Technical Appendix

0201-EX-ST-2018 Text Documents

UltiSat Inc.


                          UltiSat, Inc.
            Special Temporary Authorization ("STA")

                          Technical Appendix

I. Radiation Hazard Analysis

II. BB45 Off-Axis EIRP Spectral Density Patterns

III. BB45 Gain Patterns

                                    I. Radiation Hazard Analysis


This analysis predicts the radiation levels around a proposed earth station complex, comprised of
a single panel type antenna. This report is developed in accordance with the prediction methods
contained in OET Bulletin No. 65, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human
Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Edition 97-01, pp 26-30. The maximum
level of non-ionizing radiation to which employees may be exposed is limited to a power density
level of 5 milliwatts per square centimeter (5 mW/cm2) averaged over any 6 minute period in a
controlled environment and the maximum level of non-ionizing radiation to which the general
public is exposed is limited to a power density level of 1 milliwatt per square centimeter (1
mW/cm2) averaged over any 30 minute period in a uncontrolled environment. Note that the
worse-case radiation hazards exist along the beam axis. Under normal circumstances, it is highly
unlikely that the antenna axis will be aligned with any occupied area since that would represent a
blockage to the desired signals, thus rendering the link unusable.

Earth Station Technical Parameter Table
Antenna Aperture Size                 0.45meters
Antenna Effective Diameter            0.45 meters
Antenna Surface Area                  0.159 sq. meters
Antenna Isotropic Gain                34.6 dBi
Number of Identical Adjacent Antennas 1
Nominal Antenna Efficiency (ε)        70%
Nominal Frequency                     14.25 GHz
Nominal Wavelength (λ)                0.0211 meters
Maximum Transmit Power / Carrier      40.0 Watts
Number of Carriers                    1
Total Transmit Power                  40.0 Watts
W/G Loss from Transmitter to Feed     4.0 dB
Total Feed Input Power                15.9 Watts
Radome Losses                         1.0 dB
Effective RF Power at radome          12.7 Watts
Near Field Limit                      Rnf = D²/4λ = 2.4 meters
Far Field Limit                       Rff = 0.6 D²/λ = 5.8 meters
Transition Region                     Rnf to Rff = 2.4 meters to 5.8 meters

In the following sections, the power density in the above regions, as well as other critically
important areas will be calculated and evaluated. The calculations are done in the order discussed
in OET Bulletin 65.

1.0 At the Antenna Surface

The power density at the reflector surface can be calculated from the expression:

 PDas = 4P/A = 40.1 mW/cm² (1)
 Where: P = total power at feed, milliwatts
        A = Total area of reflector, sq. cm


In the normal range of transmit powers for satellite antennas, the power densities at or around the
reflector surface is expected to exceed safe levels. This area will not be accessible to the general

This antenna will incorporate a radome which has 1.0 dB of loss. The worst case power density
at the surface of the radome is shown below:

PDradome= 4Prad/A = 31.81 mW/cm² (2)
 Where: Prad = total power at feed less radome losses, milliwatts
          A = Total area of reflector, sq. cm (this would represent worst case)

Operators and technicians should receive training specifying this area as a high exposure area.
Procedures must be established that will assure that all transmitters are rerouted or turned off
before access by maintenance personnel to this area is possible.

2.0 On-Axis Near Field Region

The geometrical limits of the radiated power in the near field approximate a cylindrical volume
with a diameter equal to that of the antenna. In the near field, the power density is neither uniform
nor does its value vary uniformly with distance from the antenna. For the purpose of considering
radiation hazard it is assumed that the on-axis flux density is at its maximum value throughout the
length of this region. The length of this region, i.e., the distance from the antenna to the end of the
near field, is computed as Rnf above.

The maximum power density in the near field is given by:

 PDnf = (16ε P)/(π D²) =     22.3 mW/cm² (3)
                             from 0 to 2.4 meters
 Uncontrolled Environment:        Does Not Meet Controlled Limits
 Controlled Environment:          Does Not Meet Uncontrolled Limits

3.0 On-Axis Transition Region

The transition region is located between the near and far field regions. As stated in Bulletin 65,
the power density begins to vary inversely with distance in the transition region. The maximum
power density in the transition region will not exceed that calculated for the near field region, and
the transition region begins at that value. The maximum value for a given distance within the
transition region may be computed for the point of interest according to:

 PDtr =     (PDnf)(Rnf)/R = dependent on R (4)
 where:     PDnf = near field power density
            Rnf = near field distance
            R = distance to point of interest
 PDtr =     22.3 mW/cm²
 For:       2.4 < R < 5.8 meters


4.0 On-Axis Far-Field Region

The on- axis power density in the far field region (PDff) varies inversely with the square of the
distance as follows:

 PDff = PG/(4πR²) = dependent on R (5)
 where: P = total power at feed
        G = Numeric Antenna gain in the direction of interest relative to isotropic radiator
        R = distance to the point of interest
 For: R > Rff = 5.8 meters
        PDff = 11.06 mW/cm² at Rff

We use Eq (5) to determine the safe on-axis distances required for the two occupancy conditions:


 Uncontrolled Environment Safe Operating Distance,(meters), Rsafeu :       See Section 3
 Controlled Environment Safe Operating Distance,(meters), Rsafec :         See Section 3

5.0 Off-Axis Levels at the Far Field Limit and Beyond

In the far field region, the power is distributed in a pattern of maxima and minima (sidelobes) as a
function of the off-axis angle between the antenna center line and the point of interest. Off-axis
power density in the far field can be estimated using the antenna radiation patterns prescribed for
the antenna in use. Usually this will correspond to the antenna gain pattern envelope defined by
the FCC or the ITU, which takes the form of:

 Goff = 32 - 25log(Θ)
 for Θ from 1 to 48 degrees; -10 dBi from 48 to 180 degrees
 (Applicable for commonly used satellite transmit antennas)

Considering that satellite antenna beams are aimed skyward, power density in the far field will
usually not be a problem except at low look angles. In these cases, the off axis gain reduction may
be used to further reduce the power density levels.

For example: At two (2) degrees off axis At the far-field limit, we can calculate the power density

Goff = 32 - 25log(2) = 32 – 7.52 dBi = 280.2 numeric

 PD2 deg off-axis = PDffx 280.2/G = 0.8 mW/cm2 (6)


6.0 Off-Axis power density in the Near Field and Transitional Regions

According to Bulletin 65, off-axis calculations in the near field may be performed as follows:
assuming that the point of interest is at least one antenna diameter removed from the center of the
main beam, the power density at that point is at least a factor of 100 (20 dB) less than the value
calculated for the equivalent on-axis power density in the main beam. Therefore, for regions at
least D meters away from the center line of the dish, whether behind, below, or in front under of
the antenna's main beam, the power density exposure is at least 20 dB below the main beam level
as follows:

 PDnf(off-axis) = PDnf /100 =0.22 mW/cm² at D off axis (7)

See Section 7 for the calculation of the distance vs. elevation angle required to achieve this rule
for a given object height.

7.0 Evaluation of Safe Occupancy Area in Front of Antenna

The distance (S) from a vertical axis passing through the dish center to a safe off axis location in
front of the antenna can be determined based on the dish diameter rule (Item 6.0). Assuming a flat
terrain in front of the antenna, the relationship is:

 S = (D/ sin α) + (2h - D - 2)/(2 tan α) (8)
 Where: α = minimum elevation angle of antenna
         D = dish diameter in meters
         h = maximum height of object to be cleared, meters

For distances equal or greater than determined by equation (8), the radiation hazard will be below
safe levels for all but the most powerful stations (> 4 kilowatts RF at the feed).

   For          D=           0.45 meters
                h=           2.0 meters, delta between antenna and object >1 m
                α            S
                10           1.3 meters
                15           0.9 meters
                20           0.7 meters
                25           0.6 meters
                30           0.5 meters


8.0 Summary of Results

The earth station site will be protected from uncontrolled access by virtue of the fact that it will
be mounted on the roof of a vehicle. There will also be proper emission warning signs placed and
all operating personnel will be aware of the human exposure levels at and around the earth

The table below summarizes all of the above calculations.


                     Parameter                         Abbr.             Units                       Formula

Antenna Effective Diameter                              Df     0.450    meters
Antenna Centerline                                      h        2      meters
                                                                                2                             2
Antenna Surface Area                                    Sa     0.159    meter                         (π*Df )/4
Antenna Ground Elevation                                GE        2     meters
Frequency of Operation                                   f     14.25     GHz
Wavelength                                               λ     0.0211   meters
HPA Output Power                                       PHPA     40       watts

HPA to Antenna Loss                                     LTx      4        dB
Radome Loss                                            LRad      1        dB
Transmit Power at Flange                                P      15.92     watts                   P/10Log (LTx /10)
Effective Power after Radome                                   12.65     watts             P/10Log (Radome Loss/10)
Antenna Gain                                            Ges    35.64      dBi              does not include radome loss
Antenna Aperature Efficiency                             η     70%        n/a

1. Reflector Surface Region Calculations
                                                                                2                                             2
Antenna Surface Power Density                          Pdas    400.5    W/m                       (16 * P)/(π * D )
                                                               40.05    mW/cm
                                                                                2                                             2
Power at Radome Surface                                Pdrad   318.1    W/m                       (16 * P)/(π * D )
(outside radome)                                               31.81    mW/cm             Does not meet controlled limits
                                                                                         Does not meet uncontrolled limits

2. On Axis Near Field Calculations
Extent of Near Field                                    Rn      2.40    meters                       D / (4 * λ)
                                                                7.87     feet
                                                                               2                                                  2
Near Field Power Density                               PDnf    222.7     w/m                    (16 * η *P)/(π * D )
                                                               22.27    mW/cm             Does not meet controlled limits
                                                                                         Does not meet uncontrolled limits

3. On Axis Transition Region Calculations
Extent of Transition Region (min)                       RTr    2.405    meters                       D / (4 * λ)
Extent of Transition Region (min)                              7.890     feet
Extent of Transition Region (max)                       RTr    5.771    meters                      0.6 * D / λ
Extent of Transition Region (max)                              18.934    feet
Worst Case Transition Region Power Density             PDtr    222.7     w/m
                                                               22.27    mW/cm             Does not meet controlled limits
                                                                                         Does not meet uncontrolled limits
Uncontrolled enviorment safe operating distance        Rsu      53.6    meters                    (PDnf )/Rnf )/Rsu

Controlled enviorment safe operating distance          Rsc      10.7    meters                    (PDnf )/Rnf )/Rsc

4. On Axis Far Field Calculations
Distance to Far Field Region                            Rf      5.77    meters                      0.6 * D / λ
                                                               18.93     feet
                                                                                2                                                     2
On Axis Power Density in the Far Field                 PDff    110.6    W/m                   (Ges * P) / (4 * π * Rf )
                                                               11.06    mW/cm             Does not meet controlled limits
                                                                                         Does not meet uncontrolled limits

5. Off-axis Power Density in the Far Field Limit and Beyond
                                                                                2                                     2
Antenna Surface Power Density                          PDs      8.5     W/m             (Ges * P) / (4 * π * Rf ) * (Goa/Ges)
Goa/Ges at a sample angle of θ=2 degrees                       0.077                           Goa = 32 - 25*log(θ)
                                                                0.8     mW/cm

6. Off Axis Power Density in the Near Field and Transitional Region Calculations
                                                                                2                                         2
Power Density of Wn/100 for 1 diameter                 PDs      2.23    W/m                  [(16 * η *P)/(π * D )] / 100
removed                                                        0.223    mW/cm                 Meets controlled limits
                                                                                             Meets Uncontrolled limits
7.0 Off-axis Safe Distances from Earth Station
minimum elevation angle of antenna                       α      10      degree
hieght of object to be cleared                           h       2      meter
Groun elevation delta antenna-obstacle elevation ang    GD       S
                                                        10      1.3     meter            S=(D/sinα) + (2h - D- 2) / (2tanα)
                                                        15      0.9     meter
                                                        20      0.7     meter
                                                        25      0.6     meter
                                                        30      0.5     meter

Note: Maximum FCC power density limits for 6GHz is 1mW/cm2 for general population exposure as per FCC OS&T

                                                          Cod.       S007KU045-SYS-03-0007NT
                                                          Rev.                             1.0
                                                          Date                    30/11/2017
                                                          Page                         1 of 21

           II. BBIG45Ku
  EIRP Spectral Density (ESD) Data

   PREPARED                          APPROVED                           AUTHORIZED
  R. ELEUTERI                       F. CIPOLLONI                        F. ZARGHETTA
Antenna Engineer                    R&D Manager                         Administrator

              Skytech is the owner of this document. All rights reserved.

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                                         COPYRIGHT NOTICE

© Skytech

Copyright in this document is vested in Skytech (herein after referred to as Skytech) and it may not be
copied or used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied or disclosed to any third party
without the express written authority of Skytech.

This document is intended for the use of the recipient only and may be used only in connection with work
carried out for or on behalf of Skytech. The unauthorised retention or destruction of this document, or the
disclosure of its contents to any unauthorised person, is forbidden.

                         Skytech is the owner of this document. All rights reserved.

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                                                              Table of Contents
1     SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
2     APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 6
    2.1      Customer documents ........................................................................................................................ 6
    2.2      Applicable standards ......................................................................................................................... 6
    2.3      Skytech documents ........................................................................................................................... 6
3     ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................ 7
4     ESD Data .................................................................................................................................................... 8
    4.1      Horizontal polarization ESD ............................................................................................................... 9
    4.2      Vertical Polarization ESD ................................................................................................................. 15
    4.3      Input and Output maximum ESD ..................................................................................................... 21

                                                            TABLE OF FIGURES
Figure 1: ESD limits superimposed to the Azimut co-polar cuts ....................................................................... 8
Figure 2: ESD limits superimposed to the Elevation co-polar cuts.................................................................... 8
Figure 3: ESD limits superimposed to the cross-polar cuts ............................................................................... 8
Figure 4: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) .......................................................... 9
Figure 5: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) - zoom .............................................. 9
Figure 6: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Hpol, Elevation cut) .................................................... 10
Figure 7: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) ........................................................ 10
Figure 8: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) – zoom ........................................... 11
Figure 9: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Hpol, Elevation cut) .................................................... 11
Figure 10: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) ...................................................... 12
Figure 11: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) - zoom .......................................... 12
Figure 12: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Hpol, Elevation cut) .................................................. 13
Figure 13: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) ...................................................... 13
Figure 14: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) - zoom .......................................... 14
Figure 15: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Hpol, Elevation cut) .................................................. 14
Figure 16: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) ...................................................... 15

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Figure 17: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) - zoom .......................................... 15
Figure 18: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Vpol, Elevation cut)................................................... 16
Figure 19: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) ...................................................... 16
Figure 20: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) - zoom .......................................... 17
Figure 21: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Vpol, Elevation cut)................................................... 17
Figure 22: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) ...................................................... 18
Figure 23: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) - zoom .......................................... 18
Figure 24: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Vpol, Elevation cut)................................................... 19
Figure 25: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) ...................................................... 19
Figure 26: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) - zoom .......................................... 20
Figure 27: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Vpol, Elevation cut)................................................... 20

                                                   TABLE OF TABLES
Table 1: Recap of maximum input and output ESD ....................................................................................... 21

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                                REVISIONS LOG

REV   CHANGE ORDER      DATE                  DESCRIPTION                          AUTHOR
1.0       n/a        2017/11/30 First edition                                  R. Eleuteri

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                                                                  Rev.                             1.0
                                                                  Date                    30/11/2017
                                                                  Page                         6 of 21

This document summarizes the BBIG45Ku performance in terms of maximum allowable EIRP Spectral
Density (ESD) as per the applicable FCC regulations.

2.1 Customer documents

2.2 Applicable standards
[AD1]         FCC 25.227 - Blanket licensing provisions for ESAAs operating with GSO FSS space stations
              in the 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz, 11.7-12.2 GHz, and 14.0-14.5 GHz bands.

2.3 Skytech documents

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                                                           Date                    30/11/2017
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Abbreviation   Meaning
AZ             Azimut
EIRP           Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
EL             Elevation
ESD            EIRP Spectral Density
Hpol           Horizontal Polarization
OMT            Ortho-Mode Transducer
Vpol           Vertical Polarization

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4 ESD Data
The BBIG45Ku ESD performance has been assessed with respect to the FCC 25.227 standard considering the
four transmitting frequencies 13.75 GHz, 14.00 GHz, 14.25 GHz and 14.50 GHz, in both the Horizontal and
Vertical polarization. The antenna radiation patterns used for the ESD patterns calculation have been
measured at the test facilities of “Politecnico di Torino” University.

The computed ESD patterns are reported in the following sections with the superimposition of the limit
masks provided in Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 (applied to Azimut co-polar cuts, Elevation co-polar cuts
and Azimut & Elevation cross-polar cuts, respectively).

                             Figure 1: ESD limits superimposed to the Azimut co-polar cuts

                            Figure 2: ESD limits superimposed to the Elevation co-polar cuts

                               Figure 3: ESD limits superimposed to the cross-polar cuts

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4.1 Horizontal polarization ESD

                  Figure 4: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut)

               Figure 5: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) - zoom

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Figure 6: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Hpol, Elevation cut)

 Figure 7: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut)

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Figure 8: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) – zoom

  Figure 9: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Hpol, Elevation cut)

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   Figure 10: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut)

Figure 11: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) - zoom

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Figure 12: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Hpol, Elevation cut)

 Figure 13: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut)

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Figure 14: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Hpol, Azimut cut) - zoom

  Figure 15: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Hpol, Elevation cut)

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4.2 Vertical Polarization ESD

                  Figure 16: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut)

               Figure 17: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) - zoom

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Figure 18: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @13.75 GHz (Vpol, Elevation cut)

 Figure 19: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut)

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Figure 20: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) - zoom

  Figure 21: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.00 GHz (Vpol, Elevation cut)

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   Figure 22: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut)

Figure 23: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) - zoom

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Figure 24: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.25 GHz (Vpol, Elevation cut)

 Figure 25: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut)

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Figure 26: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Vpol, Azimut cut) - zoom

  Figure 27: Co-polar and cross-polar ESD @14.50 GHz (Vpol, Elevation cut)

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4.3 Input and Output maximum ESD
Table 1 shows the maximum input and output ESD computed on the basis of the ESD patterns reported in
the previous sections, highlighting the worst case. The input ESD is intended as applied to the coaxial port
of the OMT.

                                 Table 1: Recap of maximum input and output ESD

  Frequency (GHz)        Polarization        Max Input ESD (dBW/4 kHz)            Max Output ESD (dBW/4 kHz)
       13.75                  H                         -21.4                                12.2
       13.75                  V                         -21.7                                11.6
       14.00                  H                         -22.7                                10.9
       14.00                  V                         -21.7                                11.6
       14.25                  H                         -21.6                                12.2
       14.25                  V                         -22.7                                11.0
       14.50                  H                         -21.3                                12.8
       14.50                  V                         -20.8                                13.2

                         Skytech is the owner of this document. All rights reserved.

    III. Gain Patterns of SkyTech BBIG45Ku antenna.

                       ID                      TRGD04_12/17

                       Authors                 G. Dassano

                       Date                    29/12/2017

                       Version                 1

                       Classification (*)      CO

This report deals with the measurements of the radiation pattern of a sample of the parabolic reflector
antenna BBIG45Ku manufactured by SkyTeck, operating in Ku band: The measurements were carried out in
November 2017 in the Politecnico di Torino Antenna Laboratory (LACE). Measurements of radiation patterns
have been carried out on the two transmission and the two reception antenna ports, for H and V
polarizations, at two frequencies bands; in the frequency range 10.95-12.75 GHz (RX) and in the frequency
range 13.75-14.5 GHz (TX).

*Classification: PU-Public, LI-Limited, CO-Company Confidential

                                  Document history

Version      Date                     Description                      Authors

                           Gain, XPD and patterns in RX and
1                          TX band for V and H polarizations         G. Dassano
          29, 2017
                           (1st draft)

                                    Distribution list

               Name                                 Company

             R. Eleuteri                            SkyTech

             G. Dassano                      Politecnico di Torino

            R. Maggiora                      Politecnico di Torino

             M. Orefice                      Politecnico di Torino


TABLE OF CONTENTS                                          page   3

1. Introduction                                                    4
2. Measurements facilities description                             5
 2.1 Gain and pattern measurements                                 5
3. Measurements procedures                                         8
 3.1 Gain measurement                                              8
 3.2 Radiation pattern measurements                                8
 3.3 Raster scan measurements                                      8
4. Pictures of the measurement campaign                            9
5. Gain and XPD measurements, TX / RX Bands                       10
6. Radiation Pattern Measurements                                 12
6.1: Radiation patterns in RX band (10.95-12.75 GHz)              12
6.1.1: V-pol, AZ and EL plane plots                               12
6.1.2: H-pol, AZ and EL plane plots                               17
6.2: Radiation patterns in TX band (13.75-14.5 GHz)               22
6.2.1: V-pol, AZ and EL plane plots                               22
6.2.2: H-pol, AZ and EL plane plots                               30


In this document are reported the results of the tests (carried out on November 2017) on a 30cm parabolic
reflector antenna for Ku band satellite communication, indicated as BBIG45Ku, manufactured by SkyTech.
The antenna has a circular aperture with a diameter of 45 cm.
For this antenna the results shown in this report are:
In the RX and TX bands: the frequency swept maximum gain for the co-polarization on axis, and the XPD
factor evaluated on axis.
The radiation pattern cuts (co- and cross-polarization) in the principal (Azimuth and Elevation) planes:
     in RX band, in the angular range ±180° for AZ and ±30° for EL planes, and both polarizations ports (H
      and V), at 3 frequencies: 10.95, 11.85 and 12.75 GHz;

     in TX band, in the angular range ±180° for AZ and ±30° for EL planes, and both polarizations ports (H
      and V), at 4 frequencies, 250MHz spaced, from 13.75 to 14.5 GHz;

All the measurements were carried out in LACE’s outdoor far field test range, with a distance SRC-AUT of
150 m.


2.1 Gain and pattern measurements
The measurements have been performed in the outdoor test range of the Laboratory (see fig.1).

The present test range, who has replaced the old one used since the early ‘60es for pioneering works on
space antennas, has been supplied from MI Technologies (formerly Scientific Atlanta) and installed in
February 2008.

In this test range the Antenna Under Test (AUT), used as receiver, and the Source (SRC) are placed on the
roof of two different buildings, the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications and the Department
of Control and Computer Engineering. The two buildings are far apart (more than 150 m) without obstacles
in between, and the height of both AUT and SRC is 30 m above the ground; the range is schematically shown
in fig.1 (plan and elevation). It is also possible to use a SRC at a slightly lower level, to reduce the scattering
from the back of the range.

Due to the elevated range, there are many Fresnel zones without obstacles. The effects of the reflection on
the ground can be removed by a time windowing, with some directivity of the source and also considering
that the incidence angle on the ground is near to the Brewster angle.




                       Fig.1: Plan view and vertical section of the outdoor test range

The design frequency interval is 100 MHz-50 GHz (the upgrade from 20 to 40 GHz has been added in 2011;
from 40 to 50 GHz in 2015). The distance between SRC and AUT allows to test antennas up to 0.7m
diameter at 40 GHz; at lower frequencies the maximum size in meters is given by D4.7/f½, where f is the
frequency in GHz. Corrections procedures are also available should the distance be less than 2D 2/λ.

The dynamic range is around 90 dB (depending on the frequency). The receiver can handle up to 16
measurements channels, with external switching system, and 1 reference channel measured simultaneously
with each signal channel, with 100 dB isolation Channel to Channel (110 dB . Reference Channel to Signal
Channel). The accuracy in amplitude (Logarithmic mode) is ±.050dB/10 dB over the full dynamic range
(excluding effects of temperature, cross-talk and noise) and ±0.4 °/10 dB in phase over full dynamic range;
the noise figure is 17 dB at 0.1 to 18 GHz. The most recent calibration of the whole system has been in June

The positioning system of the AUT is a 3-axis system (roll over azimuth over elevation), consisting of:
MI53150 Az/El and MI6111 rotary positioner (see fig.2, left). The Az/El accuracies are respectively 0.03° and
0.05° with max load 1136 kg and bending moment 3390 N·m; the roll accuracy is 0.05° with max load 455
kg and bending moment 678 N·m. As a practical guideline, the system can measure antennas up to 2m in
size and to 70 kg in weight: actual limits depend however on the shape of the antenna. This positioning
system allows to take pattern cuts as well as raster scan of the pattern, and to measure circular and linear
polarization.. Examples of measured radiation patterns are shown in fig. 3. The full system cabling diagram
is shown in fig. 4.

As source antennas standard gain horns are used. Measurement accuracy for secondary lobe is estimated in
about in ±1 dB; for gain in about ±0.5 dB


Fig.2: Outdoor test range: the AUT mount (left) and the upper SRC mount (right).

  Fig.3: Examples of radiation patterns measured in the Outdoor Test Range.


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3.1 Gain measurement
The standard procedure for this type of measurement is the “substitution method”. The Antenna Under Test
(AUT) operates in reception. The maximum signal level received (at all ports) from the AUT, pointed with the
maximum to the source antenna, is measured, with a frequency sweep in the required frequency band. Then
the AUT is replaced by a Standard Gain Horn antenna (SGH) with known gain, with the maximum to the
source antenna, and again the maximum signal level received from is recorded. The Gain of the AUT is
derived from the simple formula (in dB)


The gain vs frequency is plotted in Cartesian plot, in dB scale.

3.2. Radiation pattern measurements
Since the patterns are required in various phi-cuts (azimuth, elevation) as well as in a raster scan around the
main beam, the standard procedure is to measure, at discrete frequencies, the received power from the
AUT from each port, when transmitting from the source three different linear polarizations (V and H). The
radiation patterns are plotted in dB scale, in the desired angular range.


4. Pictures of the measurement campaign.

                   Fig.5: Antenna BBIG45Ku mounted on AUT positioner.


5. Gain and XPD measurements , TX / RX Bands.



6. Radiation Pattern Measurements.
6.1: Radiation patterns in RX band (10.95-12.75 GHz) .
6.1.1: V-pol, AZ and EL plane plots.






6.1.2: H-pol, AZ and EL plane plots.






6.2: Radiation patterns in TX band (13.75-14.5 GHz) .
6.2.1: V-pol, AZ and EL plane plots.









6.2.2: H-pol, AZ and EL plane plots.









Document Created: 2018-02-12 12:29:47
Document Modified: 2018-02-12 12:29:47

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