Attachment E910440-Request for

E910440-Request for


Surrender Letter


This document pretains to SUR-NDR-20130214-00004 for Surrender (SUR-NDR) on a Surrender filing.


                                           February 14, 2013

Via E—Filing

Re: Trangmit—Receive Earth Station License Call Sign £910440
    ACC Licensee, LLC

Effective December 19, 2012, ACC Licensee, LLC {"ACC"), licensee of transmit—receive earth station call
sign E910440 ceased operation of this facility. Accordingly, ACC hereby surrenders its authorization for
this facility {copy attached) and requests cancellation of thelicense.

Signed: ____._"_
        Stephen P. Gibson
         Vice President

                                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
     Came: ACC Licensee,              .                                                                     Call Sign: E910440
 Authorization Typer Rencleal of Liconse                                                                Fite Number: SES—RWL—201 1062000715
 Non Common Carrier          ,     Grant date:                   06/24/201]         Expiration Date:     0§/0272020   u«.

Nature of Services Domestic Fixed SatellifaService

Class of Station: Temporary Fixed Earth Suatip

A) Site Locatfon(s)
                                                                                                                                    Special Provisions
#0 Site ID                                Address                              ud          Langitude                             D (Referto Section H)

) i                                                     HW                                                          0         UNK

                                                             ations maude by this Commi
           nents set forth in this ficense                grantee is authorized to cons
 élowfor radio conmuuncations for the term beginning August 2, 2077 (3 AM             Standard Time} and ending August 2.
2026 (3 AM Eaxtern Standard Time}.        reyuired date of completion af consiXictioXy and commencement of operation is
00(00/0000; Grantee must file with the Comnussion a certification «tpon completis@ of ‘construction and commencement of

B) Parficulars of Opérations
           ‘al.Provision 1010 appli       o all receiving frequencybands.
The General Provision 1900applies to all tran

 .           Frequency                                              TxRy    /Carrien     7CaPNIO®      Aespciated                Modaulation/
#              (MH2)                                    Emission Mode         (dBW)— (@BW/AEHZ Apjonpy              Section         Services
                s0—24500. 0000             H.Y                                              48.00       1

                                                                              5.00          a8.00       1

                                                                       Ex                               1                                                CARRIER

                                                                                                                                        FCC Form 488

                                                   UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                              RADO STATIOGN AUTHORIZATION
        firme. ACC Lice see, LLC                                                                    Call Sign: ©910440

~— Authorfzafion Typed Renewal of License                                                        File Nanthor: S S—RWL—20110620—00713
   Non Common Carrie®               Graut date:             06/24/2011        Exptration Date:    08/02/2026
    C) Frequency Coordinationg Limits
                                                     Satellite Arc. R       Hlovation            Azimuth            Max EIRP
                                                                            (Degrees)            (Degrees)       Pousity toward
                  FreqaencyLimits                                         Eastz\   West      East      West           Horizon            Associated
    #                   (MHz)                                            Limit     Loo.     Unit      Linit       (dDWAkH2               Antenna(k)
    1)        14000.0000—14500.9000

    D) Points of Communteations
        ) Antenna Facilities
                                                                                                                  ,                                    Special
                                                                                                                 Site                  Max            Provisions
         Site           Anterna               Diameter                                                       ElovatiO®
                                                                                                               Evo              Anfenna Height        (Refor to
         ID               ID          Units    (meters)        Manufactarer             Model number         (Meters)              (Meters)           Section )

1                           1           2           2.6     YERTER COMM. COM               3.6 Dxk           0
              Max Cains(s)             56.1   dBi    %    24.000% CBz
              Maximum           oput power          antenns flange &(
                    um agor     te cutput            for all carriers     {dBW}
    F) Remote Control Point:
    1                                                                                                        Call Sign: 2910440
    (3) Antenna Structure marking andlighting requirements:
                None unless otherwise specified under Special and Genernl Provisions
    H) Special and General Provisions
                  his RADIO STATION           AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the following special provisions and general
                1010 ——Applicable to all receiving frequency bands. Emission designator indicates the makimum bandwidth ofreceived
                        signal ar associated staton(e).   Maximom EIRP and maximum EJRP density alt not applicable to reseive
                                                                 ( page 2 of 3 )                                                        FCC Form 488

                                          UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

 dames ACK Licensce, LLC                                                                  Call Sign: E910440
Authorization Ts e: Renowal of Li    nse                                                PFile Ninaber: SES—RWL—20110620—00715
Non Common\Carrier                  Grant date:    06/24/2011        Expiration Date:   08/02/2026

H) Special and Genergl Provisions
   A)This RADIO STATIGQN            AUTHORIZATION is gronted subject io the following special provisions and general
      1900 —~ Applicable to all irhnsmitting frequency bands. Authority is granted to transmit any oumber of RF carriers with
              the specified parameters on :                                   ciated band in accordance with the other ferims

              unaceeptablelevels of intgr—st       c interference.
     2010 ——— This authorization is issued                 e Commission‘s Second Report and Order adopted June 16. 1972 (35
              FCC 2d $44) and Memoranda               akfn and Ordor adopted December 21, 1972—(38 FCC 2d 665) in DocketNo.
              16495 and is subject to the polies    ado,
     2079 ——— (a) Operation ofthis station is fitgited to Réations within the territory of the— United States. (b) AH operations
              shall be in accordance with the applicable proxisions ofSections 21.707 & 21708 of the Rules. ((6) Unless
              separate. authorization is grantedby R

                                                           :            nd 14 GHz bands using antennat less than 9 meters and 5
              meters   in diameter, respectiv                  l transpopder and narrowband (ransmissions (DA 87—391) released
              April 13, 1987.
      2088 ~~ The EIRP and EIRP Density numbers are the rhaximuls permissable under the Commission‘s Declaratory Order
              (DAR7—391) noted in General Provision 2087.

     2454 .All satellite uplink transmissions carrying broadb¥ad video information. shall comply: with. the Automatic
            Transmitier identification System (ATIS) requirements of Section 25.281 of the Rules, as modified by ECC
              Report No. DS—1066, released on April 3, 1991.
     2916 ——» Transmitter(s) must be turned off during antenna maintenakee to ensure compliance with the FCC—specified safety
              guidelines for human exposure to radiofrequency radiatiodg in the region between the antenna feed and the
              reflecior. Appropriate measures must also be taken to restricdy access to other regions in which the earth station‘s
              power flux densitylevels exeeed the spacified guidelines,
     2938 —~— Upon completion of construction, each licensce must file wity the Commission a certification including the
              following information: name ofthe      ficensee, file number ofthe Application, call sign of the antennig, date ofthe
              license and certification that the facility as authorized hes been cmpleted, that cach antenna facility has been
              testedand is within 2 4B ofthe pattern spectfied is Section 25.209 abd that the stationis operational including the
              date of commencement of service and will remain operational duripe the license poriod unless. the Hcense is
              submitted for cancellation.
      3219 .. All existing transmitting facilities, operations anddevices regulated by\the Commission must be.Jo. compliance
              with the Commission‘s radiofrequency (RF) exposure guidelines, pursuar\ to Section 1.1307(b)(1) through (b)(3)
              of the Commission‘s rutes, or if not in compliance, file an Environmental Assessment (BA) as specified in Section
              LI3H. See 47 CFR 1.1307 (b) (5).

                                                       (page 3 of 5 )                                              FCC—Forai 488

                                        UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                  RADPIOQ STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                                                                    CaltlSign:   E910440
Authorization Type: Renewal of License                                            Kile Number: SES—RWL—20110620—00715
Non Common Carrier               Grant date;   06/24/2011      Expiration Dater    08/02/2026

H) Special and General P wovisions
   A)This RADIO STATION           GUTHORIZATIOGN is gramied subject to the following special provisions. and goneral
     5208 —— The liconsee                        y measurey to onsure that the nteuna does not create potential—¢xposure of
                                                 i in exc    of the FCC exposure limits defined in 47 CFR 1.1307(b) and
                                             «(W,m ocour, Measures must be taken to ensure compliance with Inits for both
              occupational/contralled expdqure     ind      neral population/Ancontrofled exposure. as defined in: these tule
              sections. Compliance can y acc%(v;?d in tmost cases by approprlate restrictions much as fencing.
              Requirements for restrictl      cap  be dewfinined by predictions based on calculations, modeling ‘ur by Fx\,id
              measuremenis, The                   ylletin (i@iable on—line at www, provides information
              on predicting exposure levels and oX methois for ensuring compliance, including the use of warning and alerting
              signs and protective equipment for wotkers
     5216 ——~ All operations shall be on a non—commoX card Masts,

                                                   ( page 4 of 5 )                                            FCC Form 488

                                          UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
    p         $,
        oOimesdrat                  RADIO STATIOGN AUTHORIZATION

 ame ACC Licensee, LLC                                                                  Call Sign: E910440
Autiorization Type: Renewal of License                                                File Number: SES—RWL—201 10620—00715
Non Common Cartier                 Graut date:    06/24/2011       Expiration Date:   08/02/2026

   B) This RADIO STATION           RUTHORIZATION is granted subjectto the additional conditions specified below;
              This authorization i&issued on the graniee‘s representation that the statements contained in the application are
              irue and that the undertakings describedwill be carried out in goodfaith.

              This authorization shall      t be consirued in any maaner as a finding by the Comin     on on the question of
                                                   yAysthmshould future conditions reg uire. The grantee expressly ngrees to
                                                    the Commission may require under 1 he provisions of Section 303(q) of the
                                                  J‘Vd bythis authorization shall he assigned or otherwise transferredto
                                                        ut the written consent of the Commistion. This authorizition is
                                                    ;/z:x,snmwm ofthe United States conferred by Section 706. of the
               Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 7061      on of this station is governed byPart 25 ofthe Commission‘s
               Rules. 47 C.EAMR, Part 25.

               This authorization is Issued on the grantee‘s represental) n that the station is in compliance with the Fedoral
               Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements as set fort in Section 17.4 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47. C.ER.$

               The following condition applics when this authorization pern {ts consiruction of or modifics the construction
               permil ofa radiostafion,                                                              ~

               This authoritation shall be antomaticatly forfeited if the station impnot ready for operation bythe required daterol
               completion ofconstruction unless an application for modification \of authorization to request additional time—tG
               complete construction is filed by that date, together with a showing\that fallure to complete construction by the
               tequired date was due to factors not undercontrol of the grantec.

               Licensees are required to pay annual vegulatoryfees related to thig authorization. The requirement to
               collect annual regulatory fees from regulatees is contained in Public\aw 103—66, "The Omnibus Budget
               Reconciliation Act of 1993." These regulatory fees, which are likely     change each fisenl year, are used.
               to offset costs associated with the Commission‘s enforeement, public service, international and policy and
               rufemaking activifies. The Commission issues a Reportand Order cnch\ent, sefting the new regulatory
               fee rates, Receive only carth stations are exempt from payment of regulat\ry fees.

                                                       { page S of 5 )                                              FCC Form 488

Document Created: 2013-02-14 17:06:14
Document Modified: 2013-02-14 17:06:14

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