Exhibit 1

2013-EX-ST-2019 Text Documents

Iridium Satellite, LLC


Iridium Satellite LLC                                                                              Exhibit 1

                            Request for Special Temporary Authority

       The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (“NTIA”)
has authorized the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”) to
conduct experiments with the Technical Educational Satellite -10 (“TechEdSat-10”) low
earth orbit nanosatellite. A copy of that authorization is attached hereto.1

        In connection with these experiments, NASA will operate an Iridium satellite
phone that it will host on TechEdSat-10. The satellite phone will transmit from
TechEdSat-10 to space stations in Iridium’s “Big LEO” constellation.2 The transmissions
will, among other goals, utilize Iridium’s constellation as a tracking and data relay
satellite (“TDRS”) for nanosatellites.

      Iridium hereby requests special temporary authority (“STA”) commencing on
February 7, 2020, and continuing for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days, to
transmit from its space stations to TechEdSat-10 in the 1618.725–1626.5 MHz band.3 For
reasons stated below, Iridium asks that its STA request be granted no later than
November 18, 2019.

       There will be no change during the experiment in the operating parameters of
Iridium’s space stations, which are licensed as Part 25 space stations under Call Sign
S2110. For this reason, no operating parameters, other than effective radiated power
and emission designator, are used in the form that this exhibit accompanies. The only
change for which Iridium seeks an STA is adding TechEdSat-10 as a point of
communication. Iridium’s Part 25 space station license does not cover space-to-space

        TechEdSat-10 has been added to the launch manifest for a Northrop Grumman
Antares rocket launch scheduled for February 7, 2020, NG-13, which will deliver cargo
to the International Space Station (“ISS”).

1 As explained in a letter from NASA that also is attached, although the NASA authorization only refers
to TechEdSat-8, it also covers satellites, including TechEdSat-10, that have the same parameters and
technical characteristics as TechEdSat-8.
2 The form that this narrative accompanies states that two satellite phone units will be used. This

statement reflects the fact that there will be a primary unit and a back-up unit. But only a single unit will
be operational at any given time.
3 Iridium’s constellation is comprised of 66 satellites, any one of which may be used as part of the

experiment at any point in time.

Iridium Satellite LLC                                                         Exhibit 1

       The spacecraft launch integrator for NG-13 is requiring that TechEdSat-10 have
all spectrum approvals in place by the hand-off for integration in November.
Accordingly, Iridium respectfully requests that its STA be granted no later than
November 18, 2019.

         National Aeronautics and
         Space Administration

         Ames Research Center
         Moffett Field, CA 94035—1000

                                                                       October 24, 2019

Reply to Attn of: Code IO

        Maureen C. McLaughlin
        Vice President Public Policy, Iridium
        1750 Tysons Boulevard
        Suite 1400, McLean VA 22102

        As delegated to me by the NASA National Spectrum Manager, | am providing this letter
        to confirm the official reference information Iridium will require to pursue authorization
        from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to allow their satellites to support
        an Iridium payload on NASA‘s series of low earth orbiting Technical Educational
        Satellites (TechEdSats). The National Telecommunications and Information
        Administration (NTIA) concurs with the use of TechEdSat nanosatellites to communicate
        with Iridium satellites per Section 2, para 3, sub para c of the attached NTIA Certification
        of Spectrum Support for SPS—23290/1. It cites Iridium remains responsible for securing
        separate FCC authorizations for its satellites to communicate with TechEdSats.
        Although this certification notes a previously launched TechEdSat—8, I hereby confirm
        the NTIA certification also covers all TechEdSat satellites, including TechEdSat—10,
        operating under the same parameters and technical characteristics specified in the

        If you have any questions or require additional clarification on this, please feel free to
        contact me at (650) 604—1415, or William.K.Notley@nasa.gov. .

        William K. Notley
        Ames Research Center Spectrum Manager


        John E. Zuzek/GRC 142:248
        William D. Horne/HQ:7Y59
        Bryan Rhodes/GRC 142:244
        Marcus S. Murbach/ARC/RD 202—1
        Justin Hopkins/ARC/IO 233—17
        Paul H. Kim/ARC/IO—Aerospace Corp. 233—17
        Margaret Abraham/ARC/IO—Aerospace Corp. 233—17

FORM NTIA-44            U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE                     Classification                                         Control Number
(3/91)                 NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS                                                                             Doc. 43772/1
                      AND INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION                                     UNCLASSIFIED                          SPS-23290/1
Recipient Agency               System                                                                                          Stage of Review

               NASA                     Technical Education Satellite 8 (TechEdSat-8) Mission                                      2 - Experimental

Frequency (MHz)                Emission                    Mean Power (W)       Station Class (Stage 2)   Transmit Locations     Receive Locations

              401.9928            300HG1D                        10                                                                    (GOES-R East)
                                                                                                                                       (GOES-R West)

              1616.25             2M50G1D                        0.1

   1618.725- 1626.5               41K7Q7W                         1

               2280               5M00G1D                         3                                                                Wallops Island, VA

                                                             Section 2: SOURCE DOCUMENTS
Docket Number                  Description of Document                                                                         Dated

SPS-23230/1                    NASA Request for Stage 2 System Review                                                          July 23, 2018
SPS-23266/1                    NTIA Preliminary Assessment                                                                     July 26, 2018
The SPS reviewed this system under the provisions of Chapter 10 of the NTIA Manual, noting that this system will not
advance to Stage 4, and recommends that:
         1.    NTIA certify Stage 2 spectrum support for the Technical Education Satellite 8 (TechEdSat-8) Mission as specified
               in Section 1.
         2. NASA be aware that:
               a. operations of this system are limited for a duration of 3-6 months from the date of frequency assignment;
               b. operations of this system using the frequencies 401.9928 MHz and 1616.25 MHz, and frequency range
                  1618.725-1626.5 MHz in the space research service are to be conducted on an unprotected, noninterference
                  basis in accordance with Section 8.2.40 of the NTIA Manual;
               C.   coordination with Globalstar and Iridium is required for use of the frequency 1616.25 MHz and frequency
                    range 1618.725-1626.5 MHz, respectively, and that operation of this system is contingent upon Globalstar and
                    Iridium and successfully obtaining authorization from the FCC; and
               d. NASA must coordinate the TechEdSat-8's space-to-space operations at the frequency 1616.25 MHz and in
                  the frequency range 1618.725-1626.5 MHz with authorized users of these frequencies to preclude
                  interference to duly authorized federal and non-federal users of the band 1613.8-1626.5 MHz.
         3. NASA ensure that this system is equipped with the ability to turn on or to provide immediate cessation of emission
            by telecommand in accordance with Section 8.2.32 of the NTIA Manual.

Downgrading Instructions                  Classification                                                                 Page Number

                                                                       UNCLASSIFIED                                                     1 of 2

FORM NTIA-44                           Classificatlon                             System
                                                                                       Technical Education Satellite 8
                                                   UNCLASSIFIED                           (TechEdSat-8) Mission

      4. NASA submit a request that NTIA waive the ITU international registration requirement to the Space Systems
         Subcommittee (SSS) in accordance with Section of the NTIA Manual.

      5.   NASA protect personnel from radiation levels that exceed generally accepted exposure criteria.

NamefTitle of Recommending Official                                                            Date
Stephen J. Butcher                                                                                    AUG 1 7 2018
SPS Chairperson
                                                  Section 4: NTIA CERTIFICATION
The Office of Spectrum Management concurs with the SPS recommendations in Section 3.
This office certifies Stage 2 spectrum support for th'
Name/Title of Certifying Official                                                              Date

Peter A. Tenhula                                                                                        AUG 1 7 2018
Deputy Associate Administrator
Distribution                                                                                   Page Number
               IRAC, SPS, FAS                              UNCLASSIFIED                                      2 of 2

Document Created: 2019-10-24 16:50:11
Document Modified: 2019-10-24 16:50:11

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