Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20151202-00902 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                    TEGNA Inc.
                                                                                      Exhibit E
                                                                                December 1, 2015
                                                                                          Page 1

                                         FCC Form 312
                                    Schedule A, Question A20
                                           Exhibit E

                                        Transferee Parties

                    TEGNA Inc. (“TEGNA”), formerly known as Gannett Co., Inc. (“Gannett”),
    has exercised through subsidiaries its options to acquire certain television station licensees
    ultimately owned and controlled by Jack Sander.1 Sander Operating Co. I LLC d/b/a WHAS
    Television is the licensee of WHAS-TV, Louisville, Kentucky. Sander Operating Co. III
    LLC d/b/a KGW Television is the licensee of KGW, Portland, Oregon. The Commission
    has approved the transfer of control of these licensees.2

                    Following the closing of the transaction, these licensees will be owned by
    indirect subsidiaries of TEGNA: Sander Operating Co. I will be owned by Belo Kentucky,
    Inc., and Sander Operating Co. III will be owned by King Broadcasting Company. Each
    transferee is owned by Belo Holdings, Inc., which is owned by Belo Corp., a wholly-owned
    subsidiary of TEGNA. TEGNA is a publicly traded company. The following information is
    provided for persons with an attributable interest in the transferees:

                   Name and address
                   Positional Interest
                   Percentage of votes
                   Percentage of total equity3

    Belo Kentucky, Inc.
    Name and Address         Citizenship    Positional Interest    % of Votes % of Total Equity
    Belo Kentucky, Inc.      Kentucky       Respondent             N/A        N/A
    c/o TEGNA Inc.           corporation
    7950 Jones Branch Dr.
    McLean, VA 22107
    David T. Lougee          U.S.           Director and           0%            0%
    c/o TEGNA Inc.                          President
    7950 Jones Branch Dr.
    McLean, VA 22107

  TEGNA is the new name of the company formerly known as Gannett. Effective prior to the
instant filing, TEGNA has spun off the publishing and certain other parts of the company to a
new entity. That new entity has taken the Gannett name.
  Sander Holdings Co., LLC, Letter, DA 15-1344 (MB Vid. Div. Nov. 23, 2015).
  The percentage set forth in response to Schedule A, Question A20 is the percentage of total
equity (voting plus non-voting) held by each party to the application. No holder of debt or
nonattributable equity will be an attributable party under the FCC’s “equity-debt plus”

                                                                           TEGNA Inc.
                                                                              Exhibit E
                                                                       December 1, 2015
                                                                                 Page 2
Name and Address        Citizenship   Positional Interest   % of Votes % of Total Equity
Gracia C. Martore       U.S.          Director and Vice     0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        President
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Todd A. Mayman          U.S.          Vice President        0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Michael A. Hart         U.S.          Treasurer             0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Kevin Polchow           U.S.          Assistant Treasurer   0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Akin S. Harrison        U.S.          Secretary             0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Belo Holdings, Inc.     Delaware      Shareholder           100%        100%
c/o TEGNA Inc.          corporation
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107

KING Broadcasting Company
Name and Address      Citizenship     Positional Interest   % of Votes % of Total Equity
KING Broadcasting     Washington      Respondent            N/A        N/A
Company               corporation
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
David T. Lougee       U.S.            Director and          0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        President
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Gracia C. Martore     U.S.            Director and Vice     0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        President
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Doug Armstrong        U.S.            Vice President        0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107

                                                                           TEGNA Inc.
                                                                              Exhibit E
                                                                       December 1, 2015
                                                                                 Page 3
Name and Address        Citizenship   Positional Interest   % of Votes % of Total Equity
Ray Heacox              U.S.          Vice President        0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
RJ Meritt               U.S.          Vice President        0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Todd A. Mayman          U.S.          Vice President        0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Michael A. Hart         U.S.          Treasurer             0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Kevin Polchow           U.S.          Assistant Treasurer   0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Akin S. Harrison        U.S.          Secretary             0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Belo Holdings, Inc.     Delaware      Shareholder           100%        100%
c/o TEGNA Inc.          corporation
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107

Belo Holdings, Inc.
Name and Address        Citizenship   Positional Interest   % of Votes % of Total Equity
Belo Holdings, Inc.     Delaware      Respondent            N/A        N/A
c/o TEGNA Inc.          corporation
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
David T. Lougee         U.S.          Director and          0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        President
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Gracia C. Martore       U.S.          Director and Vice     0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        President
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Todd A. Mayman          U.S.          Vice President        0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107

                                                                           TEGNA Inc.
                                                                              Exhibit E
                                                                       December 1, 2015
                                                                                 Page 4
Name and Address        Citizenship   Positional Interest   % of Votes % of Total Equity
Michael A. Hart         U.S.          Treasurer             0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Kevin Polchow           U.S.          Assistant Treasurer   0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Akin S. Harrison        U.S.          Secretary             0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Belo Corp.              Delaware      Shareholder           100%        100%
c/o TEGNA Inc.          corporation
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107

Belo Corp.
Name and Address        Citizenship   Positional Interest   % of Votes % of Total Equity
Belo Corp.              Delaware      Respondent            N/A        N/A
c/o TEGNA Inc.          corporation
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Gracia C. Martore       U.S.          Director and          0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        President
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
David T. Lougee         U.S.          Director and Vice     0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        President
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Todd A. Mayman          U.S.          Vice President        0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Michael A. Hart         U.S.          Treasurer             0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Kevin Polchow           U.S.          Assistant Treasurer   0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Akin S. Harrison        U.S.          Secretary             0%          0%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107

                                                                           TEGNA Inc.
                                                                              Exhibit E
                                                                       December 1, 2015
                                                                                 Page 5
Name and Address      Citizenship     Positional Interest   % of Votes % of Total Equity
TEGNA Inc.            Delaware        Shareholder           100%        100%
7950 Jones Branch Dr. corporation
McLean, VA 22107

Name and Address        Citizenship   Positional Interest   % of Votes % of Total Equity
TEGNA Inc.              Delaware      Respondent            N/A        N/A
7950 Jones Branch Dr.   corporation
McLean, VA 22107
Marjorie Magner         U.S.          Director (Chairman    <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        of the Board)
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Howard D. Elias         U.S.          Director              <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Lidia Fonseca           U.S.          Director              <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Jill Greenthal          U.S.          Director              <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Gracia Martore          U.S.          Director              <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        President and CEO
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Scott K. McCune         U.S.          Director              <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Henry McGee             U.S.          Director              <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107 Ness            U.S.          Director              <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Bruce Nolop             U.S.          Director              <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107

                                                                           TEGNA Inc.
                                                                              Exhibit E
                                                                       December 1, 2015
                                                                                 Page 6
Name and Address        Citizenship   Positional Interest   % of Votes % of Total Equity
Neal Shapiro            U.S.          Director              <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Victoria Harker         U.S.          Executive Vice        <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        President and Chief
7950 Jones Branch Dr.                 Financial Officer
McLean, VA 22107
Todd Mayman             U.S.          Executive Vice        <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        President and Chief
7950 Jones Branch Dr.                 Legal and
McLean, VA 22107                      Administrative
William Behan         U.S.            Senior Vice           <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        President of Labor
7950 Jones Branch Dr.                 Relations
McLean, VA 22107
Kevin Lord            U.S.            Chief Human           <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        Resources Officer
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Tom R. Cox            U.S.            Vice President of     <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        Corporate
7950 Jones Branch Dr.                 Development
McLean, VA 22107

Cam McClelland        U.S.            Vice President and    <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        Controller
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107

Michael A. Hart       U.S.            Vice President and    <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        Treasurer
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107

Karen Thompson        U.S.            Vice President/       <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        Internal Audit
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107

Akin S. Harrison      U.S.            Vice President,       <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.                        Associate General
7950 Jones Branch Dr.                 Counsel, and
McLean, VA 22107                      Secretary

                                                                           TEGNA Inc.
                                                                              Exhibit E
                                                                       December 1, 2015
                                                                                 Page 7
Name and Address      Citizenship      Positional Interest  % of Votes % of Total Equity
Kevin Polchow         U.S.             Vice President/Taxes <1%         <1%
c/o TEGNA Inc.
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22107
Carl C. Icahn*        U.S.             Shareholder           6.63%*        6.63%*
c/o Icahn Capital LP
767 Fifth Avenue
47th Floor
New York, NY 10153

* Mr. Icahn and certain of his affiliates have executed a Voting and Proxy Agreement with
TEGNA, dated as of October 15, 2015, as a result of which he no longer has an attributable
interest in TEGNA. A copy of the Voting and Proxy Agreement is attached hereto as
Exhibit E2

                           VOTING AND PROXY AGREEMENT

       This Voting and Proxy Agreement, dated October 15, 2015 (this “Agreement”), is by and
among the persons and entities listed on Schedule A hereto (collectively, the “Icahn Group”, and
individually a “member” of the Icahn Group) and TEGNA Inc. (the “Company”).

        In consideration of and reliance upon the mutual covenants and agreements contained
herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is
hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1.     For as long as the Voting Obligation is in effect and there are Excess Shares, with respect to
       any matter to be voted on or consented to by stockholders of the Company, each member of
       the Icahn Group shall take all action necessary to cause all Excess Shares (as defined
       below) to be voted (or exercise rights of consent in respect to) via the proxy mechanism set
       forth in Section 2 below, including, without limitation, by obtaining (and providing a copy
       thereof to the Company) a legal proxy from the broker, custodian or other person who has
       the power to grant such legal proxy with respect to such Excess Shares. The term “Excess
       Shares” means any shares of Voting Securities (as defined below) that are beneficially
       owned by any member of the Icahn Group or any of their respective Affiliates in excess of
       4.99% of the outstanding Voting Securities as of the time of determination of stockholders
       of the Company entitled to vote on (or exercise rights of consent in respect to) any matter to
       be voted on or consented to by the stockholders of the Company and based on such number
       of outstanding shares as most recently disclosed by the Company in its filings with the
       Securities and Exchange Commission.

2.     Each member of the Icahn Group irrevocably and unconditionally grants to, and appoints,
       the Company as proxy and attorney-in-fact, for and in the name, place and stead of such
       member of the Icahn Group, to vote or cause to be voted (including by proxy or written
       consent, if applicable) all Excess Shares in accordance with the Voting Obligation (as
       defined below); provided that such irrevocable proxy shall not apply so long as the Voting
       Obligation shall not apply pursuant to Section 4, and shall again be applicable if the Voting
       Obligation again becomes applicable pursuant to Section 4. Each member of the Icahn
       Group hereby affirms that the foregoing proxy is coupled with an interest and, except as
       provided in the proviso to the preceding sentence, is intended to be irrevocable. The
       Company shall vote (or exercise rights of consent in respect to) all Excess Shares in
       accordance with the Voting Obligation. The term “Voting Obligation” means the
       obligation to vote (or exercise rights of consent in respect to) all Excess Shares in the same
       proportion as all other votes cast (or consents exercised) with respect to the applicable
       matter, with such proportion determined without inclusion of the votes cast by members of
       the Icahn Group or any of their respective Affiliates.

3.     Each member of the Icahn Group hereby represents, warrants, covenants and agrees that
       neither it nor any of its controlled Affiliates is or will be bound by any agreement that
       would interfere with the Voting Obligation and that any proxies in respect of Excess Shares
       other than as set forth in this Agreement are revocable and hereby revokes such proxies.

4.     The Voting Obligation with respect to Excess Shares shall not apply at such time as
       (a) there is a change in Federal Communications Laws (as defined in Article ELEVENTH


     of the Company’s Third Restated Certificate of Incorporation) that eliminates any potential
     or actual FCC Regulatory Limitation (as defined in Article ELEVENTH of the Company’s
     Third Restated Certificate of Incorporation) that would be applicable to the Company in
     the absence of such Voting Obligation, (b) there occurs any change in fact (e.g., the Icahn
     Group ceasing to have an attributable interest, as that term is defined in the Federal
     Communications Laws, in either the Company or Gannett Co., Inc.) such that any potential
     or actual FCC Regulatory Limitation is eliminated as a result of such change, or (c) the
     Icahn Group obtains a temporary or permanent waiver of the Federal Communications
     Laws that eliminates any actual or potential FCC Regulatory Limitation, provided that the
     Icahn Group will not seek such a waiver without having first obtained the consent of the
     Company, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; provided,
     however, that in the event the conditions in clause (a) or (b), as applicable, are reversed or,
     in the case of (c) any temporary waiver obtained has expired, then the Voting Obligation
     shall again be applicable. The term “Affiliate” shall have the meaning set forth in Rule
     12b-2 promulgated under the Exchange Act.

5.   For as long as the Voting Obligation is in effect and there are Excess Shares, the Company
     agrees that it shall not take any action under Article ELEVENTH of the Company’s Third
     Restated Certificate of Incorporation to prevent any member of the Icahn Group from
     continuing to own or increase its economic interest in the Company above its current level
     of ownership as of the date hereof, in each case subject to Sections 1 through 4 above and
     except as may be required by the Federal Communications Commission for the Company
     to be or remain in compliance with Federal Communications Laws.

6.   Each of the parties represents and warrants to the other party that: (a) such party has all
     requisite company power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to
     perform its obligations hereunder; and (b) this Agreement has been duly and validly
     authorized, executed and delivered by it and is a valid and binding obligation of such party,
     enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms.

7.   As used in this Agreement, the term “Voting Securities” means common stock or such
     other equity securities of the Company, having the power to vote in the election of
     members of the Board of the Directors of the Company and any other securities deemed by
     the Federal Communications Commission to be voting securities pursuant to Section
     73.3555 of the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, and
     shall not include securities convertible into, or exercisable or exchangeable for such
     common stock or such other equity voting securities, unless and until so converted,
     exercised or exchanged or unless deemed by the Federal Communications Commission to
     be voting securities for such purposes.

8.   The parties hereto recognize and agree that if for any reason any of the provisions of this
     Agreement are not performed in accordance with their specific terms or are otherwise
     breached, immediate and irreparable harm or injury would be caused for which money
     damages would not be an adequate remedy. Accordingly, each party agrees that in
     addition to other remedies the other party shall be entitled to at law or equity, the other
     party shall be entitled to an injunction or injunctions to prevent breaches of this Agreement
     and to enforce specifically the terms and provisions of this Agreement exclusively in the
     Court of Chancery or other federal or state courts of the State of Delaware. In the event


      that any action shall be brought in equity to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, no
      party shall allege, and each party hereby waives the defense, that there is an adequate
      remedy at law. Furthermore, each of the parties hereto (a) consents to submit itself to the
      personal jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery or other federal or state courts of the State of
      Delaware in the event any dispute arises out of this Agreement or the transactions
      contemplated by this Agreement, (b) agrees that it shall not attempt to deny or defeat such
      personal jurisdiction by motion or other request for leave from any such court, (c) agrees
      that it shall not bring any action relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated
      by this Agreement in any court other than the Court of Chancery or other federal or state
      courts of the State of Delaware, and each of the parties irrevocably waives the right to trial
      by jury, (d) agrees to waive any bonding requirement under any applicable law, in the case
      any other party seeks to enforce the terms by way of equitable relief and (e) irrevocably
      consents to service of process by a reputable overnight mail delivery service, signature
      requested, to the address of such party’s principal place of business or as otherwise
      provided by applicable law. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED IN ALL

9.    Any waiver by any party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate
      as or be construed to be a waiver of any other breach of such provision or of any breach of
      any other provision of this Agreement. The failure of a party to insist upon strict adherence
      to any term of this Agreement on one or more occasions shall not be considered a waiver or
      deprive that party of the right thereafter to insist upon strict adherence to that term or any
      other term of this Agreement.

10.   All notices, consents, requests, instructions, approvals and other communications provided
      for herein and all legal process in regard hereto shall be in writing and shall be deemed
      validly given, made or served, if (a) given by facsimile and email, when such facsimile and
      email is transmitted to the facsimile number set forth below and sent to the email address
      set forth below and the appropriate confirmation of transmission of the facsimile is
      received or (b) if given by any other means, when actually received at the address specified
      in this subsection:

                                If to the Company:

                                     TEGNA Inc.
                                     7950 Jones Branch Drive
                                     McLean, Virginia 22107
                                     Facsimile:   (703) 854-2535
                                     Attention:    Todd A. Mayman, Esq.
                                                   Executive Vice President, Chief Legal and
                                                   Administrative Officer


                               With a copy to (which shall not constitute notice):

                                    Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
                                    51 West 52nd Street
                                    New York, NY 10019
                                    Facsimile: 212-403-2000
                                    Attention:    Igor Kirman
                                                  Victor Goldfeld

                               If to the Icahn Group:

                                    Icahn Associates Corp.
                                    767 Fifth Avenue, 47th Floor
                                    New York, New York 10153
                                    Attention:    Keith Cozza

                               With a copy to (which shall not constitute notice):

                                    Icahn Associates Corp.
                                    767 Fifth Avenue, 47th Floor
                                    New York, New York 10153
                                    Attention: Andrew Langham
                                               Louie Pastor

11.   This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts (including by facsimile or
      PDF) which together shall constitute a single agreement.

12.   This Agreement shall not be assignable or assigned, directly or indirectly, by operation of
      law or otherwise, by any of the parties to this Agreement.

13.   Each of the parties hereto acknowledges that it has been represented by counsel of its
      choice throughout all negotiations that have preceded the execution of this Agreement, and
      that it has executed the same with the advice of said independent counsel. Each party and
      its counsel cooperated and participated in the drafting and preparation of this Agreement
      and the documents referred to herein, and any and all drafts relating thereto exchanged
      among the parties shall be deemed the work product of all of the parties and may not be
      construed against any party by reason of its drafting or preparation. Accordingly, any rule
      of law or any legal decision that would require interpretation of any ambiguities in this
      Agreement against any party that drafted or prepared it is of no application and is hereby
      expressly waived by each of the parties hereto, and any controversy over interpretations of
      this Agreement shall be decided without regards to events of drafting or preparation. The
      section headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not


affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. The term “including”
shall be deemed to mean “including without limitation” in all instances.

                           [Signature Pages Follow]


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has executed this Agreement, or
caused the same to be executed by its duly authorized representative as of the date first above

                                              Very truly yours,

                                              TEGNA INC.

                                              Name:‘\Gracia C. Martore
                                              Titl¢@  Bresident and Chief Executive Officer

    [Signature Page to Voting and Proxy Agreement between the Icahn Group and TEGNA]

Accepted and agreed as of the date first written above:

                                      MR. CARL C. ICAHN

                                      Carl C. Icahn

                                      BECKTON CORP.

                                      By:       .>((A/#( ég?v
                                      Name: Keith Cozza
                                      Title: Secretary; Treasurer

                                      HOPPER INVESTMENTS LLC
                                           By: Barberry Corp., its sole member
                                      HIGH RIVER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                                           By: Hopper Investments LLC, its general partner
                                           By: Barberry Corp., its sole member
                                      BARBERRY CORP.

                                      By:        Séf/ 4{4‘/
                                      Name: Keith Cozza
                                      Title: Secretary; Treasurer

    [Signature Page to Voting and Proxy Agreement between the Icahn Group and TEGNA]

                             ICAHN PARTNERS MASTER FUND LP
                                  By: Icahn Offshore LP, its general partner
                                  By: Icahn Capital LP, its general partner
                                  By: IPH GP LLC, its general partner
                                  By: Icahn Enterprises Holdings L.P., its sole member
                                  By: Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc., its general partner
                             ICAHN PARTNERS LP
                                  By: Icahn Onshore LP, its general partner
                                  By: Icahn Capital LP, its general partner
                                  By: IPH GP LLC, its general partner
                                    By: Icahn Enterprises Holdings L.P., its sole member
                                   By: Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc., its general partner
                             ICAHN OFFSHORE LP
                                   By: Icahn Capital LP, its general partner
                                   By: IPH GP LLC, its general partner
                                   By: Icahn Enterprises Holdings L.P., its sole member
                                   By: Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc., its general partner
                             ICAHN ONSHORE LP
                                   By: Icahn Capital LP, its general partner
                                   By: IPH GP LLC, its general partner
                                   By: Icahn Enterprises Holdings L.P., its sole member
                                   By: Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc., its general partner
                             ICAHN CAPITAL LP
                                   By: IPH GP LLC, its general partner
                                   By: Icahn Enterprises Holdings L.P., its sole member
                                   By: Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc., its general partner
                             IPH GP LLC
                                   By: Icahn Enterprises Holdings L.P., its sole member
                                   By: Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc., its general partner
                             ICAHN ENTERPRISES HOLDINGS L.P.
                                   By: Icahn Enterprises G.P. Inc., its general partner
                             ICAHN ENTERPRISES G.P. INC.

                             By:       )M A??‘/
                             Name: Keith Cozza
                             Title: Chief Executive Officer

[Signature Page to Voting and Proxy Agreement between the Icahn Group and TEGNA]

                              SCHEDULE A














Document Created: 2015-12-01 18:05:31
Document Modified: 2015-12-01 18:05:31

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