This page includes all of Dish Wireless FCC ID, IBFS, and ELS filed by Dish Wireless.
Date Filed Last Mod | File Number | Applicant | Callsign | Type |
2022-07-13 |
DISH Wireless L.L.C. | |
International Telecommunications : Assignment |
2021-10-07 | ELS
| Dish Wireless |
N/A |
Experimental License Pending |
2021-09-27 | ELS
| Dish Wireless |
Experimental License Pending |
2021-09-27 | ELS
| Dish Wireless |
N/A |
Experimental License Pending |
2021-09-27 | ELS
| Dish Wireless |
N/A |
Experimental License Pending |
2021-08-13 | ELS
| Dish Wireless |
N/A |
Experimental License Pending |
2021-03-09 |
DISH Wireless L.L.C. | |
International Telecommunications : Assignment |
2021-03-09 |
DISH Wireless L.L.C. | |
International Telecommunications : Assignment |
2021-03-09 |
DISH Wireless L.L.C. | |
International Telecommunications : International Global Resale Authority |