User Manual


Users Manual

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Instruction Manual

      MODEL: VC-150



      Simtktmitemce. Citemoment
      Retendanertbpemes®|            roomenennmendt
       mrmtenntnt docormsomeuk
      iinbesvonountnse    BEVARCANES Atorabeiinernotreres,
                                        nemmesttve                         meaen
           verounm                        Werosen
CAUTION: T reduce the is of ie o elctic shock,do not spose ts applance to rain o moiture
WARNNG: To prevent olecti shock, o not use ths (polatzed)pag wthan extnsioncrd,receplace
or ther utlet unlestblades can be fly inseted to provent lade expostre

                           IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
1.     Read ese instuctons —Al he safaty and operatninsbuctons should e read before ts productis
2.     Keep hese instrtons —The safey and opering nstuctons should beretainefofiurerefrence.
3.     Heed allwarnings ~All warmings on he applance and in the operaing instrucions shouldbe
       achered to
4.     Follow allinstuctions —Alloperaing and use instuctons shoul befalowed
...    Do not use his apparatus near vater——The appliance should not beused near water or moisture —
       for exampl, in a wet basement onear a svimmingpool, and theie
6.     Clean only wdy ioh
7.     Do not blockany ventlation apenings. Intalli accordance with the manfacurer instucions.
8.     Do notinstal neaany heat sources such as radaions, heat egisters,stoves, or other apparatus
       (ncluding amplfers that produce heat
...    Do notdefeathe salaty purpose ofthe polared or groundingpug A polarzed plag has tro blades win
       one viderthanthe other A grounding plag has wo bades and a hird grouncing prong. The wide bade
       or hethirdprong is provided or your atay 1 t provided plug does notR io your outet, const an
       electicin for replacementoftheobsolete oulet
10.     Profecthe power cort rom being walked on opinched pariculary t the pigs,convenience
       receplacesand at the polnt where ty ext hom the apparatus
11..   Only use atlachments/accessores spectfedby e manulaclire
12..   Use onlwith he cart, standipod, bracket. orablespecifed by the
       manafacturer or old with he apparatus. When a car or rack is used.
       use cauton when mouig the carvapparatus combinaton to avid
       injay rom tp—over
13..   Unplagthe apparalus duringlghring stoms or when unused for
       long peris otime
14..   Referalservcing t qualfed personnel. Servicing is requied when the apparatus has been damaged
       in any vay such as power supplycart or uis damaged, lqul has been spiled
       or ojects havfalenito the apparatus has been exposed train ormoitire, does not
       operate nomaly, o has been dropped


   nisoue e chioc Evectnlous—ne ras ouvnt
<Thislghtring fash wih arouhead symbot wihin an equlatealtanglei intnded o aler he user o he
presence of non—insulated ‘dangerous volage"wthithe products enclosure that may be of sufint
magnitade to consttute a s of electicshock
«Waring: To reduce the ik o lecc shack, donot remove cover (or back) as tereare no userservicenble
pats insto Relorservcingto qualfed parsoonal
«Th exclamation point within and equlatraltiangle s intended to aler the userto the presence of mporiant
eperaing and maintenance instucions in the Meraure accompanying the applance
16.          This equipment is a Glass 1 or doublainsulated elecrcal applance, Ithas been designed
      CL] in such a way thatitdoes not equre a safey comecton o acncal eath
17. The mainspug is used asdisconnect devie,the isconnect device shal remain eadiy operale
is waming
     To reduce the isk o freoelectic shack, do not expose ts apparatusto rain ormoisture The
     apparatésshall not be exposed o dtpning or splashing and tnat no onjects iled wth Iquds, such as
     vases,shallnotbe placed on apporatus
18.. The use ofthe equipmentin moderte cimate
20. The vertlaton should not bimpeded by coveringt vertiaton openings wih tems such as
     nevspapers tabledoths, cutains,oto
21.. No naked fame sources, such as ighied candes,should be placed on the apparatus
22.. Thesymbolwi ~. IndeatonACvotage
28. The symbel wih 5=z indiate D0 vatage
24. The bateres @atter pack orbatteras intaled) shallnot be exposed o excessiv heat such as
     sunstine,fro otheio.
26.. Atertonshoul be drain to the envronmental aspocts obattey isposat
26.. CAUTION: These servcing instuctons arefor use byaualfed service personnel onl; To reduce he
     i of eletreshock donot prform any sevicing othetan tat contaied in the operaig nstuctons
     unless you are qvatfed o do so
accessortes mcuupeo:
«warranty eaok or vanuat)

                                  PRODUCT OVERVIEW
Eront View
      1. OFFNOLUNME: Rotate clockwise to urn the un‘ ON. Rotate counterclockwise to tum OFF
                     When unitis ON, rotte to aust te volume
      2. anaLooRanio
      3. RADIO TUNER KNOB: in FM mode, tum knob to une to desied staton
      «.. clok pispray
Top      View
                                   (—mame )
      SNOOZE: Whan the alarm sounds, press t snoozealarm
      DIMMER: Touch lighty tadjustthe brighiness ofthe LED clock display

Rear View

     CLOCK KNOR: Press and rtate diato sethe clock tme
     USB CHARGING PORT: in OFF or Bluetooth mode, t wil charge an extermal device
     FMMRT: Side to selectfuncton. (FM Radio,Bletooth)
    ONIOFF: Side totum on oroff healam time
10. ALARM: Rotate to set the alarm time wire antenna
    Whie tuned to statonin FM made, extend the wire and repostion to adustforbest reception
12. earrery compartment
13. AC POWER CORD: Comect the AC plug intoa walloutet
    Itis stngly recommended that this product be operated onl rom the tyge ofower source
    incicated on the marking labol
14. reer

                              SETUP / BASIC OPERATION

eattey oreration                                                  1
1. Remove the battery compartment door atthe back of unit \              J

2. Insert wo (2) AAA batteies t included)into the battry compartment, making sure that the
    bateriesareinstallithe designated numercal orderand that the proper polarties (+ and —)
    are maintaied
    Note: The bateries are used for memory backup function only
Ee sureto nsen tbateres win corectpostve *«‘ and negaive onentaton
ALWAYuse batenes of the same tee Never mofferentpes of bateres opetier
\When using recharzeatle natoresrter to h precautons on hi labels
Do rot neato isassemtle batenes, and NEVER disposeol atares y tvowing them in a fre
Do ret ispose devee no standar garage dsposats Daspose of devce at avalatle ty RecycingStes
ater fil scnargng batey No dong so may valat isposallavs and requiatons. Pleas eferto ocregulatons
foproper batiny dposal

1. Remove any packaging materalsrom the unit
2. Connectthe AG poer cord t a wall outet

—Itis stongl recommended thathis product should be operated only rom the type of power source
  inclcated on the marking label
— To prevent inteference, avoid bunding audio signal cablestogether wi the AC power cord

Basic Operation
1. Roe the OFFNOLUNME knob clckeise to tum on the unt
2. Selectthe source by sicing the FR—BT bution
3. Retate the VOLUNME knobt adiustto the desied sound level
Vhen theunt is moved om a ol or warm lac, oris useflowinga sudden temperaze change tere sthe
angerthat watervaporin tai may condense on he unt, prventng proper operatan In such cases leave he
untfer 12 hous aterpugginAno aAG outettoalow h t stablzeathetenperatre ofi suroundings
                                LISTENING TO FM RADIO
1. Sige the FRHET swich on FM function
2. Ture to the desied station by using the Racio Tuner knob
3. Retate the OFFVOLUME knob to adjust yourdesied volume

in &T (Bluetooth) mode, ths unt can play muse rom an extermal devie with the Aluetcoth feature
eerne connecren usine sLuztootH
1. Rotate the OFFVOLUNME krob clockwise to tur on the un‘
2. Side the FM—ET swich to he BT functon
3. On your external evice, tum the Bluetoothfunction ON
   NOTE: Theffetve dstance botween your extemal device and his apparatus is 10 moters (330.
4. Wat a moment for "VG—150" to appear on te devices lt Press "VG—1850"to connect to the unit
   If asked for a password. Use ‘0000 then press OK on your external device
5. Skip to the previousinext rack fom your extemal device
6. You can adjustthe sound levelby rotaing OFFVOLUNME knob or contolon your external device

                                  SETTING THE TIME

1. Press the CLOCK button and rotte the CLOCK kncb clockwise or counterclockwise atthe same
tme to adjustthe minste and hourtime
(The minute pointewil vary wit the austment of e hour ponter
2. Once you set suecesstily you just release the button
   NOTE: Orce the power cord is connected or batteresare inslaled, the clock wit work

                                 Eon Ensl
1. Sigethe ONIOFF swilch to ON to acivate the alam
2. Relte the ALARM knob to sete alarm time
3. When the alarm sounds, ie the alam swtch to OFF to tum af the alarm.

                                   SNOOZE FEATURE
1. To snoozethe alarm, touch the SNOOZETDIMIMER bulton. The alarm wil snouze fr apprormately
   fve (8) mintes
2. To eance!the snooze feture and alarm sound, slid the ONJOFF alarmsullh to OFF

                         CHARGING AN EXTERNAL DEVICE
1. Connectthe AG plug to a walloutet
2. Pug a USB cable (not ncluded) ntothe USB por o the speaker. Pug the other end ofthe USB
   cable into a Smartghone or an extemal device.
3. The unwil charge the device autematialy.
   NOTE: Gharging function only works in Bluetooth mode or when th unitis OFF

                                   DIMMER FEATURE
Lighty tauch the SNOOZEIDIMMER button to cyele trough the tiree (3) rghtness setings

Powe Reaurements         c rzov—cone
Batany r Glock
Pove Gonmumlin
imensions t x BJ         5 nx 681 x 5.98 in ipproc)
                        20 140x 13zmm @rno
wagn.,                    17 be Gproc)
                          seke. areros)
OuputBove               on
Frequncy Ressons        sore 20 on
srencen svorem
inpedincs,               stms
inPover                 es tow
Range.                  sete 100 mite
Bletoh Verion,          hoh va.recor
Buetooh Proies.""        cor amcr
Buetoon Freqensyrarge     aceonez«morte
Operiing Distarce,      33 fost/ 10 moters
US8 potfochargng.

                              ROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE

      Symptom                   Possible Cause                   Solution
      ~Unt wl not pawer on.    « Untis inpiuppes                ~Conmest e unttome AG
                                                                  power supply
      «No seund auiput Tom       The valuime levelis settoo ow. « Adustthe valume
2      speaters                « The input slector does not     «Selectthe coectinput
$                               matchthe playback source             source
§     |—NoseDsoton             — The untis too dose to a TVset      Tumaf he TV ar oher
©.|    sound cuput.              or anctherinterfering device         spplience, and relocate
                                                                      the unt.
      Tnt fals To respond.     «itmightresul rom eitemmal           «Discomnel he power cord
                                 factors such as ESD                  and extemal aucio device
                                 (Eletrostatc cischarge)              Re—plug the pover cord
                                                                      atter one minute.
      ~CamatIsien t any           me siationis not nedin            ~Properly tune—in ie
4      station, o signat         property                             desired statin
3      eppeers wek             +A TV set is being used nearby       « Turm—of theinterferng TV
2                                and is nterfering withthe rado       set
€                                receotion
E.    —me soindis delared:_    + me antenna is not orenfea          > Re—arentthe antenna unil
                                 property                             reception improves
      *Nesama                    The untis not sutcred to           «Ensurehe unt is suched
                                  Bluetooth mode                      to ET mode
                                 «Your device‘s andlorthe unt‘s.|   «Move your Bluetooth
                                  volume is nottum up                 devicecloserto unt
                                 «Your device is too arfem the      «Turn up he volume on
z                                 unit o there‘e some cbstece         your partable device
5                                 between your device and the         andfor the unt
$                                 unt                               «Turn OFF your Bluetooth
&                                                                     device and un Then
2                                                                     pover them both back ON
id    ~Saindasa To orstate.     |—Your deviceis t far away.         > Bing your device coserto
                                                                      the turntable
      Unable to par wit a       »Your device doesnthave             +Contim tnat your devie is
       Bluetoothdevice           Bluetooth connectvity                Bluetooth compatible:
                                «The Blutooth paiing is not         «Re—pairthe unt and device
                                 successtl                            again

                                      FCC STATEMENT

This deviee comples wih Part15 ofthe FGC Rules. Operaion is subjecttothe falowing two
condiions.(1) This device may not cause harmful nterfrence, and (2) this device must accent any
inteference receivencluding intrference that may cause undesired cperation
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply wh heImitsfora Class & digtaldevice,
pursuantto Part 15 ofhe FGC Rules. These Imis are designed to provide reasonable protecion
against harmfuinterference in a residentilistalation. Ths equipment generates uses and can
radiateracio requency energy and. f not instaled and used in accerdance with the nstuctions, may
cause hammfulinterference to racio communicalons. However there is no guarantee thatinterterence
wil not occur in a partcularinstalatin. ts equlment does cause harmfuinterference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment of and on, the user is
encouraged to y to correctthe nterference by one of the folowing measures:
  Reatient o relocate the recehing antenna
  Increase the seperation between the equipment and receiver
  Comectthe equipment ntoan oulet on it ciferent rom that
  o which he receiveris connected
— Consul the dealer o an experienced radiorTV technician for help
WARNING: Any changes or modiicaions not expressly approved by the party responsible fr
complance could vad t users suthortyto operate this equipment
"The device must net be eo—located or cperating in confuncton with any other antenna o transmiter
To maintan complance wih the FCC‘s RF exposure quidelnes, lace he product atleast 20em from
nearby persons

                                        IG STATEMENT
This device comples win RSS2H7 of Industy Canade. Cet apparel se conforme a RSS247 de
Canada dindustre. This device complies with Indusiry Canadlcense—exempt RSS standard(s)
Operation is subjecttothe fallowing two conditons: (1) this device may not cause nterference, and (2)
this device must accept any Inteference, ncluding Inteference that may cause undesired operation of
the devie. Le présent apparel est confome atx CNR «‘Industre Canada applicaes aux apparels
radio exempts de lence. Son fanctionnement est sulet aux deucondiions suivantes: (1) 1e ispositf
ne dat pas procuire de brouilage prejudciable, t (2)ce cispost dat acceptertoutbroullage recu y
comprs un broullage suscentble de proveaver un fonctlonnementindesirble:
"The device must net be ec—located or cperating in contuncton wih any other antenna o transmiter.
Lapparel ne dal pas re loealisé ou fonclionner avee c‘autres antennes ou ransmetieurs
"This devicecomples wih IC racition exposure Imts setfoth foan uncontlled environment
Cet apparellest conforme auslimtes c‘expostion aut rayannementsde la C élablles pour un
incontlé envrconement
"The device should be instaled and operated wih a minimum ditance of 20em between the radator
and your bocy.
Uapparel dat éire instalé et utlise avec une cistance minimale de 20cm entre io raciateu
et vate cops

                              California PROP 65 Warning

  A Wathing: Threduet canexpone you to chamicalsintuting lead which is knoun to the

Please note: Asa resut of ontinualmprovements, the design and specifcations of his product are
subjectto change without notice
Bluetooth is a regitered rademac of Blutooth S1G, Inc
Ofhertrademarks and trade names are those oftheirrespective ouners
Made in China

Document Created: 2018-12-03 13:39:29
Document Modified: 2018-12-03 13:39:29

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC