Narrative Statement

0376-EX-ST-2014 Text Documents

New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC




                                                    New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC
                                                                           Exhibit 1

                               NARRATIVE STATEMENT

      Pursuant to Section 5.61 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §5.61, New
      Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, a subsidiary of AT&T Inc. (“AT&T”) hereby
      respectfully requests special temporary authority (“STA”) beginning May 1,
      2014 to test the impact of using a Power Spectral Density (“PSD”) measure as an
      alternative to an Effective Radiated Power (“ERP”) measure for determining
      cellular base station power transmission limits. This testing is intended to assure
      that public safety systems operating in adjacent bands will not experience an
      increased risk of interference should the Commission revise its cellular base
      station power limits to include a PSD measure as an alternative to the existing
      ERP measure.

      In support of this request, the following is shown:

      1)     Applicant’s Name, Address, and FCC Registration Number (“FRN”):

      Applicant Name:       New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC
      FRN:                  0003291192
      Address:              3300 E. Renner Road, B3132
                            Richardson, TX 75082

      2)     Description of Operation and Purpose of Test:

      On July 18, 2013, AT&T filed a request for a limited waiver of Section 22.913 of
      the Commission’s rules. Section 22.913 requires the use of an Effective Radiated
      Power (“ERP”) measure for determining cellular base station power transmission
      limits. AT&T had proposed that the current rule be restated to include a power
      spectral density (“PSD”) measure as an alternative to the ERP measure.
      Specifically, AT&T sought a waiver for markets in South Florida (see WT
      Docket No. 13-202). Because some Public Safety agencies expressed concern
      with AT&T’s proposal, AT&T agreed to do testing. To conduct this testing
      AT&T needs a STA for no more than six months.

      AT&T has selected three test sites to conduct its experiment. First, the testing
      team will conduct an “on/off” test to determine whether the public safety entity’s
      transmission can be heard. Next, AT&T will establish baseline RF parameters
      and conduct voice quality tests on the public safety systems at the selected area.

The testing team will work to clear any existing interference in the test area, and
then AT&T will modify the RF site parameters on the Cellular B band to emulate
PSD conditions. The public safety representatives will then perform necessary
tests at various distances and locations around the AT&T site. AT&T intends to
deploy LTE carriers on its cellular spectrum and, once LTE is installed and
transmitting, it will repeat the test to ensure that interference is not caused to
public safety operations.

3)     Need for an STA and Expedited Treatment:

AT&T requests an STA so that it can promptly conduct its testing and resolve any issues
necessary to enable the Commission to grant AT&T’s request for waiver. All parties
agree that prompt resolution of these issues is essential.

4)     Dates of Operation:

May 9, 2014 through November 9, 2014

5)     Class(es) of Station(s):

Transmitter                  Class                      Radius of Operation
1                            Fixed                      Five Miles
2                            Fixed                      Five Miles
3                            Fixed                      Five Miles

6)     Location(s) of Proposed Operations:

Transmitter       Address                              Latitude         Longitude
1                 9566 Southwest 40th Street           25.7322          -80.3499
                  Miami, FL 33165
2                 15607 Southwest 88th Street          25.6851          -80.4451
                  Miami, FL 33193
3                 4861 Southwest 140th Avenue          25.7221          -80.4198
                  Miami, FL 33175

7)     Equipment To Be Used:

Manufacturer      Model                           # of Units     Prototype?
Ericsson          RBS3206 (Base Station)          1              No
Ericsson          KRC11822/5 RU22 (Radio)         2              No

8)     Frequencies Desired:

869-894 MHz (cellular base station frequencies)

9)     Power Levels:

Maximum ERP: 250 watts per MHz
Transmitter Power Output: 60 watts

10)    Type of Emission, Modulation Technique, and Bandwidth Required:

Type of Emission     Modulation                        Bandwidth
5M00DXW              QPSK                              5 MHz per carrier
5M00DXW              16QAM                             5 MHz per carrier
5M00DXW              64QAM                             5 MHz per carrier

11)    Overall Height of Antenna(s) Above Ground:

Transmitter                                  Height (ft)
1                                            102
2                                            101
3                                            76

This experiment will only involve the use of existing antennas, and no changes
will be made to these antennas that would increase the height of the structure.
Moreover, no antennas used in connection with the proposed operation will
require further registration or approval under FAA or FCC rules and regulations.
As such, AT&T has not completed the application form questions relating to
antenna height and FAA matters.

12)    Other Matters:

Please see attached Request for Waiver filed by AT&T in association with this

13)    Contact Information:

William L. Roughton, Jr.
AT&T Mobility LLC
1120 20th Street, NW
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20036

Tom Dombrowsky
Wiley Rein LLP
1776 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006

                                      William Roughton               AT&T Services. Inc.
                                      General Attorney               1120 20'h Street, N.W.
                                                                     Suite 1000

        at&t                                                         Washington, D.C. 20036

                                                                     202.457.2040 Phone
                                                                     202.457.3073 Fax
                                                                     broughton@ att.corn E-mail

July 22, 2013

By Messenger
Marlene H. Dortch
Secretary                                                                 JUl 2 2 ZOIJ
Federal Communications Commission                                 Federal Communications Commission
445 1th Street, SW                                                       Office of the Secretary
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:      AT&T Request for Rule Waiver

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        On July 18, 2013, AT&T Filed a Request for Waiver of Section 22.913 of the
Commissions Rules to Permit AT&T to use a PSD Measurement in the Cellular Bands of a
Limited Number of Test Markets. AT&T inadvertently did not include the attachment with the
filing. Attached is the corrected version of the filing with the attachment. If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (202) 457-2040.


                                     Is/ William Roughton
                                     General Attorney
                                     AT&T Services, Inc.


                                 BEFORE THE
                               WASHINGTON, D.C.

In the Matter of                                            )
Requests for Waiver of Section 22.913 of the                )
Commission's Rules to Permit AT&T to Use a PSD              )
Measurement in the Cellular Bands of a Limited              )
Number of Test Markets                                      )

                              REQUEST FOR RULE WAIVER

       Pursuant to Section 1.925 of the Federal Communications Commission's (the "Commis-

sion") rules, AT&T Services, Inc., on behalf of AT&T, Inc. and its subsidiaries ("AT&T"), here-

by respectfully requests a limited waiver of Section 22.913 of the Commission's rules. 1 Section

22.913 requires the use of an Effective Radiated Power ("ERP") measure for determining cellu-

lar base station power transmission limits. AT&T has proposed 2 that the current rule for cellular

base station power limits should be restated to include a power spectral density ("PSD") measure

as an alternative to the ERP measure. Offering cellular carriers the option to use a PSD measure

for calculating cellular base station power limits would eliminate unintended penalties on the de-

ployment of advanced digital broadband modulation schemes such as Long Term Evolution

("LTE") in the cellular bands. The markets for which AT&T seeks a waiver of the ERP re-

quirement are in south Florida and are comprised of the contiguous CMA markets of West Palm

  47 C.F.R. § 22.913.
  In the Matter of Amendment of the Commission's Rules Governing Radiated Power Limits in
the Cellular Radio Service Frequency Bands, Petition for Expedited Rulemaking and Request for
Waiver, RM-11660, DA-12-701 (filed February 29, 2012) ("PFR"). The request for a waiver

Beach (CMA072), Miami (CMA012) and Monroe, FL-11 (CMA 370). Exact geographic

boundaries are defined by these licenses CGSAs?

        Grant of the requested relief would be in the public interest because: (i) the waiver would

remove disparities between radio services that limit cellular carriers' ability to deploy the most

efficient and advanced modulation techniques; 4 and (ii) the waiver would promote the deploy-

ment of mobile broadband services consistent with the policy goals enumerated in the National

Broadband Plan. Accordingly, such relief is consistent with the public interest and the Commis-

sion's goal of promoting widespread competitive wireless broadband services to all Americans.

         On February 29,2012, AT&T filed a petition for expedited rulemaking and a request for

a blanket waiver of 47 C.F.R. § 22.913 pending disposition of its PFR. 5 Thereafter, the Wireless

Telecommunications Bureau sought comment on the PFR only, taking no action on the requested
    .    6

         No carrier commenting on AT&T's proposed rule change opposed the proposed revision

to the power limits rule. For example, United States Cellular Corporation ("USCC") said

         We agree with AT&T that the FCC should provide assurance in its rules that wireless
         carriers using LTE will be able to operate with ERP levels sufficient to provide adequate
         coverage on cellular as well as PCS and A WS frequencies. 7

Verizon Wireless, while agreeing with AT&T's proposal, argued that even higher PSD limits

should be adopted by the Commission. 8 Two other carriers commenting on AT&T's PFR sup-

  For CMA 12, the licenses are KNKA225 and KNKA364; for CMA 72: KNKA264 and
KNKA355, and for CMA 370: KNKN793 and WPSJ791
  See, PFR at 9-12.
  See, n. 2 above.
  Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Seeks Comment On Petition For Rulemaking Filed By


ported the requested rule change to section 22.913; 9 but sought changes in the relief AT&T re-

quested. One of these two comments expressed some disagreement with different elements of

AT&T's original proposal; 10 the other opposed only the request for blanket waiver. 11 Cincinnati

Bell's objection misinterpreted AT&T's request to mean that the ERP limits for cellular base sta-

tions "should be restated as power spectral density ("PSD") limits." 12 Again, AT&T pointed out

in its reply comments that the proposed rule change intended only to permit the use of a PSD

measure as an alternative to, and not as a replacement for, the ERP standard currently in the

rule. Consequently, neither of those comments acts as a bar to this waiver request. Furthermore,

even though neither of the comments presents a claim of increased interference, it is worth not-

ing that the market for which the waiver is sought is not adjacent to any market of Cincinnati

Bell or Bluegrass Cellular.

        In this petition for a waiver of section 22.913 of the Commission's rules, AT&T seeks

authority to initiate power spectral density testing and operations in the cellular band in South

Florida. The testing and operations will take place subject to conditions intended to assure that

  Comments of Verizon Wireless at 7.
  Comments of Broadpoint, LLC d/b/a Cellular One, Cincinnati Bell Wireless LLC, NE Colora-
do Cellular, Inc., Smith Bagley, Inc., and Union Telephone Company d/b/a Union Wireless
("Cincinnati Bell") RM-11660 filed June 1, 2012; Comments of Bluegrass Cellular, Inc. ("Blue-
grass") RM-11660 filed June 1, 2010.
   See, Comments of Cincinnati Bell.
    Bluegrass Cellular favored an "FCC initiation of a rulemaking to consider modification of FCC
Rule Section 22.913 to make cellular Effective Radiated power ("ERP") rules more consistent with
other mobile broadband services;" but opposed the grant of the waiver. As AT&T pointed out in its
reply comments (and as noted above), the initial, blanket waiver request was never put on public no-
tice. Furthermore, in filing this limited waiver request, AT&T has also moved to withdraw the blan-
ket waiver from the FCC's consideration. Bluegrass's complaint is, then, moot, especially because
the areas for which AT&T seeks a waiver are not contiguous to, or even close to, Bluegrass Cellu-
lar's service territories.
    Cincinnati Bell Comments at 2. Under this reading of the proposed rule change, Cincinnati
Bell feared that limiting ERP to the power spectral density AT&T proposed would require 2G
GSM/EDGE                   to


public safety systems operating in adjacent bands will not experience an increased risk of inter-

ference. A prompt grant of this waiver will enable AT&T to begin the process of deploying ad-

vanced digital broadband modulation schemes in the cellular bands. Doing so will enable AT&T

to meet the constantly growing demand of customers for more data capacity and higher wireless

data speeds. Consistent therewith, AT&T respectfully submits this waiver request to employ a

power spectral density measure for cellular base station emission limits in the south Florida mar-

kets noted above. 13

                                      WAIVER REQUEST

        Under Section 1.925(b )(3) of its rules, the Commission may grant a request for waiver if

the applicant demonstrates that: (i) the underlying purpose of the rule would not be served or

would be frustrated by its application to the instant case, and that the grant of the requested

waiver would be in the public interest; or (ii) in view of unique or unusual factual circumstances,

application of the rule(s) would be inequitable, unduly burdensome, or contrary to the public in-

terest, or the applicant has no reasonable alternative. 14 In this case, as discussed below, AT&T

submits that a waiver of the power limits to permit AT&T to use a PSD measurement in the des-

ignated south Florida markets pending the outcome of the proposed rulemaking would be in the

public interest.

        Carriers have experienced extraordinary increases in the volume of data generated by

consumers and businesses as a result of the popularity and ubiquity of smartphones and other

data-enabled devices. Having pioneered devices like the iPhone and aggressively promoted the

latest technologies and applications, AT&T has also documented that its network has borne the



brunt of a substantial amount of this newly generated traffic. 15 Over the last five years, AT&T

has invested nearly $98 billion 16 to improve and expand its wireless and wireline networks. We

expect to invest in the range of $21 billion in 2013. 17 Notwithstanding that massive investment,

AT&T remains critically constrained by access to spectrum; yet, if it is to maintain a high-quality

level of service for its customers, AT&T must nevertheless rapidly and aggressively roll-out LTE

services even as it faces these spectrum constraints.

       To this end, AT&T plans to deploy LTE carriers on its cellular spectrum in a number of

markets beginning the first quarter of 2014 but needs authorization to start planning/deployment

process by September 2013. The need for relief as soon as possible is critically important for a

number of reasons. First, if AT&T can make use of its existing 800 MHz cell spacing for LTE

services, there are great efficiencies in deployment, since the roll-out will use existing infrastruc-

ture. Grant of this waiver, then, will enable AT&T to determine if its existing 800 MHz cell

spacing is suitable for LTE services and whether site upgrades, such as backhaul, may have to

take place to maximize LTE benefits. Second, if testing shows that AT&T must adopt cell spac-

ing that is denser than its existing site inventory, it will have to begin site selection immediately

to extend its network infrastructure to a range of new sites. These cell site selections must begin

at the earliest possible date because it has become increasingly difficult and time consuming to

    See, reporting that AT&T's
 mobile data traffic grew 3,000% from 2007 to 2010.
    The nearly $98 billion is based on AT&T' s construction and capital expenditures for the years
 2008-2012.        AT&T


identify and secure suitable sites. 18 Grant of the requested waiver will allow AT&T to begin

timely planning for LTE deployment.

            A PSD-based cellular power limit will not cause increased harmful interference to adja-

cent frequency bands. As noted in its PFR, AT&T compared the potential interference effects of

various wireless network arrangements on public safety receivers. That study 19 addressed three

near/far interference mechanisms common in public safety interference environment- Intermod-

ulation, Out of Band Emissions ("OOBE"), and Receiver Overload. The benchmark used to

measure significant interference was a rise in the receiver's noise floor greater than 1 dB for in-

termodulation and OOBE interference. For receiver overload, the benchmark was a received in-

terference level higher than the overload limit of the affected receiver. Public safety receiver

performance was based upon current models with relatively wide open front end filtering en-

compassing the range from 851-869 MHz. The Public Safety receiver bandwidths of 12.5 and

25 KHz were assumed for the study.

            By examining five different cases that represent AT&T's past, present, and future wire-

less networks, the study showed there would be no significant effects upon adjacent services.

The cases are composed of GSM, UMTS and LTE systems in various configurations in the cellu-

lar band. The purpose of this comparison was to show that future deployments of 2X2 MIM0 20

LTE in the cellular bands under a PSD limit would maintain the status quo with respect to the

potential interference impacts on adjacent services-and in particular, the Public Safety services.
     See,    Reply Declaration of William Hogg, Applications of AT&T Inc. and Deutsche Tele-
kom AG, WT Docket No. 11-65 (filed June 10, 2011) at 26 (available at: (last visited Feb. 28, 2012)).
   The study is attached as Appendix A.
   To multiply throughput of a radio link, multiple antennas (and multiple RF chains accordingly)
are put at both the transmitter and the receiver. This system is referred to as Multiple Input Mul-
              ("MIMO"). MIMO


With respect to intermodulation interference, at the three distances from the cellular base station

site (40 meters, 200 meters, and 1000 meters) for all migration paths, the noise floor rise for LTE

deployments with MIMO and PSD rules relief were significantly less than present technology

deployments. For OOBE at the three distances from the cellular base station site for all migration

paths, all noise floor rises were below 1 dB. This rise in the interference floor is insignificant in

practice and is still well under the 1 dB degradation in the noise floor of the public safety mobile

receiver. Finally, for overload interference, the study showed LTE deployments did not increase

the number of possibilities of such interference above that of existing deployments.

        The study results demonstrate that the interference environment into Public Safety units

from 2X2 MIMO LTE cellular deployments planned by AT&T is not appreciably different from

that of existing cellular deployments-and in some cases it is better. The study results also

showed that a power spectral density limit based on a maximum power level of 2500 watts (2500

Watts/10 MHz or 250 Watts/MHz for non-rural areas) and 5000 watts (5000 Watts/10 MHz or

500 Watts/MHz in rural areas) should exhibit about the same or less interference impacts as ex-

isting deployments.

        As noted, AT&T' s petition seeks to maintain the status quo in the RF environment of

neighboring public safety service areas. This conservative RF approach also applies to CMRS

service areas as well. AT&T chose its PSD limit based on existing transmit power levels at its

sites. By maintaining the existing total power levels at its sites, AT&T' s power levels into adja-

cent public         and CMRS            areas      the new PSD limit would be the same as before.

AT&T will not inject increased signal energy into these bordering areas and will not increase the

noise level in those areas. Under the AT&T PSD limit, the power injected into neighboring re-

sequently, the effect on neighboring and co-located systems    both public safety and cellular ser-

vices   is minimal. 21

        This is especially true for neighboring cellular systems because there are no neighbors

for AT&T' s 850 A band licenses and the FL 11 (Monroe) 850B license. Hence, no harmful ef-

feet to neighboring systems is possible in those bands. For the remaining B band cellular licens-

es, Verizon, who supports AT&T's PFR, is the only neighbor. Aside from its support of

AT&T's PFR, Verizon has proposed higher PSD limits than those proposed by AT&T, 22 a fact

that suggests Verizon Wireless itself anticipates no harmful effects from the grant of this waiver


        For these reasons, AT&T requests that the FCC grant it a waiver to permit it to use the

PSD measurements specified in its PFR in lieu of the power limits currently specified in section

22.913 of the rules for testing and operations in the south Florida markets noted above. AT&T

fully expects that any such waiver would be conditioned on the outcome of the rulemaking pro-

ceeding proposed in its PFR Grant of the requested relief would be in the public interest be-

cause: (i) the waiver would remove disparities between radio services that limit cellular carriers'

ability to deploy the most efficient and advanced modulation techniques; and (ii) the waiver

would promote the deployment of mobile broadband services consistent with the policy goals

enumerated in the National Broadband Plan. Moreover, the waiver-conditioned on the out-

come of the proposed rulemaking-would not undermine the deliberative process relative to

   Furthermore, to the extent that the PSD measure would change an AT&T CGSA's contour,
AT&T will manage the power level in the CGSA until the company can make the appropriate
filings with the Commission and receive approval for the changed contours.
   "However, rather than adopting relatively low PSD limits as AT&T proposes, the Commission
should adopt both PSD and power flux density ("PFD") limits. By adopting PSD and PFD limits,
                  can adopt PSD


adopting PSD limits for cellular carriers more broadly. For the foregoing reasons, AT&T urges

the Commission to act quickly and grant AT&T permission to use PSD-based power measure-

ments for its cellular systems.


          For the reasons discussed above, AT&T respectfully requests that the Commission waive

section 22.913 of the rules, which require use of Effective Radiated Power ("ERP") measure for

determining cellular base station power transmission limits, and permit AT&T to initiate power

spectral density testing and operations in the cellular band in areas of southern Florida described


                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     William L. Roughton, Jr.
                                                     Michael P. Goggin
                                                     Gary L. Phillips
                                                     Margaret E. Garber
                                                     AT&T SERVICES, INC.
                                                     1120 20th Street, NW
                                                     Washington, DC 20036
                                                     (202) 457-2040 (phone)
                                                     Counsel for AT&T Inc.
          July 18, 2013


Radio Access and Devices- Wireless Technology Strategies
                                                              Date:      March 21, 2013

Subject:   A Comparison of the Impacts on Public              Author:    Doug Duet
           Safety Receivers from the Various \-Vireless                  4C46 Lenox Park
           Technologies used in AT&T's Migration                         (404-499-6420
           from Narrowband GSM to Broadband                              (404) 499-6500 (fax)
           LTE Employing Both the 850 MHz A and B
           Block Licenses In the CMRS Cellular Band


The FCC Rules for the 850 MHz band were designed to accommodate first generation AMPS
(Advanced Mobile Phone System) analog cellular service. Over the years, carriers deployed
digital services in the 850 MHz bands, and eventually sunset analog services. Carriers currently
use the 850 MHz band for technologies that support mobile broadband, such as UMTS. As the
industry moves toward fourth generation LTE (Long Term Evolution) technology coupled with
the use of MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) techniques for spectral efficiency
improvements, it is appropriate to consider whether the rules for this band relating to power
measurement, which were adapted for technology deployed almost 30 years ago, should be
revised to accommodate LTE. In band plans adopted more recently to accommodate mobile
broadband deployment, the Commission has adopted a Power Spectral Density approach. This
paper presents the results of a study that considers whether making such a change to the 850
MHz rules to accommodate contemporary commercial mobile broadband deployments where the
licensee holds both the A and B block licenses would increase the likelihood of interference to
adjacent users of the Public Safety bands.

The study addressed the interference impacts on Public Safety receivers under five different
cases that are representative of AT&T's past, present, and future network comprising GSM,
UMTS and LTE systems in various configurations in the cellular band where the licensee holds
both the A and B block licenses. Results of this "real world" study again leads AT&T to
conclude that a power limit based on a Power Spectral Density measure will not increase the
possibility of harmful interference to adjacent bands and would maintain the "status quo" with
respect to the potential impact on users of adjacent spectrum, such as the Public        Radio
           The "real world" study results also supported a Power Spectral Density limit of 250
Watts/MHz in non-rural areas and 500 Watts/MHz in rural areas proposed by AT&T.

                                                                                Date: March 21,2013

1. Introduction

The FCC Rules for the 850 MHz band were designed to accommodate first generation AMPS
(Advanced Mobile Phone System) analog cellular service. Over the years, carriers deployed
digital services in the 850 bands, and eventually sunset analog services. Carriers currently use the
850 MHz band for technologies that support mobile broadband, such as UMTS (Universal
Mobile Telecommunications System). As carriers migrate their wireless networks to fourth
generation (4G) LTE (Long Term Evolution) technology and use MIMO (Multiple Input
Multiple Output) techniques for spectral efficiency improvements, the FCC Rules governing the
radiated power of transmitters in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service have come into question.
MIMO uses multiple antennas or multiple antenna elements at both the transmitter and receiver
to create multiple distinct spatial channels between the transmitter and the receiver using the
same radio channel. AT&T plans to use 2x2 MIMO in its 850 MHz LTE deployments. 2x2
MIMO uses two transmitters operating on the same carrier channel but carrying two different
information streams to create two separate spatial channels. Since two spatial channels are
created using a single radio carrier, spectral efficiency is increased. The current FCC Rule
governing radiated power in the Cellular Radiotelephone Service (Section 22.913) states - the
effective radiated power of base transmitters and cellular repeaters must not exceed 500 watts.
Since this power limit was enacted prior to the development and use of MIMO techniques, it was
generally understood that a single transmitter used a single carrier frequency and the power
requirement was related to this carrier frequency. A 2x2 MIMO deployment, which employs a
single carrier channel on two transmitters, must split the maximum radiated power given in the
FCC Rules between the two MIMO transmitters. This power split reduces the service coverage
area of the transmitters operating in the MIMO mode compared to that of a single transmitter

In 2004, recognizing the problem posed by the then current power limitation rules, CTIA offered
a technologically neutral proposal to modify base station power limits for PCS licensees.
Subsequently, the Commission expanded this proposal to include not only PCS, but also cellular
radio service and other service bands. In 2008, following comments on the proposal, the FCC
revised the radiated power rules for certain services, notably PCS and AWS, but declined to
extend the revision to cellular radio service because the frequencies immediately adjacent to the
850 MHz cellular band were undergoing significant restructuring and "until [it could] better
assess the impact of additional power limit changes" on the possibility of harmful interference to
adjacent bands. Since then, re-banding of services adjacent to the cellular band is almost
complete and there has been adequate time to understand the interference concerns, if any, due to
the adoption of Power Spectral Density (PSD) rules in PCS and AWS bands. Such a PSD limit
would allow the use of MIMO techniques in the 850 MHz band without requiring a reduction in
the service coverage area, and would be more consistent with FCC broadband power limit rules
in other bands. A PSD limit specifies the amount of power that is distributed with frequency and
in the case of the cellular radiotelephone service, it is the amount of power distributed over a
radio channel. If the maximum radiated power in a 5 MHz channel is 1500 watts, the PSD
would be 300 watts/MHz (1500 watts/5 MHz).

                                                                             Date: March 21, 2013

technologies to show that a power limit based on a Power Spectral Density measure will not
increase the possibility of harmful interference to adjacent bands and would also maintain the
"status quo" with respect to the potential impact on users of adjacent spectrum, such as the
Public Safety Radio Service. The results of the technology interference comparison supported
AT&T‘s belief. The study results also supported a Power Spectral Density limit greater than 100

To further bolster AT&T‘s belief that a power limit based on a Power Spectral Density measure
will not increase the possibility of harmful interference to adjacent bands, AT&T completed a
second "real world" study which determined the interference impacts on users of spectrum
adjacent to one of the two 850 MHz license blocks as a result of its technology migration
through the years — from second generation (2G) GSM (Global Systems for Mobile
Communications) to 4G LTE with MIMO. AT&T‘s technology migration study commences
with the deployment of 2G GSM technology employing a tri—sectored frequency reuse pattern
of N=12 that typically allowed in a single 850 MHz license block on average up to five GSM
carriers per sector. With the migration to broadband 3G UMTS technology, some GSM carriers
were replaced with a single UMTS carrier. A typical sector in an initial 3G network would
include one UMTS and three GSM carriers. As broadband demand increased, the spectrum for a
second UMTS carrier was again re—farmed from existing GSM carriers. A typical congested
metro market with a single 850 MHz license block deploys two UMTS carriers along with two
GSM carriers per sector. As the data traffic demand increased, a migration to 4G LTE in the
cellular bands will be necessary. LTE deployments will precede by replacing one of the UMTS
carriers with a 5 MHz LTE carrier employing 2X2 MIMO. Initial deployments of LTE with a
single 850 MHz license block will include a 5 MHz UMTS carrier, a 5 MHz LTE carrier, and
two GSM carriers in the cellular band. The final migration will be to replace the remaining
UMTS and GSM carriers and to upgrade the 5 MHz LTE carrier to a 10 MHz LTE carrier. The
LTE deployments will be with two transmitters per carrier/sector as compared to a single
transmitter per carrier/sector with UMTS. The study results suggested that the interference
environment into Public Safety portable and mobile units from 2X2 MIMO LTE cellular
deployments with a single cellular block allocation was not appreciably different than that from
existing technologies in the cellular band.

This paper documents the results of a similar study of the technology migration in AT&T‘s
network where a licensee holds both the A and B license blocks. Under this license environment,
AT&T‘s technology migration commences with the deployment of 2G GSM technology
employing a tri—sectored frequency reuse pattern of N=12 that typically allowed in two 850
MHz license blocks on average up to ten GSM carriers per sector. With the migration to
broadband 3G UMTS technology, some GSM carriers were replaced with two UMTS carriers.
A typical sector in an initial 3G network would include two UMTS and six GSM carriers. As
broadband demand increased, the spectrum for two more UMTS carriers was again re—farmed
from existing GSM carriers. A typical congested metro market with two 850 MHz license
blocks deploys four UMTS carriers along with four GSM carriers per sector. As the data traffic
demand increased, a migration to 4G LTE in the cellular bands will be necessary.            LTE
deployments will proceed by replacing two of the UMTS carriers with two 5 MHz LTE carriers
employing 2X2 MIMO. Initial deployments of LTE with two 850 MHz license blocks will
include two 5 MHz UMTS carriers, two 5 MHz LTE carriers, and four GSM carriers in the

                                                                               Date: March 21,2013

cellular band. The final migration will be to replace the remaining UMTS and GSM carriers and
to upgrade the 5 MHz LTE carriers to 10 MHz LTE carriers. The LTE deployments will be with
two transmitters per carrier/sector as compared to a single transmitter per carrier/sector with

1. lVIodeling the Interference Environment

Modeling the interference environment consisted of the following five steps:

   1.   Model the interference path
   2.   Determine the transmitter and receiver characteristics
   3.   Model the interference mechanisms
   4.   Calculate the interference levels and determine their impacts

1.1 Modeling the Interference Path

Since the interference network environment is that of a standard cellular architecture, two
propagation loss models were used to calculate path loss. These two propagation loss models
were the HAT A loss models and the modified Friis Transmission Loss model. The HAT A
models are the most widely used radio frequency propagation models for predicting the behavior
of cellular transmissions. Since the HAT A models are accurate for link distances between 1 and
20 kilometers, another model was needed for paths closer to the cell site. The Friis Transmission
Loss model is ideal for paths between two isotropic antennas in free space (Line-of-Sight) and
can be modified for paths other than free space (Non-Line-of-Sight). All loss models were
incorporated into the Friis Transmission Equation which relates received power, transmit power,
antenna gains and path loss in order to calculate interference levels. For line-of-sight paths a
propagation constant of 2 was used and for non-line-of-sight paths, a propagation constant of 2.4
was used. Cellular antenna heights for non-rural areas used the average antennas height in
AT&T's non-rural network - 30 meters. For rural areas where antenna heights are generally
higher, antenna heights of 47 and 92 meters were used.

1.2 Determining the Transmitter and Receiver Characteristics

The transmitter and receiver characteristics were:

    •   Maximum transmit power
    •   Base station antenna gains and discrimination
    •   Transmission line loss
    •   Transmitter sideband emission levels
    •   Public Safety receiver noise floor
    •   Minimum mobile Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio
    •   Minimum portable Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio
    •   Public Safety mobile antenna gain: From an Internet site on Public Safety equipment
    •   Public Safety portable antenna gain:       an Internet    on Public

                                                                               Date: March 21, 2013

      Third Order Intercept Point calculation: From Motorola paper by Bruce Oberlies —
      "Public Safety Interference Environment — Raising Receiver Performance Requirements"
      Third Order Interference Level calculation: From Aeroflex Application Note on
      Intermodulation Distortion on the website

1.3 Modeling the Interference Mechanism

The three near/far interference mechanisms common in Public Safety interference environments
were modeled in the following manner:

   1. Intermodulation — The receive interference level at the input to the Public Safety
      receiver‘s front end was calculated using the appropriate Friis Transmission Equation.
       The study assumed that the GSM channels were transmitting at 500 Watts, UMTS
       channels were transmitting at 500 Watts, and LTE at 500 Watts/transmitter—antenna for a
       5 MHz channel and 1000 Watts/transmitter—antenna for a 10 MHz channel. Since
       Effective Radiated Power level is the power level radiating from the base station‘s
       antenna, no transmission line loss or base station antenna gain was included in this
       calculation. It was assumed that these levels were the levels of the two interfering signals
       creating the intermodulation product. The third order intercept point was calculated using
       the formula in the Motorola paper and this value was used in the Aeroflex equation with
       the interference levels calculated from the Friis Transmission Equation to obtain the level
       of the third order product in the receiver.

       Transmitter Sideband Emissions — The transmitter sideband emission level at the input to
       the Public Safety receiver‘s front end was calculated using the appropriate Friis
       Transmission Equation. The sideband transmit power level at the output of the transmitter
       used in this equation was the measured spurious emissions level given by the
       manufacturer. For this calculation in the Friis Transmission Equation, transmission line
       loss and base station antenna gain were included.

       Receiver Overload — The received interference level at the input to the Public Safety
       receiver‘s front end was calculated using the appropriate Friis Transmission Equation.
       The cellular base station transmit power level used in this equation was the maximum
       Effective Radiated Power level specified in the FCC Rules for Cellular services in the
       850 MHz cellular band for 2G and 3G technologies (GSM channels were transmitting at
       500 Watts, UMTS channels were transmitting at 500 Watts, and LTE at 500
       Watts/transmitter—antenna for a 5 MHz channel and 1000 Watts/transmitter—antenna for a
       10 MHz channel). Since Effective Radiated Power level is the power level radiating from
       the base station‘s antenna, no transmission line loss or base station antenna gain was
       included in this calculation.

1.4 Interference Levels and Their Impacts

An Excel spreadsheet was developed to make the above mentioned calculations and determine
the impacts of the various interference mechanisms. For the intermodulation interference
calculation and the transmitter sideband emission interference calculation, the criteria used to

                                                                                     Date: March 21, 2013

determine impact was a rise in the receiver's noise floor. For Receiver Overload interference
calculations, the criteria used to determine impacts was that any interfering level that was less
than the specified overload point of the receiver is an acceptable interfering level. For this study
only the relative levels of the interference environments are compared. Only in situations where
a technology's interference environment level is no worse than the existing technology's
interference environment level can the interference level be deemed acceptable (Status Quo).

The study addresses the interference impacts on Public Safety receivers under five different
cases that are representative of AT&T's past, present, and future network comprising GSM,
UMTS and LTE systems in various configurations in those areas where AT&T holds both the A
and B 850 MHz license blocks in the cellular band. Case one represents an initial 2G GSM
deployment of ten GSM carriers. Case two addresses the migration to two UMTS carriers and
six GSM carriers. Case three represents the migration to four UMTS carriers along with four
GSM carriers per sector. Case four represents a migration to 4G LTE with two 5 MHz UMTS
carriers, two 5 MHz LTE carriers with MIMO, and four GSM carriers. The final migration, Case
five, will be to two 10 MHz LTE carriers with MIMO.

2. Study Results

With a single GSM channel's transmit power level set to 500 Watts, a single UMTS channel set
to 500 Watts, and a LTE channel set to 500 Watts/transmitter-antenna for a 5 MHz channel and
1000 Watts/transmitter-antenna for a 10 MHz channel, the results of the Excel spreadsheet
calculations of interference into Public Safety receivers with bandwidths of 25 and 12.5 KHz
from the five migration cases for non-rural and rural environments are shown in Tables 1
through 12. Bracketed numbers in the overload tables are received overload interference levels in

2.I Intermodulation Interference Impacts

                                            PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 25 KHz
                           CASE 1       CASE2         CASE3            CASE4             CASES
                                                                   2 FIVE MHz L TE
         DISTANCE TO                                                CXR, 2 UMTS
            MOBILE         10GSM      2 UMTS & 6   4 UMTS CXRS &    CXR &4GSM          2 TEN MHz
          RECEIVER          CXRS      GSMCXRS        2 GSM CXRS         CXRS            LTE CXR
          (METERS)           (dB)         (dB)          (dB)            (dB)              (dB)
         Power/Sector       5000W       4000W          4000W           5000W             4000W
         Allowed Now         YES          YES           YES              NO                NO
              40            9.4362       9.4362        9.4362          9.4362            0.0173
             200            6.4700       6.4700        6.4700          6.4700            0.0076
            >1000           0.0482       0.0482        0.0482          0.0482            0.0000

                                                                                Date: March 21, 2013

                                     PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz
                   CASE 1         CASE2           CASE3           CASE4            CASES
                                                              2 FIVE MHz L TE
DISTANCE TO                                                    CXR, 2 UMTS
   MOBILE          10GSM        2 UMTS & 6    4UMTS CXRS &     CXR &4GSM         2 TEN MHz
  RECEIVER          CXRS        GSM CXRS       4 GSM CXRS          CXRS           LTE CXR
 (METERS)           (dB)           (dB)            (dB)            (dB)              (dB)
Power/Sector       sooow          4000W           4000W           sooow            4000W
Allowed Now         YES             YES            YES              NO               NO
    40             18.0114        18.0114         18.0114         18.0114           0.1363
    200            14.5468        14.5468         14.5468         14.5468           0.0607
   >1000            0.3717         0.3717         0.3717          0.3717            0.0002

               TABLE 1. Non-Rural Mobile Intermodulation Impacts

                                       PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 2S KHz
                   CASE 1         CASE2           CASE3           CASE4             CASES
                                                              2 FIVE MHz LTE
DISTANCE TO                                                    CXR, 2 UMTS
 PORTABLE          10GSM         2 UMTS & 6   4 UMTS CXRS &    CXR &2GSM          2 TEN MHz
  RECEIVER          CXRS         GSMCXRS        4GSMCXRS           CXRS            LTE CXR
 (METERS)           (dB)            (dB)           (dB)            (dB)              (dB)
Power/Sector       sooow          4000W           2000W           sooow             4000W
Allowed Now          YES            YES            YES              NO                NO
     40             0.0043         0.0043         0.0043          0.0043            0.0000
    200             0.0019         0.0019         0.0019          0.0019            0.0000
                    0.0482         0.0482
   >1000                                          0.0482           0.0482           0.0000

                                      PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz
                   CASE 1         CASE2           CASE3           CASE4             CASES
                                                              2 FIVE MHz L TE
DISTANCE TO                                                    CXR, 2 UMTS
 PORTABLE          10GSM         2 UMTS & 6   4 UMTS CXRS &    CXR & 4GSM         2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER           CXRS         GSM CXRS       4 GSM CXRS         CXRS            LTE CXR
  (METERS)           (dB)           (dB)           (dB}             (dB)              (dB)
Power/Sector        sooow          4000W          4000W           sooow             4000W
Allowed Now          YES            YES             YES             NO                NO
     40             0.0339         0.0339          0.0339          0.0339            0.0000
    200             0.0104         0.0104          0.0104          0.0104            0.0000
   >1000            0.0000         0.0000          0.0000          0.0000            0.0000

               TABLE         Non-Rural Portable

                                                                                 Date: March 21,2013

                          PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 2S KHz (Ant Height= 47 m)
               CASE 1         CASE2          CASES                  CASE4              CASES
                                                                  2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                       LTE CXR,2
   MOBILE      10GSM         2 UMTS &6    4 UMTS CXRS &          UMTSCXR &4           2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER       CXRS         GSMCXRS        4GSM CXRS             GSM CXRS             LTE CXR
 (METERS)        (dB)           (dB)           (dB)                   (dB)              (dB)
Power/Sector   10,000 w        aooow          aooow                 10,000W            aooow
Allowed Now      YES            YES            YES                     NO                NO
    40          0.5766         0.5766         0.5766                 0.5766            0.0000
    200         8.9790         8.9790         8.9790                 8.9790            0.0019
   >1000        1.0994         1.0994         1.0994                 1.0994             0.0001

                          PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz (Ant Height= 47 m)
               CASE 1          CASE 2         CASES                 CASE4              CASES
                                                                  2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                       LTE CXR, 2
   MOBILE      10GSM         2 UMTS &6    4 UMTS CXRS &          UMTSCXR &4           2 TEN MHz
  RECEIVER      CXRS         GSMCXRS        4 GSM CXRS            GSMCXRS              LTE CXR
 (METERS)        LdB)           (dB)           (dB)                   (dB)              (dB)
Power/Sector   10,000W         aooow          aooow                 10,000W            aooow
Allowed Now      YES            YES            YES                     NO                NO
     40         3.2957         3.2957         3.2957                 3.2957             0.0003
    200         17.5004        17.5004        17.5004                17.5004            0.0076
   >1000        5.1913         5.1913         5.1913                  5.1913            0.0006

                           PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH      = 2S   KHz (Ant Height= 92 m)
                CASE 1         CASE 2         CASES                 CASE4              CASES
                                                                   2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                        LTE CXR, 2
   MOBILE       10GSM        2 UMTS & 6   4 UMTS CXRS &           UMTSCXR &4          2TEN MHz
 RECEIVER        CXRS        GSMCXRS        4 GSM CXRS             GSMCXRS             LTE CXR
  (METERS)       (dB)           (dB)            (dB)                   (dB)              (dB)
Power/Sector   10,000 w        aooow          aooow                  10,000 w          aooow
 Allowed Now     YES             YES            YES                    NO                NO
     40         0.0000          0.0000         0.0000                 0.0000            0.0000
     200        0.0076          0.0076         0.0076                 0.0076            0.0000
    >1000       3.3683          3.3683         3.3683                 3.3683            0.0003

                                                                             Date: March 21, 2013

                            PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 12.S KHz (Ant Height= 92 m)
                 CASE 1          CASE2          CASE3            CASE4             CASES
                                                               2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                    LTE CXR, 2
   MOBILE        10GSM         2 UMTS &6    4 UMTS CXRS &     UMTS CXR &4         2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER         CXRS         GSM CXRS       4 GSM CXRS       GSM CXRS            LTE CXR
 (METERS)         (dB)            (dB}            (dB)            _(dB)             (dB)
Power/Sector    10,000 w         aooow          aooow            10,000W           aooow
Allowed Now       YES             YES             YES              NO                NO
     40          0.0003          0.0003          0.0003           0.0003           0.0000
    200          0.0601          0.0601          0.0601           0.0601           0.0000
   >1000         10.1597         10.1597        10.1597          10.1597            0.0026

               TABLE 3. Rural Mobile Intermodulation hnpacts

                             PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 2S KHz (Ant Height= 47 m)
                 CASE 1          CASE2          CASE3            CASE 4            CASES
                                                               2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                    LTE CXR, 1
 PORTABLE        10GSM         2 UMTS &6     4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTS CXR &4         2 TEN MHz
  RECEIVER        CXRS         GSM CXRS        4 GSM CXRS      GSM CXRS            LTE CXR
 (METERS)         (dB)             (dB)           (dB)             (dB)             (dB)
Power/Sector    10,000W          aooow           aooow           10,000 w          aooow
Allowed Now       YES              YES            YES              NO                NO
     40          0.0001           0.0001         0.0001           0.0001            0.0000
    200          0.0038           0.0038         0.0038           0.0038            0.0000
   >iOOO         0.0002           0.0002         0.0002           0.0002            0.0000

                            PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 12.S KHz (Ant Height= 47 m)
                 CASE 1          CASE2           CASE3            CASE4            CASES
                                                                2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                     LTE CXR, 2
 PORTABLE        10GSM          2 UMTS &6    4 UMTS CXRS &     UMTS CXR &4        2TEN MHz
  RECEIVER        CXRS          GSM CXRS       4GSM CXRS        GSMCXRS            LTE CXR
  (METERS)         (dB)            (dB)           (dB)             (dB)              (dB)
Power/Sector     10,000 w         aooow          aooow           10,000 w          aooow
Allowed Now        YES             YES            YES               NO               NO
     40           0.0006          0.0006         0.0006           0.0006            0.0000
     200          0.0301          0.0301         0.0301           0.0301            0.0153
    >1000         0.0013          0.0013         0.0013           0.0013            0.0000

                                                                                    Date: March 21, 2013

                                    PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 25 KHz (Ant Height= 92 m)
                         CASE 1         CASE2          CASE3            CASE4             CASE5
                                                                      2 FIVE MHz
       DISTANCE TO                                                    LTE CXR, 2
        PORTABLE         10GSM         2 UMTS & 6   4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTSCXR &4          2 TEN MHz
        RECEIVER          CXRS         GSMCXRS        4GSM CXRS       GSMCXRS             LTE CXR
        (METERS)           {dB)           (dB)           (dB)             (dB)             (dB)
       Power/Sector      10,000 w       8000W           sooow           10,000 w          8000W
       Allowed Now         YES            YES            YES              NO                NO
            40            0.0001         0.0001         0.0001           0.0001           0.0000
            200           0.0038         0.0038         0.0038           0.0038            0.0000
           >1000          0.0006         0.0006         0.0006           0.0006            0.0000

                                    PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.5 KHz (Ant Height= 92 m)
                         CASE 1          CASE2          CASE3           CASE4             CASE5
                                                                      2 FIVE MHz
       DISTANCE TO                                                    LTE CXR, 2
        PORTABLE         10GSM         2 UMTS &6    4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTS CXR &4         2 TEN MHz
        RECEIVER          CXRS         GSM CXRS       4 GSM CXRS      GSMCXRS             LTE CXR
         (METERS)          (dB)           (dB)           (dB)             (dB)             (dB)
        Power/Sector     10,000 w        sooow          sooow           10,000 w          8000W
        Allowed Now        YES            YES            YES               NO               NO
            40            0.0000         0.0000         0.0000           0.0000            0.0000
            200           0.0000         0.0000         0.0000           0.0000            0.0000
           >1000          0.0051         0.0051         0.0051           0.0051            0.0000

                        TABLE 4. Rural Portable Intermodulation Impacts

The results above show that for intermodulation interference at the three distances from the
cellular base station site (40 meters, 200 meters, and 1000 meters) for all migration paths, the
noise floor rise for LTE deployments with MIMO were below 1 dB and were significantly less
than present technology deployments. The higher and consistently uniform interference level for
those cases involving GSM are driven only by much higher PSD of the GSM carrier. Thus this
worst case interference effect remains the same regardless of the number of GSM carriers that
are present In practice where interference cases have been identified, judicious shuffling of the
GSM carriers amongst various frequencies has allowed IM interference to be mitigated.

                                                                               Date: March 21, 2013

intermodulation (IM) into Public Safety receivers as compared to existing UMTS or GSM

2.2 Sideband Interference Impacts

                                         PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 25 KHz
                        CASE 1       CASE2          CASE3           CASE4         CASE5
                                                                  2 FIVE MHz
       DISTANCE TO                                                LTE CXR, 2
          MOBILE        10GSM       2 UMTS & 6   4 UMTS CXRS &   UMTS CXR &4     2 TEN MHz
        RECEIVER         CXRS       GSM CXRS       4 GSM CXRS     GSM CXRS        LTECXR
         (METERS)        (dB)          (dB)           (dB)           (dB)           (dB)
       Power/Sector     5000W        4000W          4000W           5000W         4000W
      Allowed by FCC
           Rules         Yes           Yes            Yes             No            No
            40          0.0542        0.0432         0.0432          0.0542        0.0542
            200         0.0414        0.0328         0.0328         0.0414         0.0414
           >1000        0.0048        0.0038         0.0038          0.0048        0.0062

                                         PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.5 KHz
                        CASE 1       CASE2          CASE3           CASE4         CASE5
                                                                  2 FIVE MHz
       DISTANCE TO                                                LTE CXR, 2
          MOBILE        10GSM       2 UMTS & 6   4 UMTS CXRS &   UMTS CXR &4     2 TEN MHz
        RECEIVER         CXRS       GSM CXRS       4GSM CXRS      GSM CXRS        LTE CXR
         (METERS)        (dB)          (dB)           (dB)           (dB)           (dB)
        Power/Sector    5000W         4000W         4000W           5000W         4000W
       Allowed by FCC
            Rules        Yes           Yes            Yes             No             No
             40         0.0542        0.0432         0.0432          0.0542        0.0542
            200         0.0414        0.0328         0.0328          0.0414        0.0414
           >1000        0.0048        0.0038         0.0038          0.0048        0.0062

                        TABLE 5. Non-Rural Mobile Sideband Impacts

                                          PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 25 KHz
                        CASE 1        CASE2         CASE 3          CASE4         CASE5
                                                                  2 FIVE MHz
        DISTANCE TO                                               LTE CXR, 2
         PORTABLE       10GSM       2 UMTS &6    4 UMTS CXRS &   UMTSCXR &4      2 TEN MHz
         RECEIVER        CXRS       GSM CXRS       4 GSM CXRS     GSMCXRS         LTE CXR
         (METERS)         (dB)         (dB)           (dB)            (dB)          (dB)
        Power/Sector    5000W         4000W          4000W          5000W          4000W
        Allowed Now       YES          YES            YES             NO            NO
             40          0.0272       0.0216         0.0216          0.0272        0.0272
            200          0.0208       0.0164         0.0164          0.0208        0.0208
           >1000         0.0024        0.0020        0.0020          0.0024        0.0030

                                                                            Date: March 21, 2013

                                 PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz
               CASE 1         CASE2           CASE3          CASE4              CASES
                                                            2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                 LTE CXR, 2
 PORTABLE      10GSM         2 UMTS & 6   4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTSCXR &4          2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER       CXRS         GSMCXRS        4 GSM CXRS      GSMCXRS             LTE CXR
 (METERS)       (dB)            (dB)           (dB)             (dB)             (dB)
Power/Sector   SOOOW           4000W          4000W            SOOOW            4000W
Allowed Now     YES             YES            YES              NO                NO
    40         0.0272          0.0216         0.0216           0.0272           0.0272
    200        0.0208          0.0164         0.0164           0.0208           0.0208
   >1000       0.0024          0.0020         0.0020           0.0024           0.0030

               TABLE 6. Non-Rural Portable Sideband Impacts

                          PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 2S KHz tAnt Height= 47 m
               CASE 1          CASE 2         CASE3            CASE4            CASES
                                                             2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                  LTE CXR, 2
   MOBILE      10GSM         2 UMTS &6    4 UMTS CXRS &     UMTSCXR &4         2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER       CXRS         GSMCXRS        4 GSM CXRS       GSMCXRS            LTE CXR
 (METERS)        (dB)           (dB)           (dB)             (dB)             (dB)
Power/Sector   10,000 w        8000W          sooow           10,000W           8000W
Allowed Now      YES            YES             YES              NO               NO
     40         0.0072         0.0056          0.0056          0.0072            0.0072
    200         0.0262         0.0208          0.0208          0.0262            0.0130
   >1000        0.0090          0.0072         0.0072          0.0090            0.0090

                          PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz (Ant Height= 47 m)
               CASE 1          CASE 2         CASE3            CASE4            CASES
                                                             2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                  LTECXR,2
   MOBILE      10GSM         2 UMTS & 6    4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTSCXR &4         2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER       CXRS         GSM CXRS        4 GSM CXRS      GSM CXRS           LTE CXR
  (METERS)       (dB)            (dB)           (dB)            (dB)              (dB)
Power/Sector   10,000 w        8000W          sooow            10,000 w         8000W
 Allowed Now     YES             YES            YES              NO               NO
     40         0.0072          0.0432         0.0432           0.0072           0.0072
     200        0.0262          0.0208         0.0208           0.0262           0.0262
    >1000       0.0090          0.0072         0.0072           0.0090           0.0090

                                                                                 Date: March 21,2013

                              PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 2S KHz (Ant Height= 92 m
                CASE 1             CASE2          CASE3            CASE4            CASES
                                                                 2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                      LTE CXR, 2
   MOBILE       10GSM            2 UMTS &6    4 UMTS CXRS &     UMTSCXR &4         2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER        CXRS            GSMCXRS        4GSM CXRS        GSM CXRS           LTE CXR
 (METERS)        (dB)               (dB)           (dB)             (dB)             (dB)
Power/Sector    10,000 w           sooow          sooow           10,000W           sooow
Allowed Now       YES                YES            YES              NO               NO
     40          0.0002            0.0002          0.0002          0.0002           0.0002
    200          0.0016            0.0014          0.0014          0.0016           0.0016
   >1000         0.0144             0.0114         0.0114          0.0144            0.0144

                              PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz (Ant Height= 92 m)
                CASE 1             CASE2          CASE3            CASE4            CASES
                                                                 2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                      LTE CXR, 2
   MOBILE       10GSM             2 UMTS &6    4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTS CXR &4        2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER        CXRS             GSMCXRS        4GSM CXRS       GSMCXRS            LTECXR
 (METERS)         (dB)               (dB)           (dB)            (dB)             (dB)
Power/Sector    10,000W            sooow          sooow           10,000 w          sooow
Allowed Now       YES                YES            YES              NO               NO
     40          0.0002             0.0002         0.0002           0.0002           0.0002
    200          0.0016             0.0014         0.0014           0.0016           0.0016
   >1000         0.0144             0.0114         0.0114           0.0144           0.0144

                    TABLE 7. Rural Mobile Sideband Impacts

                               PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 2S KHz Ant Height= 47 m
                 CASE 1             CASE2          CASE3           CASE4            CASES
                                                                 2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                      LTE CXR, 2
 PORTABLE        10GSM            2 UMTS &6    4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTS CXR &4        2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER         CXRS            GSMCXRS        4GSM CXRS       GSMCXRS            LTE CXR
  (METERS)        (dB)               (dB)           (dB)             (dB)             (dB)
 Power/Sector   10,000    w         sooow          sooow           10,000 w         sooow
 Allowed Now      YES                YES            YES               NO               NO
     40          0.0036             0.0028         0.0028           0.0036           0.0036
     200         0.0130             0.0104         0.0104           0.0130           0.0066
    >1000        0.0046             0.0036         0.0036           0.0046           0.0046

                                                                                  Date: March 21, 2013

                              PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz (Ant Height= 47 m)
                   CASE 1          CASE2             CASE3           CASE4           CASES
                                                                   2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                        LTE CXR, 2
 PORTABLE          10GSM          2 UMTS &6       4 UMTS CXRS &   UMTS CXR &4      2 TEN MHZ
  RECEIVER          CXRS          GSM CXRS          4GSMCXRS       GSMCXRS          LTECXR
 (METERS)            (dB)            (dB)             (dB)           (dB)             (dB)
Power/Sector       10,000 w        8000W             8000W          10,000W          8000W
Allowed Now          YES             YES               YES            NO               NO

    40              0.0036          0.0028           0.0028          0.0036          0.0036
    200             0.0130          0.0104           0.0104          0.0130          0.0130
   >1000            0.0058          0.0036            0.0036         0.0058          0.0046

                               PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 2S KHz (Ant Height= 92 m
                   CASE1           CASE2             CASE3           CASE4           CASES
                                                                   2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                        LTE CXR, 2
 PORTABLE          10GSM          2 UMTS &6       4 UMTS CXRS &   UMTSCXR &4        2 TEN MHz
  RECEIVER          CXRS          GSM CXRS          4GSM CXRS      GSM CXRS          LTE CXR
 (METERS)            (dB)            (dB)              (dB)           (dB)             (dB)
Power/Sector       10,000 w         8000W            8000W          10,000 w         8000W
Allowed Now          YES             YES               YES            NO               NO
     40             0.0002          0.0002            0.0002         0.0002           0.0002
    200             0.0008          0.0006            0.0006         0.0008           0.0008
   >1000            0.0072          0.0058            0.0058         0.0072           0.0072

                              PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz (Ant Height= 92 m)
                    CASE 1          CASE2            CASE3           CASE4           CASES
                                                                   2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                        LTECXR, 2
 PORTABLE           10GSM         2 UMTS &6       4 UMTS CXRS &   UMTSCXR &4        2 TEN MHz
  RECEIVER           CXRS         GSM CXRS          4GSM CXRS      GSM CXRS          LTE CXR
  (METERS)           (dB)            (dB)              (dB)           (dB)             (dB)
Power/Sector       10,000 w         8000W             sooow         10,000 w         8000W
 Allowed Now         YES             YES               YES             NO              NO
     40             0.0002          0.0002            0.0002         0.0002           0.0002
     200            0.0008          0.0006    I       0.0006         0.0008           0.0008
    >1000           0.0072          0.0058    '       0.0058         0.0072           0.0072

                      TABLE 8. Rural Portable Sideband Impacts

                                                                                    Date: March 21,2013

Similarly, for Sideband emissions at the three distances from the cellular base station site (40
meters, 200 meters, and 1000 meters) for all migration paths, all noise floor rises were below 1
dB. The tables show a slight increase in interference from Sideband emissions between some
scenarios deploying LTE with increased power and less cable loss (Case 4 and Case 5) than
existing GSM and UMTS systems as represented by Case 1, 2 and 3. This rise in the
interference floor is insignificant in practice and is still well under the 1 dB degradation in the
noise floor of the Public Safety mobile receiver.

2.3 Overload Interference Impacts

                                            PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 2S KHz
                          CASE 1        CASE2           CASE3           CASE4          CASES
                                                                      2 FIVE MHz
        DISTANCE TO                                                   LTE CXR,2
           MOBILE                      2 UMTS &6     4 UMTS CXRS &   UMTSCXR &4       2 TEN MHz
          RECEIVER      10 GSM CXRS    GSM CXRS        4 GSM CXRS     GSM CXRS         LTE CXR
         (METERS)          . (dB)         (dB}            (dB}           (dB)            (dB)
        Power/Sector       sooow        4000W           4000W          sooow           4000W
        Allowed Now         YES           YES             YES            NO              NO
             40          YES (-21.1)   YES (-22)       YES (-22)      YES (-21.1)     YES (-22)
            200          YES (-22.2)   YES (-23.2)     YES (-23.2)    YES(-22.2}      YES (-23.2)
           >1000             NO            NO              NO             NO              NO

                                            PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz
                           CASE 1       CASE 2          CASE3          CASE4           CASES
                                                                      2 FIVE MHz
        DISTANCE TO                                                   LTE CXR, 2
           MOBILE                      2 UMTS &6     4UMTS CXRS &    UMTS CXR &4      2 TEN MHz
          RECEIVER      10 GSM CXRS    GSMCXRS        4 GSM CXRS      GSM CXRS         LTE CXR
          (METERS)          (dB)          (dB)            (dB)           (dB)            (dB)
        Power/Sector       sooow         4000W           4000W          sooow           2000W
         Allowed Now         YES          YES             YES             NO              NO
             40           YES(-21.1)   YES(-22.0)       YES (-22)     YES(-21.1)       YES (-22)
             200          YES(-22.2)   YES(-23.2)      YES (-23.2)    YES(-22.2)      YES (-23.2)
            >1000            NO            NO              NO             NO              NO

                           TABLE 9. Non-Rural Mobile Overload Impacts

                                                                            Date: March 21, 2013

                                    PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 2S KHz
                CASE 1          CASE2          CASE3            CASE4           CASES
                                                              2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                   LTE CXR, 2
 PORTABLE       10GSM         2 UMTS &6     4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTSCXR &2        2TEN MHz
  RECEIVER       CXRS         GSMCXRS         4GSM CXRS       GSMCXRS           LTE CXR
 (METERS)        (dB)            (dB)            (dB)            (dB)            (dB)
Power/Sector    SOOOW           4000W          4000W            SOOOW           4000W
Allowed Now       YES             YES            YES              NO              NO
    40         YES(-24.1)      YES(-25)       YES (-25)        YES(-24.1)      YES(-25)
    200        YES(-25.2)      YES(-26.2)     YES (-26.2)      YES(-25.2)      YES(-26.2)
   >1000          NO              NO              NO              NO              NO

                                   PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz
                CASE 1          CASE2          CASE3            CASE4           CASES
                                                              2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                   LTE CXR, 2
 PORTABLE       10GSM         2 UMTS &6     4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTS CXR &4       2 TEN MHz
  RECEIVER       CXRS         GSMCXRS         4GSM CXRS       GSM CXRS          LTE CXR
 (METERS)         (dB)            (dB)           (dB)            (dB)             (dB)
Power/Sector    SOOOW           4000W           4000W           SOOOW           4000W
Allowed Now       YES             YES            YES              NO              NO
     40        YES(-24.1)       YES(-25)       YES (-25)       YES(-24.1)       YES(-25)
    200        YES(-25.2)      YES(-26.2)     YES (-26.2)      YES(-25.2)      YES(-26.2)
   >1000          NO              NO              NO              NO              NO

               TABLE 10. Non-Rural Portable Overload Impacts

                            PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 2S KHz (Ant Height= 47 m
                CASE 1          CASE2           CASE 3          CASE4           CASES
                                                              1 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                   LTE CXR, 2
   MOBILE       10GSM          2 UMTS & 6   4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTS CXR &2       2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER        CXRS          GSM CXRS       4 GSM CXRS      GSMCXRS           LTE CXR
  (METERS)        (dB)            (dB)           (dB)             (dB)            (dB)
Power/Sector    10,000W          8000W          8000W           10,000 w         8000W
Allowed Now       YES             YES             YES             NO               NO
     40        YES(-26.8)      YES(-27.8)     YES(-27.8)       YES(-26.8)          NO
     200       YES(-21.2)      YES(-22.2)     YES(-22.2)       YES(-21.2)      YES(-25.2)
    >1000      YES(-25.8)      YES(-26.8)      YES(-26.8)      YES(-25.8)      YES(-29.8)

                                                                               Date: March 21, 2013

                            PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz (Ant Height= 47 m)
                CASE 1           CASE2           CASE3            CASE4            CASES
                                                                2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                     LTE CXR, 2
   MOBILE       10GSM          2 UMTS &6      4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTSCXR &4         2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER        CXRS          GSM CXRS         4 GSM CXRS      GSM CXRS           LTE CXR
 (METERS)        (dB)              (dB)            (dB)             (dB)            (dB)
Power/Sector   10,000 w          aooow           aooow           10,000 w          aooow
Allowed Now       YES              YES             YES              NO               NO
    40         YES(-26.8)       YES(-27.8)      YES(-27.8)       YES(-26.8)          NO
    200        YES(-21.2)       YES(-22.2)      YES(-22.2)       YES(-21.2)       YES(-25.2)
   >1000       YES(-25.8)       YES(-26.8)      YES(-26.8)       YES(-25.8)       YES(-29.8)

                             PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 2S KHz (Ant Height = 92 m)
                CASE 1           CASE2           CASE3            CASE4            CASES
                                                                2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                     LTE CXR, 2
   MOBILE       10GSM           2 UMTS &6     4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTS CXR &4        2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER        CXRS           GSM CXRS        4 GSM CXRS      GSM CXRS           LTE CXR
 (METERS)         (dB)             (dB)            (dB)             (dB)            . (dB)
Power/Sector    10,000 w          aooow           aooow           10,000 w         aooow
Allowed Now       YES              YES             YES               NO              NO
     40           NO                NO              NO               NO              NO
    200           NO                NO              NO               NO              NO
   >1000       YES(-23.8)       YES(-24.8)      YES(-24.8)       YES(-23.8)       YES(-27.8)

                            PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH= 12.S KHz (Ant Height= 92 m)
                CASE 1            CASE2           CASE3           CASE4            CASES
                                                                2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                     LTE CXR, 2
   MOBILE       10GSM           2 UMTS &6     4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTS CXR &4        2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER        CXRS           GSM CXRS        4GSM CXRS       GSM CXRS           LTE CXR
  (METERS)        (dB)             (dB)            (dB)             (dB)             (dB)
Power/Sector    10,000 w          aooow           aooow           10,000 w          sooow
 Allowed Now      YES               YES            YES               NO               NO
     40            NO               NO              NO               NO               NO
     200           NO               NO              NO               NO               NO
    >1000      YES(-26.8)        YES(-27.8)      YES(-27.8)       YES(-26.8)          NO

                                                                                  Date: March 21, 2013

                              PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 25 KHz (Ant Height = 47 m
                CASE 1             CcaASE 2       CASE 3           CASE 4            CcaSE 5
                                                                 2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                      LTE CXR, 2
 PORTABLE       10 asm           2 UMTS &6     4 UMTS CXRS &    UMTSCXR&4           2 TEN MHz
 RECEIVER         cxRs           asm cxRs        4 asm cxRs      asm cxRs            LTE CXR
  (METERS)         (dB)              (dB)             (dB)          (dB)               (dB)
Power/Sector    10,000 W           8000 w           8000 w        10,000 w            8000 w
Allowed Now        vEs               ves              ves            NO                 NO
      40       YES(—29.8)             NO               NO        YES(—29.8)             No
     200       YESs(t—24.2)       YES(25.2)       YES(—25.2)     YES(—24.2)         YES(—28.2)
    >1000      YES(—28.8)         Yes(—29.8)       Yes(—29.8)    YES(—28.8)             NO

                          PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 12.5 KHz (Ant Height = 47 m}
                CcaAsE1         CASE 2        CaASE 3           CaASE 4              CASE 5
                                                              2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO                                                   LTE CXR, 2
 PORTABLE        10 asm       2 UMTS &6 4 UMTS CXRS & UMTSCXR&4                     2 TENMHz
 RECEIVER         cxRrs       asm cxRrs    4 asm cxRs         asm cxRs               LTE CXR
 (METERS)          (dB)           (dB)          (dB)              (dB)                 (dB)
Power/Sector    10,000 w        so00 w        8000 w           10,000 w               8000 w
Allowed Now        ves            ves           vEs                [Ne]                 No
     40        YES(—29.8)          NO            NO           YES(—29.8)                NO
    200        vEest24.2)      YES(25.2)    YES(—25.2)        YES(—24.2)            YES(—28.2)
   >1000       vyEs(28.8)      YES(—29.8)   YES(—29.8)        YES(—28.8)                No

                          PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 25 KHz (Ant Height = 92 m
                 CcaAsE1       CASE 2        CASE 3            CASE 4        casE s
                                                             2 FIVE MHz
DISTANCE TO        .                                         LTE CXR, 2
 PORTABLE       10 asm       2 UMTS &6 4 UMTSCXRS & UMTS CXR&2              2 TENMHz
 RECEIVER        cxRs        asm cxRrs    4 asm cxRs         asm cxRs        LTE CXR
  (METERS)        (dB)           (dB)          (dB)             (dB)           (dB)
Power/Sector    10,000 w       8000 w        8000 w           10,000 w        8000 w
Allowed Now       ves            ves           vEs               No             No
     40            NO             NO            NO               No             NO
     200           NO             NO            NO               NO             NO
    >1000      YES(—26.8)     Yes(—27.8)    Yes(—27.8)       YES(—26.8)         NO

                                                                                        Date: March 21, 2013

                                      PS RECEIVER BANDWIDTH = 12.5 KHz (Ant Height = 92 m)
                           CASE 1          CASE 2          CASE 3           CASE 4            CASE 5
                                                                          2 FIVE MHz
        DISTANCE TO                                                       LTE CXR, 2
         PORTABLE          10 GSM         2 UMTS & 6   4 UMTS CXRS &     UMTS CXR & 4        2 TEN MHz
         RECEIVER           CXRS          GSM CxRSs      4 GSM CXRS       GSM CXRS            LTE CXR
         (METERS)           (dB)             (dB)            (dB)             (dB)             (dB)
        Power/Sector      10,000 W         8000 W          8000 W           10,000 W          8000 W

        Allowed Now         YES              YES             YES               NO               NO
             40             NO               NO              NO                NO               NO
            200             NO               NO              NO                NO               NO
           >1000         YES(—26.8)       YES(—27.8)      YES(—27.8)       YES(—26.8)           NO

                            TABLE 12. Rural Portable Overload Impacts

For overload interference, the tables show that such interference is possible close to the cellular
base station sites, but LTE deployments did not increase the number of possibilities of such
interference above that of existing deployments. The small difference in the overload levels for
the near site calculations can be attributed to the path loss difference and the base station antenna
discrimination. The tables also show that such cases of overload interference into Public Safety
receivers could be reduced with the use of newer Public Safety receivers with overload limits
around — 20 dBm (well within present design even at the current wider front end bandwidths) or
the incorporation of front end filtering.

2.4 The PSD Limit
Reviewing the above tables lead to the conclusion that overload is the controlling interference
mechanism. Based on this conclusion the highest PSD that can be implemented and still maintain
the status quo in the interference environment can be determined. A PSD of 250 watts/MHz for
non—rural areas and 500 watts/MHz for rural areas proposed in the previous study, which was
determined to be the highest PSD limit that would not cause any additional interference into
bands adjacent to the 850 MHz cellular band, was supported by this study (5000 watts/20 MHz =
250 Watts/MHz) and (10,000 Watts/20 MHz = 500 Watts/MHz).

3. Conclusions

This study addressed the interference impacts on Public Safety receivers under five different
cases that are representative of AT&T‘s past, present, and future network comprising GSM,
UMTS and LTE systems in various configurations in the cellular band where the licensee holds
both the A and B spectrum blocks. The study used the operating parameters of Public Safety
portable and mobile units which were considered poor by present industry standards. The study
results in Tables 1 through 12 suggest that the interference environment into Public Safety
portable and mobile units from 2X2 MIMO LTE cellular deployments is not appreciably
different than that from existing technologies in the cellular band with a similar spectrum

                                                                              Date: March 21, 2013

Results of this "real world" study support AT&T' s continued belief that a power limit based on a
Power Spectral Density measure will not increase the possibility of harmful interference to
adjacent bands and would maintain the "status quo" with respect to the potential impact on users
of adjacent spectrum, such as the Public Safety Radio Service. This "real world" study results
again supported the Power Spectral Density limit of 250 Watts/MHz in non-rural areas and 500
Watts/MHz in rural areas proposed in a previous study.

Document Created: 2014-04-29 16:05:01
Document Modified: 2014-04-29 16:05:01

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