Acceptance Test Procedure


Test Report

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                                                               NXT TRANSPONDER
Aviation Communication and                    ACCEPTANCE TEST PROCEDURE (ATP)
   Surveillance Systems

 CAGE Code        Initial Release Date              Revision Date                        Document Number   Revision
  1WYD3             06-FEB-2014                    19-JUN-2014                             8010114-001        C

                                                 Proprietary Notice
                This document and the information disclosed herein are proprietary data of Aviation
              Communication & Surveillance Systems, LLC. Neither this document nor the information
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                             Copyright © 2014 Aviation Communication and Surveillance Systems, LLC.
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     Doc Number                                                                                Revision
                                       NXT Transponder
     8010114-001                                                                                  C
                                Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

                               Record of Revisions
Rev          Date      Authorization         Description Of Change
 -       06-FEB-2014    ECR013945            Initial Release
                                             CR DB03_00003327: Updated to consolidate EIT on ESS
A        10-APR-2014    ECR015042
                                             and ESS Testing for both the NXT800 and NXT600
                                             CR DB03_00003481: Updated for NXT800 BL release
B        28-APR-2014    ECR015095
                                             and Final Config
                                             Update procedure to test multiple LRUs with new
C        19-JUN-2014    ECR015208
                                             Graphical User Interface.

         ACSS           Use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the     RR-1
                                       proprietary notice on the title page.

        Doc Number                                                                                                                      Revision
                                                               NXT Transponder
        8010114-001                                                                                                                        C
                                                        Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

                                                           Table of Contents
1  INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1
 1.1    Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 1
 1.2    Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 1
 1.3    Referenced Documents .................................................................................................................. 2
 1.4    Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 3
2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................ 4
3 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 5
 3.1    General RF Test Requirements ...................................................................................................... 5
 3.2    Power Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 5
4 TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 6
 4.1    Test Equipment Hardware .............................................................................................................. 6
   4.1.1    Test Equipment Calibration ..................................................................................................... 6
 4.2    Test Equipment Software ............................................................................................................... 6
 4.3    Test Equipment / UUT Interconnect ............................................................................................... 7
5 MANUFACTURING FLOW PROCESS ................................................................................................. 8
 5.1    Manufacturing Flow ........................................................................................................................ 9
   5.1.1    Program Processor CCA with Initial Test Configuration and HTS Software ........................... 9
   5.1.2    UUT Calibration ....................................................................................................................... 9
   5.1.3    Graphic User Interface Test Procedures ............................................................................... 10    ESS Test/Calibration Profiles ............................................................................................ 16
   5.1.4    UUT Pretest with Room Temperature Calibration ................................................................. 16
   5.1.5    Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) Test with Hot and Cold Temperature Calibration .. 17
   5.1.6    Final End Item Test UUT ....................................................................................................... 18
   5.1.7    Operational SW Load and Verify ........................................................................................... 19
END OF DOCUMENT ................................................................................................................................. 19

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       Doc Number                                                                                                              Revision
                                                           NXT Transponder
       8010114-001                                                                                                                C
                                                    Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

                                                        Table of Figures
Figure 4-1: Transponder ESS Station Setup ................................................................................................ 7
Figure 5-1: NXT Transponder Manufacturing Flow Process ........................................................................ 8
Figure 5-2: TestStand Login Screen ........................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5-3: TestStand User Interface .......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5-4: ESS UUT Test Information Dialog ............................................................................................ 12
Figure 5-5: ESS Functional Test GUI ......................................................................................................... 14
Figure 5-6: ESS End Test GUI .................................................................................................................... 15

            ACSS                            Use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the                    TF-1
                                                           proprietary notice on the title page.

       Doc Number                                                                                                          Revision
                                                         NXT Transponder
       8010114-001                                                                                                            C
                                                  Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

                                                       Table of Tables
Table 1-1: ACSS Reference Documents ...................................................................................................... 2
Table 1-2: Industry Reference Documents ................................................................................................... 2
Table 1-3: Acronyms and Abbreviations ....................................................................................................... 3

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      Doc Number                                                                                         Revision
                                                 NXT Transponder
      8010114-001                                                                                           C
                                          Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)


This document is the Acceptance Test Procedure for the NXT-600 and NXT-800 (NXT) Transponder

1.1    Purpose

            To provide the manufacturing flow process for NXT Transponder Unit
            To provide alignment instructions for NXT Transponder CCAs
            To provide instructions on the loading of test software for NXT Transponder Unit testing
            To provide instructions on the calibration of the NXT Transponder Unit
            To provide instructions on the execution of a NXT Transponder EIT and ESS Acceptance Test
             utilizing automated test equipment with embedded Hardware Test Software (HTS)

1.2    Scope

This Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP) specification establishes the manufacturing and operational
requirements that the NXT Transponder Line Replaceable Unit (LRU), part number 9006000-XXYYY and
9008000-XXYYY (where XX is the hardware configuration and YYY is the software configuration), must
meet to ensure that the unit is in proper operating condition.

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                                                 proprietary notice on the title page.

      Doc Number                                                                                  Revision
                                          NXT Transponder
      8010114-001                                                                                    C
                                   Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

1.3   Referenced Documents

 Table 1-1: ACSS Reference Documents

 Document No.         Description

 8010002-001          NXT-800 Transponder Hardware Requirements Document (HRD)
 8010008-001          NXT-800 Transponder End Item Test (EIT) Test Requirements Document
 8010040-001          NXT Transponder Hardware Test Software (HTS) Test Requirements
                      Document (TRD)
 8010102-001          NXT-600 Transponder Hardware Requirements Document (HRD)
 8010118-001          NXT-600 Transponder End Item Test (EIT) Test Requirements Document
 8010119-001          NXT Transponder Environmental Stress Screening (ESS)
 9001080-001          Test Station, Transponder, ESS
 9006000-55           Assembly, Hardware NXT-600
 9006000-55000        Assembly, EITM NXT-600 Hardware End Item (DC Only)
 9006054-001          NXT-600 Transponder Configuration File (SW)
 9006056-001          Flash Programming Procedures for NXT Transponder Processor Assembly
 9008000-10           Assembly, Hardware NXT-800
 9008000-55           Assembly, Hardware NXT-800
 9008000-10000        Assembly, EITM NXT-800 Hardware End Item (AC/DC)
 9008000-55000        Assembly, EITM NXT-800 Hardware End Item (DC Only)
 9008047-001          NXT-800 Transponder Configuration File (SW)
 9008049-001          NXT Transponder Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) Software (SW)
 9001936-001          NXT Transponder Calibration Defaults
 9001937-001          NXT Transponder Temp/Vibe Profiles
 PL9006000-55         Assembly, Hardware NXT-600 Parts List
 PL9006000-55000      Assembly, EITM NXT-600 Hardware End Item (DC Only) Parts List
 PL9008000-10         Assembly, Hardware NXT-800 Parts List
 PL9008000-55         Assembly, Hardware NXT-800 Parts List
 PL9008000-10000      Assembly, EITM NXT-800 Hardware End Item (AC/DC) Parts List
 PL9008000-55000      Assembly, EITM NXT-800 Hardware End Item (DC Only) Parts List

 Table 1-2: Industry Reference Documents

 Source    Document No.   Revision                  Description
 RTCA      DO-181E        03/17/2011                Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Air
                                                    Traffic Control Radar Beacon System/Mode Select
                                                    (ATCRBS/Mode S) Airframe Equipment
 RTCA      DO-260B        12/02/2009                Minimum Operational Performance Standards for
                                                    1090 MHz Extended Squitter Automatic Dependent

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                                        Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

                                                         Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic
                                                         Information Service-Broadcast (TIS-B).

1.4   Acronyms and Abbreviations

 Table 1-3: Acronyms and Abbreviations

 Acronym              Description
 ACSS                 Aviation Communication and Surveillance Systems
 ATP                  Acceptance Test Procedures
 CCA                  Circuit Card Assembly
 EIT                  End Item Test
 ESS                  Environment Stress Screening
 FPGA                 Field Programmable Gate Array
 HRD                  Hardware Requirements Document
 HTS                  Hardware Test Software
 I/O                  Input/Output
 JTAG                 Joint Test Action Group
 LRU                  Line Replaceable Unit
 MCU                  Multifunction Control Unit
 MHz                  Megahertz
 MTL                  Minimum Transmit Level
 PC                   Personal Computer
 PCI                  Peripheral Components Interconnect
 PXI                  PCI Extensions for Instrumentation
 QA                   Quality Assurance
 RF                   Radio Frequency
 RFIU                 Radio Frequency (RF) Interface Unit
 RTCA                 RTCA, Inc.,
 SW                   Software
 TPA                  Transponder Processor Assembly
 TRD                  Test Requirements Document
 UUT                  Unit Under Test
 VSWR                 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
 XPDR                 Transponder

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     8010114-001                                                                                         C
                                       Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)


The NXT Transponder Acceptance Test is a fully automated set of tests that is performed using the
ACSS Transponder Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) Station (P/N 9001080-001). There are two
primary types of software utilized. The first type of software is Hardware Test Software (HTS), which is
loaded into FLASH memory of the UUT and executes within the UUT’s SDRAM. The second type of
software is the End Item Test (EIT) and ESS station program that executes on the station PC.

The HTS program receives high level commands from the station programs via an RS-232 interface. It
executes commands and returns a response. The responses returned from HTS may range from
acknowledgement of receipt of a command to returning data and/or status of a test that was performed by
the embedded software.

The EIT and ESS station program is comprised of a Test Executive, Instrument Drivers, and Test
Functions. The Test Executive provides an operator interface, directs test sequencing, determines
pass/fail status and generates test reports. The Instrument Drivers communicate with and control the ESS
station test equipment via PXI/PCI, IEEE488, and USB interfaces. The Test Functions perform the
individual tests that comprise a NXT Transponder Acceptance Test and are described in:

           NXT-600 Transponder End Item Test (EIT) Test Requirements Document (TRD), document
            number 8010118-001

           NXT-800 Transponder End Item Test (EIT) Test Requirements Document (TRD), document
            number 8010008-001

           NXT Transponder Environmental Stress Screening (ESS), document number 8010119-001

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                                         Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)


3.1    General RF Test Requirements

            All antenna ports must be terminated in 50 ohms while power is applied to the UUT.
             Note: Do not attempt to transmit with any port unterminated. Damage to UUT may result.
            Any additional test equipment that may be connected to the antenna ports must have a Voltage
             Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) of less than 1.5:1.
            Any additional test equipment that may be connected to the antenna ports shall withstand peak
             power levels of at least 1000 W and average power levels of at least 2 W.

3.2    Power Requirements

            115 VAC, 60 Hz, 20 A, standard service power for test equipment operation. All power supplied
             to the UUT is provided by the test equipment via software controlled rack mounted power

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          8010114-001                                                                                        C
                                           Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)


4.1       Test Equipment Hardware

The Transponder ESS Station, P/N 9001080-001, is the test equipment hardware required to perform the

4.1.1        Test Equipment Calibration

The Transponder ESS Station, P/N 9001080-001, must be manually calibrated. The calibration shall be
performed at least every six months, and whenever an RF component such as a cable or generator is
replaced. The procedure may be performed as often as desired if an equipment or calibration fault is

4.2       Test Equipment Software

           NXT Transponder End Item Test and Environmental Stress Screening Software – P/N 9008049-
            001. This program executes on the Environmental Stress Screening station PC and automates
            the tests that are defined in the NXT Transponder TRD’s.
           HTS - This software executes within UUT memory and responds to commands sent by the NXT
            Transponder PC Test Software. Refer to document number 9006054-001, NXT-600 Transponder
            Software Configuration File, and 9008047-001, NXT-800 Transponder Software Configuration
            File, for the proper HTS Master Media Part Number.
           End Item Operational software – This software operates the UUT in a flight configuration. Refer
            to document number 9006054-001, NXT-600 Transponder Software Configuration File, and
            9008047-001, NXT-800 Transponder Software Configuration File, for the proper Operational
            Software Master Media Part Number.

           NXT-600 Transponder Software Configuration File, 9006054-001. This document specifies the
            software configurations for the final software load.

           NXT-800 Transponder Software Configuration File, 9008047-001. This document specifies the
            software configurations for the final software load.

           NXT Transponder Calibration Defaults File, 9001936-001. This document contains the initial
            calibration values for the NXT-600 and NXT-800 Transponders.

           NXT Transponder Temp/Vibe Profiles File, 9001937-001. This document contains the
            Temperature and Vibration Profiles used during the ESS testing process.

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                                     Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

4.3   Test Equipment / UUT Interconnect

Figure 4-1 shows a diagram of the Transponder ESS Station, P/N 9001080-001.

Figure 4-1: Transponder ESS Station Setup

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                                                 Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)


This section describes the manufacturing flow for NXT-600 and NXT-800 Transponder units. Refer to
Section 5.1 for detail manufacturing steps.


               Program Processor CCA
                    Section 5.1.1

                  Assemble UUT

                  Calibrate UUT at
                 Room Temperature
                   Section 5.1.2

                                          N                     Troubleshoot
                         Pass?                                   “major” or
                                                               “minor” repair2
                    UUT Pretest
                    Section 5.1.3

                                           N                    Troubleshoot          Troubleshoot
                                                               “minor” repair2       “major” repair1

                 UUT ESS Test and              Short Profile
                Hot/Cold Calibration
                    Section 5.1.4

              Long Profile

                         Pass?                                 “minor” repair2
                                     Y     N

                   UUT Final End
                     Item Test
                    Section 5.1.5

                         Pass?                             “minor” repair2, 3
                                           N                                     RF repair
                  Operational SW
                 Load/Verify Section


Figure 5-1: NXT Transponder Manufacturing Flow Process

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                                         Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

Note 1: A “major” repair is any repair operation that involves the replacement of an entire CCA. After a
major repair, the UUT is returned to the calibration at room temperature step of the manufacturing flow
and resumes from that point.

Note 2: A “minor” repair is defined as a repair operation involving the unsoldering or replacement of any
electrical components short of replacing an entire CCA, as well as any changes in UUT hardware or
software calibration. If a “minor” repair is completed after UUT ESS testing, perform an ESS short profile
as described in NXT Transponder Environmental Stress Screening (ESS), document number 8010119-
001, and continue with the production flow after UUT ESS testing. Repeat an ESS short profile after each
minor repair until the UUT passes regression testing. Once the UUT passes, product flow resumes.

Note 3: If there is a “minor” RF repair after Final End Item Test, complete an ESS short profile and
resume product flow.

5.1       Manufacturing Flow

5.1.1        Program Processor CCA with Initial Test Configuration and HTS Software

Prior to installing the Processor CCA in the UUT, program the initial test and HTS software per NXT-600
Transponder Software Configuration File, part number 9006054-001, or NXT-800 Transponder Software
Configuration File, part number 9008047-001. For Processor CCA loading instructions, refer to Flash
Programming Procedures for NXT Transponder Processor Assembly (TPA), document number 9006056-

5.1.2        UUT Calibration

The UUT must be calibrated for the temperatures it is tested over prior to performing those tests. During
this ATP the UUT is tested at Room Temperature, about 22°C, at Cold Temperature, about -40°C, and at
Hot Temperature, about 70°C. The calibration can be run any time prior to the test using the following
test sequences:

      -     NXTCal_Room.seq
      -     NXTCal_Cold.seq
      -     NXTCal_Hot.seq

In the case of manual calibration of the UUT, follow the calibration steps in Appendix E of the NXT-600 or
NXT-800 TRD, document numbers 8010118-001, and 8010008-001 respectively.

If calibration of the UUT is unsuccessful, troubleshoot failures and re-run calibration of UUT.

All result files and calibration data is saved on the network drive.

Typically the UUT will be calibrated automatically at the beginning of the current temperature cycle by
selecting “RUN” for the “Calibration” option in the “Test Parameters” section of the “Test Information”
panel at the beginning of the test software execution. The operator can also select “Yes” for the
“Calibration Only” option in the “Test Parameters” to run just the calibration sequence skipping the actual
test sequence. The following is an explanation of what the technician is to expect when operating the Test
Station to Calibrate a UUT.

See Section for ESS Test/Calibration/Temperature/Vibration Profiles.

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                                        Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

5.1.3    Graphic User Interface Test Procedures

Follow the steps below to initiate ESS testing via the GUI.

    1. Launch the ESS GUI by clicking the ACSS TestExec icon on the desktop.

    2. The TestExec initial screen is displayed with a Login window. Refer to Figure 5-2 for a sample
       TestStand Login Screen. Select administrator for the User Name and leave Password blank.
       Click the “OK” button to proceed or Cancel to abort.

Figure 5-2: TestStand Login Screen

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                                     Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

   3. After Login, the TestStand User Interface screen is displayed, see Figure 5-3. Select the
      “9008049.seq” test sequence and then click “Test UUTs”. This will bring up the Test Information
      dialog box, see Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-3: TestStand User Interface

   4. The Test Information dialog box allows the user to enter UUT common information for up to three
      LRUs, like Part Number and HW Mod Status, as well as select various options, such as Test
      Type, Profile, and Test Parameters utilized while running the ESS tests. See Figure 5-4.

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Figure 5-4: ESS\EIT UUT Test Information Dialog

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                                    Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

5. Enter the Common Parameters first. This includes Employee Number and the Temp/Vibe Profile.
   It will be possible to test different part numbers at the same time, however there will be only One
   Tem/Vibe Profile for up to Three LRUs.
6. Select and Part Number from the drop-down list, then enter the Serial Number of the UUT
   installed in the specified Slot. Alternatively, place the cursor in the Serial Number block and use
   the Scanner on the 2-D icon to enter the Part Number and Serial Number.
            NOTE: After scanning the LRU in Slot One, the software will automatically move the
            cursor to Slot 2 Serial Number where you will be able to immediately scan Slot Two’s
            Part and Serial Number. Slot Three will then be activated for the nest LRU scan.
    Enter the appropriate Test Type, where:
    TestType is            PreTest     (Preliminary End Item Test, including Room Temp
                           ESS         (Environmental Stress Screening Test, including Hot and
                                       Cold Calibration)
                           FinalTest    (Final End Item Test, No Calibration Performed)
                           FULL        (Full ESS Test, including Room Temp Calibration and test)
                           FinalConfig (Change SN, Load Ops SW, and Verify)
7. Switches in the Test Parameters will be set automatically for the typical test scenario. However,
   these switches may be modified for custom test profiles, which allow the operator to bypass or
   force the execution of various pieces of the test program based on where the UUT is in the
   Manufacturing Process. The option to load HTS and the ability to select Manufacturing or Field
   Test Limits are also available on the switch panel. If the switch is grayed-out, the option is
   unavailable, such as selecting an AC Input Power Type for a 9006000-55 LRU.
8. Note: The Operator can stop testing in individual Slots, or abort all ESS test runs by left clicking
   the “Stop” or “Terminate All” or “Abort All” Buttons. Terminate All will provide an orderly shutdown
   of the Test Station; if you Abort All, the software shuts down where it is and can leave power
   connected to the UUTs.

    Typically, the UUT is calibrated and tested at room temperature prior to arriving at the ESS Test
    Station. When the UUT reaches the ESS Test Station, the Long Profile is run: the UUT is
    calibrated at Cold and Hot temperatures and tested according to specifications in the Long Profile
    segment definitions listed in Part Number 9001937: NXT Transponder Temp/Vibe Profiles. Use
    the Short Profile without calibration to retest the UUT after minor repairs. You would retest using
    the Short Profile with calibration if an RF component was replaced. Check with the Manufacturing
    Manager to determine which profile parameters should be run.

9. Left click the “OK” buttons on each Slot to begin testing. The Running GUI is shown in Figure 5.5.

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Figure 5-5: ESS\EIT UUT Information GUI (Running Tests)

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                                     Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

   10. When test are complete, the ESS End GUI will show Pass/Fail Status similar to that shown in
       Figure 5-6.

Figure 5-6: ESS\EIT UUT Information GUI (Tests Completed)

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                                            Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)     ESS Test/Calibration Profiles

In addition to Performance Testing the LRUs, the ESS station progresses through Calibration Cycles at
various temperatures as specified in the selected profile. These profiles are defined in Part Number
9001937: NXT Transponder Temp/Vibe Profiles.

5.1.4      UUT Pretest with Room Temperature Calibration

Perform room temperature calibration and Pretest of the UUT, using NXT Test software, per the following

Note: If the station is powered down, apply power to the Transponder Test Station and allow the test
equipment to warm-up for at least 30 minutes. Verify that all of the test equipment is calibrated and is
functioning properly.

          Step 1.       Remove the UUT cover and insert the UUT into the NXT Transponder Test Station
                        UUT fixture in Slot 1, Slot 2, or Slot 3.
          Step 2.       Fully lock all UUT hold-downs.
          Step 3.       Run the TestExec application in c:\9008049\TestExec or desktop icon.
                        Note: Login to the TestStand application as “administrator” with no password.
          Step 4.       After Login, the TestStand User Interface screen is displayed, see Figure 5-3. Select
                        the “9008049.seq” test sequence and then click “Test UUTs”. This will bring up the
                        UUT Information dialog box, see Figure 5-4.
          Step 5.       When the UUT Information dialog box appears:
                        -   Enter your Employee Number and select NONE for the Profile.
                        -   Select “PreTest” for “Test Type” in the appropriate UUT/Slot number section of the
                            UUT Information Dialog Box,
                        -   Select, scan, or enter the UUT Part Number and UUT Serial Number.
                        -   In the Test Parameters Switch Block, select “RUN” for “Calibration” if you wish to
                            run calibration prior to testing. This is the default for the PreEIT Test and must be
                            run prior to any testing.
                        -   Select “Mfg” for the “Test Limits”
                        -   Select “YES” for “Load HTS” if you wish to reload HTS before beginning testing
          Step 6.       Click “OK” to begin automated testing or “Stop” to terminate the test run.
          Step 7.       Respond to all prompts and instructions that the test program displays during test
          Step 8.       A test report will be generated. The test report may be viewed and/or printed at the
                        end of the test sequence from C:\9008049\data.
          Step 9.       Verify that all tests have passed. If any tests failed, evaluate the failure and rework
                        the UUT as necessary.
          Step 10.      Remove the UUT from the NXT Transponder Test Station UUT Fixture.

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                                                 NXT Transponder
     8010114-001                                                                                            C
                                          Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

5.1.5    Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) Test with Hot and Cold Temperature

Perform ESS Test of the UUT, using NXT Test software, per the following steps:

Note: If the station is powered down, apply power to the Transponder Test Station and allow the test
equipment to warm-up for at least 30 minutes. Verify that all of the test equipment is calibrated and is
functioning properly.

        Step 1.       Remove the UUT cover and insert the UUT into the NXT Transponder Test Station
                      UUT fixture in Slot 1, Slot 2, or Slot 3.
        Step 2.       Fully lock all UUT hold-downs.
        Step 3.       Run the TestExec application in c:\9008049\TestExec or desktop icon.
                      Note: Login to the TestStand application as “administrator” with no password.
        Step 4.       After Login, the TestStand User Interface screen is displayed, see Figure 5-3. Select
                      the “9008049.seq” test sequence and then click “Test UUTs”. This will bring up the
                      UUT Information dialog box, see Figure 5-4.
        Step 5.       When the UUT Information dialog box appears:
                      -   Enter your Employee Number and select LONG or SHORT for the Profile as
                      -   Select “ESS” for “Test Type” in the appropriate UUT/Slot number section of the
                          UUT Information Dialog Box,
                      -   Select, scan, or enter the UUT Part Number and UUT Serial Number.
                      -   In the Test Parameters Switch Block, select “RUN” for “Calibration” if you wish to
                          run calibration prior to testing. This is the default for the Long Profile and must
                          have been run prior to testing over temperature.
                      -   Select “Mfg” for the “Test Limits”
                      -   Select “YES” for “Load HTS” if you wish to reload HTS before beginning testing
        Step 6.       Click “OK” to begin automated testing or “Stop” to terminate the test run.
        Step 7.       Respond to all prompts and instructions that the test program displays during test
        Step 8.       A test report will be generated. The test report may be viewed and/or printed at the
                      end of the test sequence from C:\9008049\data.
        Step 9.       Verify that all tests have passed. If any tests failed, evaluate the failure and rework
                      the UUT as necessary.
        Step 10.      Remove the UUT from the NXT Transponder Test Station UUT Fixture.

          ACSS                    Use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the    Page 17
                                                 proprietary notice on the title page.

     Doc Number                                                                                          Revision
                                                 NXT Transponder
     8010114-001                                                                                            C
                                          Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

5.1.6    Final End Item Test UUT

Perform End Item Test of the UUT, using NXT Test software, per the following steps:

Note: If the station is powered down, apply power to the Transponder Test Station and allow the test
equipment to warm-up for at least 30 minutes. Verify that all of the test equipment is calibrated and is
functioning properly.

        Step 1.       Remove the UUT cover and insert the UUT into the NXT Transponder Test Station
                      UUT fixture in Slot 1, Slot 2, or Slot 3.
        Step 2.       Fully lock all UUT hold-downs.
        Step 3.       Run the TestExec application in c:\9008049\TestExec or desktop icon.
                      Note: Login to the TestStand application as “administrator” with no password.
        Step 4.       After Login, the TestStand User Interface screen is displayed, see Figure 5-3. Select
                      the “9008049.seq” test sequence and then click “Test UUTs”. This will bring up the
                      UUT Information dialog box, see Figure 5-4.
        Step 5.       When the UUT Information dialog box appears:
                      -   Enter your Employee Number and select NONE for the Profile.
                      -   Select “FinalTest” for “Test Type” in the appropriate UUT/Slot number section of
                          the UUT Information Dialog Box,
                      -   Select, scan, or enter the UUT Part Number and UUT Serial Number.
                      -   In the Test Parameters Switch Block, select “SKIP” for “Calibration.” Re-calibrating
                          the UUT at this time would void any previous calibration and require additional
                          calibration over temperature.
                      -   Select “Mfg” for the “Test Limits”
                      -   Select “YES” for “Load HTS” if you wish to reload HTS before beginning testing
        Step 6.       Click “OK” to begin automated testing or “Stop” to terminate the test run.
        Step 7.       Respond to all prompts and instructions that the test program displays during test
        Step 8.       A test report will be generated. The test report may be viewed and/or printed at the
                      end of the test sequence from C:\9008049\data.
        Step 9.       Verify that all tests have passed. If any tests failed, evaluate the failure and rework
                      the UUT as necessary.
        Step 10.      Remove the UUT from the NXT Transponder Test Station UUT Fixture.

          ACSS                    Use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the    Page 18
                                                 proprietary notice on the title page.

    Doc Number                                                                                           Revision
                                                 NXT Transponder
    8010114-001                                                                                             C
                                          Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)

5.1.7    Operational SW Load and Verify

        Step 1.       Remove the UUT cover and insert the UUT into the NXT Transponder Test Station
                      UUT fixture in Slot 1, Slot 2, or Slot 3.
        Step 2.       Fully lock all UUT hold-downs.
        Step 3.       Run the TestExec application in c:\9008049\TestExec or desktop icon.
                      Note: Login to the TestStand application as “administrator” with no password.
        Step 4.       After Login, the TestStand User Interface screen is displayed, see Figure 5-3. Select
                      the “9008049.seq” test sequence and then click “Test UUTs”. This will bring up the
                      UUT Information dialog box, see Figure 5-4.
        Step 5.       When the UUT Information dialog box appears:
                      -   Enter your Employee Number and select NONE for the Profile.
                      -   Select “FinalConfig” for “Test Type” in the appropriate UUT/Slot number section of
                          the UUT Information Dialog Box,
                      -   Select, scan, or enter the UUT Part Number and UUT Serial Number.
                      -   In the Test Parameters Switch Block, select “SKIP” for “Calibration.” Re-calibrating
                          the UUT at this time would void any previous calibration and require additional
                          calibration over temperature.
                      -   Select “Mfg” for the “Test Limits”
                      -   Select “YES” for “Load HTS” if you wish to reload HTS before beginning testing
        Step 6.       Click “OK” to begin automated testing or “Stop” to terminate the test run.
        Step 7.       Respond to all prompts and instructions that the test program displays during test
        Step 8.       A test report will be generated. The test report may be viewed and/or printed at the
                      end of the test sequence from C:\9008049\data.
        Step 9.       Verify that all tests have passed. If any tests failed, evaluate the failure and rework
                      the UUT as necessary.
        Step 10.      Remove the UUT from the NXT Transponder Test Station UUT Fixture.


          ACSS                    Use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the    Page 19
                                                 proprietary notice on the title page.

Document Created: 2014-07-15 07:07:46
Document Modified: 2014-07-15 07:07:46

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