
0337-EX-ST-2000 Text Documents

Teligent, Inc.


| Carl Huie — RE: Teligent STA            —             |                                Page 1 :

           From:             "McFadden, Patrick" <patrick.>
           To:               "Carl Huie" <>
           Date:             8/14/00 12:29PM
           Subject:          RE: Teligent STA

           Great! | think from an engineering perspective, we will be able to do this,
           so we would like to proceed with the partial grant. Thanks again for the
           speed with which you have processed this application!


; Carl Huie — RE: Teligent STA                                _                           Page 1 |

           From:             Carl Huie
           To:               "".GWIA1.ROUTE_A
           Date:             8/14/00 12:14PM
           Subject:          RE: Teligent STA

           The two freqs can be authorized without directional limitations.

           >>> "McFadden, Patrick" <> 08/14/00 11:34AM >>>

           Mr. Huie — Can we use that frequency pair for both links, using one vertical
           polarization, and one horizontal polarization? Also, do you care which
           frequency we assign to which path?

           Thanks for your help, I want to confirm a few things, and then I think we
           will proceed with the partial grant.

[Carl Huie — Re: Teligent STA                                                                                        Page 1]

           From:                Carl Huie
           To:                  "".GWIA1.ROUTE_A
           Date:                8/14/00 10:52AM
           Subject:             Re: Teligent STA

           Preliminary check shows only two freqs that can be authorized att: 21587.5 and 22787.5 MHz. If Teligent
           accepts, | will grant—in—part: if Teligent rejects, | will DWOP applications and you can pursue legal
           challenge. How?

           >>> "McFadden, Patrick" <> 08/14/00 08:28AM >>>

           Mr. Huie — Good morning. 1 spoke with you on Friday concerning Teligent‘s
           request for a 23 GHz STA in Washington. You had informed me that the STA
           was not grantable as is, due to possible interference with government

           I‘ve spoken with the engineers here and confirmed that: we would only need
           56 MHz per link (emission designator 28MOD7W, as you noted). / w é’W )
                                                                     — F2                              <nrp)
           Additionally, because the paths are very short, we        lower the power if     27 /(//        /
           that would reduce the risk of interference. Forthe Tink from W
           WDCMOO2, we could drop the EIRP from 47.4 jo 36—4 dBm. For WDCPOO9 to
           WDCMOO04, we could drop the EIRP from        45.4 to %
                                                     /. 2 hst)              /. 7 (P)
           I hope that helps. | have a quick question — if you do have to alter the
           frequencies we requested, would we have to recoordinate with Comsearch?

           Thanks very much for your time, I‘m sure you must be very busy
           reconstructing everything after the system failure. Please feel free to
           call me at your convenience.

           Patrick McFadden
           Senior Licensing Analyst
           (703) 762—5160
           Fax (703) 7862—5129

: Carl Huie — Refiled STAs

           From:             "McFadden, Patrick" <patrick.>
           To:               "‘‘‘ <>
           Date:             8/7/00 12:24PM
           Subject:          Refiled STAs

           Mr. Huie — Thanks for speaking to me this morning about the resubmission of
           our STA applications due to the system failure. Per your instructions, I‘m
           sending you the old file numbers along with the corresponding new file
           numbers. Should you have any questions about these applications, or should
           you require any further information whatsoever, please do not hesitate to
           contact me.

           Old:                           New:

           0250—ExX—S$1T—2000, 13EL8219         0337—EX—ST—2000, EL10142

           0251—EX—ST—2000, 13EL8220           0338—EX—ST—2000, EL10143

           0252—EX—S$T—2000, 13EL8221          0339—EX—ST—2000, EL10143

           Thanks again for your assistance.

           Patrick McFadden
           Senior Licensing Analyst
           (703) 762—5160
           Fax (703) 762—5129

Document Created: 2000-08-16 14:54:56
Document Modified: 2000-08-16 14:54:56

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