FRIB Project Description

0329-EX-PL-2016 Text Documents

Michigan State University


MOB01                                             Proceedings of HIAT 2012, Chicago, IL USA

  J. Wei#1, D. Arenius2, E. Bernard1, N. Bultman1, F. Casagrande1, S. Chouhan1, C. Compton1, K.
Davidson1, A. Facco1,4, V. Ganni2, P. Gibson1, T. Glasmacher1, L. Harle1, K. Holland1, M. Johnson1,
S. Jones1, D. Leitner1, M. Leitner1, G. Machicoane1, F. Marti1, D. Morris1, J. Nolen1,3, J. Ozelis1, S.
Peng1, J. Popielarski1, L. Popielarski1, E. Pozdeyev1, T. Russo1, K. Saito1, R. Webber1, J. Weisend1,
                    M. Williams1, Y. Yamazaki1, A. Zeller1, Y. Zhang1, Q. Zhao1
              Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA
                                    Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory, Newport News, VA 23606, USA
                                  Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA
                     Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro, Italy

Abstract                                                                electrostatic deflectors for machine protection, a
   The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, a new national                  Radiofrequency Quadrupole (RFQ) linac, linac segment 1
user facility funded by the U.S. Department of Energy                   (with Quarter-wave Resonators (QWR) of =0.041 and
Office of Science to be constructed and operated by MSU,                0.085) accelerating the beam up to 20 MeV/u where the
is currently being designed to provide intense beams of                 beam is stripped to higher charge states, linac segments 2
rare isotopes to better understand the nuclear physics,                 and 3 (with Half-wave Resonators (HWR) of =0.29 and
nuclear astrophysics, fundamental interactions, and                     0.53) accelerating the beam above 200 MeV/u, folding
industrial and medical applications. The FRIB driver linac              segments to confine the footprint and facilitate beam
can accelerate all stable isotopes to energies beyond 200               collimation, and a beam delivery system to transport to
MeV/u at beam powers up to 400 kW. Key technical                        the target a tightly focused beam. The reaccelerator (ReA)
R&D programs include low- CW SRF cryomodules and                       consists of similar =0.041 and 0.085 accelerating
highly efficient charge stripping using a liquid lithium                structures [2].
film. Accelerator-physics challenges include acceleration                  Table 1: FRIB driver accelerator primary parameters.
of multiple charge states of beams to meet beam-on-target
requirements, efficient production and acceleration of                   Parameter                          Value        Unit
intense heavy-ion beams from low energies,                               Primary beam ion species          H to   238
accommodation of multiple charge stripping scenarios
and ion species, designs for both baseline in-flight                     Beam kinetic energy on target      > 200        MeV/u
fragmentation and ISOL upgrade options, and design                       Maximum beam power on target       400          kW
considerations of machine availability, tunability,
reliability, maintainability, and upgradability.                         Macropulse duty factor             100          %
                                                                         Beam current on target ( U)        0.7          emA
                                                                         Beam radius on target (90%)        0.5          mm
   The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), baselined
as a 7-year, US$680 million construction project, is to be               Driver linac beam-path length      517          m
built at the Michigan State University under a corporate                 Average uncontrolled beam loss     <1           W/m
agreement with the US DOE [1]. FRIB driver accelerator
is designed to accelerate all stable ions to energies above
200 MeV/u with beam power on the target up to 400 kW
(Table 1). After production and fragment separation, the
rare isotope beams can also be stopped, or stopped and
then reaccelerated. The fast, stopped, and reaccelerated
rare isotope beams serve a vast range of scientific users in
the fields of nuclear physics and applications.
   As shown in Figure 1, the driver accelerator consists of
Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion sources, a low
energy beam transport containing a pre-buncher and

 *Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science
 under Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661                                                           Figure 1: Layout of the FRIB driver accelerator.

8                                                                                           Radioactive Ion Beams and Facilities

                                      Proceedings of HIAT 2012, Chicago, IL USA                                 MOB01

             DESIGN PHILOSOPHY                                     Reliability: A Machine Protection System (MPS)
   Full-energy linac technology is chosen to deliver                minimizes component damage and operational
primary beam that can meet the FRIB requirements of                 interruption (e.g. magnet quench and cryogenic load
rare-isotope productivity and separation accuracy. Up to            increase) caused by both acute (fast) and chronic
400 kW of beams are focused to a diameter of 1 mm                   (slow) beam losses. Upon acute beam loss, the MPS
(90%), energy spread of 1% (95% peak-to-peak), and                  response time is 35s (including diagnostics, signal
bunch length of < 3 ns (95%) on the target.                         processing, and residual beam dumping). MPS
   In contrast to high-intensity spallation neutron sources         responding to slow beam loss is complicated by low
and neutrino sources that require pulsed beams, most of             sensitivity of conventional ion chamber loss
FRIB experiments prefer high-duty or continuous-wave                detection to low-energy heavy ions and beam-loss
(CW) beams. By choosing CW acceleration, a low beam                 signal background from adjacent linac segments with
current (< 2 mA) can generate the required beam power               which beam energies are significantly different.
of 400 kW. Except for the ion source, effects of space              Beam-halo- scraping rings in the warm interconnect
charge are mostly negligible.                                       sections and possible thermal sensors at cold regions
   Superconducting (SC) technology is the energy-                   are planned for more sensitive loss detection [4].
efficient choice for the CW linac. SC acceleration of              Tunability: The accelerator is designed to be easily
heavy-ion beams is feasible from very low energy (500               tunable during both beam commissioning and
keV/u) with practically sized cavity bores by housing               operations [5]. In linac segment 1, where beam
both the cavities and solenoids in a cryomodule. A two-             transverse-phase advance is large, cold beam-
cell scheme is chosen throughout the entire linac                   position monitors (BPM) are implemented in the
providing both efficient acceleration and focusing.                 cryomodules. Efforts are made in establishing beam-
Developments of digital low-level RF control and solid-             tuning strategies based on virtual accelerators and
state RF amplifier technologies have made individual                on-line models under normal and fault conditions.
cavity powering and control reliable and cost efficient.           Upgradeability: Space is reserved in linac segment 3
   Furthermore, high availability, maintainability,                 to house another 12 cryomodules to readily increase
reliability, tunability, and upgradability are especially           the energy of 238U beam above 300 MeV/u. If
required for the FRIB accelerator to operate as a national          cavities with 35% higher accelerating gradient are
scientific user facility.                                           used in linac segments 2 and 3, the beam-on-target
    Availability: The accelerator is designed with high            energy can be raised above 400 MeV/u for 238U. The
     beam-on-target availability accommodating normal,              linac tunnel allows future expansion so that a
     alternative, and fault scenarios. In the normal                dedicated light-ion injector can be added supporting
     scenario, a liquid lithium stripper is used to raise the       rare isotope production using the isotope separation
     average charge state of 238U beam to 78+ for efficient         on-line (ISOL) method [1]. Using an RF deflector
     acceleration. Alternatively, helium gas confined by            cavity and a Lambertson septum magnet, 3He+ beam
     plasma windows with differential pumping can be                supplying protons to the ISOL target can share cycle
     used to strip the 238U beam to a lower average charge          with the 238U beam feeding the fragmentation target;
     state of 71+. Fault scenarios include the situation            thus simultaneous users are supported. Furthermore,
     when superconducting (SC) cavities underperform                space is reserved to house instrumentations including
     by up to 20% of the design gradients. Furthermore,             non-destructive diagnostics and sub-harmonic (e.g.
     key components (e.g., QWR cryomodules) and                     20.125 MHz) buncher that are compatible with
     subsystems (e.g., machine protection) are                      future user demands of experiments.
     implemented with spares and design redundancies.
    Maintainability: The average uncontrolled beam loss
     is limited to below 1 W/m level for all ion species
     from proton to uranium, to facilitate hands-on
     maintenance. For a proton beam at high energy, this
     level corresponds to an average activation of about 1
     mSv/h measured at a distance of 30 cm from the
     beam chamber surface, 4 hours after operations
     shutdown [3]. For heavy ions like uranium at low
     energies, activation and radiation shielding is of less
     concern; the 1 W/m limit addresses concerns in
     damage on superconducting cavity surfaces and in
     cryogenic heat load. To facilitate maintenance of
     individual cryomodules, warm interconnect sections
     are used between cryomodules, and U-tubes with
     bayonet connections are used for cryogenic                 Figure 2: Layout of cryomodule inside FRIB driver
     distribution (Figure 2).                                   accelerator tunnel showing U-tube cryogenic connections.

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MOB01                                Proceedings of HIAT 2012, Chicago, IL USA

   The FRIB accelerator design combines the complexity           Major R&D topics of FRIB accelerator systems include
of heavy ion accelerators with the engineering challenges      high-efficiency charge stripping and superconducting RF
of high-power accelerators [3]. Due to the low charge-to-      technologies for low-β acceleration.
mass ratio, heavy ion acceleration is often not efficient.
Uncontrolled beam loss, which usually is not an issue for      Charge Stripper
low-power heavy ion machines, is of primary concern for           The FRIB baseline design of charge stripping [11] was
the FRIB accelerator. Comparing with high-power proton         based on the ANL work on a liquid-lithium high-power
machines like the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) linac        thick target where it was demonstrated power deposition
where apertures of the elliptical SC cavities [6] are large    of 20 kW (from an electron beam) with the liquid lithium
and beam amplitude reaches maxima in the warm                  operating well in an accelerator environment. During the
locations of the focusing quadrupole magnets, the              last couple of years the stability of a thin liquid film with
apertures of the FRIB QWR and HWR accelerating                 the correct thickness for the FRIB stripper (~600 g/cm2)
structures are small and beam amplitude reaches maxima         was achieved (Figure 3). The next step is to show that the
in the cold solenoid locations inside cryomodules.             power deposited by the primary beam on the moving film
Requirements on beam halo prevention, detection and            (~ 1 kW) will not destroy or perturb it. With this purpose
mitigation are stringent.                                      we borrowed the LEDA ion source and LEBT from
   To maximize beam intensity on the target, beams of          LANL and plan to modify the optics to obtain a 1 to 3
multiple charge states are accelerated simultaneously (2       mm diameter beam spot on the liquid-lithium film. As the
charge states of 33+ and 34+ before stripping, and 5           protons will stop on the film the power will be
charge states of 76+ to 80+ after stripping for 238U).         comparable to the power deposited by the heavy ions
Bends of second-order achromatic optics are used to fold       during operation. The source reconfiguration is taking
the beams, and cavity phases are adjusted so that beams        place at MSU. Once the new optics is checked on a new
are longitudinally overlapping at the charge stripper [7].     platform that is matched to the ANL lithium loop, the
   Conventional charge strippers like solid carbon foils are   device will be moved to ANL for the integrated test.
not sustainable at the power of a 238U beam at 17 MeV/u           A second option for the stripper consisting of a helium
during normal operations [8]. FRIB accelerator lattice         gas cell enclosed by plasma windows was considered.
needs to accommodate beam acceleration of different            The RIKEN group has shown [12] that helium gas
charge states resulting from various stripping methods         produces a higher average charge state than a nitrogen gas
including liquid lithium and helium gas (average charge        stripper. The purpose of the plasma windows is to limit
state from 63+ to 78+ for 238U). Buncher cavities of           the helium gas leaking out of the gas cell [8].
fundamental (80.5 MHz and 322 MHz) and double (161
MHz) linac RF frequencies are strategically placed in the
folding segments to preserve beam quality.
   Due to the short stopping distance in surrounding
materials, uncontrolled beam loss of the low-energy
heavy ions can cause damage to the surface of
accelerating structures much more easily than a proton
beam. On the other hand, due to the low level of radio-
activation [9], losses of low-energy heavy-ion beams are
difficult to detect [4]. Beam-loss detection and machine
protection often rely on beam scraping. On the other
hand, scraping of partially stripped ions may lead to
higher ionization further complicating beam collimation
and machine protection [10].
   Due to requirements of frequent longitudinal and              Figure 3: Liquid lithium film established at ANL.
transverse focusing in the superconducting acceleration        Superconducting RF
structure, focusing solenoids are placed inside
cryomodules adjacent to cavities. Alignment tolerance of          FRIB driver linac is the first full-size SC linac using a
these solenoids is ±1 mm under cryogenic conditions.           large quantity (340) of low-β cavities. Cavity design is
Horizontal and vertical steerers are needed to thread the      optimized not only for optimum performance but also for
beam and correct the beam orbit.                               low production cost [13]. This requirement guided the
   Stringent beam-on-target requirements demand tight          choice of the cavity geometries, materials and mechanical
optical control, error control, and advanced beam              solutions, avoiding complicated shapes, minimizing the
diagnostics. The primary beam of 400 kW needs to be            amount of electron beam welds, eliminating bellows,
focused into a diameter of 1 mm with below ±5 mrad             optimizing construction and surface treatment procedures.
transverse angular spread. The desired range of beam           FRIB cavities work with superfluid helium at 2 K. The
power variation on target is 8 orders of magnitude. Orbit      increase in cavity Q more than compensates the loss of
stability needs to be controlled at 0.1 mm level.              efficiency of the 2 K cryogenic system. This innovative

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                                        Proceedings of HIAT 2012, Chicago, IL USA                                 MOB01

choice in a low-β linac allows operation of cavities in           Surface Treatments. Test results and production cost
stable pressure conditions with high safety margin on the      considerations led to the choice of buffered chemical
maximum surface fields.                                        polishing (BCP) for FRIB cavity’s surface treatment. The
                                                               effort was concentrated in the development of a reliable
   Cavity Development. After a 10-year development,
                                                               procedure [15] able to produce field-emission free, high
the 2nd generation QWR prototypes are used in the ReA3
                                                               gradient cavities. The treatment includes the following
linac (7 with β0=0.041 in operation and 8 with β0=0.085
                                                               BCP steps: 1) bulk etch (150µm removal), 2) differential
under installation). This cavity type underwent
                                                               etching in QWRs for final cavity tuning if required, 3)
modifications including the displacement of the RF
coupler from the bottom plate to the resonator side and an     light etch (30 µm removal). Thermal treatment in high
increased distance between the tuning plate and the inner      vacuum at 600 °C is applied before step 3) for Hydrogen
conductor tip, in order to remove a critical thermal           removal to prevent Q disease. High pressure water rinsing
problem in the design. The new tuning plate includes slots     (HPR) is applied before cavity final installation. To assure
and undulations to increase its maximum elastic                surface cleanliness, dust particle count is performed on
displacement and thus its tuning range, and a “puck”           resonator surfaces during cavity assembly in the clean
whose length can be adjusted for cavity tuning before          room and the water purity is continuously monitored
final welding. Concerning the β0=0.53 HWR prototype,           during HPR. During BCP both the cavity and acid
which is similar in design to the β0=0.29 cavity, 4 units of   temperatures are stabilized to control the removal rate and
the 2nd generation have been built by 2 different vendors      to avoid excess of hydrogen absorption in Nb. The acid
in addition to the one built in house. After positive test     flow path in the β0=0.53 HWR was studied by means of
results, the β0=0.085 QWR and the HWRs designs have            simulations and experiments to obtain homogeneous
been further refined in a 3rd generation, upgraded design      removal over the entire inner resonator surface. Final
with increased diameter that takes maximum advantage of        thermal treatment at 120°C was also implemented,
the space available in FRIB cryomodules (Figure 4 and          showing significant reduction of the Q-slope at 4.2 K, but
Table 2) [14].                                                 negligible improvement at 2 K.
                                                                  Test Results in Prototypes. The 2nd generation
                                                               prototypes of β0=0.085 QWR and 0.53 HWR have been
                                                               tested in vertical dewars at 2 K exceeding FRIB design
                                                               specifications (Figures 5 and 6) [14].

Figure 4: FRIB SC cavities. From left: β0=0.041 and
0.085 QWRs, β0=0.29 and 0.53 HWRs.

          Table 2: Upgraded FRIB cavity parameters
 Resonator             QWR1     QWR2       HWR1    HWR2         Figure 5: ReA3, 0=0.085 QWR prototype Q0 vs. Eacc
              0        0.041    0.085      0.29     0.53       at 2 K and 4.2 K, before and after 120°C baking.
      f (MHz)           80.5     80.5        322     322
      V (MV)            0.81      1.8        2.1     3.7
     E (MV/m)            31       33         33      26
      B (mT)             55       70         60      63
      Q0 (10 )           1.2      1.8        5.5     7.6
      R/Q (Ω)           402      452         224     230
          G (Ω)          15       22         78      107
   Aperture (mm)         34       34         40      40
   Leff ≡  (mm)       160      320         270     503
                                                                Figure 6: Performance of the 0=0.53 HWR prototypes
 Number of cavities      12       94         76      148        Q0 vs. Eacc processed and tested at MSU and JLAB.

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MOB01                               Proceedings of HIAT 2012, Chicago, IL USA

  The residual resistance measured in the prototype          Multipacting was found to impede the performance of the
families was below 5 n up to about 100 mT in QWRs,          cavities and the coupler. Future tests are planned starting
and about 80 mT in HWRs. Considering that the FRIB           August 2012 on magnetic field and shielding studies,
specified limits are 11 n and 70 mT, a large safety         mechanical-type and pneumatic-type tuner evaluations,
margin exists for future upgrades (Figure 7).                multipacting mitigation, and integrated tests with both
                                                             β0=0.29 and β0=0.53 HWRs.

                                                                        ACCELERATOR DESIGN
                                                                The FRIB facility is designed adjacent to the ReA
                                                             facility [2] to benefit fully from the existing experimental
                                                             infrastructure at the National Superconducting Cyclotron
                                                             Laboratory (NSCL) (Figure 9). The driver linac is folded
                                                             twice to minimize the footprint impact on campus, and
                                                             the tunnel layout allows “open cutting” to save on civil
                                                             construction costs. Design of the penetrations between the
                                                             tunnel and the service buildings is compatible with the
                                                             planned energy upgrade. Space is reserved to house
                                                             kickers, septums, and target of a future ISOL facility and
Figure 7: Residual surface resistance at 2 K of              “stubs” are built to the tunnel walls to allow connection to
0=0.041 and 0.085 QWR and 0=0.53 HWR prototypes.           a future light-ion injector for the planned upgrades.
   Design Upgrade. The 3rd-generation cavity design
optimization resulted in significant improvement of peak
fields Ep/Eacc, Bp/Eacc and shunt impedance Rsh, with
consequent reduction of the overall linac cost and
operational risk. Ep and Bp in operation could be moved
below the safe values of 35 MV/m and 70 mT in all
cavities. The design gradients of the β0=0.085 QWR and
β0=0.29 HWR are raised by 10% without increasing the
total cryogenic load, allowing a reduction of two
cryomodules. The apertures of all QWRs were enlarged
from 30 to 34 mm, and their bottom rings were modified
for efficient tuning-plate cooling using a low-cost design
[14]. The HWR designs were optimized to facilitate the
mechanical construction and tuning procedure. In all
cavities, the helium vessel is made of titanium to avoid       Figure 9: Layout of the FRIB facility (colored) at MSU.
brazed Nb-to-stainless-steel interface.
                                                             Front End
                                                               The FRIB Front End includes two ECR sources
                                                             (ECRIS), two charge selection systems, a LEBT, a RFQ,
                                                             and a MEBT (Figure 10). To enhance availability and
                                                             maintainability, placed at the ground level in the support
                                                             building about 10 m above the tunnel level are two ECR
                                                             sources: a SC high-power source based on the SC ECRIS
                                                             VENUS developed at LBNL [16] and, initially, a room-
                                                             temperature ECRIS ARTEMIS available at NSCL.

Figure 8: TDCM containing two 0=0.53 prototype
HWR and a solenoid during installation in the test bunker.
  β0=0.53 Prototype Cryomodule (TDCM).             The
Technology Demonstration Cryomodule (TDCM)
consists of two β0=0.53 HWRs operating at 2 K and a 9 T
solenoid operating at 4.5 K arranged in a “top-down”
configuration (Figure 8). The cryomodule was tested at
the design cryogenic temperatures demonstrating
excellent cryogenic and LLRF control stabilities.              Figure 10: FRIB Front End with its major subsystems.

12                                                                              Radioactive Ion Beams and Facilities

                                    Proceedings of HIAT 2012, Chicago, IL USA                                    MOB01

                         Figure 11: Layout of the FRIB driver accelerator at the tunnel level.

   The beams extracted from the sources are filtered in the      Several potential “hot spots” are likely to compromise
charge selection systems. The LEBT design is achromatic       SRF performance: ion source, charge stripper, charge
allowing transporting two charge states simultaneously to     selector, and fragment target. Fast acting valves of ms
double the accelerated beam intensity. To facilitate          response time are designed at both ends of each linac
transport of the two-charge state beams the LEBT uses         segment to protect cryomodules against vacuum failures.
electrostatic quadrupoles and two 90 dipole deflectors in       Since energy gains in the cavity are different for beams
the vertical transport line. To reduce losses in the          of different charge states, a multi-reference-particle model
superconducting linac, the beam is collimated by several      is established to handle various charge states of respective
apertures in the LEBT. Then, the CW beam is bunched by        beam trajectory, beam energy, synchronous phase, focal
a multi-harmonic buncher operating at 40.25, 80.5, and        length and phase advance. Transverse coupling in a lattice
120.75 MHz before injection into the RFQ. A second RF         containing solenoids presents another challenge to beam
cavity operating at 40.25 MHz upstream of the RFQ is          matching even though the beam is nominally round.
required for two-charge-state beam injection acting as a      Particle tracking simulation with 3D fields indicates that
velocity equalizer and reducing the longitudinal beam         even if a round beam is injected into the linac, it will
emittance. A chopper is used to vary the duty cycle           become tilted in the linac presumably due to the
controlling the pulse length from several hundreds of ns      quadrupole components of the QWR cavities. Transverse
to CW and the pulse frequency from 0 to 30 kHz. Several       matching of a coupled beam requires fitting of 10
mesh screens allow reduction of the beam intensity by         variables comparing with 6 of a decoupled beam.
several orders of magnitude while keeping the nominal
bunch frequency. The two 90 electrostatic deflectors in
                                                              Folding Segments and Beam Delivery System
the vertical transport line are incorporated into the            Two folding segments split the linac in three segments.
machine protection system. The voltage on the deflector       The stripper is located just upstream of the first 180˚
plates with shut-off time below 1 s are controlled by fast   bend. Four 45˚ room-temperature dipoles and several
switches that receive the inhibit signal from the MPS.        combined function (quadrupole/sextupole) magnets
   The RFQ accelerates the beam from 12 to 500 keV/u.         control the chromatic effects. Five charge states of 238U
Downstream of the RFQ, the MEBT consists of two               are transported with different rigidities (Q/Q ~ 3%).
room-temperature QWR bunchers, four SC solenoids, an          SRF rebunchers are located before and after the bend to
energy analyzing dipole, and diagnostics. It matches the      match the longitudinal phase space to the acceptance of
beam to the SC linac and removes un-accelerated beam          the second linac segment. This first bend effectively
that is not longitudinally captured in the RFQ.               facilitates charge selection and beam halo scraping.
                                                                 The second bend was introduced to reduce the tunnel
Linac Segments                                                footprint, as shown in Figure 11. Four superconducting
  Three sequential linac segments (LS1, LS2, and LS3),        dipoles of 2 T maximum field adopt similar design to the
each over 100-m long, accelerate the beam from 500            dipoles used at NSCL in the A1900 fragment separator.
keV/u to above 200 MeV/u (Figure 11). There are 44            Afterwards, the beam is further accelerated in the third
acceleration cryomodules and 5 rebuncher cryomodules          segment and then bent 70˚ toward the production target
in the linac containing a total of 330 QWR and HWR            where the objective is to achieve 90% of the beam in a 1
cavities. 9-T SC solenoids provide beam transverse            mm diameter beam spot with all five charge states
focusing in all the acceleration cryomodules. In order not    superimposed. The final component of the transport line
to quench adjacent SC cavities, buckling coils are            is the final focus triplet where special care is taken to
equipped with each solenoid to limit the stray fields.        reduce the chromatic aberrations.
Meanwhile, residual magnetic fields are limited to no
more than 15 mG to ensure SRF performance of the              Reaccelerator
cavities. Along with cryomodule magnetic shielding, an          The re-accelerator facility (ReA) is a heavy ion linac
automatic degaussing process is designed for the SC           consisting of an Electron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT) charge
solenoid.                                                     breeder, an off-line stable ion beam injector, a multi-

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harmonic buncher, an RFQ, and 8 cryomodules (one               assembly are planned to be performed in house,
o=0.041 cryomodule, four o=0.085 cryomodules, and            fabrication of a large quantity of repetitive components
three bunchers) with a total of 41 SC cavities. ReA            are planned through mass production and out-sourcing by
reaccelerates the rare isotope ion beam after it was mass-     industrial providers. Based on quoting and purchasing
separated in the fragment separator and decelerated to         experiences, a cost reduction of 2 to 3 times is expected
thermal energies. The 1+ rare isotope beam is injected         between prototypes and mass-produced items.
into an EBIT charge breeder, stripped to a Q/A between            The FRIB project plans to place approximately 450
0.2 and 0.5 and accelerated in the linac. ReA is designed      procurements valued at more than $50k each. The sum of
to provide beams with energies from 0.3 to 12 MeV/u for        all technical equipment procurements amounts to $217M
heavier ions and from 0.3 up to 20 MeV/u for light ions.       excluding conventional facility construction. We have
   The first stage of ReA (ReA3) is partly under beam          implemented a procurement strategy that strives to reduce
commissioning. The first two o=0.041 cryomodules were         vendor risks for the best value to the FRIB project:
installed in 2010 and commissioned in 2011. The third              We work directly with the vendors understanding
cryomodule (o=0.085) is planned to be installed by the              their individual risk concerns and proposing
end of 2012 completing the ReA3 project. In 2014 an                  mitigations:
additional o=0.085 cryomodule will be added which will               o Perform certain tasks in-house if the vendor
enable acceleration of all ions above the Coulomb                         lacks capability;
barriers. A limited user program utilizing rare isotopes              o Adjust engineering designs to allow vendor to
produced by the Coupled Cyclotron Facility (CCF) is                       implement familiar fabrication approaches;
scheduled to start in 2013.                                           o Identify key-personnel bottlenecks at the vendor,
   During the commissioning of the cryomodules, the                       and provide technical support where necessary;
stabilities of SRF cavities and LLRF control were suc-                o Work closely with the vendor in mass-production
cessfully demonstrated to FRIB requirements [2]. Figure                   planning and subsequent quality monitoring;
12 shows the first beam energy spectrum observed in                   o Accept         components        on    mechanical
ReA3 during commissioning with a He+ beam. Each peak                      (dimensional) properties instead of functional
corresponds to a beam energy shift after the RFQ when                     (e.g. electromagnetic, RF) performance;
each cavity is sequentially turned on and phased for                  o FRIB to purchase high-cost materials that expose
acceleration at nominal ReA3 gradients (Va=0.432MV).                      to market fluctuations (e.g., Nb).
In addition, the first 1+ to n+ acceleration using the EBIT        We evaluate how the project fits into the supplier’s
charge breeder was recently demostrated. For this test, a            total capabilities and long-term business plans to
single charged 39K beam was injected into the EBIT                   gauge supplier management’s commitment to solve
source from the off-line test source, charge bred to 16+             production challenges and risks.
and accelerated through the linac.                                 We develop long-term supplier relationships for mass
                                                                     production. Phasing of procurements from
                                                                     prototypes to production sensitizes vendors to be
                                                                     able to successfully produce the unique components.
                                                               So far we have implemented this strategy to negotiated
                                                               favorable prices for all the SRF material purchases and
                                                               the production of 174 β=0.53 HRWs [17].
                                                                  The cryogenics system is designed to support the
                                                               operation of both SC cavities at a sub-atmospheric
                                                               pressure (2 K) and SC magnets at a pressure slightly over
                                                               atmospheric. The system must also provide a 4.5 K
                                                               liquefaction load to support the magnet’s power leads and
                                                               a non-isothermal refrigeration-shield load between 38 and
                                                               55 K. Table 3 summarizes the interface heat load
                                                               requirements for each load temperature.
Figure 12: Energy spectra measured with a silicon
                                                                  The distribution system consists of three separate linac-
detector. By turning on one cavity at a time the nominal
                                                               segment lines and a separator-area distribution line. It
final energy of 5.486 MeV (1.38MeV/u) was reached.
                                                               uses cryogenic disconnects consisting of vacuum
                                                               insulated “U-tubes” and bayonets integrated with non-
                                                               cryogenic isolation valves that are similar to JLab and
Design & Acquisition Strategy                                  SNS designs. Each segment, as well as individual
                                                               cryomodules, may be cooled down and warmed up
   After the project baseline, the FRIB project entered into
its final design phase when detail engineering designs are
                                                                  The options to support various cryomodule loads are
performed at MSU. While critical processing and
                                                               described and evaluated in [18]. The number and location

14                                                                                Radioactive Ion Beams and Facilities

                                      Proceedings of HIAT 2012, Chicago, IL USA                                   MOB01

of valves and interface locations between distribution          and coldmass assembly are planned to be performed in-
system and cryomodules are considered to accomplish             house. The cryomodule thermal shield, magnetic shield,
cool down, warm up, and isolation, as well as for efficient     cryogenic plumbing, and vacuum vessel will be procured
and steady operations.                                          from industry as complete “plug-in” units ready for
   Since the dominant refrigeration load is at 2 K, the         assembly in the cryomodules.
refrigeration process is based on the process options study
presented in [19] and incorporates the cumulative
experience from both JLab and SNS cryogenic systems.
Since the load estimates are approximate, margins are
included in these load estimates for the refrigerator. The
recent experience gained from the JLab 12 GeV cryogenic
system design is utilized for both the refrigerator cold box
and the compression system designs. The Floating
Pressure Process – Ganni Cycle [20] is to be implemented
to provide efficient adaptation to the actual loads.

 Table 3: Interface Load Requirements. In addition, the
 total magnet lead flow is 3.2 g/s, representing 3% of the
 total load exergy.
    Source                          Heat load [W]
                              2K     4.5 K    38 – 55 K
    Cryomodule               2490     1470       7690
    Magnets                    0      670        1000
                                                                Figure 13: FRIB “bottom-up” cryomodule designs. The
    Cryodistribution           0      950        5000           top cryomodule incorporates 8 β=0.085 QWRs, 3
    Beam loss                  0       25           0           solenoids, and 3 cold beam position monitors; the bottom
                                                                cryomodule incorporates 8 β=0.53 HWRs and a solenoid.
    Total load               2490     3115      13690
    Load exergy fraction     54%      30%        13%
                                                                   The RF System monitors and controls the amplitude
Cryomodule                                                      and phase of the voltage in the cavities. The RF System
                                                                consists of the reference clock generation and distribution
   After the conceptual design, the FRIB cryomodule             line, LLRF controllers, RF amplifiers, RF transmission
design has evolved significantly from the “top-down”            lines including couplers and pickup cables, cavity spark
ReA3 style to a “bottom-up” design. Key features                detectors, and cavity tuner controls (Figure 14).
including rail system, support system, heat and magnetic
shields are simplified along with improvements in
assembly and alignment. Figure 13 shows the current
design incorporating a torque-resistant structural frame
made of stainless steel. We incorporate machined
fiberglass compression posts supporting the coldmass in
the cryomodule vacuum vessel. Three posts on linear
roller bearings oriented towards the center of thermal
contraction serve as 6-degree-of-freedom kinematic
supports. This design controls the alignment of the
coldmass while allowing thermal contraction. Cavity and
solenoid attachment points to the rails are all machined
after welding to ensure assembly consistency [21].
   The FRIB cryomodules contain separate cryogenic
circuits at 4 K for the solenoids and at 2 K for the cavities
with the 2 K heat exchanger residing inside. We are                  Figure 14: RF system interface block diagram.
currently evaluating cavity operation at 2.1 K. The slight
reduction in cavity Q would be offset by substantial               The RF Reference clock is generated by a 10.0625
savings in cryoplant costs. However, care must be taken         MHz oven-controlled crystal oscillator and distributed
                                                                along the linac via phase-stabilized RF cable with
for quiescent cavity operation close to the helium -point.
                                                                temperature variation below ±5ppm/˚C. The reference
   The project schedule calls for a production rate of 2
cryomodules per month. Cavity processing, vertical tests        line has directional couplers near each cryomodule. The

Radioactive Ion Beams and Facilities                                                                                    15

MOB01                               Proceedings of HIAT 2012, Chicago, IL USA

reference signal cable from the directional coupler to the    transmission efficiency above 80%. It operates at 80.5
LLRF module in the service building is routed as close as     MHz and requires about 100 kW of CW RF power. A 4-
possible to the forward, reflected, and cavity feedback       vane resonator is utilized with a liner ramped accelerating
signals to minimize the effects of temperature drift.         voltage profile (Figure 15).
   The LLRF controller directly samples the cavity
feedback signals and the reference signal. The sample
clock is locked to and derived from the reference clock.
The sample clock frequency is chosen to minimize the
aliasing effects of harmonics that may be present in the
incoming signals. The raw samples are filtered and
converted to phase and amplitude in the field-
programmable gate array (FPGA) and control logic
directly produces the output frequencies using a high-
speed digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The tuner
control signals are also generated in the FPGA using
information from the RF feedback signals.
   A new control method - active disturbance rejection
control (ADRC), is applied to solve the problem of
microphonics detuning in the SC cavities. ADRC
                                                              Figure 15: RFQ assembly view of segment 1 with
provides 200% improvement over the proportional-
                                                              endplate removed.
integral-derivative (PID) method in simulations and 400%
improvement in hardware tests. A digital self-excited
                                                                 Mechanical construction of the RFQ will be performed
loop mode was also implemented in the LLRF controllers.
                                                              as an integral brazed structure with dual-circuit cooling
   With the exception of the RFQ amplifier (200 kW
                                                              water resonance control. Overall mechanical fabrication
tetrode), the FRIB RF amplifiers use solid-state
                                                              is performed in 5 longitudinal sections to minimize
technology. Multiple amplifiers can be combined to
                                                              machining and handling weight. The quadrupole and
generate the required power (up to 8 kW for =0.53
                                                              dipole mode frequencies are fine-tuned during
HWRs). The isolation provided by the circulators allows
                                                              construction using fixed mechanical slug tuners in all 4
the use of N-way power combiners which saves space and
                                                              quadrants distributed along the length of the machine.
cost. The high-power RF cables, connectors, circulators,
                                                              Dipole mode suppression rods attached to the structure
power combiners and transmission lines for the SRF
                                                              endplates are utilized to separate and move dipole mode
amplifiers are rated to handle the standing waves
                                                              frequencies away from the accelerating mode frequency,
produced by the reflected power due to over-coupling.
                                                              thus stabilizing the desired quadrupole accelerating mode
Ion Source                                                    at 80.5 MHz. The field ramp in the accelerating mode is
                                                              accomplished through proper sizing of the magnetic
   The ARTEMIS ECR source built at MSU based on the
                                                              return vane undercuts at the ends of the structure and
AECR-U design at LBNL operates at 14.5 GHz with
                                                              power is fed using a magnetic-field loop-coupler drive.
room-temperature coils.
                                                                 Thermal management of CW RFQ’s is challenging but
   The VENUS-style ECR source will be a SC high-
                                                              given the modest drive power of below 100 kW, no
performance ECR source operating at 28 GHz. In 2007,
                                                              significant cooling issues exist. All components are made
VENUS demonstrated the FRIB current [16] for a 238U
                                                              of high-conductivity copper and actively water cooled:
beam when combining the two charges states of 33+ and
                                                              resonator vanes, endplates, slug tuners, vacuum pumping
34+. Recent beam measurements demonstrated that better
                                                              port grills and the 15.6-cm diameter coaxial drive coupler
performances from VENUS can be obtained by coupling
                                                              power feed. Additional care is taken in the vane-undercut
additional microwave power (up to 8 kW) to the ion
                                                              regions where the local RF heating is increased due to
source. A new intensity record of 450 eA of 238U33+ was      magnetic-field compression in these zones.
obtained with VENUS at LBNL. The measured emittance
for this charge state showed that 95% of the beam was         Magnet and Power Supply
within the FRIB acceptance. FRIB modifications to the            Most of the magnets in the driver linac are resistive due
original design of the VENUS cryostat include the             to the relatively low beam rigidity. Superconducting
cooling capacity at 4.2K been extended from 6 W to 12 W       dipoles are used when fields of 2 T are required (folding
to include the dynamic heat load generated by the plasma      segment 2). The fragment separator uses SC technology
Bremsstrahlung electrons.                                     to allow the high pole-tip fields and large apertures
   Both sources are installed on a high-voltage platform to   required to maximize the acceptance. Re-configuration of
provide an initial beam acceleration of 12 keV/u at FRIB.     the existing A1900 fragment separator allows connection
RFQ                                                           to the existing NSCL experimental equipment.
                                                                 Power supplies are largely in three categories, room-
   The FRIB RFQ accelerates the multi-charge state beam       temperature magnet power supplies, SC magnet power
from 12 to 500 keV/u over a 5-m distance with estimated

16                                                                               Radioactive Ion Beams and Facilities

                                     Proceedings of HIAT 2012, Chicago, IL USA                                   MOB01

supplies, and high-voltage power supplies. Programmable        Conceptual designs for fixed- and adjustable-aperture
power supplies provide regulated DC current to the             halo rings are shown in Figure 16.
magnets, or regulated high voltage to electrostatic
elements and ion source components.                            Vacuum and Alignment
                                                                  Beam-boxes as shown in Figure 16 of two standardized
Diagnostics                                                    lengths and identical diagnostics ports will be installed
   The driver linac is planned to be commissioned with         across the entire driver accelerator. Over 100 ion pumps
single-shot or low repetition rate, 50 µA and 50 µs beam       are used to generate vacuum ranging from 10-6 Torr
pulses. This sets the fundamental operating specification      (charge-stripping section) to 5x10-9 Torr (warm region
for most diagnostics systems. In full operation, the           between cryomodules). Vacuum requirements are
diagnostics must accommodate low-to-moderate energy,           primarily determined by the need to minimize stripping of
low instantaneous current, CW, high-power beams of             the highly-charged heavy ions. Effects of electron cloud
differing ion species with high charge states.                 are expected to be negligible. The Molflow+ codes [22]
   Use of intercepting diagnostic devices is acceptable        are used to guide the pump sizing and placements.
only under tightly controlled, low-beam-power conditions          Planning for the alignment of the facility is underway.
and only at locations not adjacent to SC cavities. Also,       In the near-term we focus on designing the alignment
FRIB low-energy, heavy-ion beams do not avail                  network including characterization of the existing
themselves to many optical diagnostics techniques used         network in the NSCL facility matching the FRIB global-
for highly-relativistic beams. Beam position and beam          coordinate system. The alignment network encompasses
current monitoring system design is challenged by the          the front end beam lines at ground level, a 10-m vertical
continuous, low-current (500 µA maximum) nature of the         drop to the over 3,066 m2 linac tunnel, heavily shielded
FRIB beam. The present specification for the operational       target system chambers, and a vertical rise back to and
“CW” beam includes a 50 µs beam gap at 100 Hz                  including the entire existing NSCL facility.
primarily for diagnostics purposes.                               Weight and structural analysis and differential-
   The FRIB beams present particular challenges for beam       settlement monitoring is included as part of conventional-
loss monitoring, which is traditionally expected to            facility design.
provide important signals for machine protection and for
beam tuning and optimization. Full loss of the CW heavy        Controls
ion beam, even at relatively low energies, can cause             As the interface for operators and physicists to
component damage in tens of microseconds. At low               commission and operate the FRIB accelerator, the control
energies, e.g. all of LS1, the radiation signature outside     system provides supervisory and model-driven control
the beam line elements can be vanishingly small.               (Table 4).
Distributed, chronic, fractionally small losses of the CW
beam can adversely load the cryogenic system. Radiation                  Table 4: FRIB distributed control system.
cross-talk between adjacent segments of the folded FRIB         Physical Distribution    ~200 m * 200 m
linac configuration is large [4]. Finally, there is expected    IOCs                     ~150 Computers/EPICS
to be a competing radiation field due to X-rays from SRF                                 Input/Output Controllers (IOC)
cavities, which is yet to be quantified.                        PLCs                     ~100 Programmable Logic
                                                                                         Controllers (PLC)
                                                                Network                  ~ 3000 GbE ports
                                                                Global Timing            >500 timing drop points
                                                                Machine Protection       ~2000 MPS fast protection inputs
                                                                Conventional Facility    ~760 racks and more than 100
                                                                                         with controls devices

                                                                 The low-level control system consists of
                                                               programmable-logic-controllers (PLC), input-output-
                                                               controllers (IOC) and signal-conditioning modules to
                                                               provide process control and remote operation to the field
                                                               devices including vacuum devices, power supplies, RF
                                                               controllers and cryogenic sensors/controllers.
Figure 16: Standardized accelerator vacuum chambers              The global system provides site-wide timing (event and
with diagnostics ports. Also shown are fixed (left) and        data), network connectivity and integration of machine
variable (right) diameter halo scrapers for interceptive       protection to allow all subsystems to work together with
beam-loss monitoring.                                          synchronized real-time information, Ethernet-based
                                                               communication and consistent fault handling. The
  Aperture-limiting “halo rings”, instrumented to sense        machine mode, beam mode and particle type are first set
the deposited charge, are being considered for monitoring      in global system and then distributed throughout the
chronic, small beam losses [4]. The halo rings would be        facility to ensure that every related subsystem has
located in the warm, inter-cryomodule regions.                 consistent information.

Radioactive Ion Beams and Facilities                                                                                    17

MOB01                                Proceedings of HIAT 2012, Chicago, IL USA

  The high-level applications provide both web- and            LCW system supplies the Front End systems. These are
console-based operation toolkits, relational-database          nominally 3-M systems at 32˚C supply temperature
services and model-based physics applications to support       incorporating oxygen reducing system and ultra-violet
installation, commissioning and operations. The service-       (UV) control of biological growth. Service building rack
oriented architecture is selected, the key technologies        cooling is accomplished using filtered, treated water since
such as Eclipse/CSS, J2EE, XAL and MySQL are decided           LCW is not required.
and a set of tools are developed.                                 Instrument-grade compressed air is routed throughout
                                                               the facility for the operation of control valves and
Utilities                                                      solenoids, as well as for blowing out water lines and
   A robust infrastructure is designed to support FRIB         magnets during maintenance.
accelerator operations including facility power, cooling          Heating, ventilation, and air-condition (HVAC) system
water, air, cable trays and conduits, facility layout and      loads and type are specified for all areas of the facility.
grounding.                                                     Fan-coil units which are supplied by hot and cold water
   The FRIB facility will be served by two 25 MW, 13.8         systems are located throughout the accelerator tunnel.
kV primary feeders from the MSU T.B. Simon Power               These units provide the primary air temperature
Plant using an automatic transfer arrangement to transfer      management during operation. A negative (5 mbar sub-
load in the event of a circuit failure. The feeders are        atmospheric) tunnel pressure during operation is provided
installed in an underground duct bank providing                via a 142 m3/min exhaust system venting through an
protection from foreseeable hazardous weather. An              exhaust gas management system with make-up air being
additional 4 MW, 13.8 kV primary feeder is also routed to      pre-conditioned through a conventional HVAC unit.
the site to serve as investment protection in the unlikely     Service building rack area cooling is via a raised floor
scenario that both primary feeders are lost. This 4-MW         “server room” style cooling system. Air will be supplied
feeder requires manual operation to energize and serve         at 13˚C through the floor and ducted to racks as needed.
loads associated with cryogenics operations. These three          Ground vibration may induce movement in the SC
circuits serve a line-up of medium-voltage 15 kV switches      cavities, disrupting the beam and demanding increased
in a loop configuration with multiple tie-switches offering    RF power. The warm-gas compressors of the helium
flexibility in transporting power to various substations       refrigeration system are a major concern, especially since
throughout the facility. Critical loads that cannot tolerate   the system is planned to be housed adjacent to the service
a power failure such as control equipment for cryogenics,      building above the tunnel to save conventional-
communications,        oxygen-deficiency-hazard      (ODH)     construction costs. Studies concluded that the compressor
monitoring, personnel and safety protection systems are        vibration can be adequately mitigated by mechanically
served by three 200 kW (N+1) uninterruptible power             isolating compressors using commercially-available
supplies (UPS). The UPS’s will maintain power to the           foundation pads [24]. The effects from other equipment
critical loads while two 800-kW diesel generators              like cooling-water pumps and chillers also are assessed
operating in parallel come on-line to provide power to the     and      comparable       vibration-reduction     measures
critical, emergency, legally required standby, and optional    implemented.
standby loads and the fire pump. A facility grounding
plan was developed that minimizes conducted and                           FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
radiated electromagnetic interferences. Ground mesh and           The FRIB accelerator design is advanced towards
mechanical bonding are strategically located to optimize       beginning construction in 2014. Early procurements
effectiveness [23].                                            before 2014 is strategically planned to establish the front
   FRIB driver accelerator’s electrical components will be     end test stand to demonstrate critical components of the
housed in 768 racks in the service building. The racks are     ECR ion source and the fully powered RFQ, to contract
organized in 120 groups that follow the contour of the         on long lead-time cryogenic refrigeration subcomponents,
accelerator. Conduit banks are located near each rack          to acquire cryogenic distribution equipment that needs to
group to keep cable lengths as short as possible. There        be installed before accelerator tunnel completion, and to
are 1200 conduits in these banks that carry electrical         acquire SRF components to be assembled in the pre-
signals from RF, power supplies, diagnostics, and controls     production cryomodules. Upon fabrication, installation,
in the accelerator tunnel. The conduits are 6-m long, and      and integrated tests, early beam commissioning is
nominal cable lengths are about 30-m long. Thermal             expected to be staged from 2017 to 2019. The facility is
modelling is being performed for cable heating in the          scheduled to meet key performance parameters
conduits. The conduits are organized for each rack             supporting routine user operations before 2021. Full
grouping by RF, DC power supply leads, high voltage,           design capability is expected to be reached within 4 years
controls, personnel-protection system (PPS), and AC            after the beginning of routine operations. Science driven
power distribution for cryogenic heaters.                      upgrade options may be pursued at any stage of the
   Three primary water cooling loops are specified for the     project.
accelerator systems’ technical equipment. An activated
low-conductivity-water (LCW) system supplies the
equipment in the accelerator tunnel while a non-activated

18                                                                                Radioactive Ion Beams and Facilities

                                    Proceedings of HIAT 2012, Chicago, IL USA                                  MOB01

            ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                   [7] X. Wu et al, “The Overview of the Accelerator
  FRIB accelerator systems design has been assisted               System for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at
under work-for-others agreements by many national                  Michigan State University, LINAC’10, Tsukuba, p.
laboratories including ANL, BNL, FNAL, JLAB, LANL,                 163; Q. Zhao et al, “Beam Dynamics in the FRIB
LBNL, ORNL, and SLAC, and in collaboration with                    Linac”, HB’12, Beijing (2012, to be published).
many institutes including BINP, KEK, IMP, INFN, INR,          [8] F. Marti et al., “Development of Stripper Options for
RIKEN, TRIUMF, and Tsinghua University. We thank                   FRIB”, LINAC’10, Tsukuba, p. 662.
the Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee chaired by         [9] R. Ronningen et al, Nucl. Tech., 168 (2009) 670.
S. Ozaki for their valuable advice and guidance, B.           [10] T. Roser, private communications.
Laxdal, P. Kneisel, and A.C. Crawford for their               [11] Y. Momozaki et al., JINST 4 (2009) P04005.
participation in the FRIB weekly teleconference,              [12] H. Okuno et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 14,
colleagues who participated in FRIB accelerator peer               (2011) 033503.
reviews including A. Aleksandrov, G. Ambrosio, W.             [13] C. Compton et al., “Superconducting Resonators
Barletta, G. Bauer, G. Biallas, J. Bisognano, S. Bousson,          Production for Ion Linacs at Michigan State
M. Champion, M. Crofford, R. Cutler, B. Dalesio, G.                University”, SRF’11, Chicago (2012, in press).
Decker, J. Delayen, H. Edwards, J. Error, J. Fuerst, K.       [14] A. Facco et al, “Superconducting Resonators
Kurukawa, J. Galambos, J. Galayda, J. Gilpatrick, S.               Development for the FRIB and ReA Linacs at MSU:
Gourlay, S. Henderson, L. Hoff, G. Hoffstaetter, J.                Recent Achievements and Future Goals”, IPAC’12;
Hogan, N. Holtkamp, H. Horiike, C. Hovater, H. Imao, R.            J. Popielarski et al., “Dewar Testing of Coaxial
Janssens, R. Keller, J. Kelley, P. Kelley, M. Kelly, J.            Resonators at Michigan State University”, IPAC’12,
Kerby, A. Klebaner, J. Knobloch, J. Mammosser, T.                  New Orleans (2012, in press).
Mann, N. Mokhov, G. Murdoch, H. Okuno, P.                     [15] L. Popielarski et al., “Cleanroom Techniques to
Ostroumov, R. Pardo, S. Peggs, T. Peterson, C. Piller, J.          Improve Surface Cleanliness and Repeatability for
Power, T. Powers, J. Preble, D. Raparia, T. Roser, R.              SRF Coldmass Production”, IPAC’12, New Orleans
Ruland, W.J. Schneider, D. Schrage, J. Sondericker, W.             (2012, in press).
Soyars, C. Spencer, R. Stanek, M. Stettler, J. Stovall, V.    [16] D. Leitner et al, Rev. Sci. Instru. 79 (2008) 02C710.
Verzilov, P. Wanderer, M. Wiseman, L. Young, and A.           [17] M. Leitner, “Design Status of the SRF Linac Systems
Zaltsman, and colleagues who advised and collaborated              for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams”, SRF’11,
with the FRIB team including A. Burrill, K. Davis, W.              Chicago (2011, in press).
Hartung, A. Hutton, R. Kersevan, S.H. Kim, K. Macha,          [18] V. Ganni, “Helium Refrigeration Considerations for
G. Maler, E.A. McEwen, W. Meng, T. Reilly, J.                      Cryomodule Design,” Proc. ADS Conf., Mumbai
Sandberg, J. Tuozzolo, and J. Vincent. At Michigan State           (2011, in press).
University, the FRIB accelerator design is executed by a      [19] P. Knudsen, V. Ganni, “Process Options for Nominal
dedicated team of the FRIB Accelerator Systems Division            2-K Helium Refrigeration System Designs”, Adv.
with close collaboration with the Experimental Systems             Cryo. Eng. 57, AIP, New York (2012, in press).
Division headed by G. Bollen, the Conventional Facility       [20] V. Ganni, P. Knudsen, “Optimal Design and
Division healed by B. Bull, the Chief Engineer’s team              Operation of Helium Refrigeration Systems Using
headed by D. Stout, and supported by the project controls,         the Ganni Cycle,” Adv. Cryo. Eng. 55, AIP, New
procurements, ES&H of the FRIB Project, by the NSCL,               York (2010) p. 1057.
and by the MSU.                                               [21] M. Johnson et al, “Design of the FRIB Cryomodule”,
                                                                   IPAC’12, New Orleans (2012, in press).
                   REFERENCES                                 [22] Codes Molflow+, R. Kersevan, CERN.
[1] Web site                         [23] M. Thuot, “Using the FRIB Facility Grounding Mesh
[2] D. Leitner et al, “Status of the ReAccelerator Facility        Effectively”, FRIB Internal Document T10503-VS-
    RεA for Rare Isotopes beam research”, SRF’2011,                000001 (2012); D. Stout et al, “201105 Grounding
    Chicago (2011, in press).                                      Workshop Report”, FRIB Internal Document
[3] J. Wei, Rev. Mod. Phys., 75, (2003) 1383.                      T20100-RA-000043 (2011).
[4] Z. Liu, Y. Zhang et al, “Ion Chambers and Halo            [24] H. Amick, “Review of Ground-Borne Vibration
    Rings for Loss Detection at FRIB”, IPAC’12, New                Issues”, FRIB Internal Document T20201-TD-
    Orleans (2012, in press).                                      000082 (2011); J.A. Moore, E. E. Ungar, FRIB
[5] Y. Zhang, “Beam Tuning Strategy of the FRIB Linac              Internal Document T20201-TD-000083 (2011); D.
    Driver”; P. Chu et al, “Online Physics Model                   Stout et al, “FRIB Ground-Born Vibration Studies”,
    Platform”, IPAC’12, New Orleans (2012, in press).              FRIB Internal Document T31200-TD-000084 (2011).
[6] N. Holtkamp, “The SNS Linac and Storage Ring:
    Challenges and Progress Towards Meeting Them”,
    EPAC’02, Paris, p. 164.

Radioactive Ion Beams and Facilities                                                                                 19

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