unless you are qualifet doso
         [C] This eaviement is a Class 11 odouble insulated elecrcal applance. t has been designed
                in such a way thatitdoes no require a safety connection o lectical eath
accessories ncruep
      + Rewore contro.
            rea To a sim aux canve
            insrrucrion manua
            warmanty excx or nanuay
            «s rew adarrer
            use crste
            co sormware

                                     Product Overview

  Front View

1. *PAIR® Press shorly o disconnectthe curent connection Press 2 secands o reconnect the
     device that has been connected before
2. *REPEATIn CDICD—MP3 or USB mode, press to select a repeat mode
3. *PROGRANin CDICD—MP3 or USB made, while the CDICD—MP3 or USBisstopped. press to
     progiam tracks
4. "SHUFELEIn CD/CD—MP3 or USB mode, pressfor shuffe playback
8. NINTRO® In CD/CD—MP3 or USB mode, pressto play every rack about 10 seconds, INTRO®
     wilbeshoun on thecisplay it it kipsto he next rack
6. NOLUME® KNOB Turn t adiust vlume. (Note: volume ranges from 00 t 30)
7. «POWER " Press totum the unit on oroft
8.      ‘3.6mm HEADPHONE JACK® Accepts headphonefearphone pugs
8.      "FMScale®
10. «oispiar
11.. *AUXBLUETOOTH® Press to swtchtoAUX mode or Bluetooth mode
      PHONG® Press to etertothe PHONO mode
      CDIUSE" Press to swichto CD mode or USB made
      TAPE®Press o entetthe cassette mode
      FIM® Press to enterto he FM mode:
16.. RADIO TUNER KNOB in FM mode, turn totunei station
         ECT" in GD mode, use o open and close the dsc ray.
18. «use sa%"
19.. *AUXCINJACK® Connect an extemal source to the AUX IN socket
20821. "Folder up & Folder down" In USB/CD—MP3 mode, press to choose your desired folder
22.   PLAYIPAUSE bellPress o stt playback, press again o pause
2sa24. previous / NEXT TRACK & REWIND / FF (ea/>»)
     in CDICD—MP3 or USB Made, press once to skip to the previous / next track. Press and hold
     to fasrevin/ forward
25. STOP IIl Fress o stop playback
2s.. ‘olse Rar"
a: revore sensonr
B TUNEDIST INDICATOR:In FM Mode, the TUNEDIST ncicator Ights up ed when tuning
     in the stero recepton station

  Right Side View
an.   CASSETTE FF & EJECT Press halfway tofost forward, press althe way to end and eject
      the tape.
  Rear View
                    a      »        » n
20.   FM wire antonna
      Whie tuned to a station in FM mode, extend the wite and reposiion o adjust for best eception
20. USB JACK (Recording Only)
30. LINE OUT jacks
    For amplfier device wth RCA aulany input socketsinser the white and red pugs on the RCA
    cable into the un‘ Insertthe opposite end into the ampifier device. Be sure to connectthe
    whte plu to the whtejack and thered plugto he red Jack.
an. AG Power Gord
    Plugs nto a walloutet
  Parts of the Turntable

          Turntabie.                                                        /v
          Safety Screw (fortransport) Before using the unt,tun the screw
          elockwise using a cain or screndiver                               ©
          important: When you transportthe uni, ur the scrow countercloctaise to secure the
          Speed Selector
zom mpo

          Tone Arm holder
          Tone Arm. Before use, completely loosen the twist e on the tone arm and uplit
          tone arm:
          45 RPM adaptor.
          Cuedver. Usethis ever to t the tone arm

                                  Emm eremcrenten
1.   Remove white protectve needcover by genty puling towards frontof uit
2.   Remove any packaging materals rom the unt
3.   Connect the AC powercordto a walloutet
Note: To proventinteference,avoid bundling aucio signal cables ogether with the AC power cord
Basic Operation
1. Press the POWER button to tum the unt on
2.   Selectthe source by pressing the cortesponding mode       |zz
     buton (AUX$ (Beteom)PrHonO(Cousertaperrn)                  7
3.   Rotate the VOLUME knob to adiusttothe desired sound lvel
     "The volume reaing is ‘00—30"the volume willchange along with the number.
Listening through RCA LINE OUT
For amplifer deviee istening, estreduce the volume levelto minmum Insert the whteand red plags
on the RCA cable into the back ofthe unt,then nsertthe opposte end nto yourampifierdevice. Be
sure o connectthe white pluinto the whtefack and the red plug nto the reJack
 istening through Earphones!Headohones (not included)
For prvate Istening,frsreduce the volume leve o minimum:
Insert your headphones‘pluito the HEADPHONE jack, then
adjustthe volume up by turringthe VOLUNE knob
Note: The speakers wl automatialy be deactivaed whio                                      nexopone
headphones are pugged in
conpensation warnine
YWhen the unt s moved fom a coor warm slace, or is usedfolowing a suddentemperatire change,thee s the
dangerthatwatervaporinthe air may condense on the unt, prventng prper operaton In such cases leavte
untor 12 housater puggingAmo an AG outettoalow ho stabize ath tenperatireof ts suroundings
                                        Remote Control
When using the remote contl, pointit towards the remote sensoron the frontpanelofthe unt
— Evenifthe remote contolis operated withn he effetive range, remotecontrooperation may
    beimpossiifthere are any obstacles between the unt and the remote control
—   ifthe remote contral unt s operated near other devices, which generate inrared rays, t may not
    function properly. Conversely, the other devices may notfunction incorrctly
Batery Installation

1.   Remove the battery compartment cover                     battry compartment cover
2.   Insert 2 ‘AAA®batteries. (vatteriesnotincluded)
     Note: Make sure thatthey are oriented sothir polarty
     markings, "+" and matchthe remote‘s markings
3.   Replace the battey compartment cover
Batery Replacoment
When the distance required between the remotecontrol unt and main unit dcreases, t s necessary
to replace the battery wih new ones
Battery Precautions
B sure to inser the bateries with corect postve*+"and negative*orientaton
ALWAYS use batteriesothe same type. Never mi ciferent types of btteriestagethor
When using rechargeable batteies, refer to the precautions on teir labels
When the remote contrl unt is notto be used foralong tme (mare than a month, emove the
bateries to preventthem from leaking
Do not heat orcisassemble batteies, and NEVER dispose ofold bateresby throwing them in a fre
Do not cispose device nto standard garbage disposalstes. Dispose of device at avaiable Battery
Recyling Sites aftfuly cischarging battery. Not oing so may violatecisposallaws and regulatons
Please referto lcalregulations for proper battery isposal
Remote Contro! Button Functions
1. MUTE: Fress o enter mute made, "VOO® wl show on the display, press it again
     to cancel mute made, ‘VOD‘wildsappear fom the diplay
     Or you can press VOL+ to cancel mute mode
2. "REPEAT: n CDICD—MP3 or USB made, press t select arepeat made.
3. *PROGRAN‘: In CD/CD—MP3 or USB mode, whie the C/CD—MP3 or
     USB is stopped. press to program tracks
4. "PHONO®: Press to enterto PHONO mode.
5... *RADIO‘: Press tenterto FM mode
6. * : Press to enter Bluetooth mode
7. "TAPE: Press to enter cassette mode
8817. "Folder down & Folder up*
     in CD—MP3IUSB mode, press to choose yourdesied folder
8819 ‘VOL+"/ *VOL":Press to adustthe valume
10. *PLAYIPAUSE® lt Press o startplayback, press again to pause
1ae. serevious / Next Track & Rewio i(+4/>=0»:
     in CDICD—AMPor USB Made, press once to skip to the previous / nexttack
     Press and hold tofast revind / forward
      ‘OPENICLOSE® Press to openiclose the disetay
        TOP® Press to stop playback
      SHUFFLE®in CD or USB mode, press fr shufle playback
        DUSB® Press t switch to GD or USB mode
        UX® Press ‘AUC to enter to AUX mode.

   1.     Press the ‘PHONO®selector button
   2..—   Genty open thetop cover
          Note: Bo carefuly notto pinch your inger when
          opering/ciosing the top cover
   3.     Place a viny! record on the turmable. When playing
          a 45 RPM record, use the ncluded adaptor
   4.     Selectthe approprate speed (4)

   5..    Genty push tone arm clp (5) to the right torelease the tone arm

   ...    Raise the cue lever(6) to i the tone arm offhe tone amn support          ‘

   7.     Move the tone arm genty to the edge ofthe record (orthestating poinof a tack)
          "The tuntablewil begin totum
   ..     Gentlylower te tone arm by slowy releasing the oue lever
   8.     When the record reaches o ts end, tone arm and rotation stop.Lit thetone arm and place
          ittotone arm rest manvally

     . Closingthetop cover wil help prevent dustrom setling on the turntable
     . Alvays relockthe tone arm clp before ransportng the un‘
     «Do not place anyhing on top ofhe tumtablecover. especialy while playing a record

                                     Listening to a GD/CD—MP3

     1.   Press the ‘CD/USB®buttn once t select CD mode. The uni wildisplaythe ° CD"
          Note: When no dsc is set,no cise" wil appear on the daplay
     2.   Press the EJECT button (a) to open the tay.
          Note: This buttonwll only work in CD mode                C
     3.   Place a disc on the tray wihthe printed label face up.  _7

         Press the EJECT button (a) cose the tay,
eama us

         "READ‘ wil appearfr a few seconds and then the number ofracks wil show on the diplay
         After that it willbegin layback from thefrstrack automatcaly
         To temporarlypause playback, press the PLAYIPAUSE buton (»1D. Press agai to resume
         To sip tracks backward orforward. press the coresponding sip buttn (IRedl or. »»4
         To fast remind / forward within a tack, press and hold douinthe correspanding skipbuttn (Fott
         ar +#untlthe desited postion is reached
     10. To stop playback, press the STOP (Ibutton
     NOTE: Whie lstening to an CD—MP3, press the Folder doun or Folder up buttn to choose your
     dested foldor

. Neverplace more than one dsc on the tay.
— The dise mustbe placed in the center ofthedise ray. An incorrecty loaded dsc can
    permanently damage the ty door mechanism
— Do not push the CD ty — always use the OPENCLOSE buton.
— it takes a momentforthe unit o load a dis, durng which all buttons wil be tomporanly
Repeat Playback
                                 Each tme the REPEAT button is pressed,therepeat mode willclethrough
                                 the folowing options
                                 REPEAT 1(Repeat one track

                                 Te currentrack wl be payed repeatedi Ifyou press the (Fal or »»1
                                 buttonto selet another rackthe track you select wil be played repeatediy
                                 REPEAT FOLDER (Repeat he foder
                                 in CD—MP3 mode, you can selectthe folder to play repeatediy
    peoo o

                                 REPEATALL (Repeatthe entre CDICD—UP3
                                 Te entre CDICD—MP3 wil be played repeatediy
. Ifene ofthefalowing buttons is pressed. the repoat mode wil be cancolec.
        oretvetose, rower rik PHONO, Aliseluetn rare, consa
—   Repeat playbaclk works wit fialized discs only
To play the tracks on a CD/CD—MMP3 in a random sequence, press the SHUFFLE button during
                                  — — Pressing (W¥D during shuffe playback wllrandomly select he next

                            |_    + Hfone ofthe folowing buttons i pressed,shutte mode willbe
                                        oreivciose, rower rm rhouo, Apreewen, mre, couse
                                        When the SHUFFLE playback ofalthe tracks has beenfrished, the
                                        unt stops and the shuffe mode is canceled
                                  —    A frackcannot be repeated during shuffe playback

                                  —     Shuffe pleyback doesn‘t work daring programmed playback

    A0000 )
                                  —     Shuffe pleyback works wih falied dises only
Programmed Playback
Program play mustbe se when the CD/CD—MP3 is stapped. You can program up to 20 racks for CD
ise and program upt 99 tracks for MP3 dise
.    Shuffe playback does not work during programmed playback
.    Programmed playback works with filzed dise only

      Press °CD/USB® button once to select CD made,then load a CD.       ...
2.    Whie the CD is stopped. press the PROGRAN button
3.    *PROGRAN®indleator binks, and ‘P.01° appears on the dsplay        \é
          nr n                                                       ~40x .00
        P3 [06           a
4.    Press (Fokt or 9e0t selecta track number                            m        all
5.    Press the PROGRAM buton again to setthe current track
8.    "P.02is displayed.. Repeat staps 4thiu 5 to program the addtionaltrecks
           o7 n
        PDZ 6 =
7.    When the selection of rack numbers has been fished., press the PLAY button (PI)tostart
      program playnack
8.    To cancelthe program mode, press the STOP (B) button tice and then the ‘PROGRAN
      will disappearfom the display
To check e programmed order
in the stop mode, press (IRtd or »»1 repeatedly to show the track numbers hat have been

                                     eonremen en
1.   Press the ‘FNbutton
2.   Tuneto the desied staton using the RadioTuner Knob
     Note: in FM Mode, The TUNED/STinleatorights upred when tuning in thestreo recepton
Addjustina for Rest Receation
FM broadcast Extend and reposiionthe FM antorna

in AUX (auxilary mode, thisuncan play audio from an extermal audsource (Pod, MP3 Player
Portable CD Player etc)
 There is an AUX IN/ack on the rontofte un‘t When comnectng a device that has a headphonejck,
use a 3 5mm cable on both ends o comnectthe extemmal device with the apporatus
 1. Plug ane end ofthe AUX IN cable (noincluded) ntothe AUX IN jacks
2. Plug the other end of the cable inthe headphone jack ofthe extemal auciosaurce
3. Press ‘AUXBluetoothbuton to select AUX—IN function,"AUCwill appear on the top
     right comer
4. And then tum your extermal device on to playback
5. Retate the VOLUME knob to adjustthe sound level
6. Adjust the volume level on your auclo applance i necessary
7. You ean contralthe playing process by operaingyour extemal device
NOTE: Alloperations are only avalable on your extemal device

                 Listening to an External Audio Device (BT Mode}
in &T (Gluetooth) mode, ths untcan enjoy music rom extemmal evices which have a bult ~in
Bluetootn featre.
eerrine conniecrep usive atuetoot
1. Press ‘AUnTBluetasin oution frice t select Bluctooth made and then the dilay wil show
2. Set he Blutoath function of your extemal devicewhen the apparatus is on
3. Setto search Bluctoath deviceon yourextemal device,
    NOTE: The effectve distance hehieen your external devic and this apparatus is 10 meaters
4. Waltfor a while then finthe Wooden Music Center® on the paed devies st on your extemnal
    deviee and press ‘Wooden Muslc Center Sometimes a window wil ask you for a password.
    Fil in 0000‘ then press OKCon your extermal device
5. Afew secands lateyour Bluetooth connection is success and you wilhear a chime
. The PAIR Button willalow you to disconnectfom your extrnal whie remaining in ET mode.
    Simply press the PAIR butlon t disconect. Press 2 seconds treconnecttdevie that has
    been comnected betzre
Eior Music rRoman exrernat pevics
1. Get your extemal device paired. (See ‘Geting connected‘)
2. Turm on the music player program on your external device and seit lay
Normall, you can contrl music plyback wih the PLAY/PAUSE,..IRb\C and. B¥RI button on the
apparatus. However, some buttons may net work due t e variatle music player program
Now enjoy he fun

                              Listening to a Cassette Tapi
1.   Load an audio cassefte tape into the un‘t (aeated on the right side of the unit. Playback wil
     avtematialy beoin
2.   Press button haltway to Fast Forward e tape.
     Press button ighty and playback wil resume.
3.   Press button completely doim to end playback and eiect Tape

                                     USB Memory Stick Playback
1.  Press CDIUSB button repeatedlto swich to USB mode. "USB" wl appear on the right comer
    Note: When no USB is st, "NO USBwil appear on tdisplay
2. Comnect a USB memory stk (rotincluded) ito the USB slot and then the number ofracks wil
    show on the display
3. Afferthat t wil begin to layback rom the frst rack automaticaly
4. Totemporarlypause playback, press the PLAYIPAUSE buton (»1D. Press agai to resume
5. Press the Folder down or Folder upbutton to choose your desiredfalder
8. To shitracks backward or foniard, ress the cortesponding skip button (I=t or >
7. Tofast rewind / forward within a tack, press and hold douin the corresponding siip button untl
    the desited postion is reached
8. To stop playback, press the STOP (B) button
         Do not push both buttons together as ths may damage the unt
         As the uni is racking quick,forward or backward you willhear your selecton playing at a
         tistorted speed. Smply release the depressed bution to contnue playing at normal speed
         at the desied postton in the selected track
rerear paveack
                                Each time the REPEAT button is pressed,the repeat mode will cxcle
                                ttrough the flowing options
     300900 ),

                 230000 )

                            )   REPEAT 1(Repeat one rack
                                "The currentrack wl beplayed repeatedy If you press te (Itet or >a=9
                                button to selct another rack,the track you select wilbe played

                                REPEAT FOLDER (Repeat the Eokten
                                Te Folder wilbe played repeatediy
                                REPEATALL (Repeatthe entre USB
                                Te entire USB wil be payed repeatedty

= i one ofthe falowing buttons is pressed, trepeat mode wil be canceled
   orevotose, Power rm. rmono, apvelueroom, rare, couse
Shuffle Playback
To play the tracks on a USB in a random sequence, press the SHUFFLE button during playback

                                —— Pressing (WD during shuffe playback willrandomly selecttnoxt
                                —— Hfane of the fllwing buttns is pressed, shutfe mode will be
                                     oretveiose. rower aur rhovo aceiuzroors, mare.
                                —— Whe he SHUFFLE playback ollthe tracks has been fnshed, the
                                      un‘ stops and the stuffe mode is cancled
                                —— A frack cannot be repeated during shuffe playback
                                      Shuffe playback doesn‘t work during programmed playback


  Programmed Playback
  U to 98 racks can be programmed to play ithe desied order
  .     Shuffe playback does not work dring programmed playback            7            &
  1.    Fress ‘CONUSB‘to enter USB mode, then nserta USB memory            (0)          0|
        mt  ns Veboot
        Whithe USB is stopped, pressthe PROGRAM button
  3.    ‘PROGRAN indleatorks and "P.01" appears on the dsplay.             | (J g 0
           POLIB _=                                                          A    A

        Press (F9k or 90t selecta track number

        Press the PROGRAM button again to sethe currenttrack
        "P—02°is displayed. Repeat steps 4 thru to program the addional vacks

           MIPi5 +
  7.    When the selection of rack numbers has been fished., press the PLAY button (PI)tostart
        program playback
  8.    To cancelthe program mode, press the STOP (B) button tice and then °PROGRAN®icon
        dissppear rom the cisplay
  To check the programmed order
  in the stop mode, press (IRtel or »»1 repeatedly to show the track numbers tat have
  been programmed

  To properl recurd yourvinyto MP3 via computer,use the ncluded USB Output Cable and
  Instructonal CD Software. Connect one end of the USB eable to the turntable (USjack on the back
  of the uni) and the other end intoyour computer. Then connect the AC power cord to the tumtable
  To installand use the software on your computer, selectthe proper Mac or PC installflesten folow
  the prompts provided on th Instuctional CD, Forthe most up to date manuals, sofware, instructonal
  detais, roubleshooting or other downloadable content lease go t hitp—laudactyteam org

                                Maintenance / Proper Handling
com             Hanal
    Alvays piace redsc on he se ray wih h labese facng upnart(cormpact ises can be payedtecorted
    onl on onsce)
+ Toremosea dsc fom is torage cas, pres doun on thcentof he case and i the isc uprard,hadng
    Hearetuty by is ecges
* To clsan a ds vipe thesurace fom thcenter hole outrard tovards h outeedge wita sat, oy cath
+ Never use sichchenicalsas reortspay antetai sprayeor ful, benzene o ene to clean ies they wil
    iresarabl damage te dacs sastc surace
+ bisc shoube retumd to hi cases ate use to prolet rom dust and setches
+ Do not expase ies to drect unight, igh hamiyorigh tempertire foextend perods o tme
+ Réanle CO8t and CD—RW ies are notrecommendac as h labelsge may ecome sicland danage
+ Usea sot otased folkipped pento wnte thiformaton on thlabelside Never use a ba.pont
    ar harte pen,asdang so may amage the recoried sde
+ Do notuse irepuart—anaped CDs (aclagonal her shaped, business cardsze, t as thy wil arage
* Read al recautons suppied wth ny CO.t or CD.RW d
    Neverhandl a se with ty oges
    Neverinsea sc hathas a cack o tsutace
Handting Vini Recorts
* Do notlowh nerecorts grooves Onlyhandl recardbh adges orthe labelwin cloan hands.Touchin he
    reeortsurac wil ause yourecorts avalty to deterrate
    To cean a eeart use a sot antstaloh o genty wse he record surtace
    Keeorecart in thar rotctve sioevewhen noin use
    Alays stre recortsuoright on thiredges
    Avoi lacng recrts n ret sunight coseto a heatsorce (adatos, stoves, ts or in a ecaton subject
    toviraton, ercessne dust heat oo ormosure
General Gare
+« Whenremouing the power pug rom e vall oute. avays pul drecty o heB
    Heverputine co
    To keep h aseicceando rottouch t and dono forgetoclose e cis tay
    Do t atenstt ieheunt wit chanicalaavent as is might damage tfigh
    For cleaing onl use a cean dy cotn
    in order o shut t tpover t is productconpletal unplugthe power cartfom thewal cutet
    B aure o unlug t unt i you l nctinlend o use t o an exterded perod of tme
Hou to Replace the Turntable Stylus (Replacement Neede #: ITNP:LC1)
The stylus should last about 50 hours under nomnal use. However, tis ecommenced that thesyius
be replaced as soon as you note a change in sound qualiy. Prolonged use ofa wor—outsylus may
damage the record. The highest spoed of 78 RPM records would wear outthe stylus more quickly
Removing the old stylu
1. Set a serewdrver at the tofthe stylus and push downward (A)
2..   Remove the stylus y puling it simultaneously downward and          ’
Installing a now stylus:
1.    Hold the front p ofthe stylus and insert ts rear edge (©)frst               0
2.    Push the styus upwards (C) unt the p locks ito place

# Do not remove or bend the sylus.
* Do nottouch the neede to avoid njuy to your hand
# Tum offhe unit‘ power before you replace the stylus                       t
* Keep outofreach ofchidien                                             o
                                                                        ouierins insy

Pove Reaureneats        ac 100 asov—sor0 nz
Pover Consumatin.       zow
Dimensions ux x6        460nm 280mm x335mm ar009
                        12x08% 132 (approc)
weon.                   1219. ermoo
                        25 be.opprod
Ouput Pove              sw esw
Fremwency Respurte      so10 20000 e
erearen svorem
Te                      uy
inpediice               Soims
InputPover]             jtex tow
Range                   sotetoomite

FreqeneyResponse        so1020000e se« on
StraitoNoseRato         se n (eom
casserre praver
Tack Systom             A Tra,2chamolstrco
Tape Speed,             aemec
\Wo and Fiike:          oam ons
Frequency Respanse      126 to 6300 e se in
recoro puaver
Mowr.                   0C sevo mt
Oe Syiiim               Bdtome
Speed                   31 om 45 tom and 78 rom
c rai                   Merethan 0 a8
Ganrage Tipe            Geanic Sreo Cart¢gs
Stjes                   meir
Blieson Venion          suecanve2
Bletoot Protes          ‘Kor Amep
Buetoon Freqensyarge.   zamonezsmone
Operaing Ditance        10 mawes 3 1)

                        US8 seres B connecter
                        1968 20 tspeea


     Symptom              Possible Gause                       Solution
     «Un wil not power    «Ununplugpen                        +Comedt me unt to
      on                                                         the AG power
     ~No seund siiput   —|— The valme Tevelis seloolow        ~Adust he valume
      from speakers     «The inputslector does not matchthe   |. Selectthe correct
3                           playback source                      input source
&    »NaseiDistartonin |— The untis too dlose to a TV seter   *Tum othe V
&     sound outpst          ancherinterferng device              ther applance
6                                                                and relocatethe
     —ntainte           ~Imghtresul Tem extemal factos such — Discoment he
      respond               as ESD (Elect—stat cischarge}        pover cord and
                                                                 extemal aucio
                                                                 device. Re—plug the
                                                                 power cord ater
                                                                 one minute
     =The tape doss not —|— The cassatt ape is not nsered     =Insert e cassete
&     sey                   propery.                             tape corecty.
&                       «The tape has reached the end.        «Fip te cassette
     ~CannatTsien o any |— The staten is not unedin ropery    *Fropery nen me
&     staton, or signal +A TV setis being used nearby andis      desired station
&     appears weak          interlring withthe racioreception «Tumar the
$                                                                Inteferng TV set
a    |<mesandis         Te anfemna is not onented propery,    > Re—onentthe
E     dsteted                                                    antenna untl
                                                                 receotion improves
     +Costops           «Th GOis nserted upside domn          =Insert e C0 win
      immediately ater  «The COs dusty or drty or here is        the prined site
      stating, o unt        condensation on the CD               nontie up
      pauses or stops                                         « Garefuly clean and
      during pio                                                 dn the CD
     ~No seind          «Te CO peyeris pausen:                ~Fress e
x                                                                puarpause
6                                                                buton
3    |—Copmyssons       The CDis scrtched. damaged &          Replase GD wi an
&     noiy. orplayback      warped                               undamaged one
g.    stops orstins     «The disis very drty                  + Carefuly clean the
     ~CD ty vilna       ~RUXPHONGRIUETOOTHUSETARET |— Seec CD mode
      cpen                  EMmode is selected
     ~Buttons arenat    = The untis processing infomation (—  — Wat untl me on
      finctoning            Busyis cisplayec)                    frishes processing
      coreaty           «The unit needs to berestatted        + Turm the unt off
                                                                 then on again
     ~Desine n umtanle |— Te umtablesjus is wan out           «Replace tnesyus
9.    aucio pertomance


    ~Ne sand aput        ~Bom AUX in Jacks (ont andreanare        ~Unpbg e font
x    with extemal audo plugged                                     AUXin Jack
2    device puagedinto
     rear AUK n jock
    ~No sana            =The untis not sutcheato Suetoam         +Ensure e unt‘s
                          mode                                     suthedto BT
                        «Your device‘s and/or the units voume is mode.
                          not urnup.                             + Move your
                        «Your device is too far fom the unt or     Bluetooth device
                          therere some cbstacie betveen your       dosertoun‘t
                          deviceand the un‘t                     + Tum up e vlume
                                                                   en your pottatle
                                                                   device andfothe
&                                                                  unt.
&                                                                +Tum OFF your
i                                                                  Bluetooth device
&                                                                  and unt. Then
S                                                                  power them bath
                                                                   back OM
    ~Saund has a lot ar »Your devise is toofar amey              ~Bing your gevce
     state                                                         dosertothe
    +Unatle To par win. »Your device doesnT have Butoah          + Contim matyour
     a Bluetoothdevice    comedtty                                 device is Blustooih
                        «The Bluetosth paiing is not successtut    compatible
                                                                 + Re—pair the un‘ and
                                                                   device again
    =The USG aive does |— The USBdive is not nserled provery Insert he UsBaive
B    notply              «The US8 drve has no MPS fle              corecty


                                       FGG Statement

This device compltes with Part 15 ofthe FGCRules. Operaton is subjectto thefalowing two
condiions: (1) This device may not cause harmfinterference,and (2)ths device must accept any
intererence received, ncluding nteference that may cause undesred operation
NOTE: This equipmenthas been tested and found to comply wthe Imils for a Class B cigtaldevice,
pursuantto Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These Imitsare designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmfi inerferencei a residentalnstalation. Ths equipment generates uses and can
radiate ract freguency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance wthe instructons, may
cause harmfu inteference to racio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterfrence
willnot ccur in a partcularinstalation, !this equipment does cause harmfi interference to racio or
telesision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, tuseris
enccuraged totrytoconectthe nteference by one ofthe folowing measures:
   Reotient or relxcte the receiving antemna
   Inctease the separation between the eauipment and receiver
   Connect the equipmentinto an oulet on a crcult iferent rom tat
   to which he receiver is connected
   Consul the dealero an experienced radiorTV technician for hep
WARNING: Any changes or mocifcations not expressly pproved ty the part responsile or
compliance could void the users authorty o operate ths equlment
The device must net be coocated or operalig in conjunction wih any other antenna or transtniter
To maintain complance wih the FCC‘s RF exposure guidelnes, picethe productatleast 20cm from
neatty persons


This device complles wth RSS247 ofIndusty Canads. Cet appare se confome a RSS247 de
Canade dndustre. This device complies wIncustry Canada Icense—exempt RSS standard(s.
Opertion is subject tothefollwing two eondiions:(1) this device may not cause inteference,and (2)
this device must accent any nterference, nclucingintererence trt may cause undesired operation
of he devie, Leprésent apparel est confome aux CNR «ncustre Canada applables aus
epparels redlo exempts de lcence. Son fonctionnement est sulet sux deux conditons suvantes: (1)
Ie dspositf ne dpas produire de broullage prejudiciale,t (2) ce cisposttf dott accentertout
broullage reeu, y comprs un brouilage susceptle de provouer un fonctionnementindesirable.
The device must not be coocated or operating in conlunctonwih any other antenna oransmiter
Uapparellne dait pas t lcalise ou fonctioner avee d‘autres antennes ou ransmetteurs.
This device complles wthIC raciation exposure Imitsse foth for an uncniraled envirooment
Cet apparel est conforme au liites sespostion aux rayonnements de a C tablies pour un
Incontrdlé envronnement.
The deviceshould be insalleand operated with a minimum distence of 20zm between the raiator
and your body
Uapparelldat treinstalé et tlise avee ume cistance minimale de 20cm ente e raciate
et vare cops.


                   California PROP 65 Warning

 WARNING: This product can expase you to chemicalsincludng lead, uhich is knounto he
 State f Calfomia t cause cancer and ith defects orotherreproductve ham
For more informatongo to vnu PSSWarmings ca gov


Document Created: 2019-04-17 16:49:17
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 16:49:17

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC