Attachment Exhibit H

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20150407-00204 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                           FCC Form 312
                   Application for Pro Forma Transfer of Control of Earth Station Licensee
                                                                                Exhibit H

                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In re Application of                                 )
ISAT US Inc.                                         )
Petition for Declaratory Ruling under Section        )      ISP-PDR-2015 _________________
310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934,         )
as Amended                                           )

To: The Commission


       ISAT US Inc. (“ISAT”), which currently is authorized pursuant to a foreign ownership

declaratory ruling under Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act, as amended (the “Act”),

respectfully submits this petition seeking a new declaratory ruling under the Commission’s 2013

foreign ownership rules.1 ISAT seeks a declaratory ruling that the public interest will be served

by authorizing two new UK-domiciled intermediate holding companies for ISAT, with indirect

foreign ownership up to 100 percent. The result of the proposed reorganization is merely to shift

ISAT from one foreign ownership chain previously approved by the Commission to another

foreign ownership chain also previously approved by the Commission. The ultimate ownership

and control of ISAT will not change.

  ISAT, a Delaware corporation, holds a blanket earth station license designated as common
carrier (E090032) and most recently received foreign ownership authorization in 2010 under
IBFS File No. ISP-PDR-20100107-00006. See Public Notice: International Authorizations
Granted, 25 FCC Rcd 10332, 10338 (2010). The Commission adopted new foreign ownership
rules in 2013. See Review of Foreign Ownership Policies for Common Carrier and Aeronautical
Radio Licensees under Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, IB
Docket No. 11-133, Second Report and Order, 28 FCC Rcd 5741 (2013) (“2013 Foreign
Ownership Order”).

          Specifically, Inmarsat plc (ISAT’s ultimate parent company, “Inmarsat”) is a publicly

traded company listed on the London Stock Exchange that is the ultimate indirect 100 percent

owner of ISAT. Inmarsat is undertaking a pro forma internal corporate reorganization affecting

some of its wholly-owned subsidiaries for tax efficiency and other business reasons. Inmarsat

already has obtained FCC approval for various streamlining measures that affect its FCC-

licensee subsidiaries Inmarsat Solutions (US), Inc. (“ISUS”) and Inmarsat Mobile Networks, Inc.

(“IMN”) but that do not affect ISAT, including a pro forma streamlining transaction affecting

ISUS and IMN that is currently scheduled for consummation on or about April 30, 2015.2

          This petition, however, is associated with a follow-up proposed pro forma reorganization

scheduled for completion in June 2015 that affects only ISAT. As proposed, control of ISAT

would be transferred into the ownership chain of its affiliates ISUS and IMN, and at the same

level as ISUS and IMN. As a result, ISAT will have a different direct U.S. intermediary holding

corporation parent (Inmarsat Group Holdings, Inc.) and two additional foreign intermediary

parent corporations for which ISAT did not previously receive foreign ownership authorization.

To effectuate this reorganization, ISAT is concurrently filing an application seeking the FCC’s

prior approval for a pro forma transfer of control of its single earth station license as well as

filing this petition for declaratory ruling. 3 Upon completion of the proposed pro forma June

  See IBFS File Nos. SES-T/C-20150317-00167 and 168 (ISUS) and SES-T/C-20150313-00155
(IMN); Public Notice: Satellite Communications Services Information re: Actions Taken, Report
No. SES-01735, March 25, 2015. Once consummated on or about April 30, 2015, this
reorganization will remove from the Inmarsat ownership chain Stratos Holdings, Inc., one of two
of the wholly-owned U.S. intermediate holding companies currently above ISUS and IMN.
Collectively, ISAT, ISUS and IMN are referred to as the “Inmarsat Earth Station Licensees.”
    ISAT acknowledges that, consistent with the Commission’s prior approval of its indirect foreign
ownership, any extension of that approval to ISAT’s post-consummation foreign ownership
would be conditioned upon Inmarsat’s continued compliance with the Network Security
Agreement between Inmarsat plc, the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of


2015 reorganization, Inmarsat will remain in control of ISAT through a series of wholly-owned

UK and US-domiciled intermediary corporations.

       ISAT requests that all of the routine terms and conditions for foreign ownership

declaratory rulings that are codified under Section 1.994 of the Commission’s rules apply to the

Commission’s grant of ISAT’s declaratory ruling, including Section 1.994(b), which extends a

foreign ownership ruling for the petitioning licensee (ISAT) to any U.S.-organized subsidiary or

affiliate of the licensee (such as ISUS and IMN).


       As depicted in Diagram 1 of Exhibit A, ISAT currently is directly owned 100 percent by

U.S.-organized Inmarsat US Holdings, Inc. (“IUSHI”). IUSHI in turn is currently directly

owned 100 percent by U.K.-organized Inmarsat Services, Ltd. Inmarsat Services Ltd is a

wholly-owned subsidiary of U.K.-organized Inmarsat Ventures Ltd, which is a wholly-owned

subsidiary of U.K.-organized Inmarsat Investments Ltd, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of

U.K.-organized Inmarsat Group Ltd. Inmarsat Group Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of U.K.-

organized Inmarsat Holdings Ltd, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of U.K.-organized

Inmarsat. As the Commission is aware from prior filings, Inmarsat is a widely-held public

company traded on the London Stock Exchange.

       In the first phase of the proposed June 2015 pro forma reorganization, Inmarsat Services

Ltd., being the sole shareholder of ISAT’s parent IUSHI, will sell its shares of IUSHI to Inmarsat

Group Holdings Inc. (“IGHI”), an affiliated U.S. corporation under common control of Inmarsat.

Investigation, dated September 23, 2008 (available at 24 FCC Rcd 449, 489). See Public Notice:
International Authorizations Granted, 25 FCC Rcd 10332, 10338 (2010).


After the sale, IGHI will be the 100 percent direct shareholder of IUSHI, which itself is the 100

percent direct shareholder of ISAT.

       Within days, IGHI will liquidate IUSHI. After this liquidation, U.S.-domiciled IGHI will

be the sole shareholder of ISAT US Inc.

        U.S.-domiciled IGHI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UK-domiciled Inmarsat Solutions

Ltd, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UK-domiciled Inmarsat Finance III Limited

(“Finance III”). In turn, Finance III is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UK-domiciled Inmarsat

Ventures Ltd, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UK-domiciled Inmarsat Investments Ltd.

Inmarsat Investments Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UK-domiciled Inmarsat Group Ltd,

which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UK-domiciled Inmarsat Holdings Ltd, which is a wholly-

owned subsidiary of the ultimate parent corporation, UK-domiciled Inmarsat. The ownership

structure of ISAT after completion of the proposed reorganization is depicted in Diagram II of

Exhibit A.


Section 1.991(a): Contact Information, FRN, Place of Organization, and Type of Business

       Licensee/Petitioner:                  ISAT US Inc.
       FRN:                                  001936403
       Address:                              1101 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1200
                                             Washington, D.C. 20036
       Tel:                                  (202) 696-1400
       Fax:                                  (202) 248-5177
       Place of Organization:                U.S. (Delaware)
       Type of Business:                     Corporation

       Section 1.99(b): Legal Counsel Contact

       Timothy J. Cooney
       Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
       2300 N Street, N.W.
       Suite 700


Washington, D.C. 20037
Tel: (202) 383-3361
Fax: (202) 783-5851

Section 1.991(c)(1): Licensees Covered By Declaratory Ruling

         ISAT seeks a declaratory ruling for itself and the Inmarsat Earth Station
Licensees, all of which are commonly controlled U.S. organized subsidiaries and
affiliates, whether currently existing or acquired or formed subsequently, so long as the
foreign ownership remains in compliance with the terms and conditions of the ruling.
See 47 C.F.R. § 1.994(b). The current Inmarsat Earth Station Licensees are: a) ISAT US
Inc., b) Inmarsat Solutions (US) Inc., and c) Inmarsat Mobile Networks, Inc.

Section 1.991(c)(2): Associated Applications

        ISAT will file shortly an FCC Form 312 application as required by the FCC’s
rules for the pro forma transfer of its earth station license.

Section 1.991(d): Type of Declaratory Ruling

       ISAT seeks authority under Section 1.990(a)(1) of the Commission’s rules to
exceed the benchmark under Section 310(b)(4) of the Act of 25 percent indirect foreign

Section 1.991(e) and (g): Direct Ownership

        The following U.S. entity will hold a 100 percent direct ownership in ISAT:

Name:                                 Inmarsat Group Holdings Inc.
Address:                              1101 Connecticut Avenue
                                      Suite 1200
                                      Washington, D.C. 20036
Citizenship:                          U.S. (Delaware)
Principal Business:                   Holding Company
Type of Business Organization:        Corporation
Percentage Held:                      100 percent direct

        No other individual or entity holds a ten percent or greater direct equity or voting
interest in ISAT.

Section 1.991(f) and (g): Indirect Ownership

        The following entities hold a ten percent or more indirect ownership interest in


Name:                            Inmarsat Solutions Ltd.
Address:                         99 City Road
                                 London, United Kingdom
                                 EC1Y 1AX
Citizenship:                     United Kingdom
Principal Business:              Holding Company
Type of Business Organization:   Corporation
Percentage Held:                 100 percent

Name:                            Inmarsat Finance III Limited
Address:                         99 City Road
                                 London, United Kingdom
                                 EC1Y 1AX
Citizenship:                     United Kingdom
Principal Business:              Financing, predominantly through intercompany
Type of Business Organization:   Corporation
Percentage Held:                 100 percent

Name:                            Inmarsat Ventures Ltd.
Address:                         99 City Road
                                 London, United Kingdom
                                 EC1Y 1AX
Citizenship:                     United Kingdom
Principal Business:              Holding Company
Type of Business
Organization:                    Corporation
Percentage Held:                 100 percent

Name:                            Inmarsat Investments Limited
Address:                         99 City Road
                                 London, United Kingdom
                                 EC1Y 1AX
Citizenship:                     United Kingdom
Principal Business:              Provider of global mobile satellite communications
Type of Business Organization:   Corporation
Percentage Held:                 100 percent

Name:                            Inmarsat Group Limited
Address:                         99 City Road
                                 London, United Kingdom
                                 EC1Y 1AX


       Citizenship:                          United Kingdom
       Principal Business:                   Provider of global mobile satellite communications
       Type of Business Organization:        Corporation
       Percentage Held:                      100 percent

       Name:                                 Inmarsat Holdings Ltd.
       Address:                              99 City Road
                                             London, United Kingdom
                                             EC1Y 1AX
       Citizenship:                          United Kingdom
       Principal Business:                   Holding Company
       Type of Business Organization:        Corporation
       Percentage Held:                      100 percent

       Name:                                 Inmarsat plc
       Address:                              99 City Road
                                             London, United Kingdom
                                             EC1Y 1AX
       Citizenship:                          United Kingdom
       Principal Business:                   Telecom
       Type of Business Organization:        Public Limited Company
       Percentage Held:                      100 percent

       Name:                                 Lansdowne Partners Limited
       Address:                              15 Davies Street
                                             London, United Kingdom
                                             W1K 3AG
       Citizenship:                          United Kingdom
       Principal Business:                   Investment
       Type of Business Organization:        Corporation
       Percentage Held:                      11.44 percent

       No other individual or entity holds an indirect ten percent or greater interest in ISAT.

Section 1.991(h)(1): Estimate of Aggregate Foreign Ownership

       See Exhibit A.

Section 1.991(h)(2): Ownership Chart

        Charts depicting ISAT’s ownership before and after the proposed pro forma corporate
restructuring are attached as Diagrams I and II, respectively, to Exhibit A.


Section 1.991(i) and (j): Requests for Specific Approval

        ISAT requests specific approval for each of the entities listed above in response to
Sections 1.991(e)-(g), as well as the following indirect owners with more than a five percent
interest in Inmarsat:

          Name:                                 BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited
          Address:                              12 Throgmorton Avenue
                                                London, United Kingdom
                                                EC2N 2DL
          Citizenship:                          United Kingdom
          Principal Business:                   Investment
          Type of Business
          Organization:                         Corporation
          Percentage Held:                      6.71 percent

Section 1.991(k) Requests for Advance Approval

          Not applicable.


          The public interest will be served by the Commission issuing a declaratory ruling

approving the indirect foreign ownership of ISAT resulting from the proposed pro forma

reorganization. The Commission has recognized that foreign investment has been and will

continue to be an important source of financing for U.S. telecommunications companies,

fostering technical innovation, economic growth, and job creation.4 For more than a decade, the

Commission consistently has permitted non-U.S. individuals and entities to hold up to 100

percent of the equity and voting power in holders of FCC authorizations subject to Section

310(b)(4) of the Act, including ISAT.5 Because the proposed reorganization merely would shift

ISAT from one Inmarsat foreign ownership chain previously approved by the Commission to

another Inmarsat foreign ownership chain previously approved by the Commission, the same

    2013 Foreign Ownership Order, 28 FCC Rcd at 5744.
 See, e.g., Intelsat, Ltd., Transferor, and Zeus Holdings Ltd., Transferee, 19 FCC Rcd 24820 (2004);
Applications of Comsat General Corporation, 19 FCC Rcd 21216 (2004); Voicestream Wireless
Corporation, 16 FCC Rcd 9779 (2001).


public interest rationale that applied in the Commission’s previous foreign ownership declaratory

rulings should apply also to the proposed post-reorganization ownership of ISAT.


       For the reasons stated herein, ISAT respectfully requests that the Commission issue a

declaratory ruling that the public interest will be served by authorizing a new foreign ownership

structure for ISAT under the Commission’s 2013 rules with indirect foreign ownership up to 100


                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     ISAT US INC.

                                                     By: _/s/ Timothy Cooney__

                                                     Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
                                                     2300 N Street, NW Suite 700
                                                     Washington, DC 20037

                                                     Counsel for ISAT US Inc.
April 1, 2015


                                                  EXHIBIT A

ISAT previously obtained FCC foreign ownership authorization under Section 310(b)(4) of the
Communications Act, as amended (the “Act. See IBFS File No. ISP-PDR-20100107-00006.1
As ISAT is a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of UK-domiciled Inmarsat, the current aggregate
foreign ownership of ISAT is 100 percent. See also attached Diagram I.

As depicted in Diagram II, ISAT requests new FCC foreign ownership authorization under
Section 310(b)(4) of the Act, also for an aggregate 100 percent indirect foreign ownership.

The most recent shareholder survey of Inmarsat conducted by J.P.Morgan indicates that
approximately 13.59 percent of Inmarsat shares are held by U.S. entities, and the remainder is
held by non-U.S. entities. Because Inmarsat is publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange,
these percentages vary daily. Those shareholders with five percent or more of Inmarsat stock are
listed below.

The accompanying Petition for Declaratory Ruling (“Petition”) addresses the circumstances that
prompted the filing of the Petition and demonstrates that the public interest will be served by the
grant of the Petition.


           Name:                                      Lansdowne Partners Limited
           Address:                                   15 Davies Street
                                                      London, United Kingdom
                                                      W1K 3AG
           Citizenship:                               United Kingdom
           Principal Business:                        Investment
           Type of Business Organization:             Corporation
           Percentage Held:                           11.44 percent

           Name:                                      BlackRock Inc.
           Address:                                   12 Throgmorton Avenue
                                                      London, United Kingdom
                                                      EC2N 2DL
           Citizenship:                               United Kingdom
           Principal Business:                        Investment
           Type of Business
           Organization:                              Corporation
           Percentage Held:                           6.71 percent

    See Public Notice: International Authorizations Granted, 25 FCC Rcd 10332, 10338 (2010).

Exhibit A, DIAGRAM I                                                                                                                          Legend

Response to Section 1.991(h)(2):                                                                                                                UK     US

Current U.S. Structure for Inmarsat
Earth Station Licensees
As of April 1, 2015

                                                                                   Inmarsat plc

                                                                                         100% equity and voting
                                                                               Inmarsat Holdings Ltd

                                                                                          100% equity and voting
                                                                                Inmarsat Group Ltd
                                                                                          100% equity and voting

                                                                              Inmarsat Investments Ltd

                                                                                          100% equity and voting
                                                                               Inmarsat Ventures Ltd

                                                                                          100% equity and voting
                                                                              Inmarsat Finance III Ltd
                                                                                          100% equity and voting
                                                                               Inmarsat Solutions Ltd
                  100% equity and voting                                                  100% equity and voting
       Inmarsat Services Ltd                                                Inmarsat Group Holdings Inc.
                                                                                          100% equity and voting
                 100% equity and voting
                                                                               Stratos Holdings, Inc.
     Inmarsat US Holdings, Inc.
                                                                                          100% equity and voting
                 100% equity and voting
           ISAT US Inc.                    Inmarsat Mobile Networks, Inc.                                      Inmarsat Solutions (US) Inc.
  © Inmarsat confidential

Exhibit A, DIAGRAM II                                                                                                               Legend

Response to Section 1.991(h)(2):                                                                                                      UK     US

Proposed U.S. Structure for
Inmarsat Earth Station Licensees                                               Inmarsat plc

                                                                                      100% equity and voting
After June 30, 2015                                                         Inmarsat Holdings
                                                                                          100% equity and voting

                                                                            Inmarsat Group Ltd

                                                                                           100% equity and voting
                                                                             Investments Ltd
                                                                                      100% equity and voting
                                                                            Inmarsat Ventures
                                                                                      100% equity and voting
                                                                            Inmarsat Finance III
                                    100% equity and voting
                                                                                      100% equity and voting
                            Inmarsat Services
                                  Ltd                                        Inmarsat Solutions
                                                                                      100% equity and voting
                                                                              Inmarsat Group
                                                                               Holdings Inc.
                                                                                      100% equity and voting

                                                             ISAT US Inc.     Inmarsat Mobile                  Inmarsat Solutions
                                                                               Networks, Inc.                      (US) Inc.


  © Inmarsat confidential


I, Bruce A. Henoch, am General Counsel of ISAT US Inc. (“ISAT”), the petitioner seeking a
declaratory ruling under Sections 1.990 to 1.994 of the FCC’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.990 – 1.994.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the
foregoing Petition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ISAT has
calculated the ownership interests disclosed in its Petition based upon its review of the
Commission's rules and certifies that the interests disclosed satisfy each of the pertinent
standards and criteria set forth in the rules.

               1st day of April 2015.
Executed this ____
                                                         ISAT US INC.

                                                         By: _____________________________
                                                             Bruce A. Henoch
                                                             General Counsel
                                                             ISAT US Inc.
                                                             1101 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
                                                             Suite 1200
                                                             Washington, D.C. 20036

Document Created: 2015-04-02 11:23:29
Document Modified: 2015-04-02 11:23:29

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