Aerospace Corporation, The


Status: Granted


Filing Notes:

New experimental on 914.7 MHz for two nanosatellites that will demonstrate the technological capability of new star-tracker imaging, a variety of nanotechnology payloads, advanced solar cells, and an electric propulsion system.2018-04-20

Documents and Communications: [refresh]

E-Mail generated [Dec 8 2017]Correspondence2017-12-08
E-Mail generated [Jan 8 2018]Correspondence2018-01-08
E-Mail generated [Mar 8 2018]Correspondence2018-03-08
E-Mail generated [Mar 29 2018]Correspondence2018-03-29
Incoming generated [Mar 13 2018]Correspondence2018-03-13
Grant E-mail Notification generated [Apr 20 2018]Correspondence2018-04-20
AC12 ODAR FCC v4Pre Coordination Document2018-03-20
AC12 ODAR FCC v5Pre Coordination Document2018-04-04
AC12 AB ODAR FCC v6Pre Coordination Document2018-04-19
AC12 ODAR signature pagePre Coordination Document2018-03-13
AC12 OET response 03092018Pre Coordination Document2018-03-13
AC12 DAS 202 Output No BafflePre Coordination Document2018-04-04
UASF CO Liability Acknowledgement v2Pre Coordination Document2018-04-19
Analysis of AeroCube Non InterferencePre Coordination Document2018-04-13
NR NRCSDPL J0007 MEMO Above ISS Deployment LetterPre Coordination Document2018-04-19
AC12 ODAR FCC v3Text Documents2017-10-26
AC12 NOAA WaiverText Documents2017-10-26
SDRadio bandwidthText Documents2017-10-26
AdvRadio bandwidthText Documents2017-10-26
AC12 DAS 202 OutputText Documents2017-10-26
AC12 NTIA format dataText Documents2017-10-26
AC12 API cover letterText Documents2017-10-26
AC12 ITU cost recoveryText Documents2017-10-26
AC12 FCC Mission statement v2Text Documents2017-10-26
FAA sketch and antenna figures v10Text Documents2017-10-26
Commencement of services announcementPost Grant Documents2019-08-29
Application Form:
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