Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20160421-00363 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                             News-Press & Gazette Co.
                                                                                       FCC Form 312
                                                                                           Exhibit E

                               EXHIBIT E
                      DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION

        The instant application is one of a series of applications involving a pro forma transfer of
control of News-Press & Gazette Company (“NPG” or the “Company”), which owns various
subsidiary licensee companies, including the licensee of the International Bureau license that is
the subject of this application.

       NPG is a closely-held, family-run company headquartered in St. Joseph, Missouri, that has
always been and continues to be controlled by members of the Bradley family (the “Bradley

        The instant application covers the FCC International Bureau license held by a subsidiary
entity of NPG: NPG of Monterey-Salinas CA, LLC. NPG owns 100 percent of NPG of Monterey-
Salinas CA, LLC.

       The following is a narrative description of NPG’s corporate structure:

       Henry H. Bradley (“Henry”) and David Bradley, Jr. (“David”) are brothers.

      Control of NPG is split evenly between Henry’s and David’s respective families, with
Henry’s family controlling 50% and David’s family controlling 50% as follows:

              Henry Bradley’s sons, Brian Bradley and Eric Bradley, each control 25 percent of
               the voting interests of NPG.

              David controls 33.33 percent of the voting interests of NPG; and David’s children,
               Katherine Bradley Bowlin, Stephane Bradley, and David Bradley, III, each control
               5.56 percent of the voting interests of NPG.

        Each foregoing member of the Bradley Family holds his or her respective voting interests
in one or more individual trusts, which he or she controls as trustee as follows:

                                                                                   % CONTROL
                    TRUST                                  TRUSTEE
                                                                                     OF NPG

 Brian A. Bradley Trust                           Brian Bradley                  10.83%
 Hank & Vickie Bradley 2012 Irrevocable Trust
                                              Brian Bradley                      14.16%
 for Brian A. Bradley

 Eric A. Bradley Trust                            Eric Bradley                   10.83%      25%

                                                                                         News-Press & Gazette Co.
                                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                                       Exhibit E
 Hank & Vickie Bradley 2012 Irrevocable Trust
                                              Eric Bradley                                    14.16%
 for Eric A. Bradley

 David R. Bradley, Jr. Trust                           David Bradley, Jr.                          33.33%

 Katherine Bradley Bowlin Trust                        Katherine Bradley Bowlin                     5.56%

 Stephane S. Bradley Trust                             Stephane Bradley                             5.56%

 David R. Bradley, III Trust                           David Bradley, III                           5.56%

        The instant application (along with a series of other applications) is being filed out of an
abundance of caution to establish control with the individual members of the Bradley Family, as
set forth above, to the extent that Henry or David might be deemed to have control, whether de
facto or de jure, over NPG.1

        Following is a graphical depiction of the pro forma transfer of control:

                                           BEFORE TRANSFER OF CONTROL

                 50 Percent Control                                    50 Percent Control

                       Henry Bradley                                     David Bradley, Jr.
                            (50%)                                              (50%)

            Brian Bradley           Eric Bradley   Katherine Bradley     Stephane Bradley      David Bradley, III
                (0%)                   (0%)              (0%)                  (0%)                  (0%)

           NPG hired its current FCC regulatory counsel relatively recently. New counsel assisted NPG
with its FCC Form 323 biennial ownership reports for the first time in late 2015, and the reports correctly
reflect the ownership structure described herein. NPG is filing this application (and related applications)
as a precautionary measure as a result of the discovery of inadvertent discrepancies in NPG’s prior reports
which may otherwise cause confusion over NPG’s ownership structure.

                                                                                       News-Press & Gazette Co.
                                                                                                 FCC Form 312
                                                                                                     Exhibit E
                                          AFTER TRANSFER OF CONTROL

                50 Percent Control                                   50 Percent Control

                      Henry Bradley                                    David Bradley, Jr.
                           (0%)                                            (33.33%)

           Brian Bradley          Eric Bradley   Katherine Bradley     Stephane Bradley      David Bradley, III
              (25%)                   (25%)          (5.56%)                (5.56%)              (5.56%)

       For reference purposes, the qualifications of each member of the Bradley Family set forth
herein were last approved on a “long-form” application by the Commission on December 17, 2015,
in FCC File Number BALH-20150423AAW, in connection with the assignment of the license for
KRDO-FM, Colorado Springs, Colorado, to Pikes Peak Television, Inc.

        This is a pro forma transfer of control because (1) the transfer is not a substantial one, and
(2) the Commission has passed upon all of the individuals who control voting interests of NPG.
See In re Barnes Enterprises, Inc., 55 FCC Rcd 721 (1975) (governing Media Bureau licenses,
which are a principal component of the instant transaction).

      Since this application is being filed as a precautionary measure, there is no written
agreement concerning this pro forma transfer.


                                                                                   News-Press & Gazette Co.
                                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                                                 Exhibit E


                                                                       Interest Held
    Names and Addresses            Citizenship
                                                     Before Transfer                   After Transfer

                                                 % of Votes   % of Assets      % of Votes      % of Assets

Henry H. Bradley
                                      U.S.        50%            6%               0%              0%

Brian A. Bradley, as trustee of
the Brian A. Bradley Trust and
the Hank & Vickie Bradley             U.S.         0%           20%              25%             24%
2012 Irrevocable Trust for
Brian A. Bradley
Eric A. Bradley, as trustee of
the Eric A. Bradley Trust and
the Hank & Vickie Bradley             U.S.         0%           20%              25%             24%
2012 Irrevocable Trust for Eric
A. Bradley

David R. Bradley, Jr.,
individually and as trustee of
                                      U.S.        50%            5%            33.33%             1%
the David R. Bradley, Jr. Trust

Katherine Bradley Bowlin, as
trustee of the Katherine              U.S.         0%           15%             5.56%            16%
Bradley Bowlin Trust

Stephane S. Bradley, as
trustee of the Stephane S.            U.S.         0%           15%             5.56%            16%
Bradley Trust

David R. Bradley, III, as
trustee of the David R. Bradley,      U.S.         0%           15%             5.56%            16%
III Trust


Document Created: 2016-04-20 12:38:15
Document Modified: 2016-04-20 12:38:15

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