Narrative Statement

0177-EX-ST-2009 Text Documents

Sirius XM Radio Inc.


                                                                           Sirius XM Radio, Inc.
                                                                    Experimental Radio License
                                                                      File No. 0177-EX-ST-2009
                                                                                     Page 1 of 3

                                 NARRATIVE STATEMENT

I.     Introduction and Background

        Pursuant to Section 5.51 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5.51 (2007), Sirius XM
Radio Inc., hereby respectfully requests special temporary authority (“STA”) for a four-month
period, from May 11 through September 11, 2009, to test the design and functionality of
prototype devices operating in the unlicensed 902-928 MHz band. The following information is
provided in support of this request:

II.    Purpose of Experimentation and Justification for Nationwide Authority

        As a provider of satellite radio services in the United States, Sirius XM is continually
involved in designing, developing and testing new devices and applications intended to advance
the technologies and applications of its satellite service and to improve consumers’ reception of
its service. By this request for STA, Sirius XM seeks to test the functionality and acceptability
of a prototype in-home repeater for Sirius XM’s satellite radio service. The prototype repeater
has been designed to comply with the requirements of Section 15.249 of the Commission's
Rules, and under which the company intends to seek equipment approval. Sirius XM’s research
and development of this product has reached a stage that now requires “real-world” field tests,
operational trials, and proof of concept evaluations.

        Sirius XM proposes to operate the prototype devices near its engineering facilities
identified in the application. Because the product is intended to be used in the home, and to
obtain statistically valid engineering results regarding signal propagation, Sirius XM also needs
to conduct tests in residential environments, primarily at the residences of its employees
working under its supervision. The nature of the service and the devices associated with the
service typically involve residential usage and therefore should be authorized under the
requested STA. Such a request is fully consistent with the FCC’s rules regarding such licenses in
ET Docket No. 96-256. See Amendment of Part 5 of the Commission’s Rules to Revise the
Experimental Radio Service Regulations, ET Docket No. 96-256, Report and Order, 13 FCC Rcd
21391 (1998)(“ERS Streamlining Order”).

       Sirius XM does not propose to market, sell, or lease prototype equipment to end users or
conduct a market study in conjunction with this test, although employees and other persons
working under the control and supervision of Sirius XM would be involved in evaluating the
devices for customer acceptability. Moreover, upon completion of the tests, all unapproved
devices will be returned to Sirius XM for disposal as required by FCC rules.

                                                                             Sirius XM Radio Inc.
                                                                      Experimental Radio License
                                                                        File No. 0177-EX-ST-2009
                                                                                       Page 2 of 3

III.   Technical Specifications

       Bandwidth / Emissions Designators:
       The devices are designed to operate with a bandwidth of 25 MHz in the unlicensed 902-
       928 MHz band. The emission designators for the units are 25M0G7W and 25M0X7W.
       Sirius XM might employ various other modes of modulation and bandwidth but all
       devices would be designed to comply with the bandwidth and signal strength limits set
       forth in Section 15.249 of the FCC Rules. None of these modes of operation would
       extend beyond the limits set forth for the 902-928 MHz band.

       Power Levels:
       The power levels of the units have been designed to conform with radiated field strength
       limits specified under Section 12,249 of the FCC’s rules. For purposes of completing the
       required fields in the FCC application, it has calculated the effective radiated power in watts
       as less than 460 microwatts (uW). The transmitting device will include an integral antenna.

IV.    Number of Units and Operational Safeguards

        As discussed above, Sirius XM seeks to obtain accurate “real-world” engineering data
regarding the performance, functionality, and acceptability of these prototype devices. Thus, it
must deploy a sufficient number of units, at a sufficient number of locations, and under a variety
of operating conditions during its studies to simulate actual usage. Sirius XM anticipates that it
will be able to conduct such tests with a maximum of 15 units at each location, but will use the
minimum number necessary. This quantity will allow for evaluation in a wide variety of RF

        Sirius XM also recognizes that the operation of any unapproved devices must not cause
harmful interference to authorized facilities. It does not anticipate that such interference will
occur, as the prototype equipment is designed to operate at the low signal strength levels set
forth in Part 15 of the FCC’s rules. Should interference occur, however, Sirius XM will
immediately take reasonable steps to resolve the interference, including if necessary
discontinuing operation under the STA. To that end, Sirius XM would advise persons evaluating
the devices that permission to operate the equipment has been granted under experimental
authority issued to
Sirius XM by the Commission, is strictly temporary and may be canceled at any time.
Specifically, Sirius XM proposes to label the equipment or user information conspicuously as


                                                                                                    Sirius XM Radio Inc.
                                                                                             Experimental Radio License
                                                                                               File No. 0177-EX-ST-2009
                                                                                                              Page 3 of 3

                                                    FCC STATEMENT
                 Permission to operate this device has been granted under experimental authority issued by
                 the Federal Communications Commission to Sirius XM Radio Inc., is strictly temporary, and
                 may be canceled at any time.

                 This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications
                 Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased,
                 until authorization is obtained. This device remains the property of Sirius XM and is to be
                 returned upon completion of the tests for which it was provided.

V.     Conclusion

        Sirius XM submits that the public interest, necessity and convenience are served by the grant
of an STA under these circumstances. As noted at paragraph 12 of the ERS Streamlining Order,
such action would enhance the company's ability to obtain information needed to ensure that the
products it designs and deploys will accommodate and promote new technologies associated with its

VI.    Contacts for Inquiries

               Technical Contact:                                              Legal Contacts:
               Craig P. Wadin                                                  David E. Hilliard, Esq.
               SVP RF Systems                                                  Kurt E. DeSoto, Esq.
               Sirius XM Radio Inc.                                            Wiley Rein LLP
               3161 SW 10th Street                                             1776 K Street, N.W.
               Deerfield, FL 33442                                             Washington, DC 20006

               Telephone: (954) 571-4313                                       Telephone: (202) 719-7000
                                             Facsimile: (202) 719-7049


Document Created: 2009-04-24 17:25:26
Document Modified: 2009-04-24 17:25:26

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