Attachment E873439 Surrender an

E873439 Surrender an


Surrender Letter


This document pretains to SUR-NDR-20100125-00007 for Surrender (SUR-NDR) on a Surrender filing.


                                                   SIDLEY AUSTIN uce                                           BEIJING                         NEW YORK
      sipLEY AUSTIN LLP                            1501 K STREET, N.W.                                         BRUSSELS                        PALO ALTO
Y DL E                                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005                                      CHICAGO                         SAN FRANCISCO
                                                   (202) 736 8000                                              DALLAS                          SHANGHA!
                                                   (202) 736 8711 FAX                                          FRANKFURT                       SsINGAPORE
                                                                                                               GENEVA                          SYDNEY
                                                                                                               Hong Kons                       TOKYO
                                                                                                               LONDON                          WASHINGTON, D.C.
                                                                                                               LOS ANGELES

                                                   (202) 736 8058                                              FOUNDED 1866

                                                                January 25, 2010

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Room TW—A325
Washington, D.C. 20554


       Re:     Domestic Fixed Earth Station, Call Sign E873439
               FCC File No. SES—RWL—20070712—00932

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       On behalf of KWGN, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession, we hereby surrender the above—
referenced license for cancellation. This facility has been dismantled and is no longer in use.

       Please direct any questions regarding this request to the undersigned.


                                                                                  Mark D. Schneider


                        Sidley Austin LLP is a limited liability partnership practicing in affiliation with other Sidiey Austin partnerships

                                                 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                              RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                           Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                         Unofficial Copy

Name:                  INC., DEBTOR—IN—POSSESSION                                                               Call Sign:          E873439
                                                                                                            File Number:            SES—RWL—20070712—00932

Authorization Type:                        Renewal of License
Non Common Catrrier                        GrantDate:            07/17/2007          Expiration Date:                         08/07/2022

Nature of Service:                   Doméetic Fixed Satellite Service

Class of Station:                    FixedEarthNtations:

A) ) Site € Location(s
                  . !_l(S)                                          .        | ks                            Elevation                      Special Provisions
# Site ID             Address                 .       Latitu              A’ngitqdei                &        (Meters)               NAD     (Refer to Section H)

1)   1                61605 WABASH WAY                 39° 36‘ lS.é‘ *              8 53’ 22.3" W            1747.7                 83
                      ARAPAHOE, CO 80111
                                                                                44 hys gp

                      Licensee certifies antenna(s) comply with gain pattemns flbée\ction 25.209

Subject to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, The Commu 'catfi'ns Satellite Act of 1962, subsequent acts and treaties, and all
present and future regulations made by this Commission, and further subject the conditions and requirements set forth in this license, the grantee is
authorized to construct, use and operate the radio facilities described below for %adiovcommunications for the term beginning Tuesday, August 07,
2007 (3 AM Eastem Standard Time) and endmg Sunday, August 07, 2022 (3 AM                         Eastern S            d Time). The required date of completion of
construction and commencement of opération is 00/00/0000 (3 AM Eastern Standgrd Tj                                    tee: must file with the Commission a certification
upon completion of constructionand commencement of operation.>

B) Particulars of Operations
          The General Provision 1010 applies to all receiving frequéncy bands.;
          The General Provision 1900—applies to all transmitting frequency bands.
          For the text of these provisions; refer to SectionH.;     ¢   Max              Max
                                                      Tx/Rx              EIRP            EIRP     Associated               ecial Provisions       Modulation/
# Frequency                     Polarization Emission Mode               /Carriee         Density Antenna .                  fer to Section H)    Services

1) 14000.0000 — 14500.0000           HV           36MOFSW       T       79.10            52.10          1

2) 14000.0000 — 14500.0000          H.V           36M0G7W       T       79.10           39.60           1                                DIGITAL AUDIO AND VIDEO

3) 14000.0000 — 14500.0000          H.V           4M00G7W       T       70.30           40.30           1                           7 & DIGITAL AUDIO AND VIDEO

4) 14000.0000 — 14500.0000          H,V           36MOFBW       T       79.10           52.10           1                                  ALOG VIDEO WITH
                                                                                                                                         ASSDCIATED AUDIO

5) 11700.0000 — 12200.0000          H,V           36MOFSW       R                                       1

6) 11700.0000 — 12200.0000          H.V           36M0GTW       R                                       1                                DIGITAL ANDIO AND VIDEO

7) 11700.0000 — 12200.0000          H,V           4M00G7ZW      R                                       1                                DIGITAL AU Q AND VIDEO

8) 11700.0000 — 12200.0000          H,.V          36MOFSW       R                                       1                                ANALOG VIDEO | [TH
                                                                                                                                         ASSOCIATED AUDR
                                                                                                                                         SUBCARRIERS      \

C) Frequency Coordination                                                                                     Max EIRP
                                       Satellite Arc         Elevation              Azimuth                     Density
                                       (Deg. Long.)          (Degrees)              (Degrees)                   toward
         Frequency                      East West            East West            East West                    Horizon                   Associated
#        Limits(MHz)                   Limit Limit          Limit Limit          Limit Limit                 (dBW/4kHz)                  Antenna(s)

1)       14000.0000 — 14500.0000       65.0W—143.0W          28.6 29.8              127.3 — 230.9                 —6.4          1

Page 1

                                                    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                               RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                            Current Authorization : FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                                   Unofficial Copy

Name:        KWGN INC.,               DKLBTOR—IN—POSSESSION                                                      Call Sign:            E873439
                                                                                                             File Number:              SES—RWL—20070712—00932

Authorization Type:                         Rnewal ofLicense
Non Common Carrier                          Grant Date:—____07/17/2007                       Expiration Date:                 08/07/2022
2)       11700.0000 — 12200.0000           65.0W—L4g.0w               28.6 —29.8            127.3 — 230.9                         1

D) Point of Communications
The following stations located in the Satellite orbits consistent with Sections B and C of this Entry:
1} 1 to All authorized U.S. Domestic (ALSAT) Sat¥llites.

E) Antenna Facilites                                                                                                            Max
                            ©                                                 e      f                                        Antenna
Site                    Antenna                             Diaméger   *                              Model.        Site     Height _         Special Provisions
ID                      ID                            Units (Meter§) /Manufacturer~                  Number      Elevation .(Meters)         ((Refer to Section H)

1                       1                         1               4.5      §CIENTIG                8345          17477      4.6 AGL/     *
                                                                            ATLgeRTA                                        1752.3 AMSL
Max Gains(s):53.1.4Bi @ 11.9500 GHz              54.3 4Bi@        14.2500 GB
Maximum total input power atantenna flange (Watts) = 300.0
Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all catriers (dBW)79.1

     None unless otherwise specified under Special :and General Provisi

H) Special and General Provisions

       A) This RADIQ STATION AyTHORIZATIbfi is granted subject to the                                  ©llowing spééia] provisions and general conditions:

                 1010           . Applicable to all receiving frequencybands, Emission desifinatdr indicates the maximum bandwidth of received signal
                                  at associated station(s). Maximum EIRP and maximum EIRR density fre not applicable to receive operations.

                 1900            Applicable—to all transmittingfrequencybands. Authority is graktedto transmit any number of RF carriers with the
                                 specified parameters on any discrete frequenci¢s within associated band in accordance with the other terms and
                                 conditions of this guthorization, subject to anyadditional limitationy that may be required to avoid unacceptable levels
                                 of inter—satellite interference, ©

                 2010            This authorization is issued pursuant to the Commission‘s Second Repon and Order adopted June 16, 1972 (35 FCC
                                 2d 844) and Memorandum, Opinion and Order adopted December 21, 12 (38 FCC 24 665) in Docket No. 16495 and
                                 is subject to the policies adopted in that proceeding.

                 2061            The use of these small diameter earth station facilities is authorized pursuant ty the Commission‘s decisions in
                                 American Broadcasting Companies 62 FCC 2d 901 (1976) and Routine Licensing of Earth Stations in the 6 GHz Band
                                 Using Antennas Less than 9 meters in Diameter for Narrowband Transmission             (Mimeo 7237) released September 25,
                                 1985.                                                   Y i 424

                 2082            Use of the 4.5 meter Scientific Atlanta antenna (model 8345) is authorized pursuant to the Commission‘s Order in
                                 Routine Licensing of Earth Stations Using Scientific Atlanta series 8345, 4.5 meter Alptennas for Video Program
                                 Transmissions in the 14 GHz Frequency Band released January 26,1987,

                 2454            All satellite uplink transmissions carrying broadband video information shall comply with\the Automatic Transmitter
                                 Identification System (ATIS) requirements of Section 25.281 of the Rules, as modified by FCC Report No. DS—1066,
                                 released on April 3, 1991,

                 2916            Transmitter(s) must be turned off during antenna maintenance to ensure compliance with the FCC—specified safety
                                 guidelines for human exposure to radiofrequency radiation in the region between the antenna feed and the reflector.
                                 Appropriate measures must also be taken to restrict access to other regions in which the earth station‘s power flux
                                 density levels exceed the specified guidelines.

                 2938            Upon completion of construction, each licensee must file with the Commission a certification including the following
                                 information: name of the licensee, file number of the application, call sign of the antenna, date ofthe license and
                                 certification that the facility as authorized has been completed, that each antenna frcility has been fested and is within 2
                                 dB of the pattemn specified in Section 25.209 and that the station is operational including the date of commencement of
                                 service and will remain operational during the license period unless the license is submitted for candellation.

Page 2

                                       UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                    RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                  urrent Authorization FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                               Unofficial Copy

Name:    KWGN INC., DEBTOR—INROSSESSION                                                    Call Sign:        E873439
                                                                                     File Number:            SES—RWL—20070712—00932

Authorization Type:             Renewal of Likense
Non Common Carrier              Grant Date:       07/17/2007            Expiration Date:                08/07/2022

H) Special and General Provisions

            5216      All operations shallbe on a non—commorkcarrier basis.


Page 3

                                           UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                       RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION
                                    Current Authorization FCC WEB Reproduction
                                                                   Unofficial Copy

Name:     KWGN INC\,         DEBTOR—IN—POSSESSION                                               Call Sign:           E873439
                                                                                            File Number:             SES—RWL—20070712—00932

Authorization Type:               _ Renewal ofEi nse
Non Common Carrier                  Grant Date:.=~_        0717/2007__Expiration Date:              . . ..__   08%/07/2022

H) Special and General Proyisions
     B) This RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION is granted subject to the additional conditions specified below:

          This authorization is issuedon thy grantee‘srepresentation that the statements contained in the application
          are true andthat the undertakings Sescribed will be carried out in good faith.

          This authorization shall not be const                   er as a finding bythe Commission on the question of
          marking or‘lightingof the antenna syst               thire conditions require.. The grantee expressly agrees to
          install such markmg or hghtmgas the             ssmn mayrequire under the provisions of Sechon 303(q) of

          Neithet thlsaufllonzatmn nor the right gran id by t   authenzatwn‘shall be assigned or otherwise
          transferred to any perstm, firm, company‘or        i        out the written consent of the Commission.
          This authorization is subject to the right ofus         Oy the govemmentofthe United States conferred
          by Section 706ofthe Communications Act. 47 {J.9                 peration oflhls station is governed by Part
          25 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Part 25,           t

          This authorization shall not vest in the licensee any}     t to operbte this station nor any right in the use of
          the designated frequencies beyond the.term of this l        e, nor in any other manner than authorized herein.

          This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representa      %staflouis in compliancewith
          environmental requirements setforth in Section 1.1307        b&th mission‘s Rules. 47 C.F—R. § 1. 1307.

          This authorization is issued on the grantee‘s representatxon, has       tion is in comphance with the Federal
          Aviation Administration.(FAA) requireffents as set forthi         tion 17.4 of the:Commission‘s—Rules. 47
          C.FR. §17.4,

          The following condmon applies:when thls althorization permit® constructionof or mochfies the©
          construction permit of & radlo statxon.          |           7

          This authorization shall be automatically forfeited 1f the station doek not meeteachrequired construction
          deadline by the required date of compleuon unless, before such date(§),a specific application is timely filed
          to request an extension of the construction deadline(s), supported with.good cause why that failure to
          construct by the required date was due to factors not—under control ofthig grantee.

          Licensees are required to pay annual regulatory fees related to this avighorization. The requirement
          to collect annual regulatory fees from regulates is contained in Public Kaw 103—66, "The Omnibus
          Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993". These regulatory fees, which are liRely to change each fiscal
          year, are used to offset costs associated with the Commission‘s enforcement, public service,
          international and policy and rulemaking activities. The Commission issuks a Report and Order each
          year, setting the new regulatory fee rates, Receive only—earth stations are egyempt from payment of
          regulatory fees.

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Document Created: 2010-01-25 15:22:55
Document Modified: 2010-01-25 15:22:55

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