5AT1S9_User Manual


Users Manual

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90mm                                         120mm

                  Smart Lighting

       Landscape_Transformer_Manual.indd 1           1/17/19 5:39 PM

       For your safety...
                                                                                    Maximum wattage load is 200 watts. Verify that the combined total
                                                                                    wattage of all fixtures is below 200W (for best results, do not exceed

                                                                                    For use with landscape lighting systems only.
                                 WARNING - Risk of electric shock. Do not mount
                                 power supply or luminaires within 10 feet (3.0     Use with 12V or 15V landscape lights, including LED and halogen lights.
                                 meters) of a pool, spa, or fountain.
                                                                                    Use ONLY with common gauge sizes of CSA or UL approved low
                                 CAUTION: For use only on a branch circuit          voltage cable (12-16 AWG).
                                 protected by a Class A type Ground Fault Circuit
                                 Interrupter (GFCI).                                DO NOT use with an extension cord.

       When used outdoors, install only to a covered Class A GFCI protected         DO NOT connect two or more power supplies in parallel.
       receptacle that is weatherproof with the power unit connected to
       the receptacle. If one is not provided, contact a qualified electrician      This manual is for informational purposes only. Working with electricity
       for proper installation. Ensure that the power unit and cord do not          can be dangerous unless proper safety precautions are taken. If you
       interfere with completely closing the receptacle cover.                      are not comfortable or are inexperienced with the processes and
                                                                                    tools described in this manual, we recommend that you hire a licensed
       Transformer must be installed greater than 1 foot above ground level.        electrician.

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Landscape_Transformer_Manual.indd 3                                                                                                                    1/17/19 5:39 PM

       1. S
           et up your Transformer.                 Set up your Ring Bridge.
                                                    The Bridge connects
                                                    your Ring Transformer
                                                    to the Ring app and
       Download the Ring app.                       other compatible Ring
       The app walks you through setting up and
       managing your Ring Transformer.              To set up your Bridge,
                                                    follow the instructions in
       Download it on your iOS or Android device.   the Ring app or Bridge
                                                    user manual.

4                                                                                            5

Landscape_Transformer_Manual.indd 5                                              1/17/19 5:39 PM

       Choose a location.                                    Insert the top screws.
       You’ll have to plug in your Transformer, so the       Drive the top screws first, leaving 1/8” of space
       best place for it is near an outlet (make sure it’s   between the mounting surface and screw heads.
       a covered, weatherproof Class A GFCI protected
       Once you’ve decided on a spot, use the included
       mounting template to mark the screw holes.

       To avoid damage to your Transformer, make sure
       the bottom screw is at least 1 foot above the
       ground.                                               Mount your Transformer.
                                                             Align the Transformer with the top screws. Slide
                                                             it down over the screws to lock it into place. Then
                                                             drive the bottom screw to secure your Transformer.
6                                                                                                                        7

Landscape_Transformer_Manual.indd 6-7                                                                        1/17/19 5:39 PM

                                                                                                           Wire Length *
       2. Install lights and wiring.                                                          0-50 Feet    51-100
                                                                                      0-50     16 AWG       16 AWG       14 AWG

                                                                Total Light Wattage
       Choose a cable.                                                                Watts
       Your Transformer doesn’t come with low voltage
       cable, so you’ll have to buy some online or at a home                          51-100   16 AWG       14 AWG               12 AWG
       improvement store. This chart might help.                                      Watts

       Ensure the total fixture wattage does not exceed the                           100-200 14 AWG        12 AWG               12 AWG
       maximum wattage load of the Transformer.                                       Watts                                      with 15V
                                                                                                                                 Tap **
       To get the total wattage, add up the wattage of each
       fixture (example: 10 fixtures at 5W each is 50W total   * M
                                                                  ake sure your cable is long enough to reach all light fixtures. Consult cable
                                                                 manufacturer if additional wire length or connectors are needed.
                                                               ** Only use 15V Tap when the wire length is over 100 feet and total wattage is over
                                                                   100 Watts. 12V Tap is recommended for all other cases.
8                                                                                                                                                         9

Landscape_Transformer_Manual.indd 9                                                                                                           1/17/19 5:39 PM

       Place light fixtures.                                                           Connect cable to Transformer.
       If you’re installing a new system, decide where you                             Split and strip the cable.
       would like to place your lights (not included), and                             Flip open the terminals, and feed one end of
       arrange them in the desired locations.                                          the cable through the rubber grommet into the
                                                                                       Common terminal (left), and the other into either
       Open the Transformer door.                                                      the 12V (center) or 15V terminal (right) based on the
       Hold it open to access the terminals.                                           cable wattage you chose.
                                                                                       Then close the terminals and the access door.

                                          The rubber grommet can be removed to
                                          identify the terminals. Just make sure you
                                          don’t lose it!


Landscape_Transformer_Manual.indd 10-11                                                                                                 1/17/19 5:39 PM

       Run cable to fixtures.                                                              Plug the Transformer into the
       Starting at the Transformer, run the cable to each                                  power outlet.
       light fixture, leaving about 12” of cable after the last                            Your Transformer must be connected to a covered,
       fixture.                                                                            weatherproof GFCI protected receptacle. If you
             Leave a little extra cable at each fixture in case you have to adjust their   don’t have a covered, weatherproof GFCI protected
                                                                                           receptacle, you’ll need to hire a licensed electrician
                                                                                           to install one.
       Connect the wires.
                                                                                           Once plugged in, the button on
       Secure the light fixtures to the cable according to
                                                                                           the front of your Transformer will
       the fixture manufacturer’s instructions.
                                                                                           pulse red. Press the button. When
                                                                                           it turns solid red, your Transformer
                                                                                           is powered on.


Landscape_Transformer_Manual.indd 13                                                                                                         1/17/19 5:39 PM

       Bury wiring cable.                                      Complete Setup
       Dig a shallow trench (up to 6” deep) along the wiring   in the Ring app.
       route. Bury the wiring cable inside the trench.         In the app, tap Set Up a     Doorbells

       Connect your lighting to Ring.                                                      Security Cams

       Press and hold the button on the front of your          When prompted,              Chimes

       Transformer for 5 seconds.                              select Smart Lighting
                                                               and follow the in-app      Smart Lighting

       Once it starts flashing                                 instructions.

       blue, it’s ready to pair
       with the Ring app.

14                                                                                                                   15

Landscape_Transformer_Manual.indd 15                                                                       1/17/19 5:39 PM

       For additional help, visit: ring.com/help

       Or give us a call…

       US 1 800 656 1918
       Canada 1 855 300 7289
       Worldwide +1 310 929 7085

       For a list of all our customer support numbers, visit:

       To review your warranty coverage, please visit www.ring.com/warranty.
       Patents: www.ring.com/patents
       © 2019 Ring LLC or its affiliates.
       Ring, Alexa, Always Home, and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
       Last updated: 01/17/19

Landscape_Transformer_Manual.indd 16                                                                           1/17/19 5:39 PM

Warnings                                                           This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
                                                                   the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of
                                                                   the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reason-
                                                                   able protection against harmful interference in a residential
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and             installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Opera-             radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
tion is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this          used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must        harmful interference to radio communications. However,
accept any interference, including interference that may           there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
cause undesired operation of the device.                           particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie               interference to radio or television reception, which can be
Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de                  determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions          is encouraged to try to correct the
suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,     interference by one or more of the following measures:
et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage   • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible        • Increase the separation between the equipment and
d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.                               receiver.
                                                                   • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different

from that to which the receiver is connected.                de moin de 20 cm. Installer les antennes de facon à ce que
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician   le personnel ne puisse approcher à 20 cm ou moins de la
for help.                                                    position centrale de l’ antenne.

Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not      La FCC des éltats-unis stipule que cet appareil doit être en
explicitly approved by manufacturer could void your          tout temps éloigné d’au moins 20 cm des personnes
authority to operate this equipment.                         pendant son functionnement.

MPE Reminding
To satisfy FCC / IC RF exposure requirements, a separation
distance of 20 cm or more should be maintained between
the antenna of this device and persons during device

To ensure compliance, operations at closer than this
distance is not recommended.
Les antennes installées doivent être situées de facon à ce
que la population ne puisse y être exposée à une distance

Document Created: 2019-03-12 19:38:01
Document Modified: 2019-03-12 19:38:01

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