E-Mail generated [Mar 29 2018]

0832-EX-CN-2017 Correspondence

Aerospace Corporation, The


Douglas Young

From:               Douglas Young
Sent:               Thursday, March 29, 2018 1:32 PM
To:                 'David A Hinkley'
Subject:            Request for Info - File # 0832-EX-CN-2017
Attachments:        Interference Guide902-928MHz.pdf

Importance:         High

Provide an interference analysis in accordance with the attachment.

The items indicated above must be submitted before processing can continue on the above referenced application.
Failure to provide the requested information within 30 days of March 29, 2018 may result in application dismissal
pursuant to Section 5.67 and forfeiture of the filing fee pursuant to Section 1.1108.


                                Potentialinterference to the land mobile service
                          from the NGSO networks (CubSat) in the band 902—928MHz

                                                                                                 TSD / 2 March 2017
  1         Introduction
  Recently the Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) has received several NGSO filings for the space
  operation or space research services in the frequency band 902—928 MHz under No. 4.4 ofthe Radio
  Regulations (RR) since this frequency band has no allocation to any space service.
  On the terrestrial part, 20 467 frequency assignments ofthe land mobile service in the band 902—928
  MHz are currently recorded in the MIFR. This document contains the result of assessment of the
  interference from some US space stations notified to the BR.

  2         Formulas and assumptions

            a mobile service station is located at nadir of a CubSat at 450 — 550 km;
            parameters of a CubSat space station are taken from the US filings;
            protection requirements of IMT are calculated using the relevant ITU—R deliverables, as below;
            free space propagation model is used for the interference assessment;
            interference are estimated by comparing the field strength produced by CubSat at the IMT
            antenna with the values ofthe field strength to be protected for IMT stations;
            single source interference impact is assessed;
            IMT antenna pattern and the difference in the bandwidthsare taken into account.
  3         Protection criteria for the IMT systems
  The protection criteria of /N =—6 is recommended for GSM and LTE systems and /N=—9dB for GSM—
  R system. TABLE 1 shows the field strength to be protected in the frequency band 880—960 MHz,
  which are calculated using the system characteristics given in Report ITU—R M.2039 and ECC Reports
  082 and 096.

                                                      TABLE 1
                          Field strength to be protected for land mobile service systems

 System        Class of       Frequency    Noise   Feeder     Receiving      Field strength to be protected   Receiving
  to be         station         (MHz)     Figure    Loss       antenna                 (dBuV/m)                antenna
protected                                   (dB)    (dB)     gain (dBi) at   200 kHz     200 kHz 5 MHz        height (m)
                                                                  90°        GSM—R        GSM         LTE
G8M or        Receiving                                          —1.5*
  LTE         b ase station
                        ;      880—915      $         3            s
                                                              (G mas 15)
                                                                                16          19         33         30
              Receiving                                       0 (GSM—R
                mobile         925—960      $         0       and GSM)          15          18         38         15
                station                                        —3 (LTE)
  * —1.5 dB of omnidirectional vertical antenna gain at the elevation angle of 90 degree as the worst case is used for
    calculation. (See recommends 2.2 of Recommendation ITU—R F.1336—4).

  The field strengths (£) to be protected are calculated using the following equation:
            E=—37 + F—G,(0)+ Lr+ 10 log (B,) + 20 log (f) + I/N (Recommendation ITU—R M.1767)

                                 F       : receiving station noise figure (dB)
                                   G0)   : receiver antenna gain (dBi) at the elevation angle of 0
                                 Lr      : receiving station antenna cable feeder loss (dB)
                                 B,      : receiving bandwidth (MHz)
                                 [       : center frequency ofthe receiving station (MHz)
                                 LN      : interference to noise ratio (dB)

             4         Field strength produced by the space stations
             Based on the parameters notified to the BR, the calculations are made to determine the field strength
             produced at the surface of the Earth from thesatellites for every notice. The results are listed in TABLE
             2 with potential interference possibility. For the calculation ofthe field strength produced by the space
             stations in question, free space propagation model is used (see Recommendation ITU—R P.525—3).

                                                                   TABLE 2
                       Field strength produced by the space stations and potential interference possibility

                                                                                      Field Strength on         Excess of Interference, dB
                  Parameters of NGSO space station notified to the BR                   earth surface              *N‘: nointerference
                                                                                             (dBuV/m)           *—* : nofrequency overlap
      Qee Brip           frea_mi      '"‘%“"      “::;"-     Bandwidt       EIRP       200          §     gshl:;    car    car    Lt    Lt
    ()\/                 n (MHz)      (MBH2)       (Kom)      h (MHz)      (dBW)      kHz         MHz                Bs    M      BS     M

\t} {      114540737     914.085      915315       450           L1           3        17           25      *        N      —     N         —
           114540757     914.085      915.315      450          123           3        17          25      *         N      —     N      —
           115545029       902          928        500          0.15         72        14          14      N         N      N     N      N
           115545029       902          928        500          0.25         2.8       23          24                             N      N
           115545029       902          928        500          0.35         28        21          24                             N      N
           115545029       902          928        500           0.5         2.8       20          24                             N      N
           115545029       902           928       500          0.05         —12        9           9      N         N      N     N      N
'(/-9 i 116545202        914.085      915315       550          1.09          10       14          30       +        N      —     N         —
*          116545202     914.085      915315       550          1.09          10        14          30      ~        N      —     N         —
     gq 116545207         9234         923.6       550         0.164        —10.5       9           9      N         —      —      —        —
             * The field strength produced by the space station has been normalized to meet the bandwidth of the victim receiver.

             §         Conclusion
             If the notified NGSO satellites are broughtinto use without mitigation measures, some transmissions
             from the space stations of one among the four assessed satellite networks could cause interference to
             GSM systems with the excess of interference above the permissible level by 8 dB maximum. No
             interference to LTE is expected

Document Created: 2018-03-29 13:34:58
Document Modified: 2018-03-29 13:34:58

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