Attachment G4 SCL Surrender Let

G4 SCL Surrender Let


Surrender Letter


This document pretains to SUR-NDR-20100326-00014 for Surrender (SUR-NDR) on a Surrender filing.


                                                                    1200 18TH STREET, N.W., STE. 1200
                                                                    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036-2516

                                                                    TEL +1 202 730 1337
                                                                    FAX +1 202 730 1301

                                                                    ATTORNEYS AT LAW

26 March 2010


Ms. Marlene Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:     Surrender Cable Landing License for Certain Submarine Cable Assets of Tyco
               Electronics Subsea Communications LLC (FCC File Nos. SCL-LIC-20050304-
               00011) Following the System Transfer Date for the Unity Cable System (FCC File
               No. SCL-LIC-20080516-00010)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        By this letter, Tyco Electronics Subsea Communications LLC (“TE SubCom,” formerly
known as Tyco Telecommunications (US) Inc.) surrenders its cable landing license for existing
cable landing assets (“G4 Assets”) for the unbuilt segment of the Tyco Pacific undersea cable
system (“G4 Segment”).1 On August 4, 2008, TE SubCom filed the attached letter with the
Commission memorializing its discussions with International Bureau staff and counsel for
owners of the Unity undersea cable system regarding the purchase of the G4 Assets by the Unity
owners and TE SubCom’s intent to surrender its cable landing license on or around the system
transfer date for the Unity system.

        On March 25, 2010, TE SubCom transferred ownership of the G4 Assets to the Unity
owners. As the Unity owners already hold a cable landing license for the whole of the Unity
system, including the G4 Assets, TE SubCom’s cable landing license is now superfluous.
Moreover, TE SubCom now no longer owns any assets pertaining to the G4 Segment or subject
to the G4 Cable Landing License. Consequently, as previously agreed with Commission staff,
surrender is appropriate.

    See Public Notice, Actions Taken Under the Cable Landing License Act, 20 FCC Rcd 8564
    (Int’l Bur. 2005) (“G4 Cable Landing License”) (granting a separate cable landing license to
    Tyco Telecom); FCC File No. SCL-LIC-20050304-00011.

Ms. Marlene Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
26 March 2010
Page 2

       Should you have any questions regarding this surrender notice, please contact Kent
Bressie at +1 202 730 1337 or

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Kent D. Bressie

                                            Counsel for Tyco Electronics Subsea
                                            Communications LLC


cc:    Jim Ball (IB)
       David Krech (IB)
       George Li (IB)
       Susan O’Connell (IB)
       Paul Gagnier (Bingham McCutchen)

                                                                      1200 18TH STREET, N.W.
                                                                      WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036-2516

                                                                      TEL +1 202 730 1337
                                                                      FAX +1 202 730 1301

                                                                      ATTORNEYS AT LAW

4 August 2008


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:      Confirmation of Intent to Surrender Cable Landing License for Certain
                Submarine Cable Assets of Tyco Telecommunications (US) Inc. (FCC File Nos.
                SCL-LIC-20050304-00011) on or Around the System Transfer Date of the Unity
                Cable System (FCC File No. SCL-LIC-20080516-00010)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Tyco Telecommunications (US) Inc. (“Tyco Telecom”) serves as the system supplier for
the Unity Cable System (“Unity”), an undersea cable system connecting the United States and
Japan for which Unity’s owners have filed a cable landing license application currently pending
before the Commission.1 Pursuant to the supply agreement between Tyco Telecom and Unity’s
owners, Tyco Telecom will manufacture and install Unity. In light of the Unity owners’
selection of a California landing for Unity’s U.S. end and election of an option to acquire
existing cable landing assets from Tyco Telecom in connection with that California landing,
Tyco Telecom will also sell to the Unity owners all of Tyco Telecom’s interests in those cable
landing assets (“G4 Assets”). At the request of FCC International Bureau staff, Tyco Telecom is
filing this letter to clarify the disposition of the G4 Assets and the associated cable landing
license issued by the Commission for those assets.

    See Application for a Cable Landing License, FCC File No. SCL-LIC-20080516-00010
    (filed May 16, 2008).


 Marlene H. Dortch
 4 August 2008
 Page 2

         Tyco Telecom’s G4 Assets consist of a stubbed segment of fiber-optic cable extending 6
 kilometers seaward from Hermosa Beach, California, rights in certain ducts, conduits, and bore
 pipes, and other contractual rights under an IRU agreement between Tyco Telecom and Tata
 Communications (US) Inc. f/k/a VSNL Telecommunications (US) Inc. (“Tata”). The cable stub
 does not connect to any foreign or domestic point and has never carried any traffic. Tyco
 Telecom had built these facilities in connection with a never-completed section of the TGN
 Pacific undersea cable system (“G4 Segment”), which at one time was to include a southern,
 California-Hawaii-Guam segment. At the time, Tyco Telecom was both a system supplier and
 an operator of its own global undersea fiber-optic network, the Tyco Global Network (“TGN”).
 In 2005, Tyco Telecom exited the network operations business to concentrate once again on its
 system supply and maintenance businesses. It did so by selling TGN—including TGN Pacific—
 to Tata in a transaction consummated on June 30, 2005. As Tyco Telecom retained the G4
 Assets, in the hopes of selling them at a later date in connection with a system supply contract,
 the International Bureau issued a separate cable landing license for those assets.2

         Pursuant to the terms of the supply agreement, the G4 Assets will not be transferred to
 the Unity owners until the “system transfer date,” a date to be determined by a variety of factors
 (including completion of all new construction) but which is likely to occur in the second quarter
 of 2010. By that date, the Unity owners will necessarily already hold a cable landing license for
 the whole of Unity (including the incorporated G4 Assets), rendering Tyco Telecom’s G4 Cable
 Landing License superfluous. Upon transfer of the G4 Assets to the Unity owners, Tyco
 Telecom will hold no remaining assets pertaining to the G4 Segment or subject to the G4 Cable
 Landing License.

         Consistent with these facts and discussions with FCC International Bureau staff, Tyco
 Telecom confirms its intent to surrender the G4 Cable Landing License on or around the system
 transfer date for Unity. At that time, Tyco Telecom will file a formal surrender notice with the
 Commission via IBFS.

     See Public Notice, Actions Taken Under the Cable Landing License Act, 20 FCC Rcd 8564
     (Int’l Bur. 2005) (“G4 Cable Landing License”) (granting a separate cable landing license to
     Tyco Telecom); FCC File No. SCL-LIC-20050304-00011.


 Marlene H. Dortch
 4 August 2008
 Page 3

        Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact me by
 telephone at +1 202 730 1337 or by e-mail at

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             Kent D. Bressie
                                             Counsel for Tyco Telecommunications (US) Inc.

 cc:     Jim Ball
         David Krech
         George Li
         Susan O’Connell
         Paul Gagnier (Bingham McCutchen)

Document Created: 2010-03-26 13:45:11
Document Modified: 2010-03-26 13:45:11

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