Cisco Trial Alpha

0521-EX-ST-2000 Text Documents

Cisco Systems Inc


      Cisco Point-to-Multipoint Broadband Wireless Alpha Trial Technical Summary                    ENG-82012

                                                                              Document Number   ENG-82012
                                                                              Revision          0.1
                                                                              Author            Joseph Cheung
                                                                              Project Manager   Jagdish Girimaji

       Cisco 3.5GHz Point-to-Multipoint Broadband Wireless
                 Alpha Trial Technical Summary

                                                    Modification History
 Rev                 Date                  Originator                               Comment

0.1        2 October, 2000           Joseph Cheung                  Draft

      © 2000 Cisco Systems, Inc. Company confidential.                                             Page 1 of 12

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Cisco Point-to-Multipoint Broadband Wireless Alpha Trial Technical Summary                                                                     ENG-82012

                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.     PURPOSE................................................................................................................................................3

2.     TECHNICAL DETAILS........................................................................................................................4
     2.1.     PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTAL SITES ...................................................................................................4
     2.2.     PROPOSED OPERATING PARAMETERS ................................................................................................4
3.     EXHIBITS ...............................................................................................................................................7
     3.2.     EXHIBIT 2: LOCATIONS AND ORIENTATION OF HEADEND SITES..........................................................8
     3.3.     EXHIBIT 3: ELEVATION VIEW ............................................................................................................9
     3.4.     EXHIBIT 4: ANTENNA RADIATION PATTERN .....................................................................................11

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Cisco Point-to-Multipoint Broadband Wireless Alpha Trial Technical Summary                      ENG-82012

1. Purpose
This document summarizes the technical parameters of the Cisco 3.5GHz point-to-multipoint broadband
wireless Alpha test network. The information contained in this document shall be used for application of an
experimental license from the FCC.

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Cisco Point-to-Multipoint Broadband Wireless Alpha Trial Technical Summary                             ENG-82012

2. Technical Details

2.1.       Proposed Developmental Sites
There are two headend sites and multiple subscriber sites involved in this experimental operation. See
Exhibit 2. The two headend sites are installed on buildings Cisco Systems Inc.'s San Jose campus. Multiple
subscriber sites will be installed within 5-mile radius of each headend site and in the coverage area provided
by the headend antennas (see Exhibit 2). Up to 10 subscriber sites are deployed for this developmental
operation. Table 4 shows a list of headend and subscriber site locations.

2.2.       Proposed Operating Parameters
Exhibit 1 is a summary of the operating parameters of the headend sites. The headend sites are deployed in
Cisco Building 14 (3625 Cisco Way, San Jose, CA95134) and Cisco Building O (10 West Tasman Drive,
San Jose, CA95134). A 90-degree beamwidth, horizontal polarized antenna was selected for the headend
site. Two sectors of coverage, each sector with two antennas for diversity reception will be installed on
Cisco Building 14. One sector of coverage with two antennas for diversity reception will be installed on
Cisco Building O headend site. Antenna orientation is shown in Exhibit 2. The specified ERP is the
maximum that will be radiated from any site.
The experimental operation will use equipment that is not type accepted because the equipment is still under
Average power, rather than peak power, is the appropriate power measurement for digital transmission.
The headend transverters employed will be rated for an output power of up to 2.5 Watts (4dBW). This
power, in conjunction with a Remec AMH2000-1 headend antenna, will produce a maximum EIRP of
20.5 dBW. All transmitting antennas will be horizontally polorized and will be limited to a height less than
20 feet above the roof of each of the headend sites.
The technical parameters for the headend transmitter installation to be utilized are described in Table 1.

Table 1: Technical parameters of headend transmitter.
Item      Parameter                       Description
1         Frequency                       3475-3487 MHz
2         EIRP                            Not exceeding 20.5 dBW using transverter output of 2.5 Watts1
3         Transmitting antenna:           Remec AMH2000-1
          Gain                            16±0.5dBi
          Polarization                    Horizontal
          Orientation                     See exhibit 1 & 2
          Height to center (AGL)          Not exceeding 20 feet above the roof of any building
4         Point of Communication          Communicate with subscribers located within 5 miles radius
5         Type of service                 Fixed
6         Location of Transverter         See exhibit 1 and 2
7         Control                         Each station will be under the control of the applicant
8         FAA Concerns                    No antenna will be installed that will increase the height of any man-
                                          made structure by more than 20 feet
9         Beamwidth                       The 3dB beamwidth of each antenna will be 90 degrees
10        Emission                        6MHz, 3MHz and 1.5MHz.

 Average power, rather than peak power, is the appropriate power measurement for digital transmission.
The transmitters are actually "transceivers", which are a combination of receiver and transmitter,
manufactured by Cisco Systems, Inc.

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Cisco Point-to-Multipoint Broadband Wireless Alpha Trial Technical Summary                             ENG-82012

Item      Parameter                       Description
11        Modulation Density              OFDM
Two classes of subscriber units are used in this developmental operation: standard power and high power.
The standard power subscriber unit is rated for a maximum transmit power of 0.63 Watt (-2dBW) in
1.5MHz bandwidth, 0.32 Watt (-5dBW) in 3MHz bandwidth and 0.16 Watt (-8dBW) in 6MHz bandwidth.
The standard power subscriber unit operates with an integrated antenna. The high power subscriber unit is
rated for a maximum transmit power of 3.2 Watts (5dBW) in 1.5MHz bandwidth, 3.2 Watts (5dBW) in
3MHz bandwidth and 1.6 Watts (2dBW) in 6MHz bandwidth. The high power subscriber unit operates with
an external antenna.
The standard power subscriber transverters employed will be rated for an output power of up to 0.63 Watt.
This power, in conjunction with an integrated antenna with 20.5±0.5dBi gain, will produce an EIRP of
18.5±0.5 dBW. All transmitting antennas will be horizontally polorized and will be limited to a height less
than 20 feet above the roof of each of the subscriber sites. A transportable subscriber site installed in a van
will be deployed. The antenna height of the transportable subscriber is adjustable to a maximum of 55 feet
above ground level.
The technical parameters for the standard power subscriber transmitter are described in Table 2.

Table 2: Technical parameters of standard power subscriber transmitter.
Item      Parameter                       Description
1         Frequency                       3425 – 3437 MHz
2         EIRP                            Not exceeding 19 dBW using transverter output of 0.63 Watts over
                                          1.5MHz bandwidth2
3         Transmitting antenna:           Integrated antenna
          Gain                            20.5±0.5dBi
          Polarization                    Horizontal
          Orientation                     Point towards serving headend site. See exhibit 1
          Height to center (AGL)          Not exceeding 20 feet above the roof of any building
4         Point of Communication          See Exhibit 1.
5         Type of service                 Fixed
6         Location of Transverter         See exhibit 1 and 2
7         Control                         Each station will be under the control of the applicant
8         FAA Concerns                    No antenna will be installed that will increase the height of any man-
                                          made structure by more than 20 feet
9         Beamwidth                       The beamwidth of each antenna will be 14±1 degrees
10        Emission                        6MHz, 3MHz and 1.5MHz
11        Modulation Density              OFDM

The high power subscriber transverters employed will be rated for an output power of up to 3.2 Watts. This
power, in conjunction with an integrated antenna with TBD dBi gain, will produce an EIRP of TBD dBW.
All transmitting antennas will be horizontally polorized and will be limited to a height less than 20 feet
above the roof of each of the subscriber sites. A transportable subscriber site installed in a van will be
deployed. The antenna height of the transportable subscriber is adjustable to a maximum of 55 feet above
ground level.
The technical parameters for the high power subscriber transmitter are described in Table 3.

 Average power, rather than peak power, is the appropriate power measurement for digital transmission.
The transmitters are actually "transceivers", which are a combination of receiver and transmitter,
manufactured by Cisco Systems, Inc.

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Cisco Point-to-Multipoint Broadband Wireless Alpha Trial Technical Summary                             ENG-82012

Table 3: Technical parameters of high power subscriber unit.
Item      Parameter                       Description
1         Frequency                       3400.5 to 3412.5 MHz
2         EIRP                            Not exceeding TBD dBW using transverter output of 3.2 Watts
3         Transmitting antenna:           TBD
          Gain                            TBD dBi
          Polarization                    Horizontal
          Orientation                     See exhibit 1
          Height to center (AGL)          Not exceeding 20 feet above the roof of any building
4         Point of Communication          Point towards serving headend site. See Exhibit 1.
5         Type of service                 Fixed
6         Location of Transverter         See exhibit 1 and 2
7         Control                         Each station will be under the control of the applicant
8         FAA Concerns                    No antenna will be installed that will increase the height of any man-
                                          made structure by more than 20 feet
9         Beamwidth                       The beamwidth of each antenna will be ?? degrees
10        Emission                        6MHz, 3MHz and 1.5MHz.
11        Modulation Density              OFDM

Table 4 lists the proposed headend site and subscriber site locations for this developmental operation.
Table 4: Location of headend and subscriber sites.

Site        Location          Address                                        Latitude        Longitude
HE          Building 14       3625 Cisco Way, San Jose, CA 95134             37°24'16"       121°55'58"
HE          Building O        10 W. Tasman Dr. , San Jose, CA 95134          37°24'32"       121°56'43"
SU          Building D        170 W. Tasman Dr. , San Jose, CA 95134         37°24'31"       121°57'07"
SU          Building P        125 W. Tasman Dr. , San Jose, CA 95134         37°24'36"       121°56'54"
SU          Building K        225 W. Tasman Dr. , San Jose, CA 95134         37°24'40"       121°57'05"
SU          Building 8        3750 Zanker Rd. , San Jose, CA 95134           37°24'44"       121°56'04"
SU          Building 9        260 E. Tasman Dr. , San Jose, CA 95134         37°24'44"       121°55'57"
SU          Building 2        3800 Zanker Rd. , San Jose, CA 95134           37°24'48"       121°56'10"
SU          Building I        285 W. Tasman Dr. , San Jose, CA 95134         37°24'42"       121°57'13"
SU          Building H        250 W. Tasman Dr. , San Jose, CA 95134         37°24'36"       121°57'24"
SU          N/A               Transportable SU located up to 5 miles         N/A             N/A
                              from HE site location

 Average power, rather than peak power, is the appropriate power measurement for digital transmission.
The transmitters are actually "transceivers", which are a combination of receiver and transmitter,
manufactured by Cisco Systems, Inc.

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Cisco Point-to-Multipoint Broadband Wireless Alpha Trial Technical Summary                    ENG-82012

3. Exhibits

3.1.       Exhibit 1: System Parameters for the Proposed Developmental Operation
Table 5 summarizes the system parameters for the proposed developmental operation.

Table 5: HE System Parameters.
                                                                DISTANCE                FT
Bldg-O                         37°24'32"        121°56'43"      Within 5 miles radius   60          80           20.5          H
Bldg-14                        37°24'16"        121°55'58"      Within 5 miles radius   30          50           20.5          H

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Cisco Point-to-Multipoint Broadband Wireless Alpha Trial Technical Summary                         ENG-82012

3.2.       Exhibit 2: Locations and orientation of headend sites..
Headend location         Antenna ID            Antenna orientation                      Comments
Cisco Building 14        HE14-W-ANT1           297 degrees relative to magnetic north   Two antennas used for
                         HE14-W-ANT2           297 degrees relative to magnetic north   diversity reception
Cisco Building 14        HE14-E-ANT1           117 degrees relative to magnetic north   Two antennas used for
                         HE14-E-ANT2           117 degrees relative to magnetic north   diversity reception
Cisco Building O         HEO-W-ANT1            332 degrees relative to magnetic north   Two antennas used for
                         HEO-W-ANT2            332 degrees relative to magnetic north   diversity reception

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Firestorm Alpha Test Plan

3.3.      Exhibit 3: Elevation View
Figure 1 shows the elevation view of the headend antenna installation.

Figure 1: Elevation view of headend antenna installation.

             He ade nd
            ins tallation                      Proposed
                                                                                 < 20 feet

                                        Existing building


Figure 2 shows the elevation view of the subscriber unit antenna installation.

Figure 2: Elevation view of subscriber unit antenna installation.

          Subscriber unit
            installation               Proposed
                                                                  < 20 feet

                                 Existing building


Figure 3 shows the elevation view of antenna installation on the transportable subscriber unit.

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Firestorm Alpha Test Plan

Figure 3: Elevation view of antenna installation on the transportable subscriber unit.

     subscriber unit

                       < 55 feet


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             Firestorm Alpha Test Plan

             3.4.     Exhibit 4: Antenna radiation pattern
             Figure 4 and Figure 5 show the azimuth and elevation radiation pattern for the headend antenna,

             Figure 4: Azimuth radiation pattern of headend antenna AMH2000-1.

                                                           Remec AMH2000-1




Gain (dBd)




             -200        -150            -100        -50               0         50           100              150        200
                                                              Azimuth (degree)

             1999 Cisco Systems, Inc.. All rights reserved—Company Confidential                                     11
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             Firestorm Alpha Test Plan

             Figure 5: Elevation radiation pattern of headend antenna AMH2000-1.

                                                   AMH2000-1 Elevation pattern




Gain (dBd)






             -200         -150           -100       -50             0          50   100   150        200
                                                          Elevation (degree)

             1999 Cisco Systems, Inc.. All rights reserved—Company Confidential                12
             A printed copy of this document is an uncontrolled copy

Document Created: 2000-11-13 07:18:39
Document Modified: 2000-11-13 07:18:39

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