FAA Form 7711-2 & Supplements

0173-EX-ST-2001 Text Documents

Florida, State of


 No certificate may be issued unless a completed application
                          1                                 d4105)
                                                                                                                       Form Approved: O.M.B. No. 2120—0027
                      US Department of Transportation                                                                   APPLICANTS — DO NOT USE THESE SPACES
                    / Federal Aviation Administration                                             Region                                      Date

                        APPLICATION FOR                                                           Action
                                                                                                        O Approved            C Disapproved — Explain under "Remarks"
                     CERTIFICATE OF WAIVER                                                        Signature of authorized FAA representative
                       OR AUTHORIZATION
      Submit this application in triplicate (3) to any FAA Flight                                   fighting equipment. The applicant may also wish to submit
      Standards district office.                                                                    photographs and scale diagrams as supplemental material
                                                                                                    to assist in the FAA‘s evaluation of a particular site.
      Applicants requesting a Certificate of Waiver or Authoriza—                                   Application for a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization must
      tion for an aviation event must complete all the applicable                                   be Sltmeit- ted 45 days prior to the requested date of the
      items on this form and attach a properly marked 7.5 series                                    event.
      Topographic Quadrangle Map({(s), published by the U.S.
      Geological Survey (scale 1:24,000), of the proposed operat—                                   Applicants requesting a Certificate of Waiver or Authoriza—
      ing area. The map(s) must include scale depictions of the                                     tion for activities other than an aviation event will complete
      flightlines, showlines, race courses, and the location of the                                 items 1 through 8 only and the certification, item 15, on the
      air event control point, Police dispatch, ambulance, and fire                                 reverse.
  1. Nama nf nranizatian                                                                    | 2. Name of responsible ~~~~~~
 Federal Highway Administration & Meggitt Defense Systems—                                                                    Chester H. Chandler / Florida
 Texas, C/O Florida Department of Transportation                                                                              Department of Transportation
  3. iear.?lanenl        House number and street or route number                       City *                                  State and ZIP code                      Telephone No.

      address                 605 Suwannee St./MS90                                             Tallahassee                      FL 32399—0450                            $50/414

  4. FAR section and number to be waived

  5. Detailed description of proposed operation (Affach supplementif needed)

                                         See Supplement No. 1 (attached)

  6. Area of operation (Location, altitudes, etc.)                                                                                                                                     .
              In the vicinity of Opa—Locka Airport (Miami—Dade County, FL) along the route indicated in 5. above at an altitude of
              between 1500 and 2000 feet.
  7a. Beginning (Date and hour)      June 3, 200 1” "fl] :00 PM                                   b. Ending (Date and hour)
                                                                                                                                  June 3, 2001              2:30 PM
                                     June 4, 2001              12:00 PM (Noon)                                                    June 4, 2001               1:30 PM

  6       mak:gr%arfr!wdel
               (a)                                   Pilot'?bt)\lame                            Ceme:—:'(\;:trit?r:‘g;n ber                         (Slt-,[g;r;‘e(?igfrgfsle)
                                                                                                           (c)                                                (d)

                    See Supplement No. 3 (attached).

FAA Form 7711 —2 (6—85) Supersedes Previous Edition                AFS Electronic Forms System — JetForm FormFlow — 1271998

April 16, 2001

Ms. Patricia Graham
Airspace Specialist
FAA – Southern Region
P.O. Box 20636
Atlanta, GA 30320
ATTN.: ASO-520.10

RE:      FHWA/Meggitt Defense Systems -TX/Florida DOT - Application for
         Certificate of Waiver or Authorization – UAV Flight Operations Proposed
         June 3 and 4

Dear Ms. Graham:

I am pleased to forward to you a completed FAA Form 7711-2 – Application for
Certificate of Waiver or Authorization on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration,
Meggitt Defense Systems-TX and the Florida Department of Transportation for UAV
flight operations proposed June 3 and 4 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. The application
includes four supplements.

The UAV proposed for these flights is the Meggitt Defense Systems-TX Sentry HP, an
outstanding aircraft with an outstanding performance and safety record. To date, 136
Sentry HPs have been produced for the US Army, the US Navy, the FBI and others.
Although the actual number of flight hours accumulated by the Sentry program in its 14
years of operations is not available for security reasons, the total is in the thousands.
During over 800 hours of factory acceptance flights logged since January 1, 1996, there
have been only four accidents, summarized as follows:

      Date                        Cause                           Damage       Corrective Action
      01/96   Engine seized on takeoff (first flight of engine   Class A   Exhaust/cooling systems
              in new configuration, no subsequent                          redesigned
      05/97   Pitch gyro, improperly wired                       Class A   FCS production procedure
      10/97   Pilot error, extreme attitude                      Class A   Control handoff procedure
      04/98   Pilot error, stall turning final                   Class A   Final approach speeds

Letter – Ms. Patricia Graham
April 16, 2001
Page 2

The purpose of the proposed UAV flight operations is to demonstrate surface
transportation management capabilities of the UAV through video surveillance
techniques. If this application is approved by the FAA, these UAV flight operations will
become an official program item for the Intelligent Transportation Society of America’s
Eleventh Annual Meeting and Exposition – ITS: Connecting the Americas -- occurring
June 4-7 at the Miami Beach Convention Center. We anticipate that approximately 100
delegates from the annual meeting and exposition, transportation officials from all over
the world, will be in attendance at each of our two UAV flight operations.

Intelligent transportation systems development and deployment is a critical element in the
Florida Department of Transportation’s surface transportation plan. We believe that
UAV capabilities provide great promise with respect to our future deployments of
intelligent transportation systems. For example, UAVs could be used for: routine traffic
management surveillance, incident management, and emergency evacuation procedures.
Other public agencies could benefit as well; agriculture crop management, forest fire
management and law enforcement uses come readily to mind.

I would like to thank you for your assistance with our application to this point. And, I
look forward to corresponding with you to resolve any issues you may have associated
with our application. I may be reached at 850/414-4980 if you should have any questions
or concerns.

Sincerely yours,

Chester H. Chandler III, P.E.
ITS Manager

cc:     Ken Morefield, Florida Department of Transportation
        Stan Powell, Meggitt Defense Systems - TX
        Chung Tran, Federal Highway Administration


Enclosure:      FAA Form 7711-2 dated 4/16/01

 9. The air event will be sponsored by:

 10. Pen:?anenl         House number and street or route number                      City                               State and ZIP code           Telephone No.

 11. Policing {Describe provisions to be made for policing the event.)

 12. Emergency facilities (Mark all that will be available at time and place of air event.)

       C Physician                                LJ] Fire truck                               C Other — Specify
       C ambutance                                C Crash wagon
 13. Air Traffic control (Describe method of controlling fraffic, Including provision for arrival and departure of scheduled aircraft.)

 14. Schedule of Events (include arrval and departure of scheduled aircralt and other periods the airport may be open.)

        Hour                  Date                                                                           Event
         (a)                   (b)                                                                             (c)

      If sufficient space is not available, the entire schedule of events may be submitted on separate sheets, in the order and manner indicated above.

                         The undersigned applicant accepts full responsibility for the strict observance—of the terms of the Certificate
   Please Read          ‘of Waiver or Authorization, and understands that the authorization contained in such certifcate will be strictly
                         limited to the above described operation. /                                      /

 15. Certification — 1 CERTIFY that the foregoing statzm/,entyétmy//                           //                    /
Da?                        Signature of Apphcanl         /                                    /

                                          The following supplements are attached hereto, and made a part of,
                                          this application:
                                            Supplement No. 1—Detailed Description of Proposed Operatlon
                                           Supplement No. 2—Table of Waypoints
                                           Supplement No. 3—UAV Physical Characteristics And UAV Flight
                                           Performance Characteristics
                                           Supplement No. 4—Airworthiness Letter of Meggitt Defense

FAA Form 7711—2 (6—86) Supersedes Previous Edition                  AFS Electronic Forms System — JetForm FormFlow — 12/1998

                                    Supplement No. 1

                        Detailed Description of Proposed Operation

5. Description and Purpose of the Flights. Joint demonstration flights of one unmanned
aerial vehicle (UAV) by: Federal Highway Administration, Florida Department of
Transportation and Meggitt Defense Systems — Texas. UAV flights are to depart from,
and return to, Opa—Locka Airport (Miami—Dade County, FL — Lat 25—54.00 N, Long 80—
17.51 W) and overfly portions of the following surface highways: Florida‘s Turnpike,
Interstate 95, North Miami Beach Blvd., Biscayne Blvd., Hallandale Beach Blvd., and the
Palmetto Expwy. Note: A table of waypoints of the exact overfly route is provided at
Supplement No. 2. Principal purpose of the flights is to demonstrate surface
transportation management capabilities of the UAV through video surveillance
techniques. Each flight, on each day, is expected to last approximately 45 minutes.

Method of Pilotage and Proposed Method to Avoid Other Air Traffic.            Four means of
pilotage of the UAV will be maintained at all times:

1) manually, by the Meggitt Defense Systems — Texas UAV command and control
   operator (CCO) housed in the ground control station (line of sight data link); the
   CCO has accumulated over 20 years of experience with UAV flight operations.
2) manually, by the external pilot on the surface, next to the ground control station (line
    of sight data link); at times, particularly associated with takeoff and landing, the
   UAV will be piloted manually by the external pilot via line of sight data link.
3) manually, by the chase aircraft UAV pilot — seated behind the pilot and co—
   pilot/visual observer (Futaba radio controller); a Florida Highway Patrol—provided
   chase aircraft (Cessna aircraft), with a Meggitt Defense Systems — Texas flight team
   member on board as co—pilot/visual observer and another flight team member on
   board as the chase aircraft UAV pilot, will shadow the UAV during all phases of the
    flights, i.e., all flight activity will be conducted at all times within the visual line of
    sight of the co—pilot/visual observer and chase aircraft UAV pilot; thus, the co—
    pilot/visual observer and chase aircraft UAV pilot will provide a level of safety for
   the UAV flights equivalent to "see & avoid."
4) autonomously, assisted by the global positioning system (GPS); the UAV will
   primarily be piloted autonomously by the onboard avionics (flight control system,
   mission computer, GPS receiver And attitude heading reference system) topr0v1de
   for a precise tracking and altitude along the overfly route. '

Coordination, Communication and Compliance with Air Traffic Control. The Meggitt
Defense Systems — Texas flight team will be in instantaneous direct two—way
communication at all times with all affected ATC facilities. The CCO and the flight team
in the ground control station will be monitoring all local control tower frequencies during
the flight operations. The CCO shall comply with all ATC clearances and instructions.
The flight team will issue appropriate NOTAM(s) for each UAV flight operation.

Flight Operation Termination Procedures and Other Safety Actions. In the event of loss
of data link, the UAV will be piloted manually by the chase aircraft UAV pilot, or
autonomously by the onboard avionics (preprogrammed to orbit locally). In the event of
a required mission abort above 200 ft., the flight operation shall be terminated by the
automatic deployment of the emergency recovery parachute. (The parachute deploys
automatically in the event a departure from controlled flight occurs.) This recovery
method has been exercised four times, all successfully, and the UAV was recovered with
repairable damage and no collateral property damage. In the event of a required mission
abort during takeoff and landing, or otherwise below 200 ft., the UAV will be handled
according to the checklist for the particular emergency. The CCO shall be responsible at
all times for all collision avoidance maneuvers with nonparticipating aircraft and the
safety of persons and property on the surface.

Meteorological Conditions AffectingFlight Operations. No UAV flight operations shall
be conducted at any altitude where there are clouds or obscuring phenomena of more than
five—tenths coverage and not less than 500 feet from the base of any cloud — or the
simpler version of UAV flight operations shall be conducted in VFR conditions.

                                     Supplement No. 2
             UAV Route
                                      Table of Waypoints

Note: 1. Readings were taken using a MAGELLAN GPS 3000 XL
       2. Measurements are in Degrees — Minutes — Decimal Seconds

                                    SECTOR 1 — West of 1—95
                                                       GPS Coordinates (DD—MM.SS)
Location Address                                    North or South       East or West
Opa—Locka Airport — Northwest Corner             25—54.00 N          80—17.51 W

SR 826 and NW 67 Ave                            25—55.50 N           80—18.52 W
SR 826 just before bend heading South           25—55.49 N           80—19.10 W
1—75 West of SR 826 Bend ( S of Miami
Gardens Dr)                                     25—55.49 N           80—20.99 W
TPK West of SR 826 Bend ( 1 Mile N of
Okeechobee)                                     25—55.49 N           80—22.58 W
TPK NB @ beginning of NE curvature              25—55.58   N         80—22.54   W
2nd point on curve                              25—55.73   N         80—22.46   W
3rd point on curve                              25—55.79   N         80—22.42   W
4th point on curve                              25—55.83   N         80—22.39   W
5th point heading straight NE direction         25—55.89   N         80—22.32   W
TPK Just before |—75                            25—56.87 N           80—21.13 W
TPK before canal — 1 mile past I—75             25—57.77 N           80—20.03 W
TPK after canal beginning EB curve              25—57.98 N           80—19.78 W
2nd point on EB curve                           25—58.06 N           80—19.65 W
3rd point on EB curve                           25—58.11 N           80—19.58 W
4th point on EB curve                           25—58.18 N           80—19.42 W
5th point on EB curve                           25—58.22 N           80—19.24 W
6th point on EB curve                           25—58.23 N           80—19.12 W
7th point on EB curve {end of bend)             25—58.24 N           80—19.07 W
1/2 mile before Red Road                        25—58.24 N           80—18.65 W
Slight bend @ NW 57 Ave                         25—58.24 N           80—17.99 W
TPK — 1 mile west of East of 57 Ave             25—58.27 N           80—16.84 W
TPK   and NW 37 Ave                             25—58.31   N         80—17.75   W
TPK   and NW 27 Ave                             25—58.34   N         80—14.82   W
TPK   @ Toll Plaza                              25—58.35   N         80—14.32   W
TPK   after Toll Plaza                          25—58.36   N         80—14.11   W
TPK South towards Miami                         25—58.32 N           80—13.79 W
TPK South 1 mile before NW 199 Street           25—58.17 N           80—13.78 W
TPK South at NW 199 Street                      25—57.69 N           80—13.77 W
TPK South at entrance ramp from 199 ST —
Curve begins                                    25—57.23 N           80—13.75 W
2nd point on curve                              25—57.06 N           80—13.72 W
3ard point on curve                             25—56.73 N           80—13.56 W
4th point on curve (end of curve)               25—56.53 N           80—13.40 W
TPK @ Toll Plaza before GGI                25—56.15        N         80—13.01   W
TPK — 1/2 mile South of Toll Plaza — Curve 25—55.99        N         80—12.84   W
2nd point on curve                         25—55.94        N         80—12.80   W
3rd point on curve (end of curve)          25—55.84        N         80—12.75   W
CENTER OF GOLDEN GLADES INTERCHAN25—55.64                  N         80—12.73   W

                                SECTOR 2 — EAST of |—95
                                                 GPS Coordinates (DD—MM.SS)
Location Address                                   North or South        East or West
NE 167 ST and NW 2nd Ave                        25—55.64 N           80—12.30 W

 NE 167 ST and NW 1st Ave                   25—55.67 N     80—12.21 W
 NE 167 ST and NW 8th Ave — curve           25—55.72 N     80—11.08 W
 2nd point on curve                         25—55.72 N     80—11.00 W
 3rd point on curve                         25—55.68 N     80—10.99 W
 4th point on curve (end of curve)          25—55.57   N   80—10.74 W
 NE 163 ST and NE 11 Ave                    25—55.52   N   80—10.59 W
 NE 163 ST and NE 18 Ave                    25—55.55   N   80—09.88 W
 NE 163 ST and Biscayne Blvd.               25—55.57   N   80—09.24 W
 Biscayne and NE 171 ST                     25—55.85   N   80—09.12 W
 Biscayne and NE 183 ST                     25—56.70   N   80—08.85 W
 Biscayne and NE 186 ST                     25—56.83   N   80—08.82 W
 Biscayne and NE 187 ST                     25—56.89   N   80—08.80 W
 Biscayne and NE 188 ST                     25—57.04   N   80—08.79 W
 Biscayne and Ives Dairy Road               25—55.77 N     80—08.81 W
 Biscayne and 208 ST                        25—58.04 N     80—08.71 W
 Biscayne and 213 ST                        25—58.34 N     80—08.57 W
 Biscayne and 214 ST                        25—58.50   N   80—08.52 W
 Biscayne and SE 7 ST                       25—58.64   N   80—08.52 W
 Biscayne and Hallandale Beach Blvd.        25—59.12   N   80—08.54 W
 Hallandale and 1—95                        25—59.10   N   80—08.92 W
 1—95 Entrance ramp from Hallandale         25—58.87 N     80—09.97 W
 bend   1 along 1—95                       25—58.76    N   80—09.98 W
 bend   2                                  25—58.60    N   80—09.98 W
 bend   3                                  25—58.12    N   80—09.94 W
 bend   4                                  25—57.92    N   80—09.94 W
 bend   5                                  25—57.78    N   80—09.98 W
 bend   6                                  25—57.62    N   80—10.09 W
 bend   7                                  25—57.36    N   80—10.50 W
 bend   8                                  25—57.27    N   80—10.63 W
 bend   9                                  25—56.92    N   80—11.05 W
 bend   10                                 25—56.83    N   80—11.14 W
 bend   11                                 25—56.71    N   80—11.21 W
 bend   12                                 25—56.62    N   80—11.26 W
 bend   13                                 25—56.44    N   80—11.46 W
 bend   14                                 25—56.37    N   80—11.54 W
 bend   15                                 25—56.33    N   80—11.62 W
 bend   16                                 25—56.29    N   80—11.72 W
 bend   17                                 25—56.25    N   80—11.82 W
 bend   18                                 25—56.20    N   80—11.91 W

 1—95 SB @ HOV — Connects to GGI from here 125—55.00 N     80—12.16 W
 GGI and SR 826 Westbound                 125—55.78 N      80—12.74 W
|Slight curve before NW 12 Ave             25—55.72 N      80—12.81 W
 Heading straight Westbound                25—55.70    N   80—12.86 W
 SR 826 and NW 27 Ave                      25—55.60    N   80—14.60 W
 SR 826 and NW 32 Ave                      25—55.57    N   80—15.10 W
 SR 826 and NW 37 Ave                      25—55.58    N   80—15.66 W
 SR 826 and NW 47 Ave                      25—55.54    N   80—16.59 W
 bend 1                                    25—55.54    N   80—16.73 W
 bend 2                                    25—55.54    N   80—16.87 W
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                                    Supplement No. 3

       UAV Physical Characteristics And UAV Flight Performance Characteristics

                               UAV Physical Characteristics

Configuration: The UAV used in these flights is the Meggitt Defense Systems — Texas
Sentry HP air vehicle configured with a Sony CCD nose video camera with auto iris and
a 3 degree down tilt (providing a 30 degree color picture view to the ground control
station), FLIR Systems Inc. Ultra 7000 dual sensor airborne imaging system and a
conventional, wheeled landing gear

Length: 11.02 ft.

Wingspan: 12.8 ft.

Gross Weight: 325 Ibs.

Method of Propulsion: Herbrandson Dyad 290, 27 hp

Fuel Capacity: 10 gallons/60 lbs.

Color: light gray; wing and tail tips painted high—visibility orange

Lighting: standard aircraft lighting (anti—collision lights and position lights) and high
intensity strobes (IAW 14 CFR 23.1401) during all phases of flights; see also letter at
Supplement No. 4 attached hereto

Transponder: transponder is an altitude encoding transponder (IAW 14 CFR 91.215) and
will be set on a code assigned by ATC; the CCO will have the capability to reset the
transponder code and activate the Ident feature in flight; UAV shall reset transponder to
7600 if loss of VHF/UHF ATC coordination and communications occurs; UAV shall
reset transponder to 7700 if loss of data link and/or navigational capability occurs

                         UAV Flight Performance Characteristics

Top Speed: 110 kts.

Cruise Speed: 75 kts.

Maximum Altitude: 16,000 ft.

Rate of Climb: 500 ft./min.

Range/Endurance: 100 nautical miles/8 hours

Means of Recovery: Power—assisted parachute landing at 56 kts. maximum — 10 kts.
minimum — landing roll on wheels less than 50 ft.; conventional landing on wheels —
landing roll less than 400 ft.

Note: Please see the Meggitt Defense Systems — Texas web site at: www.sentryuav.com
for additional information about the company and its products.

                             Supplement No. 4

             Airworthiness Letter of Meggitt Defense Systems—
          SYSTEMS — TEXAS

Date:           April 10, 2001

Subject:        Sentry HP Remotely Operated Aircraft (ROA) Airworthiness

Background: Meggitt Defense Systems — Texas, formerly known as S—TEC Unmanned
Technologies, Inc., has been producing Sentry ROAs since 1986. Since then, its design has evolved
over a number of variants, growing in weight and capability to the latest model, the Sentry HP. To
date 136 Sentries have been produced and over 800 hours of factory acceptance flights accumulated
in addition to the many hours flown by numerous organizations who maintain and fly the Sentry. The
autopilot system used in the Sentry is manufactured by Meggitt Avionics who produces FAA approved
autopilots for OEM and after market general aviation airplanes. Additionally, Meggitt manufactures the
compass system, master control module, and transponder used in the Sentry. The Sentry powerplant
is manufactured under military specifications and is used in a variety of ROAs worldwide. The
airframe was designed by aeronautical engineers and has undergone wind tunnel and altitude
cambers testing. The Sentry is made of carbon fiber composite material and light weight metal
support brackets for securing components to the airframe.    The onboard transponder codes can be
set/and or changed, along with an IDENT feature at anytime through the Ground Control Station. The
navigational lights and strobes are FAA approved light assemblies and installed in accordance with
FAA standards (see attached letter). Sentry customers are U.S. Government, including U.S. Army,
U.S. Navy, and FBI. The Sentry HP description, characteristics, performance, and primary payload


Length, ft:           11.02                         Wing Span, ft:         12.8
Gross Weight, Ibs:    325                           Payload Weight, ibs:   75
Fuel Capacity, lbs:   60                            Fuel Type:             Gasoline/Aviation Gas
Engine Make:          Herbrandson Dyad 290          Power, hp:             27
Structure:            Carbon fiber                  Navigation:            6 Channel Differential
Guidance:             S—TEC 750A(i) DFCS                                   Ready GPS
Data Link(s):         Microwave (S—Band)            Data Rate(s), bps:     9600


Endurance, hrs:       8.0                             Range nm:            100
Max Speed, kts:       110                             Stall Speed, kts:   50
Altitude, ft:         16,000
Takeoff Means:        Pneumatic Launcher, Wheeled, or Dolly
Navigation Modes:     Preprogrammed (100 waypoints)/autonomous/direct control
Landing Means:        Conventional (wheels or skids)/parafoil/parachute

SENSOR(S):            VIDEO:                        EO/IR Cameras, FLIR, Inc

Aaron S. Powell
Operations Manager

[CCMmEgqGanT                                                                             MEGGITT DEFENSE
                                                                                         SYSTEMS — TExas
                                                                                         One S—TEC Way
                                                                                         Municipal Airport
                                                                                         Mineral Wells, TX
Date: April 10, 2001                                                                     tel 940/328—1197
                                                                                         fax 940/328—0753
Subject: Sentry ROA External Lights
To: Whom It May Concern

Meggitt Defense Systems—Texas manufacturer of the Sentry Remotely Operated Aircraft (ROA)
installs the AeroFlash Signal, 28 volt, Three Light System, Part Number 156—0049 on each air
vehicle. This light system has an FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA). The light system
includes wiring, power supply, navigation, position, and strobe lights.

The onsite Designated Alteration Station (DAS) staff engineer was consulted before procuring
this light package and for light(s) installation locations to ensure compliance with CFR, Title 14,
Part 23, Subparts 23.1385—1401. The light package specifications/capabilities and airframe
installation locations are compliant with CFR, Title 14.

Aaron S. Powell
Operations Manager

Document Created: 2001-05-02 14:38:03
Document Modified: 2001-05-02 14:38:03

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