International Bureau License Conditions

0009-EX-ML-2012 Text Documents

Boeing Company, The


     \L4ernational                    Sureau             hiceasye                  CoaZitrons /

The Boeing Company will operate its earth stations in accordance with the terms, conditions, and
technical specifications set forth in its applications, the Federal Communications Commission‘s
Rules and the following conditions:

    a) The newly authorized operations are subject to the terms and conditions previously
       specified concerning call sign WC2XVE, except to the extent that those terms and
       conditions are modified herein.
    b) If the operator of an authorized space station point of communication has coordination
         agreements with adjacent FSS satellite operators up to six degrees away, then AES may
         operate such that the aggregate off—axis EIRP spectral density for co—polarized signals,
         emitted from all simultaneously transmitting AES antennas in the plane of the
         geostationary satellite orbit as it appears at the particular earth station location (i.e., the
         plane determined by the focal point of the antenna and the line tangent to the arc of the
         geostationary satellite orbit at the position of the target satellite), are within agreed—to
         parameters and up to coordinated power levels. If the operator of an authorized space
         station point of communication does not have agreements with one or more adjacent
         operators up to six degrees away, then the aggregate off—axis EIRP spectral density for
         co—polarized signals, emitted from all simultaneously transmitting AES antennas in the
         plane of the geostationary satellite orbit as it appears at the particular earth station
         location (i.e., the plane determined by the focal point of the antenna and the line tangent
         to the are of the geostationary satellite orbit at the position of the target satellite), shall
         not exceed a 1 dB margin below the following values:

         15 — 25log 0 dBW/4kHz              for 1.25° < 0 < 7.0°

        —6 dBW/4kHz                         for 7.0° < 0 < 9.2°

         18 — 25log 0 dBW/4kHz              for 9.2° < 0 < 48°

         —24 dBW/AkHz                       for 48° <0 < 180°

‘ See 47 U.S.C. § 153(51) ("The term ‘United States‘ means the several States and Territories, the District
of Columbia, and the possessions of the United States, but does not include the Canal Zone.")

* See supra footnote 10.

     For 0 >7°, the values above may be exceeded by no more than 10% of the sidelobes,
     provided no individual sidelobe exceeds the criteria given by more than 3 dB.

     In all other directions, the off—axis EIRP spectral density for co—polarized signals emitted
     from the AES shall not exceed a 1 dB margin below the following values:

     18 — 25log 0 dBW/4kHz               for 1.25° < 0 < 48°

     —24 dBW/4kHz                        for 48° < 0 < 180°

     In all directions, the off—axis EIRP spectral density for cross—polarized signals emitted
     from the AES shall not exceed a 1 dB margin below the following values:

     5 — 25log 0 dBW/4kHz                for 1.8°< 0 < 7°

     —16 dBW/4kHz                        for 7°< 0 < 9.2°

     where 0 is the angle in degrees from the axis of the main lobe.

     AES operations shall not cause harmful interference to any authorized station (including
     foreign—authorized stations) operating in compliance with the Table of Allocations, either
     domestically (non—Federal and Federal stations) or internationally, (see also 47 C.F.R. §
     2.106). Boeing shall immediately terminate its AMSS operation upon notification that
     such operation is causing harmful interference, not permitted under the terms of a
     pertinent coordination agreement, with lawful operation of any radio system authorized in
     conformance with the Table of Allocations;

d)   Boeing must accept any interference from lawful operation of any station authorized to
     operate in accordance with the Table of Allocations (47 C.F.R. § 2.106).
     Boeing shall immediately terminate its AMSS operation upon notification that such
     operation is causing harmful interference, not permitted under the terms of a pertinent
     coordination agreement, with lawful operation of any system in the 14.0—14.5 GHz band
     authorized in conformance with the Table of Allocations or authorized on a secondary
     When Boeing operates in the 14.0—14.5 GHz frequency band in the international airspace
     within line—of—sight of the territory of a foreign administration where fixed service
     networks have primary allocation in this band, the maximum pfd produced at the surface
     of the Earth by emissions from a single AES in Boeing‘s network should not exceed the
     following values unless the foreign administration has imposed other conditions for
     protecting its FS stations:

     —132 + 0.5 + 0 dB(W/(m‘ — MHz))                                    for         0 <40°
     —112           dB(W/(m‘ MHz))                                      for    40°< 0 <90°

     Where: 6 is the angle of arrival of the radio—frequency wave (degrees above the horizontal) and the
     aforementioned limits relate to the pfd and angles of arrival would be obtained under free—space
     propagation conditions.

     To the extent that all relevant administrations have identified geographic areas from

         which AMSS operations would not affect their radio operations, Boeing is free to operate
         its AES within those identified areas without further action.

    g) Boeing‘s AES operations in the 14.0—14.5 GHz band shall comply with the provisions of
       Annex 1, Part C of Recommendation ITU—R M.1643, with respect to any radio astronomy
       station performing observations in the 14.47—14.5 GHz band.

    h) Authority is granted to operate these stations by remote control provided that: (1) the
       parameters of the transmissions of these stations are monitored at the remote control
       point, including the operational functions sufficient to ensure that the operations of these
       stations are in full compliance with the station authorization at all times; (2) upon
       detection by the grantee, or upon notification from the Commission, of a deviation of the
       operation of any of these stations, such operation shall be immediately suspended until
       the deviation is corrected, except the transmissions concerning the immediate safety of
       life or property may be conducted for the duration of such emergency; and (3) the grantee
       shall have available, at all times, the technical personnel necessary to perform the
       technical servicing and maintenance of these stations expeditiously.

    i)   Twelve months after release of this order, Boeing shall submit the most—recent available
         data concerning aggregate earth—station off—axis EIRP and shall disclose any
         discrepancies between previous predictive assumptions and conditions actually
         encountered in operation and explain what compensating adjustments have been made.

This Authorization and all conditions contained herein are subject to the final outcome of the
Commission‘s rulemaking in IB Docket No. 05—20 and The Boeing Company Experimental
AMSS operations shall operate in compliance with any pertinent rule requirements subsequently
adopted by the Commission.

Document Created: 2012-11-14 11:47:36
Document Modified: 2012-11-14 11:47:36

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