Foxtrot Radiation Hazard Analysis

0059-EX-ST-2006 Text Documents

ViaSat, Inc.


Design Analysis

Author:            Keith Dishman
Date:              14 July 2005
Revision:          -
Subject:           Radiation Hazard Analysis of the Foxtrot 7.3M Antenna

1. Introduction
This analysis has been prepared to determine the radiation hazard levels for the Foxtrot 7.3M
antenna. This analysis is not intended to certify that a safety hazard does or does not exist.
It is the responsibility of the organization operating the antenna to evaluate the results of this
analysis, along with other sources of data, and determine if a safety hazard exists.

2. Applicable Safety Standards
The applicable safety standard for electromagnetic field exposure specified in the Antenna
System Requirements Specification is summarized in Table 1.
                                                                                 Power Density Limit
                                                                            General public      Occupational
          Standard Title                         Issuing Organization         exposure           exposure
Guidelines for Limiting Exposure
to Time-Varying Electric,                       International Commission
Magnetic, and Electromagnetic                   on Non-Ionizing Radiation    1.0 mW/cm2           5.0 mW/cm2
Fields (Up to 300 GHz), issued                     Protection (ICNIRP)

The power density values given are those that apply to the transmit frequency band of the
Foxtrot antenna, 2.000-2.125 GHz.

Foxtrot Radiation Hazard Analysis - Rev 1.doc                                             Last Changed: 7/14/05

Radiation Hazard Analysis of the Foxtrot 7.3M Antenna                                    14-Jul-05

3. Antenna Description
The antenna being considered in this analysis utilizes a 7.3-meter diameter axi-symmetric
prime-focus design. Some of the antenna dimensions are shown in Figure 1.
                                                          The antenna is capable of transmitting
                                                          over the 2.000 to 2.125 GHz frequency
                                                          band. This analysis will be performed at
                                                          the mid-band frequency of 2.06 GHz.
                                                          The antenna is equipped with a high
                                                          power solid-state amplifier (SSPA) that is
                                                          capable of producing a saturated output
                                                          power level of 50 watts.
                                                          The power delivered to the antenna is
288.0 in
                                                          determined by subtracting the
                                                          transmission line and diplexer losses from
                                   Feed horn              the SSPA output power. The loss between
                                   3.32 in square
                                   aperture               the SSPA output and the antenna feed
                                                          horn is approximately 3.0 dB. This results
                                                          in 25.0 watts maximum being radiated by
                                                          the antenna feed.


4. Analysis
4.1 General
The power flux densities in the spatial areas surrounding the antenna can be estimated from
the geometry of the antenna system and by the use of computer programs capable of
computing the near- and far-field radiation patterns of the antenna. The spatial areas around
the antenna will be divided into specific regions and an appropriate analysis method will be
used for each region. The following regions will be considered:
   •       Region between the feed horn aperture and the main reflector
   •       Region directly in front of the reflector aperture (parallel beam region)
   •       Nearfield region
   •       Far-field region

These regions are illustrated in Figure 2. For a large antenna of aperture diameter D, most of
the energy in the far-field region, beginning at a distance R=2D2/λ, occurs within a conical
volume having a half-angle of λ/D radians. Close to the antenna, the energy is mostly
confined to a cylindrical volume of diameter D. This energy is substantially parallel over the
first part of the Nearfield region, diverging into a cone of half-angle λ/D at a transition range
R0=D2/2λ. The transition from one region to the next is gradual, and the dimensions shown

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Radiation Hazard Analysis of the Foxtrot 7.3M Antenna                                              14-Jul-05

indicate the traditional boundaries. Within the region between the feed and main reflector,
the energy radiated by the feed is enclosed in a conical shaped volume extending from the
feed aperture to the main reflector.

                                                        λ/D (1.14°)


                      beam region
                         (603 ft)

                      near-field region R=2D2/λ (2,333 ft)                      far-field region

                                           FIGURE 2 - FIELD REGIONS

4.2 Main Reflector – Feed Region
The energy radiated from the feed horn is confined to a conically shaped region that extends
from the feed aperture to the surface of the main reflector. The energy reflects from the
surface of the main reflector and is directed back along the antenna boresite direction. The
feed horn is designed such that the energy level at the edge of the main reflector is less than
the level at the center of the main reflector. As a first approximation, the energy
distribution can be assumed to be uniform over the conical region’s cross-section and the
power density can be expressed as:
                                                       W =
       where A = cross sectional area of the conical region in square centimeters
               P = radiated power in milliwatts.
At the feed aperture (3.32 inches square) we have a power density of:

                                    A f = (W f   ) = (8.43 cm)            = 71.1 cm 2
                                                  2                   2

                                    P = 25.0 W = 2.5 × 10 4 mW
                                    W f = 351.6 mW/cm 2

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Radiation Hazard Analysis of the Foxtrot 7.3M Antenna                               14-Jul-05

Assuming that total reflection occurs at the main reflector, the power density over the
reflector aperture is:
                          Am = π ⎜ ⎟ = π (365.76 cm ) = 420,283.4 cm 2

                          P = 25.0 W = 2.5 × 10 4 mW
                         Wm = 0.06 mW/cm 2
Throughout most of the region between the feed and the main reflector, the actual power
density that exists at a particular point is the combination of direct radiation and reflected
radiation. For example, over most of the reflector aperture a person would be exposed to
direct energy from the feed and to energy reflected from the main reflector. As a result, the
electric field in some regions could be twice as strong, resulting in a power density four times
as strong (power is proportional to voltage squared). As a conservative estimate, the power
densities computed above are multiplied by four, resulting in the following power density

                        Feed Aperture             Wf =   1,406.2 mW/cm2
                        Main Reflector Surface    Wm =     0.24 mW/cm2

4.3 On-Axis Power Density
The radiated power in the region directly in front of the antenna reflector is primarily
confined to a cylindrical volume having the same diameter as the reflector and extending out
to a distance of approximately R0=D2/2λ. In this region, the power density varies as both a
function of distance along the antenna axis and of distance away from the antenna axis.
Figure 3 shows the on-axis power density vs. distance for a circular aperture with a 10 dB
edge taper, computed using the expression derived by Mumford [3]. Also shown in Figure 3
are approximate formulas by Mumford that can be used to estimate the maximum power

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Radiation Hazard Analysis of the Foxtrot 7.3M Antenna                                                             14-Jul-05

                                                                  On-Axis Radiation Hazard Analysis

 Power Density (mW/cm^2)



                           1 .10

                                                                                                     1 .10          1 .10
                                                                                                          3              4
                                         10                            100

                                                                                   Distance (feet)
                                              Exact Expression
                                              Approximate Expression

                                          FIGURE 3 - ON-AXIS POWER DENSITY VS. DISTANCE FOR A CIRCULAR APERTURE
                                                     WITH A 6 DB PARABOLIC ON PEDESTAL APERTURE TAPER

The simple expression for the maximum on-axis power density in the near-field region is:
                                                                           Wnf =      mW/cm 2
where P is the transmit power and Am is the reflector aperture area. For the Foxtrot antenna,
this is:

                                                        Am = π (Rm ) = π (365.8 cm ) = 420,283.4 cm 2
                                                                       2                      2

                                                        P = 25.0 W = 2.5 × 10 4 mW
                                                       Wnf = 0.24 mW/cm 2
The simple expression for the maximum on-axis power density in the far-field region is:

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Radiation Hazard Analysis of the Foxtrot 7.3M Antenna                               14-Jul-05

                                                Am P
                                       W ff =        mW/cm 2
                                                 2 2

where λ is the wavelength and r is the distance from the aperture.

4.4 Off-Axis Power Density
In order to determine the variation of power density off of the antenna axis, more
sophisticated antenna analysis methods must be used. One such tool is the GRASP9 computer
code, which permits the near- and far-field patterns of reflector antennas, such as the
Foxtrot antenna, to be analyzed. Previous analyses of similar antennas shows that the power
density is relatively constant over the angular region corresponding to the cylindrical
projection of the main reflector aperture, and that the power drops off rapidly outside the
main reflector boundaries. The magnitude of the power density corresponds to the on-axis
power density levels predicted by the approximate expression in the previous sections.
Because the on-axis power density for the Foxtrot antenna is well below the 1.0 mW/cm2
power density limit of the general public exposure standard, it is not necessary to compute
the off-axis power density levels.

5. Summary of Results
The results of the analyses are summarized in Table 2.
                                  TABLE 2 - SUMMARY OF RESULTS
                                                           Comparison to Safety Standard
                                    Power               General public        Occupational
                                   Density                exposure             exposure
           Region                  mW/cm2                 1 mW/cm2             5 mW/cm2
Feed Aperture                       1,406.2               Exceeded              Exceeded
Main Reflector Surface                  0.24              Acceptable            Acceptable
Aperture Plane                          0.24              Acceptable            Acceptable
Near-field at a Radius of               0.05              Acceptable            Acceptable
1,000 feet
Far-field (beam peak)            See Figure 3             Acceptable            Acceptable

These results indicate that the only region where the referenced safety standards are
exceeded is the following:
    •   The conical shaped region between the feed and main reflector. Personnel
        hazards in this area may be avoided by disabling the transmitter whenever
        anyone attempts to access the area between the feed and main reflector.

6. References
    1. Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic, and
       Electromagnetic Fields (Up to 300 GHz), International Commission on Non-Ionizing
       Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), 1998.
    2. Mumford, W.W., “Some Technical Aspects of Microwave Radiation Hazards”, Proc. IRE,
       vol. 49, pp. 427-447, February 1961.

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Document Created: 2006-02-24 14:24:57
Document Modified: 2006-02-24 14:24:57

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