Broken Bow II Wind Holdings, LLC


Status: Pending


Documents and Communications: [refresh]

Description of Transaction and Public Interest StatementText Documents2018-11-07
Description of Transaction and Public Interest StatementText Documents2018-11-07
E-Mail generated [Nov 8 2018]Correspondence2018-11-08
Incoming generated [Nov 9 2018]Correspondence2018-11-09
Incoming generated [Nov 12 2018]Correspondence2018-11-12
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
E-Mail generated [Nov 8 2018]Correspondence2018-11-08
Incoming generated [Nov 9 2018]Correspondence2018-11-09
Incoming generated [Nov 12 2018]Correspondence2018-11-12
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
Consummation NoticePost Grant Documents2018-12-14
Description of Transaction and Public Interest StatementText Documents2018-11-07
Description of Transaction and Public Interest StatementText Documents2018-11-07
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The following lists all licenses associated with this assignment
of license or transfer of control filing:

View Filing Callsign File Number Transferee Name
View File! Parent Application 0060-EX-TU-2018 CED Southwest Holdings, Inc.
View File! WL9XPV 0122-EX-TC-2018 CED Southwest Holdings, Inc.


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