Test Report


Test Report

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                                   Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                   1F., Block A of Tongsheng Technology Building, Huahui Road, Dalang Street, Longhua
                                   District, Shenzhen, China
                                   Telephone:     +86-755-26648640
                                   Fax:           +86-755-26648637                 Report Template Version: V03
                                   Website:        www.cqa-cert.com                Report Template Revision Date: Mar.1st,

                                             Test Report
1      Cover page

Report No. :                     CQAS20190500394E-01

Applicant:                       DongGuan Mae Tay Electronic Co.,Ltd

Address of Applicant:            Beihuanlu Industrial Area, Changping Town Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Manufacturer:                    DongGuan Mae Tay Electronic Co.,Ltd
Address of                       Beihuanlu Industrial Area, Changping Town Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Equipment Under Test (EUT):
Product:               USB Dongle
Model No.:             DX-PNC2019
Brand Name:            N/A
FCC ID:                2AAIL-DG007
Standards:                       47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C
Date of Test:                    2019-05-30 to 2019-06-03
Date of Issue:                   2019-06-03
 Test Result :                   PASS*

Tested By:
                                                  (Daisy Qin)

Reviewed By:
                                                 (Aaron Ma)

Approved By:
                                                  ( Jack Ai)

* In the configuration tested, the EUT complied w ith the standards specified above.

The test report is effective only w ith both signature and specialized stamp, The result(s) show n in this report refer only to

the sample(s) tested. Without w ritten approval of CQA, this report can’t be reproduced except in full.

                                   Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                      Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

2 Version
                         Revision History Of Report

        Report No.       Version           Description            Issue Date
   CQAS20190500394E-01    Rev.01           Initial report        2019-06-03

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                                       Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                          Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

3    Test Summary
           Test Item               FCC Test Requirement             Test method      Result
                              47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C Section
     Antenna Requirement                                          ANSI C63.10-2013   PASS
        AC Power Line         47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C Section
                                                                  ANSI C63.10-2013   PASS
     Conducted Emission                    15.207

     Field Strength of the    47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C Section
                                                                  ANSI C63.10-2013   PASS
     Fundamental Signal                  15.249 (a)

      Spurious Emissions      47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C Section   ANSI C63.10-2013   PASS
    Restricted bands around   47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C Section
                                                                  ANSI C63.10-2013   PASS
    fundamental frequency           15.249 (d), (e)/15.209
        20dB Occupied         47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C Section
                                                                  ANSI C63.10-2013   PASS
          Bandwidth                      15.215 (c)

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                                                                                  Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                      Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

    4      Contents

1       COVER PAGE...................................................................................................................................................................1

2       VERSION ..........................................................................................................................................................................2

3       TEST SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................................................................3

4       CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................4

5       GENERAL INFORMATION .........................................................................................................................................5
    5.1     CLIENT INFORMAT ION ............................................................................................................................................... 5
    5.2     GENERAL DESCRIPT ION OF EUT............................................................................................................................... 5
    5.3     TEST ENVIRONMENT AND M ODE ............................................................................................................................. 7
    5.4     DESCRIPT ION OF SUPPORT UNIT S ........................................................................................................................... 7
    5.5     ST AT EMENT OF T HE MEASUREMENT UNCERT AINT Y ......................................................................................... 8
    5.6     TEST LOCAT ION........................................................................................................................................................... 9
    5.7     TEST FACILIT Y ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
    5.8     DEVIAT ION FROM ST ANDARDS................................................................................................................................. 9
    5.9     A BNORMALIT IES FROM ST ANDARD CONDIT IONS ................................................................................................ 9
    5.10       OT HER INFORMAT ION REQUEST ED BY T HE CUST OMER ................................................................................ 9
    5.11       EQUIPMENT LIST .................................................................................................................................................. 10
6       TEST RESULTS AND MEASUREMENT DATA ................................................................................................ 11
    6.1     A NT ENNA REQUIREMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 11
    6.2     CONDUCT ED EMISSIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 12
    6.3     RADIAT ED SPURIOUS EMISSION & FIELD ST RENGT H OF FUNDAMENT AL ...................................................... 16
    6.4     REST RICT ED BANDS AROUND FUNDAMENT AL FREQUENCY ............................................................................. 25
    6.5     20DB BANDWIDT H .................................................................................................................................................... 31
7       PHOTOGRAPHS......................................................................................................................................................... 34
    7.1     RADIAT ED EMISSION TEST SET UP ......................................................................................................................... 34
    7.2     CONDUCT ED EMISSION TEST SET UP ..................................................................................................................... 35
    7.3     EUT CONST RUCT IONAL DET AILS .......................................................................................................................... 36

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                                          Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                          Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

5   General Information

5.1 Client Information
    Applicant:               DongGuan Mae Tay Electronic Co.,Ltd
    Address of Applicant:    Beihuanlu Industrial Area, Changping Town Dongguan, Guangdong,
    Manufacturer:            DongGuan Mae Tay Electronic Co.,Ltd
    Address of               Beihuanlu Industrial Area, Changping Town Dongguan, Guangdong,

5.2 General Description of EUT
    Name:                   USB Dongle
    Model No.:              DX-PNC2019
    Trade Mark :            N/A
    Hardware Version:       V0.1
    Software Version:       V0.1
    Frequency Range:        2408MHz ~ 2474MHz
    Modulation Type:        FSK
    Number of Channels:     34 (declared by the client)
    Sample Type:            Portable product
    Antenna Type:           PCB antenna
    Antenna Gain:           1.5dBi
    Power Supply:           DC5.0V from PC

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                                            Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                               Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

Operation Frequency each of channel
 Channel      Frequency     Channel    Frequency     Channel    Frequency     Channel    Frequency
    1          2408MHz        10       2426MHz         19        2444MHz         28      2462MHz
    2          2410MHz        11       2428MHz         20        2446MHz         29      2464MHz
    3          2412MHz        12       2430MHz         21        2448MHz         30      2466MHz
    4          2414MHz        13       2432MHz         22        2450MHz         31      2468MHz
    5          2416MHz        14       2434MHz         23        2452MHz         32      2470MHz
    6          2418MHz        15       2436MHz         24        2454MHz         33      2472MHz
    7          2420MHz        16       2438MHz         25        2456MHz         34      2474MHz
    8          2422MHz        17       2440MHz         26        2458MHz          /          /
    9          2424MHz        18       2442MHz         27        2460MHz          /          /

   In section 15.31(m), regards to the operating frequency range over 10 MHz, the Lowest frequency,
    the middle frequency, and the highest frequency of channel were selected to perform the test, and
    the selected channel see below:

               Channel                   Frequency
        The Lowest channel(CH1)           2408MHz
    The Middle channel(CH17)              2440MHz
    The Highest channel(CH34)             2474MHz

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                                          Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                              Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

5.3 Test Environment and Mode
   Operating Environment:
   Temperature:            24.0 C
   Humidity:               52 % RH
   Atmospheric Pressure:   1008 mbar
   Test Mode:              Use test software (RF test) to set the lowest frequency, the middle
                           frequency and the highest frequency keep transmitting of the EUT.

5.4 Description of Support Units
   The EUT has been tested with associated equipment below.

     Description       Manufacturer            Model No.         Remark
                                                              Provide by lab         ID
         PC                Lenovo               E450c
                                                              Provide by lab       DOC
       Adapter             Lenovo           ADLX65NLC3A

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                                           Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                 Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

5.5 Statement of the measurement uncertainty
    The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate.
    The reader is cautioned that there may be errors within the calibration limits of the equipment and
    The measurement uncertainty was calculated for all measurements listed in this test report acc. to
    CISPR 16 - 4 „Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods
    – Part 4: Uncertainty in EMC Measurements“ and is documented in the Shenzhen Huaxia
    Testing Technology Co., Ltd quality system acc. to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
    Furthermore, component and process variability of devices similar to that tested may result in
    additional deviation. The manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued compli ance of the
    Hereafter the best measurement capability for CQA laboratory is reported:

     No.     Item                                      Uncertainty            Notes

     1       Radiated Emission (Below 1GHz)            ±5.12dB                (1)

     2       Radiated Emission (Above 1GHz)            ±4.60dB                (1)

     3       Conducted Disturbance                     ±3.34dB                (1)

     4       Radio Frequency                           3×10-8                 (1)

     5       Duty cycle                                0.6 %.                 (1)

     6       Occupied Bandwidth                        1.1%                   (1)

     7       RF conducted power                        0.86dB                 (1)

     8       RF power density                          0.74                   (1)
     9       Conducted Spurious emissions              0.86dB                 (1)

     10      Temperature test                          0.8℃                   (1)

     11      Humidity test                             2.0%                   (1)

     12      Supply voltages                           0.5 %.                 (1)

     13      time                                      0.6 %.                 (1)

     14      Frequency Error                           5.5 Hz                 (1)

    (1)This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95%
    confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

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                                          Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                             Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

5.6 Test Location
    All tests were performed at:
    Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd.,
    1F., Block A of Tongsheng Technology Building, Huahui Road, Dalang Street, Longhua District,
    Shenzhen, China

5.7 Test Facility
    The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:
    • CNAS (No. CNAS L5785)
    CNAS has accredited Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch EMC
    Lab to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration
    Laboratories (CNAS-CL01 Accreditation Criteria for the Competence of Testing and Calibration
    Laboratories) for the competence in the field of testing.
      • ISED No.: 22984
     Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen EMC Laboratory is recognized by
    Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada to test to Canadian radio equipment
      • A2LA (Certificate No. 4742.01)
     Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen EMC Laboratory is accredited by the
       American Association for Laboratory Accreditation(A2LA). Certificate No. 4742.01.
      • FCC Registration No.: 522263
     Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen EMC Laboratory has been registered
     and fully described in a report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The
     acceptance letter from the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration No.:522263

5.8 Deviation from Standards

5.9 Abnormalities from Standard Conditions

5.10 Other Information Requested by the Customer

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                                               Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                     Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

 5.11 Equipment List

                                                                    Instrument   Calibration Calibration
   Test Equipment       Manufacturer          Model No.
                                                                        No.         Date     Due Date
 EMI Test Receiver          R&S                ESR7                  CQA-005     2018/9/26   2019/9/25
 Spectrum analyzer          R&S               FSU26                  CQA-038     2018/10/28 2019/10/27
     Preamplifier          MITEQ                                    CQA-035      2018/9/26    2019/9/25
     Preamplifier          MITEQ                                    CQA-036      2018/11/2    2019/11/1
    Loop antenna        Schwarzbeck         FMZB1516                CQA-060      2018/10/28 2020/10/27
    Bilog Antenna          R&S                HL562                 CQA-011      2018/9/26  2020/9/25
    Horn Antenna           R&S                HF906                 CQA-012      2018/9/26  2020/9/25
    Horn Antenna        Schwarzbeck         BBHA 9170               CQA-088      2018/9/26  2020/9/25
    Coaxial Cable
                            CQA                   N/A                 C019       2018/9/26    2019/9/25
    (Above 1GHz)
    Coaxial Cable
                            CQA                   N/A                 C020       2018/9/26    2019/9/25
    (Below 1GHz)
 Antenna Connector          CQA                 RFC-01              CQA-080      2018/9/26    2019/9/25
                            CQA                  RF-01              CQA-079      2018/9/26    2019/9/25
    Power divider        MIDWEST                                    CQA-067      2018/9/26    2019/9/25
  EMI Test Receiver         R&S               ESPI3                 CQA-013      2018/9/26    2019/9/25
        LISN                R&S              ENV216                 CQA-003      2018/11/5    2019/11/4
   Coaxial cable            CQA                N/A                  CQA-C009     2018/9/26    2019/9/25

The temporary antenna connector is soldered on the PCB board in order to perform conducted tests and
this temporary antenna connector is listed in the equipment list.

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                                                  Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                   Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

6    Test results and Measurement Data

6.1 Antenna Requirement
     Standard requirement:         47 CFR Part 15C Section 15.203;
      15.203 requirement:
      An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
      responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of
      antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator, the manufacturer may design the
      so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or
      electrical connector is prohibited.
     EUT Antenna:

The antenna is integrated on the main PCB and no consideration of replacement. The best case gain of
the antenna is 1.5dBi.

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                                           Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                             Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

6.2 Conducted Emissions
     Test Requirement:   47 CFR Part 15C Section 15.207;
     Test Method:        ANSI C63.10: 2013
     Test       Frequency 150kHz to 30MHz
     Limit:                                                        Limit (dBuV)
                           Frequency range (MHz)
                                                          Quasi-peak              Average
                                   0.15-0.5                66 to 56*            56 to 46*
                                    0.5-5                     56                    46
                                    5-30                      60                    50
                         * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.
     Test Procedure:     1) The mains terminal disturbance voltage test was conducted in a
                            shielded room.
                         2) The EUT was connected to AC power source through a LISN 1 (Line
                            Impedance Stabilization Network) which provides a 50Ω/50µH + 5Ω
                            impedance. The power cables of all other units of the EUT were
                            connected to a second LISN 2, which was bonded to the ground
                            plane in the same way as the LISN 1 for the unit being measured. A
                            multiple socket outlet strip was used to connect multiple power cables
                            to a
                            single LISN provided the rating of the LISN was not exceeded.
                         3) The tabletop EUT was placed upon a non-metallic table 0.8m above
                            ground reference plane. And for floor-standing arrangement, the EUT
                            placed on the horizontal ground reference plane,
                         4) The test was performed with a vertical ground reference plane. The rear
                            of the EUT shall be 0.4 m from the vertical ground reference plane. The
                            vertical ground reference plane was bonded to the horizontal ground
                            reference plane. The LISN 1 was placed 0.8 m from the boundary of
                            unit under test and bonded to a ground reference plane for LISNs
                            mounted on top of the ground reference plane. This distance was
                            between the closest points of the LISN 1 and the EUT. All other units
                            the EUT and associated equipment was at least 0.8 m from the LISN
                         5) In order to find the maximum emission, the relative positions of
                            equipment and all of the interface cables must be changed according
                            ANSI C63.10: 2013 on conducted measurement.

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                                        Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                            Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

 Test Setup:

Exploratory Test Mode: Transmitting with FSK at lowest, middle and highest channel.
Final Test Mode:       Through Pre-scan, find at highest channel is the worst case.
                       Only the worst case is recorded in the report.
 Test Voltage:          AC120V/60Hz
 Test Results:          Pass

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                                                Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                     Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

Measurement Data
Live Line:

1. The following Quasi-Peak and Average measurements were performed on the EUT:
2. Final Test Level =Receiver Reading + LISN Factor + Cable Loss.
3. If the Peak value under Average limit, the Average value is not recorded in the report.

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                                                Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                     Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

Neutral Line:

1. The following Quasi-Peak and Average measurements were performed on the EUT:
2. Final Test Level =Receiver Reading + LISN Factor + Cable Loss.
3. If the Peak value under Average limit, the Average value is not recorded in the report.

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                                           Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                   Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

 6.3 Radiated Spurious Emission & Field strength of fundamental
Test Requirement:     47 CFR Part 15C Section 15.249 (a), (d), (e) and 15.209
    Test Method:      ANSI C63.10
    Test Site:        Measurement Distance: 3m (Semi-Anechoic Chamber)
Receiver Setup:              Frequency            Detector           RBW           VBW          Remark
                        0.009MHz-0.090MHz            Peak           10kHz         30KHz          Peak
                        0.009MHz-0.090MHz           Average         10kHz         30KHz         Average
                        0.090MHz-0.110MHz        Quasi-peak         10kHz         30KHz        Quasi-peak
                        0.110MHz-0.490MHz            Peak           10kHz         30KHz          Peak
                        0.110MHz-0.490MHz           Average         10kHz         30KHz         Average
                         0.490MHz -30MHz         Quasi-peak         10kHz         30kHz        Quasi-peak
                           30MHz-1GHz            Quasi-peak        100 kHz        300KHz       Quasi-peak
                                                     Peak           1MHz          3MHz           Peak
                            Above 1GHz
                                                     Peak           1MHz           10Hz         Average
                      Note: For fundamental frequency, RBW=5MHz, VBW=5MHz, Peak detector is for
                            PK value, RMS detector is for Average value.
     Limit:                                   Field strength                                     Measuremen
                                                                     Limit                             t
(Spurious Emissions        Frequency         (microvolt/meter                      Remark
                                                                   (dBuV/m )
and band edge)                                       )                                           distance (m)
                                               2400/F(kHz)             -              -              300
                                               24000/F(kHz)            -              -              30
                        1.705MHz-30MHz               30                -              -              30
                         30MHz-88MHz                100                    40.0   Quasi-peak            3
                         88MHz-216MHz               150                    43.5   Quasi-peak            3
                        216MHz-960MHz               200                    46.0   Quasi-peak            3
                         960MHz-1GHz                500                    54.0   Quasi-peak            3
                          Above 1GHz                500                    54.0    Average              3
                      Note: 1) 15.35(b), Unless otherwise specified, the limit on peak radio frequency
                            emissions is 20dB above the maximum permitted average emission limit
                            applicable to the equipment under test. This peak limit applies to the total
                            peak emission level radiated by the device.
                            2) Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for
                            harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the
                            fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in Section 15.209,
                            whichever is the lesser attenuation.

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                                         Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                             Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

    Limit:                   Frequency         Limit (dBuV/m @3m)         Remark
(Field strength of the                                94.0             Average Value
fundamental signal)                                  114.0              Peak Value

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                                             Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                  Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

    Test Setup:

                                         Figure 1. Below 30MHz


             Figure 2. 30MHz to 1GHz                                  Figure 3. Above 1 GHz
Test Procedure:       a. 1) Below 1G: The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters
                         above the ground at a 3 meter semi-anechoic camber. The table was rotated 360
                         degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
                         2) Above 1G: The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 1.5 meters
                         above the ground at a 3 meter semi-anechoic camber. The table was rotated 360
                         degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
                         Note: For the radiated emission test above 1GHz:
                         Place the measurement antenna away from each area of the EUT determined to
                         be a source of emissions at the specified measurement distance, while keeping
                         the measurement antenna aimed at the source of emissions at each frequency
                         of significant emissions, with polarization oriented for maximum response. The
                         measurement antenna may have to be higher or lower than the EUT, depending
                         on the radiation pattern of the emission and staying aimed at the emission
                         source for receiving the maximum signal. The final measurement antenna
                         elevation shall be that which maximizes the emissions. The measurement
                         antenna elevation for maximum emissions shall be restricted to a range of
                         heights of from 1 m to 4 m above the ground or reference ground plane.
                      b. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which
                         was mounted on the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
                      c. The antenna height is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to
                         determine the maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical

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                                             Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                 Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

                            polarizations of the antenna are set to make the measurement.
                        d. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then
                            the antenna was tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters (for the test
                            frequency of below 30MHz, the antenna was tuned to heights 1 meter) and the
                            rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum
                        e. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified
                            Bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.
                        f. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 10dB lower than the limit
                            specified, then testing could be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would
                            be reported. Otherwise the emissions that did not have 10dB margin would be
                            re-tested one by one using peak, quasi-peak or average method as specified
                            and then reported in a data sheet.
                        g. Test the EUT in the lowest channel,the middle channel,the Highest channel
                        h. The radiation measurements are performed in X, Y, Z axis positioning for
                            Transmitting mode,And found the X axis positioning which it is worse case.
                        i. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured was complete.
Exploratory        Test Transmitting with FSK at lowest, middle and highest channel.
Final Test Mode:        Pretest the EUT at Transmitting mode, For below 1GHz part, through pre-scan, the
                        worst case is the highest channel.
                        Only the worst case is recorded in the report.
Test Voltage:           DC5.0V form PC
Test Results:           Pass

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                                           Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                              Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

 Measurement Data

Field Strength Of The Fundamental Signal

                  Meter                 Emission                                   Ant. Pol.
     Frequency   Reading    Factor       Level       Limits     Over    Detector
       (MHz)      (dBμV)     (dB)       (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)       (dB)     Type        H/V

        2408        101      -9.02        91.98       114      -22.02    Peak         H
        2408        99.76    -9.02        90.74       94       -3.26     AVG          H
        2408        96.49    -9.02        87.47       114      -26.53    Peak         V
        2408        94.62    -9.02        85.60       94       -8.40     AVG          V
        2440      100.88     -8.96        91.92       114      -22.08    Peak         H
        2440        98.94    -8.96        89.98       94       -4.02     AVG          H
        2440        95.8     -8.96        86.84       114      -27.16    Peak         V
        2440        94.17    -8.96        85.21       94       -8.79     AVG          V
        2474      101.31     -8.74        92.57       114      -21.43    Peak         H
        2474        99.68    -8.74        90.94       94       -3.06     AVG          H
        2474        94.8     -8.74        86.06       114      -27.94    Peak         V
        2474        93.23    -8.74        84.49       94       -9.51     AVG          V

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                                         Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                        Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

Spurious Emissions
30MHz~1GHz (the worst case)
Test mode:            Transmitting (Highest channel)    Vertical

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                                         Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                        Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

30MHz~1GHz (the worst case)
Test mode:            Transmitting (Highest channel)    Horizontal

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                                       Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                            Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

Above 1GHz
Test mode:             Transmitting              Test channel:            Lowest
              Meter                 Emission                                         Ant. Pol.
Frequency    Reading    Factor       Level        Limits         Over     Detector
  (MHz)      (dBμV)      (dB)       (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)            (dB)      Type        H/V
   4816       48.92      -1.24        47.68         74           -26.32     Peak        H
   4816       34.56      -1.24        33.32         54           -20.68     AVG         H
   7224       50.24      5.98         56.22         74           -17.78     Peak        H
   7224       36.12      5.98         42.1          54           -11.9      AVG         H
   4816       49.49      -1.24        48.25         74           -25.75     peak        V
   4816       33.79      -1.24        32.55         54           -21.45     AVG         V
   7224       47.27      5.98         53.25         74           -20.75     peak        V
   7224       34.56      5.98         40.54         54           -13.46     AVG         V
Test mode:             Transmitting              Test channel:            Middle
              Meter                 Emission                                         Ant. Pol.
Frequency    Reading    Factor       Level        Limits         Over     Detector
  (MHz)      (dBμV)       (dB)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)             (dB)     Type        H/V
   4880       49.66      -0.82        48.84     74               -25.16     peak        H
   4880       37.12      -0.82        36.3          54           -17.7      AVG         H
   7320       51.47      5.91         57.38         74           -16.62     peak        H
   7320       37.14      5.91         43.05         54           -10.95     AVG         H
   4880       49.84      -0.82        49.02         74           -24.98     peak        V
   4880       34.56      -0.82        33.74         54           -20.26     AVG         V
   7320       49.29      5.91         55.2          74           -18.8      peak        V
   7320       36.78      5.91         42.69         54           -11.31     AVG         V
Test mode:             Transmitting              Test channel:            Highest
              Meter                 Emission                                         Ant. Pol.
Frequency    Reading    Factor       Level        Limits         Over     Detector
  (MHz)      (dBμV)       (dB)      (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)             (dB)     Type        H/V
   4948       51.04      -0.49        50.55     74               -23.45     peak        H
   4948       35.32      -0.49        34.83         54           -19.17     AVG         H
   7422       52.76      5.74         58.5          74           -15.5      peak        H
   7422       40.09      5.74         45.83         54           -8.17      AVG         H
   4948       49.08      -0.49        48.59         74           -25.41     peak        V
   4948       34.45      -0.49        33.96         54           -20.04     AVG         V
   7422       49.09      5.74         54.83         74           -19.17     peak        V
   7422       36.69      5.74         42.43         54           -11.57     AVG         V

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                                              Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                  Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

1) The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor, Cable Factor & Preamplifier. The basic
   equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
   Final Test Level =Receiver Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Factor – Preamplifier Factor

2) Scan from 9kHz to 25GHz,The disturbance above 10GHz and below 30MHz was very low, and the
   above harmonics were the highest point could be found when testing, so only the above harmonics
   had been displayed. The amplitude of spurious emissions from the radiator which are attenuated
   more than 20dB below the limit need not be reported .

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                                             Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                  Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

6.4 Restricted bands around fundamental frequency
Test Requirement:          47 CFR Part 15C Section 15.249 (d), 15.209 and 15.205;
Test Method:               ANSI C63.10 :2013
Test Site:                 Measurement Distance: 3m (Semi-Anechoic Chamber)
                           Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for
Limit(Band Edge):          harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the
                           fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in Section 15.209,
                           whichever is the lesser attenuation.
                                   Frequency            Limit (dBµV/m @3m)           Remark
                                 30MHz-88MHz                    40.0
                                88MHz-216MHz                    43.5
                               216MHz-960MHz                    46.0
                                 960MHz-1GHz                    54.0
                                                                54.0              Average Value
                                  Above 1GHz
                                                                74.0                Peak Value
Test Setup:

          Figure 1. 30MHz to 1GHz                                   Figure 2. Above 1 GHz
                        Below 1GHz test procedure as below:
Test Procedure:         j. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the
                              ground at a 3 meter semi-anechoic camber. The table was rotated 360
                              degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
                           k. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna,
                              which was mounted on the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
                           l. The antenna height is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground
                              to determine the maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and
                              vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to make the measurement.
                           m. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and
                              then the antenna was tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters (for the test
                              frequency of below 30MHz, the antenna was tuned to heights 1 meter) and the
                              rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the
                              maximum reading.

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                                               Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                    Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

                            n.   The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified
                                 Bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.
                            o.   If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 10dB lower than the limit
                                 specified, then testing could be stopped and the peak values of the EUT
                                 would be reported. Otherwise the emissions that did not have 10dB margin
                                 would be re-tested one by one using peak, quasi-peak or average method as
                                 specified and then reported in a data sheet.
                            Above 1GHz test procedure as below:
                            p.   Different between above is the test site, change from Semi - Anechoic
                                 Chamber to fully Anechoic Chamber and change form table 0.8 metre to 1.5
                                 metre( Above 18GHz the distance is 1 meter and table is 1.5 metre).
                            q.   Test the EUT in the lowest channel , the Highest channel
                            r.   The radiation measurements are performed in X, Y, Z axis positioning for
                                 Transmitting mode, and found the X axis positioning which it is worse case.
                            s.   Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured was complete.
 Test Mode:                 Transmitting with FSK at lowest, middle and highest channel.
 Test Voltage:              DC5.0V form PC
 Test Results:              Pass

Test plot as follows:
Test mode:       Transmitting     Test channel:    Lowest            Remark:          Vertical

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                   Read                       Limit   Over
           Freq   Level Factor      Level      Line   Llimit Remark   Pol/Phase

           MHz     dBuy   dB/m dBuV/m dBuV/m             cB

 1      2310.00   49.54   —9.25    40.29      74.00 —33.71 Peak       VERTICAL
 2 pp   2396.52   61.22   —9.03    52.19      74.00 —21.81 Peak       VERTICAL
 3      2400.00   S2.41   —9.10    43.31      74.00 —30.69 Peak       VERTICAL

                                  fgs s   —

                                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                     Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

Test mode:   Transmitting   Test channel:   Lowest      Remark:        Horizontal

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                                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                      Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

Test mode:   Transmitting   Test channel:   Highest      Remark:        Vertical

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                                              Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                  Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

Test mode:       Transmitting      Test channel:    Highest           Remark:           Horizontal

   The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor, Cable Factor & Preamplifier. The basic
   equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
   Final Test Level =Receiver Reading - Correct Factor
   Correct Factor = Preamplifier Factor– Antenna Factor–Cable Factor

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                                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                          Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

6.5 20dB Bandwidth
     Test Requirement:   47 CFR Part 15C Section 15.215
     Test Method:        ANSI C63.10:2013
     Test Setup:

     Test Mode:          Transmitting with FSK at lowest, middle and highest channel.
     Limit:              N/A
     Test Results:       Pass

Measurement Data
        Test channel             20dB bandwidth (MHz)                       Results
              Lowest                     2.0666                              Pass
              Middle                     2.0666                              Pass
              Highest                    2.0666                              Pass

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                                        Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                       Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

 Test plot as follows:
Test channel:            Lowest

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                                Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                               Report No.: CQAS20190500394E-01

Test channel:   Middle

Test channel:   Highest

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Document Created: 2019-06-10 00:47:49
Document Modified: 2019-06-10 00:47:49

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