Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20180327-00286 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                        Radio License Holdings LLC
                                                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                                                          Exhibit E

                                    DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION
                                    AND PARTIES TO APPLICATION

        Satellite earth stations E0861076 and E870207 are licensed to Radio License Holdings
LLC, an indirect wholly-owned licensee of Cumulus Media Inc. This application is one of
several concurrently-filed long-form transfer of control applications (the “Transfer
Applications”) requesting Commission consent to implement the Joint Plan of Reorganization of
Cumulus Media Inc. and its debtor affiliates pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code (as
amended, modified and supplemented from time to time, the “Plan”)1 by which Cumulus Media
Inc., Debtor-in-Possession (“Cumulus”) and certain of its direct and indirect subsidiaries will
emerge from bankruptcy as reorganized entities (Cumulus as so reorganized, “Reorganized
Cumulus” and such subsidiaries as so reorganized, collectively, the “Reorganized Cumulus
Subsidiaries”).2 The reorganization contemplated by the Plan is referred to herein as the
“Reorganization.”3 Each of the Transfer Applications requests Commission consent to the
transfer of control (the “Transfer of Control”) of the Cumulus license subsidiaries from the
shareholders of Cumulus to the shareholders of Reorganized Cumulus in connection with the

    In re Cumulus Media, Inc., et. al., Case No. 17-13381 (SCC) (Bankr. SDNY) (Docket No. 446).
    Reorganized Cumulus may be a newly-formed Delaware corporation that will hold, indirectly through other
    newly-formed wholly-owned Delaware entities, all of the assets of Cumulus Media Holdings Inc. (a wholly-
    owned direct subsidiary of Cumulus, “Cumulus Holdings”), including the equity of the current subsidiaries of
    Cumulus Holdings as such subsidiaries may be converted to limited liability companies as described in footnote 3
    and Section IV below.
    Attachment A hereto includes organization charts which show the current (Pre-Reorganization) structure of
    Cumulus and its subsidiaries that directly or indirectly through other subsidiaries hold Commission licenses and
    the proposed (Post-Reorganization) structure of Reorganized Cumulus and the Reorganized Cumulus Subsidiaries
    that directly or indirectly through other Reorganized Cumulus Subsidiaries are expected to hold Commission
    licenses. For each such entity a long-form transfer of control application is being filed with the Commission in
    connection with the Reorganization and the Transfer of Control. In addition, applications regarding non-
    broadcast licenses held by subsidiaries of Cumulus are also being filed with the Commission.
    Contemporaneously with the Transfer of Control, Cumulus will also convert its direct and indirect wholly-owned
    subsidiaries (other than Cumulus Holdings) that are currently corporations into limited liability companies.
    Commission consent to the pro forma transfers of control and assignments resulting from such conversions are
    also sought in this application. See Section IV below.
    The parties intend that the applications filed in connection with the Transfer of Control include all of the licenses
    and other FCC authorizations held by Cumulus and its subsidiaries. Such companies may now have on file, and
    may hereafter file, additional requests for authorizations for new or modified facilities that may be granted before
    the Commission takes action on this application. Accordingly, Cumulus requests that any Commission approval
    of the applications filed in connection with the Transfer of Control include authority for the shareholders of
    Reorganized Cumulus to acquire control of: (1) any authorization issued to Cumulus or its subsidiaries relating to
    their non-broadcast businesses while the applications for the Transfer of Control are pending before the
    Commission and during the period required for consummation of the Transfer of Control; and (2) any
    applications filed by Cumulus or its subsidiaries relating to their non-broadcast businesses that are pending at the
    time of consummation. Such action would be consistent with prior decisions of the Commission. See, e.g.,
    Applications of AT&T Inc. and Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 25
    FCC Rcd 8704, 8773, ¶ 165 (2010); SBC Communications Inc. and AT&T Corp. Applications for Approval of
    Transfer of Control, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 20 FCC Rcd 18290, 18392, ¶ 212 (2005); Applications of

        Under the Plan, Cumulus proposes to cancel the existing debt of Cumulus and to issue, in
exchange therefor, among other things, securities in Reorganized Cumulus, which securities shall
consist of a combination of (i) Class A Common Stock, which will entitle holders to vote for
directors of Reorganized Cumulus, (ii) Class B Common Stock, which will not entitle holders to
vote for directors of Reorganized Cumulus, and (iii) Special Warrants which will be exercisable
for common stock of Reorganized Cumulus subject to certain conditions (clauses (i) – (iii),
collectively, the “New Securities”). Upon Cumulus’ emergence from bankruptcy, all of the
existing capital stock of Cumulus will be cancelled, and all of the New Securities will be
distributed to holders of debt and other creditors of Cumulus and/or their designees. Following
the Transfer of Control, no single person or entity, or group of commonly-controlled persons or
entities, shall hold a controlling interest in Reorganized Cumulus. Cumulus’s current President
and Chief Executive Officer Mary G. Berner will continue to serve in that same capacity for
Reorganized Cumulus upon emergence.


           A.       The Bankruptcy and Reorganization

        In November 2017, Cumulus and a number of its direct and indirect subsidiaries filed
voluntary petitions for relief under chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code (the
“Bankruptcy Code”) in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New
York (the “Bankruptcy Court”).5 Since the filing of such petitions, Cumulus has continued to
manage its properties and operate its businesses as a “debtor-in-possession” under the
jurisdiction of the Bankruptcy Court.6 On December 9, 2017, Cumulus filed the initial version of
the Plan with the Bankruptcy Court, and on February 12, 2018, filed the solicitation version of

     AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. and Cingular Wireless Corp. for Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses and
     Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 21522, 21626 ¶ 275 (2004). Cumulus also
     requests that Commission approval include any authorizations that may have been inadvertently omitted.
     Similarly, pursuant to Sections 1.927(h), 1.929(a)(2), and 1.933(b) of the Commission’s Rules, to the extent
     necessary, Cumulus requests a blanket exemption from any applicable cut-off rules in cases where the Cumulus
     license subsidiaries file amendments to pending applications in order to reflect consummation of the proposed
     Transfer of Control so that such amendments are not treated as disqualifying amendments. The nature of the
     proposed Transfer of Control demonstrates that the ownership changes are not being made for the purpose of
     acquiring any particular pending application, but as part of a larger transaction undertaken for an independent and
     legitimate business purpose. Grant of this request would be consistent with prior Commission decisions that
     routinely have granted a blanket exemption in cases involving multiple-license transactions. See, e.g.,
     Applications of PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc., and Century Telephone Enterprises, Inc. for Consent to Transfer
     Control of Pacific Telecom, Inc., a Subsidiary of PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13
     FCC Rcd 8891, 8915 ¶ 47 (1997); Applications of NYNEX Corp. and Bell Atlantic Corp., Memorandum Opinion
     and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 19985, 20091, 20092 ¶ 234 (1997).

     In re Cumulus Media, Inc., et. al., Case No. 17-13381 (SCC) (Bankr. SDNY).
     On December 1, 2017, each of the Cumulus license subsidiaries filed applications on FCC Form 312 requesting
     Commission consent to the involuntary transfer of control of such licensees from Cumulus Media Inc. to
     Cumulus Media Inc., Debtor-in-Possession. See, e.g., SES-ASG-20171204-01300. Each of those pro forma
     applications was granted on December 12, 2017. With the exception of Westwood One, Inc., none of the
     Cumulus license subsidiaries have filed chapter 11 petitions and are not debtors in possession in any of the
     chapter 11 cases.


the Plan. Certain creditors of Cumulus will have the right to vote on the Plan and the Plan
remains subject to confirmation by the Bankruptcy Court.

        Assuming the Plan is confirmed by the Bankruptcy Court, following such confirmation
the Reorganization and the concomitant Transfer of Control will be consummated. The date of
such consummation is referred to herein as the “Effective Date.” On the Effective Date,
Reorganized Cumulus will issue, among other things, the New Securities in exchange for the
cancellation of certain debt obligations of Cumulus. As of the Effective Date, all of Reorganized
Cumulus’ common stock will be held by holders of debt of Cumulus and other Cumulus
creditors. As of the Effective Date, no single person or entity, or group of commonly-controlled
persons or entities, shall hold a controlling interest in Reorganized Cumulus.

       As of the Effective Date, the board of directors of Reorganized Cumulus will consist of
seven members, one of whom shall be Cumulus’ current President and Chief Executive Officer,
Ms. Berner. All of such directors are listed on Attachment B hereto.

         B.       Proposed Transfer of Control

       The applicants seek Commission consent to the Transfer of Control of each of the
Cumulus license subsidiaries which will result from the change in ownership of Cumulus in the
Reorganization. As a result of the Reorganization, Reorganized Cumulus will be the successor
to Cumulus and will be owned by new stockholders. None of the Cumulus license subsidiaries
which hold broadcast authorizations is a debtor-in-possession, and consequently there will no
change in the name or status of those license subsidiaries (except as a result of the conversion of
such subsidiaries that are currently corporations into limited liability companies as described in
Section IV below), but only in the ownership of subsidiaries of Cumulus.


        Following consummation of the Transfer of Control, it is anticipated that the capital stock
of Reorganized Cumulus will be widely held. Cumulus anticipates that, apart from its officers
and directors, only one other party will have an attributable interest,7 stemming from its right to
vote approximately 11% of the Class A Common Stock of Reorganized Cumulus.8 The Plan
provides for an “Equity Allocation Mechanism” to ensure that only parties which have been
identified in the transferee portion of this Application as attributable parties (the “Attributable
Entities”) will be issued Class A Common Stock in an amount equal to five percent (5%) or

  SP Signal, LLC would have the right to vote 11.1% of the Class A Common Stock of Reorganized Cumulus, if all
   the issued New Securities were Class A Common Stock. SP Signal, LLC will have the right to vote a greater
   percentage of Class A Common Stock if some of the New Securities that are issued consist of Class B Common
   Stock and Special Warrants. Two other entities will have the right to vote more than 5% of the Class A Common
   Stock, but those interests will not be attributable because they will be for less than 20% of the Class A Common
   Stock, and one of the entities is an indirect subsidiary of an insurance company and the other is a family of
   investment companies. See 47 C.F.R. 73.3555, Note 2.b (investment companies, insurance companies, and banks
   holding stock through their trust department in trust accounts will be considered to have a cognizable interest only
   if they hold 20% or more of the outstanding stock).
    The Class A Common Stock will be the only class of capital stock of Reorganized Cumulus entitled to vote for
    the election of directors.


more of the outstanding Class A Common Stock as of the Effective Date. To the extent other
parties are eligible to receive equity securities of Reorganized Cumulus in an amount that would
meet or exceed the five percent (5%) mark, such parties will receive either Class B Common
Stock, which is not entitled to vote for directors, or Special Warrants exercisable for common
stock.9 Accordingly, no entities other than the Attributable Entities will receive Class A
Common Stock of Reorganized Cumulus in an amount that would result in such entity holding
an attributable interest in Reorganized Cumulus. Attachment B hereto provides the information
with respect to the Attributable Entities as well as with respect to the directors and officers of
Reorganized Cumulus.


         Pursuant to the Plan, prior to the Effective Date each holder of a claim which would
entitle it to receive New Securities of Reorganized Cumulus in the Reorganization will be asked
to submit a certification to Cumulus as to the amount of its foreign ownership. Those
certifications will enable Cumulus to determine the aggregate percentage of foreign ownership
that would exist in Reorganized Cumulus, both as a percentage of voting rights and of equity.
To ensure that foreign ownership will not exceed the 25% benchmark under Section 310(b)(4) of
the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the “Communications Act”), with respect to
either voting rights or equity, claims holders with foreign ownership may receive Class B
Common Stock and/or Special Warrants in an amount with respect to all claims holders with
foreign ownership sufficient to cause the foreign ownership of Reorganized Cumulus, on both a
voting and equity basis, not to exceed 22.5% in the aggregate.

       The methodology for effecting the distribution of New Securities of Reorganized
Cumulus described above is set forth in the “Equity Allocation Mechanism” included as Exhibit
A to the Plan. The Special Warrants, as convertible instruments, will not be deemed to constitute
stock or equity instruments for purposes of Section 310(b) of the Communications Act.10 The
use of warrants as part of an equity distribution system is designed to ensure that foreign
ownership of broadcast licensees which are emerging from bankruptcy has been approved by the
Commission in a number of transactions.11

        Subsequent to the filing of this Application, Cumulus will file with the Commission a
Petition for Declaratory Ruling requesting that the aggregate amount of equity and voting
interests in Reorganized Cumulus to be held by foreign parties generally be allowed to exceed
the 25% benchmark set forth in Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act. However,
because action on the Petition for Declaratory Ruling is not required before the Effective Date,

     Although the Class B Common Stock and the Special Warrants will have certain approval rights over
     fundamental corporate matters, such rights will be consistent with Commission precedent which permits holders
     of non-voting securities to hold such approval rights without potentially triggering attribution. See, e.g.,
     Shareholders of Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation and Univision Communications, Inc., 18 FCC Rcd 18834,
     18849-18850 (2003); Paxson Management Corporation and Lowell W. Paxson, 22 FCC Rcd 22224, 22231-32
      See, e.g., Univision Holdings, Inc., 7 FCC Rcd 6672, n.6 (1992); Una Vez Mas Texas Holdings, LLC, 25 FCC
     Rcd 13409 (MB 2010).
     See, e.g., Tribune Company and its License Subsidiaries, Debtors-in-Possession, 27 FCC Rcd 14239 (MB 2012);
     Citadel Broadcasting Company, Debtor-in-Possession, BTC-20100318ABL, et. seq.


the Plan provides that the distribution of New Securities of Reorganized Cumulus on the
Effective Date will be subject to the 22.5% limitation (with respect to voting rights and equity
ownership) on foreign holdings of stock of Reorganized Cumulus as set forth in the Equity
Allocation Mechanism. Following the Transfer of Control, the stock of Reorganized Cumulus
will continue to be publically held and traded, and Reorganized Cumulus will continue to
monitor and assess compliance with the foreign ownership limitations.


        In connection with the Reorganization, Cumulus intends to convert all of its direct and
indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries (other than Cumulus Holdings) that are currently
corporations, including such subsidiaries which hold Commission licenses, into limited liability
companies. This internal reorganization will require the Commission’s prior consent to the pro
forma assignment or transfer of control of the licenses held by those entities as a result of such
conversions, but there will be no substantial change in control of any license subsidiary solely as
a result of such conversions.12 A list of the Cumulus license subsidiaries and the Cumulus
subsidiaries that directly or indirectly own equity interests in such Cumulus license subsidiaries
which, in each case, are being converted from corporations into limited liability companies is
attached as Attachment C hereto.

     See 47 C.F.R. 73.3540(f)(4).



Organization Charts

                      Cumulus Ownership Structure (Pre—
                     (Each subsidiary is 100% owned by ts
                               immediate parent)
                     Holdings nc
                   CMP Susquenanna
    Cumulus         Raio Holdings            ts                Cmy
Broadcasting LLC        Corp               Holding CBC, LLC    Holdings Ic
   Cumulus         eteete                                       Radio License
 Licensing LLC       Corp                                        Holdings LLC
    (es                                                            [R
                     Susquehanna                  KC corp
                     Platagraft Co           CMPd in
                     Susquehanna            ces
                      Radio Corp
                   en                             L
                    Pote                   Broadcasting, Inc
 KPLX Lico,Inc                               KUF Lico, Inc.
    esd                                        hok

           Cumulus Ownership Structure (Post—
           (Each subsidiaryis 100%6 owned by its
                       immediate parent)
                   dings, LIC
                     Radio LC
   Rine         B                           Loo
Comecnte                                   Holing cec, uc
Comcos        Eemecrolt                                     Holgings uc
    uc                                                        P
Cns                                         [A
 h                                          (hmen)

                                             ATTACHMENT B

                                             Parties to Application

                 Ownership Information for Cumulus Media Inc. and Subsidiaries13

                                                                                                             % of
                                                                                                % of
              Name & Address                     Citizenship        Positional Interest                      Total
 Cumulus Media Inc.                                  U.S.             Ultimate Parent
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW                          (Delaware
 Suite 2200                                      corporation)
 Atlanta, GA 30305
 Mary G. Berner                                      U.S.          CEO, President and         Less than Less than
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                            Director of Cumulus          5%        5%
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW                                             Media Inc. and
 Suite 2200                                                            Subsidiaries
 Atlanta, GA 30305
 Andrew W. Hobson                                    U.S.                 Director            Less than Less than
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                                                         5%        5%
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW
 Suite 2200
 Atlanta, GA 30305
 Brian G, Kushner                                    U.S.                 Director            Less than Less than
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                                                         5%        5%
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW
 Suite 2200
 Atlanta, GA 30305
 Joan H. Gillman                                     U.S.                 Director            Less than Less than
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                                                         5%        5%
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW
 Suite 2200
 Atlanta, GA 30305
 Thomas H. Castro                                    U.S.                 Director            Less than Less than
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                                                         5%        5%
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW
 Suite 2200
 Atlanta, GA 30305
 Matthew C. Blank                                    U.S.                 Director            Less than Less than
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                                                         5%        5%
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW
 Suite 2200
 Atlanta, GA 30305

     This Attachment sets forth the post-consummation ownership information for Reorganized Cumulus and assumes
     all the issued New Securities are Class A Common Stock.

                                                                                                             % of
                                                                                                   % of
               Name & Address                     Citizenship         Positional Interest                   Total
 David M. Baum                                         U.S.                 Director             Less than Less than
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                                                            5%        5%
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW
 Suite 2200
 Atlanta, GA 30305
 John F. Abbot                                         U.S.             Executive Vice       0%        0%
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                               President, CFO and
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW                                            Treasurer of Cumulus
 Suite 2200                                                             Media Inc. and
 Atlanta, GA 30305                                                        Subsidiaries
 Richard S. Denning                                    U.S.         Senior Vice President, Less than Less than
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                              General Counsel and     5%        5%
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW                                            Secretary of Cumulus
 Suite 2200                                                             Media Inc. and
 Atlanta, GA 30305                                                        Subsidiaries
 Suzanne M. Grimes                                     U.S.             Executive Vice     Less than Less than
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                             President of Corporate   5%        5%
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW                                            Marketing & President
 Suite 2200                                                            of Westwood One
 Atlanta, GA 30305                                                   Division of Cumulus
                                                                          Media Inc.14
 Todd McCarty                                          U.S.              Chief Human         0%        0%
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                              Resource Officer &
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW                                            Senior Vice President
 Suite 2200                                                         – Human Resources of
 Atlanta, GA 30305                                                   Cumulus Media Inc.

 Suzanne G. Smith                                      U.S.            Vice President &             0%           0%
 c/o Cumulus Media Inc.                                               Chief Accounting
 3280 Peachtree Road, NW                                              Officer of Cumulus
 Suite 2200                                                               Media Inc.
 Atlanta, GA 30305
 SP Signal, LLC                                        U.S.         Holder of 5% or More          11.1%          0%
 2 Greenwich Plaza                                 (Delaware            of the Votes
 Greenwich, CT 06830                                 limited

     Westwood One, Inc. is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Cumulus which does not hold any attributable
     media interests.

                         Ownership Information for SP Signal, LLC

                                                    Positional        % of           % of
        Name & Address              Citizenship
                                                     Interest         Votes       Total Assets
         SP Signal, LLC                 U.S.
       2 Greenwich Plaza            (Delaware
      Greenwich, CT 06830             limited
    SP Signal Manager, LLC              U.S.         Voting            100            0%
       2 Greenwich Plaza            (Delaware        Member
     Greenwich, CT 06830              limited

The other members of SP Signal, LLC are not materially involved, directly or indirectly, in the
management or operation of the media-related activities of SP Signal, LLC, and SP Signal, LLC
complies with the Commission’s restrictions relating to the insulation and non-participation of
non-party investors.

                    Ownership Information for SP Signal Manager, LLC

                                                    Positional        % of           % of
        Name & Address              Citizenship
                                                     Interest         Votes       Total Assets
    SP Signal Manager, LLC              U.S.
       2 Greenwich Plaza            (Delaware
     Greenwich, CT 06830              limited
        Edward A. Mulé                  U.S.         Member           100%           100%
  c/o SP Signal Manager, LLC
       2 Greenwich Plaza
     Greenwich, CT 06830

                                ATTACHMENT C

                          Entities to be Converted to LLCs

Current Name of Pre-Reorganization           Intended Name of Post-Reorganization
          Subsidiaries                                  Subsidiaries

  Cumulus Intermediate Holdings Inc.           Cumulus Intermediate Holdings LLC

     Cumulus Radio Corporation                         Cumulus Radio LLC

CMP Susquehanna Radio Holdings Corp.         CMP Susquehanna Radio Holdings LLC

       CMP Susquehanna Corp.                         CMP Susquehanna LLC

     Susquehanna Pfaltzgraff Co.                   Susquehanna Pfaltzgraff LLC

       Susquehanna Media Co.                         Susquehanna Media LLC

      Susquehanna Radio Corp.                        Susquehanna Radio LLC

   Cumulus Network Holdings Inc.                 Cumulus Network Holdings LLC

           CMP KC Corp.                                      CMP KC LLC

       KLIF Broadcasting Inc.                        KLIF Broadcasting LLC

           KLIF Lico, Inc.                               KLIF Lico, LLC

        Radio Metroplex, Inc.                         Radio Metroplex LLC

           KPLX Lico, Inc.                              KPLX Lico, LLC

Document Created: 2018-03-25 12:33:58
Document Modified: 2018-03-25 12:33:58

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