Letter RE Request for Experimental Radio Station License

0423-EX-CN-2017 Text Documents

Intelsat License LLC


June 2, 2017

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:     Request for Experimental Radio Station License;
               Experimental Licensing System File No. 0423-EX-CN-2017

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Pursuant to Section 5.3(e) and (f) of the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC” or
“Commission”) Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5.3(e),(f) (2015), Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat”) herein requests
an Experimental Radio Station License1 for one year to evaluate and demonstrate static and land-
mobile performance and acceptability of a sub-one meter mobile Ku-band satellite terminal that will
communicate with the Intelsat 29e satellite (Call Sign 2913),2 SKY-B1 satellite (Call Sign S2922),3
and Galaxy 19 satellite (Call Sign 2647).4

Intelsat does not propose to market devices under the requested experimental license, and any devices
will be labelled in accordance with Section 2.803 of the FCC’s rules that “This device has not been
authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. This device is not,
and may not be, offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.”

Intelsat is seeking to evaluate and demonstrate Ku-band mobile connectivity and functionality using a
GetSAT MicroSat Ku-band antenna. The tests involve temporary operations in the 14.2 – 14.47 GHz
(transmit) and 10.7 – 12.2 GHz (receive) frequency bands in which Intelsat is currently authorized to
operate. Intelsat proposes to conduct tests and evaluations while the terminal is at a static location, as

 Intelsat has filed its experimental license application on FCC Form 442, a $70.00 filing fee, and supporting
materials electronically via the OET Experimental Licensing System (“OET”) under File No 0423-EX-CN-2017.
  See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT-01212, File No. SAT-MOD-20160916-00091
(Jan. 27, 2017) (Public Notice).
 See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT-01237, File No. SAT-MOD-20170221-00019
(May 12, 2017) (Public Notice).
 See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT-00406, File No. SAT-RPL-20041015-00201
(Dec. 8, 2006) (Public Notice).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
June 2, 2017
Page 2

well as in-motion while the terminal is vehicle-mounted. Specifically, Intelsat seeks to conduct tests
and demonstrations at the following locations:

           Fixed Locations:                                       Mobile Locations:
           17625 Technology Blvd.                                 State of Maryland
           Hagerstown, MD 21740                                   Commonwealth of Virginia
           Latitude (NAD 83): 39° 35' 54.9" N                     State of North Carolina
           Longitude (NAD 83): 77° 45' 10.6" W                    State of Florida
                                                                  State of Nevada
           11717 Exploration Ln.
           Germantown, MD 20876
           Latitude (NAD 83): 39°10'44.1"N
           Longitude (NAD 83): 77°14'48.6"W

In addition, testing under this experimental license will be under human supervision to ensure safety
and compliance with the terms of the license. In particular, no antenna will be mounted in a fashion
that will require approval under Federal Aviation Administration and FCC rules and regulations, and
all operations will comply with the limits set forth in the FCC’s rules relating to human exposure to

To minimize any potential interference, operations under this experimental license will be in
conformance with the Commissions Part 25 Vehicle-Mounted Earth Stations (“VMES”) rules. In the
extremely unlikely event that harmful interference should occur due to transmissions to or from the
antenna, Intelsat will take all reasonable steps to eliminate the interference. The following contact
information is provided for purposes of addressing any interference issues that might arise and to
terminate the operations, if needed:

           Primary Contact:                                 Secondary Contacts:
           ISOC – Intelsat General Secure                   Joseph Gorzelnik
           Operating Center (24x7 operations)               joseph.gorzelnik@intelsatgeneral.com
           +1 (800) 814-7717                                Cell: +1-202-438-4402
           +1 (404) 381-2727
           Intelsat General Corporation                     Timothy O’Boyle
           2875 Fork Creek Church Rd                        timothy.oboyle@intelsatgeneral.com
           Ellenwood, GA 30294                              Cell: +1-703-270-4765
                                                            Intelsat General Corporation
                                                            7900 Tysons One Place, Suite 12
                                                            McLean, VA 22102

Intelsat herein attaches explanatory Exhibit A, in further response of a Form 442 question.

Grant of this experimental license will allow Intelsat to verify and demonstrate the static and land-
mobile performance of a sub-one meter mobile Ku-band satellite terminal. This, in turn, will help
determine its readiness for commercial operation and thereby serves the public interest.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
June 2, 2017
Page 3

Please direct any questions regarding this request to the undersigned at (703) 559-6949.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Cynthia J. Grady

Cynthia J. Grady
Regulatory Counsel
Intelsat Corporation

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
June 2, 2017
Page 4

                                             EXHIBIT A

Explanation for Response to Question on Form 442: License Denied or Revoked

Intelsat License LLC has answered “No” to the question on Form 442 which asks “Has applicant or any
party to this application had any FCC station license or permit revoked or any application for permit,
license or renewal denied by this Commission?” Intelsat has never had an FCC license “revoked.”
However, on June 26, 2000, the International Bureau “cancelled” two Ka-band satellite authorizations
issued to PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (“PanAmSat”), a former sister company of Intelsat, based on the
Bureau’s finding that PanAmSat had not satisfied applicable construction milestones. See PanAmSat
Licensee Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 00-1266, 15 FCC Rcd 18720 (IB 2000). In that
same order, the Bureau denied related applications to modify the cancelled authorizations. PanAmSat
filed an application for review of the Bureau’s decision, which the Commission denied, and
subsequently filed an appeal with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit, which was dismissed January 2003 at PanAmSat’s request. Notwithstanding the fact that the
Bureau’s action does not seem to be the kind of revocation action contemplated by the question, Intelsat
is herein making note of the decision in the interest of absolute candor and out of an abundance of
caution. In any event, the Bureau’s action with respect to PanAmSat does not reflect on Intelsat’s basic
qualifications, which are well established and a matter of public record.

Document Created: 2017-06-02 13:14:14
Document Modified: 2017-06-02 13:14:14

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