Planned Experimentas

0105-EX-ST-2017 Text Documents

University of Alaska - Fairbanks


HAARP Exibit for February 2017 Science Campaign              1/24/2017

 Generation of Artificial Periodic      Complex sequence involving X-
 Irregularities for measuring           mode CW and pulsed heating
 aeronomic parameters of the lower      intervals interspersed with X- and
 thermosphere. A second objective       O-mode probe pulses. The record
 will be to extend API observations     should be on file.
 into night observations

 Simultaneous observations of SEE       O-mode heating with 30 minutes
 at multiple gyroharmonics (2, 3, 4,    per gyroharmonic (5
 5, 6) to validate or refute recent     gyroharmonics proposed).
 theoretical/modeling predictions       Frequency stepping through each
 for obtaining new possibilities for    gyroharmonic in order to see the
 aeronomy diagnostics. Second           full SEE spectral characteristics
 goal is to attempt to observe a two-   for pump above and below
 plasmon decay type instability.        gyroharmonic. Fixed heating
                                        power, and beam angle (perhaps
                                        20kHz step).

 Produce F-region irregularities        O-mode on for DT off for ~2 min,
 with varying heater on time            where DT varries between 10
 between 10 seconds and 1 minutes       seconds and 1 minute in . Mode
 and observe decay times.               will cycle through pulse lengths.
                                        Frequency will be just below fof2.
 Produce F-region irregularities        O-mode on for 30 seconds off for
 with varying heater frequency to       2 mins. Frequency will be stepped
 change altitude and observe decay      through bands that will heat at
 times.                                 altitudes near the F-peak, down to
                                        lower F-region. Steps will require

 Produce F-region irregularities and CW o-mode heating at a frequency
 observe their effects on satellite to chosen to optimally produce F-
 ground propagation paths              region irregularities, with a few
                                       antennas dedicated to generate a
                                       probe signal.

 Sea Scatter - HAARP will run in
 conjunction with satellite
 overflights. The objective is to
 observe HAARP transmissions
 that scatter from the sea up to the
 satellites. Transmissions to
 generate SEE will fill in gaps
 between satellite overpasses

 Generation of air glow

Provided by Dean M. Karjala
HAARP Research Supervisor

Document Created: 2017-01-24 13:09:52
Document Modified: 2017-01-24 13:09:52

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