user manual-1


Users Manual

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   Instalaton essistence ovalebe at

                                                       P U             NC                     :

                                                                   DIGITAL MEDIA

                                                              Model Name: PMX—P2
                                                              FCC ID:2AA7S—PMX—P2

                                                                                { Ee
                                                  «m                               @Buetott

                                                  Serial Number: _        Dale of Purchase

on Sactnd Oe » Tenge owittnt S
    Oe (anseris«to ee ooo tes um      C X FE   &> Mociordfosgate                              Insalaton& Opeaon


 Dcar Customer,                                                      1t aterreadingyou manval you t havequestons eertig is
 Gonpratuations on yourpurctase ofthe world‘s inest brand of        product, ne recommend rayou seyour RockdordFosptedele. you
 audio products. At Rocklord Fosgate we are fanates about musical   need uther asitarc, youcan cllus drec at1—000—060—9600 Be sure
 reproductin ais best, and we are pleasedyou chose our product      to haveyourserl numte model urmberanddal of urchase aalate
 Through years o engineering expertse, and cratsmanstip             whenyoucall
 and orfcaltestng procedures, we have created a widerange of                      PRACTICE SAFE SOUND
 products that reproduce music with ll the lay and richness you
 For maximun perfomance we recommendyou have your new
 Reckdord Fosgateproductinstled by an Authoriced Roctord Fos:
 gate Dealer aswe provide specialzed tainin through Rocklord
 Technial Trinin Institute (RTTI), lease readyour warranty and      Safety
 retain your receiptand orignal arton for possibl tuture use
 Greatproduct and competentnstalations areonl a lece othe            This symibowih WARNINGis nended
                                                                    toalet h userto thepresece o inporant
 puzzlwhen it comes to yoursystem. Mate surethatyour intaler        iosos mbetrestermnces A\ WARNING
 is using 100% authentinsalatonaccessoris rom Rockord               willreulin seere injuy o dn
 Fospate in your instalaton. Rockord Fosgate has everything trom
 RGA eatles and speatewireto power wire and batery connec—          This symbowih ‘CAITIONis nended to
 tors Insist on t Afterall, your new system deserves nothing but    alrtth userto h presence t impotant A. CAUTION
 the best                                                           instutons,Faluretoheestinstuctons
 To add th ishingtouch toyour new Rocklrd Fospate mage,             canresulninuy or ut canage
 orderyour Rockford accessores, which include everything rom        To preent injuyand damage o the unlese readandfolow th instue—
 Tshits o hats.                                                     tons ithis manval We want you o enhis sytem, rotaeta headache
 Vist our web st fortheftest nformationoall Rcktord                  Ityou en usuraboutnsaling hi stem youral, have iinsaled bya
 products                                                            aualfed RecdoFospaltechnican                                               lor inslato, disconnethe batey negalve(trminlto prevent
 ot inthe U call —0006699698 or PMX 1—9003993085 Forallater          damage to tunt,fie andorpossble njuy
 countes,call—001—120—967—3565 or PRX +001—100—t0iss
Table of Contents                                                   FCC Compliance Statement
                                                                     This equipment ts ben tesedand founto comaly wit th is fora
      Introduction                                                   Class B iatal deice,puranto pat 15 otthFGC Aues. These Imis are
                                                                     designd t provide ore reasordble profectonapinsthaml inerlrence
      Specifeatons                                                   inaresdentalinsalaton
      Design Features                                               Operaionis subeted o thfoloning two condiions: (1) Ths derice may
      Wring                                                         not se hamllnerlrencs,and (2) h devee mt acceptanyinlerer=
      Instalaion/Mounting                                           enceeesbed, ncluding Inerkrencehat may caus undes ied opeaon
      Operaton                                                      This enuipnentgenetesuses, and can radate adorequency energy
                                                                    and i not instaled and use in accordarce with nsuctons, maycuse
         Setings                                                    harmu inereence tradio communicatons. Hovesethere is noquaan—
        Ture AMFWME®)                                               ts tatinerirence ul not oourina priela cuip—
                                                                    rmendoes cause harnutinerlrenc o odi orleeiion ecepton.utich
         Ust—rod                                                    can be deernined bturrinh evipment of nd on,you e encouraged
        AUX (uaifary Inpu)                                          tor to conectthe inerlerceby onl thefolovig measures
         Bhazoot®                                                   * Reorient or ols h receing artema.
           Pardon®                                                  + Inceasethesepaton btieen h equpmentand eovier
    11. Troubkshooting                                              * Comec tequimentntoan outeon aul diféentfom ht
 12:31. French, Spanish, German and tatan
                                                                       which threceneris comeded
    39— Limited Warrant Information                                  * Consut h dsor anexperercd radiTV echnicao help

                                        Operatig Vatage

                                              Ffuse Ratng
                                             Pover Oulpst

                                  Mox RCA OutputVatage                 a

                                     Frequency Response            20— 200

                                     FM Frequency Range
                                     Alt FrequencyRange         530e — 1710z

                                     WB Frequency Range

                                             Tore Pss         18FM/ 12AM/6 We

                                                  Dislay         27" ColTFT

                                       USB Conpatty
                                             USB Copanty
                                              uB Oupt

                             MadefoiProne Mode! Names—

                                                            iPod Touch (ih geneation
                               MadeforiPod Mode Nemes       iPod Touzh (th geneatio
                                                            iPod Nane (7 generton)
                                                            iPod Nano (6 generton)
                                    Andoid Conpatlilty

                                   Audo Fil Conpatilty

                      Compatie Wied Remobs
  e        CEA 2006                                                           s
£\’Vf Power ratings on Rockford Fosgate source units conform to CEA—2006 industry standards. These quide—
°28    lines mean your source units output power ratings are REAL POWER numbers, not inflted markeling
  wst" fatings.

Design Feat

                       Rotary Encoder                                       REV / FWD button
                         Thisknod i or adusng mainvolume,zone valumes,       Use hibtton to sn backand fomard trough
                         menu navigtionand seting adistnents                   chamels o racks wiha shot press.Long
                                                                               pressngulactvale manval seck mode

MENU button
 This uton gives youacess to hemain setings of
 the unt b ong pressing.Shotpresing wil gve you
 accessto h satings for h actve souce.

SRC (Power) Button
 This buton alous you o sichbetieen
 soures (short ress) and poverth unt ON                                              DIMMER button
 and OFF (ong press                                                                    Presing hibton wil—alow youo sc btieen
                                                                                       the o brghiness valus tthe diplay

   508 Buttons                                                 PLAY / PAUSE button
    Trese butons alow you t adustthe subvocter                  Presths butonto pay o pause your masic. Tris
     cutputor ar line out UP r DOWN (0—20)                      buton lsoactas a MUTE when tsurcis in AUX
                                                                & TUNER mode


                                                                    Wiring Diagram

                                       mon mt
                                       reo inew ie our rowt on sue—w oun)
                                       white qrean uie our err on sum— oun
                                       reoiouie our mokm
                                       whire (rvour uie our cern
                                       reo oi moim
                                       whire on tern

                                    +) wireo newore


        =   a                    sectonaa                     secion
                            ruvo. |_wnecoun              e vernmon           ww
                              1|   crean              srenentom t in          zo
 suex       onmsennite        2      creaisuiex       sreaen sem uert         zo
            ereovauer         5      onmscme          nuomumon                z
                              4|     wire             srounmomen n            2
 rumme        creen           s      wrcsuce          seanentmontient o       zo
sucmire                       s      _|reo            se m                    s
                              7      orer             srenen mout mort (o     zo
                              i      serauce          sreven mout Rlot )      2
                               3     svemire          rewret)                 zo
                              o_     romie            sreenson nowt io        El
                              i      rmesier          scvenronnot o           a
                              ie     suex             cromn o                 i


Installation / Mounting

Contents                                                              Mounting (Using MountingPlote)
 * Sourc Unt                         * Steis                           To mount th un‘tyou willneed o ind afat surece wit adequale
 * TimBezel                          * Pover / Speaber Hamess          dleaance betind t ht provides enough leaance o theun‘ and all is
                                                                       recessary wring
 * Mounting Pate                     * Insalaton & Opertion
                                       Manal                           1. Onceyou have determine a willneedt out
 * UBdadet                                                                acrcular l 3 (77mm) in dancle:
Installtion Considerations                                             2. Aer the hois utie the un‘ and wiing through the hole
                                                                       3. Side the mountng plaoverhebacksideofth unand secrewith
 Te foloving is a basilt otols neede forinsalation                        the suppled scrns
 * YouOim meter                      * Heatstrinkubing                 4. Press on thtm beelto thefontside oftheunt
                                                                       5. Pug nallwiin hamessesand cables, Ree to h wiring dagram
 * Wrestippas                        *: Soldering on                      for wi hamess connectontpes.
 * Wrecimpas                         * Soger                                                  Haigrize ——C
 * Wiecites                          * Heatgun
 * #2Pnlips scendiver                * Tmmiench
 * Bater postwerch
 * Hand helddill wassored
 Thsetio foruses on someotvehileconsideions forinsaling
 younew oureeunt, Pre—plaming your yatem lyoutand bestwring
 toutes willsav instalaton time. When decicing on thlyout ofour
 new system, be sure hateach component wil.b easiy accessil for
 rraking adiistmens.
 Ityouee unsureaboutinstaling is system yoursel,Navitinsaled
 by a quafed RockfordAuti echican                                                                                                   ros
 Betor insalaton, dscomnectth batey negav (— teminatoprevent          Mounting (Using U Bracket)
 damageto the unt,fre and¥orpossble injur:
                                                                       To mount th untyou willneed o ind fatsurc wih adequale
 Befor begininganyinstalatonfolow hese simple ies                      dlearance betin that proides enoughlerance otheunand al is
   . Be surto cartuly read and undertand heistucions blore             recessar wiig.
     atening tinsal he unt                                                  Once you havedeterinea mounting ocaion, you will ned to cat
   . For salty,ciscomect e neqatve leadrom the bateny priorto               actcua ho3‘ (Prmm)in danete.
     begining tinsalaton:                                                   Aferhehole is ut se the untand wiing thvough hehob.
   . For asir assemtl, e sugpest you runalwies priorto mourtng              Take the U backtand side ovrthe ho ids on the back othe
     youunt in plac.                                                        unit Tgten downwith suppled rts.
     Routallofthe RCAcables los together and away tom an igh                Prss on tetrimbezet th fantside o the un.
     curent wies                                                            Plug nwiing harmesses and catles. Refr o the wiingdagram
  . Usehigh valtyconnectors o a refabl instalaton and to mnimize            forwis hamess connecton tpes.
     sigral r poer loss
     Tink before you ht Be carturotto t oill itogastnks, ut
     fnesbrate ohychulc nes, vauum ns or clectrcal wiring hen
     working on any vehice
     Never un wies undemeaththe vetice. Running the wires insite he
     vetic provdes h best potection
  . Aid unning ies over o trough sharedge. Use mbber
     ot laste grommels o prect any wires ould trough metl,
     especily he freval
   . AWANS proctthe batteand eecticalsystem fom damage w
     properlusing. nsthapproritefus hldeand use on the
     «12X ponerwwitin 18(4.7 n ofth bateryteriral.
 10. When rounting tohechassiofhe veli,scapeallpint rom
     the mo ensie a goodclen ground comecion. Grounding
     comecions should b as shoas possbleandalys be comected
     to mellthtis eldeto h main body, ochassiof he veticle
     Settelt blsshouldneveb used oconnetingtoground.                                                                                raa

                                                                    aux npur
                                                                     RENAVE — To rerame AUY, shot pressth encoder buton t setthit
  BALANCE                                                            lete ofhenew name,Once acive, roiteercadetoadistletes Shot
                                                                     press the encodebuttn agin o sethe next eter Repeat unALX has
                                                                     been reramed Shopress MENU to actand g backuponlevl
                                                                     ENALE— Shortpress the encoderbuton tacessoptions. Rolte he
  AUDIO                                                              eneader buton o seecit unis dscoreratle. (21ABLE > DSABLE
                                                                    sounce can
                                                                     To adist h level o devic inputcuin,scroltrough the inuts(FM
  BT DEVICE PAIRING                                                  TUeRA TUnE: ie TueR: UzAUc8LETOOTt—PANOORA)
                                                                     to thdevice you vantto adustshot pres thencoder butono ces
                                                                     the gain setigs Rtatethencoder baton t stthe evel of uin 308
Source Unit Settings                                                 >—208 > —108 00B +108 > «208 > +308)
 To access the soursunts setings long pressthe MENU buton un        IWTERNAL AMPLIFIER
 theaptons appearRlle th encoder t eralltvaugh th ist of             Short press t arcess the NTEANAL AVPUEFIER optons. Usehe roury
 setings and short ressheenzoderbuton o slct th seting you           enender to siketoptons (OlOFF When usng an anglifer o poer
 wishtochange. (BALAMNCE—FADeroAUDIO:VOLriGE GAuci>ar                yourspeakersselt OFF !f you re povering yoursantersdrenty
 pnrhc—aee>uen ReclotsSorWAREFACTOR DerAULT)                         Hrom the sourte unt, seecthe INTERKAL AMPLEER o ON
 This soureunt has a zecurent m when umed of.Alo your               vorrce cause
 setings and preses ul e sved along with yourbeats btteychring
 sorage                                                              To disnlay hvetice vatage,short es he encader buton onthe
sauaince                                                             VOLTAGE GAUGEoption
 Shotpress theencode tutton o access BNLANCE adistmentsetings       at pevice paring
 Rolae thencoder buton to set output BALANICE                        Short presstheencoderbuton oaccess ptons (OSCOVERARLE>
raoen                                                                device)
 Shot press theencode button o acces FADER adiustment setings       oiscoverase
 Relate thencode buton to st outut FADER                             Rott the encoder tuton t selef unis iscoveablefrpiting:
AuDIO                                                                (ENASLE > DSABLE) Oree evabed h sourcunt s now iscoveable
                                                                     and reay To pating to your devee. Open thBuetootn setings on your
 To aeess the AJDIO setings,shot pess he ALDIO opon fom              devce o ind te source unlabled‘RackordPM and seect
 the MENU screen. Rott the encadeto soal through the stt
 setings and short pressheencoderbuton o lc the seting you          pevice
 wish to change.(7 BAND E0—CROSSOVERP0REAR RCAoAUX                   Selecting DEVIGE y short ressing the encodebutonwillalow you
 NPUT:SOURCE G>NTERIAL AVPLIRER)                                     to rerame the source unt wit upto 16 characters,Ths gives you
7 sano co                                                            the abliy o haveauniquenameforeasy idntfeatoncuring davice
                                                                     pairing. Shot press e encoder buton o slctth leteto be changed
 Shotpress the encade tutton o acces h 7 BAND EO setings Use         and roe t into hange he vaue. Repat procss unesied
 theroa encoder tsealtrough thE0 setings. (FLAT > ROGK               rame is eached
 CUSTOM)Whenseting un the CUSTOM E0. shot prss the encoder          BEEP
 buttnto setthe fistheguerey. Onceacive, role theencodertoadust      Short press theencoder buton o access te BEEPotions.Role the
 the frequrcy setings. Shortpress encoder butonagain o access the    encoder butonto tm system beep ONY OFF
 next fequency Repeat unall EQ stingsareconplet Shopress e
 MMENU buton o ut and go back up onlvel                             Tuner Recion
crossover                                                            To adist shot press thencoderbuton to ccess Rolle the encoder
                                                                     buton to slet h TUNER REGION af your rference (EURORE > USA
 Shotpresstoaccess he CROSSOVER etings.Use h rory                    > RUSSIR> LATN> AS > MPAN > MDEAST > AUSTRRL)
 ereadeto seles he tssover zone oplons (FRONT:REAR:SUB)
 Shot ress the encadeto adistthe fenvercyofthe cssover              Sorrwant
 (60H80ke—120ktAPF) Short ress MENU t it and go bck up               VERSION — Short pres the encoder un o isplaythe curent
 one Inel                                                            fimare veson ofthe unt
Rear roa                                                             UPDATE— Shot pressth encoder buton t update tefirmare. Fllow
 Shotpess toacves he REAR RCA options.Usethe roay encotert            the insructons on the sreenuhen updating
 seectptionLNE OUT>SUBNOOFER)                                       mene
punchH Eo                                                           To adiustthe THEME,shot press e encoderto aoess e eaure Rolte
 Shotpress toacces he PUNCH EO setings. Use h rolay encader         the encoderbuton o selctth deied THEME (OAC MGHT AUTO)
 toadistthe uin utpa (0—12).Shot press MENU o eatand go back        FACTORY DEFAULT
 up oreInel
 Purch EDi ananboard equalzer win upto +180@ 45and/or upto           AUDIO — Shot pressthencodebutonto access Rolalthecoder
 +1208 boost a125ite                                                 buiton t selectYESNIO. Stecting YES willreseyour unt backto

 fectordelaltsetings                                              nemove nesers
 SYGTEM Shott esthe encoder tutn o access Rott th encader          Shott ress theencoderbuton anthe REMOVE PRESETopton
 button to selet YESNO. Selectng YES wlleet your uit back t        You wl nees t e underhe PRESET group you wanto adusfist
 fectordetultsetings                                               (FMt>FMG:FMG) Using teareallous you o remove saved
Basic Operation                                                    stations on thuit Once selecc, usethe roarencodeto selectthe
                                                                   PRESET number (1—6)ofth staion youwantrenoved
Turnmo Ti unon / off                                              Fu
 Longpres the SRC (Poner) btonto um theunON oOFF                   Shott press e encoderbuton toacsess the FIM PRESET optons
ansustine tue vorume                                               (MtaM@sFM3) Using ts eaure allows you o have separat urr
                                                                   presetgrous o choose hom Use trotayencoder baton to sell
 Rolieencoderknchlet o righttodested volume lc (0—10) The          tirough he TUNER groups and shot press o seste group
 curent volumelevl wlb diplayed curinadustment
                                                                  auTo SToRE
aojustine Tisuawooren outPUT
                                                                   Short ress theencoderbuton tacses e AUTO STORE hncion:
 Pressthe SUB + or SUB— buttons to adust thoutputlevel(0—20)       You wllneesto e underhePRESET group you wanttoadustfrst
ansustine Te scneen saicntiess                                     (FMiSFNGsFM3) This eaureavtomateally stores preses on th unt
                                                                   i willstop when reses 1—6 ar set Selecthe ned PRESET groupand
 Shotpress the SCREEN BRGHTNESSbuttoto adusttbrigtress             repestto l nextst
 levl Threarewo brightness levls
                                                                   Short ress theencoderbuton taccess t LOCALoptions. Once
 Shot press the SAG buttn o show tifeentsouroptons (FM             seleted use th roany encodeto slect OM or OF: Th local opton
 TuverAn Tunerss Tunerouse=AtrtUETOOTH—PANIOORA:$                  lunesto neaby rcio statons wih suffeinty stong sigrastor good
 IRIUSXM). Use h rol encader o shor press he SRC button o scalt    receplon. in aas whererecedlon s poo, svlting o disance uring
 tmouh sources                                                     evabes the unt uninto mor isantsitions. Disance unig is
                          FM TUNER
                                                                  Am BaIID SETTINGS
                                                                   To accessheAM BAMND SETTINGS,short pressthe MENU when
                                                                   usin heAMl TUNER source This willaiveyou access thstings
                                                                   speate to hA TUNER (MN+PRESTS—ADD PRESETS—REMOVe
                                                                   presers—AUTO SToRE>LOCAL)
                                                                   Shott press e encader buton o acces te PRESETS st Usng is
                                                                   featr allons youto ce uhiPRESETS are saved on the unt
                                                                  ADp PrEsETS
                                                                   Short pressthe encoder buton on thADD PRESETS option You wl
Tuner Operation (FM/AM/WB)                                         e to h on bt e staionand PRESET roup you wantto add frst
 To opeats, use hel cneodertoesthunc sourcs you antto              (AMt>AN2) Using his ature alons you t se siions o t unt
 litento (FMoANVWB)                                                Once sleced use the rolany encoderto selectthe PRESET rumber (1—6)
                                                                   youvent th safon savedto
 To AVTO SEEX stafons shot press the ND and REV buttons. To       REMOVE PRESETS
 MWIUAL SEEK sations,long pressheFWD and REV botonsto unto
 the desied requency                                               Shott ress e encoderbuton anhe REMOVE PRESETS opton
                                                                   You wl neadt bunderthe PRESET group you vanto adusfist
 To MUTE the TUNER, shotpresshe PLAY/PAUSE buton                   (AMM>ANZ),Using his ature alons you t removesavedstions
Fit BaNID SETTINGS                                                 on the uni.Once seleld, use h rolryencodertoselectPRESET
                                                                   nurmber (1—)ofthe taion you want emoved
 Toawess theFM BAID SETTNGS shot press he MEAU when
 usingtFM TUNER source Thwll e you acess tthe stings              am
 sgeao the FM TUNER(FM—PRESETS>A00 PRESETGRENMOV                   Short press the encoderbuton toaccess te M PRESET ogtons
 PreSeTs—AUTO STRE—LOCA)                                           (AM>AN®) Using hs t llns you t have separts tinepresot
presers                                                            groups to choose rom. Use h rlay encoderbutonto l trough
                                                                   the TUNER groups and shotpressto selee group
 Shotpress the encade button t acces hePRESETS t Usingthis
 featirealou youto sewhatPRESETS aresave ontunit                  auTo sTore
ADD PRESETS                                                        Shott ress theencoder buton tarcess the AUTO STORE incion
                                                                   You wl need t bunderthe PRESET group you vanttoadiustfist
 Shott pess theencade tutton onthe ADD PRESETS opton. You wl       (AMMAN) Thseature atomatcaly stores reses on theunt, 1wll
 need o he on hoh sation and PRESET group you vanttoadd fist       stop when presals 1—6 arset Slet henextPRESET grou and repeat
 (MTaFMI2SFI), Using hieture llous you o save taons t e            to t nestsat
 un‘t Orcseleceduse th olencodetoselecthePRESET rumber
 (1—6) you wantthestaton saved o

tocat                                                                  snurrue
 Shot prssthe encoder butt toaczssthe LOCAL optons. One                                                 sHuFe
                  tay enc      elet ONor OFF Th ocal opor
              radisilo        sifiienty stony sw t
                           epton is poot tcing       to   dstance tw                                              Roctod Fosqat
 evables he unt           trodisant          Disancetin                    rerd etensionc                      the c is 3 t
 the delult                                                             (1Onster)
we satn sertincs
               e on    ettncs             the MENU whenusing
         TUNER souce Tris wl ove you ccess o t        s oi
                                       PRESETS ist Usig t


                           yovant enoved

   igh      HERMANN                                                    CHYST (MHFS
3:45                                                                   Bluetooth® Operation

enowser                                                                                     c0IRS.S
 Shot pressthe n             t                   N        ns PUAY
 Uforimore Aoms.aomts—son6s.courostie— lboso
 OKG—R0DCASTS] Usng thi              fortacis or
 sorgs by diferentypesofc
Repear                                                                                                  REPEAT fatue
                                                                                                           your peference
                   code battnto acessthe REPEATtsture optons

 Shotpress theencade tutton o access he SHUFFLE eatire optons
 (OFF>ALL) Trifatre allous you t etyou prterence o stuing


 Thfstrallons you t contolhePandor® app rom the source unt
 direty (Android userswl hss to use Blustooh onl 108 uses can
 use bothUSB and Bletooth)} You wl zd to sartthe Pardora® app on
 your davic s then slcthePandors® soure optonon the source
 un‘, To use th"Thams Up®eatwe,longpressheSUB buton. To
 use the "Thumbs coun?        long press heSUB— buton
 Topla orpausea so hot press t PLAYPAUE buton
 To tip a tackfowart, shor pess the WO buton
 To awess Pandora® speifsetings, shortpress tNENU buton for
 the istofsetings (GTHTIONS:—8O0KNARKS:STRTIONS NANAGE) se
 the encader to seetthe optionto change
 To adust, shotpress thencode hutontoacces,Roalthe encoder
 buton to sletyouoptons (GHUFFLE:SORT DATE2:STATONS)
 Seking the SHUFFLE oon llstufl yousiaonand seeing the
 SORT fetue wil yourflns by date addedor lprabetcaly.You
 can also selec your savd satins it om hi st
 To BOOKNMARIC anariso track hatis laying shot press thencoder
 buttnto isply your BOOKMARK optons (ARTST>TRACH) Seet the
 on you wshto use for bockmating
 To avat satios shotpressheencode buton to iplyyour
 ARTIST OPTION alons you to ceat a sation fom the aristhatyou e
 curenty tering CREATE FROMTRACK notkssmjary by creaing
 a statonfom th curenttack ing plyed. I you catea saton by
 seectng CREATE FROM GEIRE, ts wl ue you music genves o
 seectfom to crle yoursaion Seleing DELETE wil dltehenow
 Pandor, hePandorlogo and hePandora tade dress artadematis
 ar reastired bademarksof Pandra Media Inc. Used ith prmission
 Pardorais only malabl in cetai counties. Rease vist ip:/hnow
 pindors.comflgalfo more inomaton



                               Blom fise                           Chedk fise f t unt, eplae win corectatig.

                               Vetices gnitonis off                Ifcomneciefoloning thinsructons, the unwil not
                                                                   opere it igniion f.

Source unitdoesnot um on.
                               \olage agliedtoRed wir is not       Check bateryconneatons anfusesand repa o eplace
                               betveen 105 & 16 voor ter is no     as necessay. l votage isabove +16 vols,have t
                               lt pesent                           elecical system inpectd byan authorized servce conte.

                               Unitisnot propery grounded          Check wiingand repair as necessan,.

Tunefals o tine any sns        Noartema ordiscannacied oopen       Checkallconnecions and repairasnecessay.
                               comecton in cable

Unable o tine latons in sesk   You re in a weaksigral aea          Make surethe tinerL0C mode is of.

                               Te USB devie has boeninsered in     Rversin he comezton decton ofhe USB devie,ty
USB device camotbe insored     the weong drecion                   reiserng.
                               "The USB device comedtr is broten   ReplcewiihanewUSBdevice.
                               The BB device is dariged            Discomect USB device and recomect t device is stl
USB devce is rot recognzed                                         rot recognzed.ty replcing wit     rert USB donce.
                               Comedors are oose                   USB does notwot win Android devies.

No sound hardwih h ioplay      No NPANIMA flesrestored on the      Stre hese fes properlyon heUSB device USBdoesnot
ofishom                         USB devie                           work h Androd devces.

Sound stips os noisy           Wfl"“
                                    fes arenot suded               UiseMPNMAfles ht aencoded corecth.

MP3 is otplyingback            Witing vor acured. The MP3 frmat    Makesure M3 hasbeenuriten n a supportd fommat
                               is rot compatie.


Caractérstiques de concention (Fig. 1)                                     1s ctlage dectriqulrs d ote optrtin sr un vehicle
Encodeur rotati                                                            Ne mais acheminerle is sous e véhicul Achemineiss a
 C boutonset a austel vlume prinipal, es volumesdezonesin                  Uintéinr du véniule ourit lmeilcre procton
 ravigaton du menu etles réglages es paamites                              Evterdacheriner tsfi sur ou a taversdas bords couparts
Bouton MENU
                                                                           Uisedests en caoutchoue oue lastque pourprotigeies
                                                                           ts acheminés ans o méta, en paticulei par—feu
 C booton donneaccis se paramitespincpae e Fappari par                     TOUJOURS prtiger i bater t 1e systime detrique detot
une onguepression. Appuyerdassusbrvement pour avair accs anx
 peamtres poula souceactve
                                                                           dommage gricea es uies approris Insaler 1e pore—usble
                                                                           appropnéetle usil ut ealimentation d+12 V dans es
Bouton SRC (Alimentation)                                                  18om (18 po) detabome e btere.
 C boton pernet dcommute ente es sources(aesion coute)ot               10. Lors del mie i tere au chissis oo viieue, oater tote
 dactveretde ésaciver apparel (ressonlongue)                               peintre u métalpouassreune bomne comexion a ia masse
Boutons SUB                                                                propreLesrceordements d mise a edovent e auss cours
 Ces bootons prmatent dalstera sorie dusubwoofr ou t igne arire            w possble etloujours comects a melal quiestsoudtau cops
vers e hautouveri ts (0—20)                                                principal o au chissis, duviheul Lesboulon de cenure de
                                                                           stcurtt ne dabentjamal rutiéspor reccorda a a lere.
Bouton LECTURE/PAUSE                                                Montage (Uilisation dta plaque de montage)— Fig.3
Aopuyer sur ce bavtonpoujoverou auser a musioue. e beuto srt         Pour monteTunié, i fauda unesurice platedisposant un diggzment
aussdeVELLEUSE quand acourceest n made ALX t TUNER                   atéauatdemireauoftesutisanment e dégagement pourTuniE t out
Bouton DIMMER (GRADATEUR)                                            sonctlage nécesse
Aopuyersur oe bovlon pour slecionner enlvales d luninost¢            Unefos ave Tenplacement ds montage ura 6 déemin, ifucea
 d fatichage                                                         couperun tou creaair de 77 mm de damate.
Bouton REVIEWD                                                       Uefae tou oupé,fae glsser Tunt e e cblaga estou
 Usr ce bouton porsatar en air t on enparn eschaines ou              Faire glsser l plagu de montage surFaiir e Tunié t i stcurser a
les pistes arc unepression coute.Une pressio ongueactiver le mode    Taide ces vs foumies
de echerche manvele                                                  Aopuyesu a linteprflé sul daant e funit.
Conteru                                                              Brarcheles isceas de cilage tlesctbes.Consuter schéma e
 * Untésoure                        +. Fasceavalinentaionhaut        céblagepouletypes de connexion d isceade ciles
 * Lureteproiite                       garear                       Montage (utliationd support en U) — Fig. 4
 * Plase de monlage                 *: Manel insalatonet             Pout monteuni€, i uces uresurice pte diposant un diggzment
 * SupotenU                            deglotaion                    atéquatdeirequioftesutisanmentde dégagenent pou untfout
 * \is                                                               son ctlage nicessaie.
                                                                     Uefos ave Tenplacement demontage ura 6 déemnin, i1 fucea
Considérations o‘insallation                                         couper un tou creuaire de 77 mm de damate.
Voii unit de base des outs ngessares pourFnstalaton :                Uefae toucouné,fairglsser fune e cblag aiestou
 *   Vontte/Oimnite                 *   Tibsle thermoractble         Prende l support en U t are glserlesdeux govions sur Tartir de
 *   Déndevse                       *   ferasouter                   Tunit. Sererare es écous oi
 *   Serissaise                     *   Soidase                      Aopuyesu a lint prflé su le vant e Iunit.
 *   Coe—ils                        *   Pisletthemmique              Brarcherle iscemde cilage tlescabes.Consuler o sthémade
 *   Toumericucome n° 2             *   Céde7mm                      ciblace poules pes d connetion d iscead ciles
 *   Clé e bome de tatere                                           Paramtres de I‘unté source
 *   Peceise poratie e                                               Pouracaideauparanites d funté sourc,aopujelonguzment sur
     enbouassots                                                     ts beuion MENU usatichagedesoptions.Fare pvole Tercodeur
Cate sern se concen urcatines ds consiiratons atonctiles             pouraredle1 te des aaamites t efecuer inpresson
ouIinstalation d a rowiel unté soure.Pré—slanifrTaméragement         coute sulebovto lercadeurpouslectonne1e pramate aueFon
c systime etles meileres voisdectblage eragagnercu temps en          souhate modifer (BALANCEzFADERzAUDIO:VOLTAGE GAUGEST
insalaton. Lors ds déison d Taméagerment u rovieau systime,          PnrNG»Beer>Tuner ReGiONSOFTWARE=FACTORY DEFAULT)
stassurerque chaavecomposant sfnlement accssil pour efectur          Cete unt source a un courntrul qvand ole es ésecvie. Tous es
es riglages                                                          parembts e priiganes seont sanveqards ae i batrl d bteas
En cas de queston suIinsalaon do systime so—nine, s fare             pendantFenteposage
insale pr un tecniien qualfé Aucio Rockford                         sauaice
AvantTintlationdebrancher la bome négatve() dabater pour             Aopuyebivement sur s bouton encodearpor acoide aux
préveit tout omerage matre tutncenci e¥ou s lessures                 paramities de régage de BALANCEFare ivoer 1e bouton dencoder
Aentvles                                                             pourrégle i BALANCE desorie
Avant dcommencertouinstlatonsuire cesimplesrgles :                  rroen
     Fairatntondere atentvement t e conprentr les nstuctons          Aomuyerbrivement sur s boutondencodeur pour acoide aux
     aant d trterIinsale un                                          parembtes de régage du FADER Fie pivler e bodton deneodeur pour
  . Parmesure de sturt, ddranchr i i négal d a bteri mant            régie1e FADER desorie
     d commencer Tnsalion                                           aupio
  . PourfaslterTassenblagei estonsellé facheninetouses is            Pouraccider aus paremaltes ALDIOefectur une presion coute sur
     avantdemorterTuntt en ple.                                      ToptioAUDIO patdeFécan MENFaire piaterTencodeurpour
     Acheninertous es cbles RCA pris es uns ds uts t Nicat           fae dfle 1a ste ces paramites tefectuer unpression coute sut o
     ds s hast inensté                                               boutendencdar pour sldiomnet 1e peranitave Ton soutate modl—
     Uiserdes comectersd hvte ult pouruninsalaton fatle              fer (7 BRND E0sorossoVerurEt=ReAR RoAoALiINPUTSOURCE
     et pourminnisei peredesignal ou daimentalon.                    caileinrern. ABLiRer
     Penseravatde perce ! Fae atentonde ne pascoupeni ercr
     dans es résevolsa esserc, escanalsatons de carturan, es        7 saiEd
    condules d ns ou condules yrauliques, es ignes d vide ou        Aopuyebribement utoutondencodearpor accéder ux


pearmies 7 DAND CO.UtlicerTereodauroutt poufaredétlrles            modifela vlea. Répterls procesusjuoquoe ue vous dsiie rom
seamites ED. (FLAT > ROCK > CLASSEC > ACOUSTIC > DANCE             estateit
> ELECTRONC > HP.H0P > CUSTON) Lors d confquation d
CUSTOM EQ, efecturunepression coute sulebouton dencodear pour      BiP
régle 1a premire Réuence.Une foisacth, aire pvotrTencodeurpur      Ropujebribvement ur e boutondencadeurpour acoider x otins
aluseles paramires dhéquence,lfeciuer unutpresionce                BP    Fie toumerlsbouton fencadeurpouractveidéactver o ip du
sur e boutondlencder pouracoidea s éguznce prochaine. Ripter       syttme
jusoce avetous es pramites ED soienterminés. Appuyer brive—        résion ou TuneR
mentsurlebocton MENL pourquiteet revendun nvea en aribre.
cnoisement                                                          Pouralustr apuyer brivementsurlebouton fercedear poraccéde.
Aopuerbrivenent pour acoide x paamates de CROISEMENT                Fairtoumer 1e bouton ancodeur pourslectonne1a REGION DU
UisrTercodeurrolit pourslectonnelesaptions d nes de                TUNER d préfiece,(EUROPE > USA > RUSSE ANERIOUE LATINE >
erisement (FRONT:REAR—SUB).Efecuer unecoute ression sr             AS> J8PONl> MOYEN—ORENT> AUSTRAU®
Teneodear our aliser a réaverce d erisemen 60 Hr=0 K120            Lositiet
HeoAFF),Apouyer brivementsurlebouton MENWpor auiteet revni         VERSION — Agpuje rivement stleboutondencodecrporafche a
dun nveay en ariire                                                version delogieacveledeFunit
nen anfiéne                                                         MMISE A JOUR — Agpuyerbribementsur e bouton encodeur pour mtre
El€ciuer unpression coupouaaider ue optons RCA AR:                  1e ogiil our Sles instuctions a ‘Eran pour matr a our
AEERE UnliseTencdeur rotapoursiltiomer es optons (LINE             mene
ourssuadoren).                                                      Poutréglei THENME . apuree brivement sTereodaur pour acoidera
punce ea                                                            1a foncton Tourezis boutn encodeur pourslecionner 1e hime disié
Aovuyer brivenentpouracoider auspaamates de PUNCH E0. iier         Ciounot, AUTO)
Tencodear rolt por ajstr asortd gain (0—12) Appujerbrivement       néciace pusine
sur e bouton EN pour quiter et esenir un niveau n ariare            AUDI — Appuyerbrivement suis bouton dencodeur pouacoder
Punch EO est un églieaembarqutave un amolfetemaxinumde              Fairpivteis butan lercodeupoursélecionner YES/VO (OUIMION)
+189 a 45 Hectlou de +12 0B a 12ite                                 SHlectonner YESIOUpour ematr Tunté ue régages usine
ethée aux                                                           SNSTENE— Appuyer briivementsul boton lencodear pou caiter
 RENIOWMER— Pourerommer AUX, appuyerbivement sr l ooton             Fairpioteis botan lercodeur poursélectomer YES/AVO (OULMION)
 dencodeupou ége ta premir letre do noureau nom. Une fis            SélectonnerYESOUpout ematr funté aurégages fusine
actié,e toumerTercodeurpour ajuster ies lttesEfecer uneautre        Fondtonnementd tase
 pression outsu1e touton dercadeur poutéglela rochaineltre         Activermésacriver vunité
 Rpter usau‘a ce aue AUX lt 6 renomimé. Appoyerbrivement suie       Appuelonguzmentsulebouto SRC (Rlientaion]pour ACTVER ou
 bouton MENU pourquiter t reveni un nivea en aire                   DESACTIVE funi¢
AGTVER — Appayer brivementsue boutan dencoder por aoider           nésuace ou vorume
aueaptonsFaie ourmerle boton denendrpour secnners                   Fairtoumerlsbouton dencodaurves a oache ou vesta dote as
 Tuntéest dicouratl. (BNABLE> DSARLE/ACTIVER:DESACTVER              iveay e volume sochait(0—410. Leniveau ce volume actuel safiche
cam source                                                          pendant eréglage
 Pour lustelenbveau d gain fenés e péibirque,lditer es             nésuace be La sontie ou suewoorer
 enttes (A TUneroAN TUNERs TUNEroUSAUtoLUETOOT                      fi]u%y’ev surlebouton SUB + ou SUB— pourégl1e nveaud orte
 HoPRNOORKjusquau piiphirique ave o souhate ajustr appujer
 britement ie bovion dencodeurpour acoider aue paramites de gain   nésace pe ca LumiMosirpe vécran                _
 Faie torme1e bovtn lencadeurpouréglerlenveasdegai. +3 B >         Aomugerbrierrent sur i boton LUMNOSITE DE CECRAN pou juser
 ~2 > —1 B > 00B > +1 0B > 2 08» +8 )                               tenieade uninosi6.1l aste dnveau d uminosi¢.
Ampuricareun nteai                                                 séLecrionner uie sounce A souen
Aoguyerbrivenent pour acoide s tions ANMPLFICATEURNTEaNE           Aogusebribement ur e bovton SRC gouralfcheles ditentes
 UlisrTercodsurroltt pourslectonnelesoptons (ONbOFF),Losde         itonsde sourc(Al TUNERAN TUNER:U TUNeR:UsBALh9L
 Tutlsaton um ampifeater poramenterlhautpareurs,sletion—            VeTOOTHRRHIOORA:SRUSX1). UtierTereedaur rotatl ouanporer
 rer OF:Si on aliment les havt—sareur dreclementde Funté souce,    briivementsurlsbovion SRC poufaredéllerles sourcs
 séectomer FAMPUEFICATEUR NTeRNsur ON                              Fondtonnementdu tner(FMAVM®)
morcareun ve Tension                                               Pour hire foriomer utisrTencodesrolt pourstlecionneia
 Pouralfchelaterson du viieusapooyer brivement suie bouton         sourc de tierqueFansouhatEcouer(PM—AVN)
 dercodeir surFopton NDLCATEUR DTENSION                            Pour RECHERCHER AUTOMATIOUEMENT dessatons, appuyebive—
Apeninace be Péntpéniaue 8t                                        imentsurles outons FWD t REV Pour RECHERCHER MANUELLENENT
Aqouyee brévement se boutoncodeurpouraccéder x options             s siions,appujer ongiementsules bovtons FHD e REV pour réger
 (DScoverteteniseositir)                                           a o fréquence soutalte
niscoveraste                                                       Pout mette s TUNER en SOURDINE,appuyerbitement s bouton
 Tournee s boutonencodeurpor sietiomers untE est tecable           rubiraUSe
 our lpparement (2UMBLE DISABLE) Une oisactve, unsource            ranamEthes ve sande Fit
est mainlenant vsible Et pri a ire counléa voteappre. uvree        Pouraccider aPARANMETRES DE BANDE FM,appuser brvement
 les pamites Blucooth devote. Pourrouneunié souree intlule         surle MENL Irs d utiisatondesourc PM TUNER, Gec domera
 «Rockdord PMetstectonnez                                          aceis aeamites saéefves aFM TUNER (FMxPRESETS—AOD
nisrosmr                                                           ereserS—RENMOVE PEsETS—AUTO STORE—LOCAL.
 La slecion e DEVICE en appuyant brivement sui bcton pour          stamions prénéstées
 renommerFunié sourte aveo un maximum de 16 caracives. ol vous     Aopurebiement sl bouton dencodeurporacoidea 1a Iste des
 dame i possl avaiun nom uniavpourlasteIidenifeaton                STATIONSPRERGLEES, Utsercate fonctonpour var queles Sth—
 sendanTappareapparement apouyez brivementsula ouche du            TONS PREREGLEES sontsameqartées suun
 codeur pour sélecioner i letrea modiferet tourez e boutonpour


Aoo rresers (wouten ors stations pnénéctEts)                       avair desgroupes d siation priégies dunestparts parni
EHecher un pression courl sur e bouton dencodarsuTption            lesquels choisit Utise1e bouton lencodauroatt pourfate oiferles
AJOUTER DES STATIONS PREREGLEES1 fuds tounesula izion              aroupes e TUNER t appoyer bitement pouslectonne 1e groupe
et sule roupe des SHTIONS PREREGLEES qv fon soutateaioter en       Auro sron(sAUVEGARNDE AUTOMATIQUE)
premier (FNTaFGxFG), Uflisercate fonctionporpoovisaveg—            Aopuyebibermentsur is outon dancadeur pour accédea 1a oncion
arder de satios sur Iuit. Une is slectonnis utiserTeneodeur        SAUVEGARDE AUTOMATIOUE: l faua se rowsr soustegroue
ralaitpour selectonnelsnumiro de STATION PRERESLEE (1—6) ur        des STATIONS PREREGLEES queFonsohallaluser en premir
lequl on souhailsaneqarder l saton:                                (AMT>ANM2). Cete loreion saveqardeautonatquement es satons
newove Presers (suPPriMER es Stations rrénéctEES)                  prérégies sur Iunté. Celsartlr lorsqueles talons priiaies 1—6
Efechuer e pression courte sue bouton lecodersur foption           sontrdalées. Sectonne1e procaingroupe deSTATIONS PREREGLEES
SUPPRIMER DES STATIONS PREREGLEES1 fucr se towner sous e           etrépéter pourrempl e eu pochain
qroupe des STATONS PREREGLEESave on sounale aluser en premien      LOCAL
(FMT=FNMOzEMG) Utlisercatefoncton ourpouvi spprimerdes             Aopurer bribement ur i botandencodeapor accide c options
stations suveqartis urPunté,Une toisslecionnis.utliser farendaur    LOCALUne is slecionniautlser Feneodeutroatt pourslecionner
relif pour selecfonneis numirode STATION PREREGLEE (1—6) d a       O ou OFFLoption LOCA se rigle ses staions de radi proctes
staton que on soutate suppriner                                    aveedes signaur sufisammentfos pour une bome récetion. Dans ies
Em                                                                 ones ob la riception est midloe, passer a rigage a dtance pornet a
 Efecher un pression cousue outon encodai pour acnider              Turide s rége dansdes sls lus disanles.Leréglage a isance
 aueoptions STATONS PREREGLEESFAM (FMt>FMGsFRY. Utiser             est e rdplage dusine
 ceteforio permet avnides groupes e statonsprvigiesdeter           ranaitEtRes be BANDE We
 stprtsparni esquels choiit Unlse e bouton dencoderoalf por         Pouracaidera PMANMETRES DE BANIDE WBappuyr biivement
 faredétlrles groupesde TUNER t appuyerbrivemen pour stecton—      uie MENL lors e Tutiisaton de source WB TUNER Ceci domera
 ner e groupe                                                      acves aux paamitesspéciiques a WB TUNER PRESETSADD
auto stone (sAuvecaroe avromamaut)                                  eresers»neOve preSETS)
 Appare brivement suie boulon Feveodeur pout acoidra afoction      stamions prénéctées
 SAVEGARDE AUTONMATIOUE 1fuca se tromersous e groupe               Apowre brement sls bston encodeupouaccider a a tedes
 es STATONS PREREGLES cv fon soutate austor en premir              SUATIONSPREREGLEES,Unisecate foncton pour vair ules STh—
 (MTSFMZzFN) Ceteloncion sunegarde actonatiquzment es ta>          TIONS PREREGLEES sont sameqarties suunié.
 Hions prtégits ut Tunté Cola sortrloscue e satonsprhigles         A0o presers (AloUTer es stAtIons Prénéctées)
 1—6 sonrigiies Sdectioner e prochain groupe e STATIONS PRERE—     EHlctver un pression outesu1e beuton fercodar suopton
GLEESetripéerpou rempl e ju proctain
                                                                   AIOUTER DFSSTRTIONS PREREGLEES. 1 faudse rounersules dn
rocat                                                              sttions que Fon uhi auter en preniec Unisercate forconpour
Agguyerbrivenentsu1e bodton dencodeur pouraccideaux optons         poimoir sarvegarterdes tatonssuTunié. Unossectonte,utlisr
 10GAL Uneis sltionte, tiserfencodauroaltporslectomner              Teneodeur rait pousdectonncis uméro d STATION PREREGLEE
 Oll o 0FF Lapton LOCAL se rige suis statonsderadio poches         (1—6) sulequel on soubate savvegader lasaion
ave des signaue sutisammentfots pour une bornericpton.Dans es      Remove rresers (suppriMer bes stations prénécLées)
zores ol réceonestmidoem, paser aurglag a dstance perneta          Appuzebrivement ur i butandencodearsur Totin SUPPRIMER
 Tunide se réglerans es staonsplus isartes.Leréglagea ditarce       0S STRTIONS PREREGLEES 1I ut se trooversous ie roupe
estleréiglage dusine                                               es STATIONS PREREGLEES aueFonsouatealser en pemier
PanamEtrEs e BANDE AM                                              (AHT>ANM2)Utiser cefonctonpor poovirsuprimerdessatons
Pouracoider n PMRAVETRES DE BANDE AM,apporerbivement               saneqarties srFunt, Une foisslectonnie,utiseencoder roalit
sur e MEN losde Futistin d sorce AM TUNER.Cacidonnera              poursilecioner e rumir d STATION PREREGLEE (1—) e la taton
acets an pranites sptiiuesaAM TUNER (AVsPRESETS>A0O                que Tonsoutate supprines
PreseTS>RENOYE PRESETS~AUTO STORE>LOCAL)                           Fonctionnement US8 (iPod)
stamions pnéréctes                                                 Ue uie péiphirique comectt a unisoure,cete fongion pernet
Aqourerbrbvement surlebouton dencadeur poraccidea t ste des        d ontter n ecire a partrdu pérghirique drclement deFunt
SURTIONS PREREGLEES: Utiiercete oncion pour vair gules ST—         SHectonnerfopton source US8 sur Tunté source
TIONS PREREGLEESsont saunegardis sur Funit                         Pourjover o pause un chansonappuyer bribvement surlebouton
Aoo presers (wourer ves starions pnénéctes)                        ruainuse
        trlivenentsule bovton dercodeur pour acoder a Fopton A0O   Pour aierune pise vesPavant, appujebivement se boutonFWD
PRESETS uic se rouver sur l satin t sul roupe des STA:             Poursaiter une pise vrs Paie, apouyer bibvement sut ie odton REV
TIONS PREREGLEES aveFon souhail aiouter en premie(RMToANZ)         Poaracaider ux paamites sptcifoues USB,apporebite—
Uisecete foncionpur povir savegardeces tlons suTunt                mentur i bouton NENU pourolena is ces parmites
UnefoslectonnisutliserFencadest tolatl porslecionne 1e nu—         (@AOWSEROREPEATSHUFFLE] Uniser Fencoderpoursletiomer
mérode StATION PREREGLEE (1—46)slequel on sounate sauveqarder      Toption modifec
     ion                                                           snowsen (iavicateur)
nevove presers (suPPRIMeR es StArions PrérésLEES)                  Aoguyer bribement ur e boutondencadewpouraccide aucogtins
Eleciuer ue pression coute su e boston dencoda sur foption         NivicaTeUR(PuaruisTs—ARTIsTS>ALBUNMGGENRES—50NGS>COM
SuprriMe® DES STRTIONS PREREGLEES 1 fauta se trouwer sous ie       PoSer=AUDIOBOOKS—PODCASTS) Utse catefontonpernet de
qroupe ds STATONS PREREGLEESave Tonsounate aluser on premier       cherther s pises ou chansons pardiffrents pesdecatigores.
(RiftaAMP Utlisecatefortio pou pourot suppriner ds satons          revent (répermon)
saneqatiessur Tunt. Unefois slectonntsutlisr Tercodeutroutt        Aopuyebrivement ur Je bouton dancodeurpor accideuc options
pour sdlectonne1e rumiro deSTAION PREREGLEE(1—6) de asaten         d a foratin REPETTION (OFF—ONEALL)
cue Ton sochate supprines                                          sume
am                                                                 Aopuyebritement ur is botondancodearpour accideauxoptions
Appurerbrivement suleboutan fencadeur pouraccider ux optons        d a fontion SHUEFLE (DFF>ALL..Cateforconperet e rigr es
 STATIONS PREREGLEES FM (AMf—AMZ). Utlsercete ondionpermet         préféences e lcturalttar d pistes oud ctansons.


Fondiomement AUX                                                   cneatt FhoM TAO— GNCATC FROM GchAt—DCLETE)Sectomer
Uiefos e périphérique branché dans Punté source,oet onction        rormion caete rrou ArTiT(Céer A PMR D CARTISTEpour
permet djoue de musique a patrdupéiphérique. Scionner foption      pounoi erder uns siaona pare Farste ueFonécout acvele—
sourte AUK sur Tunté soure t tifseis périphrque banché pour        irent, Uoption CREATE FROM TRACK (CREER A PAFTIR D€ LA PSTE)
corttler lastetin dchansons/ite, PLAYPRUSE etsautela pite          tonconne d ta méme zon n rdat une stton a partd a iste
                                                                   actuele joute. Son rte instalon en siletionant CREATE FROM
Fonctlonnement Bluctooth®                                          GENRE (CREER A PARTR DU GENRE] ces doner e choixdegeves
                                                                   d musiquea sdetiomer pur erer n staion. SAectiomer DeLETE
 Ue fo e périphéiquappalta unié soure,cote forcion pernet          (SUPPRINER) poursupprimela statonut oue maintenat
 de conterla lecture a paridu poiphiioue direcementde unié.        Pandor, ie logo Pandor t hatilage Pandorsntdes martues ce
 SHectiomneroptonsourc BLUETOOTH suTuni€ souce                     com merceon desmergues decommer déposies de Pardora Media,
 Pourjouer ou paiser une chanson,appujer brivementse bcton         In.Utlisis aves pernisson Pandora estisponble ue dans catains
 RAYPAUSE                                                          pays Prr d consuterip;ium pandora conegal pourd pus
 PoursateunpteversFvantappuyerbriverent surlebouton WO             anple infomations
 Poursateun pite vesFarlre apouyer brivementsuie boutn RE
 Pouracoider ux parmbtes sptciiques BLUETOOTH,appuyer
 briverment su e outan MENU poutteni a se des parimetes
 (éroilseroRereATSHUFFLE UilserTeneadeurpour slectonner
 Toptiona modifec
snowsen (navicareur)
doguyerbrivementsulsbouton dencadeur ut secide ux optars
 AnviGarEv® (ruamists—nimists=ALxs—cees—sons:Cont
 POSEG—AUDIOB0OKS—20DGASTS) Utlisecete foncon pernetde
chercherlespies ou hansons na iférents tpes de catigores.
neear (RépErmon)
Aoguyerbrivenentsulsbodton dencedeur poursecider aux optons
 deoncion REPETTION (OFF>0NE—ALL Gt foncon ernel de
 rége1a riérece se nome e is qutine piste ouqutine chanson
Aoguyerbrivenentsurlsbocton fercedeur poraccider ux optons
 de foncion SHUFFLE (OFF>ALL atefondion perme d égle les
 préirencesde lecurealtoredepitesou de chansons
 REMAROUE Lorde Tutlistion un cile deterson USB,it dot sage
 un cale Jextensin RuckordFoszale La ditarce maxinale poue
 citleestde 10 mites (3 pieds)
 Cateforcton permedcontrler Tapplction Pardora® a portde
 Tunité source dreciment (esutlstes Andrid devontuisr
 Blooth uniquements utisates 08 pewent uts a fois USB
et Blutoth) !I facta lancer fppleaton Pandor® se péiphérique
en premie,slecomeralors fopionsource Pandors® suPunts
 sourtePouutliseis forction = Thums Up >appuse onguement
 sur e bouton SUB+ Pouutliela fortion » Thums doin »appurer
 Tonguzmentsulebouto SUB—
 Poutjouer ou paiserune chanson, appujer bitementsr e boton
 Poursaerun piste versFavant appurerbrivementsurlebouton WO
 Pouracoider ux parmites sptciiaus Pandom®,appurer
 bribement ut e outon MENJ pouoteni a ie des paramites
 (sTaTION80OKMARIG—STATIONS MRNAGE) tlser eneodearpour
 sectoner ootion a modifer
 Pouraluser apuyerbribement suis bouton dencodaur poua—
céde Falre fourmerls boston dencodeur poursietiometles ptons
 pourmelangeles statons e stetiomner la forctonSORTTRIER va ther
 les staons par dte ioute ou prortealptattins lletéqsement
 pueshlede stletiomnerlessiators saneqerdiesdiectement e nte
 Pour METTRE EN SIGNET un atie o une pite ut oue, appuyer
 bibement se buton dencodapouraticherlesoptons B00K—
 MARKSIGNETS (ARTISTTRACK) Sectonner Totonave on souhate
 utliser pouria mise en signct.
starions manase (Geston es stations)
 Pourerder ds stationsagpoyerbiement sulsbovto dencodaur

Document Created: 2019-05-15 16:35:02
Document Modified: 2019-05-15 16:35:02

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