User Manual


Users Manual

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                              3d-radar as
GeoScope™ User’s Manual
  Model Geoscope Mk4

       Document Version 2.0

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                                                                                                           3d-radar as
GeoScopeTM User’s Manual

Contact Details                                      Software are not modified or misused. The
3d-Radar AS                                          preceding warranties shall not apply to, and 3d-
Klæbuveien 196B                                      Radar shall not be responsible for defects or
NO-7037 Trondheim, Norway                            performance problems resulting from (i) the
(+47) 7289 3200 Phone                                combination or utilization of the Product or
(+47) 7289 3201 Fax                                  Software with products, information, data,                                     systems or devices not made, supplied or
                                                     specified by 3d-Radar; (ii) the operation of the
Copyright and Trademarks                             Product or Software under any specification
© 2002-2013, 3d-Radar AS. All rights reserved.       other than, or in addition to, 3d-Radar's
3d-Radar, GeoScopeTM is a trademark of 3d-           standard specifications for its products; (iii) the
Radar AS. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows XP         unauthorized modification or use of the Product
are either registered trademarks or trademarks       or Software; (iv) damage caused by accident,
of Microsoft Corporation in the United States        lightning or other electrical discharge, fresh or
and/or other countries. All other trademarks are     salt water immersion or spray; or (v) normal
the property of their respective owners.             wear and tear on consumable parts (e.g.,
Release Notice
This is the March 2013 release of the GeoScope       THE WARRANTIES ABOVE STATE 3D-RADAR'S
User’s Manual. It applies to the GeoScope Mk4        ENTIRE LIABILITY, AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE
radar. The following limited warranties give you     REMEDIES, RELATING TO PERFORMANCE OF
specific legal rights.                               THE PRODUCTS AND SOFTWARE. EXCEPT AS
                                                     OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN,
Hardware Limited Warranty                            THE PRODUCTS, SOFTWARE, AND
3d-Radar warrants that this 3d-Radar hardware        ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION AND
product (the“Product”) shall be free from defects    MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED “ASIS” AND
in materials and workmanship and will                WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF
substantially conform to 3d-Radar’s applicable       ANY KIND BY EITHER 3D-RADAR AS OR ANYONE
published specifications for the Product for a       WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN ITS CREATION,
period of one (1) year, starting from the date of    PRODUCTION, INSTALLATION, OR
delivery. The warranty set forth in this             DISTRIBUTION, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED
paragraph shall not apply to software/firmware       TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF
products.                                            MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A
                                                     PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND
User Software and Firmware License,                  NONINFRINGEMENT.
Limited Warranty                                     THE STATED EXPRESS WARRANTIES ARE IN
This 3d-Radar User Software and/or Firmware          LIEU OF ALL OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES ON
product (the “Software”) is licensed and not         THE PART OF 3D-RADAR ARISING OUT OF, OR
sold. Its use is governed by the provisions of the   IN CONNECTION WITH, ANY PRODUCTS OR
applicable End User License Agreement                SOFTWARE. SOME STATES AND JURISDICTIONS
(“EULA”), if any, included with the Software. In     DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON DURATION OR
the absence of a separate EULA included with         THE EXCLUSION OF AN IMPLIED WARRANTY, SO
the Software providing different limited warranty    THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO
terms, exclusions, and limitations, the following    YOU.
terms and conditions shall apply. 3d-Radar
warrants that this 3d-Radar Software product         Limitation of Liability
will substantially conform to 3d-Radar’s             3D-RADAR’S ENTIRE LIABILITY UNDER ANY
applicable published specifications for the          PROVISION HEREIN SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE
Software for a period of ninety (90) days,           GREATER OF THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR
starting from the date of delivery.                  THE PRODUCT OR SOFTWARE LICENSE. TO THE
                                                     MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE
Warranty Remedies                                    LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL 3D-RADAR OR ITS
3d-Radar's sole liability and your exclusive         SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT,
remedy under the warranties set forth above          SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL
shall be, at 3d-Radar’s option, to repair or         DAMAGES WHATSOEVER UNDER ANY
replace any Product or Software that fails to        CIRCUMSTANCE OR LEGAL THEORY RELATING
conform to such warranty (“Nonconforming             IN ANY WAY TO THE PRODUCTS, SOFTWARE,
Product”), or refund the purchase price paid by      AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION AND
you for any such Nonconforming Product, upon         MATERIALS, (INCLUDING, WITHOUT
your return of any Nonconforming Product to 3d-      LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS
Radar in accordance with 3d-Radar’s standard         PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF
return material authorization procedures.            BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR ANY OTHER
                                                     PECUNIARY LOSS), REGARDLESS OF WHETHER
Warranty Exclusions and Disclaimer                   3D-RADAR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE
These warranties shall be applied only in the        POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH LOSS AND
event and to the extent that: (i) the Products       REGARDLESS OF THE COURSE OF DEALING
and Software are properly and correctly              WHICH DEVELOPS OR HAS DEVELOPED
installed, configured, interfaced, maintained,       BETWEEN YOU AND 3D-RADAR. BECAUSE SOME
stored, and operated in accordance with 3d-          STATES AND JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW
Radar’s relevant operator's manual and               THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY
specifications, and; (ii) the Products and           FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL

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                                                                                                       3d-radar as
GeoScopeTM User’s Manual


Regulations and Safety                                Safety
The GeoScope Ground Penetrating Radar                 EXPOSURE TO RADIO FREQUENCY RADIATION
comprises a radar transmitter and receiver.           The radiated power of the radar antenna is
Regulations regarding the use of the radars vary      approximately 10mW. This is a very low RF
greatly from country to country. In some              power. However, we recommend to maintain a
countries, the unit can be used without obtaining     minimum separation distance of 10 cm
an end-user license. Other countries require          (approximately 4 in.) between yourself and the
end-user licensing. Consult your local                bottom side of the radiating GPR antenna to
communications governing agency for licensing         avoid any harmful radiation levels.
information. Before operating this radar,
determine if authorization or a license to operate
the unit is required in your country. It is the
responsibility of the end user to obtain an
operator’s permit or license for this Ground
Penetrating Radar for the location or country of

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause
harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired
Any changes or modifications not expressly
approved by 3d-Radar may void the user's
authority to operate the equipment.

Per RSS-Gen, Section 7.1.3 This device complies
with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS
standard(s). Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference, including interference that may
cause undesired operation of the device.

This Ground Penetrating Radar Device shall be
operated only when in contact with or within 1 m
of the ground. This Ground Penetrating Radar
Device shall be operated only by law
enforcement agencies, scientific research
institutes, commercial mining companies,
construction companies, and emergency rescue
or firefighting organizations.

Selon RSS-Gen section 7.1.3, cet appareil est
conforme aux normes "Industry Canada license-
except RSS standards". Son fonctionnement est
soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet
appareil ne doit pas provoquer d'interférences,
et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute
interférence, y compris les interférences pouvant
provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable de

Ce dispositif de radar à pénétration du sol ne
doit être utilisé que lorsqu'il est en contact avec
ou à moins de 1 m du sol. Il ne doit être mis
en œuvre que par les services officiels
d'investigation, les instituts de recherche
scientifique, les sociétés minières commerciales,
les entreprises de construction et les organismes
de secours d'urgence ou de lutte contre les

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                                                                                                           3d-radar as
GeoScopeTM User’s Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................. 1
Abbreviations ........................................................................................ 1
1 Introduction .................................................................................... 2
  1.1 3d-Radar Technology .................................................................. 2
  1.2 Collect up to 41 survey lines simultaneously .................................. 3
  1.3 Multi-offset recording (optional) ................................................... 5
  1.4 Accessories/options .................................................................... 6
2 Hardware Components ..................................................................... 8
  2.1 GeoScope Unit ........................................................................... 8
  2.2 Aux connector ........................................................................... 9
  2.3 GPS input .................................................................................. 9
  2.4 Distance Measurement Instrument (DMI) .................................... 10
  2.5 Power Supply........................................................................... 11
  2.6 Control Computer ..................................................................... 11
3 Antenna Array ............................................................................... 13
  3.1 Antenna Trailer ........................................................................ 13
4 Operation ..................................................................................... 16
5 Maintenance ................................................................................. 18
  5.1 Cleaning air filter ..................................................................... 18
  5.2 Cleaning of connectors .............................................................. 18
  5.3 Cleaning the antenna array ....................................................... 18


 DMI       Distance Measurement Instrument (encoder wheel)
 GPR       Ground Penetrating Radar
 SFCW      Step-frequency Continuous Waves
 TX        Transmitter
 RX        Receiver

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GeoScopeTM User’s Manual

1 Introduction
This document contains the user manual for the GeoScope™ Mk4 ground
penetrating radar system, designed and manufactured by 3d-Radar AS, see The purpose of this document is to explain how to
assemble the hardware and use the GeoScope software. GPR and signal
processing theory is not covered by this manual. Some guidelines for
configuring the waveform will be provided.

1.1 3d-Radar Technology

The GeoScope is a three-dimensional step-frequency ground penetrating
radar. The GPR transmits electromagnetic waves through an antenna array
and measures the echo from layers and objects in the subsurface. The depth
of the objects is found by measuring the travel time from the signal is
transmitted until the echo is received. A depth estimate is obtained by
multiplying this time with the wave velocity of the signal.

The GeoScopeTM GPR is the fastest step-frequency radar on the market. By
using a digital frequency source instead of traditional phase-locked loop
technology, the GeoScopeTM can generate waveforms from 140 MHz up to 3
GHz. The step-frequency technique has a coherent receiver which means that
the whole waveform length is used as 100% efficient integration time. By
comparison, impulse GPRs use stroboscopic sampling with significant loss of
energy. Figure 1 shows an overview of the GeoScope system with optional
GPS system.

                     Figure 1 - GeoScope GPR system overview.

The step-frequency waveform gives optimum source signature with a uniform
frequency spectrum. The computer control allows the user to set the dwell

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GeoScopeTM User’s Manual

time per frequency as well as the start and stop frequencies as shown in
Figure 2. The GeoScope sequentially transmits one complete waveform on
each transmitting antenna while receiving on the corresponding receiving
antenna. The transmission of one complete waveform on one transmitting
element is called as scan. The recorded frequency domain data contain one
complex value for each frequency in the waveform.

The radar system performs real-time time domain conversion through Fast
Fourier Transform allowing the user to view radargrams from the antenna
array. These data can be imported into either 3dR Examiner software, or
RoadDoctorTM from Roadscanners OY.

                  frequency                                                  N frequencies
        3.0 GHz

                                               Dwell Time

                                       Frequency step

        140 MHz

                                Scan Time (for one single antenna element)

                          Figure 2 - Step-frequency waveform.

The radar is controlled from a laptop computer through an Ethernet cable.
The system can also be configured with GPS/Total Station interface (option)
to allow recording of position data through the serial port (RS-232).

1.2 Collect up to 41 survey lines simultaneously
The GeoScopeTM GPR is designed to operate with an electronically scanned
antenna array with up to 41 antennas. The antennas are scanned
sequentially by the radar. The unique antenna system consists of air-coupled
bow-tie monopole pairs as shown in Figure 3. This gives a quasi-monostatic
antenna configuration with practically zero-offset distance. The air-coupled
antenna array can be operated at elevations up to 50cm off the ground
allowing high-speed surveys.

Figure 1 shows the spatial sampling grid for a typical 3D radar survey. The
Distance Measurement Instrument (DMI) outputs a trigger signal to the
system every time the array has moved the specified interval along the x-
axis. The horizontal sampling interval determines the ∆x in the sampling grid.
The array is aligned along the y-axis. The spacing between the antenna
elements in the array gives the ∆y in the sampling grid.

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                      TX Radiation pattern                      RX Radiation pattern

                                             Common footprint

            Figure 3 - Ultra-wideband bow-tie antenna pair (cross section).

As opposed to traditional octave-band GPR antennas, the ultra-wideband
bow-tie monopoles have continuous frequency coverage from the 200 MHz
range up to 3 GHz as illustrated in Figure 4. In practice this allows the user to
collect data from 140 MHz to 3 GHz without changing antennas. By
comparison, a similar survey using impulse GPR would require use of
200MHz, 400 MHz, 800 MHz and 1600 MHz antennas.

                                                       ency response
                                3d-Radar frequ
   100MHz    200MHz               400MHz                        800MHz

            Figure 4 - Wideband coverage of the 3d-Radar antenna array.

The antenna elements are arranged in a linear array as shown in Figure 5
where the transmitting and receiving antennas are displaced to each other.
During the survey, the radar combines the transmit/receive antennas
sequentially to obtain a number of profiles (or channels) as shown in Figure

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         1       2         3       4       5       6           7           8         9        10        11        12        13        14        15

     1       2        3        4       5       6           7           8         9       10        11        12        13        14        15

                     Ch#       1       2       3       4           5       ...       25       26        27        28        29
                     Tx#       1       2       2       3           3       ...       13       14        14        15        15
                     Rx#       1       1       2       2           3       ...       13       13        14        14        15

                                       Figure 5 – Antenna layout DX2429.

The standard range of antenna arrays includes the following models:

Model                     DX0909           DX1213                  DX1821                DX2125               DX2429                  DX3341
Length (mm)                900              1200                    1800                  2100                 2400                    3300
Channels                    9                13                      21                    25                   29                      41

                                   Figure 6 – Available antenna models.

1.3 Multi-offset recording (optional)

The Multi-offset recording allows the user to set up antenna scanning
sequences with independent transmitter and receiver antenna locations.

In the standard (zero-offset) antenna scanning sequence, the GeoScope
transmits/receives sequentially on each antenna pair. Data is collected in the

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GeoScopeTM User’s Manual

transverse direction by firing the antenna pairs in a linear sequence from
Antenna Pair #1 to the highest antenna pair.

With the Multi-offset feature, the system offers a higher degree of freedom to
build more advanced scan patterns. It is for example possible to transmit at
Antenna #1 and receive at Antenna # 8, (i.e. with an offset distance along
the cross-line direction). The automatic Common-Mid-Point (CMP) gather
collects traces centered at the antenna in the center of the array with
increasing offsets (normal move-out) as shown in Figure 7. This feature is
used to estimate the wave velocity using standard methods (semblance
analysis) used in seismic processing. Other scan sequences can be
programmed as well. Note that this mode of operation works in a sequential
manner, hence using all possible combinations of transmitter and receiver
antennas will slow down the data collection speed somewhat.

                     Figure 7 – Common-Mid-Point Gather.

1.4 Accessories/options

The GeoScopeTM can be used in combination with digital video camera, GPS
and CamLinkTM software from RoadScanners for simultaneous recording of
video, GPR data and GPS data.

The antenna array can be equipped with a 2-wheel lightweight trailer
assembly (Figure 8). The trailer connects to a standard ISO 50mm ball hitch
used on cars. For railway operation 3d-Radar can provide railway wheels with
adjustable track width. For high-speed surveys we recommend to mount the
array directly to the vehicle

               Figure 8 - Typical GPR setup with a 2-wheel trailer.

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GeoScopeTM User’s Manual

2 Hardware Components
The GeoScope system consists of four main parts:

   1.   GeoScope unit
   2.   Antenna Array
   3.   Distance Measurement Instrument (DMI)
   4.   Control computer

2.1 GeoScope Unit
The GeoScope unit is the heart of the GPR system. It contains the RF
hardware including the digital signal generator and the ADC system which
stores the collected data. The GeoScope runs off 12V or 24V DC. Figure 9
shows the GeoScope front panel with connectors.

                         Figure 9 - GeoScope front panel.

The front panel contains the following elements:

  Item    Name                  Description
    1     AUX                   Aux Ethernet for service + I/O (Section 2.2)
    2     GPS                   RS232 port for recording NMEA0183 messages
                                from GPS, + Additional RS232 port, + Trig I/O
                                (Section 2.3)
    3     DMI                   DMI encoder input. (Section 2.4)
    4     Antenna               Antenna & Control cable
    5     Ethernet              Ethernet connector to Operator Computer
    6     Power Switch          Push to turn on. LED ring is red when system is
                                up and running. Push again to turn off. LED ring
                                goes dark when system is turned off.
    7     Power Input           Connector for 12/24V DC Input (Section 2.5)

To turn on the GeoScope, press the power button briefly and wait for the
startup procedure to finish. This takes a few seconds.

When the GeoScope is started with an Ethernet cable connected directly to
the control computer, it will have the following TCP/IP address:

To stop the GeoScope, press the power button briefly and wait for the
shutdown procedure to finishWhen the shutdown procedure is finished the
power button LED goes dark and fans stop.

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       Make sure that the side air inlet and outlet are not covered to
       ensure proper cooling. The air inlet filter should be cleaned
       regularly when operating in dusty environments. Insufficient
       cooling might lead to system malfunction and potential loss of
       data. Make sure that the GeoScope is not overheated by direct

2.2 Aux connector
The AUX connector      (Lemo     EGB.2B.312.CLL)      has    the   following   pin

             Pin     Signal
              1      Reserved
              2      Reserved
              3      GND
              4      Ethernet
              5      Ethernet
              6      Ethernet
              7      Ethernet
              8      Ethernet
              9      Ethernet
             10      Ethernet
             11      Ethernet
             12      N/C

2.3 GPS input
The GPS input connector (Lemo EGA.2B.312.CLL) has the following pin

             Pin     Signal
              1      GPS RS-232 TX (output)
              2      GPS RS-232 RX
              3      GND
              4      Reserved
              5      Reserved
              6      GND
              7      Trig out (TTL)
              8      Trig in (TTL)
              9      GND
             10      N/C
             11      N/C
             12      N/C

The Geoscope reads serial data on NMEA0183 format from any GPS or GNSS
receiver. Recommended settings for the GPS NMEA output is:

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               Parameter             Recommended settings
            Position data            $GPGGA (1Hz output rate)
            Velocity data            $GPVTG (1Hz output rate)
                Baud rate            115,200
                Data bits            8
                   Parity            None
                 Stop bit            1

2.4 Distance Measurement Instrument (DMI)
The DMI consists of an optical encoder that measures the distance of
movement and generates trigger pulses to the GeoScope. The DMI outputs
quadrature TTL pulses to allow detection of forward or reverse travel
direction. The DMI should be recalibrated at least each time you change its

The DMI input connector (Lemo EGG.2B.312.CLL) has the following pin

               Pin          Signal
                1           +5V DC to DMI-1, max 50mA
                2           DMI-1: Quadrature A (TTL)
                3           DMI-1: Quadrature B (TTL)
                4           Reserved
                5           Reserved
                6           GND
                7           GND
                8           DMI-2: Quadrature A (TTL)
                9           DMI-2: Quadrature B (TTL)
               10           Reserved
               11           Reserved
               12           +5V DC to DMI-2, max 50mA

The relationship between DMI Tick count and the quadrature pulses is shown
in Figure 10. One tick is counted for each rising or falling edge of pulse trains
A and B.



                     Tick        1   2 3   4 5   6 7   8 9 10 11 12

                                 Figure 10 - DMI pulses.

The supplied DMI encoder has 1000 pulses/rev.

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2.5 Power Supply
The GeoScope runs off 12/24V DC (10.5 – 36V). At maximum load, the
GeoScope power consumption is about 80W (7A @ 12V DC). During startup
the inrush current might be as high as 10A.

        Never unplug the power cable from the GeoScope when the
        system is running. This may cause loss of data and insufficient
        system shutdown.

The Power connector      (Lemo      EGJ.3B.303.CLA)   has   the   following   pin

              Pin     Signal
               1      Pos
               2      Neg
               3      Chassis GND

The GeoScope may be connected to the 12V DC system of a car, but special
care should be noted to voltage stability. Always use a separate 12V
accumulator or a DC/DC converter with galvanic isolation between the
GeoScope and the car 12V outlet to stabilize the voltage. Avoid starting the
car engine when the GeoScope is connected since the starter motor might
cause severe voltage surge.

When running the GeoScope on battery power, it is very important to use a
high quality battery. Old batteries may often appear to be fully charged when
measured without load, but when connected to load, like the GeoScope,
voltage can drop quickly.

Under normal operation, a fully charged 50Ah lead-acid accumulator with
good health, will last for approximately 5 hours. A gel-type deep-cycle
accumulator is recommended both for safety, i.e. reduced risk for acid
leakage, and for endurance. Gel accumulators are designed for supplying
power over a long period of time with repeated deep discharging. Ordinary
car accumulators on the other hand, are constructed for supplying high
currents over a short period of time during starting. They are not constructed
for being completely discharged repeatedly.

2.6 Control Computer
The control computer is usually a laptop with the GeoScope user software
installed. The control computer is used to configure the radar waveform,
calibrate the DMI, control data acquisition and manage the collected data
stored on the GeoScope. The system performance will be affected by the
speed of the client laptop. A workstation grade CPU, gigabit Ethernet and a
fast SSD is recommended.

As of 2013-05-04, the client software runs on Java 1.6 while 3drExaminer
requires Windows 7.

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If the computer runs Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or newer, the Windows
firewall should be disabled when connecting to the GeoScope; otherwise you
will have problems connecting to the GeoScope. If you use other firewall
software, and experience connection problems, please turn off this as well.

An alternative to disabling the firewall completely is to enable the outgoing
ports 19005 and 19003.

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3 Antenna Array

3d-Radar AS provides different antenna array solutions for the GeoScope.
Current arrays range from widths of 90 – 330 cm with number of channels
ranging from 9 to 41Figure 11 shows the DX2429 antenna array which covers
a width of 240 cm using 29 channels.

                     Figure 11 - Antenna Array Model DX2429.

3.1 Antenna Trailer
The antenna trailer is a lightweight assembly which allows the array to be
towed behind a vehicle. Figure 12 shows a drawing (top view) of the trailer

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                           Figure 12 - Antenna trailer.

The antenna trailer is assembled by mounting the wheel brackets to the top
of the antenna array as shown in Figure 13. Mount the wheel containing the
DMI close to Antenna #1. Use the rigging screw to adjust the elevation.

                     Figure 13 - Wheel bracket with DMI.

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                     Figure 14 – Installation of tow bars.

Mount the tow bar to the top brackets on the antenna array as shown in
Figure 14.

Connect the RF cable to the main antenna connector of the array. Connect
the DMI cable to the DMI connector on the wheel bracket containing the DMI.

      Note that the 2.4 and the 3.3 meter arrays (DX2429 and
      DX3341) are wider than the vehicle. Use flashlights and visible
      markers to the edge of the antenna array when operating at
      roads with traffic. Always wear visible reflex safety west when
      working at roads and railways.

      Make sure that the elevation of antenna array is sufficient to
      avoid that the array hits the surface during data acquisition.
      Recommended elevation is 10 – 50 cm above the ground

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4 Operation
By following the steps below, you are ready to collect data with the
   1. Connect the Antenna array, the DMI encoder and DC power to the
      GeoScope. Optionally, connect the External GPS.
   2. Power up the GeoScope by pushing the button at the top right of the
      front panel.
   3. Connect the client computer to the Ethernet interface using a standard
      CAT5E twisted pair cable. Please make sure that:
          a. The Local Area Network adapter on the client computer is
             configured with a fixed IP address in the 192.168.8.x range,
             where x is different from 2 ( for example) and with
             a Subnet Max value of
          b. Power options of the client PC are set to “High performance”
             (Win7) or “Always on” (XP).
          c. There is available hard-disk space for your .3dra files which are
             stored on the client computer.
   4. Open a web browser window and enter in the URL

   5. Push the “Launch” button, and the client GUI will appear:

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   6. Select survey settings by clicking the cog-wheel icon and selecting
      “Survey Settings”.
         a. Adjust the sliders. Note that the max speed changes according
             to your slider settings. Depending on the “time window” setting,
             you may or may not get the full depth in the quick view. The
             full range is always recorded to file.
         b. Select your “File Location” for storage of 3dra files.
         c. Press “OK” to close the dialog.
   7. Push “Start” button in the main window. Notice file name and location
      in window title bar. If you are driving too fast, some scans will be lost
      and vertical red stripes will be shown in the data view. When the
      acquisition is done, press “Stop”. The 3dra file is now available in your
      specified location.
   8. Make sure the DMI Calibration values, the General DMI Settings and
      the External GPS Settings are updated in the “System Settings” tab
      before performing a survey task.
   9. 3dR Examiner software version 2.61 or newer is required for post-
      processing the .3dra files.

© 2013 3d-Radar AS            Page 17        Revision 2.0    Date: 02/07/2013

                                                                                3d-radar as
GeoScopeTM User’s Manual

5 Maintenance

5.1 Cleaning air filter
Remove the air filter inlet cover at the rear right side. Open the cover and
use a vacuum cleaner or compressed air to blow dust from the filter. Mount
the filter in the same manner as opened.

5.2 Cleaning of connectors
The RF and control cables may be cleaned either using compressed air from a
can or Isopropanol based electronic cleaning spray. Never use water to clean
connectors. During field work, avoid putting connectors on the ground or in
water in order to minimize the probability of getting sand or dust inside the
connectors. Inspect connectors for corrosion at regular intervals.

5.3 Cleaning the antenna array
The antenna array top cover can be cleaned with a wet cloth with ordinary
cleaner. Never use high-pressure jet water washer on the antenna. The
bottom side can be cleaned firmly with a humid rag. Do not store the
antenna array inside the container if it is wet or humid.

© 2013 3d-Radar AS           Page 18        Revision 2.0    Date: 02/07/2013

Document Created: 2013-07-02 10:28:02
Document Modified: 2013-07-02 10:28:02

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