Revised Engineering Exhibit

0103-EX-ST-2009 Text Documents

Telemundo Las Vegas License LLC


Engineering Exhibit: Telemundo Las Vegas LLC Application for Experimental STA


Telemundo Las Vegas requests special temporary authority to construct and operate a distributed
transmission system to facilitate a real-world demonstration of mobile wireless video service in and
around the Las Vegas Convention Center and on the Las Vegas strip during the National Association
of Broadcasters Convention (NAB), April 18 through April 23, 2009. As this will be the first on-air
demonstration of this technology for broadcasting ATSC Candidate Standard A/153
mobile/handheld compliant data streams STA is requested commencing April 10, 2009 for testing
prior to the NAB Convention. This demonstration will be shut down no later than 4 PM, April 23, 2009.

The distributed transmission system will consist of the licensed KBLR-DT facility operating at its
authorized effective radiated power of 230 kW from Black Mountain with horizontal polarization, a
temporary synchronized transmitter on top of the Stratosphere Tower at 2000 South Las Vegas
Boulevard using vertical polarization with an effective radiated power not to exceed 1,000 watts, and
a synchronized transmitter inf the Central Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center transmitting a
vertically polarized signal with an effective radiated power not exceeding 20 watts. Both transmitters
will be located inside the KBLR-DT service contour.

KBLR programming and the mobile wireless video programming will be transmitted via the AMC-16
satellite to the KBLR Black Mountain transmitter and the transmitter at the Convention Center. The
transmitter at the Stratosphere will receive its signal either by terrestrial microwave or satellite. The
system will be controlled at the KBLR studio and in the event of problems with the system or
interference, KBLR will be able to immediately turn off the distributed transmission system and return
to normal single transmitter operation using its existing STL to Black Mountain.

The drawing on page 3 shows the system configuration.


Both low power transmitters will operate with vertical polarization only. This reduces interference to
KBLR fixed ATSC reception while improving mobile and handheld reception.

An interference study using the FCC LPTV pre-transition OET Bulletin 69 methodology showed no
interference from the low power transmitter at the Stratosphere Tower to any station other than KBLR-
DT. This is a worst case analysis because the methodology is based on all stations being horizontally
polarized. A copy of the OET-69 study can be provided on request.

Because KBLR-DT will be part of the distributed transmission system, the only interference to it will be
in areas where ATSC receiver equalizers are unable to correct for signals from the multiple
transmitters. The timing of the Stratosphere transmitter will be adjusted to minimize this interference.
Interference from the low power transmitter inside the Convention Center was not studied as it will be
insignificant due to its low effective radiated power and location within 2 km of the Stratosphere
transmitter. It will, however, be locked to the other two transmitters in the system to reduce self-
interference around the Convention Center. Preliminary analysis indicates minimum interference with
the two low power transmitters delayed approximately 30 microseconds from the KBLR-DT full power

Interference will be checked at various locations as part of the testing prior to the NAB Convention.
Should any unacceptable interference result, the demonstration will be shut down if interference
cannot be resolved by reducing transmitter power at the Stratosphere or Convention Center.

                                                                   Prepared by Doug Lung, March 13, 2009

Antenna System
The transmitter at the Stratosphere will use two Kathrein-Scala CL-1469 log periodic antennas
oriented at 164 degrees and 213 degrees true with the combined main beam at 189 degrees true. The
antenna array will be tilted down a maximum of 8 degrees at 169 degrees true, resulting in the
horizontal plane azimuth pattern attached. A polar plot of the elevation pattern at 189 degrees true is
attached. The horizontal plane (azimuth) 3-dB beamwidth (without tilt) is 64 degrees and the vertical
plane (elevation) 3-dB beamwidth is 67 degrees. The antenna array will be mounted approximately
909 feet above ground.

The indoor transmitter at the Convention Center will use a Kathrein K-72-20-4 Type Number 767-006
omnidirectional antenna with a vertical plane 3-dB beamwidth of approximately 22 degrees. This
antenna will be mounted at least 20 feet above the floor of the Convention Center.

Manufacturer data sheets on both antennas are attached.

RF Exposure
RF exposure from the two low power transmitters in the distributed transmission system was studied
using the formulas in OET Bulletin 65.

The study showed that power density from the antenna at the Convention Center will not exceed FCC
maximum permissible exposure level (0.419 mw/cm2) for an uncontrolled environment at any angle,
including the main beam, if the antenna is mounted at least 6.1 meters (20 feet) from areas accessible
to the public, as is proposed.

At a maximum effective radiated power of 1,000 watts, the antenna at the Stratosphere is not
predicted to produce power density exceeding the maximum permissible exposure level for an
uncontrolled environment at any location 6.1 meters (20 feet) below the antenna on the Stratosphere.
The antenna will not be mounted in an area accessible to the public. Due to the complex structure on
top of the Stratosphere, a site survey will be performed to determine the distance and angle to the
areas closest to the antenna accessible to the public. In the event the predicted power density exceeds
5 percent of the allowable exposure level for an uncontrolled environment, measurements will be
taken in these areas to verify that the power density does not exceed maximum permissible exposure.

A copy of the Excel interactive spreadsheet used to analyze RF exposure from these antennas can be
provided on request.

Telemundo Las Vegas certifies it will turn off these transmitters as required to protect workers from
excessive RF exposure.


   1) System configuration
   2) Stratosphere antenna horizontal plane azimuth pattern (polar plot) with mechanical tilt
   3) Stratosphere antenna vertical plane elevation pattern (polar plot) at an azimuth of 189 degrees
      including mechanical tilt
   4) Kathrein-Scala CL-1469 Data sheet
   5) Kathrein K-72-20-4 Type Number 767-006 data sheet

                                                                 Prepared by Doug Lung, March 13, 2009

                                                          Draft r4 NAB 2009 NBC/Telemundo + DishNetwork/
                                                                         R&S/ Triveni Demo
                                                                            March 9, 2009
                                                                                                                                  ATSC Mobile DTV
                                                                             AMC 16 Spacecraft                                       Las Vegas
                                                                                                                                  Convention Center
             +                                                                                                                           CH 40
        DishNetwork                                                                                                                         Antenna
          Content                                                                                                                             FCC Filter

                                        AVE264                                                                            Sat Recvr            RF AMP
          Simulcast Local
                                                                               Stratosphere Ch 40                                               SX-800
                                      Lan Switch                                                                                   ASI
                                                                                                                               19392658 bps
                                                                                  Antenna Arrays
Local Content
 ~ 12 Mbps                             AEM 100


                                      Signaling Gen

                                                      19392658 bps                                 FCC Filter
                    Sat Mod /Uplink                                                Recvr           RF AMP/S
                                                                              19392658 bps                                                     NBC /Telemundo
Fly Away Pack (Roof)
                                                                                                       GPS                                         KBLR
                                                                                                                                                   Ch 40
                                                                                                                                               Black Mountain
                                                                           STL / Backup
                                                                           19392658 bps
                                                                                                                   Sat Recvr
           NBC/Telemundo                                                                                                                          R&S SX-800
                                                                                                                19392658 bps
            KBLR Studio                                                                                                                            NBC Main

ComStudy                                                                                                                                                  Horizontal Pattern

                                                                     350        0          10
                                                           340                                          20
                                                  330                                                                 30

                                          320                                                                                   40

                                    310                                                                                               50

                              300                                                                                                            60

                        290                                                                                                                         70

                   280                                                                                                                                   80

                  270                                                                                                                                     90

                   260                                                          0.20                                                                     100

                        250                                                     0.40

                              240                                                                                                            120

                                    230                                                                                               130

                                          220                                                                                   140

                                                  210                                                                 150
                                                           200                  1.00                    160
                                                                     190       180        170

Azim Rel.FS ERP [kW]          dBk         Azim Rel.FS ERP [kW]          dBk            Azim Rel.FS ERP [kW]                   dBk           Azim Rel.FS ERP [kW]            dBk
 0.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172           90.0    0.011     0.000   -39.172           180.0    0.948         0.899         -0.463          270.0        0.141   0.020   -17.015
 5.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172           95.0    0.015     0.000   -36.478           185.0    0.962         0.926         -0.336          275.0        0.052   0.003   -25.680
10.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          100.0    0.032     0.001   -29.897           190.0    0.964         0.929         -0.318          280.0        0.019   0.000   -34.425
15.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          105.0    0.095     0.009   -20.445           195.0    0.959         0.920         -0.363          285.0        0.012   0.000   -38.416
20.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          110.0    0.200     0.040   -13.979           200.0    0.942         0.887         -0.519          290.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
25.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          115.0    0.272     0.074   -11.308           205.0    0.910         0.828         -0.819          295.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
30.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          120.0    0.330     0.109    -9.629           210.0    0.867         0.752         -1.239          300.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
35.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          125.0    0.379     0.144    -8.427           215.0    0.810         0.656         -1.830          305.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
40.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          130.0    0.425     0.181    -7.432           220.0    0.724         0.524         -2.805          310.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
45.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          135.0    0.463     0.214    -6.688           225.0    0.613         0.376         -4.250          315.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
50.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          140.0    0.495     0.245    -6.108           230.0    0.551         0.304         -5.177          320.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
55.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          145.0    0.528     0.279    -5.547           235.0    0.518         0.268         -5.713          325.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
60.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          150.0    0.574     0.330    -4.821           240.0    0.485         0.235         -6.285          330.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
65.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          155.0    0.663     0.440    -3.569           245.0    0.449         0.202         -6.955          335.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
70.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          160.0    0.765     0.585    -2.326           250.0    0.405         0.164         -7.851          340.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
75.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          165.0    0.834     0.696    -1.576           255.0    0.355         0.126         -8.995          345.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
80.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          170.0    0.883     0.780    -1.080           260.0    0.299         0.089        -10.486          350.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172
85.0   0.011   0.000     -39.172          175.0    0.923     0.852    -0.696           265.0    0.232         0.054        -12.690          355.0        0.011   0.000   -39.172

KBLR-DTS Freq: 627.2 MHzGain: 9.1 dBu                                                                                                                                         1

ComStudy                                                                NABLV_ARRAY                                                                             Vertical Pattern

                                                                      100       90          80
                                                            110                                          70
                                                   120                                                                 60

                                           130                                                                                   50

                                     140                                                                                               40

                               150                                                                                                            30

                         160                                                                                                                         20

                   170                                                                                                                                    10

                   180                                                                                                                                     0

                   190                                                           0.20                                                                     350

                         200                                                     0.40

                               210                                                                                                            330

                                     220                                                                                               320

                                           230                                                                                   310

                                                   240                                                                 300
                                                            250                  1.00                    290
                                                                      260       270        280

Azim Rel.FS ERP [W]            dBk         Azim Rel.FS ERP [W]           dBk            Azim Rel.FS ERP [W]                    dBk           Azim Rel.FS ERP [W]               dBk
 0.0   0.965   58.756     -12.309           90.0    0.001     0.000   -72.000           180.0    0.012         0.009        -50.416          270.0        0.010     0.006   -52.000
 5.0   0.916   52.941     -12.762           95.0    0.001     0.000   -72.000           185.0    0.011         0.008        -51.172          275.0        0.010     0.006   -52.000
10.0   0.849   45.479     -13.422          100.0    0.001     0.000   -72.000           190.0    0.010         0.006        -52.000          280.0        0.010     0.006   -52.000
15.0   0.766   37.022     -14.315          105.0    0.001     0.000   -72.000           195.0    0.009         0.005        -52.915          285.0        0.010     0.006   -52.000
20.0   0.671   28.408     -15.466          110.0    0.001     0.000   -72.000           200.0    0.008         0.004        -53.938          290.0        0.010     0.006   -52.000
25.0   0.558   19.646     -17.067          115.0    0.001     0.000   -72.000           205.0    0.007         0.003        -55.098          295.0        0.012     0.009   -50.416
30.0   0.429   11.612     -19.351          120.0    0.001     0.000   -72.000           210.0    0.005         0.002        -58.021          300.0        0.050     0.158   -38.021
35.0   0.291    5.343     -22.722          125.0    0.002     0.000   -65.979           215.0    0.003         0.001        -62.458          305.0        0.154     1.496   -28.250
40.0   0.153    1.477     -28.306          130.0    0.003     0.001   -62.458           220.0    0.002         0.000        -65.979          310.0        0.291     5.343   -22.722
45.0   0.049    0.151     -38.196          135.0    0.005     0.002   -58.021           225.0    0.001         0.000        -72.000          315.0        0.429    11.612   -19.351
50.0   0.012    0.009     -50.416          140.0    0.007     0.003   -55.098           230.0    0.001         0.000        -72.000          320.0        0.559    19.716   -17.052
55.0   0.010    0.006     -52.000          145.0    0.008     0.004   -53.938           235.0    0.001         0.000        -72.000          325.0        0.671    28.408   -15.466
60.0   0.010    0.006     -52.000          150.0    0.009     0.005   -52.915           240.0    0.001         0.000        -72.000          330.0        0.767    37.119   -14.304
65.0   0.010    0.006     -52.000          155.0    0.010     0.006   -52.000           245.0    0.001         0.000        -72.000          335.0        0.849    45.479   -13.422
70.0   0.010    0.006     -52.000          160.0    0.011     0.008   -51.172           250.0    0.001         0.000        -72.000          340.0        0.916    52.941   -12.762
75.0   0.010    0.006     -52.000          165.0    0.012     0.009   -50.416           255.0    0.001         0.000        -72.000          345.0        0.965    58.756   -12.309
80.0   0.010    0.006     -52.000          170.0    0.012     0.009   -50.416           260.0    0.001         0.000        -72.000          350.0        0.991    61.965   -12.079
85.0   0.001    0.000     -72.000          175.0    0.012     0.009   -50.416           265.0    0.010         0.006        -52.000          355.0        0.991    61.965   -12.079

KBLR-DTS Freq: 632.0 MHz                                                                                                                                                         1

                                                                              UHF-TV LOG-PERIODIC ANTENNA
                                                                                                    8 dBd gain
                                                                                 470–862 MHz (Channels 14–69*)

The Kathrein Scala Division CL-1469B is a ruggedly built, linearly
  polarized log-periodic antenna designed for professional UHF-
  TV transmit and receive applications.
Like all Kathrein Scala Division antennas, the CL-1469B is made
  of the finest materials using state of the art electrical and
  mechanical designs resulting in superior performance and
  long service life. The rugged fiberglass radome protects the
  antenna from icing and assures stable pattern and gain
  performance under adverse environmental conditions.
The CL-1469B may be used stand alone or in arrays for higher
  gain, increased side-lobe suppression, or custom azimuth
*The CL-1469B covers all 6, 7, and 8 MHz UHF-TV channels
  worldwide (bands IV/V).

Specifications:                                                                                 (Shown horizontally polarized)
 Frequency range                470–862 MHz (broadband)*
 Gain                           8 dBd
 Power gain                     6.31
 Impedance                      50 or 75 ohms
 VSWR                           < 1.5:1
 Polarization                   Horizontal or vertical
 Front-to-back ratio            >35 dB
 Maximum input power            100 watts, type "N" 75 ohm connector
                                250 watts, type "N" 50 ohm connector
 Azimuth pattern                52 degrees (half-power)
 Elevation pattern              72 degrees (half-power)
 Connector                      N female (50 or 75 ohms)
 Weight                         22 lb (10 kg)
 Dimensions                     29 x 17 x 12 inches
                                (737 x 432 x 305 mm)
 Equivalent flat plate area     2.78 ft2 (.258 m2)
 Wind survival rating*          100 mph (160 kph)
 Shipping dimensions            31 x 20 x 14.5 inches
                                (787 x 508 x 368 mm)
 Shipping weight                28.0 lb (12.7 kg)
                                                                                              Azimuth pattern (E-plane)
 Mounting                       Mounting kits available for masts of
                                2.375 to 4.5 inch (60 to 114 mm) OD.
 See reverse for order information.

* Mechanical design is based on environmental conditions as stipulated
  in EIA-222-F (June 1996) and/or ETS 300 019-1-4 which include the
  static mechanical load imposed on an antenna by wind at maximum
  velocity. See the Engineering Section of the catalog for further details.

                                                                                             Elevation pattern (H-plane)
      Kathrein Inc., Scala Division       Post Office Box 4580 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Phone: (541) 779-6500    Fax: (541) 779-6575
                                          Email: Internet:

K 72 20 4. .
Omnidirectional Antenna
470 – 860 MHz
   Broadband omnidirectional antenna.

Type No. / Order No.                       767 006                   770 881

Number of bays                                 1                        2
Input                                    7-16 female                7/8″ EIA
Frequency range                                     470 – 860 MHz
VSWR                                                     < 1.1
Gain                                         5 dB                     8 dB
                                         at mid-band              at mid-band
Vertical 3 dB beam width                      22°                      11°

Impedance                                                50
Polarization                                           Horizontal
Max. power                                   1 kW                     2 kW
                                            (at 40 °C ambient temperature)
Weight                                       20 kg                   40 kg
Wind load (at 160 km/h)                     340 N                    625 N
Max. wind velocity                                     225 km/h
Height H                                    1.15 m                   2.3 m

Material:                          Omnidirectional antenna in protective fiberglass
                                   radome with a diameter of 300 mm.
                                   Flange: Aluminum.

Attachment:                        To tubular masts with a diameter of 100 – 160 mm
                                   by using the attachment accessories 768 853
                                   (see photo) or on a flange (see draft).

Grounding:                         Via mounting parts.

                                                                                                       4 x M12
                                                                                                                                         max. 190

                                                                                 Upper side                  Base flange

                                                  Radiation Patterns (at mid-band)

                                            100                                                  100
                                         E rel                                                E rel

                                             50                                                  50


                                                                                      α°                                                            α°

                3                                 0            10              20                      0               10                20


    Horizontal Radiation Pattern                         Vertical Radiation Pattern                              Vertical Radiation Pattern
                                                              1 bay (767 006)                                        2 bays (770 881)


Document Created: 2009-03-16 17:04:14
Document Modified: 2009-03-16 17:04:14

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