15_R2PRO UserMan


Users Manual

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                                                      ThankyouformakingBENROyourchoicefor professionalphotographic                               3130΍ၸ᜼ᮟ̃፤ᆉ 23DPEFTGPS3130PQFSBUJPOWJEFPT
                                                      equipmentYourBENROgearis manufacturedtoprovideyearsof                                                                                                                                                                         
                                                      ᦉ͇Տሥ /BNFPG$PNQPOFOUT
                                                                                                                                  Single Hand Handle                                         И‫ંކ‬ை
                                                                                                                                  Right Handle
                                                                                                                                                          ଌ҃૊᪃̭ፀ              Control Button Introduction
                                                                                                                                  Locking Knob               ୌి                                  ᎕உ᪃Ὑ                                                                c
                                                                                         9    7
                                                                                                                                ᣀҮᒥ                        ୌిᄉҮͺࠪः᪪ܿʼʽࢺԾ                       உܷ᎕࠴ႆ᭦
                                                        6        7                                                                Rotation Arm               ‫˓ٽ‬ழՓុᓫnj                             Zooming Button:
                                                                                                                                                             Joystick                            Zoom in and zoom out                                            b
                                                                      11                     12                                 ᩙጊ஼ᨍ
                                                                                                                                  Locking Knob               In select gimbal modes the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 0/ .PEF 0'                                                                         e
                                                                               13                                                                            Joystick will move the camera up,
                                                                                                                                γᬖಞ                                                            㘶Ⓟ㆏␂㧉᧨⚠ₚ㕷┷㆏㧉᧨⚠ₙ㕷┷                                   d
                                                                                                                                                             down, left and right
                                                                     14                                                           Safety Button                                                  ␂㧉᧷
                                                                                                                                ࢺ੣౺                                                           ⚠ₚ㕷┷₏㶰㆏㧉᧨␜₏㶰⚠ₚ㕷┷☂                                                                              
                                                                                                                                   Left Handle               ेϷଌ҃᪃Ὑ                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                          3.1   පࣰᩙጊ஼ᨍ                                                        析⸩㲰㆞₼⒖㗱᧥
                                                                                                                                                             Recording Button
                                                             15                         17                                         Horizontal Lock Knob                                          On/Off
                                                                                               1.1                                                           Press to record                                                                                                             g
                                                                                                                                ቡᒥ                                                            Pull down to turn on and pull up to turn off.           f
                                                            24                         18                                                                    ˏൿࠪཤঋ᫂᪃Ὑ
                                                                                                                                   Vertical Arm                                                  Pulling the lever down once turns on the
                                                                          23 22 21 20 19  + ' 0 ,㿼仇 䗉࠰᧛ਙ                                                   Ӭѣતཱ                                gimbal. To change the shooting modes pull
                                                                                                    HDMI Video Output
                                                                                                                                  Roll Axis Lock Knob        Shutter Button:
                                                                                                                                                             Press to take photos
                                                                                                                                                                                                 down additional times to activate these
                                                                                                                                                                                                 shooting modes: All Follow, Horizontal Follow
                                                      ঋᜈ౛                                          HDMI high definition     ശᒥ                                                             and Lock Mode.
                                                         Quick Release Plate                          support                     Horizontal Arm
                                                      ໎Үऄए                                     ܰ᝹નࡘ঳ጲ                                                   ̇ԻԢᄰ఺࿃খૈᇧ༤Ὑ
                                                                                                    External Expand Cable      ̓ξᣈᩙጊ஼ᨍ                                                        The Gimbal and Camera Status LED Light:                                                        
                                                         Sliding Camera Plate                                                     Tilt Axis Lock Knob        ͯႂ᧙ጙᓣ                            Low power status: Red
                                                      ᄰ఺ஂ౵                                       Slot                                                                                         Changing Mode LED light Blinking Status                                 
                                                         Camera Support                           ܰଋ᳠А᮲ଋԯ                    ̓ξᒥ                                                            Blue: Lock mode
                                                                                                    Microphone Support            Tilt Arm                   ᗯᓣᩙܿഴय
                                                      ໎Үऄएᩙጊ஼ᨍ                                                                                                                                Orange: horizontal follow mode
                                                         Sliding Base Lock Knob                      P P᳠А᮲ଋԯ                                         ീᓣපࣰᡱᬣഴय                         Purple: all follow mode
                                                                                                         P PMicrophone Support                            ጋᓣКᡱᬣഴय                          RedDog R2PRO LED Color Definition
                                                         Safety Button                                                                                       3130૊᪃౛ૈᇧ༤ᮧᓣ߿˦                    1.Blue light blinking: Bluetooth is pairing. Pull
                                                                                                                                   28                                                            down (towards on) and hold down the power
                                                      ঋᜈ౛ᩙጊ஼ᨍ                                                                                             Njᗯ༤᫄ཆὙᗯྤय़఺࿃খ
                                                         QR Plate Lock Knob                                                                                                                      button for 5 seconds . This enables blue
                                                                                                                     25                                      ὇࠱ႂຸ૊ᨍષᒯ0/ʶΞὋࣲγ                     tooth pairing. The blue light starts to blink.                                  i
                                                      ᪪ܿ੫                                                                                                 ૆ሙὋᤈЙᗯྤय़఺࿃খὈ                       2.Blue light is always on: APP paired with the              h
                                                         Lens Support                                            26                30             33                                             gimbal.
                                                      ܰ᝹નࡘ঳ጲ                                                                 27 31                        Njᗯ༤ঋ᫄Ὑ‫͇ڌ‬ӣጞ˖                        3.Blue light is blinking fast: hardware is
                                                         External Expand Cable                                                                    34                                             upgrading
               REDDOG R2PRO                                                                                                        32                        ̇Իࢹͺഴयʽ
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Gimbal Working Mode
                                                      ᄰ఺ԟஜ௬ᇧࡕ                                                                                             Njᗯᓣ༤̜࣡Ὑᩙܿഴय                        1.Blue light is always on: lock mode
       OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS                            Camera Specs Display
                                                                                                                                                             Njീᓣ༤̜࣡ὙശՓᡱᬣഴय                      2.Orange light is always on: horizontal follow
                                                      ષᣂ                                                                                                  Njጋᓣ༤̜࣡ὙКᡱᬣഴय                       mode
                                                         Dial Disk                                                                                           Njጙᓣ༤̜࣡Ὑႂ෈ႂ᧙ͯ                       3.Purple light is always on: all follow mode
બ߿݇۴ߑ঩৏࣍ߎଣ‫ܫ‬Љգङи৓ु଒੧‫'੸؍ݔ۾‬66                            ષి                                                                                                                                      4.Red light is always on: Low battery power
                                                         Dial Rod
6RKGYKYIGTZNK78IUJKGIIUXJOTMZUZNKY_YZKSUL                                                                                                                                              ᄰ఺ԟஜុᓫ
                _U[XSUHORKVNUTK                    ୌి                             ᎕உ᪃                                                                                                   Nj஼ᣀષᣂԺ̾ុᓫᄰ఺ԟஜὋ૊ʽ
                                                         Joystick                          Zooming Button                                                                                        ષᣂԺ̾Ѭ૰ҁԲܰʶᮉԟஜnj
                                                      ܰଋ᳠А᮲ଋԯ                        ˏൿࠪཤঋ᫂᪃                                                                                               Njʼʽ଍ҮષిԺ̾ᝧᄰ఺ᤈᛠࠪཤnj
                                                         Microphone Support                Shutter Button
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Camera Specs Adjustment
                                                      ̇ԻԢᄰ఺࿃খ                        2 1 0 R G H  2 ))                                                                                    1.You can adjust the camera specs by
                                                      ૈᇧ༤                               ON/OFF Button                                                                                         rotating the Dial Disk and switch to next specs
                                                         Gimbal and Camera              ेϷଌ҃᪃                                                                                                 by pressing it.
                                                         Status LED Light                  Recording Button                                                                                      2. You can focus the camera by pushing up
   'TJXUOJ‫ؗऀځ‬     'TJXUOJMUUMRK   'VVRK9ZUXK                                                                                                                                                  and down the Dial Rod.

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                ശ໓ત୉Ὑ὇‫ڎݟ‬੝ᇧὈ                                                                                                                                                            ซ਒̂ᮉὙ
Install Battery (Figure 1)                                                                            Note:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ΍ၸ൤ֵ̖ௐὋឯʿ᜵ᡓ᣾᜺߿ᄉణܷ੽᧗὇សጹԟஜឯԟᏥֵ̖ՍӴ੊
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Үnj                                                                                 ԟஜ Specifications                                                                             Ꮷᄇឲ߽ᎩnjὈ
Please charge the battery before use. Unscrew the handle and put 3 pieces of 26350 batteries          1.When the exposure time is set to automatic, the camera needs to be at M stop. Otherwise it    Nj൤ഴयʽὋ̇ԻᄉቡᒥሧҮௐ̇Ի͗ᡱᬣሧҮnj
inside. Screw the cap.                                                                                will fail to take pictures because it is unable to focus.                                       К௿ત୉Ὑ὇‫ڎݟ‬੝ᇧὈ                                                                    ̇Ի                                                                                            ΍ၸ൤ֵ̖ௐὋ˝˿ᥗБ਒ܰ૮‫ڭ‬᝹‫ܫ‬Ὃ‫߶ڙ‬ᜈ᝹‫˧ܫ‬ґὋឯҫॸᆷᝢ̖
                                                                                                      2.When the exposure time is set to automatic, the camera needs to be at the slow shutter                                                                                           Gimbal                                                                                        ֵᄉՉ˓ᩙጊጆፑ‫߶̅ܪ‬К࿃খnj
Note: please install the batteries in the correct polarity. The RedDog R2 pro must be used with                                                                                                       Nj̇Իध఺Njុᓫ̇Ի΍ᄰ఺ᣀҁતཱԨ௿ͮᎵ὚὇ᭉ᜵ᤋଋ‫ݝ‬ঋ᫂ጲὈ
the correct batteries (26350). Using other batteries may damage the unit.                             mode.                                                                                           Nj"11ᤋʼ̇Ի                                                                           ፝ᓇௐᫍ                                ࠴ௐ
                                                                                                      When you power up the gimbal, use the on/off switch to select the shooting modes.               NjК௿તཱԟஜ᝹ᎵὙB᝹ᎵતཱषஜnjE᝹ᎵતཱᝇऎᡴऎnjDᆷᝢध‫ݼ‬તཱ                                            Working time                       13h                                                     ឯӇ‫ڙ‬ᭅʽऎ੊ᰳ̅ᭅʼऎᄉຝऎʽ΍ၸఴֵ̖nj
Install Camera (Figure 2, 3)
1.Install the QR plate on the camera and tighten the knob “a” clockwise. Then mount the QR            Horizontal Follow Mode                                                                          ҮখढௐὙ ὇‫ڎݟ‬੝ᇧὈ                                                                                                       ణ࠴97
plate onto the sliding base to move the plate. Put the gravity center of camera on the center of      The lens will move horizontally with the movement of the handle left and right.                 Njၸᑭ౵‫̇߿ڌ‬ԻὋ̇Իध఺὚὇ᭉ᜵ᤋଋ‫ݝ‬ঋ᫂ጲὈ                                                                                              Minimum 9V                                                ‫ڙ‬໼າὋช෡Ὃ᮲࠹ኍဖܑ˖΍ၸ᣾ՐὋʶ߿᜵ઁᘨథช෡ᄉᦉѫຌᬓ࣯
gimbal. Then tighten the knob “b” clockwise.                                                                                                                                                          Nj"11ᤋʼ̇ԻB᝹ᎵढௐԟஜnjCଠፊતཱᢽᤛnjDᮔ᜾તཱᢽᤛnjEᆷᝢध                                         ࢹͺႂԌ                                                                                          ыὋԺ΍ၸ௃පᦤዴὋ๖ඈᦤዴ‫ူܪ‬nj
                                                                                                      All Follow Mode                                                                                                                                                                                                        ಕэ7
Note: If you need to remove the QR plate, you should loosen the lock knob “b”, press and hold         The tilt and pan direction of the lens will move with the movement of the handle up and down,   ‫ݼ‬તཱnj                                                                               Working Voltage                     Standard 11.1V
safety button “c”. There is unique memory lock block “d” on the QR plate. You can record the                                                                                                          ซ਒Ὑ                                                                                                                                                                              ឯӇ᫁ௐᫍ࠱ֵ̖உᎵ‫ܹڙ‬᫹ʽὋᥗБ᫁ௐᫍ࠱ֵ̖உᎵ‫ڙ‬ᰳຝʽὋΒ‫ݟ‬
                                                                                                      left and right.                                                                                                                                                                                                        ణܷ7
corresponding balance position of camera in order to use directly next time.                                                                                                                          NjగЏௐᫍ᝹˝ᒬҮௐὋᄰ఺ᭉ᜵᝹Ꮅ˝.ುὋՠѶ˶ᑞ͗‫ࠪ˝ځ‬ཤʿʼ࠭ᒰત                                                                                                                                             ᭤ᤂීᢻလၔஜ࠴ௐnj
                                                                                                      Lock Mode                                                                                                                                                                                                              Maximum: 12V
Balance Adjustment (Figure 4, 5, 6, 7)                                                                                                                                                                ཱܾ᠋὚
                                                                                                      The lens will keep in one direction no matter how handle moves.                                 NjగЏௐᫍ᝹Ꮅ˝ᒬҮௐὋᄰ఺ᭉ᜵᝹Ꮅ˝ਤ᫂ഴयnj                                                          ࢹͺႂึ                                N"὇᧗ॶࣰᛥ࿃খὈ                                             ˝˿̠ᢵ߶КὋ΍ၸఴֵ̖ௐὋឯӇ᭤ᤂᰳႂԌӜ۪Ὃ੊ˀु஌Ӑߥଋᝎnj
1. Adjust the sliding plate according to the camera size. Make the camera lens stay at front and                                                                                                                                                                                         Working Electric Flow               220mA (center of gravity is under balance status)
horizontally. Loosen the lock knob “e” at the bottom of sliding plate. Slides left and right the                                                                                                      ̇Իԟஜӛᦠ
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ࠱ႂຸ૊ᨍષᒯ0/ʶΞὋࣲγ૆ሙὋ൤ௐ̇Իᗯᓣૈᇧ༤ध‫ݼ‬᫄ཆὋ̇ԻᤈЙ                                                                                                                                       γνᔴ‫ډ‬
camera and keep it 5mm away from the camera support                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ࢹͺຝऎ                                c_c
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ᗯྤय़఺࿃খnj                                                                            Working Temperature:                                                                    ৥੝΍ၸᄉᄇឲֵ̖௦ፂ᣾ዴࠚҪࢹὋܲᮉːࠚ᠎᧙೜฽Ὃ੝థҩᑞːಪ฽ណ੥
2.The balance adjustment of the tilt axis. Position the camera pointing upwards; Loosen the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ߸ஞӉᜈѢԇᄉnj੝థ౅஧੊Ꮷࢹᓧழ᭦ᄉ၅ႷὋԺ̾‫ڙ‬৥੝᠓˻ᄉӜ۪Б᠟፤
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ध఺ՐὋ᤯᣾ષҮध఺᪃ὺ0/ .PEF 0''ᣀ૰ત୉ഴयnj                                                                                     ᰳ఺ͮὙ   NN
screw “f” (about three rounds); and then move the Fixed Camera Plate to allow the camera to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ν੊Ꮷఝ૰nj੝థ̠˝ԓ‫ځ‬੝ᤴ੆ᄉֵ̖૮‫ڭ‬ʿ‫ڙ‬γνᔴ‫ډ‬ЮὋΒ‫ݟ‬Ὑᩱឧୱ
stay vertical to the ground. Make sure to lock the screw “f” after adjustment is complete.                                                                                                            ശՓᡱᬣഴय                                                                             ֵ̖ࡆࠩ 8 % )                          Holding upright:295*470*290(mm)                     ͺὋː᧗୐ᖿὋ੊Ꮷႂ෈໣ႂ๮ͳ૮‫ڭ‬nj
3.The balance adjustment of roll axis. Position the camera to point forwards; Loosen the                                                                                                              ᪪ܿᬣᅋ੣౺ᄉࢺԾᣀҮᏪපࣰᣀҮnj                                                                  Product Size (W*D*H)                                                                    ᠎᧙γνԺ̾ᐎጆ৥੝‫ڠڙ‬ᄉፂᩘ‫׷‬Ὃ๑̼ܰူ‫׷‬សጹζোԺᄅᬅ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ੣ଡὙ   NN
screw“g” (about three rounds); and then adjust the horizontal arm to keep the horizontal status                                                                                                       Кᡱᬣഴय                                                                                                                  Handholding:370*470*400(mm)                         XXXCFOSPDPNಉលnj
to the ground when the horizontal arm is static. Make sure to lock the screw“g” after completed                                                                                                       ᪪ܿᄉξ̓ˀපࣰழՓᬣᅋ੣౺ᄉʼʽࢺԾᣀҮᏪᣀҮnj
                                                                                                      ΍ၸழก ኤͳ˖஠                                                                                                                                                                          ఺ͳ᧗᧙                                H὇ʿӉդႂ෈Ὀ
the adjustment.                                                                                                                                                                                       Кᩙ߿ഴय                                                                              Product Weight                      2430g὇excluding batteryὈ                            USER NOTICE
4.The balance adjustment of the Pan axis. Loosen the screw“h”; adjust the vertical arm to keep                                                                                                        ௃᝶੣౺ঞಧҮὋ᪪ܿԵమʶ˓ழՓnj
the horizontal status with the ground when the vertical arm is static. Make sure to lock the          ႂ෈߶ᜈὙ὇‫ڎݟ‬੝ᇧὈ                                                                                                                                                                     ξ̓ᣈ఺೙าҮᔴ‫ډ‬                           cథᬌᣀҮ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tilt Axis Mechanical Moving Range   320 degree unlimited rotation                               Do not exceed the maximum specified load capacity (see specifications on the
screw “h” after the adjustment is complete. All adjustments completed.                                俌⅗ֵ⭞ᰬθ䈭ࣗᗻ㔏⭫⊖‫⭫┗ݻ‬θᤝᔶᢁ᷺θ㻻‫ޛ‬㢸26350䬸⭫⊖੄ᤝ㍝Ⱦ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              package label or visit www.benro.com).
High/Low Position Interchange (Figure 8, 9)                                                           ⌞φ䈭᤿➝⭫⊖ᶷᙝᆿ㻻㢸⭫⊖Ⱦ࠽वሼуੂ⭫䠅Ⲻ⭫⊖␭⭞θੜࡏሼՐᦕ                                                              ͯҩညႂจᣢ࠰বႂ఺ክူҨกኃNj్                                                              ശ໓ᣈ఺೙าҮᔴ‫ډ‬                           cథᬌᣀҮ
                                                                                                      අ⭫⊖Ⱦ                                                                                            ፂ‫ۋ‬यᝢ᝼Ջಪ˧ͯҩည࠰ᮟႂ఺ẅ᭣ፂ᝴ԺẅМՂNj‫׷‬Ձ੊΍ၸᏧ‫ڨ‬ʿ३                                               Roll Axis Mechanical Moving Range   320 degree unlimited rotation                               Always ensure the gimbals locks are tightly engaged before mount any gear on
The under-slung position takes less effort when shooting at low angles or shooting for long
                                                                                                      ᄰ఺߶ᜈὙ὇‫ڎݟ‬Nj੝ᇧὈ                                                                                 ୰ᒬԪఝᮟညẅҪܷҩည੊Ԫఝԓ᝹᝟Ԣҩᑞnj                                                                                                                                                              your gimbals.
period of time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          පࣰᣈ఺೙าҮᔴ‫ډ‬                           cథᬌᣀҮ
                                                                                                      Nj࠱ঋᜈ౛ᜈ‫ڙ‬ᄰ఺ʼὋཨՐᮊௐ᧪஼ᣀᩙጊ஼ᨍD߃ᣀᘡ㻻ᶵ㻻‫ࣞ┇ޛ‬ᓋ                                                             ͯҩည࠰ᮟႂ఺˧΍ၸʿ३ॕֽᮺᓇ߶КԢ࣯੷Ջก᤯ζẓፂԦဗథ࣯੷ဗ                                               Pan Axis Mechanical Moving Range    630 degree unlimited rotation
1.Loosen the knob“I” clockwise, and then rotate the left and right handle to be 180 degree                                                                                                            ϷௐẅःበԀϢൢ΍ၸẅࣲஇؒᒯ௃࣯੷ௐழ३ፘ፝΍ၸnj                                                                                                                                                         Do not use any Tripod below temperatures of 14°F or above +113°F(−10°C / +45°C).
                                                                                                      ᓝθ䘏ᰬਥԛ〱ࣞᘡ㻻ᶵθሼ⴮ᵰⲺ䠃ᗹ 㩳൞どᇐಞⲺѣᗹрθ❬੄亰ᰬ䪾ᰁ
clockwise. Fix the knob“I” counter clockwise to complete the handle positioning.                      䖢䬷㍝ᰁ䫤EȾ                                                                                         ґᮉՋก᤯ζẅૈΙႂζก᜺߿ͺˉ˧௃ጲႂ᤯ζͯҩည࠰ᮟႂ఺ᭉॼԩՋก᤯                                                                                    ణ࠴d
Change to Single Handle Position (Figure 10, 11, 12)                                                  ⌞φ਌࠰ᘡ㻻ᶵᰬ䈭ᶴᔶ䫤䬷㍝ᰁ䫤E੄θ 䴶᤿օؓ䲟ṉFθᢃ㜳ᣀᘡ㻻ᶵ਌                                                             ζ੊ࢹˉNjመߥԢӝႤၸႂจᣢ࠰বႂ఺᝹‫੷࣯˧ܫ‬nj                                                           ᭡ൢ‫ލ‬খᡱᢍឧࢿ                            Minimumd0.02
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Follow Tolerance at Static Status
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Always clean and dry any gimbals after has been exposed to wet, dusty, sandy or
1. Mount the single handle to the rotation arm bracket. Rotate the triangle position of the           ࠰Ⱦᘡ㻻ᶵр⤢ᴿⲺ䇦ᗼ䬷㍝ඍG䇴䇗θਥԛ䇦сሯᓊ⴮ᵰⲺᒩ㺗փ㖤θԛ‫׵‬                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 salty conditions. Your gimbals are not recommended for use in water. If required,
                                                                                                      с⅗ਥԛ⴪᧛㻻‫⭞ֵޛ‬Ⱦ                                                                                                                                                                                                            ణܷd
rotation arm bracket. It needs to align with the single handle. Then rotate knob “j” clockwise till                                                                                                   '$$*/'03."5*0/                                                                                                        Maximumd0.05                                                clean the gimbals using a soft cloth with some no water alcohol.
tighten it to finish the change.                                                                      ࣰᛥុᓫὙ὇‫ڎݟ‬NjNjNj੝ᇧὈ                                                                            /PUF5IJTFRVJQNFOUIBTCFFOUFTUFEBOEGPVOEUPDPNQMZXJUIUIFMJNJUTGPS
                                                                                                      Nj಩૵ᄰ఺ᄉܷ࠴ុᓫ໎Үऄएᄰ఺᪪ܿපࣰమґஉᎵ શౚ໎Үऄएऄᦉᄉ䬷                                                           B$MBTT#EJHJUBMEFWJTF QVSTVJUUPQBSUPGUIF'$$3VMFT5IFTFMJNJUTBSF                                       ణ࠴d
Quick Storage (Figure 13, 14)                                                                                                                                                                         EFTJHOFEUPQSPWJEFSFBTPOBCMFQSPUFDUJPOBHBJOTUIBSNGVMJOUFSGFSFODFJOB       ᤁҮ‫ލ‬খᡱᢍឧࢿ                            Minimumd0.05                                                Do not leave any Tripod in the sun for prolonged periods and avoid high temperature
                                                                                                      ㍝ᰁ䫤F ࢺԾ໎Үᄰ఺ᒯࣰᛥ ᄰ఺ᭉ᜵ˀᄰ఺ஂ౵γ૆ጝNNᡯሎnj
1.Loosen the knob“k” counter clockwise and pull the safety button to the UNLOCK port at the                                                                                                           SFTJEFOUJBMJOTUBMMBUJPO5IJTFRVJQNFOUJOTUBMMFEBOEVTFEJOBDDPSEBODFXJUI    Follow Tolerance at Motion Status                                                               exposure.
                                                                                                      Nj̓ξᣈᄉࣰᛥុᓫ࠱ᄰ఺᪪ܿ‫ۆ‬ᄯమʼஉᎵ શౚ䬷㍝ᰁ䫤I ܷጝ‫ ړ‬ཨՐሧ                                                                                                                                                                                ణܷd
same time to rotate fold the rotation arm.                                                                                                                                                            UIFJOTUSVDUJPOT NBZDBVTFIBSNGVMJOUFSGFSFODFUPSBEJPDPNNVOJDBUJPOT
                                                                                                      Ү‫߿ڌ‬౛ͮᎵ΍ᄰ఺᪪ܿ᭡ൢௐᑞˀ‫ڠ‬᭦γ૆ଋᤂ‫ۆ‬ᄯ࿃খ ុஞ߸උՐឯҫॸ࠱                                                            )PXFWFS UIFSFJTOPHVBSBOUFFUIBUJOUFSGFSFODFXJMMOPUPDDVSJOBQBSUJDVMBS                                       Maximumd0.2                                                 For your safety, don't let your BENRO gear come in contact with any electrical power
2.The gimbal comes with a storage case, which allows quick storage of the gear. It is portable.       䬷㍝ᰁ䫤IશጊȾ                                                                                        JOTUBMMBUJPO*GUIJTFRVJQNFOUEPFTDBVTFIBSNGVMJOUFSGFSFODFUPSBEJPPS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ణܷ᠆ᣑ᧗᧙                                                                                        source.
Roll Shooting (Figure 15)                                                                             Njശ໓ᣈᄉࣰᛥុᓫὙᄰ఺᪪ܿපࣰమґஉᎵὋશౚ䬷㍝ᰁ䫤H὇ܷጝ‫ړ‬ὈὋཨ                                                           UFMFWJTJPOSFDFQUJPO XIJDIDBOCFEFUFSNJOFECZUVSOJOHUIFFRVJQNFOUPGG                                            H὇MCὈ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Maximum Payload
1.When the LED light is in purple operation mode, open the roll button at the upper right corner      ՐុᓫശᒥͮᎵ΍ശᒥ᭡ൢௐᑞˀ‫ڠ‬᭦γ૆ଋᤂපࣰ࿃খὋុஞ߸උՐឯҫॸ࠱                                                             BOEPO UIFSFVTFSJTFODPVSBHFEUPUSZUPDPSSFDUUIFJOUFSGFSFODFCZPOFPS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LIMITED WARRANTY COVERAGE
on APP to start the roll follow mode                                                                  䬷㍝ᰁ䫤HશጊȾ                                                                                        NPSFPGUIFGPMMPXJOHNFBTVSFT
                                                                                                      ശՓᣈᄉࣰᛥុᓫὙશౚ䬷㍝ᰁ䫤KὋཨՐុᓫቡᒥͮᎵ΍ቡᒥ᭡ൢௐᑞˀ‫ڠ‬᭦                                                           3FPSJFOUPSSFMPDBUFUIFSFDFJWJOHBOUFOOB                                                                                                                                Your Benro product has been carefully manufactured, has passed many
2.Under this mode, when you tilt the camera, the gimbal will follow this movement.                                                                                                                    *ODSFBTFUIFTFQBSBUJPOCFUXFFOUIFFRVJQNFOUBOESFDFJWFS                                                                                                                quality assurance checks and has been thoroughly tested before shipment. It
Panoramic Shooting (Figure 16)                                                                                                                                                                        $POOFDUUIFFRVJQNFOUJOUPBOPVUMFUPOBDJSDVJUEJGGFSFOUGSPNUIBUUPXIJDI    ႂ෈                                                                                      is warranted in the country from which you purchased it based on the date of
                                                                                                      ᰳͯ఺ͮᄉѬ૰Ὑ὇‫ڎݟ‬Nj੝ᇧὈ                                                                            UIFSFDFJWFSJTDPOOFDUFE                                                         Battery
1.Turn on the gimbal and adjust the gimbal to move the camera to shooting position (shutter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      purchase to the original owner, against defects in materials and workmanship.
                                                                                                      ᖉ䘑㺂քᵰփᤃ᩺ᡌ䮵ᰬ䰪Ⲻᤃ᩺ᰬθֵ⭞ᢁᨆဵᘷᴪⴷ࣑Ⱦ                                                                     $POTVMUUIFEFBMFSPSBOFYQFSJFODFESBEJP57UFDIOJDJBOGPSIFMQ
cable needs to be connected).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ႂ෈ዜ‫ۋ‬                                ᩚሎߔႂ෈                                               The warranty does not apply to damages caused by mishandling, dropping, or
                                                                                                      Nj亰ᰬ䪾ᰁ䖢ᶴᔶњ䗯Ⲻ䬷㍝ᰁ䫤L                                                    㓜            $BVUJPO"OZDIBOHFTPSNPEJGJDBUJPOTOPUFYQSFTTMZBQQSPWFECZUIFQBSUZ         Battery Type                        Lithium Battery                                     leaking batteries, nor modification or servicing performed by others.
2.Connect the APP to the gimbal                                                                       䬷㍝ᰁ䫤L                                                                          SFTQPOTJCMFGPSDPNQMJBODFDPVMEWPJEUIFVTFS TBVUIPSJUZUPPQFSBUFUIF
                                                                                                                                                                                                      FRVJQNFOU                                                                         ႂ෈‫ۋ‬Ձ                                                                                    Please contact your local Benro dealer for further information and details
3.Specs setting for panoramic shooting: (a) Set photo numbers (b) Set photography angle               ᣀ૰˝Ӭ੣ଡ࿃খὙ὇‫ڎݟ‬NjNj੝ᇧὈ
                                                                                                                                                                                                      5IJTEFWJDFDPNQMJFTXJUIQBSUPGUIF'$$3VMFT0QFSBUJPOJTTVCKFDUUP       Battery Model                       41                                             about your warranty. To find the Benro distributor in your country, please check
span (c) Confirmed. Start taking photos.                                                              Nj࠱Ӭ੣ଡ੣౺ᜈЙᣀҮᒥஂ౵ὋᣀҮᒥஂ౵ᄉʻᝇ्ቿՁὋᭉࠪҁӬ੣ଡ੣౺
                                                                                                                                                                                                      UIFGPMMPXJOHUXPDPOEJUJPOT                                                                                                                                              the distributor information at Benro official website www.benro.com.
Motion Time Lapse (Figure 17)                                                                         ᄉᄯጲࠪൣԀᜈЙͮᎵൣᆷnjཨՐвᮊௐ᧪஼ᣀ஼ᨍKᒯᩙጊὋԀ߸੆Ѭ૰nj                                                            5IJTEFWJDFNBZOPUDBVTFIBSNGVMJOUFSGFSFODF BOEUIJTEFWJDFNVTU          ႂ෈ࠓ᧙
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Battery Capacity                    N"I
1.When the LED light is in purple operation mode, open the roll button at the upper right corner      ঋᤳஅጩὙ὇‫ڎݟ‬Nj੝ᇧὈ                                                                              BDDFQUBOZJOUFSGFSFODFSFDFJWFE JODMVEJOHJOUFSGFSFODFUIBUNBZDBVTF
on APP to start the roll follow mode.                                                                 1Njᤣௐ᧪஼ᣀౚध஼ᨍ LὋᤇௐ࠱γᬖಞડҮᒯ6/-0$,ቪԯὋԀԺ̾ࠪᣀҮ                                                       VOEFTJSFEPQFSBUJPO                                                               Ќႂௐ᫁                                IδႂԌᣤЙ9$
2.Connect the APP to the gimbal: (a) Set time-lapse specs (b) Describe photography track (c)          ᒥᤈᛠઈԮnj                                                                                                                                                                             Charging Time                       3h (voltage input 5V/2A)
Preview photography track (d) Confirmed. Start taking photos.                                         Njᦠ‫ܫ‬ᄉஅጩ኷ழΦ;ঋᤳᄉᜈЙ఺٧ὋᏪ˄Φ̅୅ࣛnj                                                                      Bluetooth Version      V4.1 (BLE mode)
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Frequency Range:        240 2 -2480MHz                                                                                                                                               Specifications and design are subject to change without notice

Document Created: 2019-01-22 11:02:12
Document Modified: 2019-01-22 11:02:12

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