Narrative and Technical Data

1105-EX-ST-2014 Text Documents

Harris CapRock Corporation



        Harris CapRock Communications, Inc. (“Harris CapRock”) hereby respectfully requests
experimental special temporary authority (“STA”) to operate a total of up to six (6) earth stations
at two separate test sites located in Palm Bay (Melbourne), Florida and Houston, Texas, with a
maximum of three (3) earth stations at each test site. Harris CapRock is developing and testing
new earth stations to communicate with the Ka-band non-geostationary satellite orbit (“NGSO”)
fixed-satellite service (“FSS”) system operated by O3b Limited (“O3b”), which has been
previously authorized by the FCC to communicate with earth stations located in the United
States. In this filing, Harris CapRock seeks an experimental STA for the period between January
6, 2015 and June 30, 2015.

        Harris CapRock will operate the new circular 2.4m Ka-band terminal (Model ST5000-
2.4) for non-commercial development, testing and demonstration purposes with the O3b system
at the Melbourne and Houston test locations. Harris CapRock will evaluate antenna
performance, including tracking characteristics, throughput, link analyses and potential
applications of the antenna with the O3b system, including interactive video teleconferencing,
interactive access to complex web content from the Internet and very large file transfers.

       Grant of the requested authority would serve the public interest by allowing Harris
CapRock to develop a new line of O3b antennas that could greatly benefit government and
commercial customers. Moreover, the proposed experimental operations raise no concern
regarding potential interference to co-frequency systems and services, will be conducted on an
unprotected, non-interference basis and will otherwise comply with Part 5 of the FCC Rules.

The O3b Satellite System

        The new 2.4m earth stations will communicate with O3b’s UK-authorized, Ka-band
NGSO FSS system.1 The Commission has granted O3b authority for gateway and other earth
station operations in the United States.2 O3b has filed a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) to access the

 O3b’s system includes four satellites launched on June 25, 2013, and a second tranche of four
satellites launched on July 10, 2014. O3b’s third tranche of satellites is scheduled for launch on
December 18, 2014.
 For example, in September 2012, the Commission granted O3b a license to operate a gateway
earth station in Haleiwa, Hawaii, to communicate with its NGSO FSS system. See FCC File No.
SES-LIC-20100723-00952 (granted September 25, 2012). In June 2013, the Commission
granted O3b a license to operate a second gateway in the United States, located in Vernon,
Texas. See FCC File No. SES-LIC-20130124-00089 (granted June 20, 2013). In May 2014, the
Commission granted O3b a blanket license to operate maritime earth stations. See FCC File No.
SES-LIC-20130528-00455 (granted May 13, 2014).


U.S. market with its third tranche of satellites and to consolidate its market access authority.3
O3b has also been granted numerous STAs for earth stations to communicate with the O3b
system, including specifically in Houston, Texas, and Melbourne, Florida, using the frequencies
requested herein.4

       Because this application requests experimental authority for antenna development
purposes only, Harris CapRock hereby incorporates by reference the relevant satellite and market
access-related information supporting these prior grants.5 As a result, although general
background information is provided, this application focuses on the technical characteristics of
the new ST5000-2.4 terminal and confirmation that the antenna will be operated for test purposes
on an unprotected, non-interference basis under Part 5 of the Rules.

Proposed Test Sites

        The Palm Bay (Melbourne), Florida, test site is located at N 28.0309° and W -80.5988°.
The Houston, Texas, test site is located at N 29.5984° and W -95.3471°. As noted above, earth
stations have been previously authorized to communicate with the O3b system at these locations.
In addition, as discussed in the following section, no coordination with other co-frequency
systems or services is required. Nonetheless, given the experimental nature of the operations
proposed herein, Harris CapRock agrees to accept all interference from co-frequency operations
and will immediately suspend operations in the event of interference to other systems and

        The 2.4m antenna terminals will be mounted on a temporary fixed platform in a
controlled test area where general public access is prohibited. Although the pointing angle of the
antennas will change as O3b’s in-orbit satellites are tracked, the platform will remain stationary
during the demonstration. Only trained operators and technicians will be permitted to access the
terminals, and specific instruction will be provided with respect to radiofrequency hazard
characteristics of the antenna.

Proposed Spectrum Use

       Harris CapRock’s proposed earth station operations in shared bands are consistent with
the Commission’s rules and policies. Harris CapRock first notes that O3b has completed all
necessary coordination with U.S. government satellite networks operating in the Ka-band,
including GSO and NGSO networks, as well as their associated specific earth stations filed under

    See O3b Limited, Call Sign S2935, File No. SAT-LOI-20141029-00118.
 See., e.g., O3b Limited, File Nos. SES-STA-20140819-00666 (Houston, TX), SES-STA-
20140731-00627, SES-STA-20140429-00314 and SES-STA-20130620-00515 (Melbourne, FL).
  See, e.g., id. and related file numbers. Harris CapRock respectfully requests leave to
supplement this filing with O3b satellite or market access information should the FCC deem such
information necessary or appropriate to support grant of this experimental STA application.


9.7A and 9.7B of the ITU Radio Regulations through other administrations. O3b has also
completed coordination, according to U.S. footnote 334 of the FCC Table of Frequency
Allocations, with the U.S. government, and this US334 coordination agreement specifically
provides for additional earth stations in U.S. territory operating with O3b’s satellites.

       Harris CapRock will limit terminal uplink transmission to the 28.6-29.1 GHz band.
Under the Commission’s Ka-band plan, this band may be used on a primary basis by NGSO FSS
systems.6 Harris CapRock recognizes, however, that operations under the requested STA will be
on an unprotected, non-harmful interference basis. The experimental development, test and
demonstration operations will adequately protect allocated services operating in this band.

        The proposed demonstrations will not cause any interference into or require protection
from any co-frequency GSO satellites. As previously shown by O3b,7 there is an inherent
angular separation between the O3b system orbit and the GSO arc from the perspective of earth
stations located away from the equator. The Houston, Texas, and Melbourne, Florida, test sites
are located further north in latitude than the O3b Hawaii gateway, which results in an even
greater angular separation between the O3b and geostationary orbits as viewed from the Earth.
This means that the angular separation between the O3b satellites and GSO arc from these
locations will be greater than the 7° separation accepted by the Commission when it approved
O3b’s Hawaii gateway. This ensures that GSO FSS systems will be adequately protected.

       Potential interference from the proposed operations into U.S. terrestrial fixed service
(“FS”) receivers in the 28.6-29.1 GHz band is a non-issue because there is no allocation in the
Commission’s Ka-band plan for FS stations operating in this band in the United States.

        With respect to sharing with other Ka-band NGSO systems, Harris CapRock notes that
there are no planned NGSO systems contemplated for deployment throughout the duration of the
contemplated operations. Moreover, the O3b system is capable of sharing with future NGSO
networks operating in the same frequency bands and, therefore, will not preclude additional entry
by future NGSO licensees.8 Thus, the proposed experimental operations can be authorized on an
unprotected, non-interference basis under Part 5 of the Rules.

 See In the Matter of Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1, 2, 21, and 25 of the Commission's Rules to
Redesignate the 27.5-29.5 GHz Frequency Band, to Reallocate the 29.5-30.0 GHz Frequency
Band, to Establish Rules and Policies for Local Multipoint Distribution Service and for Fixed
Satellite Services, 11 FCC Rcd. 19005, ¶¶ 59-62 and 79 (1996). See also In the Matter of
Redesignation of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Frequency Band, Blanket Licensing of Satellite Earth
Stations in the 17.7-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Bands, and the Allocation of
Additional Spectrum in the 17.3-17.8 GHz and 24.75-25.25 GHz Frequency Bands for Broadcast
Satellite-Service Use, 15 FCC Rcd. 13430, ¶ 28 (2000).
 See O3b Hawaii License Application, FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Technical
Attachment at A.10.1.
  First, the entire O3b constellation will occupy a single circular orbit above the Earth’s Equator,
which enables an angular separation to be maintained between O3b communications links and
the links of other NGSO systems using different orbits. Second, the O3b satellite system uses a

        Although not part of the requested experimental authority, Harris CapRock notes that its
proposed receive operations are also on an unprotected, non-interference basis only. Under the
Commission’s Ka-band plan, the 18.8-19.3 GHz band may be used on a primary basis by
licensed NGSO FSS systems.9 This band is not allocated for GSO FSS networks.10
Nevertheless, the proposed demonstrations will not cause any interference into, or require
protection from, any co-frequency GSO satellites. Furthermore, FS stations operating in the
18.8-19.3 GHz band are no longer co-primary with FSS users in this band.11 However, because
the experimental operations proposed herein will be conducted on an unprotected, non-
interference basis, Harris CapRock agrees to accept any interference that its terminals may
receive from FS transmissions in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band.

Earth Station Technical Parameters

        The new ST5000-2.4 terminal is comprised of a 2.4m circular reflector antenna, an
antenna positioner, and an antenna control module. The antenna positioner and control module
are the same as those used in Harris CapRock’s SpaceTrack 4000 series of stabilized antennas.
The SpaceTrack 4000 has been previously licensed by the FCC in C-band and Ku-band ESV
configurations and has years of proven experience in the field. Not only has the SpaceTrack
4000 been deployed in 2.4m configurations, but the operating environment in the ESV maritime
context is far harsher than the proposed fixed temporary operations – with higher scan rates,
torque, jarring, etc. – and there have been no reported cases of interference due to antenna
misalignment or similar factors. Thus, the FCC can be assured that ST5000-2.4 will operate as
designed to avoid potential interference to adjacent satellites.

        Tracking the predictable O3b satellites as they fly in their equatorial path from fixed
locations is quite straightforward. Although the ST5000-2.4 terminal is a full-motion stabilized
antenna, the operational range for communications is towards the southern sky. For example, for
the Melbourne, FL test site, the O3b satellites rise at approximately 240° azimuth and set at
approximately 130° azimuth. The elevation angle for communications range from 24° on the
rising satellite to 43.5° at zenith and then down to 28° for the setting satellite. Thus, a minimum
elevation angle of 20° is a conservative assumption. The operational values for the Houston,
Texas, test site are similar to those for the Melbourne, Florida, site.

combination of multiple tracking antennas and satellite diversity to avoid interference from its
system into other NGSO systems and from other NGSO systems into O3b. This further enables
the use of angular discrimination to facilitate spectrum sharing, while providing a mechanism for
interference avoidance in the rare event that an O3b earth station is pointed at an O3b satellite
that is in-line with a satellite of another NGSO system.
    See supra n. 6.
     See id.
     See 47 C.F.R. § 101.85(b)(2).

        Harris CapRock’s ST5000-2.4 terminal is designed to meet the FCC’s ESV operational
requirements, which have been extended by analogy to full-motion antennas communicating
with the O3b system. These parameters include: (i) maintaining off-axis EIRP to the levels set
forth in the applicable FCC mask (in the case of Ka-band, Section 25.138); (ii) pointing accuracy
of 0.2° or better; (iii) automatic cessation of emissions within 100 ms if pointing offset exceeds
0.5°; and (iv) transmissions will not resume until pointing accuracy is within 0.2°. The technical
characteristics of the terminal are set forth in the follow tables.


                   Antenna diameter         2.4m
                   Type of Antenna          2.4m circular reflector
                   Peak Power (SSPA)        40 watts
                   Transmit Bandwidth       1 MHz to 216 MHz
                   Transmit Gain            54.7 dBi
                   EIRP                     68.9 dBW
                   Data Rate                160 Mbps Tx/ 300 Mbps Rx
                   Emission Designators     1M00G7D to 216MG7D
                   Transmit Polarization    Horizontal or Vertical
                   Transmit Max PSD         46.4 dBW/4kHz
                   Transmit Beamwidth       .14 degrees
                   Receive G/T              26.5 dB/K
                   Receive Bandwidth        Up to 216 MHz
                   Receive Polarization     LHCP and RHCP

                    ANTENNA CONTROL PARAMETERS - ST5000-2.4

                   Azimuth                   Continuous coverage over 360º

                   Elevation                 0 to 90º antenna elevation

                   Position accuracy         0.2º (auto-disable at 0.5 º offset)
                   Tracking capability       8º/sec

        Additional information regarding the ST5000-2.4 terminal, including antenna
performance plots (compliance with the FCC’s off-axis EIRP mask), link budgets, and a
radiofrequency hazard assessment are included as attachments hereto.


Stop Buzzer Contact and Other Information

        Although Harris CapRock will coordinate closely with O3b in the context of antenna
development, testing, and demonstration, the proposed experimental operations will be subject to
the ultimate direction and control of Harris CapRock. The Harris CapRock point of contact with
the authority to suspend immediately the proposed ST5000-2.4 terminal operations is:

       Mike Horn
       Harris CapRock Communications
       1025 West NASA Blvd.
       Melbourne, FL USA 32919
       Phone: 321-724-3384
       Mobile: 321-258-4414

The secondary point of contact for the proposed experimental operations is:

       Harris CapRock Network Control Center
       Managed Network Services 24x7 support
       4400 S. Sam Houston Pkwy, E.
       Houston, Texas 77046
       Office: (832) 668-2775
       Fax: (713) 987-2894
       Email Address:

       The following annexes contain additional technical information relating to the proposed
experimental operations:

          Annex 1 – Antenna Performance Plots (demonstrating compliance with the FCC’s
           Ka-band, off-axis EIRP spectral density mask, including co-pol and cross-pol at +/-
           180º, +/-30º, +/-10º and various transmit frequencies).
          Annex 2 - Link Budgets (various forward and return link budgets for the ST5000-2.4
          Annex 3: Radiation Hazard Study (establishing near-field and far-field region
           distances). Harris CapRock will follow standard industry procedures to mitigate
           potential radiation hazards to personnel in controlled environments. (The terminals
           do not transmit in uncontrolled areas at Harris CapRock test facilities.)
          Annex 4 – SpaceTrack 4000 Product Brochure (outlining technical characteristics of
           the proven 4000 series of stabilized antennas).



        The requested experimental STA will allow Harris CapRock to develop, test and
demonstrate the operational capabilities of its new 2.4m terminal with the O3b system, and will
not result in harmful interference to or require protection from other authorized spectrum users.
Accordingly, the proposed operations are consistent with Part 5 of the FCC’s rules and within the
public interest. Harris CapRock respectfully requests that the experimental STA be granted for
the period from January 6, 2015 to June 30, 2015.


Annex 1 – Antenna Performance Plots

Demonstration of Compliance with FCC
   Ka-band Off-Axis EIRP Mask
       (Co-pol and Cross-pol)

ANNEX 2 – Link Budgets

 Location                                     Vernon/U.S.A.             Melbourne Beach/U.S.A.
 Latitude                            (deg)       34.16                          28.09
 Longitude (East)                    (deg)       260.71                        279.39
 E/S Range to SV                     (km)       10166.69                       9311.20
 E/S Elevation to SV                 (deg)       29.99                          43.30
 E/S Altitude                        (km)         0.00                           0.00
 SV Beam Identifier                  (#)                        12
 Telco Offset to Beam Center         (km)                      0.27
_Enter Reciever                      Type                     MEOLink
 Percentage of Bandwidth             (%)                       50%
 Allocated Bandwidth                 (MHz)                      108
 Channel Symbol Rate                 (Msps)                     o
 Channel Modulation Type                                       spsi
 Channel FEC Rate                                              0.60
 Channel Throughput                  (Mbps)                   159.60
 E/S Carrier Frequencies             (MHz)                     28020
 E/S Tx HPA Power Level              (W)                        40
 E/S Tx 080                          (dB)                       3
 E/S Tx Antenna Gain (2.4m)          (dB)                      54.67
 E/S Tx EIRP Per Channel             (dBw)                     58.80
 E/S Tx RF Link Availability         (%)                       Clear
 E/S Tx Spreading Loss               (dB)                     45113
SV Rx G/T (dB/K) 5.57
 sV Tx 080                           (dB)                      45.81
 SV Tx EIRP Per Channel/Carrier      dBw                       32.44

 E/S Rx Carrier Frequency            (MHz)                     18220
 E/S Rx Rf Link Availability         (%)                       Clear
 E/S Rx Antenna Gain (7.3m)          (dBi)                     61.91
 E/S Rx Effective G/T                (dB/K)                    4044

Carrier/Noise Bandwidth (d8) 45.00
 Carrier/Noise Uplink                (d8)                      1119
 Carrier/Noise Downlink              (dB)                      23.08
 Carrier/Intermodulation Im (C/im)   (d8)                      25.00
 (C/N)— Total Actual (Es/No)         (dB)                      10.39
 (C/N)—Total Required                (dB)                      6.89
 (Eb/No)—Total Actual                (dB)                      8.48
 (Eb/No)—Total Required              (dB)                      8.48

Link Budget: Return (Rain)

Link Budget: Forward (1)

[ECM Link Budget Rpt— 11/19/2014 __                    Tier2                        Tier2
|Parameters                               Unit       Clear Sky
(Ground parameters                                   Teleport                       Telco
      Location                                     Vernon/U.S.A.            Melbourne Beach/U.5.A.
      Latitude                            (deg)        34.16                        28.09
      Longitude (East)                    (deg)       260.71                        279.39
      E/S Range to SV                     (km)       10166.69                      9311,20
      E/S Elevation to SV                 (deg)        29.99                        43.30
      E/S Altitude                        (km)         9.00                          0.00
      SV Beamn Identifier                 (#)                        15
     Telco Offset to Beam Center          (km)                       0.27
[Modulation Parameters                                             Forward
      Enter Reciever                      Type                     MEOLink
      Percentage of Bandwidth             (%)                       100%
      Allocated Bandwidth                 (MHz)                      216
      Channel Symbol Rate                 (Msps)                     180
      Channel Modulation Type                                      16APSK
      Channel FEC Rate                                               0.66
      Channel Throughput                  (Mbps)                    473.49
(Uplink                                                            Forward
      E/S Carrier Frequencies             (MHz)                     28963
      E/S Tx HPA Power Level              (W)                        500
      E/Tx OBO                            (dB)                       —10
      E/S Tx Antenna Gain (7.3m)          (dB)                      65.60
      E/S Tx EIRP Per Channel             (dBW)                     75.40
      E/S Tx RF Link Availability         (%)                       Clear
      E/S Tx Spreading Loss               (dB)                     15113
Satellite                                                          Forward
      SV Rx G/T                           (dB/K)                    5.54
      SV Tx 0B0                           (dB)                      —3.80
      SV Tx EIRP PerChannel/Carrier       dBw                       45.45
[Downlink                                                          Forward
      E/5 Rx Carrier Frequency            (MHz)                     19163
      E/5 Rx Rf Link Availability         (%)                       Clear
      E/S Rx Antenna Gain (2.4m)          (dBi)                     51.65
       E/S Rx Effective G/T               (dB/K)                    26.49
[Fotal Link                                                        Forward
      Carrier/Noise Bandwidth             (dB)                      51.93
      Carrier/Noise Uplink                (dB)                      23.74
      Carrier/Noise Downlink              (dB)                      19.48
      Carrier/Intermodulation Im (C/im)   (dB)                      25.00
      (C/N)— Total Actual (Es/No)         (dB)                      16.56
      (C/N)—Total Required                (dB)                      11.01
      (Eb/No)—Total Actual                (dB)                      14.19
      (Eb/No)—Total Required              (dB)                      14.19
      Excess Margin                       (dB)                      5.55
      Fade Margin                         (dB)                      18.81

Annex 3 – Radiation Hazard Study

                                                                                                EXHIBIT A

                                           Radiation Hazard Study


This study analyzes the potential Radio Frequency (RF) human exposure levels caused by the Electro Magnetic
(EM) fields of the above-captioned antenna. The mathematical analysis performed below complies with the
methods described in the Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin
No. 65 (1985 rev. 1997) R&O 96-326.

Maximum Permisible Exposure
There are two separate levels of exposure limits. The first applies to persons in the general population who are
in an uncontrolled environment. The second applies to trained personnel in a controlled environment.
According to 47 C.F.R. § 1.1310, the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for frequencies above 1.5
GHz are as follows:
            • General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure 1.0 mW/cm2
            • Occupational / Controlled Exposure 5.0 mW/cm2
The purpose of this study is to determine the power flux density levels for the earth station under study as
compared with the MPE limits. This comparison is done in each of the following regions:
            1. Far-field region
            2. Near-field region
            3. Transition region
            4. The region between the feed and the antenna surface
            5. The main reflector region
            6. The region between the antenna edge and the ground

Input Parameters
The following input parameters were used in the calculations:

Parameter                                          Value         Unit      Symbol
Atenna Diameter:                                    2.4           m           D
Antenna Transmit Gain:                             54.67         dBi          G
Trasmit Frequency:                                 28360        MHz           f
Feed Flange Diameter:                               6.00         cm           d
Power Input to the Antenna:                        40.00         W            P

Calculated Parameters
The following values were calculated using the above input parameters and the corresponding formulas.

Parameter                                          Value         Unit      Symbol        Formula
Anenna Surface Area:                                4.52         m            A      πD 2/4
Area of Feed Flange:                               28.27        cm2           a      πd 2/4
Antenna Efficiency:                                 0.58                      η      Gλ2/( π2D 2)
Gain Factor:                                     293001.00                    g      10G /10
Wavelength:                                        0.0106        m            λ      300/ f

                                                      1 of 3

                                                                                                 EXHIBIT A

Behavior of EM Fields as a Function of Distance
The behavior of the characteristics of EM fields varies depending on the distance from the radiating antenna.
These characteristics are analyzed in three primary regions: the near-field region, the far-field region and the
transition region. Of interest also are the region between the antenna main reflector and the subreflector, the
region of the main reflector area and the region between the main reflector and ground.

Figure 1. EM Fields as a Function of Distance

For parabolic aperture antennas with circular cross sections, such as the antenna under study, the near-field, far-
field and transition region distances are calculated as follows:

Parameter                                           Value        Unit    Formula
Near Field Distance:                              136.128         m      Rnf = D2/(4λ)
Distance to Far Field:                            326.707         m      Rff = 0.60D2/(λ)
Distance of Trasition Region                      136.128         m      Rt = Rnf

The distance in the transition region is between the near and far fields. Thus, Rnf ≤ Rt ≤ Rff . However, the
power density in the transition region will not exceed the power density in the near-field. Therefore, for purposes
of the present analysis, the distance of the transition region can equate the distance to the near-field.

Power Flux Density Calculations
The power flux density is considered to be at a maximum through the entire length of the near-field. This region
is contained within a cylindrical volume with a diameter, D, equal to the diameter of the antenna. In the
transition region and the far-field, the power density decreases inversely with the square of the distance. The
following equations are used to calculate power density in these regions.

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                                                                                                   EXHIBIT A

Parameter                                          Value        Unit       Symbol      Formula
Power Density in the Near-Field                    2.040       mW/cm         S nf      16.0 η P /(πD 2)
Power Density in the Far-Field                     0.874       mW/cm2        S ff      GP /(4π R ff2)
Power Density in the Trans. Region                 2.040       mW/cm2         St       Snf R nf /(R t)

The region between the main reflector and the subreflector is confined within a conical shape defined by the
feed assembly. The most common feed assemblies are waveguide flanges. This energy is determined as

Parameter                                          Value        Unit       Symbol      Formula
Power Density at the Feed Flange                   5658.8      mW/cm2        S fa      4P / a

The power density in the main reflector is determined similarly to the power density at the feed flange; except
that the area of the reflector is used.

Parameter                                          Value        Unit       Symbol      Formula
Power Density at Main Reflector                    3.537       mW/cm       S surface   4P / A

The power density between the reflector and ground, assuming uniform illumination of the reflector surface, is
calculated as follows:

Parameter                                          Value        Unit       Symbol      Formula
Power Density between Reflector and Ground         0.884       mW/cm         Sg        P /A

Table 1 summarizes the calculated power flux density values for each region. In a controlled environment, the
only regions that exceed FCC limitations are shown below. These regions are only accessible by trained
technicians who, as a matter of procedure, turn off transmit power before performing any work in these areas.

                                                                   Controlled Environment
Power Densities                                  mW/cm2
                                                                          (5 mW/cm2)
Far Field Calculation                              0.874          Satisfies FCC Requirements
Near Field Calculation                             2.040          Satisfies FCC Requirements
Transition Region                                  2.040          Satisfies FCC Requirements
Region between Main and Subreflector               5658.8             Exceeds Limitations
Main Reflector Region                              3.537          Satisfies FCC Requirements
Region between Main Reflector and Ground           0.884          Satisfies FCC Requirements
Table 1. Power Flux Density for Each Region

In conclusion, the results show that the antenna, in a controlled environment, and under the proper mitigation
procedures, meets the guidelines specified in 47 C.F.R. § 1.1310.

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Annex 4 – SpaceTrack 4000 Product Brochure

SpaceTrack 4000
                                                                               Reliability Never Reached So Far ™

                                                     Designed to meet the communications requirements of
                                                     at-sea operations, Harris CapRock’s SpaceTrack 4000
                                                     stabilized antennas are specifically engineered for offshore
                                                     platforms, FPSOs, semisubmersibles and survey and
                                                     seismic vessels. The SpaceTrack 4000 range of antennas
                                                     support both C and Ku-band coverage, delivering the
                                                     most reliable communications for global operations.

    BENEFITS                                              FEATURES

    > Guaranteed pointing accuracy                        > Automatic satellite acquisition

    > Secure and reliable transmission                    > Quick and easy conversion between C and
                                                            Ku-band footprints
    > Cost-efficient, high-performance networks
                                                          > Supports standard GPS and Compass interfaces

    Cer tifications and Approvals
                                                          > Remote diagnostics and built-in tests
    CE certified                                          > Radome air conditioning optional
    Brazil Anatel certified
    Compliant with MIL-STD 167-1A
                                                            Advanced Satellite Technology
    Compliant with FCC 25.221 and FCC 25.222
                                                            The satellite technology used in SpaceTrack 4000
    Compliant with ITU and ETSI ESV specifications          results in the optimum pointing of the antenna. This
    Approved by Intelsat                                    feature ensures that the signal is maintained despite
                                                            conditions at sea and the location and direction
    Meets Eutelsat standards                                of the vessel. Once the system is deployed, the
    Meets MIL-STD901 and MIL-STD461 standards               antenna automatically locks on the appropriate signal,
                                                            guaranteeing continuous and reliable transmission. | +1 832-668-2300

SpaceTrack 4000
                                                                                                               Reliability Never Reached So Far ™

                                       Technical specifications
                                       4012K                              1.2 m diameter, Ku band, symmetrical, prime focus
                                                                          Tx 13.75–14.5 GHz                 Midband gain                    Tx ~43.0 dBi
                                                                          Rx 10.95–12.75 GHz                Midband gain                    Rx ~41.2 dBi
                                                                                                            G/T (typical)                   20.0 dB/k
                                       4012C                              1.2 m diameter, C band, symmetrical, prime focus
                                                                          Tx 5850–6425 MHz                  Midband gain                    Tx ~35.2 dBi
                                                                          Rx 3625–4200 MHz                  Midband gain                    Rx ~31.7 dBi
                                                                                                            G/T (typical)                   11.5 dB/k
                                       4018K                              1.8 m diameter, Ku band, symmetrical, prime focus
                                                                          Tx 13.75–14.5 GHz                 Midband gain                    Tx ~45.5 dBi
                                                                          Rx 10.95–12.75 GHz                Midband gain                    Rx ~44.2 dBi
                                                                                                            G/T (typical)                       22.4 dB/k
                                       4024K                              2.4 m diameter, Ku band, symmetrical, prime focus
                                                                          Tx 13.75–14.5 GHz                 Midband gain                    Tx ~50.1 dBi
SpaceTrack 4000 technology                                                Rx 10.95–12.75 GHz                Midband gain                    Rx ~47.7 dBi
supports all types of seagoing
vessels, resolving the challenges                                                                           G/T (typical)                       25.5 dB/k
of geography and distance.             4024C                              2.4 m diameter, C band, symmetrical, prime focus
                                                                          Tx 5850–6425 MHz                  Midband gain                    Tx~ 42.1 dBi
                                                                          Rx 3625–4200 MHz                  Midband gain                    Rx ~38.2 dBi
                                                                                                            G/T (typical)                       18.5 dB/k
                                       Pointing accuracy
                                       For all systems                    ≤ 0.2° peak
                                       Max. vessel motion roll/pitch/     8°/sec
                                       Dimensions and weights
                                       4012K                              Radome size 1.8 m (H) x 1.8 m                                     Antenna weight 230 kg
                                       4012C Linear feed                  Radome size 1.9 m (H) x 1.9 m                                     Antenna weight 400 kg
                                       4012C Circular feed                Radome size 2.7 m (H) x 2.55                                      Antenna weight 400 kg
                                                                          m (D)
                                       4018K                              Radome size 2.7 m (H) x 2.55                                      Antenna weight 450 kg
                                                                          m (D)
                                       4024K                              Radome size 3.75 m (H) x 3.6                                      Antenna weight 750 kg
                                                                          m (D)
                                       4024C                              Radome size 3.75 m (H) x 3.6                                      Antenna weight 750 kg
                                                                          m (D)
                                       Application notes
                                       4012K                              Typical data rates†:                  - Suitable for small vessels with space constraints
                                                                          9.6–512 Kbit/sec                      - Minimal equipment costs
                                                                                                                - Rapid deployment version: SpaceTrack FR
                                       4012C                              Typical data rates†:                  - Suitable for small vessels with space constraints
                                                                          9.6–512 Kbit/sec                      - C-band operation provides global service options
                                       4018K                              Typical data rates†:                  - Suitable for small- to medium-sized vessels
                                                                          9.6–1024 Kbit/sec                     - Higher data rate
                                       4024K                              Typical data rates†:                  - Suitable for medium to large vessels
                                                                          9.6–4096 Kbit/sec                     - Large antenna size supports highest potential bit
                                                                                                                  rates while minimizing space segment costs
                                       4024C                              Typical data rates†:                  - Suitable for medium to large vessels
                                                                          9.6–4096 Kbit/sec                     - C-band operation provides global service options
                                                                                                                - Linear or circular polarization options available

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Document Created: 2014-12-08 12:02:58
Document Modified: 2014-12-08 12:02:58

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