Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20190130-00030 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                              FCC Form 312
                                      Pro Forma Transfer of Control of Earth Station Licensee
                                                                               Question A.20

                                        EXHIBIT E
                      Pre- and Post-Reorganization Ownership Structure

        A brief summary is provided in Exhibit F of the reason for and the result of the pro forma
transfer of control of the earth station licensee that is the subject of this application (“Licensee”).
Namely, the reorganization replaced one United Kingdom (“U.K.”) entity (Inmarsat Ventures
Ltd.) with a new U.K. entity (Inmarsat New Ventures Ltd.) in the middle of Licensee’s
ownership chain, resulting in no change whatsoever in the ultimate ownership and control of the

        Under the reorganized ownership chain, Licensee is directly owned 100 percent by U.S.-
organized Inmarsat Group Holdings, Inc. (“IGHI”) IGHI is directly owned 100 percent by
U.K.-organized Inmarsat Solutions Ltd., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of U.K.-organized
Inmarsat Finance III Ltd. (“Finance III”). In turn, Finance III is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
U.K.-organized Inmarsat New Ventures Ltd., the new entity that replaced Inmarsat Ventures Ltd.
in Licensee’s ownership chain. Inmarsat New Ventures Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
U.K.-organized Inmarsat Investments Ltd., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of U.K.-
organized Inmarsat Group Ltd., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of U.K.-organized Inmarsat
Holdings Ltd., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the ultimate parent corporation Inmarsat
plc (“Inmarsat”). The ownership structure of Licensee before and after the pro forma transfer of
control is depicted on the attached diagrams.

       The following entities or individuals hold ten percent or greater interests in Inmarsat plc,
and indirectly in the Licensee:

            •   Lansdowne Partners Limited (“Lansdowne”) (11.53% as of December 31, 2018,
                aggregate voting power held through management of various Lansdowne
                investment funds). Lansdowne was formed under the laws of England and Wales.

        No other person or entity directly or indirectly holds a ten percent or greater ownership
interest in the Licensee.

         The address, citizenship, and primary business for the interest holders disclosed above are
listed in the table below:

Inmarsat plc                     Inmarsat Holdings Limited        Inmarsat Group Limited
99 City Road                     99 City Road                     99 City Road
London, United Kingdom           London, United Kingdom           London, United Kingdom
EC1Y 1AX                         EC1Y 1AX                         EC1Y 1AX
Citizenship: United Kingdom      Citizenship: United Kingdom      Citizenship: United Kingdom
Primary business: Telecom        Primary business: Holding        Primary business: Provider of
                                 Company                          global mobile satellite
                                                                  communications services
Inmarsat Investments Limited     Inmarsat New Ventures            Inmarsat Finance III Limited
99 City Road                     Limited                          99 City Road
London, United Kingdom           99 City Road                     London, United Kingdom
EC1Y 1AX                         London, United Kingdom           EC1Y 1AX
Citizenship: United Kingdom      EC1Y 1AX                         Citizenship: United Kingdom
Primary business: Provider of    Citizenship: England and Wales   Primary business: Financing,
global mobile satellite          Primary business: Holding        predominantly through inter-
communications services          Company                          company loans of various
Inmarsat Solutions Limited       Inmarsat Group Holdings Inc.     Landsdowne Partners Limited
99 City Road                     1101 Connecticut Avenue, NW      15 Davies Street
London, United Kingdom           Suite 1200                       London, United Kingdom
EC1Y 1AX                         Washington, DC 20036             W1K 3AG
Citizenship: England and Wales   Citizenship: United States       Citizenship: United Kingdom
Primary business: Holding        Primary business: Holding        Primary business: Investment
Company                          Company


Ownership Structure
                                             Inmarsat plc                                    UK     US
of Inmarsat Earth
Station Licensees                         Inmarsat Holdings
Pre-November 19, 2018                           Ltd.

                                          Inmarsat Group Ltd.

                                           Investments Ltd.

                                          Inmarsat Ventures
                                                                 (Affected entity)

                                          Inmarsat Finance III

                                          Inmarsat Solutions

                                            Inmarsat Group
                                              Holdings Inc.

                                                                      Inmarsat Solutions
                           ISAT US Inc.      Inmarsat, Inc.
                                                                          (US) Inc.

 © Inmarsat confidential

Ownership Structure
                                             Inmarsat plc                                    UK     US
of Inmarsat Earth
Station Licensees                         Inmarsat Holdings
Post-November 19, 2018                          Ltd.

                                          Inmarsat Group Ltd.

                                           Investments Ltd.

                                             Inmarsat New
                                                                 (Affected entity)
                                             Ventures Ltd.

                                          Inmarsat Finance III

                                          Inmarsat Solutions

                                            Inmarsat Group
                                              Holdings Inc.

                                                                      Inmarsat Solutions
                           ISAT US Inc.      Inmarsat, Inc.
                                                                          (US) Inc.

 © Inmarsat confidential

Document Created: 1900-04-26 00:00:00
Document Modified: 1900-04-26 00:00:00

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