Incoming generated [Feb 3 2015]

0046-EX-ST-2015 Correspondence

MIT Lincoln Laboratory


From: Todd Brick

To: Behnam Ghaffari
Date: February 03, 2015

Subject: FCC File No. 0046-EX-ST-2015

Ms. Munley's organization is a Joint agency, not tied to any single Service branch. Please see As far as the frequencies, the 1258 and 1280 MHz frequencies are
listed by the vendor as the only two allowed US frequencies (please see
y-transmitter-12581280-mhz-us-version-p-1322.html). International versions also include 1200 and 1240,
but that is not the version I have. Note that the frequencies are discrete, not a range.

Document Created: 2015-02-03 13:51:50
Document Modified: 2015-02-03 13:51:50

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