RF Exposure Info

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                    suenemnnce nrour carimeanionneront                       resorneissenia

1          intropucrion

"This document contains a summary of the requirements se forh by the IEEE 1528, FCC KDBsand
CEVIEC 62209 standards forrefrencedipoles used for SAR measurementsstem validtionand
the meassrements that were perforned to verily that the product complis with the fore mentioned

2          pevice unbercrest

                                  Device Under Test
        Devies Tpe                    covosax mo kz RErERENCE prore
        Manatictrer                   mvo
        Modal                         spi900
        SorNumber                     sy ons bre rosnsor
        Product Condiion en T med) New
A yearly callbation inferval s recommended.

31—     oinpmal.inrormiation
MVG‘s COMOSAR Valitation Dipols ar buil n accordanceto the IEEE 1828, FCC KDBsand
CEVTEC 6220 standards. The produc i designed for use wth the COMOSAR testbenchony,

                         Eigure 1 ~AfFG COMOSIR Valdaton Dipole

              Th tronat i mterarinet enit j uon e waeaproayi
              encoarmittraiialestt ul1ihepe$nd inudtontatina
              erieninnbrpeamuemmensea ue

                   suenemnnce nrour carimeanionneront                     resornerssmia

      a       astreentent vietnon
Th IEEE 182%, ECC KDBs and CENIEC 62209 standands provide requircments for rference
diles ied foyatem alidtion measirements. Th folwing measiroments were perforned to
eritythatheproduct complis with thefore meoned standards
      11. ricfury ross reourrEmeNts
‘The dipols usefor SAR yatem validation measurcmentsand checks must have a rctrm los o—20
dB or better. "The xtum low measurementshall beperforned against a lquid Ailed Aat phantom,
wih phantom constucted as oulinedin thfore mentionad standards
      12. ammenanicat reoumEvenns
The 1BB 8. 1828 and CEMIEC 62209 standards specity the mechanical components and
dimensions ofthe vali¢ation dioles, with the dimensions fequencyand phantom shell thickness
dependent, ‘he COMOSAR test bench cmploys a 2 mm phantom shell thickness threfore the
diples soldfor use withthe COMOSAR text bench comply wthe equirements sut forth foa 2
m phantom shell thicknos

s                    wexr incernanty
All uncetaintesied below represent an panded uncstaintyexprssedatapprovimatelythe 95%G
confidnce evel using a coverige facto of 2. rscesble t the Inemationally Accepted Guideto
Meastment Uncertainty
      si— rrturxioss
"Thfllowing uncetaintics appl o therturn oss measurement
                  requenc band                  pandcd Uncertainty on Retum Low
                  wo—cmonie                                 sran
      s2. pinpsion vicastkement
"Thfllowing uncetainies apply o the dimension meamurements
                  Tenath m                       Expanded Uncortaity onLength
                     3—30                                   005 im

       s3      vaupation      vtastrmvent
"The qvidelies outined in the IEEE 182%, FCC Kbe, CENELEC ENSO361 and CBITEC 62209
standands wer ollowed t generate the mcasuromentuncertaintyforvalidton meastroments

             Th ons imterarinet entw j uo ts waeaproayio
             encmelitva ol uie t brpeeho tehieadrntetaman
             erieninnbrpeamuemmensea ue

          sumremence nrour canmeanionneront              resornerssmia

          Scm Volume                    ded Uncertamty
              Ts                         Ta%
              Ts                         zark
 6. caumaation n castreentent resturs
 1. iucfury Loss anp fvripance in itEA Liouip

6 quee it       Hetum Low @B        Requirement B         Impedance
    io              si7                   o              ©s0—20(0
 62 rctuay Loss anptupipance iy popy Liouth

regune(viln     Hetum Lox @B        Requirement @B        Impedance
    imo               m                   o              isso. 50

      Pnfi counelhirairatonntairinhrpechr acdonalioctsiimen

                   suenemnnce nrour carimeanionneront                    resornerssmia

 remmcrins                 inn                        m                       dn
                   ie            newet        raant       mawnt       muint        nawnt
     m            aeon                       weoun                    arax
      «o          meoux                      weras                    es
     o            mous                       ons                      en
     is           moun                       crmos                    senn
     x            wooun                      mrax                     rewr
     m            winx                       srax                     zenm
     is           wsun                       mous                     zen
     io           mous                       arax                     zen
     io           mrax                       arux                     Sinm
     To           mous                       mrax                     sens
     ce           aoun            m          msax           ms        Geun          m
     io           cmo                        ssum                     sens
     leo          asux                       msak                     seun
     lico         aanx                       iram                     Senm
     ho           mvax                       mons                     Seue
     io           ssax                       Sorna                    senm
     e            asax                       maas                     zen
     io           como                       Ees                      Senm
     S            Foux                       Ferain                   Gean
     PS           pem                        mernn                    snn
      7. vaumarion yeasurenient
‘he EKSid. 1828, FCC KDHls and CENIEC 62209 standandsstte that the systomvalidaion
incssurements must be peformad using a reference dipole mectingthe fore metioned reurnloss
and mechanical dimension roirements. The validtion measurement must be prformed aginst
liqid filed Aaphantom, with thephantom constrted asoutine in thfre mentioned standards
Pe th standards, the diple shallbe posioned below the bttomofthe phartoms, with thcipole
Tenithcentered and paralll to the longet dimemsion ofthe t phantom, with thopsufice ofthe
diple at thedescribeddistance rom the botom surfaceofthe phantom
      7. imap roum ytasurEment
                   2TD           mueemmmane1            entamiam
                                 waind |_mwunt        |_renint memc
                     w           siss                 enise
                     se          asex                 emsn
             Th ons imterarinet entw j uo ts waeaproayio
             encmelitva ol uie t brpeeho tehieadrntetaman
             erieninnbrpeamuemmensea ue

                   suenemnnce nrour carimeanionneront                   resornerssinsa

                    7e         asax                   cane
                    w          asex                   ceun
                    xo         asex                   omen
                    im         asex                   m
                    io         mask                   erm
                    io         arex                   Ern
                    in         mrex                   orm
                    wo         moak                   vows
                    o          Com          ie        Leaw        w
                    io         monk                   omm
                    S          Com                    vomx
                    io         maex                   resx
                    o          msex                   ioi
                    2o         mrex                   mak
                    se         moek                   iocess
                    ie         msex                   rouk
                    io         Fos                    Hnew
       12 sar vrasurmv marsure wem ran uoun
"The IEEE S1d. 1828 and CEIIEC 62209 standards stale that the ystem valiaion meamurements
should produce the SAR valics shown below (for phantom thcknss of 2 mn), wiin the
unceraintyfor the notem validaion All SARvalus are nomalized to 1 W farvard power In
Iracket the messured SAR i given wtheused nput power
Sz                                           omsuye
Tericn                                          c swm
Fube                                            mnrmrous
Toud                                         rcummnmcomur—rar
Dss temee Smantieud                          100 am
Amrcaarectnen                                dcinetpim
en Sanaones                                  dctemidindrian
rews                                         smge
mt                                           en
ies                                          Gee
Tal reopunee                                 ce
tmunlt                                       is

                  g=             resoomem               mesemmam
                               aind |_mawnd           maint_| memunt
                     w          is                      in
                     so         iss                     ie
                     7          va                      ass
             Th ons imterarinet entw j uo ts waeaproayio
             Thenirnin meivalieaini e teropaj inndenmientinae
             erieninnbrpeamuemmensea ue

        sumremence nrour canmeanionneront             resornerssmia

                            mrase              mupe


73. noby oup rasurenibnt
         F®n®    munepmmaren           nssm
                 Td mes               m|d
          15|   asss                  cese
          300|  mase                  ons
          450|  wraw                  es
          750|  nses                  en
          as    srex                  corm
          5i    gonx                  in
          5is   some                  ern
    Pm erereint versatl is jton e on uen sats
    Pnfi counelhirairatonntairinhrpechr acdonalioctsiimen
    erieninnbrpeamuemmensea ue

             suenemnnce nrour carimeanionneront          resornerssmia

             mso       wons               En
             o0        mask               vous
             1s00      sys                erm
             im        sys        me      imaw      ns
             2000      mss                ferm
             20        Srex               ies
             2s        srex               imak
             zo0       wsex               meis
             2000      Eum                aman
             Eo        wrex               Smsw
             sn        Emm                siouon
             Bu        asron               mmow
             sim       arnon              orm
             ssoo      mevion             sermon
             sen       assox              srmon
             se        azron              sremo

Smz                                omsuy
Fcicn                              sizecam
uze                                sommme
tw                                 ltLinad Taker on Sipgne Te
DnecsEuin ie cntigad               ioome
Arsanrectien                       dcinnpinn
Ten Santnsises                     dclemipindrien
Te                                 mom
Trea poer                          3dn
Taud Tenpaure                      ce
Tah reopaize                       mws
TaTfemiy                           in

              &           ressuwnenn        weswmnam
                            naw               mevea
              o             Eomm              Eorm

         Th ons imterarinet entw j uo ts waeaproayio
         encmelitva ol uie t brpeeho tehieadrntetaman
         erieninnbrpeamuemmensea ue

    sumremence nrour canmeanionneront             resornerssmia

Pnfi counelhirairatonntairinhrpechr acdonalioctsiimen

               suenemnnce nrour carimeanionneront          resornerssinsa

     x: uistorroumnient


  ya |~R"~ armnltortanl"
  SA rarion         myo       suzsnssauy: fartries Nowl    faides No caf
EouOStRrentseras] vemons        ms      fariies oo furees No ol
  Nevormrayee Camer snmooee                  wane       se
      Caen          ces      cureno|         mane       e
  Rdcemsrote         we    |sreresuiam|      roae       Tans
     mammew       remeyzom    vesos          Tans       Tae
  spuicemate apersumce inascrown             ts         Tane
    mota          mmom            sus |nesnreeemngnt
  uns      weme                 wmrue  mm     rane
  romsons wecresa               usmees man    wae
 Duoucas| messa                  e |aneoses ecerued
 TRSUSEAN       commiconmay      tmeste             soor       soors

           Th ons imterarinet entw j uo ts waeaproayio
           Thenirnin meivalieaini e teropaj inndenmientinae
           erieninnbrpeamuemmensea ue

     SAR Reference Dipole Calibration Report

                               Ref: ACR92.8.15.SATUA

              SONGGANG STREET
                 FREQUENCY: 2450 MHZ
                 SERIAL No.: SN 09/15 DIP 2G450—363
                      Calibrated at MVG US
              2105 Barvet Park Dr. — Kennesaw, GA 30144
                     ms  z
                     loZcwea Re
                         AC   rcr
                        m       errolme
  [ Somay
    Thd            en h mt and w h on BM etoo uie iiowinn
    petemcn  m MVG USh aig the COMOSA ienbend. AlllcliRrtinrectnts mein cede o
    mtiond metolog intton

mva                suenemence        nrourcarmanionnzront                     resunsissma

                        Name                    Furstion               Dare         Signanire
Prepared by          Srome LUC              Product Manager         422015           z>
Checked ty           Jrome LUC              Product Manager         (422015
Approvedby:       ——|KimRUTKOWSKI|          QualtyMamager           422018     ,.     w0

                                                    Custoner Nane

   Iine            Dae          |                           Modifcation
     a            azz0s             Initaliclease

              P hconaereraaet cenoij uio becromapnna ie
              Aepirmmcoimnliiraiinlenitobi irrverhrantindinnteatinan

mvg               sucn incrmrou: caumearion reron               ne sexnsissena


     Inroduction..                                                   la
     Device Under Test.                          m                    a
     Product Descrition                                               a
 311. GeneralInfomation
     Measiment Method                                                4
 41— Rotim Low Requirements
 42. Mechanical Roquirements
     Measirment Uncertnt
 S1..— Retim ow
 52. Dimcnsion Measursment
               htion Measiroment
C Calibrtion Measurement Resull...........       m                    6
 61—     Retir Los and Impedance In HexdLigud
 62.     Retim Low and Impodance InBedy Liquid
 63.     Mechanical Dimensions
    Validtion messurement                                             7
  71— HeadLiquid Memurement
  72. SAR MeosurementResult Witi fead Liguid
  73. Body LiguidMessurement
  714.   SAR MeasurementResult Wit BodyLigid

             P hconae reraaet cenoij uio becrompnea ie

                   suememence nrour carmeanionnzront                       resounsissma

1            intropucrion

"This document containsa summary othe requirements se frth bythe IEEE 1528, FCC KDBsand
CEVTEC 62209 standards forrefrencedipolesused for SAR measorement system alidations and
the meassrements that were perforned to verfy that the productcomplis with thefore mentioned

2            pevice unberrest

                                    Device Under Test
        mame                           Tcovosntamonme

                                                                 1528, ECC KDD and
CETEC 62209 standards. The produci designed fr use wth the COMOSAR testbench oly.

                        Higure 1 —AfFG COMOSIRValdaton Dipole

              Pirtvonat id mt rraint nie ut e wamrnacti
              Penmain    mamdiavaiinentt olo Wrepeeh e hnndnentantonase

mvg                 suenemence nrou: catimarionnsront                           resounsissma

       1. ammastireniEnt aiermon
"The IEEK 1828, ECC KDH and CEIEC 62209 standards provide reqirements forreference
diples wed for sytemvalidtion meassrements. The folowing measirements were performed to
werifythat theproduct complis witthefore mentoned standards
       w1 rctury Loss rroumrEments
‘The dipols usedfor $AR syotemvaliation measurementsand checks musthave a retum losof 20
d or betr. he stum low measurcmentshall beperforned against lquid Ailed at phantom,
with phantom constuctd as oulinedin thfore mentionad standards
        12. vircranicaReourrevexts
The EBB Sid. 1828 and CENIEC €2209 standards specity the mechanical components and
dimensions ofthe validation dipoles, with the dimensions fequencyand phantom shell thickness
dependent ‘The COMOSAR test bench employs a 2 mm              phantom shellthickness therefore the
ipolessoldfor use wit e COMOSARtstbench comply wth the requirementsset forh foa 2
m phantom shellthicknos

s          meastreenent excerrancy
All uncetainties ied below repesentanexpandad uncertainty expressed approsinately the 95%
confidnce evel using a coveragefactoofK2 trmceableto the Intemationally Accepted Guideto
Measurement Uncentainty
       si. rrturxioss
"Thfllowins uncetinies apply tothertun oss meastrement
                  Frequency band                    Espanded Uncertanty on Return Lows
                   s00—cooovitte                                  aran
       s2. mt       ron vrasurmniet
"Thfllowing uncetainties apply o the dincrsion measurements
                    Length (mm)                 \     Expanded Unceriainty on Length
                       3—300                                      605 m

       s3          smiov rasurevent
"The puidlines outined in the IEE1828, FCC Kbis, CENELEC        ENSO1 and CBITRC 2209
standands wer ollowed t penerate the measurement uncertaint fovaliation measursments

              Pitconae idmt ranintini j uive e waraprnae io
              Penmainmamdiavaiinentt olo Wrepeeh e hnndnentantonase

            sunmemenc                                    resernee arsa

            SonFaime            Expandad Uncermingy
               Ts                      man
               io              ns
  6 caumention ytastrinient resuurs
  1. riefuRy Loss anp TMPEDaNCE c IfEAD LoUI

                _T   Hetum Low(d)_|_ Requirement @0__|__ Impedance _
                         427               20           aso—esj0
  62 retuay Loss anp furopancein popy Liouth

Freueney (Vio        Hetum Los @B)    Requirement @B)    Impedance
     2uso                asis               2            sn n

          on itmterertent oan l npm unh rmeay
          e coienliiraiinlenttobi irrver k ntindinntentinan

                   suememence nrour carmeanionnzront                       resounsissma

 Immersrins                tnn                                                  dn
                   enine         nowst                                               newnt
     e            Reoux
    "«            Exros                    [ rerax       |              arinc                  ]
    m             weoux.                   |_wmosin      _|             en
    is            mons                        saux       |              zen
    x             woux                        ux         |              seun
    mss            winx                    [ss           |              zen
    io             wrus                    |_sooin       ~|             zen
    wo             moux                       aram       |              snn
    io             mrax                       arux                      seum
    io             moux                       arax                      zen
    io             mous                       msax                      seum
    lno            wsux                       ssun                      senn
    mo             asux                       pros                      sins
    lico           aous                       irax                      seum
    mo             ssax                       weux                      senm
    mo             ssax           ms          soenx           ms        sns           ms
    o              asux                    |_ en         |              senn
    weo            asaum                      soux                      snn
    o              woux                    |Geenx        ~|             sean
    PS             sirix                      mernx                     senm
      7. vaumarion yeasurnient
‘he IEEE Sid. 1528, FCC KDHM and CENIEC 62209 standards state that the system validation
inessurements must be peformad using a rference dipole meetingthe fore mentioned reurn loss
and mechanical dimension roquirements, he vlidtion measurement must be prformed aginst a
ligud filed Aa phantom, with thephantom constvcteasoutine in the ore mentioned tandards
Pe thstandards, the diple shallbe postioned below the bttom othe phntoms, with thdipole
Tengthcentered and paralll to the lonpst dimemsion ofthe Nt phantom, with thop surice of the
diple at the descrbeddistance from the botom surfaceofthe phantom.
      71. ieab loutp \rasurEment

              Pirtvonat id mt rraint nie ut e wamrnacti
              Penmain    mamdiavaiinentt olo Wrepeeh e hnndnentantonase

                   suememence nrour carmeanionnzront                      resernsissea

                     70         asss                    smie
                  as   asax                             cean
                  C     asix                            forn
                [ wme_ es                               Eo
                  e     mass                            imax
                  io    ares                            iss
                        mss                             avass
                                wous                |
                                wmous                   reax
                                mouk                    resx
                                masy                    roms
                                mss                     inss
                                mrex         ns         imaw        _
                                moux                    ies
                                msox                    ress
                                msax                    Eon
      12 sar irastrpvimerResor                      cap iou
‘he 16BE Sid. 1828 and CE MIEC 62209 standards state that the syatem valittion measursments
should produice the SAR valies shown below (for phartom ‘hickness of2 mn}, within the
uncstaintyfor the motem valiion All SAR valus are nommalized to 1 W forvard powerIn
Iracket the messured SAR i iven wthe used nput power
Stvec                                        omsiawe
Fharicn                                      suane saum
Frge                                         s in woms
Tond                                         Heal Lowd Vaber on‘ 3tPagna TB
Aesanrectien _                               dctenitcien
Ttm Seintecinon
Trpa poon
Eud rempmmare

                                  resummenn               wesemmam
                                mind    memeed          eaind newwnt
                     70           is                    (sss
             Pirtvonat id mt rraint nie ut e wamrnacti
             Penmain    mamdiavaiinentt olo Wrepeeh e hnndnentantonase

         sumemence nroucarmeanionnzront                    resernsissea

                                            in             |
                                             x             |
                                            m              |
                                            ms             |
                                            ms             |
                                            ma             |
          nee                               ns             |
          o                                 m              |
          amo        me        mmase        n       mogs
          ze         us                     we
          se         as                     #
          se         @1                     as

73. popy oup it      urmvbyt
         mm         Iost ism is             enen |
                    mind     _|_messest    reaind nowwrt
       iso                                 cea |         |
       E0           srix                   ons             |
       aso                                                 |
      Ts                                                   |
       as           szex                  |Lomsx           |
       soo                                 imisn           |
       sis                                 iz
                                           saviss          |
    Phitromet niratererdant vernntiie nntoabeveompred ts
    Aepirmmcoimnliiraiinlenitobi irrverhrantindinnteatinan

               suememence nrour carmeanionnzront                 resernsissea

                ie    sns                      max
                iero  sns                      ress
                i0    sw                       ferm
                190|  sisw                     isman
                z00|  se                       ismm
               ~min   sss                      iman             7
                ns    srax     |ne             amee
                zen   mss       _              sn
                s     sn                       max
                Eomcs                          annesn
                sn   moson                     siomx
                Erommict  m                    samon
                sin  arson                     form
                sson —|_mesion                 session
                san  assow                     orm
                Eommco                         stomsn

     74. saifrastirmvimer resurr witipopy Lioutp

 taat                                  Tob Liged Ves opr ssmc 197
 tiec mmodpemmeretiendt                16Gke
 ToSan knsts                           inieniemndrien
 Ieguny                                feowe
 ipapore                               Jge
 id Tepmae                             fee
[al reopannee

               e             resoomem             wesummam
                               omm                  m
                Ti            merson                mursn

          Pirtvonat id mt rraint nie ut e wamrnacti
          Penmain    mamdiavaiinentt olo Wrepeeh e hnndnentantonase

mva        sumemence nrou carmeanionnzront                resounsissma

      Mictrometniraterentent     Aerispn vtvnbeveompreata ts
      beviacinatrarpe aroa

                    suememence nrour carmeanionnzront                  resounsissma

     x uist orouimient

                                Equipment Summary Sheet

  Hescriptinn           Mora        CV |fentihostin N*) CanbttonDate| " Tie.=
   SA Prarton        mo    suzomamy: ferites Nowl baigeed No caf
|conosi res serer) verions     x      pageo hog ® s
  Newor Arayeer @90R3| smooce             cerors       came
    Gaipen              Garen           caurenor          ts       |      d

 Retererce Pobe          mwo          eroue s n           sooure   |      sorms

   Motunater          Keaney2000          vissess         wass     |      wans

 SorelGenemr         Agrereeiseo.       inasoroses        wans            wane
    Angiter       |— retrecoom            m          ireal
    Povertioe.  woession                ussezsiass wans   rane
   Pomersemscr Weecrezsa                ussrisas   wans   mane
 Drotowicoger nemerm                       ous eneoueeserneareie
  TVBnaP commicomsey                      meste    score  seos

               Pitconae id mt ranintini j uive e waraprnaeio

Reference No.: WTS16S0447526E V1              Page 145 of 148

16 SAR System Photos

                                      Liquid depth ≥ 15cm

Waltek Services (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.
http://www.waltek.com.cn              Email:info@waltek.com.cn

Reference No.: WTS16S0447526E V1              Page 146 of 148

17 Setup Photos

              Right Head Cheek                                   Right Head Tilt

               Left Head Cheek                                   Left Head Tilt

                  1.0cm                                                1.0cm
                  separation                                           separation

            Body-Worn(LCD UP)                              Body-Worn(LCD Down)

Waltek Services (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.
http://www.waltek.com.cn              Email:info@waltek.com.cn

Reference No.: WTS16S0447526E V1                Page 147 of 148

                    1.0cm                                                1.0cm
                    separation                                           separation

              Hotpsot(LCD UP)                                     Hotspot(LCD Down)

                       1.0cm                                            separation

           Hotspot(RIGHT EDGE)                                 Hotspot(LEFT EDGE)


         Hotspot(BOTTOM EDGE)

Waltek Services (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.
http://www.waltek.com.cn                Email:info@waltek.com.cn

Reference No.: WTS16S0447526E V1              Page 148 of 148

18 EUT Photos
Front side

Back side

Waltek Services (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.
http://www.waltek.com.cn              Email:info@waltek.com.cn

Document Created: 2016-05-16 19:27:15
Document Modified: 2016-05-16 19:27:15

© 2024 FCC.report
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC