Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20160705-00631 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                                        June 2016
                                                                                         Exhibit E


        This application is one of a number of applications that seek the Commission’s consent to
a transaction (the “Transaction”) that will combine the television broadcast operations of Nexstar
Broadcasting Group, Inc. (“Nexstar”) with those of Media General, Inc. (“MEG”). On February
10 and 11, 2016, Nexstar and MEG filed a series of applications seeking consent to the
Transaction in connection with the various Part 73 and Part 74 television broadcast licenses held
by subsidiaries of MEG. See File No. BTCCDT-20160211AAO et al. (the “Broadcast
Applications”). Those applications, which are pending before the Media Bureau, specifically
seek consent to a long-form transfer of control of 27 of the license subsidiaries of MEG to
Nexstar, 1 and the assignment of the licenses held by the 28th license subsidiary of MEG, LIN
Television Corporation, to Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. (“NBI”), a wholly owned subsidiary of
Nexstar, through a series of steps detailed below. The instant application is one of several
applications being filed for consent to the Transaction with respect to certain non-broadcast
licenses held by MEG subsidiaries. Further information regarding the Transaction can be found
in the Broadcast Applications.

        At the conclusion of the Transaction, the shares of Nexstar will be held approximately
66.6% by current shareholders of Nexstar and 33.4% by current shareholders of MEG. Because
current MEG shareholders will hold approximately 33.4% of the voting shares of Nexstar after
the Transaction, the portion of the Transaction in which MEG becomes a wholly owned
subsidiary of Nexstar requires long-form transfer of control and, in one case, assignment of
license applications for the license subsidiaries of MEG. Corporate structure charts illustrating
the before and after structures of the merging companies are provided in Attachment A-1.

        The proposed Transaction will increase the merged company’s operational efficiencies
and capabilities in serving the public, ensure continuance of existing service to the public, and
maintain current levels of competition and diversity in local television markets while creating
opportunities for new entrants in a number of those markets. For those reasons, the Transaction
also strongly serves the public interest, and the applicants urge the Commission to promptly
process and grant the associated applications.


        The Transaction is an acquisition of MEG by Nexstar that will be accomplished through a
series of mergers that will be completed substantially contemporaneously at a single closing. As
described below, Nexstar will acquire MEG through a merger of an indirect subsidiary of
Nexstar, Neptune Merger Sub, Inc. (“Merger Sub”) with and into MEG. Merger Sub is a
wholly-owned subsidiary of NBI, which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nexstar.

        In the Transaction, Merger Sub will first merge with and into MEG, with MEG
continuing as the surviving entity as a wholly-owned subsidiary of NBI (the “Merger”). As a
result of the Merger, MEG shareholders will receive newly issued shares of Nexstar common

       Upon completion of the Transaction, Nexstar will change its name to Nexstar Media
Group, Inc.


                                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                                           June 2016
                                                                                            Exhibit E

stock equal to approximately 33.4% of the total amount of Nexstar common stock outstanding as
of the date of the Merger Agreement.

         Immediately following the consummation of the Merger, Nexstar will effectuate a two-
step reorganization. First, LIN Television Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of MEG, will
be merged with and into MEG, with MEG continuing as the surviving entity. Following this
merger, MEG will merge with and into NBI, with NBI continuing as the surviving entity. As a
result of this reorganization, all of the licensee subsidiaries of MEG will become licensee
subsidiaries of NBI. The Merger and the post-closing reorganization described herein are
illustrated in Attachment A-1.


       Upon the closing of the Transaction, Nexstar will be the ultimate parent of the merged
companies. The proposed officers and directors of post-Merger Nexstar and its wholly-owned
subsidiary NBI are set forth below.


            Name / Address                 Citizenship          Positional      % of            %of
                                                                 Interest       Votes          Total
Perry Sook
                                                               President and
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700       U.S.                              0                0
                                                               CEO, Director
Irving, Texas 75062
Thomas Carter
                                                               Executive Vice
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700       U.S.                              0                0
                                                              President & CFO
Irving, Texas 75062
Brian Jones
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700       U.S.               Officer        0                0
Irving, Texas 75062
Timothy Busch
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700       U.S.               Officer        0                0
Irving, Texas 75062
Thomas O’Brien
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700       U.S.               Officer        0                0
Irving, Texas 75062
Elizabeth Ryder
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700       U.S.               Officer        0                0
Irving, Texas 75062
Blake Russell
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700       U.S.               Officer        0                0
Irving, Texas 75062

       Interests that do not round to 0.1% are listed as 0.


                                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                                         June 2016
                                                                                          Exhibit E


            Name / Address                 Citizenship      Positional        % of            %of
                                                             Interest         Votes          Total
Thomas McMillen
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                              U.S.           Director            0              0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062
Dennis Miller
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                              U.S.           Director            0              0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062
Lisbeth R. McNabb
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                              U.S.           Director            0              0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062
Geoff Armstrong
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                              U.S.           Director            0              0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062
I. Martin Pompadour
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                              U.S.           Director            0              0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062
Jay Grossman
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                              U.S.           Director            0              0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062
Dennis Fitzsimons
333 E. Franklin Street                        U.S.           Director            0              0
Richmond, VA 23219
John. R. Muse
2100 McKinney Avenue
                                              U.S.           Director            0              0
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201

        Following the Transaction, Nexstar will continue to own all of the existing and
outstanding voting stock of NBI. NBI will continue to hold the licenses currently held by NBI,
as well as those currently held by LIN Television Corporation, and will be the indirect parent
entity of the remaining license subsidiaries of MEG. Corporate structure charts illustrating the
before and after structures of the merging companies can be found in Attachment A-1.


                                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                                         June 2016
                                                                                          Exhibit E


            Name / Address                 Citizenship      Positional        % of            %of
                                                             Interest         Votes          Total
Perry Sook
                                                          President and
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.                              0               0
                                                          CEO, Director
Irving, Texas 75062
Thomas Carter
                                                          Executive Vice
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.                              0               0
                                                         President & CFO
Irving, Texas 75062
Brian Jones
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.            Officer           0               0
Irving, Texas 75062
Timothy Busch
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.            Officer           0               0
Irving, Texas 75062
Thomas O’Brien
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.            Officer           0               0
Irving, Texas 75062
Julie Pruett
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.            Officer           0               0
Irving, Texas 75062
William Sally
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.            Officer           0               0
Irving, Texas 75062
Theresa Underwood
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.            Officer           0               0
Irving, Texas 75062
Elizabeth Ryder
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.            Officer           0               0
Irving, Texas 75062
Richard Stolpe
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.            Officer           0               0
Irving, Texas 75062
Blake Russell
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.            Officer           0               0
Irving, Texas 75062

        Interests that do not round to 0.1% are listed as 0. The vice president/general managers
of the stations Nexstar currently owns and of Nexstar’s internet business units are also vice
presidents of Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. These vice presidents have no voting rights and do not
hold any percentage of equity in Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc., and are not listed herein. These vice
presidents are reported in the Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. ownership reports.


                                                                              FCC Form 312
                                                                                 June 2016
                                                                                  Exhibit E


            Name / Address                 Citizenship   Positional   % of            %of
                                                          Interest    Votes          Total
Dione Rigsby
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.        Officer      0                0
Irving, Texas 75062
Randall Bradford
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.        Officer      0                0
Irving, Texas 75062
Patrick Cusick
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.        Officer      0                0
Irving, Texas 75062
Terri Bush
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700      U.S.        Officer      0                0
Irving, Texas 75062
Andrew C. Carington
333 E. Franklin Street                        U.S.        Officer      0                0
Richmond, VA 23219
Deborah A. McDermott
441 Murfreesboro Road                         U.S.        Officer      0                0
Nashville, TV 37210
Timothy J. Mulvaney
333 E. Franklin Street                        U.S.        Officer      0                0
Richmond, VA 23219
Robert Richter
333 E. Franklin Street                        U.S.        Officer      0                0
Richmond, VA 23219
James Woodward
333 E. Franklin Street                        U.S.        Officer      0                0
Richmond, VA 23219
Thomas McMillen
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                              U.S.        Director     0                0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062
Dennis Miller
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                              U.S.        Director     0                0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062
Lisbeth R. McNabb
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                              U.S.        Director     0                0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062


                                                                                        FCC Form 312
                                                                                           June 2016
                                                                                            Exhibit E


             Name / Address                Citizenship       Positional         % of            %of
                                                              Interest          Votes          Total
Geoff Armstrong
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                               U.S.           Director            0               0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062
I. Martin Pompadour
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                               U.S.           Director            0               0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062
Jay Grossman
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                               U.S.           Director            0               0
545 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700
Irving, Texas 75062
Dennis Fitzsimons
333 E. Franklin Street                         U.S.           Director            0               0
Richmond, VA 23219
John. R. Muse
2100 McKinney Avenue
                                               U.S.           Director            0               0
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201


        It is intended that the applications filed in connection with the Transaction include all of
the licenses and other authorizations held by the respective MEG license subsidiaries. The
license subsidiaries of MEG may now have on file, and may hereafter file, additional requests for
authorizations for new or modified facilities that may be granted before the Commission takes
action on the above-described transfer/assignment applications. Accordingly, the applicants
request that the Commission approval of the applications filed in connection with the
Transaction include (1) any authorization issued to MEG or any of its subsidiaries while the
Transaction is pending before the Commission and during the period required for consummation
of the Transaction, and (2) any applications filed by MEG or any of its subsidiaries that are
pending at the time of consummation. Inclusion of authorizations issued while the Transaction is
pending and during the consummation period, and applications pending at the time of
consummation, are both consistent with prior Commission decisions. See, e.g., Applications of
AT&T Inc. and Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 25
FCC Rcd 8704, 8773 (2010); SBC Communications Inc. and AT&T Corp. Applications for
Approval of Transfer of Control, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 20 FCC Rcd 18290, 18392
(2005); Applications of AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. and Cingular Wireless Corp. for Consent
to Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC
Rcd 21522, 21626 (2004). Moreover, because Nexstar is acquiring control of all of the MEG


                                                                                    FCC Form 312
                                                                                       June 2016
                                                                                        Exhibit E

FCC authorizations, the parties request that Commission approval include any authorizations that
may have been inadvertently omitted.

        Additionally, pursuant to Sections 1.927(h), 1.929(a)(2), and 1.933(b) of the
Commission’s Rules, to the extent necessary, Nexstar requests a blanket exemption from any
applicable cut-off rules in cases where Nexstar files amendments to pending applications in order
to reflect consummation of the proposed Transaction so that such amendments are not treated as
disqualifying amendments. The nature of the proposed Transaction demonstrates that the
ownership changes would not be made for the purpose of acquiring any particular pending
application, but as part of a larger transaction undertaken for an independent and legitimate
business purpose. Grant of this request would be consistent with prior Commission decisions
that routinely have granted a blanket exemption in cases involving multiple-license transactions.
See, e.g., Applications of PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc., and Century Telephone Enterprises, Inc. for
Consent to Transfer Control of Pacific Telecom, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC
Rcd 8891, ¶ 47 (1997); Applications of NYNEX Corp. and Bell Atlantic Corp.., Memorandum
Opinion and Order, 12 FCC Rcd 19985, 20091–92 (1997).


                                                          FCC Form 312
                                                             June 2016
                                                              Exhibit E

                   Attachment A-1

Ownership Structure Charts (Pre-Merger and Post-Merger)


                                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                                        June 2016

    Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc. Ownership Structure Pre-Merger

MSD Torchlight Partners, L.P./MSD             Perry Sook               Public Shareholders
 Torchlight Partners (MM), L.P.             Chief Executive

          10%                               3%                            87%

                             Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.


                                    Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc.

                             Licensee: All Existing Nexstar Stations

                         Media General, Inc. Ownership Structure Pre-Merger
         Soohyung Kim                                             John R. Muse
      (through intervening entities)                         (through intervening entities)

        Standard General                                     Hicks, Muse, Tate &                                             Non-
           Fund, L.P.                                        Furst Equity Fund III,                                       Attributable
                                                                     L.P.                                                 Former LIN
                                  Sole Member
                      Standard General                                          Attributable Shareholder
(approx. .5%        Communications LLC                                            (approx. 6.8% votes)
                                       Attributable Shareholder
                                        (approx. 5.4% votes)

                                                                     Media General, Inc.


                                                  LIN Television Corporation
                                   KXRM-TV, Colorado Springs, CO/WTTA(TV), St. Petersburg, FL

                                                                                                            Sole Member            100%

                                                     MGOC, Inc.
                  100%                                                                100%

     Media General Broadcasting, LLC                               Media General Communications, Inc.

                  100%                                                               100%

          Young Broadcasting, LLC                                        Media General Operations, Inc.

                    100%                                                            100%
                                                                           Media General Communications
          Legacy Young Broadcasting                                               Holdings, LLC                              Legacy LIN License
             License Subsidiaries                                                   Licensee:                                   Subsidiaries
                 See attached                                                   WCBD-TV, Charleston, SC                         See attached
                                                                                WNCT-TV, Greenville, NC
                                                                                 WSLS-TV, Roanoke, VA
                                                                                WJHL-TV, Johnson City, TN
                                                                                 WJTV(TV), Jackson, MS
                                                                                WHLT(TV), Hattiesburg, MS
                                                                                 WSAV-TV, Savannah, GA
                                                                                  WFLA-TV, Tampa, FL
                                                                                WNCN(TV), Goldsboro, NC
                                                                                  WKRG-TV, Mobile, AL
                                                                                 WJBF(TV), Augusta, GA
                                                                                WRBL(TV), Columbus, GA
                                                                                WSPA-TV, Spartanburg, SC
                                                                                WYCW(TV), Asheville, NC
                                                                                 WBTW(TV), Florence, SC
                                                                                WCMH-TV, Columbus, OH

                                                                                                                    FCC Form 312
                                                                                                                      June 2016

               Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Ownership Structure Post-Merger

                                              Nexstar Media Group, Inc.


                                              Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc.
Licensee: All Existing Nexstar Stations and Legacy LIN Television Corporation stations KXRM-TV, Colorado Springs, CO and WTTA(TV),
                                                        St. Petersburg, FL

                 100%                                                                                     100%
                                                                             Sole Member

                           MGOC, Inc.
    100%                                                                                LLC

     Media General                         Media General
   Broadcasting, LLC                     Communications, Inc.


Young Broadcasting, LLC               Media General Operations,

     100%                              100%

     Legacy Young                    Media General Communications                                         Legacy LIN License
  Broadcasting License                      Holdings, LLC                                                    Subsidiaries
      Subsidiaries                            Licensee:                                                      See attached
                                        WCBD-TV, Charleston, SC
      See attached                      WNCT-TV, Greenville, NC
                                         WSLS-TV, Roanoke, VA
                                        WJHL-TV, Johnson City, TN
                                         WJTV(TV), Jackson, MS
                                        WHLT(TV), Hattiesburg, MS
                                         WSAV-TV, Savannah, GA
                                          WFLA-TV, Tampa, FL
                                        WNCN(TV), Goldsboro, NC
                                          WKRG-TV, Mobile, AL
                                         WJBF(TV), Augusta, GA
                                        WRBL(TV), Columbus, GA
                                        WSPA-TV, Spartanburg, SC
                                        WYCW(TV), Asheville, NC
                                         WBTW(TV), Florence, SC
                                        WCMH-TV, Columbus, OH

                                                                                                                                                                 FCC Form 312
                                                          License Subsidiaries of Young Broadcasting, LLC                                                          June 2016

                                                                             Young Broadcasting, LLC

                                                                       Sole Shareholder

        Young                      Young                       Young                      Young                                                    Young
    Broadcasting of            Broadcasting of             Broadcasting of            Broadcasting of         LAT,              YBT,           Broadcasting of           YBK,
    Richmond, Inc.             San Francisco,              Davenport, Inc.            Louisiana, Inc.          Inc.              Inc.          Knoxville, Inc.            Inc.
       WRIC-TV                                               KWQC-TV
     Petersburg, VA              KRON-TV                    Davenport, IA
                                San Francisco,
                                                                                        General         Limited                           Sole
                                                                                        Partner         Partner                           Member

                                                                                                                                        Broadcasting of
                                                                                                                                        Nashville, LLC
   Young                  Young                      Young                   Young
Broadcasting          Broadcasting of            Broadcasting of         Broadcasting of
 of Lansing,          Rapid City, Inc.            Albany, Inc.           Sioux Falls, Inc.
     Inc.                                                                                                             General       General        General        General
                       KCLO-TV                    WTEN(TV),                   KELO-TV,                                Partner       Partner        Partner        Partner
WLNS-TV               Rapid City, SD              Albany, NY                Sioux Falls, SD
Lansing, MI                                       WCDC-TV,                    KPLO-TV,
                                                  Adams, MA                  Reliance, SD
                                                                             Florence, SD

                                                                                                   KLFY, LP                       WKRN, G.P.                     WATE, G.P.

                                                                                                   KLFY-TV                         WKRN-TV                        WATE-TV
                                                                                                  Lafayette, LA                   Nashville, TN                  Knoxville, TN

                                                                                                                                              FCC Form 312
                                                                                                                                                June 2016
                                                        Legacy LIN License Subsidiaries

                     LIN Television Corporation (Pre-Merger)/Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. (Post-Merger)
                                          KXRM-TV, Colorado Springs, CO/WTTA(TV), St. Petersburg, FL

                                                                                Sole Member

                      LIN of             WHTM               LIN of New             LIN of                WAVY                   KXAN LLC           Primeland
                     Alabama,           Acquisition         Mexico, LLC           Colorado,            Broadcasting,                                  LLC
 LIN License           LLC                LLC                                       LLC                    LLC                  KXAN-TV,
Company, LLC                                                 KASA-TV,                                                            Austin; &         WLFI-TV,
                   WFNA(TV),           WHTM-TV,               Santa Fe;           KREZ-TV,              WAVY-TV,                KBVO(TV),          Lafayette,
    Licensee:      Gulf Shores,        Harrisburg,          KRQE(TV),            Durango, CO           Portsmouth; &             Llano, TX            IN
 KAII-TV, Hilo;        AL                 PA                Albuquerque;                                WVBT(TV),
  KHAW-TV,                                                       &                                     Virginia Beach,
   Wailuku; &                                                KBIM-TV,                                        VA
   KHON-TV,                                                 Roswell, NM
  Honolulu, HI;
Mason City, IA;
  Portland, OR;
   KSNG(TV),             TVL Broadcasting LLC
  Garden City;
   Great Bend;
  KSNW (TV),
                      TVL               WDTN              Indiana             WOOD                WIVB                     WWLP                WTNH
  Topeka, KS;
                  Broadcasting       Broadcasting,     Broadcasting,          License          Broadcasting,             Broadcasting,       Broadcasting,
                    of Rhode             LLC               LLC             Company, LLC            LLC                       LLC                 LLC
 McCook, NE;
   WIAT(TV),      Island, LLC                         WANE-TV, Ft.
                                     WDTN(TV),            Wayne;           WOOD-TV &           WIVB-TV,              WWLP(TV),               WTNH(TV),
Birmingham, AL;
                    WPRI-TV,         Dayton, OH         WNDY-TV,            WXSP-CD,           Buffalo; &           Springfield, MA          New Haven; &
                  Providence, RI                          Marion;          Grand Rapids;       WNLO(TV),                                     WCTX(TV),
                                                        WISH-TV,           & WOTV(TV),         Buffalo, NY                                    New Haven,
Youngstown, OH
                                                      Indianapolis; &       Battle Creek,                                                        CT
                                                      WTHI-TV, Terre             MI
                                                         Haute, IN

Document Created: 2016-06-09 19:38:17
Document Modified: 2016-06-09 19:38:17

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